Join Amanda Danells-Bewley and Ian Smith as they take an irreverent look at the plethora of odd, interesting, and occasionally ridiculous celebration days from around the globe.
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away
Amanda:Oh, dear. I've got a bad feeling about this.
Ian:We published the most recent episode of Day's podcast for the International Day of Yoga in 2021.
Amanda:That was almost 3 years ago.
Ian:But you remember the embarrassing Yoda impersonation?
Amanda:Help me, mute button. You're my only hope.
Ian:Well, come finally has to celebrate Yoda time for us.
Amanda:It's a trap.
Ian:May the 4th be with you. Oh. Yes. It's Star Wars day.
Amanda:You have waited so long for this, haven't you?
Ian:So, so long.
Amanda:So, so long. So long. So you're very excited
Ian:Yes. Yes.
Amanda:That we're gonna talk about Star Wars.
Ian:All of my inner nerdiness is has been out on stalks excitedly awaiting the the advent of such a day as this.
Amanda:I have to say though, listeners, I'm the only one that has, caught my hair in proper Star Wars buns. And on our call, I've got a lovely Star Wars background. Where's your effort, Ian?
Ian:Well, I'm wearing headphones that look like Princess Leia's buns. How about that? Is that good enough?
Amanda:Buns in our house mean a completely different thing. So moving swiftly on. So we've got a very special guest later, haven't we?
Ian:Oh, yes. We have. Yes. Although despite our legendary green room, which is probably full of cobwebs actually at the moment because we haven't used it for 3 years.
Amanda:Have you not tested it?
Amanda:Those snacks will be moldy.
Ian:They will be moldy. But, since we have a virtual guest, they're probably, hovering in some kind of celestial dream green room.
Amanda:Oh, in the ether. Oh.
Ian:But we'll we'll get to get to our guest after we've talked some more about the fact it's Star Wars Day and the fact we're back after 3 years because we got some plans now, haven't we?
Amanda:We have got some plans. We've got some really exciting, days to talk about back on our days podcast. And, of course, if you are you can't wait for those for us to forecast those, obviously, you can go and listen to the previous episodes again and have a good with us.
Ian:Yes. I actually did that. I listened to our Going for a Walk episode. Do you remember that?
Amanda:I don't know how you had the patience to edit that because we actually recorded the whole of the 3 hour walk.
Ian:We did. Yes. And, almost all of it was you complaining about having to walk so far. So it was it was pretty easy.
Amanda:I do not think that's true.
Ian:Or maybe a slight exaggeration.
Amanda:I think so. I think so. We did actually meet some really nice people. They were on bikes, weren't they? And then we in we did a little interview with them.
Ian:don't know whether
Amanda:that made it.
Ian:We were celebrating national walking month, and they were on bikes. So, you know, clearly
Amanda:They were yeah. It's a crossover. It's a crossover. We don't have to be exclusively a walker or a cyclist. So yes.
Amanda:So what are you excited about, about Star Wars? Because I do have to admit my Star Wars nerdiness is, like, about 0.5% next to your a 110% nerdiness on Star Wars.
Ian:I mean, it it's perfect for me, really. I mean, the whole thing is a pun, isn't it? Because Star Wars day is May 4th, and so May 4th be with you. It's it's based on a pun. I mean, how much more suited to me can that be?
Amanda:That's true. I mean, the whole thing about being a fan of a a specific film or a a set of films is that you can be really nerdy about some of the the, the details, and obviously, there are so many items to sort of choose from that that actually not only has it given us all those, like, really great catch phrases. You might have spotted some in our intro.
Ian:No. Surely not.
Amanda:Faithful is obviously the best one. It's had such an impact on filmmaking and technology. If you go back and watch those, original ones that were late seventies, early eighties, weren't they?
Ian:They were. 1977.
Amanda:Now now when we watch that, we go, it's so basic. But, actually, it was a forerunner of so many sort of, like, of the digital, effects, digital filmmaking as well. So you could be really geeky about that.
