Podcast Book Club

In a world drowning in content, a brave team of podcast pros are on a mission to find the best podcasts and figure out what makes them so good.

Want to discover new podcasts? Explore what makes a great podcast episode? And get the inside track from podcasting pros? Then join us! This is the podcast made for podcast fans far and wide. 

Each week a different group of the Lower Street team sits down to talk about an episode of a podcast we've been listening to and discuss what it means to us.  We’ll dive into a podcast review, taking a look at the content, sound design, production, scripting, storytelling, and more.

What podcasts are on our list? Everything from docs to dramas to agony aunts - we love it all at Podcast Book Club, from Lower Street Media.

Follow us on Twitter to find out when new episodes drop, and to get involved in the conversation - we'd love to hear from you!

What is Podcast Book Club?

Podcast fans from all around - come and nerd out about podcasts and discover new shows along the way!

On Podcast Book Club - a different group of podcast industry pros sit down each week to pour over an episode of a show they admire.

We're a group of podcasting professionals who spend every day scripting, producing, engineering, and promoting podcasts. And in our free time? We’re podcast fans just like you. We love to listen to even more podcasts and figure out what makes the best podcasts so good.

So tune in and join the club - listen to podcast reviews of some of our favorite gems. We’ll give feedback on podcast content but also sound design, production, scripting, storytelling, and more.

Want even more? Catch Podcast Book Club on Twitter: twitter.com/podbookclub

Podcast Book Club is produced by Alex Bennett, Head of Post Production at Lower Street. Alex is a domesticated audio nerd, who has spent the past five years learning about human social conventions via the medium of podcasting. From Edinburgh, Scotland he is an audio engineer that helps produce audio dramas in his spare time. Alex specialises in soundscapes and creative mixing. He has a deep and abiding love for sandwiches, and is the 2nd worst bowler at Lower Street.

Lower Street provides next-level podcast production services for ambitious companies: everything from podcast strategy and creation to growth. We’ve worked with companies like BCG to develop multiple podcasts like Climate Vision 2050, BCG Compliance, BCG Fintech Files, and BCG In Her Element. We’ve also helped produce: Cadence Bank’s In Good Companies; HPE’s Technology Now, Zuhlke’s Data Today, Northern Trust’s The Road to Why, Zoobean’s The Reading Culture; ICR’s Welcome to the Arena and ZeroNorth’s Navigating Zero.

Find out more at https://lowerstreet.co/ and sign up for our newsletter to keep in touch https://lowerstreet.co/newsletter-sign-up

[Inception Horn]

Narrator: In a world drowning in podcasts

[a mass of chattering podcasters rises to a crescendo, followed by another Inception horn]

Narrator: A specially selected team is on a mission to find the best. And bring their powers of analysis to bear.

[intense drums rise to a crescendo and then stop suddenly]

Andrew: I am a big dummy with a short attention span, and I think that's a good, important perspective to have in this conversation.

[the podcast's theme music plays]

Alex: Everyone’s got a podcast these days, and the collective noise is deafening. We’re on a mission to find great shows and ask - what makes them so great?
Want to discover new shows you’ll love? Figure out why they work so well? And just generally nerd out about podcasts?
Then join us on Podcast Book Club, from Lower Street Media. The idea’s simple - each week a different group of us podcasting pros sit down to pour over a show we admire, and talk about what makes it tick.

[clips from the show play]

Jackie: And the more understanding you are of, like, who your audience is and who's actually gonna be listening and, you know, you have that idea of the person on the other end, I think the better the podcast is gonna be.

Zoe: The music is very subtle, but when I did sit back and listen to it properly, it really added to it just because of the subtlety and sort of building this dream-like experience.

Marion: I thought it was really interesting, very layered, so beautifully written, and so well designed.

[clips end]

Alex: We spend our work days making podcasts - but as well as creating, we always want to learn more, find new and exciting shows, and just have a chat about our favourite medium. So join us for season 1 - coming soon.
Want to be the first to find out what shows we’ll be covering? Find us on Twitter @podbookclub - we’d love to hear your suggestions and opinions. And don’t forget to Hit follow on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.