The Aspiring Solopreneur

When you were a kid and somebody mentioned hypnosis, odds are you imagined somebody swinging a medallion in front of you while saying “you are getting sleepy.” As adults, you may be imagining a show in Vegas where hypnotists have volunteers do ridiculous things in front of an audience.

What we don’t often think about, and what we really should know about, is the true science behind hypnosis and how incredibly beneficial it can be for a variety of areas in your life, especially for solopreneurs looking to build a business and a life they love.

So, we invited Victoria Gallagher onto the show to address this. She is a worldwide leader in Hypnotherapy, best-selling author, and a renowned authority on the Law of Attraction.  She has dedicated her life to empowering people worldwide to successfully live a life of liberty, aligned with their dreams.

We invited her on the show to discuss things like:
  • Common myths or misconceptions people have about hypnotherapy and the science behind hypnosis and how it works
  • How hypnosis can benefit solopreneurs specifically
  • Simple self-hypnosis techniques that solopreneurs can use to enhance their productivity
  • How solopreneurs can use visualization techniques to achieve their business goals
  • Daily habits to stay on top of your game
Plus so much more. So be sure to tune in!

Being a solopreneur is awesome but it’s not easy. It's hard to get noticed. Most business advice is for bigger companies, and you're all alone...until now. LifeStarr's SoloSuite Intro gives you free education, community, and tools to build a thriving one-person business.  So, if you are lacking direction, having a hard time generating leads, or are having trouble keeping up with everything you have to do, or even just lonely running a company of one, be sure to check out SoloSuite Intro!

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What is The Aspiring Solopreneur?

*Formerly known as Solopreneur: The One-Person Business Podcast*

Welcome to The Aspiring Solopreneur, the weekly podcast that dives deep into the world of solopreneurship. Join us as we bring you insightful interviews with industry experts and successful solopreneurs who have mastered the art of running their own businesses.

Are you a solopreneur looking for guidance on how to attract clients? Or maybe you're searching for ways to stay motivated and overcome the challenges of working alone. Perhaps you're even struggling with the intricacies of taxes and financial management. No matter what obstacles you face, The Aspiring Solopreneur Podcast is here to provide you with the knowledge, inspiration, and practical advice you need.

In each episode, our hosts, Joe Rando and Carly Ries, sit down with a diverse range of guests, including seasoned solopreneurs, marketing gurus, financial experts, and productivity specialists. Together, they unpack the secrets to solo success, sharing their personal stories, strategies, and actionable tips.

Learn from those who have paved the way before you, as they reveal their tried-and-true methods for growing their company of one.

Subscribe now and join our community of solopreneurs who are committed to achieving their goals, mastering their craft, and creating a fulfilling and prosperous business on their own terms. Get ready to unlock the secrets to solo success and become the best version of yourself as a one-person business owner.

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Carly Ries:

When you were a kid and somebody mentioned hypnosis, odds are you imagine somebody swinging a medallion in front of you while saying, you are getting sleepy. As adults, you may be imagining a show in Vegas where hypnotists have volunteers do ridiculous things in front of an audience. But what we don't think about and what we really should be thinking about or know about is the true science behind hypnosis and how incredibly beneficial it can be for a variety of areas in your life, especially for solopreneurs looking to build a business and a life they love. So we invited Victoria Gallagher onto the show to address this. She's a worldwide leader in hypnotherapy, best selling author, and a renowned authority on the law of attraction.

Carly Ries:

She's dedicated her life to empowering people worldwide to successfully live a life of liberty aligned with their dreams. We invited her on the show to discuss things like common myths or misconceptions people have about hypnotherapy and the science behind hypnosis and how it works, how hypnosis can benefit solopreneurs specifically, simple self hypnosis techniques that solopreneurs can use to enhance their productivity, how solopreneurs could use visualization techniques to achieve their business goals, daily habits to stay on top of your game, plus so much more. So be sure to tune in. You're listening to The Aspiring Solopreneur, the podcast for those just taking the bold step or even just thinking about taking that step into the world of solo entrepreneurship. My name is Carly Ries, and my co host Joe Rando and I are your guides to navigating this crazy, but awesome journey as a company of 1.