Ian:Well, that is that is true. Although, did you know that the original versions of Star Wars that we saw in the cinema, I'm assuming you did. I I did.
Amanda:I did. Times.
Ian:As a as a a teenager. Was I a teenager?
Amanda:I think we were 12 when the first one came out.
Ian:Yeah. I was 9.
Amanda:Okay. Maybe show me my age then.
Ian:I'm I'm so young. But if you actually look at the modern versions of those films, George Lucas has been over them and, controversially added in lots of CGI special effects subsequently so that, when you go to Mos Eisley or something, in the original, there wasn't that meant much there in terms of, strange looking aliens, but he's put all these aliens in the background, walking around and and doing all these things. So he's, he has taken what some people regard as some liberties in regard in in regard of that. And now people, find copies of the original with no editing in and and treat them reverentially?
Amanda:I am pulling a base of what is done because I think that is the beauty of revisiting something that had such an impact. Mhmm. It sounds like you went to see them multiple times, but I I was just I was trying to think whether I did go and see the first one this month, but I must have done because I think I probably went with my brother. And I remember my brother having, like, loads of Lego, which I tried to find, actually, but it's in storage, and I've got, like, one little bit. But,
Ian:yeah Darth Vader's head or something?
Amanda:No. It wasn't. It was, it was a little Luke Skywalker, actually, but he had he had some of sort of, like, oh god, some some of the spaceships and stuff, but not in the on the scale that you get now. It's just, like, obviously, it's late seventies. So I think there's that.
Amanda:And, you know, it it then bought about a lot of, like, film merchandising as as well. Is it? Because, like, we think now when a big film comes out, you get all the merch to go with it. But, actually, when the first three films were well, it wasn't really, I think, but but then they started doing bits and pieces. Like I say, like, the Lego and
Ian:Action figures.
Amanda:Did you have action figures?
Ian:I did not have action figures, but I probably coveted them. I probably wish I had them.
Amanda:We've got one. Yeah. Yeah. Well, they're they're collectibles. But, yeah, I don't know about, like, you know, who has who stores the stuff in the lock who never plays with it?
Amanda:The whole point is playing with it if you're gonna get it. That's, you know, that's what we did.
Ian:I I secretly covered some of these giant Lego models now. You can get, like, huge Millennium Falcon Lego models and death the death star and all this kind of kind of thing. And I must say, I look at those and think, oh, it'd be really great to r two d two. You can get a giant r two d two LEGO model and do it. And it costs about £1,000,000,000 because LEGO, but
Amanda:Yeah. Nonetheless. You got a teeny tiny little one that was, I think, in my brother's original set. Yeah. So, yeah, they were my favorite characters, if I'm honest.
Ian:So R2 d2.
Amanda:Yeah. I have to say, I watched the first 3, went to the cinema, and then, I tried to watch this, like, when the next set came out. I've watched the first one. I thought, this is rubbish. I'm not gonna I'm not wasting my time with all of that.
Amanda:It's like, you're really stretching it now. So, yeah, I'm very, very old school. I like the original ones, but that's about it.
Ian:Well, there is, somebody's created a special ordering that you can watch the movies in if you want to watch them all in in the right order and it's, for some reason it's it's on a website called machete something. It's called machete order. But one of the things that this, person noticed when he's developing this this special order for watching the films in their modern kind of context is, that in episode 1, not not the the 1977 one, the the prequel episode 1.
Amanda:But that's just ridiculous because, like, this is the other thing that gets me. It's now they've given the one that we got like, we saw in 1977. Now it's got a different title. I'm like, but that's the best one. Anyway, I digress.
Amanda:Carry on.
Ian:Yeah. Episode 1, which is the first of the prequels, he this this guy realized nothing happens in it that is required to understand the other films. So you can actually have a a whole order of watching it where you don't really miss anything except for Jar Jar Binks. Do you remember Jar Jar Binks?
