Modeling Success

Modeling Success will be breaking down the topics that need to be talked about and the aspects of the event & activation industry that needs attention, both issues on the talent side that are not payed attention to as well as on the brand side. Rian discusses topics that will be addressed throughout future episodes of Modeling Success and what the goals of these discussions will be.

Show Notes

Modeling Success will be breaking down the topics that need to be talked about and the aspects of the event & activation industry that needs attention, both issues on the talent side that are not payed attention to as well as on the brand side. Rian discusses topics that will be addressed throughout future episodes of Modeling Success and what the goals of these discussions will be.

With over 25 years in the industry, Rian Donatelli is putting it all on the table and covering the real life, behind-the-scenes, challenges going on in the Talent & Entertainment industry. Rian is bridging the gap between Talent & Brand as well as providing insight for Talent to grow and scale their personal brand and business.

Rian states the ins and outs of the Talent world and touches on the points that she will be digging deeper into in order to get the aspects of the industry that need to change, not just for the booked Talent & Brand Ambassadors, but also for the Brands themselves.

Rian also discusses the tips for success in the Talent industry including building a reliable personal brand and how to grow & scale business.


Find Rian:
Instagram: @riandonatelli

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What is Modeling Success?

Modeling Success is created to bridge the gap between talent and brand. Putting everything out on the table, addressing current situations and hot unspoken topics that are happening in the industry that need to change. We will address topics such as the models and brand's point of view on industry topics. As well as discussing success in the industry, what it is to be a model and what agencies and brands are looking for when seeking talent. Just because you get paid for pictures does not make you a model. A model is "a system or thing used as an example to follow or imitate". A model is someone or something one aspires to become, someone who works their butt off and is someone people can look up to. This podcast is here to assist Talent in learning pride and true tactics for success in the industry.

I, Rian Donatelli, will use my 25+ years experience within this industry to discuss all these topics and more through conversions and panels with other people in the industry from talent to brand executives to the venues and establishments that we are operating in. We are going to find some hard truths that need to be heard on all fronts.

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Listen up. Just because you get paid for pictures does not make you a model. A model is a system or thing used as an example to follow. A model is someone or something one aspires to become. It's an example.

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Modeling success is here to assist talent in learning, pride and true tactics for success in the industry. My name is Ryan Donatelli. I am your host of modeling success, and this podcast is created to bridge the gap between talent and brand. We're gonna put it all out on the table, addressing situations, topics, experiences, all happening in the industry that need to change. A lot of things behind the scene are going undiscussed, and it's time that we, just put it all out on the table.

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So what we will be talking about on modeling success every week is models point of view on industry topics, brand point of view on those industry topics, and we'll be discussing different situations and things that are happening to bridge the gap between those 2. We'll discuss self employed success tips in all capacities. Talking about what is a model, what agencies are looking for, how to identify a good agency for you, how agency identifies if talent's good for them, how to get into this industry, essentials for the job, how to make a proper resume even if you've never had one, how to prepare for photo shoots, how to supply the right photos for every job and booking, preparing for bookings, and finishing the job in full, what that truly entails. There's permits. There's certifications.

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There are elements and items that you need in advance to even get considered for that role or position. Although we have the me too movement that's taken place, and now we have equal rights stronger than ever, at the end of the day, now that we have equal rights stronger than ever, at the end of the day, when booking talent or casting, there are certain criterias people are looking for to bring that role or booking to fruition. So talent and brand ambassador have a world of likes and dislikes. We'll be talking about those. We'll talk about what they care about, what's important to them, common pet peeves talent has with bookings, brand do's and don'ts, common mistakes brand feels happens in the industry most often, legalities to keep in mind, illegal things happening in the industry, and we're just gonna put it all out on the table and openly discuss it.

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The entrepreneurial resources that the younger generation or today's generation has access to far surpasses, in my opinion, what any university will ever teach you about growing and scaling your personal brand. We will break down simple ways to establish your personal brand, the difference between marketing and branding, systems and resources to assist in growing and scaling your business. We will bring on successful entrepreneurs qualified to give advice in the space and share their success systems. What's trending in the business? Social presence, marketing trends, creative concepts, and personal success stories in these spaces.

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We'll discuss branding and marketing topics, opinions, strategy, and secrets. We will educate talent on how to fully capitalize on all the opportunities that they have access to to bring in additional income, residual income, online income. So when performance opportunities are not the main source of income, they have additional avenues for revenue. In addition to all the above, I'll be breaking down my learnings of over 20 years in this business, discussing all topics, misconceptions, real hard truths, most common mistakes I see people making that may, in fact, disturb a few, but the hard truths are going on the table and the true reality of what it takes to be successful in the talent industry today. My name is Ryan Donatelli.

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I am a business coach, a brand guru, a talent booking expert. I've been in this industry for 25 years, and we will discuss my personal beliefs on business, education, activation, and all things sales and marketing systems, people, and scaling. So join us here every week on modeling success to learn the best and quickest way to succeed in the modeling talent and entertainment industry. You can follow me, Ryan Donatelli, on Instagram and LinkedIn. It's riandonatelli, or you can visit

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Make sure you rate, review, and subscribe and we'll see you here next week on modeling success.