The Viktor Wilt Show

Cats and trees, Playstation State Of Play happening today, Judas Priest tickets up for grabs, Oktoberfest in Idaho Falls, Jason Gray benefit concert for the Idaho Falls Rescue Mission, Screamtones for tickets to haunted attractions, man complains about birthday gift that his wife made for him, Zillow Gone Wild, shoutout to our international listeners, Infowars is being liquidated which means you can buy a disgusting microphone used by Alex Jones, UFO? image released in Canada, Peaches brings me a present, pet talk, I am a lunatic cat person, the Chimp Crazy documentary on Max is insane, KBear's Rockin' Halloween playlist kicking off on Friday, man wants girlfriend to give his dog part of her lotto winnings, speaking with Tyler Perkins from the Idaho Falls Rescue Mission about tomorrow's benefit concert with Jason Gray

What is The Viktor Wilt Show?

The Viktor Wilt Show daily recap! If you miss the show weekdays from 6A-10A MST, you've come to the right place.

Here we are. The Viktor Wilt show, the Wednesday edition. Alright. Well, at least we're almost halfway through the week. I've definitely had enough of this week already.

Jeez. Hope your week's going good, though. Mine's just been a little bit annoying. Annoying and irritating, and I'm glad I got those little kitties at home to brighten up my day sometimes even if they can be little stinkers. I let the little one outside I get the ladder.

Get her out of the tree. Tell her no. I get the ladder. Get her out of the tree. Tell her no.

Put her back in the house. And then she's all sad sitting at the door like, I went back outside. Like, well, stop going up the trees. Had she not went to basically the top of a tree that one time and required me to have somebody come get her out of said tree, I wouldn't be as concerned about it. But even yesterday, she went way up a tree, like, way up a tree.

Luckily, not on that same branch. She couldn't get back down, but she gets way up there and then she starts freaking out. Like, well, don't go up there. If you don't like it up there, what are you doing? Stay down.

Jeez. Other than that, not a lot to report from last evening. I accomplished nothing. I don't know. I I played a little guitar.

How was your evening? Was it productive? I hope so. Hope it was good. Looking forward to a new day ahead today, but, I ain't really feeling being at work.

Today would be a good day to sit in front of my TV, play some video games, watch the PlayStation state of play, which is happening today, if you're not familiar with that. It's basically where they announce all of the big stuff coming up. All of the big new games that'll be dropping next year. Looks like they'll be announcing some new PSVR 2 games, so that's cool. I thought they'd pretty much bailed on the PSVR 2, which was very disappointing because I like that system.

I think it's great, and it seemed like it just kinda went radio silence on anything new for that system. So, yeah, hopefully, we'll hear some fun announcements. How about GTA 5 VR? That that that'd be pretty cool, I think. I doubt that will be announced, but, hey, a boy can dream.

So we'll we'll see what they do in fact announce. It's not like I got some spare dough for new video games right now anyway, but, you know, I guess if something if something crazy enough came out, I'd drop the dough. I've bought GTA 5 4 times already. Might as well buy it again. You know, Rockstar would be pretty smart to drop that in VR because I guarantee they'd sell a whole bunch more copies.

Drop it on the PC as well. But, yeah, far as I know, nothing that excite what about Red Dead BR? Oh, man. You wanna talk about an end of productivity at my house? That would be amazing.

But, again, yeah, doubt it's coming anytime soon, sadly. Anyway, that's happening at some point today. I'm not sure when the state of play actually goes down, but, it'll be happening live on YouTube. And if you're into PlayStation gaming, probably something you're going to want to check out. And I I guess it's gonna be a pretty quick event, like like a half hour, something like that.

So if it happens during the morning show today, I'll let you know about anything exciting that I see coming to the PlayStation gaming platform. Can you tell I wanna be playing video games right now? Yeah. I I could put games on this, awesome computer we have here, but not sure what the bosses would say. Maybe if I streamed it live, I'd be like, it's part of the show.

Part of the show. Dude, you're just sitting around playing red dead. It's part of the show. What's up? It's the Victor Will show.

Hello, and good morning, and happy Tuesday not Tuesday. It's Wednesday. It is Wednesday. Alright. Okay.

We've got a lot going on around here this week and pretty much every week moving forward at least through October. So much fun stuff going on. We are giving away tickets to Judas Priest and Sabaton. Thanks to our friends at No Limit Guitar Company. So if you wanna sign up to win yourself some tickets show's going down October 5th coming up quick.

Well, fire up the k Bear or alt or Cannonball apps and get yourself entered to win some tickets to the show. Now we are also giving away tickets to haunted attractions with the haunted meetup. Thanks to Greasemonkey, Wackerly Subaru, and Wackerly Auto Center. All you gotta do is listen for screen tones. If you hear the screen tone played, it sounds all scary and says call now.

You hear that played, be caller number 13. I'll hook you up with tickets to an attraction like the Haunted Mill in Teton or the Lost Souls attractions in Shelley. And, what else do we have going on this week? I mean, Oktoberfest is happening this weekend in Idaho Falls with the Idaho Falls Downtown Development Corporation. You should go check that out.

And then there is also the benefit show happening, to benefit the Idaho Falls Rescue Mission. That's coming up on the 26th which is tomorrow. Tomorrow at the Colonial Theatre in Idaho Falls. By attending that benefit show, you know, you're gonna get some great music, but you also help support the Idaho Falls Rescue Mission, who help out, you know, people in our community who are dealing with things like, homelessness, or other struggles. So tons of stuff coming up, and, I would like to encourage you to take part in as much of it as you can because these are all good fun events for our community.

So keep an eye on our socials for full details. Again, if you wanna enter to win tickets for Judas Priest, fire up the apps. You wanna win haunted attraction tickets. Listen for screen tones. And then as the other events, details can be found on our social media pages, so you should go check them out and support.

Alright. Let's hit up the ami the jerk subreddit and check out a post from a guy who didn't like his birthday gift. Am I the jerk for returning my homemade wife's birthday gift and telling her I don't want it? I then went out and bought what I actually wanted. All right.

The poster says I need an outside opinion on this. This has been an ongoing issue that I've talked to her multiple times about. My wife makes less money than me and is the type of person who prefers to make her own gifts for people. The issue is she will do this even if the person doesn't want this. I will use myself as an example.

For the past few years, she has made every single gift I have been given. No matter what I ask for, I get a homemade gift. Doesn't matter if it is cheap or not. Last Christmas, I asked for a few new things and got a homemade scarf. I always get her the stuff she wants.

I've talked to her about this multiple times. My birthday was yesterday, and I asked her to give me a book. It was only $25, and I sent her the link. I opened the gift, and she made me some homemade bookmarks. It wasn't even the type of bookmarks I like.