Carly Ries:

We take pride in being part of LifeStarr, a digital hub dedicated to all aspects of solopreneurship that has empowered and educated countless solopreneurs looking to build a business that resonates with their life's ambitions. We help people work to live, not live to work. And if you're looking for a get rich quick scheme, this is not the show for you. So if you're eager to gain valuable insights from industry experts on running a business the right way the first time around or want to learn from the missteps of solopreneurs who've paved the way before you, then stick around. We've got your back because flying solo in business doesn't mean you're alone.

Carly Ries:

Okay. So before we jump into this episode, I just have to share this new free offer we have called the SoloSuite Intro. Being a solopreneur is awesome, but it's not easy. It's hard to get noticed and most business advice is for bigger companies and you're all alone until now. LifeStarr's SoloSuite gives you free education, community, and tools to build a thriving 1 person business.

Carly Ries:

So if you're lacking direction, having a hard time generating leads, having trouble keeping up with everything you have to do, or even if you're just lonely running a company of 1, be sure to check out SoloSuite Intro at and click on products and pricing at the top menu. It's the first 1 in the drop down. Again, it's totally free, so check it out at Click on products and pricing, and it's the first 1 in the menu. Hope to see you there.

Carly Ries:

Victoria, we have a lot of repeat, not repeat guests, but repeat topics on here, whether it's through marketing or whatever, sales, whatever. You are a very unique guest. We have not covered this topic at all, and that's why I'm so curious about it. And I think a lot of our listeners will be, especially those there are just starting out out and are really trying to find their way and trying to figure out their path. So can you tell us a little bit about your background and what led you to become a hypnotherapist and a personal development coach? let's start there but I have so many other follow-up questions.

Victoria Gallagher:

Yeah. Absolutely. And it's so funny, you know, when I find myself in these groups of people that have never heard of hypnosis and it feels so second nature to me because I hang around with, you know, a lot of my hypnosis friends. but anyway, there was a time when it was, you know, not so second nature and that was when I was a stock broker about 25 years ago. I found myself just, you know, doing this for about 6 years and really just kind of feeling at the end, like burnt out.

Victoria Gallagher:

I thought this was gonna be my career that I would retire from and my father was a stock broker for like 35 years and it just, you know, really hit me hard when I just sort of lost my passion for it.

Joe Rando:

Can I say that the idea of being a stressed out stock broker isn't shocking?

Victoria Gallagher:

Yeah. You know, and it's stressful in its own ways. Like, I was very lucky. I was very fortunate to work during a time when the market was just going up up up.

Victoria Gallagher:

So I just looked like a rock star as far as, you know, managing portfolios went. But I just wasn't like feeling passionate about what I was doing and having to, you know, dial for dollars every day, get on the phone, make my 50 contacts, you know, and all the sales and marketing and everything that goes with that. I found myself in a personal development class, over 4 days and it was like during this time where like the lights just turned on. And I realized that in this class what they were teaching was what I wanted to be when I grow up. I decided, you know, like I wanna be the seminar leader.

Victoria Gallagher:

I want to teach people, what they can do to make their dreams come true and manifest success and be happy and fulfilled and and all of that. But I didn't quite know what that looked like, and so I sort of went on a little bit of a journey from there. A couple years into it, I found myself writing these meditations and recording them and listening to them and that's when the lights kinda went on again and I decided I wanted to bring personal development into the comfort of your own home through these meditative recordings, which I would eventually sell on my website. And, you know, it I ended up, kind of in a crossroads where when I was doing this and my branch manager where I was a stock broker gave me an ultimatum and this is before I was even making any money at all in my new business. I started an office.

Victoria Gallagher:

I started advertising. I started doing all these things, but I wasn't yet at the point where I was making any money, yet I was making like a 6 figure income, you know, as a stock broker. And he gave me an ultimatum and told me I had to make a decision. And so right on the spot, you know, like, over a 30 day period of time, I had to make a decision that would eventually, like, it would just change the whole trajectory of my life. And, it was the best decision I ever made.

