Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Friday, July 26th, 2024 / We talk about how scientists think T-rexes are larger than previously thought, tips to keep Chantel from getting cranky, Josh makes better microwave bacon, Chantel’s hydrangeas are growing splendidly, our teenager gave Chantel a compliment, Chantel was bullied by a bike gang, we talked Olympics, we have cool friends, and Josh injured my best finger.

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Wake up with Josh & Chantel every weekday from 6a-10a on Classy 97! Missed the show or want to revisit your favorite moments from the show, enjoy Wake Up Classy 97 - The Podcast!

It's Josh and Chantel, and this is wake up classy 97, the podcast. It's a replay of today's full show. It's Friday, July 26th. Today on the show, we talk about how scientists think T Rexes are larger than previously thought, tips on how to keep me from getting cranky, Josh makes better microwave bacon, my hydrangeas are growing splendidly, My teenager gave me a compliment, not one compliment, but 2 compliments. I was bullied by a bike gang, a very scary bike gang.

We talked Olympics, we have cool friends, and Josh injured my best finger. Thanks for listening to the show. You can hear it live weekday mornings from 6 to 10. It's called wake up classy 97 with Josh and Chantel, and this is the podcast. Enjoy today's show.

Friday. Josh and Chantel. Hey. Good morning. Who?

Are you excited about that? Is that what that means? Whoo. Sometimes the weeks really drag, and then you go on vacation, and then you have to come back. And it's a long 5 days.

Weekend. It's a long after you come back from vacation, it's a long, long week to get back into the swing of things. So that's what it's been for us. But we did it. We've made it to Friday.

You're right. And and then I have to work tomorrow at the farmer's market. No job. Yep. Yep.

So you know? And then relaxation, I think. At some point. Look, the farmers market's a great time. It's a good place to hang.

Yeah. Let's go through what's going on today. It's national all or nothing day. If today was your last day on earth, what would you do? It's seize the day day.

Open the gates. Yeah. You know what they say? The newsies say. Yeah.

That's right. It's talk in an elevator day. How do you feel about that? Talk in an elevator? Like, you get in an elevator with a bunch of strangers.

You gonna talk? Nope. Are you gonna start a conversation? No. If someone starts a conversation, are you gonna feel obliged to continue the conversation?

Well, if somebody initiates a conversation with me, of course, I'm gonna talk back, but I'm not gonna initiate a conversation with strangers on an elevator. Nope. Nope. That's not the way that I work. Hey.

Elevators have their ups and downs. You know? No. Stop. Stop it.

Alright. Holistic therapy day today, which is kind of, what, a method of therapy that involves treating mind, body, spirit all at the same time? That's what it is. Holistic therapy. Well, okay.

Fine. It's Bagel Fest today. I like bagels. I know you do. And the bagels they show here have, this one has an egg and some sprouts on it.

Oh. This one's got, sliced cucumbers and tomatoes and green onions on it. What's your favorite bagel? You go to a bagel place? You're gonna order a bagel sandwich.

You've got a plug of bagels. It really depends what kind of sandwich am I having. Alright. That's fair. The the bagel is gonna be complementary to the sandwich.

Yeah. Are you doing because if I do a sweet bagel, I'm going with the cranberry orange. Yeah. I knew you would. If I'm doing savory, it's the everything.

Sure. Oh, yes. I like, I like the everything bagel. That's fine. I I appreciate, like, one with cheese, like an Asiago, something like that.

But if I'm going, like, strawberry cream cheese, I want a toasted cinnamon bagel Okay. With strawberry cream cheese. Mhmm. Have you had this? No.

You should do it. It's good. Disability independence day. It's dog photography day, so you can share a picture of your pup. What else we have going on?

Aunt and uncle day today. I'm an aunt and an uncle. Not an uncle. Just an aunt. Uh-huh.

And it's system administrator appreciation day. What is that? The people that go, behind the scenes to keep all your technology running, system administrators. That's what's going on today. And it's Friday.

And you're y'all right there. Just y'all. What's the big Well, so tired. Just so tired. Friday.

Do you want some dinosaur news? What's the dinosaur news? Scientists have maybe discovered that T Rexes may have been 70% larger than we initially thought. Now is this because the skeleton is not just covered with skin? There's meat and other things on the outside of it?

No. What is it? Well, how do they determine this then? Determine it because they think the the fossils that we have found and all of the T Rex, skeletons that we have may not have been full grown T Rexes. No way.

They've just been juveniles. So that would suggest that they found something larger to give them that impression. They, yeah, I'm trying to see. Let's see. They, they've looked they've used statistical models in comparison with modern animals.

Yeah. And in their findings, they've discovered that the largest known T. Rex skeleton, nicknamed Scottie, is estimated to have weighed about £19,000 when it was alive. But their research, these two scientists, their research indicates that maybe the biggest T Rex would have been about £33,000. That's a lot of pounds.

That's a lot of pounds. Right? Some days I feel like I'm a T Rex. Do you? Because of your tiny arms?

Or Because I weigh £33,000. You don't you don't weigh £33,000. You don't. Lot of pounds. £33,000.

I'm trying to figure out what else weighs £33,000. It's like they compared it to elephants. 2 adult African elephants combined. T Rex weighed as much as 2 adult African elephants. Correct.

That's a that's a big animal. I that's what I know. That's terrifying. Can you imagine £33,000 running at you full force? I'm gonna eat you.

All I have to do is stand still. Well, we don't know if that's even true. I know. Everything we've been told is a lie. Yeah.

We have no idea. I'm just trying to sort this out. Like like, some some of these models are estimating that it could have weighed even up to £53,000. What? Yeah.

But they say they rejected that model because if it were true, we would have found even larger individuals by now. So they're saying, we would have found some sort of evidence that this 53,000 pound animal was running around by now. We would have had to have found something by now, but that's why I feel like everything that you have found is telling you that it wasn't £33,000. So we run through a computer model that's like, nah. Nah.

