The No Gimmicks Podcast

The fellas cover the much talked about debut of Wyatt Sicks and episode 3 of Who Killed WCW...?

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What is The No Gimmicks Podcast?

If you want a wrestling podcast that keeps it 100% real on all the topics you love, you’ve com to the right place. No Gimmicks is dedicated to bringing you commentary from the worlds of pro wrestling, entertainment and when the moment calls for it, social events. Be warned, don’t come with a closed mind. This isn’t a gimmick show.

Speaker 1:

What is up, people? Welcome back to the no gimmicks podcast here on the DFPN. Real quick note. We were supposed to have on Tuesday, Due to circumstances beyond his control, he was unable to make it. So we have rescheduled interview for, next Tuesday.

Speaker 1:

You guys will get that. We'll be live on Facebook and all that great stuff. But shout out to Monteezy, guy that does our theme song. Very, very good brother. And, he'll be back on on Tuesday.

Speaker 1:

But welcome to the show. We got a good one planned out for you guys. We've already had a a show and a half before we started here tonight, but we got a good show for you guys tonight. There's gonna be some references to a certain person that that that worked at TNT. Cover your ears because we will be talking bad about this person.

Speaker 1:

But, before we get into the show, shout out if you're listening to our voices. Follow us on Subscribe to the Bandcamp, And let's get into the show, man. I wanna start I wanna start here because this one's kinda fresh in the, in in the wrestling business.

Speaker 1:

We had a I don't know if you wanna call it a debut more more than a return, but the Wyatt 6 and how they popped up on raw, caused quite a bit of buzz. I actually watched that live. 1st and foremost, very good Raw. Raw was Raw was a very good show Monday, and, we had a lot of we had a lot of good things happen, return to Seth Rollins. That kicked off something.

Speaker 1:

Damien Priest, who we learned is okay after that after that spot that happened that, clash at the castle. So kudos to him. Looks like they're gonna be going up against each other at money in the bank. So, that was some good stuff, but the the thing that everybody's talking about right now is the y at 6, man. I thought for what they did with this and how they introduced all of them, very well done.

Speaker 1:

Very well done. This reminded me of, like, the the the horror movie shows. Like, the how they set it up and the slow draw, the build, the camera angles, how they just focused on on each person and how they introduce them and the way they introduce them, bodies everywhere. I thought this was really well done. What did you think about it?

Speaker 2:

No. That's the, first thing I noticed about the presentation was how well it was done, how well it got produced. Just to see Bray Wyatt's vision come to life

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And what he was planning. It I mean, the guy was just a a master at storytelling. Yeah. And then having this thing figured out all the way back to the fire, fire fun house and taking those elements and incorporating them here with the y six. And the fact that his brother, you know, Beau, is continuing on this legacy of a character that seemingly is is about to get a huge shot in the arm here because it had been panned so much when Bray was alive because of, you know, the Royal Rumble spot and and everything that happened.

Speaker 2:

So to see a lot of these people, get second chances here and to do something special, and I I just I can't wait to see what they do with this because what I watched was I said, you know, this is kinda like, Halloween horror nights. Something you'd watch through Halloween horror nights and and you would see. You know? So like I said, I thought it was well done. This is like the WWE.

Speaker 2:

There's nobody that can beat them when it comes to producing these type of segments and just the creative juices that flow when people are on the right page and trying to do something here. And, I mean, the fact that they attack both baby faces and heels Right. Was was a was a a great thing here. Very representative. It's it's it's no different than the NWO attacking the baby faces and the heels.

Speaker 2:

So they this this this group does discriminate. And from what I read earlier, they wanted to, do some in several elements of the shows moving forward. So, I mean, that could be in XC. That could be SmackDown. That could be Raw.

Speaker 2:

I like that, you know, aspect of you never know when the y6 They're never gonna pop up. Exactly. You don't know what they're gonna do, and I like that element. I like that it's must see TV because you just don't know what's gonna happen. And that's the thing that's missing that WCW and we'll be talking about them in a little while.

Speaker 2:

But what WCW did so well was you had to watch that show to find out just what as they say, what the hell they were gonna do next.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And if you have this you have this on the show, it's gonna be the same thing. You have got to watch Raw, SmackDown, and see even their YouTube channel to find out exactly what they're gonna do next.

Speaker 1:

Right. So the one big thing that they did, that a lot of people that I I wasn't aware of, but a lot of people caught on to was the QR codes. And a lot of the backstory they put into the QR codes for people to figure out. And a lot of people a lot of people went on Twitter as this was happening and was breaking this shit down and putting putting the, QR codes to put injecting it into kinda like the story, which I've never seen that happen before. I thought that was actually really fucking cool that people were using social media to actually inject the story as it was unfolding and how they made sense of all of it.

Speaker 1:

Even going back to Nikki Cross's, transformation, how how they set up, I guess, it's Nikki Cross. What the fuck is his name? The creep

Speaker 2:

Dexter Lumis.

Speaker 1:

Dexter Lumis, Joe Gacy, Eric Red Beard, and uncle Howdy. They they they did a a fantastic job just rolling this out and eventually bringing it on screen. My my biggest thing that I took from it is they're starting to find a way to use the non wrestling writers in a meaningful way in a situation like this because this had Hollywood shit written all over it.

Speaker 2:

Well, didn't, when when when Bray was alive, didn't he have somebody that was from the horror genre that was working with him on his stuff?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So they might be incorporating yeah. They may be incorporating that person into, telling the story. But is awesome. This, yeah, this isn't the first time, though, that the fans have taken to social media, Internet to figure things out. If you remember the, 2,000 I think it was 2,007 return, I believe it is, or 1st year ago.

Speaker 2:

Save us y two j. Remember that campaign they did?