They were made from fabric, and I like wooden ones. I must have made a face because she asked what was wrong. I told her I didn't want these. I made it so clear what I actually wanted, and I've talked to her many times. I handed them back and went out to buy the book.

We had a big fight when she got back. She claims I am being ungrateful and a jerk. I think the guy is being ungrateful and a jerk. Just go buy your own book, dude. And I don't know.

I guess they don't pool their money together, in this particular relationship because he mentioned her making less money than him. Okay. Well, if she prefers to make gifts, shut up and be grateful. Somebody's taken the time to make you something. Jeez.

Use the fabric bookmarks. I like the wooden ones. I like the wooden ones. How particular do you need to be about a bookmark? You know, it marks your place in a book, hence the name of the item.

But, jeez, if somebody took the time to sit down and handcraft something for you, be grateful and shut up about it and go buy your own books. He said he ended up going out and buying the book. There you go. If you know that you're going to get a homemade gift and you're not gonna get something that you ask for that can easily be purchased, just get it yourself and shut up about it, dude. I wonder, what people are saying in the comments.

Let's see how disparate is your wife's income compared to yours. Does she have access to your income? Is she living in poverty while you have cash to throw around? He says he makes about 30 k more than her. They have shared accounts, and he pays for most things.

She could just use the shared account. Okay. So then why yeah. Why did he even mention her money situation? Because that makes it it makes a guy sound kinda even worse to me.

No. I make all the money. She doesn't make very much money. She just makes stuff. She just makes things, items, crafts.

Yeah, dude. Just get over it, man. I if somebody made me something, I think I'd be pretty stoked on that. It's a lot harder to make something than to just go buy something. Be grateful you got a gift, dude.

She gave you a gift. Shut up. Alright. Anyway, try to not be a a bad human being. This guy's a real turd.

Congrats to sleep token on snagging some dates with Linkin Park. That's, some pretty good exposure. So funny. 1 of the biggest bands in the world brings Sleep Token out for support on their upcoming show's direct support. Radio still don't play them.

So out of touch. Speaking of sort of out of touch, I've mentioned before I follow a lot of pages on Facebook where they post weird houses, like Zillow gone wild. They even made a TV show out of Zillow gone wild. But sometimes I get a little bit frustrated with the people who are making the post because I wanna see weird stuff. Zillow gone wild.

Alright. Let's go totally crazy. But a lot of times, they just post these historical homes. You know, there are a bunch of, like, really awesome houses for sale in places like Pennsylvania and other southern states for crazy screaming deals. You could buy yourself a mansion for the same price you could buy a starter home here.

And they're, like, really cool with all the fancy woodwork on the inside. Like, if you've ever seen the Stanrod mansion in Pocatello, if you've ever gone, like, trick or treating there or back in the day when I think it was Blackers, actually operated their store there. You know, just really cool stuff going on on the interior. You might have painted ceilings or, again, with the, crazy woodwork, maybe some wild wallpaper. That's just how those places were built and decorated back in the day.

But they post them and they're like, look at this. Crazy. Look at the people who threw this together are nuts. It's like, that's just an example of how those places were. It's not really weird.

I mean, they're cool, but I don't know if I'd go, this place is going wild. If I'm gonna see a place that's gone wild, you know, you're talking somebody turned a a bomb shelter into a home or I don't know. They stacked up a bunch of, old train cars and built a house out of that or maybe the inside's just, I mean, seriously whack. Every room painted a different color. I I don't know.

I mean, I'm I'm grateful that they show me these cool historical places. They make me want to move to terrible places because I'm like, wow. That's a really cool house for really cheap, but, yeah, I don't think I'm gonna go live in West Virginia. You know? Much as I hate snow.

Yeah. Those areas just don't scream out to me. Maybe I need to go visit. Maybe I need to go visit somewhere like, I don't know, Louisville, Kentucky. That that that place is kind of expensive, but it's about, 7,000 square foot.

Okay. See, I'm scrolling through their pages here, and I'm not seeing anything crazy weird. These are just houses that were, again, from the times they're in, built pretty normal. Okay. There you got Michael Jordan's house.

I'd say that's kinda overkill. How many years has that house been on the market? Currently trying to sell it for $15,000,000. 32,000 Square Feet. Alright.

I like a little bit of space, but 32,000 square feet sounds a little bit excessive. Oh, it's been on the market for 10 years. 10 year see, this is why if you have all the money in the world, you can't just go completely hog wild. Because if eventually, you're like, alright. I'm tired of paying 50 maids to keep my house clean.

I'm moving. This place is just too big. Nobody's gonna buy it. Nope. Nobody's gonna buy it.

32,000 square feet. That's absurd. Anyway, I don't know. These pages can be fun to follow if you're looking for yet another reason to just scroll and scroll and scroll social media. It's better than scrolling the political news.

I'll give it that. You know? And who knows? Maybe one of these days, some weird house will pop up and I'm like, oh, look. It's in Idaho Falls.

But, you can search Idaho Falls, Pocatello, Rexburg. How often do you see anything with, a lot of character? Yeah. Not often enough. I don't know if you waste time scrolling Zillow like I do.

I have no intention of moving because what? Can I afford to go buy a different house? No. But it would be cool to see something unique pop up every once in a great while. Apparently, we don't have a lot of weirdos around here with money to build from the ground up.

Alright. I I need to win that lotto so I could bit build something stupid. It it won't be 32,000 square feet, though. Another band I'd love to hear some new music from, Ghost. I would imagine after all of the recent success, Tobias Forge taken a little bit of a break.

But I would assume if you're just sitting around relaxing as a musician, as a guitarist, as a songwriter, gotta be working on some riffs or so we'd hope. I am hoping for a return to a little bit of the sludgier sounds of the band. Call me a little sunshine. Kinda got that sludge going on, but the latest album, Impera, a little little more eighties vibes going on in that one. I'm still a little bit bigger fan of the older school ghost sound.

I love Impera though. Don't don't get me wrong here. It's a great album. But everybody has their favorites. So, wanna give a quick shout out to everybody listening.

Thank you for tuning in to my show. You have a lot of options of things you could be listening to. I wanna thank you for choosing me. I was scoping out the map. We got people listening all over the world.

It's very cool. Modern technology that I'm able to blast my show to places like, you know, Germany. Shout out to our homies in Germany who are always listening. Got folks listening in places like Portugal, Romania. The regulars down in South Africa, always glad to see you there.

Chile. Yeah. That's pretty cool. That's pretty cool and all over the US. Thank you for tuning into the show.