Victoria Gallagher:

I It was a struggle for the first like year and a half, you know, to build myself up, but, you know, it was 25 years ago, 1999 and, as you can see I've gone on to become best selling author and have my own app and coaching courses, built this whole personal development empire, not knowing that that was gonna be the path that I was gonna choose, but it was the best decision I ever made.

Carly Ries:

Victoria, I feel like you're so inspirational for so many people in our audience because we have a lot of closeted aspiring solopreneurs who are still in their jobs and they haven't vocalized. Like, they have that dilemma of, okay. I'm making great money. I'm providing for my family, but man, am I burnt out. Man, I could care less about going into the office. I feel like you're giving them that, I can do this moment. But I do have a question. So you do the coaching, but you're a hypnotherapist. And a lot of people and if you're watching right now think that the hypnotherapist is the 1 that gets up on stage and makes people do crazy things and bock like a chicken in front of a crowd. can you debunk some of these myths and talk about, like, the hypnotherapy that you do and the science behind it just so that people know what we're actually talking about and that it's not a Vegas show?

Victoria Gallagher:

Absolutely. And that is 1 of the things you always get because of this the stage shows, you know, which is very much a real part of the hypnosis, but it's not telling the whole story. You know, it's just really that's for entertainment purposes. And so, you know, in in hypnosis, it's really quite the opposite of what it looks like when you see the stage show. All that's really happening is the conscious mind is speaking to the subconscious mind and the subconscious mind is speaking back to the conscious mind.

Victoria Gallagher:

So it's like the 2 parts of your mind are now in communication. And, so you know, you're able to accept and receive suggestions that are for your benefit. Now, when you're on stage, of course, you know, all of that stuff, you know, it's the same thing. It's just that the people that are on stage, you know, they're there. They know why they're there.

Victoria Gallagher:

They know why they raised their hand and volunteered. And so that's actually the first level, the first stage of getting that person into trance. You know, it's just very psychological, like they've already psychologically, like, prepared themselves for what they're about to do. But when you go into hypnosis, you know, you don't lose control. That's like 1 of the biggest fears is people feel like, oh, the hypnotist is gonna make me do something against my will, but you're actually more in control.

Victoria Gallagher:

When you go into hypnosis, you're actually more aware. 1 of the other myths is like, you know, you're gonna just completely zone out and not be aware of anything. You actually, are listening more intently. 1 of the things when I take somebody out of hypnosis, they say, I'm not sure if I was hypnotized because I heard every word you said. And it's 1 of those funny things because before I put somebody into trance, I always tell them you're going to hear every word I say.

Victoria Gallagher:

And so you do. You're just much more attentive, much more aware, but all that's happening is that your brain waves are slowing down. Going from a normal waking beta stage, going into alpha, then going into theta, and when you're in that theta brainwave state, your subconscious mind is much, much more receptive to receiving, the suggestions. But it is still going through your conscious aware filters and you're able to say, I don't really resonate with that suggestion so I'm gonna toss that 1 out. Oh, this 1, I really like that suggestion. I'm gonna embrace that.

Victoria Gallagher:

And so that's a little bit more, you know, really how it works versus what you think that you're seeing when you're watching a stage show.

Carly Ries:

Okay. No. That makes sense. And I knew there was more, but just for the general population, I didn't know if people did.

Joe Rando:

Can I ask a question? What do you do with your clients to get them into these different states? I mean, we see the person holding you know, the locket or whatever.

Joe Rando:

And I mean, just what is it? Is it just a speaking exercise kind of thing or is there something else?

Victoria Gallagher:

Yeah. So all you really need is, is your ears and, you don't need to actually watch anything. They used to do that I mean, there's so many different stages of when hypnosis became a thing and, you know, this eye fixation is something that can produce the trance state. But we no longer do watches, typically.

Victoria Gallagher:

Usually, you know, it's just a getting mental and physical relaxation. So the first thing is, you know, we just use some words to relax the body. You know, take a deep breath, close your eyes, think about each area of your body relaxing. So we just relax them physically, and then we relax them mentally. Usually, it's like a count backward from 10 to 1 or imagine yourself on the beach or imagine yourself going down the stairs. And so we'll produce more of like a mental relaxation.