Amanda:Oh my god. I love Jar Jar Binks mainly because my little dash hound, who we sadly, lost, 3 years ago, when he was looking out the window, it was like, he always looked like Jar Jar Binks with his ears. It was just really cute. I love Jar Jar Binks. I know that lots of people hated Jar Jar Binks, and there was a lot of stuff at the time about how rubbish Jar Jar Binks was, but, I Well,
Ian:I I felt bad for the actor that played young Anakin Skywalker because I think he just left acting in disgust after all the stuff that was leveled at him after he played that that part Oh, really? Which was a real shame because he was just a a he was very young at the time. And, actually, you know, it wasn't him. You know, he he didn't write the prequels and make them how they were.
Amanda:No. No. Bless.
Ian:I think, fans who really love things can be quite cruel about changes to them or new developments that they're not keen on. And Star Wars is at loads and loads of that over the years. Although now in the hands of Disney, there's lots of Star Wars coming out, and fair bit of it is really quite good, I think.
Amanda:I will let you ramble in that, geekydom.
Ian:You won't comment.
Amanda:I will not comment, but I think, one of the things that goes without saying really is it's, like, influence on popular media and culture as well. It's I mean, the fact that we're now on May 4th, we all say, may the force be with you. And and, actually, it it just the the other thing that sort of struck me when I was getting ready for us to record was the longevity of the stories as well. You know? The the fact that they've sort of liked there were these 3 original ones late seventies, early eighties.
Amanda:And then now, young people and kids know all about Star Wars now as well. And and actually, I think that's amazing that something has carried on for that long.
Ian:It's a more sex more successful reboot really than than than a lot of the attempts that people have made to bring back older stuff, and, people continue to love Star Wars. So how's your Star Wars knowledge?
Amanda:I think I've already demonstrated that it's pretty limited, So I am definitely not part of a global fandom. Let's put it that way. And he really had to sort of coach me in, like, other other spin offs, etcetera. We're gonna bring on our guest. Is that what you're saying?
Ian:It is what I'm saying. Brilliant. So I have been using chat gpt quite a lot in various things in my my life. And one of the things that you can do with the paid version of chat gpt is you can create specialized versions that do particular things. So I have created a quiz master and I've called it quiz master 3,000 because everybody knows that a name followed by a long number sells records or something.
Ian:So I'm gonna give this a try. So I'm going to try and patch the quiz master 3,000 into our conversation now. So wish me luck.
Amanda:Good luck.
Ian:Hi there. Would you like to introduce yourself?
Quizmaster 3000:Hello. I'm Quizmaster 3000, host for today's thrilling trivia challenge. Are you ready to test your knowledge and have some fun? Let's start by getting the names of contestants. Who will be playing today?
Ian:Well, it's Ian and Amanda.
Quizmaster 3000:Fantastic. Welcome to the team, Ian and Amanda. Let's get things rolling. Ian, Amanda, what topics are you each interested in, and how many questions would you like to tackle today? Feel free to pick any topic you like.
Ian:Well, we are recording a podcast episode celebrating Star Wars Day, so we would like a Star Wars quiz of 10 questions.
Quizmaster 3000:Perfect choice for Star Wars Day. May the 4th be with you. Alright. Ian and Amanda, prepare for a 10 question hyper jump in the Star Wars universe. We'll alternate questions. between the 2 of you starting with Ian.
Quizmaster 3000:Here comes the number one question for Ian: in Star Wars: A New Hope, what is the name of the planet that Luke Skywalker grew up on?
Ian:It's Tatooine.
Quizmaster 3000:Correct, Ian. Well done.
Quizmaster 3000:Tatooine is indeed the dusty twin sunned home of our favorite Jedi-to-be Luke Skywalker. Now moving on to Amanda. First question, who is the only character to appear in every Star Wars movie released between 1977 and 2019?
Amanda:Han Solo. I think I'm going to change my answer to Obi Wan Kenobi.