You might have a local station you could be listening to or your favorite streaming platform or whatever. So if you're listening from elsewhere, I want you to know you can always call me. Let me know what's up or request a song or whatever. 208-535-1015, the number to call if you ever wanna reach me. Well, if you're looking to get into broadcasting, you might be able to get yourself some gear pretty cheap, but I don't know if you're going to want it.

You know Alex Jones, the conspiracy theory guy? Well, apparently, Infowars likely to be shut down within a few months. His, his show, his radio show slash Internet show. So he he owes tons of money to all these families, who had children who were killed in the Sandy Hook tragedy. So they're they're selling off all his stuff, including things like microphones.

And that that part of the headline just grossed me out. Alright. Used microphones are an iffy business. Like, back in the day when I would go out and play live shows with one of my bands, I always brought my own microphone because nothing's gonna give you a better chance of getting sick than a shared microphone at a rock show. K?

People are screaming and yelling. There's a lot of spit flying. You wanna see what it looks like when a metal band is using a microphone? There's video out there of Metallica in super slow mo, and they've got James Hetfield screaming into the microphone. And you just see all this spit just flying into the microphone.

Now if you've ever listened to anything from Alex Jones, I enjoy listening to this podcast called Knowledge Fight where they just pretty much make fun of the latest episodes of Infowars. Alex Jones can be quite animated when it comes to the microphone. Like, the microphone in here, I always keep a protective muff over it because I'm sure I spit all over it as well. But let's say top quality mic was on sale for dirt cheap prices but it's filled to the brim with old Alex Jones spit. Nasty.

Can you imagine what that would smell like? I don't recommend you ever smell an old microphone. K? You're at the pawn shop. You see a Shure SM58.

Kind of the go to standard vocal microphone for live music. Don't don't smell it. It's gotta smell terrible. You can look at it. It's all Why is that all rusty?

Well, that's because somebody spit all over it. Alright. Many many times for many many years. Grody. Who on earth would wanna buy an old Alex Jones microphone?

That is just nasty. Anyway, I do hope they make a lot of money to give to these families with these sales. But, yeah. Used microphone. You definitely want to make sure it's coming from a place that you know kept it clean.

K? And another just fair statement, much as I love karaoke. Bring your own microphone to that especially. Alright? That's worse than being at a live show with 4 other bands.

You got dozens of people every night all hammered sharing that microphone. I I love karaoke. I think it's really fun. I haven't done it in many years because I don't really hang out at the bars anymore. But, if I was gonna go out for karaoke night, I'd definitely be digging up my my old school microphones that I packed with me to every show.

You know? Bring your own mic to karaoke night. That's my recommendation. Freak news powered by Greasemonkey, voted Idaho's best oil change. I am Victor powered by Greasemonkey voted Idaho's best oil change.

I am Victor Wilt. Let's dig in and see what we got today. Well, that looks like a UFO to me. Apparently, up in Canada, they shot down an unidentified object near the Yukon Territory back in February 2023, and they've released some well, I shouldn't say some. An image of this object.

That's a UFO. That's a UFO if I've ever seen 1. Kinda looks like, kinda looks like Pac Man, really. I wouldn't call it a balloon. And, they blasted it out of the sky.

They claimed it was a balloon. Like, come on. This is a suspected balloon. But it's described as a, metallic balloon with a tethered payload blow. And, again, I'm looking at a picture of it here.

Looked like Pac Man. That's a UFO. You ain't fooling me, Canada. Now when is the US going to release those 4 k quality UFO videos they were talking about in the last few years? There was all this UFO stuff, and, oh, we got these videos that are gonna blow your minds.

It's all coming. We ain't seen nothing better than the Tic Tac video. So come on. Hook it up. I wanna see some top quality government 4 k UFO footage.

Alright? I need some excitement in my life. K? Alright. Maybe I need to go on a treasure hunt.

Maybe I need to head back to the East Coast. Head to New England and find myself a solid gold statue and a bounty of crypto. This is not as exciting as, the Forrest Fenn treasure hunt. Something about a treasure hunt for crypto doesn't sound that great to me, but it's still worth money. You can sell it.

Right? Depending on the day, you might make some some seriously big dough. But, yeah, some guy who, was into producing video games and things like that decided, you know what? I wanna get people out into nature. Maybe he was inspired by Forrest Fenn.

So he launched the Project SkyDrop treasure hunt and he's got just a pretty straightforward puzzle. If you can solve said puzzle, you'll find a gold statue and a bounty of cryptocurrency. Why couldn't this be happening a little bit closer? I need the money. Peaches, we need to go.

Treasure hunting in New England, we need money. Oh, sure. Yeah. Let's go for it. Oh, I got it.

Let's go for it. Take 2. Not now my mic is on. You got treasure in that bag? Yeah.

I got something for you. You got me something. Yeah. I told you about it yesterday. I know.

Sorry that, you called me at a bad time. I figured when you answered the phone, like, what? What do you want? Yeah. No.

You did not. I I didn't answer quite like that. I I was a little grumpy, dealing with some garbage yesterday afternoon. So little cranky, and it just wasn't a good time to have anybody over. Was that garbage for the was that the subject for the d bag of the day?

I haven't, I didn't do a d bag of the day today. You should've. Yeah. Maybe. I I do it every once in a great while.

It's not a regular feature anymore. What's in the bag? What's in the bag? You wanna open it? Yeah.

Let's open the bag. Okay. Let's see what Peaches has. I figured since the Freak news. Peaches has a bag.

The spoopy season's upon us. We start, you know, our Halloween stuff on Friday. Oh. Well, you mentioned yesterday that Michaels has weird stuff supposedly. They have a lot of weird things.

Oh, look at this. Look at this. A cat with a Ouija board, a black cat with a Ouija board. This is awesome. Wow, Peaches, this is quite the present.

Look at that. Now that is a Victor Wilt decoration if I have ever seen one. That's amazing. Wow. Thanks, Peaches.

Of course. Yeah. Yeah. No. There was, Edgar Allan Poe on the toilet.

I bought that one. Yeah? I bought, 2 skeletons in the bathtub. 2? They're together?

They're together drinking goblets of, whatever beverage. I don't know what it is. Naughty naughty. Could be a nice LaCroix, but Edgar Allan Poe on the can. Yeah.

I have a picture of it. Yeah. And I also bought because I have an obsession with bulldogs. I have I bought a bulldog that, that has, like, sort of like the Frankenstein sprues on either side of his mouth. Now, are you allowed to have pets at your apartment?

I don't think so, but I think everyone does in my building. That they just don't care? Yeah. There's there's Edgar Allan Poe on the toilet. He has the raven on his shoulder.

He has the he's holding his skull. That's great. How much are they selling those for? Well, you know, you know how hobby stores like to say, oh, it's actually this price. Like, that price right there on the bottom of it?

