Flip the Script with Vic

This week, I delve into the profound and transformative realm of the Akashic Records. Whether you're familiar with this concept or it's entirely new to you, this episode promises a wealth of insights and energetic healing. I open the records of the podcast and share a special message for listeners.

🔑 **Key Takeaways:**
- **Energetic Frequency for Healing:** The Akashic Records are an energetic frequency that contain all possibilities, past, present, and future. Tapping into them can provide the information and energy you need in the moment, facilitating deep personal healing.
- **Personal Empowerment:** By accessing your Akashic Records, you gain valuable guidance and support, affirming that you are not alone on your journey. This tool empowers you to make decisions that align with your highest self.
- **The Power of Small Shifts:** Making small, conscious choices in your everyday life helps shift your energetic frequency. These micro-decisions ripple out into the collective, contributing to your personal growth and the well-being of the wider community.

I also guide listeners through a powerful Pyramid of Light meditation, designed to protect and uplift your energy. 🧘‍♀️✨

Tune in for what I hope will be a transformative experience. And, if you're interested in a personal Akashic reading or learning how to access your own records, click here to book now.

Share your fave takeaways from the episode on Instagram with me (@victoriamargauxnielsen) and tag someone who needs to hear!

Join The Portal Collective, Victoria's new on-demand kundalini and breathwork membership to help you access your highest self with a daily meditation practice for $22/mo.

Applications are now open for the 2nd Annual Return to You Retreat from May 2-7, 2025 in El Sargento, Mexico. Apply now!

IG: @flipthescriptwithvic
IG: @victoriamargauxnielsen
TikTok: @victoriamargauxnielsen
email: victoriamargauxnielsen@gmail.com

Cover art: @house.of.morgan

What is Flip the Script with Vic?

Welcome to Flip the Script with Vic, your weekly pep talk to expand and shift your perspective. I’m your host, Victoria Nielsen. Together, we’ll unwind all the things you thought you knew, and awaken to what’s truly possible when you flip the script on your reality and take control of your own life.

Speaker A [00:00:00]:
Hello, my loves. Welcome to another episode of Flip the script with Vic. I'm your host, Victoria Nielsen. I thought it would be really fun to open the records of the podcast. And if you have no idea what I mean by that, that is totally okay. I am here to explain a little bit more about the Akashic records before we dive in. I also have an episode completely on the records. What they are, what they aren't, my history with them.

Speaker A [00:00:30]:
So if you want to dive deeper, I recommend pausing and listening to that episode first, because I'm only going to give kind of a brief download of what the records are before we dive into the records of the podcast. So, the Akashic records are an energetic frequency that contains anything that has happened, can happen, will happen, and literally everything has a record. So people have a specific record. But you can also open the records of a house of objects and of a podcast. So in opening the records of the podcast, I am tapping into an amalgamation of records of the listeners of the podcast. So anything that's coming through tonight is meant for you. The reason I love working with the records, or one of the reasons I love working with the records, is that what comes through is the information and the energy that you need to know in the moment. So what comes through today is potent for many reasons, one of which, because this is an energetic activation and transmission.

Speaker A [00:01:45]:
So no matter if the words actually resonate with you, the energy that's going to be transmuted in listening to this podcast is also a healing in and of itself. It's also an attunement of sorts, getting your energy into right relationship with the cosmos, with yourself, with everything around you. It's kind of a tuning fork of sorts to bring your energy back into its highest vibration and highest alignment. So just listening, you are getting an energetic adjustment, almost as if you've gone to a chiropractor and you're getting your physical body adjusted. You're getting your energetic body adjusted by listening. Because I have the records open, I open them before I hit record. And it's really cool because these kinds of messages that come through are so deep and meaningful for more than just one person, because it's connected to so many people. So I will say, if something doesn't resonate, then just leave it and take what does.

Speaker A [00:02:53]:
But know that even if your logical mind doesn't grasp onto something, being in the energy is enough. And being called to listen to this podcast and be in the energy is enough. And so the records are mutable in the sense that they change based on your energetic decisions, your energetic work, any of the things changing in the cosmos, but also your free will. So you always have the power of choice to take the advice of the records or to not. And that's also why every single reading is completely different and nothing ever comes through exactly the same. So this is really special to get to do. I have not done this yet for the podcast listeners. For this beautiful community that has been almost a year cultivating, it's wild to think the podcast will be one in June.

Speaker A [00:03:51]:
I can't even believe it. The year has flown by. But I want to share this because I have been really enjoying teaching other women how to open their own Akashic records. And the cool thing is that my relationship has really changed with the records over the years. So it used to just be like I would download information and kind of word vomit it. But it is also, like I said, an activation and a transmission. So sometimes readings, you know, I guide people through meditations. We move energy, we pull things out of your energetic field.