Quizmaster 3000:Oh, almost. The character you’re looking for is actually C3PO. He's been through it all, from secret missions to awkward reunions.
Quizmaster 3000:Back to you, Ian, for question 3. What famous weapon does Luke inherit from his father?
Ian:A lightsaber.
Quizmaster 3000:That's right, Ian. A lightsaber, specifically the iconic blue one. Nice work.
Quizmaster 3000:Now, Amanda, here's your next question. Which character famously said, I've got a bad feeling about this” in The Empire Strikes Back?
Amanda:I think that might be Han Solo.
Quizmaster 3000:Spot on, Amanda. Indeed, Han Solo, the charming scoundrel with a knack for sensing trouble. Great job.
Quizmaster 3000:Alright. Ian, your turn again. Question 5. Who is the bounty hunter that captured Han Solo in The Empire Strikes Back?
Ian:Oh, I can visualize him, but I can't remember his name. He had his own series. What was it called?
Quizmaster 3000:A bit of a thinker, isn’t it? The answer is Boba Fett.
Quizmaster 3000:He's the one who delivers Han Solo, frozen in carbonite, to Jabba the Hutt.
Quizmaster 3000:Now to Amanda for the next question. In Return of the Jedi, what is the name of the forest moon that hosts the final battle?
Amanda:I'm going to have to guess at something. I'm just gonna say the blue moon. It's not right. I know.
Quizmaster 3000:Sorry. I'm having issues right now. Our systems are experiencing heavy load. Please try later.
Ian:Amanda said “a blue moon”.
Quizmaster 3000:Not quite. It's actually the forest moon of Endor. That's where the Ewoks helped defeat the Empire!
Quizmaster 3000:Back to Ian for question seven. What is the name of the starfighter used by the rebel Alliance that has an ‘X’ shaped wing configuration?
Ian:Well, that was a very small giant hint. It's the x wing fighter.
Quizmaster 3000:Absolutely correct, Ian. It's the x wing fighter, favorites role in the battle of Yavin and beyond. Nicely done.
Quizmaster 3000:Amanda, it's your turn again. Here's your question. What color is Mace Windu's lightsaber in the prequel trilogy?
Amanda:Again, I'm going to have to guess, I'm going to say green.
Quizmaster 3000:Oh, so close! Mace Windu actually wields a distinctive purple lightsaber him stand out among the sea of green and blue lightsabers. Don’t worry, Amanda. You're doing great.
Quizmaster 3000:Ian, here's question 9 for you. Which character is famously known for saying, “Do or do not? There is no try”?
Ian:It's Yoda, my hero.
Quizmaster 3000:Absolutely right, Ian. Yoda, the wise and powerful Jedi master, delivers that line. Excellent!
Quizmaster 3000:Alright, Amanda. Here's the final question, and it's a tough one. In The Phantom Menace, who is the Sith Lord that Darth Maul serves under?
Amanda:I have absolutely no idea who this is. So whatever I say, it's, I don't know. You tell me who that was. I don't know.
Quizmaster 3000:No worries at all, Amanda. The answer is Darth Sidious. He's the shadowy figure pulling the strings behind the scenes in The Phantom Menace.
Quizmaster 3000:And that wraps up our star wars quiz. Ian and Amanda, you both did fantastically.
Quizmaster 3000:Whether you knew the answers or took a brave guess, you made this quiz a blast. Thanks for playing, and may the Force be with you both. How did you like the quiz?
Amanda:Well, I think you're very upbeat about my utter lack of Star Wars knowledge. And I have to say that green is nowhere near purple. But other than that, I really enjoyed it. What about you, Ian?
Ian:I thought it was very good. And, green is, in fact, the opposite of purple.
Quizmaster 3000:I'm thrilled to hear you both enjoyed the quiz, despite the tricky color mix up! It's all about having fun, and maybe learning a bit along the way. Ian, you brought some strong game today and Amanda, your upbeat spirit definitely added to the fun. Thanks for diving into the galaxy far far away with me. Do you both wanna chat about anything else or maybe tackle another topic?