Yeah. I didn't pay for that. I didn't pay that much. Okay. Good.

It was 50% off. That's a good deal. It is. That's why I had one pocket box. Yeah.

Like, I I probably, for this, would have paid 20, the regular price. I'm telling you, that place you have to go there after work today. Because it looks like Koopa with a with a Ouija board. That's exactly what I said when I saw it. I'm like, this is Koopa.

Let me just get this for Victor. Dude, that's so cool. Yeah. I you know, I didn't plan on spending any money on Halloween decorations this year. They have a cool, like, iron skull knocker for your door.

And yeah. I'm gonna have to go spend some money at Michael's. I had no idea they had stuff that cool. They had a zombie rat that had, like, bloody marks all over them too. Wow.

And they had some cool stuff. That's a good the the prices are pretty good. How much was Edgar Allan Poe on the can? Like, $8. Really?

Yeah. Dude, I gotta get me one of those as well. I I I think I took the last one. Oh, vengeance. But they do have Dracula.

They have the Headless Horseman. They have Frankenstein on the toilet. They have all the and they also have, like, bust of each person's head. Really? Like, if they had Edgar Allan Poe and you can put candy inside his head.

We shouldn't be telling listeners about this. They're gonna buy all the stuff. We have your lunch break in what? How many how many hours from now? I can take my lunch break at 10.

I'd take it at 10. Get over there. You know, that's the Victor Wilt lunchtime, 10 AM. Well, I didn't say it was store. Did I?

We did. Oh, we did. We did. Alright. I I did.

You did. I gave it away. Dang it. Well, I'll take a photo of you with the with the plastic Koopa. Yeah.

Yeah. Let's let's definitely do so, and that kind of motivates me today to put up my Halloween decorations in my yard. You know, I got the big inflatable, Jack Skellington. I've got the the girl from the exorcist inflatable. I forget what her name is, but she's covered in vomit.

It's a it's a very fun inflatable. And then, you know, I mentioned that I ordered another yard decoration. Oh, yeah. That's supposed to get here today. Oh, okay.

So I Yeah. Now you have to today. Yeah. So I'll put up all the, like, hanging skeletons, the Jack Skellington, the Exorcist inflatable, and then the new scariest of all yard decorations to really frighten my neighbors for Halloween. And I'll I'll post a picture and we'll see if anybody spots the creepy new edition.

You think people yell at me if I post that on social? I don't think so. I think you're kinda I think you're we talked my friends and I talked about it on Discord last night. If you're the type of person just to go on Facebook and post your political opinion nonstop, especially in people's comment sections Yeah. You're a loser.

Yeah. I don't do that. I have a few times lately chimed in where people were arguing and been, like, you know, that is true or that is not true here and giving them a link. Because people sit there and fight and fight and fight, but nobody actually looks up these things to see if they're real. And sometimes there are really unbelievable things that you're like, yeah, there's no way that's real.

You look it up. It in fact is and vice versa, stuff that seems totally real, but it's as fake as can be. No. So every once in a while, I'll get annoyed and be, like, listen. Alright.

That is real. Sorry that you're living in false reality, but that that's real. But now now I'm also hopefully I'm hoping that Ronnie is, looking to see my comments on Facebook. Are you poking at Ronnie? No.

No. No. I'm not poking at him. I'm actually defending him because there was one post where, they rescheduled a show at the Talking Stick Amphitheater or something. Oh, in Arizona?

And some guy was all like, why why was it canceled in the first place? And someone said, well, it was too hot. The pyro couldn't the pyro couldn't go off with the heat. And so they had to reschedule for October. Katie Lee just gave me a dirty look in the hallway.

What's the deal with that, Katie Lee? She's mad. She doesn't have a cat. I would be too. If I didn't have this and I saw somebody else with it, I wouldn't have it.

She has that she has that puppy that she likes to take care of and talks about it all the time on z. Katie Lee's puppy update on z one zero three. Heard anything about that. She has a dog? Yeah.

She has a dog named Nick. Oh. I had I had no clue. I know Josh has a dog. Yeah.

She has one too. But, so going back to the whole Ronnie theme Am I the only person in the building with a cat? I might be. Jade, his dogs. He has Yorkies.

And those are pretty much cats. Okay. Don't be one of those people that says, like, oh, they're essentially rats. I have a giant pit bull. Now that's a real dog.

I see. You sound like the dog version of, like, a Ford F-one hundred and fifty. Yeah. But have you seen a Yorkie before? Yeah.

They are They're smaller than Koopa. They're adorable. They're They're dogs. I like them. Actually, if I was gonna get a dog, it would be a small dog.

If you want a Great Dane, if you want human sized number 2 in your, backyard Yeah. No. Go get a Great Dane. And that's what Jades told me about the Yorkies is, you know, their their little poos are so small Yeah. You you don't have to worry about a yard being a wasteland.

Look at the look at what rabbits do. They do, like, little little tiny brown balls. But they do 10,000,000 of them. I have pet rabbits and I I have never seen animals that crap like rabbits. We were lucky.

We we found this rabbit. We named it Hoppy. That very creative name. At little Cottonwood Park, they just he hopped in my sister's lap. We ended up adopting him.

A wild rabbit? Somebody dumped him. Oh, okay. And, we put him in the old bath the what the bathroom upstairs. Mhmm.

And we had to remodel it afterwards because my dad my dad almost killed the rabbit. He saw he opened the door The baseboards were all chewed up. Yeah. He ate rabbits. He was like, that's it.

I'm gonna get a skewer. I know. I I liked having pet rabbits, but they were way more work than I would have imagined and they man, do they poop. You know, you'd think that somebody dumped a bag, like, a full size bag of dog poop. Whoppers?

Like, you're Like, you walk in, like, 2 days after you've cleaned it, and you're like, what happened here? It it does look like, yeah, an industrial sized bag of whoppers has just been dumped everywhere. I think it's the whole Ronnie thing. Oh, yeah. Okay.

So Then, the guy was all like the person replied saying, I I need an official statement from Ronnie. Is what he said to the guy's comments saying, oh, it was too hot. This this show had to be rescheduled. Yeah. And so I I commented back saying, let me get Ronnie on the phone real quick to let him know, hey, Phil wants to know exactly why you canceled the Arizona show.

And I put and I put, like, get real. You know how people like to put do better online nowadays? I put get real. Now is talking okay. So talking stick is an outdoor Yeah.

It's an amphitheater. Yeah. In Phoenix. Well, you told me amphitheaters are always outdoors. Because I remember that one time when we went to Cody Jinx Yeah.

