A replay of Peaches Pit Party which you can hear on KBEAR 101 weekday afternoons 2pm - 7pm MST
And here we are pre Friday, a k a Thursday. I had to rush back from my lunch break. I took a later lunch break today because I think I think I finally have a washer that's not going to flood my bathroom. That has been that has been an experience to say the least. But you know what?
I've had plenty of experiences with that apartment. It's taught me a lot. It's taught me to that, sometimes your stove will not turn off. Sometimes your front door will just randomly open because of the wind and all of that. Man, that was a fun experience to go through.
I think the worst one was when the upstairs water heater broke, and then it started to, drip into my place landing on top of that giant record player that I have. Luckily, all of that stuff got fixed, and, even the washer today, got fixed. I'm I'm hoping. I'm hoping. It was either the drain pipe, is it's going to drain properly now or or it's going to drain properly for a little while, and then turns out the pipe is just corroded because of years of use and all of that.
And if that's the case, then they'll have to come back in with an apprentice and tear the wall open and all that fun stuff. But I'm hoping, knocking on wood, that it is 100% fixed. My bathroom is finally back to normal. Man, alright. I would say if you can get ahold of me or you could get ahold of me, but the phones are still not working.
Most likely, they will not be working until probably Monday. We'll be doing Traffic School powered by the advocates Friday morning live on Facebook and maybe even YouTube. Victor will keep you updated early tomorrow morning. But Traffic School, powered by the advocates, happens every Friday at 8:45 AM. What we got coming up here?
Oh, by the way, I can, safely say that if you want to request us on, you can go to the, the KBAR group there. There's a post that Victor made, considering her phone lines are down. If you want to comment your song request, I might actually make my own post and say, hey. If you wanna request a song for the afternoon show, just put it here. And, yeah, I'll try my best to play your requests this afternoon through the power of Facebook.
Last night, unfortunately, one of my friends was very close to having to evacuate his apartment building. Luckily enough, he stayed, and everything was just fine. There was another Southern California fire that popped up on the hills by Runyon Canyon, which is very close to his place, and he was, filming some videos outside, sending them to the group chat. It was pretty crazy to see the streets of LA all in a panic, seeing everybody run to their cars. There was gridlock traffic.
People weren't going anywhere, so he he decided to stay. Sure enough, everything was fine, but the one main fire, still a massive blaze. Hopefully, they can try to at least get it 50% contained before, too long. You know? But I did see here from eastidahoneews.com their article about after receiving support during Idaho's wildfire seasons, the Idaho firefighters are heading over to California to help battle the blaze.
More than a 100000 people have been evacuated from their homes. You know, the news, they're just focusing on celebrities' homes getting destroyed. But what about, like, regular everyday people that don't have the money to go get themselves a new pad somewhere else? You know? I can't believe.
Five fires are burning, covering more than 45 square miles in Los Angeles as of Wednesday evening. Was it that was yesterday evening. Now for some reason, I just had a brain fart. There are a 104 firefighters, 25 fire engines from Idaho were preparing to deploy this morning to support California's response efforts, and the task forces are set to arrive in Southern California on Friday. That's what the press release stated.
If you wanna learn more this, you can go to eastidahonews.com, the full article there with the whole explanation. You know we love analyzing a good list around here. Loudwire decided, hey. You know what? We're gonna count down the top 66 rock songs of the early 2000.
I I'm thinking they're they're meaning 2,000 to 2009. Yeah. That's the case there. Are these numbered in any way, shape, or form? Because it doesn't look like it as I'm scrolling down this page here.
They're just like, here. Here's a bunch of great songs all from the early 2000, which helps me quite a lot because I, help decide what gets played on alt 101, Idaho's alternative, which that whole playlist is late nineties, early 2000. So thank you, Loudwire, for doing the work for me. Even though we've already we're already playing a bunch of these songs, like Alien Ant Farm, Smooth Criminal, Creed, My Sacrifice, Drowning Pool, Bodies, they get played right here on KBR 2. They decided to put in Aerosmith's Jaded that came out in 2001.
I'll have to take a listen to that one and see if that should get added to. ALT 101, Nickelback, How You Remind Me, POD, Youth of the Nation. I'm just scrolling down here. Strokes. These aren't even numbered.
