No F**ks Given: How to Make Menopause Your Superpower

In this episode Holly shares her personal experience with her last menstrual cycle, discussing the unexpected challenges she faced during her inner autumn. She emphasises the importance of honouring one's body and the need for rest in a society that often overlooks these aspects. Holly reflects on the lessons learned from her struggles, the significance of self-awareness, and the power of women coming together to reclaim their strength and knowledge about their bodies.

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What is No F**ks Given: How to Make Menopause Your Superpower?

Welcome to "No F**ks Given," where we redefine menopause as a superpower. Hosted by Holly Lamb, a women's health coach, who is navigating early menopause. This podcast offers empowering guidance on women's health and navigating perimenopause with confidence. From nutrition tips to fitness advice and mindfulness practices, we cover it all. But here's the twist: it's all about embracing your most authentic, unapologetic self. We're here to help you reclaim your power, say goodbye to societal norms, and live life on your own terms—no f**ks given. Welcome to the revolution!

Holly Lamb (00:00.874)
Hello and welcome to this week's episode of the No Fucks Given podcast with me your host Holly Lamb. This week I wanted to discuss my last bleed and my last inner autumn because it was very difficult for me, which is not something I've experienced in quite a long time. So I wanted to explain what happened to me.

And just to show that even with someone who has all this information, who does this on a daily basis, practicing menstrual cycle awareness, does all the lifestyle changes, some months, some weeks are going to be difficult for whatever reason. Maybe it was to do with the full moon in Aries. It was very explosive and

I feel a lot has changed since then. So maybe it was something to do with that, or maybe it was just me not honoring my body as much as I should. So that's kind of what I wanted to discuss in detail today. And it was very unexpected because I felt, well, I feel like I have it under control when clearly life is gonna throw us some curve balls.

and show us areas that we need to work on. And this is exactly what this bleed and this inner autumn time did for me. You know, I'd not felt this level of irritability for such a long time. Like we all get those little nudges, you know, been annoyed more at your partner, shouting at someone in traffic, all those things. But this was such a level where

It was to the point where I was like, I wish somebody would mug me on the street because I'll have them. That's how it felt. I was like, try it. Somebody try it today because I'm not, I'm ready. I'm ready to take you on. And that's not a great feeling because you've got all this energy inside you. And it wasn't something I was able to shift no matter what I did.

Holly Lamb (02:23.178)
no matter what practices I had in place. And even surrendering didn't help. And I felt a real disconnect from my reality. I wasn't able to connect to my higher self. My last bleed, was able to really go into depths and chat to her and have conversations. And this time round, I was talking and nobody was talking back.

And it was very strange. And I very much felt like I was in this void, this no man's land that the carpet had been taken from under me. And I really didn't know how to process it, especially I think because the last bleed I experienced was so amazing and expansive and feelings of bliss and ecstasy and just, just.

just amazing feelings. aren't words to describe how amazing it was. And then to have this polarity in this time round was not a nice feeling. I had really bad headaches, menstrual cramps, I felt sick and felt so exhausted, like exhaustion I hadn't experienced for such a long time. And the nausea was a big one because I don't really get

those kind of symptoms when I bleed and the few days before I bleed. So this was really unusual and this was not nice. And I know there's women out there that will experience this every bleed and let me tell you, this is not normal. You shouldn't be experiencing this level of pain and discomfort because you're on your period. So clearly there's a message in there for me.

And I don't think I've quite worked through it yet. I'm still working my way through it. But all of the symptoms are, were showing me something and perhaps an area that I need to work on or move through. But what it did do is it's made me slow right down again. It made me really slow down and take a day.

Holly Lamb (04:42.102)
fully to myself and move at my own pace and not let the pace of society dictate what I should be doing.

And these questions came up like, why do I find this so hard to do? Why do we as a society, as women, find it so hard to do to slow down? Why do we feel as though we're failing if we slow down and take time out? Because this is what our inner winter and the end of our inner autumn asks us to do to slow down.

and eventually just to be, to be with ourselves and to do nothing. You know, we're not failing if we take that time out. We're doing our best to live cyclically in this non-cyclical world. And our rhythms are just not honored as they once were. We can struggle to move with the ebbs and flows of our being.

because this masculine world we live in does not see the true value in rest. And in a winter asks us to properly rest. And I had a day where I did nothing. I stayed in my pajamas. I watched a film. I tried to listen to what my body wanted. I ate what my body needed. And...