Speaker A [00:04:24]:
We cut cords, like all kinds of stuff. So if you're interested in having an Akashic records reading specifically for you, or wanting to learn how to open your specific record, I would love for you to reach out, go to victoriamargo.com and make an appointment, or send me a DM on Instagram, because it is one of my favorite modalities of healing and empowerment. Because Akasha in Akashic records means the totality of all. So it is everything and nothing at the same time. And it is such a beautiful frequency to tap into to help you see that you are not alone, that you are always guided, that you are always supported. And I think that's the first message that really wants to come through for anyone listening. That if you're struggling right now, if you don't understand the path that's unfolding before you, or maybe some of the things that are happening around you in your life, have no fear. They will make sense in time.

Speaker A [00:05:22]:
And there is so much crumbling right now because the foundations have not been strong enough. And so now is a time for you to shore up your energetic foundations, for you to really make sure that you are solid in your practices and in your work. Because then things won't crumble as easily. And they are only crumbling because they are no longer an energetic match for you and your life. And actually, it's something to be celebrated. The things that are crumbling are because this new version of you that is emerging, this new version of you that you have been working towards this new version of you that you are holding the highest vision of. Of yourself. For those things don't come with you.

Speaker A [00:06:11]:
Those things don't make it into this next level, this next version of you. And that can really hurt your earthly heart, right? And sometimes, a lot of times doesn't make a lot of sense, but there is always a reason. And from the little things that are crumbling to the big things are crumbling. Look at it as a gift, because it is truly a gift that these things are not coming with you and that you have expanded so much that you no longer need them. Because it feels like there's a couple of things, a lot of things, perhaps in your life, that have been used as a crutch and have been used to keep you small and to play into this idea of keeping you safe. But you don't need to be safe from yourself. You don't need to be safe from your own power, from your own strength, from your own vulnerability. That's what this lesson is really showing you, is that your vulnerability is your strength and that the shell that you maybe have placed around yourself isn't needed anymore because you are no longer that person that you once were and you don't need that type of protection.

Speaker A [00:07:13]:
You do still need energetic protection. Yes. Everyone should always have energetic protection before they go out into the world. And actually, I feel really called to walk you all through a pyramid of light meditation that feels like it wants to come through. I did it this last week at a retreat, and it was really special, and it feels potent to share with you all. But first and foremost, that shell that's shattering isn't you. And there is nothing that is being left behind that doesn't deserve to be. Sometimes we can get really attached, right to the stories that we tell ourselves or to the way that we have presented ourselves to the world.

Speaker A [00:07:55]:
And it can be scary and really vulnerable to uncover pieces of ourselves and then share them with the world. But that's what you're being asked to do right now, is to strip off some of your armor, is to take down some of those walls and to let people in, because people can heal as much as they hurt. And if there are people in your life right now that you are afraid to be 100% yourself with, that's a sign that perhaps are not your people. And to put out a beacon of calling to your people, that put that prayer out into the world, that you want to find your tribe, that you want to find your community, that you want to find your sisters and the universe will bring you energetic matches to that. And they may come from unexpected places. They will come from unexpected places. But do not be afraid, because you're not alone. And you are always supported in everything that you do, not just by the universe, but by all the guides and ancestors that are walking beside you.

Speaker A [00:08:58]:
And all you ever have to do is ask for their support and for their help and just ask for what you need. I think that is a big lesson or a piece of guidance that's coming through to, like, ask for what you need and not be ashamed by it. That if you don't know what you need right now, that's okay. But practice asking in the little moments. Practice standing in your power in the little moments, because they eventually will lead to the big moments, and they perhaps will already be a big moment, if that even makes any sense. That, like, these little moments when we are exercising our sovereignty, when we are expressing ourselves, when we are standing up for ourselves, when we are sharing our desires, those turn into the big moments because they are the moments when things can shift so rapidly. And it may not seem like it on the surface, but things are changing rapidly for the collective right now. And, yes, all of the meditations and the rituals and all of the things will help you expand and, you know, excel or accelerate your ascension.

Speaker A [00:10:07]:
Accelerate your ascension. Geez, words are hard, but it can also be really simple. It can be really simple that in a moment, you choose differently, that you choose to do something that maybe you've never done before, but maybe it's just speaking up for yourself. Maybe in, you know, the moment, instead of saying yes to something that you don't really want in your heart, you finally say, no. Those moments become the big moments because that is when your frequency changes. That's when the energy shifts. That's when you're bringing about change in your life. It's not always these huge, big aha.

Speaker A [00:10:42]:
Moments. It's the little moments. It's the little moments throughout the day when you choose differently, when you start to form a new path that maybe wasn't there before by your choices. And so I hope that you are courageous enough to speak up for yourself in these things, even when they feel like they're small. For example, what's coming to mind is, like, my. My mother in law is supposed to come visit this week, and when I really tapped into my energy, I was like, no, I don't want that. Not that I don't want to see her, but I really want time with my family and to be with just us, because I was at a retreat all last week, and previously, I probably would have said yes to her coming, and then I would have resented it and wanted to be alone with my family and all of that. And so just by saying, no, I don't want her to come.