They're just like, hey. Here's some great songs, and that's about it. Nirvana, you know you're right. Queens of the Stone Age, no one knows. So many good ones in there.
If you wanna check it out, it's at loudwire.com. Peach's Pit Party on K Bear 101. All night last night, my friends, Matt and Jose, were texting back and forth in the group chat talking about, you know, getting stuff prepared because of the wildfires that could potentially get close. Luckily, it's not coming close to downtown Los Angeles. My friend, Matt, who lives sort of by, the Magic Castle near, Hollywood Boulevard, He, on he was about to get evacuated himself.
He's he decided to stay, like I mentioned earlier on in the show, but, it got pretty scary there for a second. He got to see the flames that close to his place, these 30 foot tall flames. I did see a post online about the, Hollywood sign with a whole bunch of flames around it, and the official Hollywood sign social media account on Facebook had to say, hey. Like, this photo going around, like, it's not it's not real. There's no flames that are coming close to the Hollywood sign that, people are sharing.
Looks like, something out of This is the End, that classic movie, which, by the way, if you watch that now, you're like, that looks awfully similar to how LA is looking right now with the flames everywhere. It's very unfortunate. Very, very, very unfortunate. And I'm seeing these sickos on Facebook laugh reacting to these different posts, and I don't care if you don't care about celebrities or not. But you see these stories about celebrities losing their homes.
You see these stories about regular people losing their homes, and there's there's people in the comment section saying that, you know, it's energy weapons, blah blah blah blah blah, all these conspiracy theories, and it's not that. It's like these people are losing their houses because of a wildfire. And if you go on Facebook, there's people laughing at those people. Like, I wholeheartedly hate a few people in my life that I never wanna see again ever. Never don't even wanna think about them.
But would I ever wish for their house to be burnt down? Absolutely not. Would I ever wish any harm on them at all? No. Definitely not.
I would never even go on Facebook and laugh react to things like that. Just so weird how people can just do that to somebody. Right? It's like, I understand if you accidentally click it. I've accidentally clicked the laugh react to certain posts, and I quickly changed to the one that I wanted.
Oh, man. I I really hope it doesn't notify that person that I've done that too. There was one time somebody passed away that I knew, and I think I was supposed to hit the love react, but I stupidly scrolled a little too far on the on the little, what is it, the array the row of emojis there and accidentally hit the laugh react. You know, I'm hoping some I'm hoping Facebook didn't say, oh, he initially hit this. And that person just goes, man, Peaches is a jerk.
And this right here is your Shot Clock sports update. Looking ahead a bit, the NFL is closely monitoring the wildfires in Southern California and how that disaster might affect the Rams, Vikings playoff game in Los Angeles on Monday night. The NHL has already already been affected as they postponed the Calgary Flames Los Angeles Kings game that was scheduled last night at the, crypto.com arena. Pittsburgh Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin is hoping to snap the team's 8 year streak without a playoff win by making his players a bit cold. Get this.
Tomlin moved to Wednesday's practice from their team's indoor facility to Acresher Stadium. When the players hit the stadium, feel the field outside, the feels like temperature was 9 degrees. The Steelers will take on the Ravens in Baltimore on Saturday night, and the temperature for kickoff is currently expected to feel like 22 degrees. And then I did see this, news headlines here news headline here that, tonight's contest between the lakers and the Charlotte Hornets has been postponed. Firefighters are still continuing to battle the flames all across Los Angeles.
The league just made the decision to move the game, not that long ago. Right in the statement, no makeup date has been scheduled just yet. They're just gonna wait for the fires to hopefully get contained. That does it for your Shot Clock Sports Update right here on Kay Barrel 101. Of course, when the phones are not working magically, I'm getting all these great questions for to peach Theron that I, I can't put I can't ask you.
Well, yesterday, I, saw the question, what was the best concert you've been to, and who did you see? That is today's online exclusive to peach their own question. You can answer that in the k Bear 1 01 Idaho Rock and Metal Facebook group. I did see here now a suggestion. What's the most useless thing you still have memorized?