Nah. But what if? I don't know. I don't know either. They're supposed to, like, share all their stuff in November, it looks like.

There's, like, a big conference. Like a dinosaur conference? Something like that. I'm gonna go. Can anybody go?

I don't know. Wouldn't that be fun? How do we get our boss to pay for it? Yeah. Send us to the Dino Expo.

It's radio themed. I promise. Yeah. We'll we'll we were not going because we're interested. No.

It's all for the people. We gotta share what we discover with the people. Right. 33,000 pound animals running around. We gotta let people know.

Have you ever wanted to go dig for dinosaur bones? Where? I don't know. I know there's a lot of stuff they found in Utah, and there's a bunch, of, you know, they've got a whole thing going on there. Stuff in Montana too.

What's between Utah and Montana? It sounds like us. Where are you gonna go digging? I don't know. I want somebody here's the thing.

I want somebody to already have, like, an excavation site, and then I just have to go show up and try and find something within the excavation. Sounds hot. They're like, we know there's dinosaur bones here, but we just don't somebody else has to do the digging. And I'll be like, I'm here for the job. I'll dig.

It does sound hot, but wouldn't it be so worth it? You just wanna, like, dust things off with a paintbrush? Yeah. Satisfying. Oh.

No. I just wanna find a dinosaur bone. I think that would be cool. Like, I found 1. And then they like, no.

That's just that's just part of Reginald's dinner he dropped. Reginald? Chicken bone. Yeah. Because Reginald's the guy at the dino dig site.

If I find it, they're gonna make me turn it into the museum, and I'm gonna just wanna keep it. I found it. 5 years in the papers. I'll say I found this dinosaur bone. This is a dinosaur bone I can everybody.

It's your conversation starter. You can carry it around in your pocket. You guys wanna see my dino bone? I found this. I can't shoot it.

Do. It's just make one, like, out of plaster and carry it around and go, you guys wanna see a dinosaur bone? Well, then nobody's gonna believe me, are they, Josh? People come up with weirder stuff every day. I want a real one, I think.

Alright. Well, we'll get you on a dino dig site. I'll sit in the shade K. While you go do that. It'll be like when you watch me fish.

I'll just sit there and watch you dig for dinosaurs. Watch you fish. I read a book. Okay. You ready for some Friday good news?

Yes. I like this story a lot. Let me tell you about 13 year old Kendricks Nicely. Couple of years ago, Kendrick's dad passed away, and Kendricks honors the memory of his dad by going fishing. I think it's very nice Yeah.

And using a fishing pole that his father had given to him as a gift. Mhmm. Well, during a recent fishing trip, something happened, and the pole fell off the back of his kayak and sunk to the bottom of Norris Lake in Tennessee. Yeah. I know.

Not good news. Obviously, Kendricks was heartbroken, fearing that the fishing pole was gone forever. Well, his grandma was not willing to give up so easy, so she called Jason Hopkins. He is, in Tennessee. He's a local diver who reunites people with sunken treasures.

So he dove to the bottom of the lake. He found the fishing pole in, what was a matter of minutes. Dennis. Brought, his name is Jason. Jason.

And he brought it back up to the surface. Tennis? Where where did tennis come from? Your brain. Okay.

Jason said to see the smile on Kendrick's face was priceless. Absolutely Yeah. Priceless. Oh. Kendrick said he'll continue to go fishing as often as possible, but with one slight change.

He'll be using a different fishing pole when he's out on the water. He'll keep his father's fishing pole on the wall in his bedroom to make sure that it stays safe. Nice. He lost it once. He said never again will I lose that fishing rod.

So that's pretty cool. I like that I like that the fishing pole got returned. I think that's really great. Well done to the diver, Jason. Yeah.

And whoever Dennis is. Well done, Dennis. I'm sure there's a dentist out there somewhere who did something nice. Well done, Dennis. Good news to get you going on classy 97?

Classy 97 with Josh and Chantel. Good morning. Hey. It's Friday. Hey.

You know the trick to keeping a woman happy, specifically me, is just to keep me give me snacks. Yes. And let me take a nap. Right. And then I'm fine.

It's simple thing. It works with Alright. It works with our 14 year old as well. Oh, there's couple other things. Give me snacks.

Let me take a nap. Tell me that I'm pretty. And in the last couple of days, couple of weeks, you gotta keep me cool because it's too hot. Stay cool. So we went we went out over the weekend, and it was too hot.

We hadn't had breakfast. We got left pretty early in the morning. We were out doing some errands, doing some other stuff, and I was like, I can't I can't do this anymore. I can't even keep pretending that I'm in a good mood. You gotta get me some air conditioning, and you gotta get me some food.

Yeah. Even Emery was catching on. I know. Mom is not happy. Right.

No. We all knew. Everyone in the world knows when you're not having the time of your life. That's not true. Sometimes I can fake it and carry on.

You can't. I couldn't that day. I was you you even said, oh, let's go talk to some of those people that we know, and I went, I can't I can't do it. Like, I need food. I need food.

I have to get food. And I need some air conditioning. Calm down. We're outside. It's a nice day.

It's too hot. Settle down. Feed me. You get so cranky. It was cranky.

So I apologize to you and to the people nice. That, we went to talk to because I wasn't very nice to them either. I tried. I've tried to put on a nice little smile, and then I went, oh, I'm done. And I thought I'd go eat sat, and I'm just, like, angrily looked about.

And then I was, like, shuffling my feet. Like, we gotta go. Like, I have to go. It's too hot, and I'm too hungry. Maybe just relax a little bit.

Wait. You have to give me some snacks. Carry your own snacks. Get some cashews or something. That we were gonna be gone that long.

We weren't gone that long? And then I thought, okay. We're almost done, and then you said, oh, let's go talk to these other people. And I went, ugh, thought I was gonna go get some food, And now you've really waylaid my food. How are you feeling now?