Ian:No. Thank you very much. You've been a great quiz master.
Quizmaster 3000:Thank you so much, Ian and Amanda. It was a pleasure hosting your Star Wars quiz. Have a fantastic time recording your podcast and may the Force be with you both. Take care.
Ian:Same to you, Quizmaster 3,000.
Amanda:Oh, Ian, that was just absolutely genius. I mean, what I love about chat g t b t t t, which I can't say because it's a whole host of letters and I'm dyslexic, and I just can't say them.
Ian:And there's no number.
Amanda:And there's no number.
Ian:It's much better when when you have a a word followed by a big number. But go on.
Amanda:I know. Chat, 3,000 would have been so much better. But, oh god, she's always so upbeat. I don't know whether it was a, you know, bad or a blah blah. I couldn't really tell.
Amanda:But it's always so upbeat. Every time I use it, it's like, we're absolutely thrilled. I mean, the slow down day, chat, grief house. This,
Ian:No. It it was very cheerful and, and very encouraging. I thought that was very, very pleasant.
Amanda:I know. Apparently, I'm great.
Ian:You're having to wipe your eyes now because you've been giggling too much. I
Amanda:just forgot. Oh, my oh, wait. Was it green? Well, that was very close. It was in fact purple.
Amanda:Purple is not like green. Oh my goodness.
Ian:Literally, in in if you look at a color wheel, magenta, which is a sort of purple, is basically the opposite side to green. So it really was stretching things when it said close because it really could not have been farther away.
Amanda:Well, I have to say, what a fantastic guest for our 1st return return of the podcast.
Ian:Indeed. And, if you want to play with the quiz master 3,000 and you've got, a chat GPT plus subscription, then I'll share a link in the show notes, and you can, do your own quiz.
Amanda:I actually used it. You see, you know, for our Easter quiz. It's great fun.
Ian:How did that go, Amanda?
Amanda:My entire family, ridiculed me because, a, none of the clues that I'd hidden aligned to the clues on the paper. And, b, I can't do numbers, so they're all nodding anyway. But everybody really laughed mainly at me. So it was entertaining, and, chat 3,000 will probably be hosting other quizzes.
Ian:You've basically renamed it, haven't you?
Amanda:I have because it's easier for me to say. I I love the fact that, like, what we haven't touched on, but I really love, but not necessarily for Star Wars, is how sci fi, specifically sort of like sci fi from our childhood, has come into reality. So, I remember I had one of those fantastic pink razor boats, which when I looked at it, it's just like it used to be on on Star Trek. We used to watch that every week. Like, they'd flip it open, and then you could see the person they were talking to.
Amanda:We're like, that's never gonna come. Came to light. But yeah.
Ian:You you you're really, really seriously misremembering Star Trek. I I it's almost physically hurting me that you're saying that the communicators let you see the people you're talking to. They were just they were just like they just they flipped open and then he said Kirk to enterprise and then somebody would say something back to him. And there was no I
Amanda:I I maintain it was a communication device that flipped open.
Ian:It was. Yes. The the we're we're in alignment on that particular aspect.
Amanda:Okay. So
Ian:Oh, no. No. No. No. Becoming that that pedantic person now.
Amanda:Oh, a pedantic person when it comes to sci fi and nerdiness. When it comes That's fine.
Ian:Just when it comes to sci fi and nerdiness. I I feel that's probably quite generous.
Amanda:It's the lovely way that you always introduce me to, like, nerdiness and new tech. And I'm you're like, you must use this. And I'm like, no. It's way too complicated. And it is changed, and I don't like that.
Amanda:And then, like, 6 months later, I'm like, oh my goodness. Look at this, Ian. I'm actually using it like chat 3,000, which when you first introduced me to that, I was like, no. Absolutely not.
Ian:Well, I'm happy to have improved your life, albeit, took you a while to get around to, my point of view.
