Flip the Script with Vic

In this episode, we'll explore the profound connection we have with our ancestors and how honoring and connecting with them can support us on our spiritual journey. We'll discuss:

- Ancestral healing and how it can help us release inherited trauma and baggage
- How we have the power to heal not only ourselves but also past and future generations 
- Practices for connecting with your ancestors, like creating an ancestral altar

Get ready for a mind-bending exploration of the energetic imprints we carry, and how we can tap into the wisdom and guidance of our ancestors. So join me as we flip the script and unearth the power of ancestral connection.

Join The Portal Collective, Victoria's new on-demand kundalini and breathwork membership to help you access your highest self with a daily meditation practice, for the special founder's rate of $17/mo.

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email: victoriamargauxnielsen@gmail.com

Cover art: @house.of.morgan

What is Flip the Script with Vic?

Welcome to Flip the Script with Vic, your weekly pep talk to expand and shift your perspective. I’m your host, Victoria Nielsen. Together, we’ll unwind all the things you thought you knew, and awaken to what’s truly possible when you flip the script on your reality and take control of your own life.

Speaker A [00:00:02]:

Welcome to Flip the Script with Vic, your weekly pep talk to expand and shift your perspective. I'm your host, Victoria Nielsen. Together, we'll unwind all the things you thought you knew and awaken to what's possible when you flip the script and take control of your own life. Are you ready? Let's jump on in. Hi, loves. Welcome to another episode of Flip the script with Vic. I'm your host, Victoria Nielsen. Oh, man.

Speaker A [00:00:27]:

Lucky number 13 today. And I went back and forth about what I wanted to talk about today, but I feel this deep resonance and deep connection with my ancestors and with ancestral work. And so I think it's really important to share this connection, but also share how you can better honor and connect with your ancestors because they are here to support you during this journey on Earth. And they are also maybe some of the energy and the shadows and the wounding that you're carrying. Now. What in the world do I mean by that? So in Activating Your Ancestral Wisdom, a live women's circle container that I've held many, many times, I share that energy, that low density energy, that grief, that sorrow, that trauma that you may be carrying in your body that you don't know where it comes from. It doesn't necessarily feel like yours or you haven't been through anything particularly traumatic in your life that you can remember that would make you feel this way. That is the baggage and energy of your ancestors.

Speaker A [00:01:45]:

And many of us that are awakening here on Earth now are the ones to be healing this generational trauma, are the ones to be healing the things that our ancestors couldn't in their lifetimes. And when you really stop to think about it, that's a really fucking heavy burden to carry. But I'm here to share with you that not that it doesn't have to be, but that it is not just your healing that you're doing right now. So on the days that it's hard, on the days that it feels like the cycle is never ending, or like the spiritual awakening is not what you thought it would be, know that it's because you're healing your entire lineage. You're healing all of the people that came before you, but also all of the people that are going to come after. And even if you aren't a mother or don't want to be a mother in this lifetime, you are still changing your DNA. And I read about this in the book. It didn't start with you, which I highly recommend for anyone to read, but you literally change your DNA, your cells, your cell structure with the energy healing that you do in your lifetime.

Speaker A [00:03:00]:

So of course, the next generation that's going to be born from you is going to have different things to activate in their DNA. And the book also goes on to talk about people that are still carrying things from past generations, like the most vivid example I can give is there was this one woman that kept talking about being gassed and burned alive, and it wasn't something that she had experienced in her own lifetime. And come to find out, she had I think it was like a grandmother or a great grandmother that was in the gas chambers at Auschwitz, and she was reliving that trauma. And now, obviously, that's a very extreme example. I don't think many of us are walking around with that dormant in our DNA, but I use it to show you that that energy doesn't go anywhere. So you were alive, energetically in your grandmother's womb when you really stop to think about it. So when your grandmother was pregnant with your mother, all of the eggs that your mother is ever going to have were created while she was in your grandmother's womb. So you theoretically, energetically were in your grandmother's womb.

Speaker A [00:04:25]:

So anything she experienced in her lifetime, anything she experienced while she was pregnant, you have energetically imprinted upon you. And same with your mother. Anything that she experienced, your egg, your cells were in her body experiencing those things too. And it's really kind of fucking trippy when you stop to think about it. But no wonder then that you're carrying some of this energy that potentially isn't even yours. And I feel like I jumped just, like, right into this episode. But I know that the people that are meant to hear this are going to get it because ancestral healing is needed not only for the planet, but for all of the people currently on the planet. Because we, again, like I said, are more open and are full of more light than our ancestors were.