Do you need food now? Because I just had some food. I just ate a banana. That's right. And, so I'm fine now.

And it's nicely air conditioned in here. Yeah. Yeah. No. You put on a sweater.

You were a little chilly. And, like, just a few minutes ago, you go, you look cute today. Well, there you go. I told you. Give them a snack.

Give them. Women. This is how to keep a woman happy. Ready? Give them some food.

Give them a snack. Yeah. Let them take a nap. Tell him they're pretty. Yeah.

What was the 4th thing? Keep him cool. Keep him cool. Keep him cool. We, have to eat breakfast here in the mornings between the times that we talk.

Yeah. Sometimes Behind the scenes radio. What do we do when the songs are playing? Eat breakfast, work on, all of the fun things, get ready for kid smarts. I don't know.

All that kind of stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Sometimes it's not a lot of time, especially if you're trying to cook your oatmeal and the kitchen is down the hall. Right.

And you don't necessarily know how much time you have, so you're running down the hall and you're like, I got a minute and a half left on my oatmeal. Yeah. But I So that's what happened. I'm down there I'm down there just a few minutes ago, and you go, minute and a half. Okay.

Thanks. Be right back. Minute and a half. One of our favorite things to eat is, it's precooked bacon that you just throw in the microwave. Yeah.

It's fantastic. It's fully cooked. It is. And then so all you have to do is cook it just a little bit more. Not sponsored.

Didn't they didn't say brand. Notes. Did not say brand. Precooked bacon powering this morning show. We've discovered that you cook it better than I do.

Do you know why? Tell me. I think this is why. I am the laziest human being most of the time. I will find the path of least resistance on most tasks.

Okay. And using the microwave is one of the things I am the laziest about. It's already a modern convenience Yeah. To just be able to throw something in there and microwave it. Microwaves have different powers.

Older microwaves might surprise you and have more power than a new one, but most of the time, like our microwave at home has more power than the one here. K. The one here takes longer to cook food than the one at home is what I'm trying to say. I know what you're saying. When you go use a microwave and you need to cook something for 45 seconds, how do you use the microwave?

Time cook 4, 5 Yeah. Start. Yeah. No. What do you do?

Admin it, One button. Boink. And then I wait for 45 seconds, and I take the food out because I'm too lazy to push that many buttons. How does that make your bacon taste better than mine? Because I think when you go in and do a time cook, there's additional settings like power level and different things like that.

And you're also setting it for 45 seconds, which is not enough time. You need you need more than that. You just said that you put a plate on there, and you wait 45 seconds. Just saying in general, when you use the microwave and have cook something for 45 seconds, you'll hit time cook. Yeah.

Or if you need to cook something for a minute and a half, you'll go time cook 1:30, start. Yeah. Right? I'll hit add minute twice and wait 90 seconds and take it out. K.

That's so that's essentially what happened with with this. Now when we're at home, I just hit add minute and the bacon if I'm cooking 4 or 6 pieces, it will cook it in 1 minute. It's good to go. Yeah. It it's not overdone.

It's pretty standard. I hit add minute. I'm done. I walk away. I'm I'm good.

I don't need to keep an eye on it. Here, it's a little tricky. So what I'll do is I'll hit add or or I have a 32nd button. So I'll hit 30:30:30 to get to 1:30. Right?

Because it just stacks up time. So let's just hit that, and then I get my 90 seconds, 30:30:30:30. And then I'll watch because you gotta keep an eye on this microwave. It could overdo it real quick. And I've had that happen where I've burned it, and I've been like, no.

I can I never burn it here? I it's always too always limp. Yep. Because you're putting it in for not enough time because this microwave is not as strong as our one at home. So you're thinking that all microwaves are the same and they're not?

They're not all the same. No. The it was a little bit crispier than I prefer it today. I went a little long It was still today. Good.

It still tasted better than life. Full 90 instead of about 1 and 15. I could have taken it out about 15 seconds earlier. So if you know that it takes a minute and 15 seconds, why don't you just push time cook 115? Start.

Because I can go 30, 30, 30, and I'm done. It takes the exact amount of time. Time cook, 1 3 it's one one less button push. Wow. I'm really bothered.

You're really saving some time, aren't you, bud? But I also think that the add minute or the 32nd button, either one of those, if I just use that, it's, like, got a default power setting where it's, like, I'm just gonna, like, auto mode this thing. Where if I go into time cook, it's expecting me to do more. Like, when you go to do auto defrost on the micro. The micro if it's expecting you to do anything.

I'm just saying it takes a it takes, like, a standard heat setting, a standard power setting because you can make your you can change that. On our one at home, you can make it use more power Sure. Or less power depending on what you're Yeah. What you're doing. Right?

I think when you hit add minute on it, it's taking, like, a a stronger power than if I go time cook 1 minute. I think it's using more power when I hit the admin. It's cooking things faster and better. That's what I'm saying. It's like hitting the popcorn button instead of going time cook, 130, and then you end up with a whole bunch of colonels in the bag because it didn't cook it the way it cooks on the popcorn setting.

Okay. That's a lot of microwave talk. I think you just make better bacon than I do. So guess what? You're the bacon microwaver from now on.

I'm just saying if you wanna do it the way I do it when I'm, like, not around or something and you're like, I really wish I could have that bacon the right way, Try that admin button. No. I'll just keep waiting for you. Okay. K.

Thanks. I got some really cool news What's up? That I have to share. What's going on? I really like hydrangeas.

Yes. And for a long time, I never planted any because I just heard from people, oh, hydrangeas never do well in this area. Our soil is too This is too bad. Yeah. It's not right.

It's not right. And then last year, we were shopping at the nursery, and it's a beautiful hydrangea plant. And I said, I'm just gonna try it. I'm just gonna go for it. Expensive plant.