I guess I guess so. Sitting in the sun for hours. Now they It was a hot summer day. They do have a portion of it covering the crowd. I think this is where Taryn and Matt saw Sasanta, the, pusser for a perfect circle primer show.

Can you imagine sitting out in a 110 degree weather for an outdoor show to begin with? Why would you wanna build an amphitheater in Arizona? Whose dumb idea was that? Well, half of the year, it's great. But right now during touring season, it's it's brutal.

But you know what's great year round? Indoor venues. I agree. Why would you build an amphitheater in Pocatello? So imagine being falling in reverse.

It's a 110 outside and then you have all that fire on stage. Yeah. Sounds awful. I mean, the falling in reverse show here was unpleasantly hot because Ronnie likes it hot. So I'm actually kinda surprised.

Sounds like his dream show. My question to you is that, like, you know, there are people that say, like, they'll they'll see the update where a show gets moved to, like, 2 months later. Mhmm. And I'll look at the comments and they'll say, like, oh, I can't make that new date. Can you give me a refund?

Or can I get a refund? And I'm thinking, like, how do you know what exactly you're gonna be doing 2 months from now? How do you know your exact schedule? I know what I'll be doing 3 years from now. It's very weird to, like, say, oh, I won't be making that new date.

Yeah. You might as well, you know, take a look at your calendar and just try to plot it out. Go to the show. Holy cow. I I'm looking at the time, and it is time for me to shut up, Peaches.

Oh, yeah. Holy cow. It's the Victor Will show. We got Peaches in the house. He hooked me up with a Halloween surprise.

The Koopa the cat statue playing a Ouija board, very cool. I have to warn you right now, there are a lot of black cat items that you might walk away from that particular store with a whole bunch of them. And and then they they get you with that whole, like, hey. This is the actual price. We're giving it away for 40 to 50% off.

Well, yeah. Michaels has taken a lot of my money. The store. I know. I know.

I said it again. There it goes. But they've taken a lot of my money in the last year because, like, you you saw in my room I have those, 18 by 24 posters. Oh, yeah. Yeah.

And every once in a while, they'll have a buy 1 get 2 free sale on those frames. So I've I've got tons of those frames with frame posters all over my house, and they were, like, dirt cheap. I do like their CD, frames as well. I have a whole bunch of those. Yeah.

Those are cool too. So, I I know it's easy to to blow money in there. And then if you have rewards and things like that because my daughter, she does, crocheting. So first time I ever went in there was just because she wanted to go buy some yarn or something. Mhmm.

And I got looking around. I'm like, well, they have weird stuff in here. I had no idea that this boring craft shop might be kinda cool. And, yeah, I've ended up dropping quite a bit of dough there. I I might even have Michael's rewards because I have the app on my phone.

Oh, yeah. No. My I use my mom's phone number. Ah. Yeah.

Got her the points. Very nice. I I used to give Maddie my rewards, but then I started buying all this stuff, and I was getting good deals. So I'm like, well, she can buy her own stuff and get her own rewards. Exactly.

The rewards for me. She's on her own. That's right. You're gonna go for her own Michaels purchases. I still dump rewards on her account.

I haven't been in there in a while, but, yeah, I think at 10 for my lunch break, I'm gonna cruise over there and see. Now the problem is, like you mentioned, if there's a lot of black cat stuff that I might like, I get worse and worse with looking like a psychotic cat person all the time. I have so much cat stuff hanging up in my house that I wonder when people come over if they think I'm just a total, you know, weirdo. Because there's a lot of cat stuff and actual cats in my house. My house is, like, just cat heaven.

I got scratching posts all over the place, toys. But you also have yeah. 22 cats. You wanna add a third one most likely? I I'm not gonna add a third one.

Well, you should. It's too expensive. These cats are eating me out of house and home as it is right now. They eat a lot, especially the little one. She's not so little anymore.

She's getting big. She's getting real big. Yeah. For sure. She's gonna be a giant when she's full grown.

So It's been great to see her when she's all grown up and play with her again. Yeah. Yeah. We'll we'll have to get you over to play with her again. She's she's less playful now than she was when she was real little.

But she likes the belly rubs? Oh. Oh. I don't know if she's still much into the belly rub. She might have outgrown that.

Oh, no. Yeah. She likes just the regular scratches, things like that. But she still loves attention. She's just I've I've been trying to play fetch with her, and she seems to be growing out of that.

She doesn't wanna doesn't wanna bring the items back. She'll run after them, then she just comes back and looks at me like, alright. Throw another. Dig in and throw another because I have a big pile of little toys that I throw and then clutter up my house with. You'll have to see what her reaction is to, Koopa junior over there.

Yeah. The ceramic cat. You know, I I don't know if the I bet if it was a full size, might weird them out. Might weird them out. Kitten size.

That's true. It is, it is about as big as, Lucy was when I got her. So very cool. Oh, the the ruling had the best poem to that, Edgar Allan Poe statue I had on the toilet. He said tonight when you are napping, I will come so gently tapping, tap, tap, tapping on your chamber door to steal this thing from you to be seen nevermore.

I checked Gir Allan Poe on the toilet. I was very, very, very happy to see I got the last one. Yeah. That's awesome. Now here's the, 2 skeletons in the bathtub.

Oh, no. Okay. I like that one too. And then here it is. Too.

It's very gothic. The, the bulldog. Little little guy. Oh, yeah. That that's pretty cute.

I I could see why you would want that. So when are you gonna get yourself a bulldog then? An actual bulldog. Oh, you know how expensive those guys are? I I don't.

I'm not gonna yeah. I'm not gonna adopt any bulldog anytime soon. You might be able to find one at a, shelter. Oh, I could, but they also are horrible when it comes to, medical bills. Oh, bulldogs?

Yeah. Because they they have a whole lot of problems. Kinda like a lot of those, purebred animals. How were you? Kinda messed up.

Used to have bulldogs and he would talk about it all the time. He's like, these medical bills are driving me nuts. There's no way I'm gonna financially recover from this. Have you watched Chimp Crazy? No.

I have not. Okay. We might have to talk about that in a minute. Okay. That was something I watched over the last few days.

Did you see Tiger King when it was on? A little bit. I didn't finish the series. Chimp Crazy is kinda like that, but it's people with monkeys. It's sorry.

When I said, I'll never financially recover from this, it reminded me of Joe and Zai. Oh. And then it reminded me, oh, yeah. I watched Chimp Crazy. People are nuts, man.

These people who keep these animals that could kill you. Dude, a giant 200 pound monkey with brute strength. Oh, yeah. They'll rip your face off. I've even seen those orangutans.

Those things are chingeless. Yeah. That's scary. People call them fat. I'm like, those those strengthen those things.