Speaker A [00:05:19]:

And so it can feel like a burden, but we truly are the ones that are going to heal so many things in our lifetime. And I want to share that because on the days that it feels hard, on the days that it feels like you're stuck in a cycle or oh my God, I feel like I just healed so many things. Why is this coming up again? Maybe knowing that it's not just for you can make it a little bit easier, because I know right now I activated something within me. I had an amazing intuitive photo shoot in Austin over the weekend, and I called in all of my ancestors to be there with me. And I work really closely with my ancestors on both sides of my Latin heritage, and I've done a lot of healing for them. Like I said, I've held ancestral containers for years now. But I felt within me an activation of a side of my lineage that not even that I wasn't aware of, but that I just hadn't been in communication with. Because it's a relationship, right? You have to be open to connecting with your ancestors for them to then connect with you.

Speaker A [00:06:25]:

And so as part of this photo shoot, I was calling them in, I was beating this drum, and I could just feel like I opened a doorway to a new part of myself. And that's integrating this last week and continuing to integrate and move. And I can feel like something's coming and shifting and changing, and I don't know what it is yet. And the thing that has helped me most is every day sitting in meditation or after my daily meditation practice and just calling in my ancestors and asking what they have to say and asking what they have to share. And you don't necessarily even need to know their names or what side of your lineage that they're from if you don't want to. But saying your last name three times while you light a candle can call in their energy. And I will say as a caveat or a warning that asking for your healed ancestors to come forward is really important because they were human once too, right? They potentially most likely didn't heal all of the things that they needed to in their own lifetimes. And so they're carrying their own baggage.

Speaker A [00:07:33]:

They're carrying their own opinions and energy and things with them. So know that you have free will, right? And it's always your choice to follow their guidance or not, or take it with a grain of salt if you know that you're connecting with Great aunt IDA that always has an opinion about something, right? But that you can really do some deep and meaningful work when you honor them, when you connect with, you know, during this episode recording, I'm wearing a ring from my great grandmother that she came through so much before I was ready to really, quote, unquote, work with her. And she brought up this ring a lot. And having this tangible piece of her makes me feel really connected. And even if you don't have a tangible piece of jewelry per se for the ancestors that you want to call in, maybe it's creating an altar. I actually highly recommend creating an ancestral altar that is just somewhere in your home. Mine is behind me into the side. I have it up at all times where I have pictures of the loved ones that I do know or have met in this lifetime.

Speaker A [00:08:45]:

I have crystals, or I have flowers, or you can even put food out for them. They love being honored and being asked into your space because, again, you have free will. And it's a relationship. So they're not just going to show up. They may at first to get your attention, and then if you don't listen, if you don't reciprocate, they will drift back into the background because they don't feel wanted and because it takes a lot of energy for them to come through. So I always get asked that I want to connect with this specific ancestor, or I want to connect with this specific loved one. Why can't I do that? Or I don't feel them around me. And there's a lot of reasons for that.

Speaker A [00:09:30]:

A, because it takes a lot of energy for them to come through and share messages, but B, it's very subtle and may not be even the way that you're thinking. So I've shared in the past that my great grandfather, when he comes through, I smell cigarette smoke. He didn't used to come through for me at all. I did not feel a connection to him at all until very recently. And one of my other grandfathers, who I used to work with all the time at the beginning of my spiritual awakening, I don't feel him around anymore. And I think it's because he's officially passed through whatever happens on the other side and is potentially reincarnated again. But I don't worry that he's not there. And I was actually just talking to a friend about this when she was talking about being a medium and channeling messages and worrying about passing those messages on.

Speaker A [00:10:22]:

And a lot of the times they come through to reassure us because they're fine on the other side. They have seen all the things that they needed to see, the highlight reel of their lives have played. They've potentially picked out that next life that they're already going to reincarnate into and they only come back for us. They're here to support us on this journey. And that's so beautiful. Not only because they want to share messages that they're okay, but they're pulling strings for us behind the scenes. I fully believe that my grandfather that just passed not that long ago, I know he is like wheeling and dealing in the sky for me for the best experience that I can have. I know he's watching over my kids like they had such a beautiful relationship.

Speaker A [00:11:05]:

And what a comfort to also know that you have those entities or that energy to support you. So yes, it can be a bit of you've got to clear and help them heal. But when you work with your healed ancestors, they are here to support you. And again, they have to know that you're open to it. They have to know that it is a relationship and it gets stronger with time. So you may listen to this episode and you may set up an altar or maybe you make a favorite dish that you know that your grandmother loved or something from your heritage. Little by little, you're forging that connection. You're braiding that thread, if you will, adding more to it every time so that it is stronger and that the connection deepens and then it grows and blossoms and turns into whatever it's meant to.

