New Life True Life with Dr. Aaron Glover

Comparison is the thief of joy, here is what you should do instead…
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Comparison is the thief of joy, here is what you should do instead…
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*This Transcript was generated by a digital service and may contain grammatical errors or significant differences from the original video*

They say Comparison is the thief of joy. And one of the surefire ways for you to have a bad day is to walk around comparing yourself to everyone and everything. Or even worse, complaining after comparing yourself. I don't know about you, but anytime I look at someone or something and compare myself to them or see something that they have, that I don't have, that I wish I had, or that I won, or that I think it's unfair, it never helps me to have a better day, it never puts me in a better mood. In fact, it makes things worse. But here's the answer to that, instead of comparing and complaining, being thankful and grateful for all of the many, many, many blessings that you have always makes you feel a lot better. This is something I was talking to Carter about on the way here, you're talking about comparing ourselves, if we look at others, and all the things that they have, that we want. If we think about those things all the time, or we think it's unfair, or it's not right, it's gonna bring us down. But on the flip side, when we sit around and think about all the wonderful things that we have, all the blessings that we have in our life that God has given to us, that puts us in a much better mood. That helps us out to have a much better day. So instead of comparing and complaining, Let's be thankful and grateful. And see if that doesn't help you have a much, much better day.

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Comparison is the thief of joy, here is what you should do instead…
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*This Transcript was generated by a digital service and may contain grammatical errors or significant differences from the original video*

They say Comparison is the thief of joy. And one of the surefire ways for you to have a bad day is to walk around comparing yourself to everyone and everything. Or even worse, complaining after comparing yourself. I don't know about you, but anytime I look at someone or something and compare myself to them or see something that they have, that I don't have, that I wish I had, or that I won, or that I think it's unfair, it never helps me to have a better day, it never puts me in a better mood. In fact, it makes things worse. But here's the answer to that, instead of comparing and complaining, being thankful and grateful for all of the many, many, many blessings that you have always makes you feel a lot better. This is something I was talking to Carter about on the way here, you're talking about comparing ourselves, if we look at others, and all the things that they have, that we want. If we think about those things all the time, or we think it's unfair, or it's not right, it's gonna bring us down. But on the flip side, when we sit around and think about all the wonderful things that we have, all the blessings that we have in our life that God has given to us, that puts us in a much better mood. That helps us out to have a much better day. So instead of comparing and complaining, Let's be thankful and grateful. And see if that doesn't help you have a much, much better day.