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

You know? Trying to figure it out. So and they asked stuff where people were going, looking up stuff and all that. So it's not the first time it's happened, but done correctly. You know?

Speaker 2:

It it it can have big results. So people knew that they were gonna show up on Raw. They just didn't know what segment. So you have to keep watching because it's a building. It's a building.

Speaker 2:

You know

Speaker 1:

what I mean? Talking about. Like, people people have figured out they were gonna be there that night, and then they were they were actually like, this person is this, and this is their backstory. I've never seen that happen live. I've I know what you're saying with the Jericho stuff, but then, like, oh, this is who this is.

Speaker 1:

I had never seen anything like that.

Speaker 2:

And I

Speaker 1:

I thought that was I thought that was really fucking cool with them. I didn't do that.

Speaker 2:

And some people and some people are speculating because, Eric, you know, Red Beard had the sledge, had the the hammer in the scene. That's a representation of Luke Harper when they were The

Speaker 1:

Bludgeon Brothers.

Speaker 2:

Brothers. Correct.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That oh, yeah.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. That's awesome. So I I think I think, you know, it's it's all kinda cool shit, and it's and it's really the perfect time to do it because we're almost to Halloween. Yeah. So And you're doing that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. You could yeah. Halloween. And this, to me, honestly, this is what I'm talking about. Like, you know, they're they're talking about, bringing in bringing back bad blood, for October.

Speaker 2:

So I would definitely incorporate the y six into bad blood. And this is also a perfect time where I wish they would have had Halloween Havoc as a main roster pay per view.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Like, WWE, like I don't know. It's like and and it's not like a lot of eyeballs on NXT. It's why you should incorporate a lot of these names, especially right now because there's so much talk about WCW. Why 90 4 bring a lot of WCW names onto the main roster? Because a lot of the names they use right now, they're I mean, I'm gonna be honest with you, they're kinda whack.

Speaker 2:

It's being stupid. I would

Speaker 1:

agree. I would agree.

Speaker 2:

They got a whole IP there of of of pay per view names you could you could use. So I don't know. I mean, another one that they actually can incorporate in this, if you want to say, you know, this is this is just, you know, so just tell the stories. But, if you wanted to bring somebody into the y six, trying to, you know, put them into into the faction at some point, sold out would be a good one to to do that because essentially you're, yeah, you eventually you're selling your soul to uncle Howdy, to the you know? I like that.

Speaker 1:

I think sold it out. There is speculation that there there is a 6th member, but the main speculation is that Bray is actually the 6th member.

Speaker 2:

I've I've I've heard that, and that would make sense. I mean, he's represented by the latter. I mean, he is the he is the and you could use that. Like, he is the the guiding force behind this. But to me, it will honestly be Brian Stronger.

Speaker 1:

I think so too. And they actually used the clip from 2020 when, Braun and Bray had that match. I forget what pay per view it was, but it was in the Thunderdome, obviously.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Right. Right.

Speaker 1:

And Bray was like, it's gonna be perfect this time. And that just made me think of, alright. Yeah. Bring him in. That that it would work with him in it.

Speaker 2:

Yes. Yes.

Speaker 1:

Also, you were talking about, like, the WCW and the the must see TV aspect. Immediately, when I saw the debut, I was like, you know what you could do with this group and it would work was the parking lot spot. Not so much exactly like that, but an urgent like, somebody running out like, y'all need to get to the back. They're they're they're at it. They're they're beating people up.

Speaker 1:

They're it's it's a mess back there. Y'all need to get back there now and then rush back there. You could do something like that with them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. You could, but that will kinda kill them to seek a little bit because, yeah, because when they when when they did that in WCW, it was essentially these 2 these 2 rebels. This group here being a a a kinda like a a dark side kind of a faction, it would be more of a of a call if you if you just start seeing signs that they're there. And that's basically the the light's flickering or something like that. You can bring them in that way.

Speaker 2:

I think, like, oh my god. They're back here. Well, that wouldn't work to me because it would kill the aura that they're trying to present. Like, you don't know. You know?

Speaker 2:

And what would have even been better is that they had to show it in the gorilla position. Right? If it would have been in that in that sea of body bodies, it would have been Bruce Pritchard there or somebody like that. Upper upper management.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

That would have been there because that was Guerrilla. Yep. So that would have been cool. But I overall, presentation for what I saw, and where I think they're going, it's a 10 out of 10 for me. I I I really enjoyed that segment.

Speaker 1:

I I enjoyed it too. Now you said going forward. I don't know where you go after this. I don't because that was a hell of a baby.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. It's so it's gonna it's gonna have to be it's gonna have to be sporadic, but at the same time, you can't just say, okay, uncle Howdy. You're gonna go and you're gonna, we're gonna fuse you in with Cody or we're gonna fuse you in with Damian Priest. You would have to basically and and this is kinda where I think what this is this is what's gonna be the problem with with the y six is they're gonna steal all the heat from the judgment day.

Speaker 1:

Because, essentially definitely.

Speaker 2:

They're essentially, they're doing the same type of group here, but people are gonna go with the white 6 over the judgment day. And the judgment day now because of this shit they got going on with with Dominic and and Liv Morgan, which to me just doesn't look it doesn't seem natural at all. And I I think the the the whole card, room keys, that's kinda lame, to be honest. But I do say at one point, we're gonna see a betrayal of, you know, for Finn Balor. I think eventually Balor is gonna turn on Priest.

Speaker 2:

Because at the same time, you gotta look at it like this. So where you go in the story behind what Damian Priest and Seth Rollins is is, you know, Finn Balor is the guy who was the first universal champion, and Seth Rollins is the person that injured him. And, you know, you never really got that that feud about that. And now it's kinda like Finn Balor here, who has a history, the bullet club, and, you know, you're kinda, like, saying you're playing a second fiddle in the judgment day faction when, like dude, I was the 1st universal champion, and people seem to forget who I am or forget that I'm Prince Devitt. But but you have all these it's amazing to me that you have majority all the Bullet Club members in WWE right now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. The originals.