Alright. Peach is in the house. You got something for the program, Peaches. You said you wanted to talk about that Chimp Crazy Show. Chimp Crazy.

Yes. This show is wild and unhinged. It's on Max. It's from the director of Tiger King, and what they did was they kinda infiltrated, this facility where a woman raised and sold, chimpanzees to people around the country. Made a lot of money selling these, monkeys that, or chimps monkeys.

Am I wrong to say that they're probably not monkeys? I'm not a zoologist. I wouldn't know. You know, I my to our local zoos for my, you know, potentially incorrect terminology when it comes to these things. But anyhow, these people are so obsessed with chimpanzees.

It's almost beyond belief. This woman who's the main, I guess, star of the show at, point when these chimpanzees get taken away from her, you know, she well, I I kinda don't wanna spoil the show. Oh, daunting. Yeah. Yeah.

Because it's a it was a pretty wild ride after the first episode of Mike, Where Are They Gonna Go With This. And it just keeps getting crazier and crazier and crazier. But these animals are so dangerous that I can't imagine why anyone would wanna keep one. There are multiple stories and, incidents from around the country of these, you know, animals snapping just once. It's kinda like, you know, if, a big dog just happens to snap once, they can do a lot of damage, but a chimpanzee And rip your arms off, do a whole bunch of different things.

Yeah. This woman who had her face ripped off by her friend's chimpanzee, I mean, she's missing, like, part of her hands and, I I it it's pretty gruesome. The she lived, but the aftermath was woah. Have you seen a silverback gorilla in person? No.

I don't think I have. They're terrifying. They're huge. Like, their their arms are ginormous. You don't know what damage those guys could do to you.

I I I would be pretty terrified for sure. Because even, like, the large, monkeys, again, I might be using the wrong term, that they have like the Idaho Falls Zoo. You just imagine if one of those decided to, you know, you you're out walking in the woods. One of them sees you and snaps. Dude, I mean, they have hands, peaches.

They have hands and the sharpest teeth. The sharpest teeth. I was look looking here. Silverback gorillas can weigh between £304130. Oh.

They can lift over £1,763 of dead weight. They are getting swole. They're getting swole. Man, jolly. That is Geez.

Have you seen are you familiar with Drake and Josh? I don't know if your kids watched that show. I I've heard of it, but, I don't know if I ever watched it with the the kids. It's a kids show, obviously. And one episode, I don't know what they were thinking.

I thought it was normal back then, and now I'm thinking about it. I'm like, wait, who wrote this in the script? I guess Drake somehow got a monkey of some sort. I forgot what type of monkey it was. Some guy buys it from him for $10,000.

And he was like, oh, sweet. I get all this money. Found out the guy who bought it plans on eating the monkey. And that was the next issue. No.

It's not a cartoon. But it's a it's a A live action kitchen show. A live action show. So they cut to the guy's apartment as they're trying to stop the guy. Like, right before What?

They bust in to stop the guy. They cut to his apartment and the monkey's in a cage. He's eating carrots while also feeding the monkey carrots. He has a boiling pot of water. What?

They're getting ready to go. The monkey's on the side. It's it's wild. There are some wild kids stories from back in the day, like, you know, if you ever read the grim fairy tales. Oh, yeah.

Those are pretty wild. Hansel and Gretel. I've seen the Pretty gruesome. I've seen the this meme going around that was like, you know what? People saw this book and said, let's put this in the kids library and it was scary stories to tell in the dark.

Yeah. I know there's been a lot of memes going around directed at my generation relating to horror. Like, oh, you know, gen x. Read a Stephen King book too young, and that's why they are the way they are. Or, you know, they have like the pile of goosebumps books sliding into, you know, some kind of a gruesome horror movies and things like that.

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark was one of my favorite books as a kid. It was so good. I have the collection at home. And why don't you have it anymore? Do you sell it?

No. I still have it. Oh, okay. Good. Yeah.

I've still got it. I've still got, most of the Goosebumps books as well. I mean, I it's not like I sit down and read them. Hoping to maybe I'll give them to the grandkids someday or something like that. You know, here's some quality reading material for you little ones.

Goosebumps. Yeah. I I don't know what's in with kids nowadays, but I don't think there's a lot of horror. There's a lot of romance. Is that what it is?

A lot of, explicit romance. Explicit romance? Yeah. Yeah. Kids should be reading Goosebumps.

A Court of Thorn and Roses or roses or something like that. One of my favorites. Stuff. Another of my favorites as a kid was, choose your own adventure. I don't know if you ever saw those books.

Oh, yeah. I had one. Yeah. I've had I keep my thumb on the previous page. Well, I made the wrong choice.

Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. Like, oh, no. I didn't wanna die.

I don't even need to go back. Time to Oh, I should have been the other yeah. The other option. Yeah. Yeah.

I've got a huge collection of those too. They're they're really fun. Those need to make a comeback. I think kids would really enjoy those books. It would get them back into reading.

It it just might. Anybody out there who's listening who's not familiar with choose your own adventure, basically, you start reading the book and at the bottom, it'll be like, okay. You have 2 options. Choose 1 and turn to this page, and then you jump to a page and continue the story so you can end up with all kinds of different stories in one book and all kinds of different endings, and they can end up very gruesome as well. Books were way more fun when we were kids, I think.

They were they were awesome, man. Well, same with movies too. Movies from back then were much better compared to now. You know, and I don't know if it's just a you grew up on these things, so you think they're better. Like, I think Well, even, like, generations before me, still great movies.

Now, it's like you don't really see much. I mean Pixar still kinda carries their own they they they can still put out great movies. They do put out good movies. The only problem with them is you're you're going to cry. Yeah.

You know? You're going to cry at the end of them. Did I cry at the end of chimp crazy? I don't think I did. Trying to remember.

There was something I watched recently that I felt sad at the end. What was it? Oh, I watched a a couple mob movies. I watched, The Untouchables with, Kevin Costner and, I think it's Robert De Niro playing, Al Capone. What was the other one I watched?

Oh, it was, this is the one that made me kinda it was, Road to Perdition with Tom Hanks. Have you ever seen that movie? No. I haven't. They're really good.

I'm assuming it's probably some long, dramatic, sad film. It's about 2 hours long. He plays a mob hitman who ends up on the run. And it's weird to see Tom Hanks sort of playing a bad guy Mhmm. Because he's always just so likable.

I mean, he's still even in this movie, you end up liking him even though he is a bad guy. But it it was a really good movie. I I recommend that. I I think it was on Hulu? I I don't remember for sure.

But, it was really good, but it was, it was sad. Yeah. It was it was sad. That's all I'll say. Not the end of that one.