Victoria Gallagher:

And once we have both physical and mental relaxation, then you know, there's some tests that we'll do like, you know, imagine that your eyes are, you know, just shut so tightly, so tightly shut that you would not be able to open them and it's like a little eye test and we, you know, ask them to try to open their eyes and find that you cannot. Now, this is really a test of the imagination as well, because like a person physically, it's not like you physically, like, cannot open your eyes, but you're just sort of like, it just lets us know that you're in agreement, you're in rapport, you're responding well, and once we have done that little test, it's all suggestions from from there. And now we know we've got a open mind and the suggestions are gonna go right in to exactly where we want them to go.

Joe Rando:

And you said you put them into these fatal brainwaves. Now how does that compare with sleep? Where is sleep?

Victoria Gallagher:

So sleep is 1 more level down, and that's called delta.

Joe Rando:

Is that slower?

Victoria Gallagher:

It's slower Frequency.

Victoria Gallagher:

And then next level below that is death.

Joe Rando:

So Avoid that. Avoid that.

Victoria Gallagher:

You have 0 brainwaves when you're dead. You're 0 to 4 hertz or when you're in delta, and then you're like 4 to say 8 hertz when you're in theta. And then, I mean, your brain waves can go all the way up to like 30 hertz when you're in like gamma, which we rarely even talk about that. But like, athletes, that are in play on the field, they're like super super high focused and alert. They're in this, super state called gamma.

Joe Rando:

So hertz, just to clarify, is the vibrations per second.

Victoria Gallagher:


Joe Rando:

So 0 to 4 vibrations per second.

Joe Rando:

That's great, thank you. I just want to get oriented around it. I always feel like if somebody put me in a couch, got me comfortable, and made me count backwards. I'd probably end up in sleep state.

Victoria Gallagher:

You very well might. A lot of times that does happen when we put people on to trance, they get so deep. And, so, you know, when you're with somebody, that's 1 of the benefits of actually having somebody live in your office, because you can keep an eye on them. You can notice their breathing. You can notice their responses, their eyes, and you can kinda gently nudge them back up to the theta because that really is the most ideal state.

Victoria Gallagher:

You don't have to be in theta. You can also just as well, be in alpha, which is, the next level up. But theta is the most ideal state. Sleep, you're just not responding and you're not hearing, the suggestions and so it's a little too deep.

Carly Ries:

I wanna tie all this back to our listeners because they're probably like, wow, this is really cool. This is really interesting interesting. How can solopreneurs benefit from this? What could they use this for in their business?

Victoria Gallagher:

There are thousands of reasons why a solopreneur, could use us in their business. For 1, I mean don't solopreneurs like typically deal with, having a hard time believing in their business succeeding, self doubt, they get stressed out.

Joe Rando:

Imposter syndrome.

Victoria Gallagher:

Imposter syndrome, confidence, motivation, the limiting beliefs. So many people, you know, come into their adulthood having dealt with so many negative suggestions many beliefs, for all of those things to rid yourself of any many beliefs, abundance beliefs that you might have, beliefs, that you have about fear of success, productivity, you know, just doing the thing that you know you need to do, creativity, you know, like not knowing what to do, you can tap in to your intuition and allow your intuition to guide you to figure out what it is that you need to do. I mean, it is limitless as to all the different things that you can work on as an entrepreneur through, you know, changing your changing your mindset, you know, about it. You know, what it I mean, you're are you going to be more successful, if you have, you know, negative thoughts or or positive thoughts about what you're doing. You know, just changing your whole, mindset around, you know, just being able to, believe in yourself.

Victoria Gallagher:

And it's and that's like to me, like that's the biggest thing. That's the biggest key to success is you gotta believe in yourself.

Carly Ries:

Mhmm. Well, so let's talk about, like, that and some actionable takeaways that people can do. What are, like, some self hypnosis? I'm assuming you can do that. Self hypnosis techniques, that solopreneurs can use to let's go with, productivity as an example.

