Perfect Mode

Discover the surprising link between Einstein's E=mc² and manifestation. Learn the secrets of "Don't Think, Know" to create the life you desire. 

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JClay's music ignites a transformative experience, fostering spiritual growth, mindfulness, and a positive mindset through powerful and uplifting rap.

What is Perfect Mode?

"Perfect Mode" invites you on a transformative odyssey to discover the extraordinary within the ordinary. Hosted by the dynamic duo of JClay, a rapper with a spiritual twist, and Troy Washington, a realtor with a mindset of abundance, this podcast is a sanctuary for those seeking to elevate their existence. Together, they explore the realms of personal growth, mental clarity, and spiritual enlightenment, offering unfiltered insights into living a life unchained by societal expectations. Tune in for your weekly dose of inspiration and embark on a journey to align with your highest self.


If I reminded you that you are perfect, would you argue me down or step into your perfection?


Welcome to perfect, welcome to perfect, where there


are no excuses, no expectations, and we explore the world without limitations. I'm Jay Clay, rapper, spiritual teacher. With my co host Troy Washington, your friendly neighborhood realtor, let's be real. So let's be perfect. Let's be perfect.




Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Yo. Yo.


Yo. Happy day. Happy Sunday to all the perfect people in perfect land doing perfect things. It's your boy, Jake Clay, on perfect mode. As you know, this is just me today.


No Troy. Troy's son is playing a basketball tournament. They are winning. They're playing the championship game as we speak. And I wanted to just come on and and and hold it down for a sec.


I wanted to share something interesting that I something I've been playing with that kind of plays off Einstein's e equals mc squared equation. And I I kinda wanna talk about it in a way where you can manifest what you want by knowing, but it's all proved by this equation. But first, I I wanna say shout out to our our Patreon. Shout out to Jeff. Appreciate you supporting us.


Be sure to click that link below if you would like to support as well. Do you know? So we keep on bringing this to you. Yeah. So let's let's jump right into it.


So I'm gonna try something new. So okay. The idea that this came from is, I saw a clip on Instagram a couple weeks ago, and the clip talked about Einstein's thing, e, theory, e equals m c squared. And he broke it down how, like, if you solve for matter hold on. Let me see.


I gotta read it now. Pretty much that it it it shows that all energy is really slow matter and that our brain more so works as a particle decelerate. Like, everything kinda starts with the mind and we decelerate things so that we see matter. We see the the the differences in the shades of light, so to speak, because, you know, we're all light. We're all one.


We're all of god. And I thought that this was interesting. So I wanted to I wanted to nerd out and take it a step further and see what I could see see what this can show about what matter is because there is a there's there's a theory of mine that not even theory, like, matter doesn't really exist. We can see the same matter and react to it differently. So it's it's the matter is one thing to me and the matter is one thing to you.


It's not the same exact thing. So, like, if somebody's saying, what's the matter? There is no actual matter. It's just the matter that you're holding in your mind that you're you're drawing attention to. And so what I found is that when you solve for m in that equation, e equals m c squared, I'm I'm a kinda break it down real quick.


You you see that it you you you'll see. It's just it's just some interesting things. And again, this is this is all theory based. I I can't necessarily prove that it's true or that it's real, but not not yet, but maybe somebody can take this and do something more with it. To just break it down real quick, though, the e in that represents, like, the the kinetic energy of the body.


So, like, the work that you actually do, that's the that's the e and e was m c squared. The m is more like the matter of mass, the mass of that object, the the matter that that actually exists. And the c squared, c represents, like, I I think the speed of light. So the speed of light squared, you think about your thoughts, like, oh, okay. I have this I have this thought, this quick thought that that flashed into my mind, speed of light.


So what I wanted to do was, again, solve for m and see what's matter, like, what what matter actually is. And, just basic algebra, m equals e well, let me see let me see if I can share this. Hold on. M equals e over c squared. So matter equals the energy of the physical output over the speed of light squared.


And what I'm kinda showing is a article that I'm I'm writing on this because I I wanna it's easier if you see in your visual learner, like I like I am. Like, I I like to plug in numbers. And what I what I wanted to see that this is my theory. I wanted to see that when we make things manifest, we put physical action into it. Like, there's a quote in the bible, Faith without action is dead.


And faith is like, you know, like, you can have faith in something and you know what you have faith in by the actions you take. For example, if you believe again, if you believe you have to work hard to get a lot of money, if you want a lot of money, you have to work hard. There's no way around it because that's what you you have faith in. But if you don't have faith in that, you ain't gotta worry about that. That's just something different.


And I wanted to see, like, with with the speed of lightning, mental power, and the e being the physical power, how much can you affect matter? So, like, we we all have things that we wanna change about this reality. How much can we affect reality with our thoughts and with our physical action based on this? So one one of the first things I did, I just want to plug in numbers just to see what could come out of this, if this could be something worth anything. And what I did, I just I just plugged in.


Let me see. So, yeah, m equals e over c squared. I just I just plugged in simple numbers, like, 5 for both. You have the same mental capacity as you do for the the same physical capacity. And the the idea is if, you know, what what is what is m equal?


And I I kinda made it a percentage. So five over 5 squared, 525, over a lot, 20%. And I just plugged in other numbers to see what happens. And as you can see, as the numbers go down, as you as you put a lower amount of physical effort and a lower amount of mental energy, you impact matter even more. And again, there could be a number of factors into this like it's it's not enough info to just go on just based off these numbers, but my next logical step was okay.


What if you do more physical and less mental? So like what if what if you're just saying, Hey, I'm gonna do a lot of work. I'm not gonna even do that much mental energy toward it. What happens? And as you can see from these numbers, like, I plugged in 5.