Some people said your childhood friend's phone number, your high school teacher no. Your high school teacher, your high school locker combination, the periodic table, the first twelve lines of the, Canterbury Tales in middle English, all 50 states in alphabetical order, the lyrics to ice ice baby, George Carlin, 7 7 words you can't say on TV. If it's in a song, you'll remember it forever. I still remember the preposition song that I had to memorize in 6th grade, and I I read that thing so many times in a row about, above, across, after, against, a lawn, amid. You know, that whole song?
Oh, I did see here today is also National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. I gotta put that on the, notes for lieutenant Crane tomorrow for a traffic school powered by the Abacus. I just all of a sudden, like, accidentally went up on the tab, and it goes, today's question, that question that we just talked about, what's the most useless thing you still have memorized? Then right above it, National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, a good day to thank a cop. Do that as well today.
Victor, we got more upset people on the Internet. But had it. I've had it with the Internet and the endless complaining. It's old. Just stop, everybody.
Stop, please. But now we're getting some beef as well. Be well, see, beef. The, Los Angeles fire department I think the Los Angeles fire department and the Fawns. And the Fawns Henry Winkler.
Winkler. He he claims that these fires are obvious arson. And the fire department is saying, well, no, because we have not confirmed or denied that that it is arson. So they're, you know, just like, let us investigate a little bit further. Don't just throw around.
See, that's the problem. People jump to conclusions. I like Henry Winkler, but One of the nicest dudes you can ever meet. Yeah. But if you don't have facts, if you can't prove it, if you're not out there with a video camera filming a guy start a fire in the middle of the woods.
Maybe he didn't. Woah. Hey. Woah. That's where's the x files music when we need it here?
He did tweet last night at around 10:30. There is an arsonist here in LA. May you be beaten you. Wait. What may you be beaten you unrecognizable the pain you have caused.
Was Henry doing a bit of took him back? No. That that was easy. He's usually pretty, coherent and, very well versed in his postings. If you write that verbatim, sounds a little bit off.
Hey, everybody. It's the Fonz. I was a little bit off last night. That that would be one of the last celebrities I would I would, ever think would have a drunken meltdown in public. Oh, I yeah.
Yeah. If you are a celebrity, don't even get drunk in public. Oh, no. Somebody gonna film you. You're gonna look like an idiot.
Yeah. Man, who else would there be that's, like, purely innocent that you would never want? Who's that guy from 30 Rock? A Jack Blair or something his name? The the he's super nice according to a lot of people.
Maybe him. All I know is I mean, have you ever seen a video of anyone who's drunk and the video made them look good? I don't think so. Not at all. Nobody wants to see that.
It's kinda like if you're sober and you're around drunk people. I'm not a fan of that myself. You know, like, I I don't know how guys like you do it, Beatrice. I don't know how you do it. Like, to me, you gotta join them.
That's why I don't go to the bar. You know? Like, I can't go to the bar because I'm gonna be too tempted to tip them back, and I might make myself look like an idiot. Well, I I feel like I'd be more of an idiot knowing the whole heart thing that happened, knowing my family's history of being addicted to things way too easily. If I just started drinking now and went nuts at the bar, you you you know people are already going to, like, stare at me because I'm the tall dude walking into a place.
Right? Oh, yeah. You know what I mean? Me drunk everywhere? Stop staring.
Yeah. That's weird. Yelling at them. If you're a big guy, you know, if you're you're, like, tall and you stand out, yeah, everyone's gonna notice your drunken behavior way more than anybody else. And you know who's gonna be the first to get well, who yeah.
Like, you just said that, but, also, like, I would get yelled at. You know, you're a representation of the company. You don't wanna see me out there Oh, yeah. Causing a ruckus. Totally, man.
We need to have Kay Bear be in the good light. That's right. We need to be a positive force and look good the community. So That's why the guy that came over today to fix my washer, he was like, so what do you do for work? I'm like, oh, do you know K Bear?
And he's like, oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And I'm like, I'm peaches. And he, like, you know, got all shook and nuts.
Like, I'm being a celebrity. That is what he said. So I'm like, hey, man. Come out to the car. I got stickers for you.
I gave him 2 k Bear stickers. Good job. Yeah. I keep stickers in my truck just in case. You know, bump into somebody who wants a sticker.