Speaker A [00:12:02]:

I feel like I've kind of gone off on two side tangents here, but I think it's important to honor ancestors, to listen to them, but also know that a lot of the things that we're going through is helping heal them and heal the energy that they couldn't heal in their lifetimes. And I think it's also a relief, right, at least for me, to know that sometimes these things that I'm thinking or feeling aren't necessarily mine, because it can make you feel crazy. If you've had a spiritual awakening, then you know, that chaos and that energy and figuring out what energy is yours and what energy is not can be frustrating and chaotic, and it isn't easy. And this spiritual journey isn't always easy. I know you see a lot probably on instagram of, like, love and light and spread peace, but you're in the shit a lot of the times, and you're healing. And especially as a mom going through these peaks and valleys and troughs of a spiritual awakening and then trying to keep your cool while you parent. Holy fuck. That's like, the hardest thing I've ever done is to not spew my triggers and my shit all over my kids because I'm in the middle of another dark night of the soul.

Speaker A [00:13:21]:

Right? Or another bout of healing something from my maternal lineage. And you're not alone. You're not alone, but it is for the greater good, even if in the moment, it feels like complete and absolute shit. And maybe I'm giving myself a pep talk right now because of what I'm going through, but it has a purpose, and it is for your highest good. And I think it's important to share, too, that your ancestors aren't just from this lifetime. So you have had countless lifetimes before this one, and any of your ancestors from those lifetimes are available for you to work with and to connect with. And again, it's okay if you don't know their names. And also newsflash, I don't know if you guys know this, but we've all lived on other planets.

Speaker A [00:14:11]:

Like, we're not only from Earth, or most of us, I should say, aren't just from Earth. We have many other star seed lineages and ancestry in our DNA. And so calling and opening yourself to those as well, again, healed, please, please make sure you're calling in your healed ancestors and not into your physical bodies. Like, say that you want to work with them. And I'm saying this specifically for galactic or intergalactic ancestors, you have to have boundaries with them in the sense that you say, I want to work with you, but yeah, my body is off limits. And I don't say that to scare you. It's important to make sure that they can just be tricky. And a lot of them are mischievous.

Speaker A [00:15:05]:

So that's all with that. But rounding back to our earthly ancestors, again, heals them. You heals future lineages, but also heals the planet. That's something that's really come through to me over these last couple of years working with my ancestors, is the more that I connect to the Earth, the more that I connect to them and their wisdom, and the more that I continue to heal myself, but also heal the Earth. She heals through us. And so this work in whatever way it's resonating with you right now, maybe you listen to this episode and it just activates a little piece of you to maybe go ask your mom about your maternal grandmother that you didn't ever know about or to go digging for some of your own history because it's important. And you can't know where you're going if you don't know where you came from. And maybe it's because I grew up in a family with four generations under one roof.

Speaker A [00:16:08]:

My great grandmother, my grandparents, my mom and I all lived together all through middle and high school. And at the time I was like, holy fuck, I can never have any peace. But looking back now, it was so cool to see that beautiful melting pot of generations and of energy and of values. And now I love being able to share because I've actually seen firsthand that my healing does benefit. Like my mom, for example, when I first started this work and working with the Akashic Records, not that she wasn't interested, but now she's coming on retreats with me and she loves when I do Reiki, and she's super into it. And I know it's because of the healing that I have done. And even my grandmother, like the last time that I went down to visit there, she let me pull oracle cards for her and give her Reiki. And that was not anything she had ever been interested in previously.

Speaker A [00:17:07]:

And yes, it's partly that I'm bringing an awareness to it, right, that maybe where there wasn't one before. But I also think it's because I'm opening just the energy of our lineage to heal them and to show them that it's okay to return back to this. Because I will say that I think a lot of you listening have some healer or medicine woman or that kind of parts of yourself that maybe have been closed off in your lineage because it wasn't safe before or because you've had a previous life as a witch during the witch trials in Salem. You never know. And so it's safe now to heal and to be open and share these things. And so I feel like that's why there's so many more of us that are coming online and why it's so important to honor and connect with our ancestors. And I'm wondering if there's anything else as I connect on like Mimi squeaky boppy, any of those that want to come through. I think just their love.

Speaker A [00:18:11]:

Their love is so important because you're not alone in any of this and you are so supported when you connect with them and they're here to help you and they're here to support you if you're open to it. So I think I'll leave it at that. And I would love to know if this episode resonated with you, if this is something that you feel deep within you as you are on this healing journey. Thank you so much for listening. Please give the show like rate, review, follow, subscribe, all of that good stuff. Share your favorite episodes, spread the word, and I'll see you next week. Be good to one another. I love you.