This is probably the most we've spent on an individual plant. But it was beautiful. Know. And here's the thing. This is what's funny is I have a coworker and friend who is planning her garden.

She she's trying to pick all of the right flowers to plant together and what looks good together and what blooms in the spring and what blooms in the summer. Okay. Because she wants to have an all like, okay. I get it. We've talked about plants before, and she goes, what do you like, what what does your garden look like?

And I go, oh, I just I have no planning. I just buy what I think is pretty, and I plant it, and I hope that it survives. I don't there's no planning involved. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't.

And then sometimes I forget that certain plans don't work, and I go, well, try it again. And it doesn't work that second time either. And that's okay because at least it was pretty temporarily. Well, this year, you've got, like, quite the quite the appearance of flowers. We've got the wildflowers are going well.

The best it's ever looked. I know. I feel. Which is good. The fern is bigger than it's ever been.

The lilies are done, but they were incredible and huge this year I know. Which was great. We've got new stuff. The bleeding hearts are out of control. My bleeding hearts are they've taken over everything.

They're huge. And they've already they've already bloomed, and now they're just foliage. Yeah. And then you've got the hollyhock thing. That thing is awesome.

My hollyhock bloomed for the first time this year. And that was cool, and it's huge. It's, like, 6 feet tall. It's awesome. I know.

So I planted last year. I finally I found a plant, a hydrangea plant, and I said, I'm just gonna plant it and see what happens. And there was a woman at the store, and she said, are you gonna plant that here? And I said, yes. And she said, just keep in mind that it doesn't they don't work here.

They don't work here. And I said, oh, that's cool. Thank you for your input. I'm gonna try it anyway. And she was very discouraging, and I planted it.

And it lasted all summer, and it did fantastic. And then I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do during the winter with it, and I just kinda let it do its own thing. A lot of people said to cover it. A lot of people said don't cover it. Right.

I didn't do anything. I just left it alone. So we've actually changed in our plant hardiness zone Yes. We have. Very recently.

And we've got a a buddy who's very into this. Like, he's super, super into, the plants he makes sure to plant are designed to work in our climate. Yes. And, and over the past, little while, like, our zone has changed to where we are currently, if I'm not mistaken. I'm looking at this map.

We are right now in a 5 b zone. Okay. And then, there are areas nearby, like, even in our county and in nearby counties that are a 6 a and even a 6 b, which is warmer stuff. Like, to give you an idea, Hawaii is down here in, like, the tens. Oh.

Right? And we're in the fives and sixes. So we're we're not tropical by any means. We all know that. But we are not down in the fours and threes where we'd been for a long time.

So good news. My hydrangea came back. What? It was just green and leafy for a long time, and it just bloomed probably early this week. And What do you have?

Three big Yeah. Blooms right now? It's awesome. So happy. Yeah.

So poo poo on that woman. Is that right? Who's that? Doesn't grow here. Are you gonna plant that?

Yeah. I did. Yeah. And it survived for 2 seasons now. So And it looks great.

Yeah. And it's got big new leafy branches growing and yeah. It looks good. And it's only gonna continue to keep blooming, I would assume, through the rest of the summer. And I don't know what there's multiple different kinds of hydrangeas.

I don't know what that specific hydrangea plant is because there's some that get huge. It's a smaller one to be sure, but it came back. So thank you, Idaho, and thank you to that nursery for selling me a good plant. That's the good, hearty plant. And they do it says they typically bloom from mid spring to late summer, early fall.

So you're a little late on the blooming I know. But it's only its 2nd year. I know. So we'll see. I knew that already, and I but I'm just happy it came back.

That is a big deal. Just pleased. I am too. Now we just need more blooms, more and more and more and more blooms. Mhmm.

And it'll be amazing. Good job on growing your plant. Thank you. I tried to record her sadness because I thought it'd be a good sound bit, but Emery said paid me a nice compliment the other day. Uh-huh.

And I must have made a face because she goes, don't do that. And I go, don't do what? She goes, don't get that face where you go, my teenager said something sweet to me today. The way she said it with just the right amount of 14 year old attitude Yeah. Was perfect.

She goes, I just wanna say something nice without you being all weird about it. Okay. What were you what was how are you weird about it? What do you do? Just surprised by the fact that, one, she paid me a compliment.

You make, like, a aww. Yeah. Face? Like a Like a that's so sweet. Thank you so much.

And she that's what she don't get weird about it. Don't get weird about me saying something nice to you, mom. She goes, this is why we don't pay you any compliments. What? Oh, jeez.

Because you get all all about it. Yeah. So I don't know how I'm supposed to react when my kids pay me compliments, but it was not the way I react. Here's what you do. You go, oh, that's very nice.

Thank you. And then you walk in the other room and go oh. It took me by surprise, the compliment even. 1, that she was paying me a compliment and the compliment that she gave me. We were talking about if you've been listening to us long enough, you know that I don't I'm not fond of cooking.

You do the majority of the cooking Yeah. In my house in our house. Yeah. I it's not that love it. I really like to cook.

Right. And it's not that I cleaning the dishes. Don't cook. I just don't enjoy it. Yeah.

You enjoy it. I don't. So she said, I really like your cooking, mom. And I went Oh. I was surprised because You went what?

She always talks about your cooking. She don't know when. I never heard anything about my cooking. Your burgers. She likes your breakfast burritos.

She likes she likes your dish. Things. Those are the two things that I make that she likes. Everything else, she's like, no. I'll find something else to eat.

I'll just have cereal. Whatever it is. Give me some specifics. What do you like that I make? And she said, I like your pancakes.

I like your French toast. And I went, oh, those are easy. Big whoop. What anybody can make a pancake. Yeah.

But have you had one of my pancakes? She said, she doesn't like your pancakes. I know. I like my pancakes better. She said, I like your tortilla soup, and I like your lasagna.

Look at you. I'm a little shoot. My teenager said something nice to me today. Well, I don't know the last time you've made those items. Yeah.