Because it's super nice dude. We're talking back and forth, and he was also wondering why my washer was on 2 planks of wood. See? And, yeah, you you're nice to people. When you got them coming over to your house, you know, you're gonna have them do a better job.
I may look angry in public when I'm walking around Walmart. That's because I'm listening to, like, boundaries or something like that through my headphones or pale faced Swiss or what's that extreme left wing band called Get the Shot? That's the name of the band. I just wanna say, get left wing. They have they have a pretty cool song that I wish we could add to our playlist, but, the the lyrical content Yeah.
It's not not so good. Tough with those metal bands. It is. It is. These these naughty, naughty words.
That's why I'm worried about our jinx show livestream that we'll have to do about, you know, us showing people how we add songs to jinx show. Yeah. I'm worried we're gonna play a song where they just say the most foul things. That's a good point, Peaches. That's a good point.
We might be like, oh, ruin that video or whatever. I mean and I get it back in the day, man. I mean, it was fun when I was young to write just vile lyrics. But now, like, the 2 most popular songs from both of my bands, I don't allow them to be played on 4 locals only even though they're edited. They still it's like, it's just a little risque.
So That that's back when you were young. That's back when you were a wild, Victor. Exactly. But you see right now, I'm trying to learn the metal vocals. I haven't really been, you know, taking any classes or anything, but I've just been in my free time pretending to scream like that and see if I can actually do it without any lessons or hurting myself.
Well and it seems like, you know, naughty lyrics, you know, outside of, like, really extreme metal, what's in right now is dudes being like, oh, you broke my heart. They're, like, doing the they're doing the country thing, but yeah. But he also had the the girls, like, on z 103, Sabrina Carpenter doing some naughty stuff on stage, and she's just going buck wild. Yeah. Good for her.
You know, there's there's a lot of, risque stuff in, mainstream top 40 music. That's there's so much stuff. There's more stuff we can't play on z 103 than we can't play on Kay Bear. Well, that's also, like, the type of station that it is. It's not it's also the area that we're into.
Exactly. Exactly. So, anyhow, I I don't remember what we started this on. With the beef between the LA fire department and the Fawns, Henry Winkler. And I'm not gonna, you know, talk bad about the Fawns ever because I I really wanna meet that guy big time.
He always comes to Idaho. That's true. But, you know, it's just another lesson to be learned. You know, don't fly off the handle because, you know, I I'd hate to see the Fawns. It comes back and he's like, look at Henry Winkler spreading crazy conspiracy theories.
What if he turns into the next Alex Jones? Oh. Ham out of all people. Just goes Oh my goodness. Crazy.
He shaves his head, grows the beard out, starts saying things about the water and the frogs. Please don't, Fawns. If you haven't seen our post or Victor's post, I should say, in the Kaybarra 101 Idaho Rocky Metal Facebook group, he has been asking for your unpopular metal opinions, and he said his Slayer has better songs than Metallica. I do think Metallica overall as a band, I I like them more than Slayer. But Slayer does have some killer tracks.
I can tell you that much. But for the most part, people are putting some, some pretty good takes in here. Travis ACDC sucks. Super overrated. All the songs sound the same.
They do all sound the same, but do they suck? Absolutely not. Amy saying baby metal rocks. Ian put Metallica should have hired Les Claypool. And I'm thinking, you know, Metallica has been known to bully their bassists.
I don't think they I don't think Les Claypool would have taken that from James and Lars for the most part. Right? That would have been weird to hear Les Claypool in Metallica. If you wanna answer your whole unpopular metal opinion on Victor's post, you can right now at K Bear 101 Idaho and medal on the Facebook group. And, of course, once again, we unfortunately cannot take calls.
The phones are completely down still. So this will be, again, an online exclusive to peach their own. And today's question, I saw yesterday on AskReddit what was the best concert you've been to, and who did you see? Now most people are not gonna like my answer just because a lot of people ended up leaving this show for obvious reasons. I'm talking about the Rockzilla show and Pocatello.
