The Robot Factory

We hired someone who listens to the podcast. We also hint at a new app we're building for festival badges.

  • (00:00) - Podcast
  • (01:26) - Introduction
  • (02:19) - Expanding Our Audience One Farm Dog At A Time
  • (04:19) - Expanding Our Team One Listener At A Time
  • (08:10) - Close to Launching an Event Badge App
  • (12:39) - Updates On The Hiring App
  • (14:36) - Outro

The Products:,
Twitter: @twostoryrobot
Instagram: @therobotfactorypod

Follow Jonathan: @thejonotron
Follow Caleb: @calebissharp

Creators & Guests

Caleb Sharp
Full-stack developer at Two Story Robot
Daila Duford
No-code developer at Two Story Robot
Jonathan Bowers (he/him)
Founder of Two Story Robot. Developer turned entrepreneur.

What is The Robot Factory?

Follow along as we attempt to build and sell a SaaS company. A build in public behind the scenes journey of a small software agency, Two Story Robot, trying something new.

Jonathan: Uh, Dale, did you listen
to the podcast this morning?

I told you to.

Did you listen to it yet?


Daila: That was like half an hour ago.

I got things to do.

Jonathan: You could have listened
to it and had it's only 18 minutes.

Sped up two times.

It's nine minute.


Daila: although I found when
I listened to myself on two

times speed, I talk super fast.

I sound like the dang chipmunk
from, from any chipmunk show.

Caleb: I tried to listen to the podcast
while I was at the gym one time, and

it wasn't, it wasn't doing it for
me, so I had to switch back to music.

Daila: you laughing so hard?

You were just like,

Caleb: Well,

Daila: I'm so

Caleb: maybe it just wasn't
kind of the, wasn't at the

amplitude that I would've liked.

Daila: Oh,

Jonathan: Amplitude.


What is it?

just turn the, volume up.

Caleb: not the, not the volume, but like,

Daila: should we,

Caleb: Intensity, maybe.

Jonathan: Oh,

Daila: we like random.

Good job, Caleb.

Go lift harder.

Jonathan: Hard more weights.

You can do it.

Caleb: you can do it.

Jonathan: Get this.

You're there.

Caleb: I'm gonna put that on loop.

Jonathan: If you're listening
at the gym, we'd love for you to

just give us a quick shout out.

any way that you can just say, hi, I'm
listening at the gym, pumping some iron.

It's leg day and I am squatting two 50.

I don't know.

What's a good squat?

I don't know.

Caleb: Two 50 is pretty intense.

I think

Jonathan: Is it okay?

I don't do gym stuff.

Keep it up.

You're doing great.

Thanks for listening.

Uh kay.

Daila, you gotta redo the intro.

You got to

Daila: I

Jonathan: do it off the top

Daila: knew you were gonna say this.




Welcome back to the Robot Factory,
where we talk about building

things that we're gonna then sell.

Jonathan: Nice.

Daila: that right?


Look at that.

It's like three months in.

I know what we're talking about.

Jonathan: Okay.

Keep going though.


Daila: Oh, oh, I'm Daila Duford
and I'm one of your co-hosts or

Jonathan: Nice.

I'm one of your other
co-hosts, Jonathan Bowers.

Caleb: And I co-host Caleb Sharp.

Jonathan: Wow.


Daila: You

Jonathan: you mi missed a preposition.

What did you miss?

What's I am Co

Caleb: I co-host.

I am, I'm co-hosting

Jonathan: Oh.

Caleb: Caleb.

Jonathan: As Killer Sharp.

Uh, so some updates a few episodes
ago we, um, actually, so a friend of

mine also called out and said, our
audience is not just Andrew Moms.

And overall, Andrew and
moms, it's also Lincoln.

He, he listens too.

Uh, he listens on a farm, uh,
sometimes while he's herding

sheep with his sheep dog.

Um, sometimes while he's, I
don't know, doing farm stuff.

He's got big hands, strong big beard.

Hi Lincoln.

He, I think he wanted a shout out.

Heaps commenting.

He's like, well, one, he loves the
idea of, building a like a community

around this marketplace thing
that we're still gonna figure out.

We've got a, we've got a meeting,
uh, next week to chat with some folks

about, about what that could be.