No. Chimp Crazy was not the movie that made me. I was like, wait. What? I'm pretty happy.

You sell your chimp? I was pretty happy at the end of, Chimp Crazy as a matter of fact. It's like, okay. This is this is how things need to be. Yeah.

Check out Chimp Crazy, people. It's, it's chimp crazy. It's it's pretty wild. If you if you dug Tiger King, you'll you'll probably enjoy that. But it is also disturbing at the same time.

You know, I think it's good to raise awareness about these kind of things. People shouldn't have pets like that. Well, a lot of people have been asking me, Victor, Victor, when on earth are you going to unleash the Halloween music on k Bear? K Bear's Rockin' Halloween. When is it coming our way?

Alright. I will let you know officially right now because I just got done scheduling the 1st day that will feature 2 Halloween tracks every hour with Kay Bears Rockin' Halloween powered by No Limit Guitar Company. Friday, day after tomorrow. Thought about doing it Monday. Thought about doing it Saturday.

And I was like, no, I want the first day to be a day when I'm on air and it's not a Monday. We wanna roll into the weekend, having some fun. So k Bear's Rockin' Halloween kicking off day after tomorrow, Friday. 2 Halloween tracks every hour, and that'll go throughout the entire month of October, thanks to No Limit Guitar Company. Then, of course, Halloween day, we've got the ultimate Halloween soundtrack better than anything you're gonna find anywhere else.

Trust me. I've looked at the Halloween playlist on Pandora, Spotify, YouTube. They have nothing on what we have built over the years. So make sure Halloween day, you're listening to Kay Bear all day because there's not a lot of repeats. Nothing but Halloween tunes Halloween day and leading up till then, 2 tracks every hour.

Again, thanks to No Limit Guitar Company and that starts the day after tomorrow. I'm very excited. I love when we get into playing the Halloween music so I'm stoked. Cannot wait. And the 1st day has been officially scheduled.

Looks like we will have a very nice playlist on Friday. So there you go. There's the scoop for everybody who's been asking, and, we're celebrating with no limit guitar companies, big birthday bash, all October. We've got a whole bunch of other really cool stuff coming up. So stay tuned for the details on that.

They're gonna have some screaming deals on guitars. If you're in the market for a new guitar, October's gonna be the month you're gonna wanna pick one up from our friends at No Limit Guitar Company. Gonna have to, try to not buy too many guitars myself, as a matter of fact. I was reading through a little post on Reddit. Figured I'd share it with you here.

You you gotta be careful what you say to people because sometimes they will just sit on every word, and they'll hang on to these things, and it might come back to bite you. This woman posted, a few days ago, I won $50,000 in the lottery. What should have been one of the happiest moments of my life has turned into a nightmare. My boyfriend and I used to joke about splitting any lottery winnings three ways between me, him, and his dog, Baxter. I thought it was just a joke, but now that I've actually won, he's insisting that I set up a $10,000 trust fund for his dog.

I laughed it off at first, but he's serious. He's calling me selfish, saying I'm going back on my word. We had a huge fight and he stormed out. Later that night, he apologized and, you know, the whole thing was intense, but it didn't solve anything. This morning, he's acting like everything's fine, but I know it's not.

I don't think I can stay with someone who's this unreasonable. Now I'm sitting here with 50 k in the bank and a relationship that feels like it's falling apart. I never thought winning the lottery would bring this much stress, and I don't know what to do anymore. Well, there are a few things you could do. They're not married.

Sound like this this lady won 50 grand and doesn't have to put up with her boyfriend's dog anymore. I mean, come on, dude. You know, if you're asking for somebody to set a $10,000 trust fund up for your dog, you're asking them to give you $10,000 But, again, that's why when it comes to financial discussions, you just gotta be straightforward because you say something once, somebody, they might hang on to that. Nothing would be worse than winning the lotto and feeling forced to give a dog some of the money. Alright?

Sounds to me like it's a potential clear clear sign that maybe maybe it's time to put an end to that relationship. That's what I would kinda think there. Better to bail out than who knows what kind of unreasonable things would happen down the road. You know? If you're in a crap relationship, get out of it.

It's my recommendation. And then if you win the lottery, all that money is yours. Can you imagine just being handed 50 k? 50 grand. I'd say I'm gonna go buy a lottery ticket, but I don't feel lucky, and I never win.

Maybe that's the time to buy a lotto ticket when you, you know, frustrated, haven't been feeling good, sleeping like crap, very irritable, Powerball time. What is up, everybody? Victor Welt hanging out with you this morning, and I've got a special guest in studio with me, the executive director of the Idaho Falls Rescue Mission, Tyler Perkins. How are you doing today? I'm doing great.

Thank you. Good to have you in. And, it's great to hear that you guys are doing this upcoming event on Thursday. You've got a live show going down at the Colonial Theater with the proceeds to benefit the rescue mission. How did this event all come together?

Well, the the concert is kind of interesting. We we were doing a benefit dinner, and, we just weren't doing very well at that. And we, had already had, the artist, Jason Gray, signed for another year. So this year, we decided to scrap the dinner and just do a full on concert and see if we could get a little bit, more support that way. Right on.

Yeah. It looks like, a lot of different ticket options available as low as, $15. So really, anybody interested in coming out, seeing the show, and supporting, there is a, tier of tickets for everybody. Yeah. Yeah.

I think the VIP tickets are sold out, so I don't think there's any more of those, but then, like you said, you have, 20 15 dollars $25 $35 depending on the seating. And, there are still several left. There's still plenty left to to go around. Alright. So you better get on it quick.

If you want to pick up tickets, go to Idaho Falls We've also been sharing the links on our socials. Now the proceeds are going to benefit the Idaho Falls Rescue Mission, and doing this at this time of year seems like a great idea to me where we're heading into the winter months. For those unfamiliar with what the Idaho Falls Rescue Mission does, do you wanna tell them a little bit about the organization? Sure.

Yeah. The Idaho Falls Rescue Mission has been around since 1998, so 26 years in the community. And, we really are focused on homelessness services, addiction recovery services. Of course, we have some food services that go along with that, and so what we do is we take everybody who's in a hard spot in their life, whether it's through, addiction, whether it's through relationships. I mean, it's really across the board.

It breaks a lot of the preconceived notions for sure. And, we provide shelter and space for those, individuals to come and not worry about clothing or food or any of the daily stresses. Just focus on the issues that got them in that situation in the first place. And, we really like to say we facilitate the atmosphere for life transformation. And if if we had to, say what our business was, that that's what we would say is we're a place where people can experience life transformation.