I do think scene falling in reverse in the rain like that at night and just I don't know. Just that whole vibe was fantastic scene falling in reverse in the rain outside with how killer they sounded up close and personal like that. They sounded even better at the Mountain America Center, with all their fire and stuff. That was that was incredibly cool. But the overall best concert I've ever been to would have to be the Pocatello or maybe ACDC 2008 of the forum.
I was looking at some of the comments here. System of a down in deaf tones at Golden Gate Park Park in San Francisco last August from Liza. I got to take my 13 year old daughter. We had a blast. That's really cool.
Joe, my favorite big show was stick figure at Red Rocks in 2024. Not necessarily my favorite genre, but, good good for you, man. Good for you. My favorite small show is Head PE and Pocatello on their broke album tour from the year 2000. That was really cool because the album hadn't even hadn't even been released yet.
A lot of different answers for this question that you can, you can put on the K Barrett 101 Idaho Rock and Metal Facebook group for this online exclusive to peach their own. What was the best concert you've been to, and who did you see? I need to go back and go find a game I haven't played and actually play it. I'm I'm I seem that like, I'm I'm bored with video games. I I I bought NBA 2 k 25 not that long ago.
Been playing that, but it's the same thing every year. I bought it at a discounted price. I would never spend $70 on a video game, especially now now that I have to pay bills. Maybe back when I was living at my parents' place. Right?
Maybe would have dropped that, but I still would have contemplated it back then. Now it's a definite no. But for some reason, like, all these new video games just sound like just they sound very unappealing to me. My friends are all into Marvel rivals. I play it occasionally, but I'm not all that into it.
I think it's okay for that style of game. I don't know how people can play countless hours of that. But, other than that, there's really no other video game that's just, you know, drawing my eye. And so I'm thinking, you know what? Maybe I'll take this time, this downtime in video games to go back and revisit classics that I I have never played.
Maybe oblivion. Maybe I'll go replay a game that I miss playing, like Red Dead Redemption 2, download that gigantic game back onto my system. Maybe I'll, finally finish Fallout 3. If you have any video game suggestions, send them my way. You can send them on Facebook, or you can send them on my email, peaches@kbert.fm, or just brendan@riverbendmediagroup.com.
Nirvana on k Bear 101. Now Victor posted this, whole thing earlier this morning about your, hot takes when it comes to metal music. Nirvana's not metal. Somebody did write saying, Nirvana sucks. I think just overall that, which Nirvana has been shoved down everybody's throats for such a long time now, and I mean such a long time.
I'm so sick and tired of hearing them, to be quite honest with you. I've heard them on the game rock band back in the day. They've been playing on almost every single rock station across the country. I shouldn't even say almost. I think every rock station has played Nirvana at some point.
I forgot where they ranked on that whole actual sheet that Victor and I saw of the legitimate numbers of the most played songs, from the or most played bands in radio history. Number 1 was Linkin Park, and then number 2 was Metallica, which is wild. I think 3 was like Godsmack or something like that. No. 3 might have been Nirvana.
But, yeah, I don't believe Nirvana sucks, but I just believe they've just been shoved down our throats for quite some time now. And like I said on this morning's, show with Victor, I've I don't I don't wanna hear In Bloom from Nirvana ever again. I like Smells Like Teen Spirit. I like Breed, like a couple other Nirvana songs. But for some reason, In Bloom, just every time I tune into another rock station, because I like to dive deep into other rock stations and listen with to what they have to play and what they have to say and all that, almost every single time, they play Nirvana's in Bloom.
Now this is pretty wild. The pizza chain by the name of Woody's Pizza was expected to open up a third store. I forgot exactly where. Oh, in the town of oh, how do you say this? Back up?
B a c u p, 25 miles from Manchester. They were supposed to open up that third location, but the town's council the local council said the town's children are too fat. Therefore, they cannot open up a third location. Now Woody's Pizza is trying to fight back by saying, well, we use minimal salt and sugar and all that horrible stuff for your body in our our food, which I doubt. I mean, come on.
It's a pizzeria for crying out loud. Not necessarily the best food for you. They do they also claim that the new takeaway would not do justice to a heritage building and add anything to the the, diversity on offer in Becca. So the city council's fighting back and forth with this, this restaurant here. It's pretty crazy.