Because I don't like to cook. Doi. So she's hanging on to core memories of food that she's had once. And chicken pot pie. I make a chicken pot pie.

Oh, memories of food that she's had once. And chicken pot pie. I make a chicken pot pie that she really likes. Chicken pot pie thing. Yeah.

So I was like, oh, maybe I need to be cooking more so that our daughter will actually eat food. Just don't be weird about it. Yeah. Maybe that was her ploy. Maybe her ploy was, I want mom to do some cooking.

I'm tired of having dad's insane meals. So maybe if I tell her I like certain things, she'll make them. The problem is that the food that she likes, Beck doesn't like. Oh. So we can't ever be happy.

Beck won't eat tortilla soup. He won't eat lasagna. He doesn't like chicken pot pie. Yep. But Beck likes the food that you cook, and Emery does not.

We can't win. I I don't know. Aw. But congrats on your compliment from the 14 year old. That is a big deal.

It's a totally big deal. Don't make a big deal about it. Right. But it's gonna This is pretty huge. I think I was bullied the other day.

By who? By some younger kids. Is this when we were on the walk in the neighborhood? Yes. Yeah.

They kinda went after you. These were some Gen Alpha kids. Yeah. And they and they, they saw you walking at a mile away, and they walked by and went, this woman. That's so rude.

I know. They went after you. I know. They did. Was passive, and they weren't, like, directly to your face, like, getting all up in your face about it and saying even know I wasn't even paying attention to them.

And the only reason I know that they were making fun of me is because every turn to me after they pass is that they were making fun of you. Yeah. And I went, what do you mean? And she said, they were making fun of you. I like the look on your face because they were like, hey, mom.

What's up, mom? Real cool, mom. Like, there was that kind of attitude as they're going by, like, cool, mom. And Really? And you didn't hear it.

No. I wasn't paying attention. But Emery went, oh, boy. Oh, no. Guys making fun of my mom.

And, and they were on bikes, and they were 2, like, 10 year olds. It was a bike gang. It was 2 little 10 year old girls on bikes that rode by It was a and went, mom. They were they were thugs in a bike gang. It was 2 10 year old girls on bicycles.

I think one of them had tassels. They're not a bike gang. They did not have tassels. They were meaner than that. Yeah.

Those girls would never have tassels. They were riding pink bicycles. What made me laugh the most was that Emery, after they passed, she goes, mom, they were making fun of you. And I said, that's so rude. And then I went, should I say something?

No. But now they're First of all, they're long gone. They're blocks away by the time you figured out what they said. And and we said, they're gen alpha. Ugh.

Ugh. Gen alpha is so gross. So my 14 year old, who's barely not gen alpha Yeah. Is annoyed by the energy generation is annoyed by their younger generation. Oh.

So over it. And she goes, they're just dumb 7 year old gen alphas. Move along. So I did. Yeah.

Way to be a mom. Yeah. So cool. At least I know how to drive. Oh, yeah.

You told them. You told them. Yesterday, we finally got to really kinda celebrate our anniversary. Yes. We did.

We our anniversary was on Tuesday. Yeah. 19 years. Yep. I tried to get Emery said, Emery asked if I still had my wedding dress Yes.

Which I do. Right. And you got it out. I did get it out. And you held it up, and then you put the hanger over your head and went, still fits.

Thanks. Yeah. But you didn't try it all. No. I didn't.

I bet it still fits. I bet it does too because it laces up in the back. But even still, I bet it still fits. I bet it's even baggy. I doubt it.

I doubt that. I highly doubt that, but I didn't wanna be bothered. Plus, I didn't wanna feel bad about myself if it didn't fit. So I just went, look at there it is. Guarantee it fits.

But, yes, we weren't able to celebrate that day or the day after, and we finally were able to go out to dinner last night and celebrate and said, cheers, buddy. Yeah. Happy 19. 19. Salud.

All that stuff. Years. Yeah. To 19,000 more. I still like you.

Well, that's very nice. Important. Yeah. It's it is important. To to like the person that you're with is a big deal.

Like, it's easy to be like, oh, yeah. I love that person. Yeah. I love them. Yeah.

I love that person. But to like you? But I still like hanging out with you. I still a good thing because, like, I mean, you know, for almost 2 years now, we've been doing this show Yeah. I mean Together a lot.

We spend a lot of time together, so we better like one another. There there are definitely times Hey. Where we get, like, annoyed with each other, I think. Oh, there's lots of times. That's a lie.

Nope. Never once. Let's move some furniture, and we'll see how annoyed you get at me. No. I wouldn't be annoyed at you.

Yes. I'd be annoyed at your inability to lift the furniture. It's not you. It's your inabilities. See?

There's a difference. I'm able to disassociate the capability from the person. I like you. Okay. It'd be nice if you were better at that.

So the ability could be improved. But you know how you improve ability? How? Practice. Go lift some furniture.

I don't want to. Just practice moving big things through small doorways. That sounds like a terrible way to spend 1 ton. Dropping it. I don't I I don't want to do that.

Here's the thing. I think you and I have because we've done a lot of home projects together, and I think we work really well together on home projects. But moving furniture is our demise, to be sure. It's fine. We moved big furniture out of the basement just fine.

I didn't. Did I move that with you, or did you get back? You and Beck were on one end of everything, and I was on the other end of everything. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. I don't care for it because here's why. I'm not strong, not nearly as strong as you are, and I always feel like I'm letting you down because I can't lift as high as you can, or I have to put it down for a minute, and then I feel like I'm letting you down. And I don't like that feeling.

So then I go. I don't make you feel that at all. I'm not over here going like, would you pull your weight? No. I know.

That's the same reason that I'll never do, like, a competitive show with you. Like, the amazing race. Oh, I would love to do that. I know that. Be a blast.