Speaker 2:

The originals.

Speaker 1:

All of them except. Correct.

Speaker 2:

But you have all the the all the characters, man. Like like, I'm just thinking, like, man, of a of a super fraction there that they that they could do there.

Speaker 1:

But you

Speaker 2:

have the you have the ingredients there to cook, but everybody's got different dishes that they're in right now.

Speaker 1:

Yep. This is true. So I'm not even on the same show.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So it it it it'd be a long stretch, but I would love to see them make that happen just for nostalgia's sake. You don't even have to call it the bullet club. Everybody would know what the fuck that shit is.

Speaker 2:

But on a positive another positive very quick. So I was going through the WWE Music YouTube channel, and I came across a theme I had not heard that they did a remix for, Damage Control. So Damage Control has, a remix of their original music, but it's got Japanese lyrics in it. And it's a bang it's a banger. Really?

Speaker 2:

It it's yeah. It's yeah. I haven't seen the video. It's yeah. It's it's it's some good shit.

Speaker 2:

One time, death, verbal, that's some good music.

Speaker 1:

I mean, it would it would be awesome if damage control wasn't jabbing now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. It's just I'm I'm a say the answer is like, I'll I'll show it to you, but it's it's the shit for real for real. But then I'm like, what the hell did y'all do to the authors of Payne's music? My god.

Speaker 1:

Bro, that that the MXT authors of Payne entrance music?

Speaker 2:

That shit was fire. Yeah. It was. But then I listen to what they have them out to now? My god, dude.

Speaker 2:

What what? Wow.

Speaker 1:

We you gotta have them with, with Cross. That group has so much potential, and they just they crapped it out. It it's done.

Speaker 2:

It's like it, yeah, it doesn't matter now because Yeah. If you if if essentially, it's kinda like they're not a dark side group, but they're you're kinda like they kinda have that aura about them. Right?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So when you have a faction like the y s 6 that you know WWE is about to push to the moon Yep. They already got T shirts out there. As soon as the group debuted, like Oh, yeah. Not even They knew that. Even a minute later, they put the the the T shirts on w shop.

Speaker 2:

So they they already have this is where we're going with this. Yep. So all the other factions in WWF are gonna have to be like, you you have to play catch up here because you already know creatively where they're going. There's there's only 2 factions right now in WWE that matter, and that is the y six and the bloodline. Because I

Speaker 1:

don't wanna do that. Problem. That's a problem too. Because who are you gonna have who are you gonna have the y six go after? And if Everybody.

Speaker 1:

If it is everybody, who's gonna combat them?

Speaker 2:

The the the heels of baby face are gonna have to come together. You gotta have And that's an easy one.

Speaker 1:

This is like an NWO situation we're dealing with.

Speaker 2:

Could be. Because these guys are gonna have to you know, guys and gals, because Nikki Cross is off. They're gonna have to we're gonna have to buddy up and take down this new threat. There's no way you can you in in enemies enemies are gonna are gonna have to become friends for the moment. That's that's what should have happened.

Speaker 1:

You're gonna you're gonna have to you're gonna they gotta navigate this carefully.

Speaker 2:

Leading to the war games.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Because somebody somebody that I I know never makes sense actually made sense to me. And this is Ryback. Ryback said Ryback said, it's a tricky situation for them because there's no real, like, main event or energy in that group right now. And he's like, when you have a card of potential you have a stable full of potential mid carders.

Speaker 1:

None of it really does get. And he gave some examples. And I was like, shit. Like, I wanna disagree with you, but you're actually fucking right right now. And I was like because he was talking about, he talked about the the stable with Seamus and Drew.

Speaker 1:

And Yeah. He's he he brought them up. And who else did he bring up? He brought up a couple, and I was like, damn it. Like, I wanna disagree with you, but you're fucking right.

Speaker 1:

He's like, it never really ends well for stables that have mid card. Like, it's full of mid card. There's no real main event caliber talent in it. I was like, fuck. But he he he actually made sense of it, and I'm like, yeah.

Speaker 1:

They are gonna have to navigate this one really well. But I think I think there's enough there. And I think with that particular faction being a tribute to Bray, it does have a lot of firepower behind it right now.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, it's gonna be protected. That's the Right. There's gonna be it's gonna be protected just like in many aspects of the bloodline were protected during Roman's run. So like I said, they're gonna have to, you know, incorporate them where they can, but also make sure they don't take away from the main stories that are going on, which are gonna be, Roman in in solo eventually. Right.

Speaker 2:

And, also, whatever they got going on with with, you know, Randy Orton, there's possible he'll turn with Randy Orton because Orton was looking at the championship when he came out to help Cody. So there's always little little things going on there, but you never know where they're gonna pull the trigger on it. Oh, it was perfect. Yeah. The bit exactly.

Speaker 2:

Then you have, Drew McIntyre walking out. And what I would do with Drew McIntyre is I would send that guy down to TNA.

Speaker 1:

I thought of that too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. I would but he would be Drew Galloway. Yep. Change his name. Yep.

Speaker 2:

And not have him be on WTV for a few months and then bring him back. Because you have that working relationship

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And you can bring him. Correct.

Speaker 1:

Right. You have that working relationship with TNA. Let him go down there, and it's kinda like a reset for him too.

Speaker 2:

You know

Speaker 1:

what I'm saying? Because you know punk's gonna be in the he's gonna be in the main event scene. That's that's a given. And if you really want to, you do the you do the punk Seth thing. Because you don't need a belt for whatever punk's gonna do.