Victoria Gallagher:

Well, I think probably 1 and just doing this on your own, it's probably 1 of the best, ways that you can use hypnosis on your own is is through the use of visualizing, visualization, and affirmations. So say that you, are, you know, just having a having a hard time, you know, getting through a, you know, a project that you've been working on and maybe it's something that you need to have your own motivation to bring forth or maybe it's just something that like, you know, you're really trying to manifest from outside of you, something that needs to happen. And so by taking yourself, into a state of hypnosis each day, you know, and I I actually backing up from that, I would recommend that you write out the perfect scenario that you would like to see happen. So let's just say you've just, you you know, you've got a busy, you know, week of, maybe creating a bunch of content, you know, all of us entrepreneurs, you know, we all need to get on social media and make those videos and maybe you're feeling a little shy, feeling not sure of yourself and you need to do that.

Victoria Gallagher:

So you write out, well, what would this perfect week look like? And you write it out. You, you know, write out what you'd be saying to yourself. You write out, what actually would happen. Maybe you'd be getting a bunch of orders.

Victoria Gallagher:

Maybe you would be getting a lot of coaching clients coming in. Whatever business you're in, you know, whatever the success looks like. And you write out that perfect scenario and then you take yourself into 15 minutes or so, daily of self hypnosis and you just visualize that thing happening. And while you're visualizing you know, you just say to yourself, you know, I am, you know, I I deserve the success. I am feeling more and more confident about my ability to achieve these goals.

Victoria Gallagher:

I'm worthy. I'm deserving. I love it when I have a productive day. I'm feeling more and more confident. You know, there's just all kinds of affirmations that you can say to yourself while you're visualizing it.

Victoria Gallagher:

And you know, and this just can help you with so many different aspects of what is it that you need? Do you need to feel motivated? Do you need to feel confident? What is where are you, like, really feeling the need for that hypnosis to come in? And these are the suggestions, this is what you wanna visualize yourself actually doing. I wanna explain why this visualization works. When you visualize yourself, in a realistic way, you know, having the success, having done what you, are setting out to achieve, your subconscious mind does not know the difference between what's real and what's imagined. So like for example, if I tell you to close your eyes and imagine a big fat juicy yellow bright lemon, and you're cutting that lemon in half, and you're cutting it again, and you're taking that lemon and you're bringing up up to your mouth. And what starts to happen is you start salivating and that's because the subconscious mind doesn't know that there's not a lemon there. And it's the same thing when you have done the thing that you need to do in your mind.

Victoria Gallagher:

You do it over and over and over again. Athletes do this, you know. They they see themselves in their sport, being able to, you know, run the fastest mile, to be able to jump those hurdles, to be able to do that gymnastic flip, whatever it is. Same thing for entrepreneurs, you know, you see yourself like, okay I made that video. Okay, I wrote that chapter in that book.

Victoria Gallagher:

Okay, I already did that. And your subconscious mind thinks you already did it and so it's gonna give you the the way and the action steps and it's gonna encourage you and it's just just gonna be much more easy and effortless for you to take the steps that you need to take.

Carly Ries:

So all of this is kinda reminding me. I remember on a college road trip, a friend of mine and I were going down from Sacramento to Los Angeles, and we listened to The Secret. And in my head, I could hear thoughts become things and that British accent and everything. You talk a lot about the law of attraction. And can you kind of let people know what that is?

Carly Ries:

Walk us through it because I feel like you're alluding to this without actually talking about it.

Victoria Gallagher:

Yeah. so I call myself the law of attraction hypnotist because it's just so integrated in me to mix hypnosis with law of attraction. And the way that I like to define law of attraction is that you draw to you the opportunities, situations, circumstances, people, results that you are in alignment with. And when I say alignment, your thoughts, are predominantly going toward that area. Your feelings, your vibration is predominantly in alignment with as if you already had that thing.