Amanda:Well, I'm gonna let you have that because I think that we've kicked off our new podcast series with something that you really, really like and know lots about, and I know nothing.
Ian:Well, I will give you considerable credit and kudos for letting me get away with having this as one of our things because I know, I know that we've, I've been talking about it for a long time in the face of, I'm gonna say, only modest enthusiasm from Amanda.
Amanda:I think that's really generous.
Ian:And and you wait because in about just under a year's time, it will be first contact today. We're gonna do Star Trek. And then we'll see the level of resistance that we we
Amanda:can't do about that. Backing on about that a lot as well in the, like, 4 years.
Ian:Do that
Amanda:one. Yeah. I know you know you know you
Ian:And we can do another quiz now that we've we've we've got chat GPT as a guest.
Amanda:Oh, I think you'll have something better than chat 3,000.
Ian:Chat 3000.
Amanda:Yeah. 3000. You'll produce an actual alien or something.
Ian:Yes. Yes. An actual alien.
Amanda:So is there anything that we've not talked about that you have, absolute love of Star Wars? What's your fave which is your favorite film, Ian? Well, is it choose, can you?
Ian:Is a terrible thing. So I can't really choose. But I'll tell you something I've really, really enjoyed, and that is that, for those who have children who are the age of my children, you might well remember Phineas and Ferb. I I still to this day love Phineas and Ferb and they're actually rebooting it at the moment and redoing a new load of them and I just just can't wait. But they did a Star Wars crossover with Phineas and Ferb.
Ian:And in it, Darth Vader says to somebody, I find your lack of socks disturbing and stuff like that. It's just very very cleverly done and they've weaved it into the plot of A New Hope so that you it's kind of like you're seeing things that happen at the same time as those things but sort of weaved around it so that you you plausibly, you know, it could have been happening while you were watching the the real one. So it's very clever. So I I do love that. And I've actually really enjoyed the, you know, some of the new things that are coming out from Disney now.
Ian:So we really enjoyed The Mandalorian and the Boba Fett one even though I couldn't remember his jolly name in that in that quiz. That was upsetting to me.
Amanda:That very difficult quiz.
Ian:I was clearly visualizing him in my brain without being able to remember his name, which is just just very annoying. And, yeah, so I I do actually I I I have quite a wide enjoyment within within Star Wars and, yeah, I do. I I liked the original three films when they came out. I I was absolutely obsessed with them in the seventies, and I guess that's the that's the kind of age where things that you love then never really leave you. It's like all the bad music you like when you're a teenager that you still like as an adult even though you can objectively see how bad it is?
Amanda:I think I'll find that, Adam, the answer is absolutely brilliant. Thank you very much, which is what I was like It's exception of proven rule. Yeah. If you were to go to a party
Ian:I won't be invited after this. Trust me.
Amanda:That was, costume themed. Don't just go as any old party to this character. Which character would you choose to be in a in a sort of a if you were to go to the party?
Ian:I would I would conduct an analysis of all the characters to find out the one that looked closest to me in my regular clothes and then make minor adjustments and go as them because I'm a miserable so and so about these kind of things.
Amanda:No. But that answer just clearly, that is just you all over. That that level of geeky, nerdy techness that, like, you would use some kind of AI to do that. I'm clearly going as, Princess Leia because of, my commitment to putting the buttons in today.
Ian:I will say that is a we we we need a a photograph of, of your your princess Leia hairstyle that you've you've worked so hard on. I think that's a
Amanda:I'm just gonna
Ian:do real commitment.
Amanda:That's good a little. I'll do there you go. I'm doing a little screenshot.
Ian:Now you see, your your your background is very star wars y.
Amanda:Yes. Of course. It is. I because it's like Star Wars day. Like, come on.
Amanda:Get with the program.
Ian:I'll get with the program.
Amanda:Yeah. You've got it. If you're gonna do it, just do it.
Ian:Do you find my lack of faith disturbing?