Speaker 1:

The the obvious for me, the obvious choice right now, Gunther's got the shot. Let Gunther get the shot at SummerSlam. Put Gunther over. Whoever whoever wins between, I'm pro I'm pretty sure we're gonna get, Seth Punk probably at SummerSlam. Right?

Speaker 1:

Because we're getting priest in, Seth, at money in the bank. That's probably gonna lead to Seth and Pump at some point.

Speaker 2:

I I I honestly I would honestly hold off for Seth and Pump until at least survivor series. I would say that too. Because that's where Punk returned. That's where Rollins had all the issues going on out there, so it would make sense for them to work together at that point. But, also, when it comes to Centimeters Punk, I would actually have Centimeters Punk if if, you know, just hypothetically speaking, if they sent Drew McIntyre down to TNA.

Speaker 2:

I would have Punk show up at TNA. That's what I would do. I'd have him actually show up there as a surprise that nobody is expecting. And, like, McIntyre can say, I cannot escape this goddamn guy guy because he's showing up everywhere I go.

Speaker 1:

And do punk and punk and Galloway at TNA?

Speaker 2:

You can do punk and Galloway at TNA, but not necessarily do them, match what them at TNA, but have punk show up at TNA. And that's gonna bring how does how how does he get back? Well, you gotta come out to WWE. If you wanna wrestle me, we'll do it at SummerSlam. I like

Speaker 1:

that idea.

Speaker 2:

Because nobody is expecting to see Pac.

Speaker 1:

Right. I like that idea.

Speaker 2:

Pac hasn't been in t and a since, what, 03 or some shit like that? 02? Yep. So he you know, the just the thought of him showing up there, like, that's not gonna happen. It

Speaker 1:

happened. And that would make it work because no one thinks it's gonna happen.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I like it. I like it. I like it. But then and here's here's the thing. Because I think Damian Priest right now is he's riding a wave of momentum.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. I I actually don't wanna see him lose the belt. Right. But I know come SummerSlam, his time may be up.

Speaker 2:

You know, I'm a Priest fan, but it's something not working here. I don't I don't know what it is. And he's coming to his own.

Speaker 1:

I think it

Speaker 2:

is. Not working.

Speaker 1:

I I think it's starting. But I think I think right now, the the cloud of post WrestleMania. Like, is he the guy? I think that's still hanging over him a little bit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. But they haven't really given it a chance either.

Speaker 1:

Right. Exactly. Exactly. But I do think I do think what he did, what he is not really the match because the match was great. It's what he said after the match that made me go, you know what?

Speaker 1:

This guy, he's on to something. I think I think he's he's getting there, but I don't think they're going to give him the fair shake of actually getting there. I think by summer slam, we may be looking at Gunther as a new champion.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. And this is like, he may be getting there, but he doesn't have to be the world heavyweight champion to get

Speaker 1:

there. Right.

Speaker 2:

That's that's the whole thing. It's like with with with Gunther, like, okay. You gotta give Gunther some type of a, you know, consolation prize for dropping the Intercontinental championship for you as long as he held it. So, obviously, the next thing would be, okay. Give him time for the World Heavyweight Championship.

Speaker 2:

And, Mike, Gunther is a very, you know, a very good foe for for, Damian Priest. Yeah. But at the same time, you got the problem with booking these type of matches is is you somebody has to play the baby face. Somebody gotta be the

Speaker 1:

Somebody gotta be the heel. Yep. And I'll I'll speak to Chris

Speaker 2:

to do it. Is gonna be Chris Priess is gonna be the baby face role here.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

This is what's gonna end up happening. But it's just it's just a just a whole with the judgment day. It's just the group is kinda like I don't know. It's kinda played out now, man. Just to be honest.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

They've already planted the seeds for them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. To have their run. Right.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And that's just where they're at. It's just not the same without, you know, Rhea Ripley being there. She can't be there, obviously. She's injured, but it's just not the same. But it's like I said, the whole thing with Liv Morgan and Dominic, it's just it's just so as a viewer, casual viewer of it, it's just so contrived and and forced.

Speaker 2:

You know? It's just it's not it's just it's not clicking for me.

Speaker 1:

And I I get that. I that I actually get. I do think I and I'm trying to me, myself, I'm trying to give it a shot. Alright. We know Ria's coming back and try to stick with it until she gets back, see if it pays off.

Speaker 1:

But I I'm with you I'm with you on that too. It does seem like it's forced.

Speaker 2:

No. It is. And it's like, okay. So what's gonna happen? Well, obviously, at some point, Dominic is gonna turn, or it's gonna be Fan that's gonna turn.

Speaker 2:

And Fan's gonna be the one who ends up with the. That's what I can see happening here. It's like and and that would be a good thing because the I mean, the big shock would be, okay, Dominique turns on Ria. Like, okay.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Whatever. That's like, whatever. You can see that coming in my way. But the other would be Finn Balor turning on the judgment day. Finn Balor has something going on with with with the Morgan, and he wants to infiltrate the judgment.

Speaker 2:

He throws the judgment day as his group. He is the one who took edge out to be, you know, the kind of de facto leader of the judgment day, and then that was taken away from Priess and Rhea Ripley. So now, you kinda either you're kinda with me or you're kinda against me. If you're not with me, then you're against me. So I'm a do what I can to turn the group from the inside out.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I like that too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. That's storytelling.

Speaker 1:

It's unexpected.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. That's called storytelling. It's got a it's got an arc. You know, that's that's kinda what it is.

Speaker 1:

Okay, storyteller.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah. How is AW doing, by the way?

Speaker 1:

Speaking of storytelling, actually, this the the story right now and thank you, god. They're actually building this. Will Ospreay versus Swerve Strickland. They're actually building this one. I haven't seen I haven't watched, dynamite as a whole tonight because Kendrick Lamar was was wilding tonight.

Speaker 1:

But but what I've seen from Will Osprey and Swerve Strickland, a plus tonight.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. I read some of the transcript of the promo, but I guess I was checking out on YouTube.