Victoria Gallagher:

What you're visualizing, what you're imagining is that exact scenario. And of course, the actions you're gonna act and as you act, you're gonna create those results. And there's not really any woo woo or, you know, mystical powers at play here. It's really quite common sense, I think, you know. But it's the kind of common sense, you know, people are just, they need to believe in themselves in order for all of that, you know, to, you know, I mean, you know, like a lot of times, you know, people say, well, what if I keep doing this and keep taking these actions, and then I'm just not gonna get the the success.

Victoria Gallagher:

You will. You just have to be you, just have to be committed and consistent and disciplined and persistent, in order to create that, you know, happening. But it's like your thoughts that are telling you to stop or to go. And so that's why thoughts ultimately do become things be that you keep telling yourself, oh, it's never gonna happen. Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, you know, all of that.

Victoria Gallagher:

That's what you're going to create. And it's the same time, you know, if I tell myself I can do this, I deserve this, I'm willing to put in the work, I'm willing to can to stick with it until, you will create that.

Joe Rando:

Which reminds me of a very, very unethical research project that was done where they took a bunch of kids in the same grade and they split them into the higher performing kids in 1 class and the lower in the other, but told the lower performing kids they were the smart kids and the higher performing kids that they weren't performing, and the results were the expectations, not the actual skills. So the historically poor performing students performed better than the high performing students because of the expectations. And if we don't have those expectations of ourselves, then, I mean, of course, we're gonna sabotage ourselves.

Victoria Gallagher:

Absolutely. It was interesting too because just recently in the last couple of weeks, I saw an old movie just brought back to life because my husband had never actually seen the whole thing. It was trading places. And it's like the same kind of concept, you know, they just put somebody into an environment, and they traded environments. You know, because your environment also can really have a have an impact, if you let it.

Victoria Gallagher:

You really have to have a pretty strong mindset to go against what's happening all around you.

Carly Ries:

Well, so I assume what you practice, what you preach with all of this. I'm so curious, like, what are some of your daily habits that you practice to stay on top of your game?

Victoria Gallagher:

Oh, yeah. So I have a pretty long luxurious daily habit. Luckily, I, you know, work from home. I have a pretty nice home with my meditation room and my studio. so, my habit starts at 5 o'clock. I love to get up before everybody else with, you know, the birds still singing and, now it's actually light out at 5, but a lot of times it's dark.

Victoria Gallagher:

And, literally, the first thing I do, I go downstairs and I make a pot of coffee.

Victoria Gallagher:

Love my coffee throughout the day. But then, while that's brewing, I go upstairs and I always start off with a silent meditation. So I would just wanna get control over my mind by just quieting down all the thoughts. Then I do some hypnosis, sometimes it's only 5 minutes, sometimes it's, you know, half an hour. I'll do back to back sessions, on you know, 5 minutes of success, visualize your goals, manifest abundance, whatever it is.

Victoria Gallagher:

And so I'll take about half an hour or so to do some hypnosis. From there, I do some reading and then from there I do some journaling. And, in the journal, that can be anything from, you know, writing out what I'm grateful for. I just really find that, you know, talking about gratitude is 1 surefire way, to really put you elevate you your, your vibration and just to bring about that feeling of positivity. When you focus on what you have, you just tend to attract more of what you want.

Victoria Gallagher:

And, so anyway, I'll practice some gratitude. Sometimes I'll do some repetitive affirmations like the 55 by fives. I don't know if you ever heard of that, but it's basically you take 5 days and you write out the same affirmation 55 times. And it's just 1 of those ways to just beat it into your head. Like, because hypnosis is 30 minutes.

Victoria Gallagher:

So I'll do hypnosis for 30 minutes, but then I just I wanna bring that out into my beta waking state as well and just beat it into my head that way. And then after my 2 hours in my meditation room, I'll go out. We have beautiful hiking. I'm in Phoenix. So we have beautiful hiking all around and, so I'll go for 45 minute to hour and a half hike.

Victoria Gallagher:

I'll listen to some audio books. I usually listen to some of the oldies, but goodies like the Think and Grow Rich, and the Science of Getting Rich or even the Power of Now is just another 1, that I just love. Any Joe Dispenza, I just love listening to any of that, while I'm moving. And and then sometimes I even, you know, go out and I talk to the cactus. I know that's some kind of sounds weird, but, I will say my affirmations out loud while I'm walking, while I'm in a state of moving.

