Flip the Script with Vic

Today we're diving deep into the various types of wounds that many of us carry—wounds I've encountered in my clients and experienced firsthand during my own spiritual awakening and healing journey.

In this episode, we'll explore the mother wound, sister wound, and witch wound, and how these deeply ingrained patterns impact our lives and relationships.

This discussion is especially pertinent as we gear up for my new group program, Akashic Awakening, starting September 23. Click here to book a discovery call.

Join The Portal Collective, Victoria's new on-demand kundalini and breathwork membership to help you access your highest self with a daily meditation practice for $22/mo.

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email: victoriamargauxnielsen@gmail.com

What is Flip the Script with Vic?

Welcome to Flip the Script with Vic, your weekly pep talk to expand and shift your perspective. I’m your host, Victoria Nielsen. Together, we’ll unwind all the things you thought you knew, and awaken to what’s truly possible when you flip the script on your reality and take control of your own life.

Speaker A [00:00:00]:
Hello, loves. Welcome to another episode of flip the script with Vic. I'm your host, Victoria Nielsen. Today's conversation is going to be a super juicy one because we are talking about the different types of wounds that I often see in my clients, and I have also experienced myself as part of this spiritual awakening, spiritual healing journey. And we're talking about these today in honor of my new group program, Akashic Awakening. We start September 23 for six weeks at 08:00 p.m. meeting every single week to open our akashic records together and heal so many of these wounds as we move through the chakras for a while. You have probably heard me talk about the mother wound and mother wound healing, because I like to say that if you have a mother, you have a mother wound.

Speaker A [00:00:49]:
All of us were eggs inside of our own mother's wombs as they grew inside of our grandmother's wombs. And I'll pause there. So you can really think of that visual, right, of three generations together in the same energy and really experiencing the same things energetically, right? So you have already experienced two full generations before you are actually born or have been born, right? Because we're inside your mother, who was inside your grandmother. And so all of that wounding and grief and shame, trauma, all of it gets stored in the womb space. And the womb is not a place for this energy. Our womb is actually a place for our creativity. It is a place for us to birth. Yes, babies.

Speaker A [00:01:39]:
But businesses birth, abundance, birth, prosperity, birth, absolutely anything that we desire comes out of this place. And so it's really important to reclaim that energy and also move some of the denser, wounded energy out. And I have seen this work ripple out to my mom and my grandmother and hopefully future generations when I have a daughter. And so you've probably heard about the mother wound more as well, because it gets talked about a lot, right? It's. It's more than just your relationship with your mom. It's actually all female relationship dynamics and how they play out in your life and how you see them, but also how you interact with them. And so mother wound can sometimes be lumped in with sister wound or with something called a witch wound. And we're going to be covering all of these as part of akashic awakening.

Speaker A [00:02:32]:
But I think it's important to note how many wounds, right, women have around one another, around our feminine essence, around our own energy. And it really feels like, and I know I experienced this as a woman, that in a male dominated society, we're not set up for success. Everything is set for a man's clock for a 24 hours cycle, right? And a woman's clock runs on a 28 day cycle with our feminine flow through all of the seasons as part of our menstrual cycle. And so we are so powerful when we can tap into that energy. And the patriarchy realized that, right? And so they turned women against one another. They weaponized our emotions. They weaponized what it means to be a woman and made it seem like it was not a good thing. Right? It was something to be hidden.

Speaker A [00:03:27]:
It was something to be kept quiet. It was something to stay in the closet. It was something that maybe was seen and not heard. And so, as we're reclaiming this as women, we're having to work through this wounding that has been ingrained in us over generations. And maybe we're the first in our lineage to have a name for it, but that energy has still been there. And I come to find that many of my clients and many of my friends, even we have made soul contracts together before coming to Earth to rewrite some of this wounding, because so many of us were witches in another lifetime, we were healers in another lifetime, we were medicine women in other lifetimes, and we were silenced, or we were, you know, couldn't provide for our families, perhaps. I know I had that. I had a past life wherever I.

Speaker A [00:04:17]:
I could not provide for my family as a healer. And so I made a contract that I was never again gonna be a healer and provide for my family in that way. And so I have been working through that in this lifetime to release that contract of suffering. And so many of us come into this world with contracts like that, and we can release them of our own free will. And I'm gonna teach you how in the Akashic records. But first and foremost, is important to notice where these relationships and dynamics are coming up for you, because they are great indicators of where you are blocked in your business, perhaps, or in your life or in your friendships, in your relationships. And, you know, I really, truly believe that we are meant to work through these things in our lifetime, right? And that's why we signed up for them. But it doesn't always make it easy.

Speaker A [00:05:14]:
So if you have had a fear, maybe, of being seen, of really, like, taking the grand stage of your life, of really owning that you're the main character that can be a witch wound, showing up because you're afraid to be persecuted for your beliefs, you're afraid to be persecuted for standing out because so many of our sisters were all of those years ago during the witch trials, if you perhaps don't have a trusting relationship with other women, right. Maybe you're afraid to let other women in because they have been caddied to you or you've been let down or you've been talked about behind your back, or any of the million things that happen as a teenage girl in today's society. You most likely have a sister wound because you feel like that woman next to you is your competition. You feel like that girl across from the table is your enemy. Because we were taught growing up that there was only one spot and that you were gonna have to fight to get it, okay? That as a woman, especially, like, you were gonna be in the minority, and if you wanted that thing, you were gonna have to claw tooth and nail for it. And we were never taught that. Actually, our power is in our uniqueness. Our power is in our own sensuality and our own energy.