Speaker 1:

A plus. It was good. It was really good. And I I walked away from it thinking that's how the fuck you build to a match. Thank you.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, and thank you.

Speaker 2:

So let me ask you this question. So do you think that the experiment with the new faction has paid off for AEW?

Speaker 1:

No. You're talking about the elite?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

No. I I would give it I would give it a no. But there's there's enough of it there. There's enough of it there to where there's eyes on someone else. Like, tonight, from what I've seen from what I've seen tonight, that shit was funny too.

Speaker 1:

So you have Mark Briscoe, cutting the promo, and then out of nowhere, fucking walks Jack Perry.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Mark Briscoe goes, get your ass out of here, Jack Perry. The way he said it was funny as fuck. But there's enough there's enough heat on them to where they can transfer that shit to somebody else, and they can run with it like Mark Briscoe did. But other than that, nah.

Speaker 2:

I don't I

Speaker 1:

don't think I don't think they've they've established themselves. I don't think they've they've established themselves as top heels in the company.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I Or a top faction in the company.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. I just I don't see the heat myself. I I I don't see it.

Speaker 1:

It's not and I wanna say I wanna say it's not go away heat. You know what I mean? People genuinely do hate them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. But not for the right reasons. Right. That's that's the difference between a a good heel Right.

Speaker 1:

And And someone that's actually hated.

Speaker 2:

To to to exactly. Like, you Right. You you so when Ric Flair was a heel, you I hated Ric Flair. You wanna see him as asshole because you wanted to be like Ric Flair. You wanted to have all the women and have all the money and and the suits and all that stuff.

Speaker 2:

You like there's people that, you know, like, damn. I hate this super I really like flare. I wanna be flare. Right. You know?

Speaker 1:

With them, it's with them, it's it's right. It nobody wants to be them. They just wanna see them get their ass whooped. But to their credit

Speaker 2:

I don't even know if that's the case. I just think people wanna see them off the TV. I mean, the ratings show it. The the the numbers show it when their segments are not drawing anybody. But you know?

Speaker 1:

That too. But they do, for me, a good enough job getting it on getting it off of them. You know what I mean? It's like they know people hate them. They know this.

Speaker 1:

And they they kinda troll the shit sometimes because they know people hate them,

Speaker 2:

I guess.

Speaker 1:

But, yeah, overall, though, the product of AEW, I am seeing I am seeing a change. From what I saw tonight, they they did they did segments, less wrestling, more storytelling. They're starting to they're starting to hit a a groove with that. That I am noticing.

Speaker 2:

Well, hopefully, it it it pays off in the long run. Hopefully, they can get people to come back to the arenas. You know? And Tonight was actually

Speaker 1:

it was a it was a hot crowd tonight. It was it

Speaker 2:

was it was an actual hot crowd. Hot hot crowd versus a paying customer versus people in the building. There's 3 different things.

Speaker 1:

That is true. Now they do have work to do to get there. That's what I think.

Speaker 2:

Hopefully, it works off.

Speaker 1:

I I I do believe they're putting the work in. I that that is fair as as fair as I can give them. I believe that they're putting the work in. Whether that will translate into people actually investing their time and money into the product, that remains to be seen.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. That's why I we're doing it. And then the thing about this is that, you know, don't get it twisted. Like, I'm not come up here and, you know, trying to trying to bury AEW. I I don't watch their product.

Speaker 2:

When this venture first started with AEW, I was one of their biggest supporters. You know? I watched their 1st pay per view in a in in just it's crazy that night, you know, when that happened. You know? Seeing Brett Hart out there with the belt, John Moxley showing up at the end and confronting Omega and Jericho.

Speaker 2:

That was good shit when that first happened. You know what I mean? Mhmm. And just watching the weekly show. I mean, it was cool to have another wrestling show to watch and then it being special to me because it was on the Turner Networks.

Speaker 2:

That's where you know, and just, you know, having Chavani there with Jim Ross, that that's great. And there's so many great, you know, moments that they've had in AEW, and just somewhere along the lines, it just fell off. So I would love for them to get back to where they used to be. I would love to see them draw on people back to the to the shows. I'd love to see the ratings go up for the shows because I know a lot of people out there.

Speaker 2:

A lot of the a lot of the the the wrestlers, they go out there, and they're gonna be busting their ass out there, you know, for our for our entertainment. So Matt, as I could come out here trying to bury them, I would love for the product to get better. And we've had many, many times where you go on this podcast where we have put different scenarios creatively on what could work in AEW, different things they could do. MSI also get this twisted. Everything is not hunky dory and positive over at the WWE either.

Speaker 2:

They've lost a lot of momentum since WrestleMania. So it's just the brand is not as hot as it was. I mean, they're they're doing good, but they have they've dropped a couple of cylinders. I have to say that. You know what I mean?

Speaker 2:

The y at 6 is is just one aspect of trying to rebuild over there. Yep. But they got a lot of work to do because

Speaker 1:

They took a a gigantic step in a positive direction with the y at 6 because it was like

Speaker 2:

a y at 6. That's just one element. That's just one element, though.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Understood.

Speaker 2:

I mean, we gotta see what else they can bring to the table. But, you know, hopefully like I said, hopefully, for AW, hopefully, it it works out. You know? But they just gotta get the focus back together, do some concise creative stories that's gonna draw in not only their hardcore audience. We're gonna draw people in that don't watch it and let them see what what we're doing and and and potentially grow our audience.

Speaker 2:

You can't you cannot survive on just your hardcore fan base. That that's not gonna work. You gotta draw outside of this. That's why the WWE always look outside of it. Like, we know we have our fans, but we need to go get those fans, and that's that's how it works.

Speaker 1:

Yep. You know? Agreed.