Joe Rando:

So I do that with my dog. That's my dog.

Carly Ries:

You say this is nice and luxurious. To have that time is great, but like, everything you're talking about, you're still done by what? 9 AM for the rest of the day?

Victoria Gallagher:

I'm done by 9. Yeah.

Victoria Gallagher:

you know, it's like a 4 hour little mini retreat every morning, but it's like this is what it takes, for me, to produce at the level that I produce. And I, you know, I try to be very, very productive, you know, throughout the day. I think from the 9 o'clock to 7, you know, I will put myself into Pomodoros. And so I will write out, you know, 2 hour worth of Pom Pomodoros, you know, take a break for half an hour, another 2 hours worth of Pomodoros, you know. I don't for for your audience that doesn't know what they are, it is just like a method for keeping you super super focused and super super productive.

Victoria Gallagher:

And, so it's you work on 1 thing without any other distractions for 25 minutes, which doesn't seem like a lot of time, but you can accomplish so much in 25 minutes when you are a 100% dedicated and focused on that. Because oftentimes and I know for myself, if I'm not in a Pomodoro, it's like I go around the world with all kinds of things, you know. I'll go check Facebook, I'll check my email, I'll check Slack, I'll check, you know, my orders, I'll check this, you know, how many people have downloaded my app, blah blah blah blah, you know. And and then by the time I'm done checking everything, I'm back to the beginning again. It's like, oh well maybe something's changed, you know.

Victoria Gallagher:

And meanwhile, you think you're working on this, but you're not really working on it. So 25 minutes at a time, 25 minutes and then 5 minutes of a break. And it's just 1 of these things where your mind can only really stay focused on a certain task for that 25 minute period of time without really needing a break. It's an intense focus and, so it's 25 on 5 minutes off, you do that 4 times in a row, that takes you 2 hours. Then you take a longer break for anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes and I work like that throughout the day.

Victoria Gallagher:

On a really, really productive day, I'll do 4 of those and put in an honest 8 hours and that In honest 8 hours is like typically I get more work done than you can get done in a week.

Carly Ries:

Yeah. It's so funny. The technique I've been using that along the lines is and I put this on LinkedIn a couple weeks ago and it got so much traction, but I will unplug my laptop and I have to get everything done before the battery dies.

Victoria Gallagher:

Oh, yeah. I love that technique.

Carly Ries:

I don't start at a 100, but if it's, like, 50%, I'll be like, okay. Now it's time to focus and I have to get it done before my computer dies. And it is crazy how hyper focused I get and I mean, obviously, I can go plug it in at any time. But mentally, I just tell myself I can't, and then it's a race against the clock.

Joe Rando:

I've gotta ask Chat GPT to name this method. You know? You have the Pomodoro method with the timer. we gotta put a good name on this one.

Carly Ries:

The Carly Ries Method.

Joe Rando:

Okay. We don't need chat GPT

Carly Ries:


Victoria Gallagher:

The dying laptop method.

Carly Ries:

Victoria, I have to ask you, for your morning practice, Do you go for your hike at 7 AM because that fits into your routine or out of necessity because you live in Phoenix?

Victoria Gallagher:

Well, yeah. It's kind of both. You know, I'm kinda 1 of those weird people that like actually really enjoys the heat. So, you know, if it's even a 100 degrees out, that doesn't stop me.

Victoria Gallagher:

You know, usually, I have to kinda pull the plug at 105. I'll still go out for a walk even if it's a 120 degrees, but I'm not gonna go into the desert at a 120. You know, 105 is about the limit for going into the desert.

Joe Rando:

Wise choice, I think.

Victoria Gallagher:

Yeah. I mean, it's kinda controversial because, you know, they do have to save a lot of people and it takes a lot of time and energy for them to go out there and pluck these people up that have passed out from dehydration or heat exhaustion. And I did get a little warning, I will say, a couple of weeks ago. I got a little heat exhaustion. It was just bizarre because I felt like, I mean, I'm kinda going a little bit off topic here, but you have to use a little bit of self awareness sometimes.