Speaker A [00:11:31]:
I appreciate that she's willing, but, you know, that's not my deepest desire right now. I've already shifted that energetic frequency with her and with others. Like, it has a ripple effect that standing up for myself and saying what I actually want without fear of retribution allows all women everywhere to say what they want without retribution. Right? Like, it's not something that happens right away, but the things that you do for yourself, the. The microcosm is the same as the macrocosm. So in your little world, when you make small changes like that, when you make small shifts like that, that allow you to stand in your power, that ripples out into the collective, and that maybe feel really woo woo, or like, you know, you're like, no way. Me choosing to say no to my mother in law doesn't affect the collective. It does because you're speaking your desires out into the world.

Speaker A [00:12:26]:
You are asking for what you want and what you don't want. And that's powerful. That has an energetic frequency, that has a resonance that is then put out into the world, put out into the collective that everyone feels, whether or not they know it. And so every time you do any bit of healing, it's not just for you. It's also for the collective. And so any of this work that you are wanting to put forth into the world right now, do it with love, do it with tenderness, do it with compassion, because things are hard in the world right now, and it feels like they're going to continue to be hard and get even harder. But the darkness needs to be brought to the surface so that the light can shine through. And we live in a world of duality.

Speaker A [00:13:16]:
So the darkness is never going to go away. And can we actually make friends with our darkness, our particular brand of darkness? Can we see that it's a gift to have that darkness, and that that's the only reason that we can actually appreciate the light, is because we experience that darkness? And can we also see that on the emotional spectrum, that every opposing emotion needs the opposite to be able to feel its strength? So, for example, you know. You know how sad grief is because you've experienced ecstasy, and you know how amazing ecstasy and bliss are because you've experienced the sadness of grief. And so can we allow them to coexist without demonizing them and realizing that we need those high highs and we need those low lows to be able to come back into balance and to also experience the full spectrum of emotions and of feelings that are out there. That's what we signed up for in this earthly existence, to experience those things. So let's not demonize them. Let's not make them bad. Let's just label them for what they are.

Speaker A [00:14:25]:
And, yeah, maybe be grateful that that we get to do that. So we're gonna go into the meditation now. So if you are driving, please save this for later. But if you are ready, I would love for you to get into a comfortable seated position and just take a big, deep inhale in through the nose, filling the belly, the ribcage, and the chest. Open mouth, exhale. One more big, deep inhale into the belly. Open mouth, exhale. As you begin to envision a glowing orb of golden light above your head, it feels as bright as the sun and as radiant as all the stars in the universe.

Speaker A [00:15:25]:
And as its golden hue shines down upon you, you begin to see four corners emerge. Coming down from that golden ball of light to encapsulate you in a perfect square. Feeling that energy from the east and the north and the south and the west, making that square large enough to fit all of your energy and feeling as each corner of the pyramid ignites. Feeling yourself in this golden pyramid of love and compassion, setting the boundaries and the intention of this pyramid space to only allow unconditional love and unconditional light. As you feel, all of the energy of your chakras begin to come online. Feeling a beautiful golden orbit in your root chakra. A second winking into existence in your sacral with the next inhale, feeling that golden orb move to the solar plexus and then up into the heart space, filling the throat and moving up to the third eye, bursting out of the crown all the way to the top of the pyramid. Noticing now that that golden orb has a beautiful eye in it.

Speaker A [00:17:29]:
Maybe it has long lashes, maybe it's a specific color. But calling on that eye, that all seeing eye, to watch over you and to protect you. Asking this golden pyramid to stay all around you until you either ask it to leave or until you no longer need it. Feeling that energy solidify around you, feeling that love pour into you and feeling the deep safety of your pyramid of sovereignty. Knowing that you can call upon it at any moment, at any time, that you can fortify its walls with just a thought. Seeing now ultraviolet light zinging down each side of the pyramid, filling the floor of the pyramid, cleansing and clearing any unwanted energy and sending it back to the people or places or things that it came from with so much love, taking one more big inhale here and exhale, repeating after me. And so it is, and so it is, and so it is. Gently fluttering those eyes open and coming back to the space whenever you feel ready.

Speaker A [00:19:41]:
Mmm, that felt really good. I was burping throughout, so moving energy, and it feels really potent to have come directly from the records. I'm grateful to each and every one of you for receiving this transmission with so much love, knowing that I am sending all of my love out to each and every one of you. If you would like an Akashic reading, or you would like to learn to read your own Akashic records, please don't hesitate to reach out. It would be my honor to guide and support you. I'm going to close the records now so that this portal is closed with the closing of the podcast. So just taking a second to close your eyes, perhaps you can keep them open if you'd like, but I'm going to envision all of my energy coming back to me. Hmm.

Speaker A [00:20:57]:
The records are now closed. Amen. The records are now closed. Amen. The records are now closed. Amen. Thank you, lords of the Akashic records, for your guidance, your wisdom, and your love. I hope it is alchemized in each of these listeners with ease and grace.

Speaker A [00:21:15]:
Thank you, thank you, thank you. And thank you for listening, for being here with me. I'll see you next week. Be good to one another. I love.