Speaker 2:

That's why that's why they were afraid back in the day when they launched Nitro. They didn't like that idea because they basically it's gonna split, you know, split the audience. Why we're gonna have so many people watching our show and then people suddenly watching that show. So they did not like the idea of nitro going head to head, and they didn't like that. You know?

Speaker 2:

Their day was not working, and, obviously, it did, you know, for a short amount of time.

Speaker 1:

Yep. Agreed. Speaking of Monday, Nitro, let's go let's go into it. Who killed WCW episode 3? Now this episode, focused on the the latter years of WCW, particularly the decline of the product, how the product declined, and then the focus on the network and their attitude towards WCW, towards the end of WCW.

Speaker 1:

And we opened up this added not the added. So we opened up this episode with, Brad Siegel. And Brad Siegel said out of his mouth that he wore a lot of hats for the company, of TNT. They had they had a lot of things that they were into. His least favorite was WCW.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

cannot you cannot sustain a company if you have somebody running the shows. Not not really running the shows, but, like, in charge of it all, and his attitude towards that company is fuck this shit. I don't care about it. Like, they were doomed with him in that position.

Speaker 2:

Doomed. So Eric Bischoff, on his 80 3 weeks, dotcom, his 83 weeks podcast on YouTube, he actually does a, reaction after the episode is aired. And one of the things he said was that when Ted initially announced, okay. We're gonna go with Nitro on TNT on Monday nights. He's they asked, Scott Sasa asked Ted, Brad's on vacation.

Speaker 2:

What do you think Brad's gonna think about this? And Eric basically said Ted said, Brad, oh, Brad's a good guy. He'll come around. You know? Basically, he's gonna do what he's told because he knows that this is what we're gonna do.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So Eric says once that happened, he said Brad was very supportive of WCW. He said out he allocated a lot of budget to research, you know, for for Nitro and bumped a lot. You you got money for the set. You got money for the opening that they did for Nitro. He did a lot of good stuff for w w.

Speaker 2:

He was very supportive of of WCW even if he didn't wanna be. Right. Because Brad's ultimate goal was to beat the USA Network. That's what it was. Mhmm.

Speaker 2:

He didn't he didn't give a shit about wrestling. He's not a wrestling guy, but he understood the the revenue, understood the rating that they were gonna get if they beat USA. Problem, though, with WCW is that you have the organization behind Ted Turner that did not want professional wrestling. You had people under Ted Turner that didn't want professional wrestling, and that's the problem. This thing could be making as much money as it wants.

Speaker 2:

It doesn't matter. And at one point, they were sustaining themselves at w w where they didn't have to have any of of the money from, you know, ads and all that shit. But their money got gutted. Their budget got gutted, especially moving towards the merger because they had to beef up these other properties, and then it made WCW look like, oh, it was a money loser when in reality, it was not. As Guy Evans said, at one point in time, WCW was making excess of $200,000,000 a year is what they were pulling in.

Speaker 2:

So they took on and I don't know if they got to that part or not, but they took on the 3rd hour of nitro to essentially pay for thunder. Because Ted wanted this show, but that Turner didn't wanna pay for the show. So he said, okay. Ted Turner wants this other show, but you are gonna pay for it, which they weren't getting a licensing fee from that. It's like and they brought up a good point.

Speaker 2:

They said, you know, where would AW and WBB today if they weren't getting that TV rights fee from the networks? Bischoff wasn't getting that from

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

They were doing your shit on their own. So that's why it's laughable when people like Melastor come out and talk about WCW and financials and all this shit when it's like, bro, they were making their own money and paying themselves. They do not have a licensing or rights fee from the the Turner Networks. It just wasn't there. And it's all this this also, this episode was titled New Blood.

Speaker 2:

So it essentially talks about, Vince Russo coming into, WCW and what led to to all of that. You know? And I've talked to Vince a couple of times, interviewed Vince a couple of times. I I think Vince is cool. He's a very nice guy.

Speaker 2:

I'll be. He's a nice guy as well.

Speaker 1:

Yep. And

Speaker 2:

I know the story of of, you know, Rousseau, and Russo basically was kinda under the microscope here to defend himself and defend his actions. And he came out and said basically that he, you know, he's partially to blame for Eric Bischoff being, you know, fired, which I don't believe that. I think

Speaker 1:

that's that either.

Speaker 2:

What it comes down to. And Eric said this is Eric, was supposed to have a a meeting with someone at Turner. He thought the person that he was talking to was a friend. The person kinda stews him out to this person he was gonna have an interview with, and the next day, he gets a call from Harvey Schiller, and Harvey Schiller says, I need you to come up to my office. He's like, what are you doing?

Speaker 2:

He's like, I'm on I'm on my way to the office. Come up to my office right now. He said, well, can we do it later today? No. Come up to my office right now, and he's on you.

Speaker 2:

And that's when he let me go. So Eric said, basically, that he had a pay, pay or play option in his contract, which basically said that, when he was fired, they had to send him at home. He was sitting home. He they pay him.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So when he comes back, you know, the story comes well. They, Brad Siegel realizes after 3 months of Russo's content. This wasn't working, and it was not ad friendly at all. Not advertising friendly at all.

Speaker 1:

They covered this. Yep.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So they had to make a change there. And what ends up happening is Bill Bush says, we're gonna form a committee. And now Russo is the same way. I didn't sign up to be in a committee.

Speaker 2:

I will sign up I signed up to be the head of creator for WCW. I'm not interested in the committee. I'm gonna go home. You figure out a way to pay me. So, obviously, he must have had a pay up way in his option and his contract as well.

Speaker 2:

So both these guys are at home. Kevin Sullivan is now in charge of creative for WW, and we all know what happens after that. Kevin Sullivan gets in charge. The radicals leave. Yep.