Carly Ries:

Yeah. Well, to get us back on topic, I just wanna know for people just starting out What parting words of advice would you have for everything that you do?

Victoria Gallagher:

Oh, let's see. You know, the parting advice I would give, is to stay committed, and to know that it's not perfection, but it's progress. You know, not every day is gonna be, the best day ever and, you're allowed to have some bad days. You just need to pick yourself back up, and realize, you're gonna get knocked down sometimes, but you just gotta get right back up, because it's just part of the journey.

Victoria Gallagher:

It's part of the growth. It's part of what's making you you and it's part of what's making you stronger. If you had the idea, you had the idea, then you came equipped with the instruction manual deep inside of you to bring that idea to fruition and I strongly believe that. So don't ever reject yourself, you know, because you think like, oh, this is a crazy idea. No.

Victoria Gallagher:

That idea is meant for you. That's why you had it. I would encourage anyone who has an idea, you know, this is the best best possible, journey that you could ever be on is the journey of being an entrepreneur, solopreneur. It really is and it's the best personal development journey. It's gonna take you in places, to places that you never knew you can do.

Victoria Gallagher:

And so I encourage you to stay persistent, stay determined, stay committed, and believe in yourself.

Joe Rando:

Victoria, are you a solopreneur?

Victoria Gallagher:

I am. I mean I guess By definition, I am. I do have virtual assistants and people.

Victoria Gallagher:

Yeah. So I would definitely, say I am.

Joe Rando:

We discourage solopreneurs that stay completely solo. It's a good path to be made crazy.

Carly Ries:

Well, Victoria You are

Carly Ries:

no doubt gonna help people find success with everything you've discussed. So we ask all of our guests this question. What is your favorite quote about success?

Victoria Gallagher:

1 of my favorite quotes and I wrote it down here because it's a little bit of a longer 1, but it is my favorite quote by, Goethe and it's until 1 is committed, there is hesitancy. The chance to draw back always ineffectiveness concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is 1 elementary truth, the ignorance of which countless ideas and splendid plans that the moment 1 definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help 1 that would have never otherwise occurred. And if you can dream you can, then you can do it.

Carly Ries:

I know why you wrote it down. You didn't memorize that?

Victoria Gallagher:

That's been my favorite quote forever and I've never been able to memorize, no matter what I do. It's a longer 1.

Carly Ries:

I totally understand. Yeah. It's your favorite quote and thank you for sharing that. We'll put that in the show notes. And, Victoria, this has just been so interesting.

Carly Ries:

I love that we've dabbled in this. Like I said, we haven't before. So if people wanna learn more about you, where can they find you?

Victoria Gallagher:

they can follow me on social media, at LOA Hypnotist, Victoria M Gallagher or Believe Hypnosis. You can also check out My Believe app. Just go to the app stores, that would be the best way really. Go to the app stores, download my Believe Hypnosis app, because from there you'll get indoctrinated into my whole world and, introduce you to all the things, my books, my courses, and coaching and you name it.

Carly Ries:

Very cool. Well, thank you so much for coming on the show. We really appreciate it.

Victoria Gallagher:

Thank you. Thank you so much for having me. This has been a pleasure. You ask great questions and, I'm honored to be a guest on your show. So thank you so much.

Joe Rando:

Thank you, Victoria.

Carly Ries:

And listeners, thank you so much for tuning in today. And viewers, I always forget the video. We love putting on this content for you. This is 1 of the highlights of our week, and we would love to keep doing that. And so we would so appreciate a review, 5 stars, subscribe to our podcast, subscribe to YouTube, all of the above, we would so appreciate it.

Carly Ries:

And otherwise, we will see you next week on The Aspiring Solopreneur. You may be going solo in business, but that doesn't mean you're alone. In fact, millions of people are in your shoes, running a 1 person business and figuring it out as they go. So why not connect with them and learn from each other's successes and failures? At Lifestarr, we're creating a 1 person business community where you can go to meet and get advice from other solopreneurs.

Carly Ries:

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