The Oren Cohen Podcast

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In today's episode of the podcast, I share the struggles of beginning a new blog and how to move past them.


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What is The Oren Cohen Podcast?

I'm just a dude who likes to talk about nerd stuff and entrepreneurship.

And we're back to day two of
this 30 day podcast challenge.

Should I call it that?

I have no idea.

Today, I want to talk to you about.

The early day struggles.


Specifically today, we
will talk about blogging.

Which means that.

If you are a YouTuber or podcaster,
or whatever else, content creator.

Stay tuned.

The other struggles for
starting on those platforms.

From my point of view.

We'll come in later.

Episodes during these 30 days.

But for now, we're starting from
blogging because that's where I started.

What is the most difficult thing?

That you do as a newbie blogger.

And that is waiting for engagement.

I think one of the most devastating
things you can do is work so hard.

On an article.

And have it.

Just flop.

And flopping is pretty common
for new websites because

they don't have authority.

They don't have any recognition.

They just exist in kind of a
bubble until Google indexes them.

And whatever you publish
is probably going to be.

In that little void
until you grow out of it.

So I remember myself in the
days of, Alive2Play, which

was my first gaming news site.

We published.

Many articles.

Not a huge amount of articles, but many.


None of those articles really
got any kind of traction online.


Those that did got maybe.

A comment here or a, like there.

We used, I think it was
Disqus or something like that.

For engagement, like for
comments and giving like any

reaction on the article itself.

And for some other.

Articles we used Facebook comments.

There was this plugin, that piece of
code that you can put on your website.

And it would show.

Facebook comments that people can just
comment with their Facebook account.

That was the early days and
it's not really a good way to.

Think about engagement.

You do want to have any form of
engagement on your website, but you

don't really want to solicit any kind of.

Comment or engagement from a user.

If they want to comment
or share or reply.

You need to give them that opportunity.

Have something on your website that
does facilitate that functionality.

But don't force it on them.

Don't include a lot of share
buttons in your article.

And I've seen a lot of websites
do the kind of Tweet This.

And have a quote.

For some articles, if it, if they're
super long and there's a specific

quote that really resonates.


But other than that, if
your articles are usually.

Under a thousand words.

Just have a clean article.

You don't want all that mess.

In a really short.

Article a thousand words is not a lot.

It's a five minute read or less.

So that's what I would say about.

The articles themselves.

In the macro of it all.

I remember.


I've been moving from blog to
blog because I thought that.

There was one type of blog that I didn't.

Start yet.

That if I would start it.

And publish a handful of articles.

I would see traction from the beginning.

And it was always wrong.

It was never going to be because why would
it, if you think about it, why would a

new website with no extra community or any
relationships with other websites just.

Exist have five articles.

Posted and suddenly get a lot of views.

That's called advertising
and advertising costs money.

And if you do have the money
to spend for sure, but still.

Don't rely on advertising.

Advertising should amplify
what already works organically.

Not just.

Bring you traffic from nowhere.

So that's what I would say
about The macro of it all.

If you want to.

Start a website and you're struggling
because you think this isn't working.

It is working.

And the thing you should be focused
on is not whether people are coming

to your website, you should be
focusing on putting content out there.

Only when you have about a hundred
articles published on your website.

Can you start.

Thinking about the data of
people arriving to your website.

And I can tell you this from
personal experience too.

Nerd space magazine, which is my website.

My nerdy blog.

Where I publish.

Recaps and reviews of nerdy,
TV shows and podcasts.

I have about 50 to 60
articles on it right now.

And it does get traffic every week.

It's not a lot.

It's not getting like medium. has millions
of visitors every month.

My blog gets about a
hundred visitors a month.

Which is something it's not
enough to sustain A salary or.

Get any valuable money from AdSense?

But it's something, it means
I'm in the right direction.

And if I keep going and keep publishing
stuff on that website, I actually

might start to see some real good
traffic dripping in as more articles.

Get indexed.

And You should do that too.

If you want to see a blog grow and
not just become an overnight success

because overnight successes don't exist.

We see another person succeed and
we think it's an overnight success.

But we didn't see all the hundreds
of hours they put into their blog

because it was never popular before.


A blogger is.

A long game.

And if you want to get
your articles out there.

And seen you should just publish more.

Don't think a lot about
optimizing the articles.

Just get them out there.

And then you can start thinking about.

SEO and all of those other things I think.

I'll make it a little shorter.

I have another about a minute to spare.

So I'll give you back that minute.

And tomorrow.

We will talk about good practices.

Of how to structure an article
that actually gets indexed.

that was . A lot of trial and
error for me until I found

the formula that works for me.

I don't know if it will work for you.


I'll share it with you tomorrow.

And we'll see.

If it's something that
could be helpful to you.

Thank you again so much for watching.

Or listening to this, a little episode of
this podcast, all about content creation.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Bye for now.