Um, so he likes that idea, but then
he also sent me a picture of his dog

instead of this dog also approves.

Um, so shout out to Lincoln, but
so our audience has expanded.

Andrews and moms to Andrews
and Moms and Lincolns.

Daila: there's another one.

Jonathan: What?

What do you mean?

Daila: There's another listener,

Jonathan: what?

Who's the other listener?

Daila: Reese.

I don't know who Reese is, but Reese sent
a message, which I apologize, Reese, I

have not answered yet because I actually
didn't see it till yesterday, but I

will, and I appreciate you reaching out.

Jonathan: We weren't entirely sure
it was a legitimate email cuz uh,

we thought, oh, who, who is this?

Caleb: you both, you both
sent me messages weeks apart.

Been like, who is this?

Is this, is this real?

So Hello Reese?

Jonathan: yeah.

So, uh, our audience is now Andrew
Moms Lincoln Reese and other

people that we don't know yet.

But if you wanna, if you wanna
get mentioned, uh, yeah, you

could probably just talk to one
of us and we'll mention you.

Uh, the list isn't that long.

no, the update that I wanted to share
was regarding the, the hire that we made.

We made a hire, didn't, we did,

Caleb: technically.

Jonathan: didn't.

Caleb: Oh yes.

Well, you made multiple.

Daila: we've made multiple
hires, but are we talking about

Jonathan: yeah.

Daila: Yes, we did.

I feel like we need a drum
roll or something, but

Jonathan: one in, I can put one


Daila: Sweet.

Drum roll insert here.

Jonathan: It's, it's happening.

Daila: Our summer intern is Andrew,

Jonathan: Yay.

Daila: podcast listener

Jonathan: From the

Daila: wonderful person.

And we're super excited.


Jonathan: get hired, listen to
the podcast and comment, uh,

about it at the grocery store.

Daila: Exactly.

Caleb: a one in 10 chance of
getting hired if you listen to the

Daila: I

Jonathan: No, it's a little, it's,
it's, it's lower odds than that.

Caleb, we have more than 10 listeners.

I promise you we have
more than 10 listeners.

Daila: And, and there still is, you
know, this skills needed to have the

Jonathan: Oh, yeah.

Right, right, right.

So what, what is Andrew?

What is Andrew gonna be doing?

Daila: so Andrew is going to be our,
uh, no-code Little Robot intern.

So he's gonna be doing some coda work
with Courtney, which is really exciting.

And then he's gonna be doing some
bubble work, uh, with us, and I'm

really excited to get him going
on some like AI slash bubbl.

Is, uh, gonna be a big project
of his, is doing a bunch of

research and figuring out on that.

So I don't know if he knows
that yet, but that's what

Jonathan: Wait, he doesn't
know he's working for

Daila: Oh, no, he knows
he's, he's working for us.

I just didn't tell him exactly what he's


Jonathan: right.

The tasks.


Daila: Yeah.


Caleb: This is how he finds
out, doesn't get an email.

He has to

listen to the podcast.

Jonathan: yeah.

Daila: just randomly picked someone.

Jonathan: him up.

Hey, you're late.

You were supposed to start today.

Um, when does he start?

Daila: Uh, April 24th,

Jonathan: Oh, not till
the end of the April.

I thought it was.

I thought it was this or next week.


Caleb: Oh, you found my
article, the one I lost.

The the,

Daila: Oh, the, the,

Caleb: You said the April.

Daila: it's in the April.

It was just hanging out
there to be snagged.

Jonathan: Oh

Daila: Um, so anyways,
very, very exciting.

we should bring Andrew in to say hi

Jonathan: yeah, yeah.


For sure.

Caleb: yeah, that should be like, we
should do that with all new hires.

We should haze people.

Jonathan: Haze them on the podcast.

That's awful.

Caleb: no, not like at
like their first day.

They have to go on the podcast
and like they're put on this

spot and be like, tell us


Jonathan: Here's the pressure we
need to double our listener count

appeal to appeal to at

Caleb: a high stakes episode.

Daila: like we should introduce the
team on here though, like one at a time.

Bring 'em on a special guest.

