Public Sector Executive News

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And here’s today’s news from Public Sector Executive – on Thursday the 27th June 2024.

New legislation has been passed to give local authorities the power to increase reuse and recycling rates, the Scottish Government has confirmed.
Alongside local authorities, Ministers will also hold more control over reuse and recycling rates, with this also supporting the modernisation and improvement of waste and recycling services.
Support and investment will be used to underpin the new bill, and these will build on top of the investments that have already been made as part of the £70 million Recycling Improvement Fund.

The Local Government Association has confirmed that its successful scheme to introduce graduates to the local government workforce is to be renamed ‘Impact.’
Over the course of two decades, the programme formerly known as the National Graduate Development Programme has brought thousands of graduates into the sector, with many of these going on to be Chief Executives, Directors, and Managers.
The Impact programme takes place over a two-year period, with councils taking graduates on as Graduate Management Trainees to help them develop their skills across a variety of services. This is done by completing a minimum of three placements, whilst undergoing a learning and development programme and postgraduate qualification.

Halton Borough Council has announced that it is supporting more than 20,000 children with mental health and wellbeing.
This comes as it has awarded a £300,000 contract to a supplier that will offer training to teachers in 66 primary and secondary schools across the area.
The programme of training will take three months and will give educators the practical strategies that will help them to actively progress the emotional wellbeing and resilience of children and young people. Alongside that work, educators will also learn more about the science behind social and emotional development, with this going to explain how attendance, behaviour and learning outcomes are impacted.

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