Outbound Sales Lift

#104.5: Collin Mitchell, chief evangelist at Humantic AI, joins Outbound Sales Lift Bonus Round to answer rapid-fire sales questions.

Show Notes

#104.5: Collin Mitchell, chief evangelist at Humantic AI, joins Outbound Sales Lift Bonus Round to answer rapid-fire sales questions.

What is Outbound Sales Lift?

Explore the human side of sales and business with host Tyler Lindley. Leaders in their field share a dose of inspiration through stories about life and business. Sales professionals provide tactical tips you can put into practice today. It all comes together to help you chart your path forward.

Achieve your goals on your terms — get inspired by stories from extraordinary people, elevate your performance with the latest outbound tactics, and find the lift you need to take your career to the next level.

Outbound Sales Lift
Episode #104.5
Bonus Round with Collin Mitchell
Hosted by: Tyler Lindley


[00:00:00] Tyler Lindley: Welcome to Outbound Sales Lift Bonus Round with Collin Mitchell. And here's a few off the cuff sales questions for Collin. Mm. All right, Collin, uh, double tap on a cold call. Yes or no?

[00:00:14] Collin Mitchell: Absolutely. 1000% double tap every time no matter what. , I love it. Are you not? Are you sur I don't think you're surprised by that answer.

[00:00:25] Tyler Lindley: personalize every email. Yes. Or. , absolutely love it. After this conversation

[00:00:31] Collin Mitchell: now, it would be shocked. Quality. Quality over quantity. My man. Quality

[00:00:35] Tyler Lindley: over quantity. Love it. Leave a voicemail on every cold call. Yes or no?

[00:00:39] Collin Mitchell: Depends on the

[00:00:39] Tyler Lindley: person. Okay, perfect. Meeting reminders for first time appointments with prospects.

Yes or no? Absolutely.

[00:00:47] Collin Mitchell: And do it with a

[00:00:48] Tyler Lindley: video. Do it with a video. Love that. How many do you think is the right number? ,

[00:00:52] Collin Mitchell: I mean, you're typically, your calendar thi, you know, whatever you're using. Calendly, HubSpot, uh, chili Piper, they're already have some in. So make sure that it's not too overwhelming. But day before, send a video, remind 'em what the meeting's about, get them excited.

Uh, always a winning strategy to increase those show rates.

[00:01:10] Tyler Lindley: Love that one sales software tool for you to hit quota. What are you using?

[00:01:16] Collin Mitchell: You gotta have a video tool. I don't care which one. You gotta, you don't care which one. And then obvious, obviously maybe human doesn't matter. Um, you gotta have a video tool in, gotta have a video tool.

[00:01:26] Tyler Lindley: Love it. All right. Inbound or outbound? Outbound. Love it. The best sales manager you've ever had and why?

[00:01:36] Collin Mitchell: Ooh. Not a direct sales manager, but sales mentor. Sales mentor from, uh, is Nigel Green. And why Nigel? He's just, uh, he just knows, he's just taught me so much about sales leadership specifically and a lot around hiring, which is a huge challenge for a lot of sales

[00:01:58] Tyler Lindley: leaders.

A hundred percent agree. What's the best sales book you've ever read and why?

[00:02:05] Collin Mitchell: Ooh. Uh, I'm gonna go with sell without Selling Out. Andy Paul. Love

[00:02:10] Tyler Lindley: it. It's one. Yeah. Had Andy on the podcast not too long ago to talk about it. Yeah, it's a great book. Um, what is your Why in sales column? Why are you in sales?

[00:02:18] Collin Mitchell: I mean family man.

I've got four kids and I grew up from very humble beginnings and was a young, troubled adult. So like sales has given me a life that I honestly could never dream of and been able to provide for my family that in a way that I didn't even think was possible. That's awesome.

[00:02:36] Tyler Lindley: I love that. Uh, preferred outbound channel, and why, what's your preferred.


[00:02:43] Collin Mitchell: every why phone, it's just the most effective. You get instant feedback. You send a, you know, even if you're good at email, the people who don't respond don't respond. But you know, you get real time candid, sometimes very candid feedback on the phone for, you know, where you can really nail target and messaging fast, uh, when trying to scale and get to product market fit and all that good

[00:03:04] Tyler Lindley: stuff.

Perfect. What's your morning routine to start your day in?

[00:03:08] Collin Mitchell: Ooh, uh, up early 3 34. Um, coffee. Get a bit of undistracted work down. Uh, done. Take a break. Um, go for a run with my wife. Hang out with the kids. Help them get out the door and back to the office.

[00:03:25] Tyler Lindley: Perfect. Love it. Last question. Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give your former self on your first day

[00:03:32] Collin Mitchell: in sales?

Ooh. Um,

fir I think the number one thing I would give myself, my, my first day salesperson self is that, um, be patient and, and, and think big picture, long term, man, I was, I had the worst commissioned breath on the entire sales floor when I first got started , and thankfully I don't anymore. But, uh, that was challenge to, to, uh, change some of the bad habits that I picked up.


[00:04:04] Tyler Lindley: love it. Awesome. Well that's it for today's bonus round. Thanks so much for listening. Uh, the full bonus round along with additional podcast videos are available on our YouTube account. Just search for "Tyler Lindley sales coach." And thanks so much for joining today. Whether you're joining remotely or joining live, uh, hope you have a great holiday season and see y'all soon.

See ya.

[00:04:22] Collin Mitchell: Thanks.