Not with me. Why? Because I would be the dead weight, and I'm not gonna be the one that lets you out. The task is load a kayak. That's true.

Take a kayak down from the ceiling in the garage, carry it through a messy garage to the back of a truck. What are you saying? I'm just asking. What if that's the task? We we just did this.

Mhmm. This is a real task. And then we after we were done with the weekend activity of floating Yeah. Then put the kayak back in the garage the same way we took it out. I feel like that went smoothly.

Are you saying Justin, that it didn't go smoothly? No. I'm just saying it was very much like moving a couch. It was. I disagree with that wholeheartedly.

No. I feel like the kayak moving went very smooth. Moving a couch has not gone smoothly for us. Now I feel disappointed. You're not listening to me.

What I'm saying is the success you feel about moving the kayak is the same success you should feel about moving a couch. It's the same task. Move the couch from point a to point b is the same as move the kayak from here to here. The You feel like the kayak was a success, but you feel like the couch was a failure. Because the couch was much heavier, and I've dropped I dropped the couch a couple of times.

I didn't drop the kayak. I feel like as you were squeezing by the bikes, you might have dropped the kayak a couple times. I didn't drop it. I put it down. Different.

That's different. And I said, I have to put it down for a minute because I can't fit in between the pipes. And I casually put it down. Right. The couch, I dropped, and I said, I couldn't hold on.

I'm sorry. Right. I'm just saying they're the same. That's not the same. It's the same.

I warned you that I was gonna put the kayak down. There was no warning when I dropped the couch. Twice. But who's counting? Who's counting?

Right? Like, we can move anything together. Mountains. We can move mountains together, you and I. Happy anniversary.

I don't really wanna draw a parallel between the Paris games and the hunger games. Oh, no. But because I did because they're they're different. We're talking about different things here. Well, I hope so.

I'm looking at on the go to olympics.com. Olympics.com. Olympics.com. And, what you're gonna see is a picture of the opening ceremony that is supposed to be taking place today. Well k.

Do you see this picture? Of the Eiffel Tower? No. There's, like, all the the river and the people and the boats. Nope.

You're not seeing that? Olympics.com. I'm there, but I don't see a river with boats. Go to, I guess I'm on the opening ceremony page. So if you go to, schedule at the top, and then it says opening ceremony at at at noon today or 12 tonight.

I don't know what time these things happen. Okay. Anyway Okay. You you see that picture? No.

What are you talking about? I went to schedule, but there's not Yeah. Schedule. There's not Scroll down. It says 26 July today.

Right? And see where it says opening ceremony right there? This has been me telling you how to use the Internet. No. Isn't this You see it says shooting, shooting, shooting, opening ceremony?

Shooting, shooting, shooting. Oh, yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay.

Click opening ceremony. Alright. There you go. See this picture? Yes.

There we go. Alright. There is this picture of each of the country's athletes in a boat Yeah. Going down the river. Is this really how they're gonna do the opening ceremony?

I guarantee not. Because doesn't this look like the Hunger Games entrance of the the competitors? It feels very much in the same energy. I'm glad we're doing a different contest. We're doing sporting activities instead of the actual hunger days.

But dies at the end. Well, I certainly hope not. But do you see what I'm seeing? Do you see it? Yeah.

It it's very interesting the way they've done this. I wanna know if they're really bringing I I bet they are. This looks like how the opening ceremony is gonna go. They're gonna bring everybody in on boats. Is that the filthy river that That's the filthy river that they're all excited about.

Yes. Yes. Alright. So, anyway, opening ceremonies today, there have been some events that have been going on early because there's stuff that has to happen. So already, the, US women's soccer team, has, has won over Zambia 3 to nothing.

That's already in the books. For the watch. Well, there's more soccer. There's lots it's a I mean, this is a whole tournament thing. Yeah.

They just have have won one already, which is great. So, anyway, there's a lot going on, opening ceremonies today. Now I'm getting conflicting timing on this because as I look at stuff online, it says to me here that at 11 like, 10 AM is the preview of the opening ceremony, and then 11:30 AM is the opening ceremony live. And then later on this evening during prime time at 6:30 PM, they will be airing the opening ceremony again. So hope so because people have to work.

Well right. And that's that's your difference in your time zone. Right? So 11:30 this morning is when it's happening live if you wanna watch it 11:30. Live.

11:30. Here's what's cool about my job, my other job. Because at 11:30, I'll be transitioned to my other job, but my boss is stoked about the Olympics. Excellent. So I guarantee she's gonna be like, let's watch the opening ceremony a bit.

Yeah. Okay? I kinda wanna watch this. I wanna see this boat thing if this is what's gonna play out. That's what's gonna happen.

I bet it I bet it is. It's gonna look so cool. What are you the most excited for? What Events? Event.

I really, I I like the soccer stuff. I think that's super cool. I wanna see some of the skateboarding. I think that's really cool. There's a whole skateboarding street course, which I think is really kinda neat.

There are some Idaho athletes. I don't know if you've been following along with that. Yeah. We've got, is it it's Shari, I think is how you say it. I feel like I I looked it up earlier, and I feel bad if I'm saying that wrong, but Shari Hawkins from Rexburg, She's a Utah State University graduate, and she is in the heptathlon.

Cool. Heptathon. Heptathon? Hep yes. You know what I'm saying.

Yes. So you're gonna be able to see her on Thursday, August 8th, and Friday, August 9th. Those are the the days she'll be competing. And then, there is a road cycler, who is from Boise. His name is Matteo Jorgensen, and he will be doing the men's road race on August 3rd.

That is a a Saturday. So you'll be able to see him there. Oh, is he racing? He's racing on Tuesday too, so you'll be see him in the prelims. And then there's a boxer, and she is, named Alyssa Mendoza, and she's from Caldwell.

Cool. And she is a featherweight boxer Cool. Which I think is really cool. And there's, like, another handful of I do like watching as well. So I like watching boxing, so I'll probably tune into that one.

