Advent with the Angels

Beloved, I am your dear friend and we will
have many experiences and adventures
together. I have gifts for you when you are
ready to receive them.

These gifts are insight, inspiration and vision.
It is time to create and hold a new vision for
your life and for the lives of many. We all need
to work together to achieve freedom and
abundance for all.

We will need to use our ability of kindness to
embrace and empower all our fellow humans.
We all need love and empathy, and we all love
to give a helping hand.

The need to give in love and friendships is very
big in all humans, but sometimes it gets
suppressed needlessly.

You do not need to fear love - at all - do not
believe anybody who tells you that it is better
to love less or not at all. They are misinformed.
Love is the greatest power, it can move
mountains and make people traverse big

Everything is possible with love.
Give your heart and your mind a push and
allow yourself to smile, to go soft inside your
heart, to open and to love.

And now look at everything in a new light.

We are all here for a reason, and our sense of
love leads us courageously where we need to

There are no mistakes in love - there may be
steps and detours, and they will lead to new

Dear one, trust your visions, trust your
instincts, your inspirations and your intuition.
They were given to you for a very good reason:
to make sense of it all. Do not miss any chance
to use them.

This is your life: love it, live it, make the most
of it !

I love you so very much ! 

What is Advent with the Angels?

Messages for you from Angels and Archangels

23 December

Mary Magdalene

Beloved, I am your dear friend and we will
have many experiences and adventures
together. I have gifts for you when you are
ready to receive them.

These gifts are insight, inspiration and vision.
It is time to create and hold a new vision for
your life and for the lives of many. We all need
to work together to achieve freedom and
abundance for all.

We will need to use our ability of kindness to
embrace and empower all our fellow humans.
We all need love and empathy, and we all love
to give a helping hand.

The need to give in love and friendships is very
big in all humans, but sometimes it gets
suppressed needlessly.

You do not need to fear love - at all - do not
believe anybody who tells you that it is better
to love less or not at all. They are misinformed.
Love is the greatest power, it can move
mountains and make people traverse big

Everything is possible with love.
Give your heart and your mind a push and
allow yourself to smile, to go soft inside your
heart, to open and to love.

And now look at everything in a new light.

We are all here for a reason, and our sense of
love leads us courageously where we need to

There are no mistakes in love - there may be
steps and detours, and they will lead to new

Dear one, trust your visions, trust your
instincts, your inspirations and your intuition.
They were given to you for a very good reason:
to make sense of it all. Do not miss any chance
to use them.

This is your life: love it, live it, make the most
of it !

I love you so very much !