Caleb: Like have a,

have a special, a special episode
that's like extra long, like TV

Jonathan: No, just 1, 1, 1, 1
guest per episode I think is fine.

We don't need to have like a
two hour long, two hour long

Caleb: That's too many episodes.

Jonathan: Well,

Daila: We could bring Steve on and
play a game of, what is he saying?

Jonathan: yeah.

What words are coming outta his mouth?

Daila: the accent just
really throws us off.

Jonathan: I think it's, I think it's fine.

I, I find him very understandable.

Um, but just occasionally a word
I'll think is something else.


So Andrew Andrew's starting,
uh, does that mean he's gonna

stop listening to the podcast?

Because none of you listen to the podcast?

Daila: going to start.

I have been told by my boss
that I need to listen to it.


Jonathan: to, listen to the episode
that I just released today cuz

Daila: um, I know Steve
does listen to it actually.

Jonathan: okay.

Caleb: don't think we listen
to it cuz we're in it.

Jonathan: I listen to it.

I sometimes catch mistakes that I've made
in editing after it's been published, and

then I try to lock those in the back of my
head so I don't make those mistakes again.

Caleb: maybe you're the weird one.

Jonathan: I don't know.

I, I, so sometimes I
listen to it with Zach.

He likes to listen.

He, he, he knows my voice and
he knows your voice, Caleb.

And he says, is that Caleb?

I said, yep.

And that's Caleb.

And then he'll wanna listen.

Um, usually he just wants
to listen to, um, Abba.


Vole vu.

We just listened to that on repeat.

Caleb: that's fun.

Jonathan: What's the other
thing that we are about to.

Build or actually about to launch soon.

It rhymes

Daila: Which one?

Jonathan: with mag.

Daila: Oh, it does run with Mag.


Cuz there is, there's a couple, but
the one that rides with Mag is Yes,

our badge app, which will, uh, launch,
um, or this week to the first customer.

This is very exciting.

So it's for right now, music festivals,
um, or festivals where you have

volunteers and other people who have
different access levels and need badges.

So you enter the information
in boom, boom, boom.

It makes a really beautiful
looking badge printed out.


Jonathan: Yeah.

And we've got, we've got a
customer for this, so we're

like, yeah, they haven't paid us
yet, but they said they would.

Daila: will.


Jonathan: So,

Daila: But, uh, but it, it
was, it was a fun build.

Yeah, I'm pretty excited about it.


Jonathan: did you build
all of it in no code?

Did you do any

Daila: it's a hundred percent bubble.

Jonathan: Okay.

How did you, so one of the things
that this thing does is, uh, well,

let's, let's back up a little bit.

What is the problem that this is solving
is, um, yes, they need to print badges,

but like, why, why is this such a pain?

Actually, do we know the answer to


Daila: know if we know, I wasn't there


Jonathan: you don't know the

Daila: beg the beginning
conversations of this product.

Jonathan: Yeah, it's, it's pretty painful
to deal with because they tend to just

have these, um, like these word templates
or, or whatever, and they have to

manually go in and, and, you know, copy
paste people's names into, into these

templates, which is pretty time consuming.

Um, so what we're building is a tool
that they can just upload, like a

CSV file, for example, um, with all
the names and all the, all the badge

or the, um, access levels, uh, and.

They can just hit a button.

A button and both, both of you
are like doing something else.

What are you doing?


Caleb: I was opening
the blinds a little bit.

Jonathan: okay.

That's fine.


Caleb: I'm also, well, I
know that I already know, so

Jonathan: oh, okay.

Just they upload a CSV with all the
information and they can just hit a button

and out pops a PDF that they can print.

That sort of fits, fits the
special paper perforated paper

that they'll, that they'll have.

Um, and then they can keep track
of, uh, who needs, who's been

printed, who needs new ones.

If they need to make some changes,
they can come in and make changes

really quickly and not have to,
not have to deal with, uh, this

kind of awful manual process.

So it's pretty, it's, it's not
super glamorous, but it sure

seems to be a pain in the butt for
the people that we've talked to.

Um, it's just.

A pain.

So, we're excited about that.

Caleb: is it using AI

Daila: not yet.

Jonathan: Not yet.

Caleb: yet?

Please do tell How, how this would use ai.