Speaker A [00:06:22]:
And so coming back to that mother wound, right, that can show up in you not having any creativity or any drive to want to go after these dreams that you know that you have. Or perhaps you don't feel sexual. You don't feel sensual as a woman. You feel completely disconnected from your body and who you are as a woman in your womanly essence because you have been so much in your masculine. This can show up in feeling super burned out. Like I said, feeling disconnected. If you are a mom, especially, you probably feel so far from that sexy, hot mama that you are, you still are. Even if you are listening to this with throw up on your shirt in your sweatpants, like, you are still sexy and amazing and realizing that our whole life is us overcoming these wounds to be able to step into our fullest expression and our fullest potential, I feel, like, speeds up the timeline a little bit because you're bringing awareness to these areas, perhaps, that are causing friction in your life.

Speaker A [00:07:28]:
And anywhere that's causing friction in your life is really just an invitation to look and see what needs to change, because change is inevitable, and especially during this season of life. As we are changing into the fall season, we are about to start up eclipse season. I am filming this on the new moon in Virgo. I mean, there's always a million things happening in the cosmos, but right now, until past the election, is going to kind of be the gauntlet. So you're going to see these things come up because the pattern is ready to be released. So shadow work, a lot of people can be afraid of, right? Because then you're having to look in the mirror at your true self. You're having to look at these wounds. These wounds come from others, but they're not of others, if that makes sense.

Speaker A [00:08:15]:
They are inside you and your psyche and your behaviors and your thought patterns. And so your outside is going to reflect that. So you may see over the next couple of weeks that you're getting more and more triggered by your sister wound or your witch wound, or you're looking at other women and you want what they have, and you're jealous. Jealousy is actually a really beautiful indicator that that woman has something that you want and that she has a desire that she is fulfilling and fully expressing in her life, that you are stunting in yours and that you are not fully expressing. And so what a beautiful gift to be able to see that during this time. And so I really. I really believe the way that we move through some of this healing is being witnessed by other women in containers like Akashic awakening. And I'm going to keep talking about Akashic awakening until the end of September.

Speaker A [00:09:09]:
So you might as well join because it's going to be amazing, but also because being witnessed by other women in your vulnerability, in your authenticity, heal something inside of you and lets you know that actually that other woman is not your competition, that other woman is actually your sister and will stand by your side, perhaps, for anything and everything that you're moving through. And they say when two or more gather, that's when you're able to amplify the frequency of love. And so that's what we're doing in this container as well, is we are excavating a lot of the shadow work, right? But we're doing it with so much love and so much play and so much compassion. Doing it with other like minded women who are going to be your new soul sisters. We're going to go on this journey together, and you're never going to forget your time with these women and what you moved through together. Because when women come together, we can move mountains, we can do so many things. And, you know, I like to share that this container heals this wide variety of things because you never know what's going to come up in the Akashic records. And I've had clients that have had father wounds and mother wounds, sister wounds, brother wounds, like, literally any kind of wounding that you can have.

Speaker A [00:10:23]:
But it's just a label to show you the places that you're not free, right. And show you where that energy is showing up in your life. And it's always correlated to a specific chakra, right? Because each of the chakras have a different energy. And so it's very interesting to me that this entire conversation, my throat chakra is fluctuating in and out because that is the chakra I most associate with the witch wound. And that is something that I definitely have and have been healing is this fear of being seen, being able to fully express myself and really allow myself to be out there as me. No disclaimers, no fine print required. And if you're finding that that connection, the trust, perhaps, of other women, is hard. That's a heart chakra thing, right? And then the different contracts, perhaps of suffering or of different karmic natures, really lie in our solar plexus.

Speaker A [00:11:22]:
And then that mother wound is going to be in your womb space. And the reclamation of the womb is one of the most important things that you can do, because so many women that I know and that I have coached have, you know, hard periods, have PM's systems have endometriosis. And it's because of all of the unprocessed emotions in the womb that are not just yours, that they're the emotions that your mother experienced, that your grandmother experienced. They get passed down until someone says enough, until someone is the one to move that energy. And you can also, in these sacred circles and in these sacred spaces that we're going to be holding together, like you can give the energy back to your healed ancestors. We're going to meet our healed ancestors, or some of them, as part of week one, and they are going to be your guides to help you throughout this entire process. So that's the best part of this, also, is you are not alone. You're with the circle of women that is healing, but you're also guided and supported by your spirit team in the Akashic realm, who are gonna be with you every step of the way and guiding you and letting you know exactly what you need to do to move forward.

Speaker A [00:12:28]:
And, you know, these. These wounds are such hot topics, right? But everyone has them, and we can move through them together. And Akashic awakening was created because of the five biggest blocks that I have moved through in my life around these wounds. And it would be my honor to guide you through this experience. We start September 23 at 08:00 p.m. if you're interested in learning more, book a discovery call with me. They're free. We chat for 30 minutes.

Speaker A [00:12:57]:
And it's not even about me selling the program to you. I just want to know what's on your heart, what you're curious about. And let's just have a conversation and see where things go from there. Thank you guys for being here with me. I love you all so much. I love when these podcasts resonate with you guys. So continue to reach out to me on Instagram at victoriamargonealson. Let me know what other topics you guys want to cover.

Speaker A [00:13:21]:
Is shadow work something that you want to go deeper into? Do you perhaps want to learn about something else? I don't know. Let me know. Drop me a line, shoot me a note, send me a carrier pigeon, whatever it is you would like, and I'll see you guys next week. Thanks so much for being here with me. I love you all so much. Be good to one another.