That's great. You know, I know there are a lot of people in our community, especially in recent years with, you know, the increased cost of, things like food, housing. I would imagine that, in recent years, this has gotten to be a little bit more of a difficult struggle for people, but also, as far as for you folks to provide these services a lot more difficult. Yes, absolutely. You know, I don't like to bring up COVID, but, it's there.

And, the statistics after COVID, even in our community, compared to before are alarming, even in in the resources that seem to be a need in our community. So, and that's what we base our resources off of is the need. You know, we we're working really hard in our business to work ourselves out of a job and to to minimize, how big we get, because we want Idaho Falls and and the surrounding communities, to not have a big homeless problem. And so it's a very different type of business, and it's a really expensive one. You can imagine if you have kids, or if you've taken care of anybody at all completely, you can imagine, what that bill looks like.

At any given day, we have 80 to a 100 people that we're housing. Wow. And most of those are local, local people who are just in a hard spot and they need a little bit of help for a variety of reasons. So that kind of gives you an idea of the expense of keeping the mission open and, having a place in our community where we have a group of people who are passionate about working on that issue and helping people get on their feet. That's great that we have that asset to our community.

With the show coming up, that's a great way for people to easily support. I know our listeners love live music. Great way to get out, enjoy some entertainment, and you're doing some good for the community. But aside from that, are there other ways throughout the year that people can help out the Idaho Falls Rescue Mission? Yeah.

As a matter of fact, there are several. We're over 95% community funded, which means, we don't, right now, we don't take any any government money. We just rely on the giving of our community, which is a really giving community. And there's a lot of ways to to help the mission stay afloat, from volunteering your your time to, giving, you know, either in kind, which means non monetary, you know, food donations, those kind of things, clothed clothe clothing donations or or money, which we will absolutely take. It costs a lot of money, to run the mission.

And you can explore all of those different options and and find out more about us. The best way is to get on our website at, or come down to one of our facilities and, request a tour. And we'll we love, when the community, cares enough to get engaged and come down and see, where their money would be going and what it would be doing. That's great. I'll have to come down and, tour one of the facilities my myself.

I I did take a good look through your website, and it looks like you do just so many great things, for people in need in our community. Again, that website address, You can find out, you know, again, what these folks do for people who are going through rough times here and ways you can help out as well as how to get in contact. Again, on the the live show going down with Jason Gray, Thursday night at the Colonial Idaho Falls Arts dot org, the place to pick up tickets. The Colonial's a a beautiful place to see live music, and you're doing something great to help out the community.

So, join the folks here from Kay Bear and all of our sister stations to go check out the event. Full details at Idaho Falls Arts dot org. And Tyler, anything else you wanna add to, the K Bear listeners? At at this time, just, you know, come and enjoy the show. It is an awesome show, and it's super family friendly.

And so it doesn't matter your background or or your beliefs. This is just a great show to to come and, regardless of the mission. And so it kind of it's a double a double whammy because you're you're supporting a local nonprofit that keeps a 100% of their, their money and resources local for local people, and you're just you're getting a knockout show as well. So come out and, come out and support us and, have a good time. Well, thanks again, Tyler, for stopping by hanging out with me.

It's nice to meet you. Thank you again so much to everyone who's at your organization, helping out people in need in our community. I've had a lot of friends who've gone through very tough times and without groups like yours, people can end up in really bad places. So it's great that we have folks like you out looking out for people, you know, in rough spots in our here in East Idaho. Yeah.

Thanks for having me. Anytime. Again, Idaho Falls Arts dot org. It's the Idaho Falls Rescue Mission benefit concert with Jason Gray, Thursday night at the Colonial Theater in Idaho Falls. Get yourself some tickets, check out some live music, and, bring the whole family.

It'll be a great time for a good cause. Alright, Peaches. I have officially scheduled Friday, Halloween Music Day, just so you know. What's he putting in the playlist? What's he putting in there?

Find out Friday with our rock and Halloween powered by no limit guitar company. I kinda wanna go over to no limit guitar company and walk into that electric guitar room and start picking up guitars and playing them and seeing if I can walk out of that building without a new one. How well do you think I'd do with that peaches if I walk you through? Is you gotta go to Michael's first and blow out all your money on Halloween stuff, especially for, the black cat decorations that they have. That's a good idea.

If I spend money, then I'll be paranoid. I was talking with Rulan about, baritone guitars. Now a baritone guitar is, a longer scale guitar that you can tune down really low. I have that 7 string guitar that I really like it, but I don't know. The it's there's something about it that just it seems like I could do something different with a guitar I could tune really low.

So I was thinking instead of a 7 string, I go 6 string baritone. Oh. But And then that way, when I learn the metal vocals, we can do, like, the the heaviest song Mhmm. Anybody's ever heard. You have to be very crushingly low.

And we can make the subject matter something really funny. You know, I wonder I don't know. I gotta get over there and talk to him because maybe I could trade the 7 string because it's a nice 7 string. It's really nice. But I don't I kinda don't wanna get rid of it because then I'd be like, oh, look.

All that time, I wanted a 7 string guitar. Now look look what I've done. I went and got rid of it. But I think that baritone would probably suit my needs better. But I don't got money to be blowing on guitars, peaches.

Not at all. That's why I gotta wait for the big birthday bash sale next month. Yeah. Again, why why why would you buy anything now? You might as well wait.

Well, they've got some screaming deals right now. They always have screaming deals. They do. But I mean, there's even more deals in October. I know.

But that's the thing with no limit. They always have good deals. And anytime I walk in there, I pick something up and I'm like, oh, this guitar is really It's better to wait. It's way better to wait. You know?

You I waited for Tiny Tina's Wonderland to finally reach that low, low price, and it did. It got it got real cheap. I'm like, okay. I'm buying it. Well, yeah, you can always use more guitars is what I'm thinking.

And what I need to do is fill up the slots at home. So if I trade it in the 7 string, then I lose another slot. What Roland can do, he can do it like what Hobby Lobby does and, you know, make the original price way high, pretend it's way high. Let's say, hey, it's 50% off. Like all the Black Friday sales that happen at major retailers everywhere.

Oh, yeah. Yeah. Where they're like, everything's on sale. And you're like, oh, wait a minute. It looks more expensive than when I was here last week.

I don't remember the Nintendo Switch being $900. Well, I said 400. This deal sucks. Alright. Anyway, everybody, Halloween music, Friday.

Very excited. We're getting in the spirit a little bit early this year. The spoopy season. The spoopy season. So let's play a ice 9 kill song that's, also happy and cheery.

Thank you again for tuning in to the Victor Wilt show. This program's a production of river. This program's a production of river. Why can't I say that? God, I have to say river bend media group, river bend media group.

This program's a production of river. God, this program's a, this program's a production of river bend media group to contact the show or for more information, hit us up at river