Like, on scale from 1 to 10, 5 is, like, 50% physical effort that you can possibly do. And one is, like, the least amount of mental attention you can give something. And you affect a matter of 500%. But this is all physical, no mental. So this is like and I think I might have wrote out some examples here.


But but it's more like if, you were you were working out, like, you you you wanna work out, you you're doing you wanna change your body. The more work you put in, the more you can change your body. Like, he's like, oh, okay. I I I put in this amount of effort. Bam.


That makes sense. You know? Faith without action is dead. So you're you're you're taking this action, and then the less physical work you do, the less you impact matter. So then though, what I what I wanted to see though is, like, what happens if actually, I'll I'll show this.


So so what happens if you have more mental energy, but you still have more physical than mental? Now you see before we had like 500%, you're affecting matter this drops significantly the higher your mental energy is. So it's like, what? I have mental energy towards something, and but but that impacts the map. So so to to put this in in simple terms, if I'm working out, but I'm thinking about other things that affect my workouts, it affects the the it it'll affect my body, like, in the in the way that I don't want.


Like, I won't get the results that I want because I'm putting too much mental energy in. And the less mental energy you put, the less physical you need. Like, even, like, on a scale from 1 to 10 where you have 2. Yeah, and and 200%. So it's very interesting stuff indeed.


So the next step, and I and and I'm I'm a I'm a summarize all this, you know, if you're still with me. The the next step was okay. So I did the more physical with the less mental energy based on e equals mc squared. What happens if I have less physical energy but more mental? Like, I'm all I'm all mental.


So instead of me doing my workout, I'm just gonna think about working out. I'm just gonna think about training and and all this stuff. And as you can see, nothing's really happening. It's not really affecting matter at all. Like, the more mental energy you put in, it it's almost like but okay.


We'll put it like this. The more mental energy you put in, the more it affects matter, assuming you you won't put in any physical energy at all. And but it's only 11% when you had, like, 500% results. So just to summarize real quick, based on e equals mc squared, if I'm understanding this equation right and I'm and I'm plugging in the values as I said, The more physical you put into something, the more you can change the matter surrounding it or or that you perceive of it. The more you you have the mental, the more you get in your own way.


So a lot of times I hear spiritual gurus and we we've even said it on the show that, you know, if you're feeling a if you're fearful of an outcome, think of something else. Think of something else completely because the more energy you're giving toward that, the less you're changing matter around you. Or to say it another way, you're holding that matter in place by your thoughts. So that's the good thing if you if you want things to stay the same always like think about it Think about it on a regular basis. Give give so much mental thought that it can't be relinquished.


It it it can't be released. But if you wanna change something completely, it's better to come up with a plan that you that you will stick to unapologetically, not think about it all, and follow that plan through. So, again, so using the workout example, I go to a trainer or they give me this this workout plan and I just do it. I I just I don't question it. I do it for whatever limit the time they say, that's it.


I will get results. But if I if I take their their knowledge and what they do and I go against it, I'm saying, well, no. Maybe they don't know this or maybe that it it lowers the the output. So so it so again, in in a way, because there is no real matter except what we choose, we get to decide on that plan of action. So so so in taking a mental plan, right, I wouldn't accept any terms that I'm not willing to complete, to see them complete to see to completion in the way that it planned out so that you can do it without thought.


But I'll I'll say this on the flip side too. The assumption in this is that you're using thoughts that goes against what you want. So if you're strong enough where matter says that the sky is blue, but in your mind, you're holding that the sky is red and you can hold that without a doubt, then you're good because because you're holding that reality and so that's what you will always experience. But if you know that you're purposely trying to hold that reality, it makes it a little bit harder. So the easiest thing to do is just come up with a plan that that you know like, oh, I'm gonna have fun doing this plan.


I'm gonna have fun doing doing this physical action, toward it. And the and the physical action could be going into meditation, which is holding the thought. That could be it, but it it has to be something that aligns with your beliefs and something that you won't, quit on in the middle of it. So so, again, that's why I said be mindful. You don't have to come up with a with a 120 day plan to get rich or something.


It could be a 5 day plan or just to get you to the next step. But but you know what works for you. You know you know if you can commit more to a longer term plan and shorter term plan. But the point is e equals m c squared. If you flip in and say m equals e over c squared, if I said that right, it's showing that the less mental energy you put in, the more physical energy you put into something, you can change your reality that much quicker that much easier.


Yeah. Yeah. If you got any questions, let me know I am gonna post this article once I finish it once I get all my theories out and check-in with the numbers and just see what the data is saying. Again, making the assumption that I'm I'm I'm reading this formula right, which is not a proven truth. It's just Einstein's theory.


So it's this is a theory based on a theory. But yeah. But yeah. Yeah. Again, it's a short episode if you're just tuning in because Troy is winning a, championship game with the sun right now, which is pretty dope.


And yeah. So I'm I'm a I'm a end it early. Appreciate you rocking with us. Appreciate the the the Patreon, supporters. If you're not if you if you wanna fast with us, we fast every Monday, or starting 24 hours from your last day today.


And, yeah, I guess we'll just call it a day. Remember, you're a perfect creation made by a perfect creator, so you might as well accept your perfection and enter perfect mode.


If I reminded you that you are perfect, would you argue me down or step into your perfection?


Welcome to perfect tomorrow. Welcome to perfect tomorrow. Where there


are no excuses, no expectations, and we explore the world without limitations. I'm Jay Clay, rapper, spiritual teacher, with my co host Troy Washington, your friendly neighborhood realtor. Let's be real. So let's be perfect.


Perfect. Perfect.