That's pretty cool. Yeah. Yep. So, anyway, it's, it's gonna be a lot of fun. I'm excited for it.

I got that, team USA thing going. I know. We were gonna pretty cool. We were gonna get I know. We gotta get some gear.

We gotta get some team USA gear. I don't have any, any stuff. We can go get the, fancy, Ralph Lauren stuff. We can let Ralph Lauren dress us like the team. You can buy a a lot of the gear.

I bet it's expensive. I bet so too. I would imagine. So that's all at teamusa.com. We could probably just make our own.

Make our own? Yeah. I'm sure we could. With duct tape and Okay. Alright.

What what events are you excited for, did you say? I'm really excited to watch Snoop Dogg carry the torch and the opening chair. Even an event. Oh, that's gonna be an event. Are you crazy?

Was he carrying it on a boat? Snoop Dogg is always an event. And you said he's the second to last? Yes. I saw Pharrell was carrying the torch.

It's being transported via a Louis Vuitton case, which, is very French. Fancy. It's very, very, France. So, anyway, that's, that's what's going on, at least for now. USA.

Let's go. I forgot. Earlier, I talked about a compliment that my 14 year old gave me in which she said that she liked my cooking, but then there was another compliment that she gave me not too long ago where she said I had cool friends. You do? Yeah.

What? I Look at you with your cool friends. I know. Two compliments? Was it the same day?

No. No. It wasn't the same day. We went to, we used to live in Pocatello, and we had some friends that were involved in a play that was happening down there. So we went down to Pocatello to see the play.

Amazing. It was amazing. Yes. And, incidentally, we ran into 2 separate friends that we did not know were going to be there. Correct.

I happened to look over, and I said, hey. I think that's our friend, Wendy. And you said, it sure is. So I went to Atlanta. To her, and then another friend sent us a picture of us from afar the way.

A farther away? A farther away. He was sitting on the other side of the room, and he happened to see us. Right. Took a picture of us, and we were like a like a creep.

Like a real creep. What? Kyle. What? So we ended up chatting with each of them, and it was fun, and it was lovely.

And each of them, we hadn't seen for a couple of years. Right. And then afterward, our daughter, Emery, 14 years old, 14 year olds, as you know, are not willing to dish out compliments pretty regularly. Right. And she said You have cool friends.

Have really cool friends. But she's met a lot of our friends that we've had for a lot of years. Like, the the the those people in particular, like, we've known them for a long time. Yes. We have.

20 years. Yes. We've known a lot of these people. So it's it's cool. Like, you know, and even newer friends.

Like, we hang out with some okay cool people. Like, I Yeah. We hang out with a lot of cool people. Yeah. We have a lot of cool friends.

According to our 14 year old. According to myself too. Well, this is my 14 year old to tell me I have cool friends. I already know. Yeah.

That's why we hang up because they're cool people. Yeah. Yeah. So thank you. I'm also cool.

Alright. I don't know what's even happening right now. But good job being cool and having cool friends and cool people. Cool. Thumbs up.

Cool. Cool. 2 thumbs up. Super cool. You know what's cool?

Me. 2 thumbs up. That's what's cool. So cool. You hurt my finger the other day.

I did? I can't remember what you were doing, but you hurt my finger, and I said, ow. What did I even do to your finger? Finger. I don't know what I did to your finger.

I don't remember any of that. And, also, what is the best finger? This is my it's my pointer finger, and it's my best finger. On your right hand? Yeah.

Because it's the finger on my hand that does everything. I said, you said your best finger. What does your best finger do? I said, rub still don't know what your best finger does. What does it do?

Rubs my eyes. Okay. That's and then you said I said, don't you have a finger that rubs your eyes? No. I said, no.

I never rub my eyes. No. See? I'm just watching as you're rubbing your eyes. Because I'm doing it to bug you.

It's not bugging me at all. It's proving the point that I'm right. No. Which is not bothersome. It's totally cool when I'm right.

Anyway, go on. Anyway, the whole argument was that you don't rub your eyes. Right. Which I think is a lie. Everybody rubs their eyes.

You fought with me and said I never rubbed my eyes. You asked if I rub them with my finger, which I don't. I don't do this. This is you're, like, poking your whole eye out. Yeah.

I've done that before. Right. I don't do that. Never? No.

I would use, like, my hand like this. Well, I do that too. Yeah. Or like this. You're at, like, the hill of your palm?

This. Like, this is probably more often than anything. I'll use that knuckle. The feet the pointer knuckle. Pointer knuckle to get and rub my eye.

Okay. But I don't do it off. That feels good. Not like that. What?

Just like this. Just my hand. Just my hand up to my face or my eye. Okay. Done.

I don't like, delicate. One fingertip do the eye. That's what you're doing. Yeah. I'm not precise about it.

That's my If I need to rub my eye, my whole hand goes, alright. I'm done. Done rubbing my eyes. 2 hands. Like a toddler rubs her eyes.

That's it. I I still do it like like I did when I was a toddler. You just, like, your whole fist. Yeah. Just my whole hand.

Just alright. Eyes rubbed. Move on. I use just one finger. Yeah.

See. And I'm and you switch. You use different finger. Yeah. Yeah.

The pointer and the ring finger. Have time for that. I just use my hands. It takes the same amount of time. Doesn't?

Yeah. It does. You're being all specific and meticulous with it. Well, yeah, because I have makeup, and I don't wanna ruin my makeup. That that's that's valid.

I'll I'll accept that. That's why you're being so specific and not just rubbing away. Because then if you do this, then you're gonna have that raccoon face. Then I'm gonna have a raccoon face. And then it's gonna be a mess, and I'm gonna say, look what you made me do.

Don't ladies walk around with more raccoon face? Because it doesn't look great. But what who says who? Raccoons look great. We like how a raccoon looks.