I was just with myself and that's exactly what I needed to do. But I know we can't always do that. So it's about honoring the season, but also doing the 1%. What's the 1 % that you can do if you start to experience these symptoms? You know, as women, rest and the contraction phase of our cycle, the autumn and the winter is the part that's looked upon with like disdain.

Holly Lamb (06:46.624)
When we're bright and vibrant in our spring and our summer, everybody wants a piece of you. But when you need to slow down and go inwards and have time on your own away from responsibilities of the world, this is frowned upon. You know, we're told we're lazy, even if it's in jest, but that sticks with you. And I think this is why we struggle so much to slow down.

That voice in the back of our head is saying, you're lazy. You don't need to slow down. You don't need to rest. It's so loud, we ignore our bodily needs and what it's telling us. And we stay in this rushing summer energy when actually we just really need to slow down and to just be.

Holly Lamb (07:39.444)
So if you don't honor the slowing of that phase, it will come back to bite you in the ass. And I don't think personally that's what's happened with me in this instance, although I have done that before and it has come back to bite me in the ass. I believe it is a combination of the energies of the full moon because it was so potent.

and other things that are happening in my life right now, and my body was just crying out for love, for rest.

Holly Lamb (08:49.864)
It cried out for true rest and just wanted to be bored, to do nothing, to have no agenda, to drop everything. And I'm still processing why this happened and what went on and why my body has reacted in this way when for so long there was harmony in my body and it...

It just goes to show that no matter what knowledge you have and no matter how well you think you know your body and yourself, it will always throw you a curve ball from time to time. There's always gonna be something there to move through and work on. And this feels like it was to bring me back down to earth, to show me that I don't know it all.

Perhaps my ego was starting to take over thinking, you've got this in the bag. When really do we ever have it in the bag? We can know as much as we know, but there's always stuff to learn and to grow into. And that's what life's about. And especially as women, as we navigate these changes through different decades of our life, things will change.

And the lessons I've learned so far is to be humble, to know you're always a work in progress. No one knows it all and you should never put anybody on a pedestal. So yes, I may know more about this, but you also have this knowledge deep within you. Every woman does. And I'm just here to help you remember that.

and we shouldn't put anybody else above anybody else because they aren't, we are all the same. Some of us are just further along in understanding ourselves and educating ourselves on certain aspects, but nobody's better than anybody.

Holly Lamb (11:06.944)
And that's what I want to do. I want to help every woman remember this power that is hidden within them, that's been forgotten, that's been lost over time because the powers that be don't want us to know how amazing and powerful we are as women. We birth life into this realm, not just physical life, but ideas metaphorically.

And when women gather together and know their true power, then this is when real change happens.

So this was just a little reminder that not everybody has it all together. And what you see on social media is a snapshot of life. A snapshot of what's really happening, of what they wanna show you. So this is why I wanted to put this out and say, it's okay to not have it under control. You can have your shit under control most of the time, but there's gonna be times where...

It's not, that's okay. We're allowed to not be okay some of the time. I want you to be okay most of the time, but as it's going to show, and what I've experienced, it's not gonna be all the time. And there's a lesson in here that I'm still working my way through.

Holly Lamb (12:32.428)
So if you're feeling a little bit lost, then take this as comfort that you're doing all right. And if you're feeling still lost and don't understand how you can bring your body back into this harmony, then this is what my cyclical power program can help you do. And it's working with me for four weeks, one to one to bring your cycle back into alignment.

and for you to be able to live cyclically in this non-cyclical world and to get rid of those debilitating PMS symptoms. If you're experiencing what I've experienced every month, that's not normal. You shouldn't be experiencing that. Know that you can change. I'm working with women at the moment and things are changing even in the short space of four weeks.

through menstrual cycle awareness, through lifestyle practices, through bringing awareness to your body and understanding why it's doing this. So if you wanna join my cyclical power program, then the details are in the show notes or you can message me on Instagram, Hormone Harmony Coach. And we can have a chat about where you are and what you'd like to achieve and can see if this program is for you.

but the women I'm working with already are having amazing results.

So if that sounds like exactly what you need, then click the link in the show notes or drop me a message. And if you've enjoyed this episode, then please reach out to me and let me know. I love to hear feedback, what your biggest takeaways were. And if you can subscribe, this does massive wonders for me and pushes me up the charts on the podcast charts. So subscribe. And even if you can leave a little review, that would be amazing.

Holly Lamb (14:29.696)
So thank you for joining me this week and I will see you all next week.