Speaker 2:

And go to WWF. And Eric is sitting in a bar with his wife, and they're playing Monday Night Raw, and he saw the radicals in the front row. And he says, WCW must have really really hit rock bottom if these guys have jumped jumped ship to the WWF. And he says, I guarantee you, they're gonna call me to come back. And that's what happened.

Speaker 1:

And they did. Yep. They did. Now in the episode, this this is this is where in the episode that they talked about the relationship between Russo and Bischoff. And I think there was a miscommunication Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Which when Bischoff comes back, it's assumed that he's gonna be watching Russo. And Russo is under the assumption that Bischoff isn't his boss. But it it's kinda like they're they're both confused on what the role is. Yeah. And it kind of fractures that relationship.

Speaker 1:

Even Bischoff in the in the documentary, he was like he was like, I don't he's like, professionally, I don't really like Russo. But outside of that, he's a nice guy. So they they tried to make it work. It just ultimately that relationship, it it didn't work professionally. It wasn't gonna work professionally.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. And what I got from that is I think Brad Siegel might have been playing both sides here. I think he was telling Bischoff one thing and then telling Russo another thing. But that why Russo felt like he didn't have to answer to Bischoff.

Speaker 1:

Right. But And vice versa.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. And but Brad, I think Brad trusted Bischoff more because he said, we had a very good working relationship when he was here. We had success when he was here. And I think Brad Siegel was initially trying to make that trying to trying to bring back the magic that they had with w w in 96, 97, 98, you know, half of 99. I think that's what he was essentially trying to do.

Speaker 2:

But the way he The wheels had fought the Yeah. Yeah. The wheels fought.

Speaker 1:

Doing it was was was wild.

Speaker 2:

But he's the same person that said professional wrestlers are pathological liars, but I'm I'm under the belief watching this that, sir,

Speaker 1:

you. You are the path yeah. Yeah. You are both sides. If if he had went about this in a way that you coulda had them co, like, cocreative.

Speaker 1:

Like, you could have that, and it woulda it woulda worked out way better. But you you had this man you had Bischoff on a row, kinda like Vince McMahon where he's, like, the last dime, except Russo doesn't know this. So Russo is like even Russo in the documentary was like, tell me he's just make him head of creative. Like, if that's what you're trying to do, just do that. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

And, you know, just let it be that. But the role wasn't clearly defined. And I think that fractured an already fragile relationship to where you're not really gonna trust anybody. Because from Russo's point of view, it's Bischoff and Hogan. Because Bischoff, even in the documentary, is like, the way he's doing Hulk Hogan is like is like you're sneaking around him because Hogan had the creative control card.

Speaker 1:

And it just made it Segal being in that role just made everything a fucking mess because communication was out of whack.

Speaker 2:

Well and, also, in in in my view, as we get to, bash at the beach 2,000 where a lot of the the big controversy that that happens here is gonna be the finish to the Jeff Jarrett versus, you know, Hollywood Hulk Hogan match. And, you know, they they create a plan that they said was is for Hogan to beat Jeff Jarrett, but Hogan is gonna be pissed about the way it happens. And he is gonna leave Yep. And, you know, come back in October at Halloween Havoc and come back and face whoever they make the champion. That was the plan.

Speaker 2:

Russo didn't wanna do that. Russo felt they needed to go another direction, which would be Booker T, winning the championship, whatever they have planned. I don't know if Booker T was on that. I mean, he could've beat Jeff Jarrett winning. I believe Jeff Jarrett was the original plan.

Speaker 2:

And then have him and Booker wrestle later in the night. I'm not sure. But when you look at it like so Eric says on his podcast, Eric says he, you know, Conrad Thompson pointed out and asked a question. He says, would you be willing to talk to Vince Russo on this show? And he says only a Vince Russo could tell the truth about one thing.

Speaker 2:

At Dash at the Beach, we had a meeting in the trailer that was set up at the Ocean Center Daytona. I was in that trailer. Vince Russo was in that trailer. Brian Siegel was in that trailer. Hulk Hogan was in that trailer.

Speaker 2:

If he was to tell the truth about what what what the finish was, I would be more than happy to have him on the show and talk to him. But at the same time, he says, we all agreed to one thing. I don't know what happened after me and Hulk left that trailer, what Brad CEO told Vince Russo. I don't know if there was another conversation. Right.

Speaker 2:

So that's kinda where we're getting at here. And I I think that's what it was. Because Hulk Hogan legitimately he legitimately sued WCW after Russo did that promo. And I think the judge said in the case I think the case went on to about 03, I think it was. But, basically, the judge says Russo is not really at fault because he said remarks about Hulk Hogan, the character, not Terry Bele of the man.

Speaker 2:

So that was pretty much a done deal, and you didn't see Hogan again on a national promotion. I mean, Hogan did some stuff for the XWF, but Right. You didn't see Hogan ever again on a national level until the WWF run-in 2,002.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So I think that there's just a lot of stuff that, and Russo I mean, Eric just says that he just doesn't trust Vince Russo. That's what he said.

Speaker 1:

Because on the documentary, so on on who killed WCW, the story was it it's kinda like how you said it, except and even Russo kind of admitted it that he went into business for himself. Right. Was Yeah. Was the plan the plan was, the Jared the Jared Hogan angle was supposed to happen. Hogan gets mad.

Speaker 1:

He walks out. Bischoff and Hogan were under the the assumption that that was it. That you go back, you come back in October, and you'll battle whoever wins. And Russo says that he went he went out afterwards. He cut that promo, but he was in character.

Speaker 1:

And according to him, Booker T was supposed to get the belt that night. But he he admitted on the documentary that that was something that he did he he actually kinda went into business on himself for himself. And even Bischoff said that. He's like, he went into business for himself.