Amanda:That is another quote, isn't it? Yes. I love that you gave me all those quotes in the intro, in case people don't realize some of some of what we do is actually script.
Ian:No. No. Nobody would realize that. Just to
Amanda:get your cheesy puns in. So Yeah.
Ian:Well, if if we get to the end and we've wrapped and then we realize we've missed a pun, I mean, that's just the worst feeling.
Amanda:It well, it is for you. Yes. It definitely is for you. The same
Ian:time for the puns.
Amanda:Yeah. Well, you know, I do like a good justification. I I I have, you know, but mine are more on the spirit moment, whereas you really write them down and put them in the show notes and stuff like that.
Ian:I do. I do so.
Amanda:Yes. Yes. Is there anything else that you want to share about your love for Star Wars on this very auspicious day a Star Wars day.
Ian:No. I feel as though half an hour of us wittering about Star Wars is probably as much as anyone can can realistically stand.
Amanda:Yeah. And so, I mean, obviously, it's a really nice one to kick off our next series. But is there any others coming up that you're really looking forward to?
Ian:Well, Amanda, I see that there are days for doughnuts and beer in June.
Amanda:Oh, now we do have president for getting free samples or oh, strike the bat.
Ian:Using your, PR, kung fu, jujitsu, whatever it is to get people to send you free stuff.
Amanda:I did it with the Prosecco Prosecco Day. If you've not heard that, that's basically Ian pouring a glass Prosecco accidentally into my shoes. Yeah.
Ian:We've had a lot of wires, and it was crowded. And one of the wires knocked out. It could have happened to anyone in such a circumstance as somebody in a camper van full of thousands of wires that are required to record a podcast back in 2020 or whenever it was.
Amanda:Oh my goodness.
Ian:Yes. So we may not have defeated the dark side today, but we have at least proved that we can be, or some of us, can be Jedi in the Star Wars Trivia Galaxy.
Amanda:I feel like
Ian:I haven't done a scripted, really, doesn't it? There's no way I just came up with that off the top of my head.
Amanda:Can I do a can I do a
Ian:That's, Amanda's incredibly realistic special effect of her lightsaber?
Amanda:I think
Ian:I don't know why I felt the need to explain it because, obviously, it would be obvious to anyone who's ever seen any episodes of Star Wars.
Amanda:Yeah. And we always have a very large budget for us, special effects and sound effects, don't we? So there we are. We've just we've just blown it right there. And so it's all's left for me to say is, and maybe the oh, I can't even do it.
Amanda:I lost my line already. I only had one. And may the force be with us for the next episode. Oh, god. Yeah.
Amanda:Jeez. That's just basically what's it like about Star Wars because I don't really know much about it.
Ian:Well, it was a start. We've started again, haven't we?
Amanda:Yes. We'll get back
Ian:to practice soon. We promise.
Amanda:Yes. So if you've enjoyed this, and I think Ian and I both have
Ian:That'd be 2 of us then.
Amanda:Please a lot of moms because they always listen.
Ian:They might not enjoy it.
Amanda:Please listen to you just you just crashed my leg there. Go on.
Ian:Go on. You do it. You you talk. I'm just gonna stop now.
Amanda:Please visit Days is d a y s podcast.
Ian:Contrary to how we might appear to be in a d a z.
Amanda:In a daze. From where you can scribe subscribe, on anything of your fave I've just does this even make sense to you? What what what type of day was it when you were writing this?
Ian:So if you've enjoyed this, please visit And from there, you can subscribe on anything from your favorite podcast service to one you've never heard of before. Tell your friends.
Amanda:Yes. Please tell them all about us, and the wicked, but not quite your father They spoke us. You've got another quote in there. Yes.
Ian:One last quote. Thank you so much for lasting all the way through this. Yeah. I'm sure it's, it's been a form of torture. You've done very well, gentle listener.
Amanda:May the 4th.
Ian:May the 4th be with you.