Commons Church Podcast

Commons Church Podcast Trailer Bonus Episode 8 Season 10

Social Location of Healing Narratives - Jeremy Duncan

Social Location of Healing Narratives - Jeremy DuncanSocial Location of Healing Narratives - Jeremy Duncan

Mark is generally considered to be the earliest of the four gospels we have in our Bibles. In fact, the consensus is that Mark served as a reference for what Matthew and Luke would later write. Mark is fast-paced, moving quickly through Jesus’ life, probably offering our first look at the historical Jesus. And in that look, we see a Jesus who is focused on the practical concerns of those he serves. Economics, politics, pressures, these are the issues that shape Jesus’ teachings in Mark. He may have an eye toward heaven, but he is firmly rooted in the praxis of God’s kingdom here now in the Gospel of Mark. In this series, we will crack open this first Gospel and begin a two-part journey through Mark’s memory of Jesus.
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