Are are can you imagine being one of the kids in that town that's a little overweight hearing the local city council saying, yeah. We can't have a 3rd pizza restaurant because, well, you're too fat. Pretty pretty dumb. I think I've talked about this subject before, about being able to smell what's in the video game you're playing. Sony unveiled new technology that will allow PlayStation players to smell the scents of the game that they are playing, which I I don't know how they'll do that.
I think there's, like, only 5 scents, and they'll mix up a couple of them if necessary. But could you imagine playing a game where you have to go down into the sewer and they make your whole room smell like, well, one of those, like, fart sprays goes off. Maybe even, like, they you you eat you play a food related game, and it smells like pizza all around your living room, confusing your pet maybe. I wonder exactly how they are going to do this, and are they gonna implement this even more so in the future? Like, pretty soon, it'll be so immersive.
Because I feel like maybe 10, 15 years down the line, they'll combine not only VR but also Sense as well and all that stuff. Like, pretty soon, we'll be in video games ourselves, which is pretty crazy to think. I mean, games are already doing extremely well for themselves, and, there's all this talk about the death of consoles. I could talk about this nonstop. I wish my friend Randy was still able to do the video games podcast that we used to do back in the day called I Called Next.
He, unfortunately, just quit on me, back in, like, 2020. He said he was too busy to do the podcast and to continue it and all that. Man, I wish we were still doing it. But if we were to do that now, I'd be the one with, like, 5 podcasts that I need to balance. Not only this show on demand, but also, I mean, the noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Jalisco's, the artist interrogations podcast.
No. Yeah. And then my 4th podcast will be out soon, called Talking Between the Psalms, and I'll elaborate more on that once we, finally get those episodes up. It's just, right now, tough to find guests for that podcast. You'll see you'll see what it's all about in the near future.
A Missouri woman has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for setting fire to a house using takis as an accelerant. Yeah. She was arrested in 2023 after she started the fire at a home with where 3 people, including 1 in a wheelchair, were inside. All were able to safely leave the house, luckily. According to the fire marshal, Williams, who's the the Faye Williams oh, pat Patricia Faye Williams is her name.
She was seen pouring gasoline from a soda bottle onto clothes. She then set fire to a bag of Takis chips, tossed them onto the clothes. Police arrived. They found her complaining of smoke inhalation, took her to the hospital where she was arrested. This week, she agreed to plead guilty to avoid trial.
She was sentenced to 12 years in prison. During the investigation, Williams told police she knew the taquis chips would ignite because of their high grease content. Isn't that great? Using junk snacks to start a fire? I I really wanna know talking about fires, I I really wanna know what caused the Southern California fires because they seem to be popping up everywhere.
There's just 5 of them, and I'm hoping there's no more. I'm hoping that they're able to contain all of them, get it done and over with. But I'm really curious as to how they're going to say it all started. I'm really hoping Taki's chips weren't involved. I was reading this thing here about how video calls are bad for self image.
The Zoom cosmetic surgery boom that started during the pandemic showing no signs of stopping. Nearly 90% of workers say they use video conferencing platforms more than 3 days a week. So this new study found that when we're all in platforms more than 3 days a week. So this new study found that when we're all in the Zoom or Teams calls, we spend the majority of the time looking at ourselves rather than the person speaking, and many people aren't happy with what they're seeing. I, myself, I see myself all the time when I'm doing Zoom interviews or, on camera content in here.
Just recently for the podcast that I'm starting, I recorded myself talking to Pete, who is the voice of Cannonball 101, and I had a nice little camera set up in here. It's a Victor's webcam, and he has this ring light that we can use. And I turned it on, and I sat here. And during the entire interview, I was watching myself looking like Casper the friendly ghost with how pale I looked with this white light just shining bright on me. I was even at my place earlier, like, I was talking about earlier on in the show that I finally got my washer fixed, and the worker from, one of the plumbing places around here saw himself in the mirror and went, wow.
I'm getting old. Like, it it doesn't happen to just you. It happens to literally everybody. The worst part is when the camera flips and you see yourself reversed, it ruins me every every time. Thanks for listening to Peach's Pip Party, the podcast.
If you enjoyed the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Peach's Pip Party is hosted by me, Peaches, AKA Brendan Peach and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com. Until next time. Peach out.