Jonathan: Did you?


I feel like I think you knew
about that, Caleb, and you

just throwing me a softball.

Caleb: I might be underhandedly
throwing you Whoop

Jonathan: Okay.



Thank you.

Thank you for that.

Caleb: Mm-hmm.

Jonathan: I've r ruined the illusion.


Daila: You can edit it out.

Jonathan: Yeah.

So, I think, in looking at some of the
designs of badges, um, they're all very

sterile or they have a very intricate.

That's very static
between, between badges.

So I thought what we could do
is, integrate, generative art or

AI generated art to generate the
background of, of these badges.

And so the, the festival or
the conference could sort of

pick some colors or pick some.

I dunno, pick some kind of a theme
and then, um, every badge is unique

and uh, it's got this Yeah, totally,
totally generated background for it.

Um, so when you, when you print it
off for De Dufford or Caleb Sharp,

it's got this like, cool, cool
pattern that's, that's different

for between the two of you anyways.

That's what we're gonna try
and build, um, soon-ish, right?

Daila: Yeah.

We just gotta get this first
version out that doesn't need ai.

Jonathan: Yeah, it doesn't need ai
cuz they have, they have a specific

design that they're looking for.

Um, so we would wanna support that too.


Like just upload your own art or, um, I
don't have any art, but I want them to

look flashy and then just hit a button
and everything looks like metallic

foil with rainbows and whatever.

Daila: Yeah.

So that's coming.

Jonathan: That's what we're cooking.


Daila: Yeah.

Jonathan: any updates on any of
the other producty things that

Daila: While we're, we're building
the, the hiring app, I don't know if

we've talked about that on here before.


Jonathan: What got like two episodes?


Daila: On, on.

Oh yeah, sorry.

Caleb: I didn't even listen to that night.

Jonathan: You don't listen to the podcast.

You gotta listen to the podcast.

If for no other reason to know,
like the continuity of what we've

talked about, the very previous
two episodes are above the hiring.

Daila: so we've talked extensively before
about the hiring app that we're building.

Um, and yeah, it's, it's almost there too.

But we're gonna use it internally first.

Make sure it does what we want it to do.

And then we'll turn that into a product.

Jonathan: Yeah.


That's, that's, that was
previously discussed in the last

Daila: Okay.

Jonathan: Nothing's, nothing's
evolved since then, though.

Hey, like, you haven't

Daila: well it's, we've built it like

since we

Jonathan: but that's, we
talked about that also having

Daila: but it being already built
though, like, but it, but it was

just done like in the last couple
of days to make it super pretty.

I guess

Jonathan: To make it super pretty.

Yeah, it was, it was
not at a state of, um,

Daila: No, it was really
ugly at the last stage.


I do

Caleb: I remember you said that.


Daila: Yeah, that, sorry.

I remember that now too.

It was hideous and now it's beautiful.

Jonathan: well, actually, something
we were talking about earlier is, uh,

connecting payments to some of this stuff.

Um, how, how are we gonna,
how are we gonna do that?

Daila: I don't know.

I'm gonna figure it out.

It we, we'll, we'll, we'll use Stripe.

I've connected Stripe to a bubble
app before and it's lickety slick.


it's not, Oh, it was just one I was
messing around with cuz I wanted to know

how to connect Stripe, but it's not hard.

Jonathan: yeah.



We, we will do that for
the badge, the badging.

We don't have a name for it yet,
but we'll do that for the badge app.


Daila: what we wanted.

But Jonathan doesn't like


Bad badge, badge, badge of vest bad.

But it's cuz Steve did a really
cute little icon for Badger.

Jonathan: And it's a, it's a badger.

Daila: So we, we will think of a snappy



Jonathan: name.

Thanks for listening to the Robot Factory.

I've been one of your
hosts, Jonathan Bowers.

Caleb: And I've been your
other host, Caleb Sharp.

Daila: and I've been your
other host, Daila Dufford.

We'll talk to you next week.

Caleb: yeah.

Don't tell anybody, but my coffee
has Baileys in it this morning.

Daila: Oh, I won't tell your boss.

Jonathan: gonna tell?

Oh yeah, don't tell.

Caleb: I don't know.

Don't, please don't fire me.