I don't know. Maybe we'll Just smear it up a little bit. Start a new trend. Yeah. They'd be like, what happened to your face?

You're like, this is my look now. I did it. Wear raccoon I got out of the shower the other day without even looking in the mirror and put on my pajamas Yeah. Brushed my teeth. I did a whole bunch other stuff.

Your face looked more like Jojo Siwa than a raccoon at that point, though. I don't know what that means. Oh, have you seen Jojo Siwa these days? I have. Your face looked like Jojo Siwa.

Just like mascara running down her face or what? Yeah. Sure. Look up a picture of Jojo Siwa on 2024. So I the point was that I had done a lot of stuff after I had gotten out of the shower, and nobody bothered to tell me until it was really time for bed.

And then everybody said, what is wrong with your face? Go watch your face. Yeah. You look like Jojo Siwa walking around the house. You gotta go look it up.

It's a really good it's a really good, reference to your look. Does she walk around like that all of the time? Well, these days, yeah. Because she's promoting this album or whatever that she's they've got just, like, reemergence thing she's going. And it's kind of like, like, kinda like KISS makeup a little bit, but her own little spin on it.

I did not look like that. First of all, I don't wear that much makeup, so I couldn't possibly have looked like that. That's that's it. I mean, she's rocking that new face. I'm just saying.

More people should do it. Sure. I'm not gonna set that trend, but lots of other people could for sure. Not me. Why?

Because I don't I don't think I'm gonna look good in that look, but other people could pull it off. Shot. Maybe it's your thing. Maybe you're like, wait a minute. She's on to something.

This is now my look. Why don't you have that as your look? Oh, I could never rub my eyes. That's why. And I just like to do it that way.

Like a toddler. And then I'd have makeup all over my hands. Be a disaster. That's true. Yeah.

You would have makeup all over your hands. It is time for your would you rather this or that question of the day. Summer edition. Would you rather take a week long road trip or spend the day at your favorite amusement park? Oh, I will take the week long road trip.

Where are you gonna go? To an amusement park. That's what we did last year. So last year, we took a week long road trip. Yes.

We did. And we ended up spending the day at a at Silverwood. Yeah. It was a good time. In Northern Idaho?

Yeah. It was fun. I know. So yes. You could do both.

We did. We took a week long road trip not just to go to Silverwood. That was just a stop along our way, but we did the, Hiawatha. Hiawatha. I couldn't think of the word.

Yeah. The, Hiawatha bike trail. That was very cool. It was fun. I wanna go back.

Cool stuff. Yeah. That was awesome. That was a good ride. And, and and we got to see some sites, and we got to, visit the lake in Coeur d'Alene, and we got to see some really cool stuff.

I've never been up there. So that was really fun and exciting. And went to Washington for a minute, went to Oregon for a minute, did a multistate tour because we were in Idaho, Montana, and then back in Idaho and then Washington and then Oregon and then back in Idaho. It was a big deal. A week long road trip.

Let's take another road trip. That sounds fun. But where we go to this time? I don't know. South?

Sure. Have you been to Southern Utah? No. I haven't, actually. We could do Southern Utah.

We could roll into Arizona, hit the Grand Canyon. Let's do it. Do some Vegas. Let's do it. Hit some, Sedona, Arizona.

How much time? Hiking. How much Check out some waterfalls. How much PTO do you have? Oh, I would wait until later on when it's not a 100 and 26 degrees down there to do that.

That's a good idea. But that's, that's a good trip. K. Let's do it. The drive back from Vegas on I 15 is just real boring.

The drive through Nevada is boring. Let's be real. I That's true. The the road from Salt Lake to Northern California, that long stretch that you, like, just wait till you get to Rio, that's a long drive. Ever been to Winnemucca, Nevada before?

Because that's a real boring drive. Winnemucca. Yeah. True. No.

I've not. I've been there. And that was bad? Win a yucca is Win a yucca. Spot on.

Sorry, Win a mucking folks. Would you rather this with that with Josh and Chantel? You're better today than yesterday daily challenge. This is a good one. Okay.

And it's, it's very timely. Slow down, buy local, and enjoy the environment with no rush or pressure. You're better today than yesterday daily challenge, and you have 24 hours to do it, is to go shopping at a farmer's market. I love it. We'll be there tomorrow.

I know. So if you wanna stop by while you're fulfilling your better today than yesterday daily challenge, shopping at the farmer's market, stop by and see us. We're gonna be there. We as Riverbend Media Group will be there from 9 until 2. I, myself, will be hanging out kind of 11 to 2, so you can stop by and, say hi.

I'll be at the booth. I'll be wandering around. We're handing out classy 97 baby onesies while we're down there so you can have a real classy baby. Yeah. They're cool.

They've got they're black, and they've got the classy 97 logo on them so you can have a classy baby. Classy. What a classy baby. So stop by. That's tomorrow from 9 until 2 on Memorial Drive Downtown Idaho Falls.

It's gonna be cool. And, I think that's it for the Friday show. Look at us. Let's start the weekend. Yeah.

Well, kinda. Kinda sort. Still have more work to do. But I got the rest of the day. I got farmer's market.

Like, trucking right along. It's Friday, so there's no complaints. No complaints? Nope. Check out the show and the podcast.

You can subscribe everywhere you listen to podcasts. We've got those links. I've posted them on social media, yesterday. So if you follow us on Classy 97's Facebook page or Instagram, you can get them there, or you can just go to riverbendmediagroup.com and click on the podcast page, and you can grab the, grab the links there to subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Spotify or Deezer or Amazon. We're all over the place.

Pocket Casts, I know you use that one sometimes. I do. So, anyway, we're all over the Internet. You can find us, Classy 97 KLCE is our socials, and you can listen to the podcast and, carry us with you. So you're never without Josh and Chantel.

Aw. Aw. Anyway, have a great weekend. We'll be back in the studio Monday morning. We'll see you then.

Bye. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.