Speaker 2:

That was exactly that was not the plan. That's not the plan that they talked about. Right. And then, you know, that and that further goes into Booker T saying pretty much that, you know, he didn't believe that he could ever become the WWE champion. He said that too.

Speaker 2:

You know?

Speaker 1:

Yep. He said that too.

Speaker 2:

And and I think that what what this DVD or not DVD, I should say. This documentary kinda skipped over was the fact that Ryan Simmons had been the 1st black WCW world champion about you know? So if it did it about, what, 8 years before that. Right? So

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So Booker's reasoning was it was it was he said it was because he was black. He did say that on the doc on the documentary. He said that. But he said it was, more so.

Speaker 1:

He's like, you know, he had to click and the good old boy system there at the time. He's like, I just didn't think it was gonna happen.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. But Booker and so that and that so that could be kinda taken out of context too because of, like, the the way the way they edited the the footage together. So when Booker first got there, remember, Booker t came in to WCW under, you know, the Bill Watts era. Right. So they came in, him and see Ray came in with chains on, like they had got out of prison or some shit.

Speaker 2:

Like, they escaped. They're on the chain gang and led by colonel Parker. Right. So that's what that that's what their interest into WCW. And Eric Bischoff figured to lie that shit up.

Speaker 2:

That's one of the reasons why Eric got the job over there. So I don't know. I mean, Ron Simmons was the 1st black world champion. I think eventually it woulda happened for Booker t, because that's the kind of the direction they were gonna go in anyway. But one thing

Speaker 1:

that they definitely willing to go in that direction.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. But one thing that they did not mention on this documentary, and maybe they'll mention it next week on episode 4, but they did not mention on this on this show was the racial discrimination lawsuit that was filed against WCW, which led to Booker T becoming a world champion. Oh, no. They didn't bring

Speaker 1:

that up at all.

Speaker 2:

They didn't bring that up. Yeah. So there was a lawsuit that was filed in WCW by several talents. One of the talents that will file this lawsuit was a guy named hard work Bobby Walker. He filed a racial discrimination lawsuit against him.

Speaker 2:

Sonny Ono is another one who who filed a, who who was part of his lawsuit. A lot of the Mexican talent filed his lawsuit. A lot of the Japanese talent filed his lawsuit. And that was under the Russo administration. So, not sure if that played into it.

Speaker 2:

People that I've talked to, you know, off the record that were in the WCW at the time tells me that that's the reason why Booker T got the belt. It's because to appease at this lawsuit, what's going on.

Speaker 1:

Believe me.

Speaker 2:

No different no different than what Teddy Long told me. The reason why Doom got the championships is because the n, double a, c p called Turner and asked, how come there are no black champions? So Hank Aaron heard about this, went to Ted Turner, Ted Turner, and that's what happened.

Speaker 1:

It happen. Correct. That's believable. That is very that's a very believable thing.

Speaker 2:

So it's kinda funny. Yeah. It's kinda funny funny that wasn't on there. And they actually got comments, and and that's how so and this is there's a lot of people we gotta do this stuff. This is how a lot of the the the books, the internal documents of WCW got released is because of the discovery from that racial discrimination lawsuit.

Speaker 2:

So that's how you got to know the contract and salaries and the pay disparities and all that kind of shit. That all came from discovery from that lawsuit that did did not get brought up in this doctors.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah. It's

Speaker 1:

interesting. But, yeah, man, the the episode 3 episode 3, I walked away from that. And it's it's sad because a lot of that shit was preventable. It a lot of it was preventable. Like, communication probably would have been key.

Speaker 1:

There was a lot of ego there too because you have people you have people they talked about, one funny thing. I was like, oh, wow. So, not really funny, but Russo was like they were like, he was injecting himself more and more into the stories.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And Russo goes Russo goes, honestly, bro, I was better than 80% of that roster.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. And I'm like, I don't know about that part. I mean, I don't know. Like I said before, I'm a I'm a Russo I'm a Russo guy. I like Vince.

Speaker 2:

But, I mean, Russo is is I think Russo is good in short amounts.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But that's it. And it's like and then the part that's interesting is when Russo said he legitimately thought Goldberg was trying to hurt him.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah. In the spear.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. And I'm like, I I kinda don't kinda don't believe that because all the padding that Russo had on. He had a helmet on. He had a helmet on. He had the shoulder pads on.

Speaker 2:

I mean, when goal I mean, he says that he was supposed to spear him to the to the entrance. I'm like, well, the way that cage is configured, I I don't know how that was gonna happen.

Speaker 1:

But you were hitting that guardrail regardless.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. But she didn't even hit, like, Goldberg to me, over he protected him the best he could.

Speaker 1:

He did. Because I've I've looked

Speaker 2:

at it, and it's like, you didn't really didn't really hit that hard, bro. You had a lot of padding going. Like, this ain't, you know, this ain't the ballet. Right. You're gonna you're gonna hurt someone, but it's like Yeah.

Speaker 2:

You had a helmet on. Took care of it. Yeah. He took care of

Speaker 1:

you. He had a helmet on. And even Goldberg was like, if I was trying to if I was really trying to hurt him, he'd be 6 feet under the ground right now. Yeah. I I kinda believe that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. I kinda I kinda believe that.

Speaker 2:

And then it further went on to, go ahead. Go ahead.

Speaker 1:

No. I was gonna say, like, you you if you don't know the risk going out there, like, it it you said it. It's not it's not ballet, man.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

There's a risk going out there and performing that. So you going out there, you assume the risk.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. And then on top of that, they went on further, you know, kinda to kinda round out the episode. They went on further to talk about, David Arquette winning the WCW World Heavyweight Championship.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And, you know, the fact that they had an idea, they were gonna do a tag match with all thunder. It was Eric Bischoff and who was it? Eric Bischoff and Jeff Jarrett versus, David Arquette in Diamond Dallas Page. He was for the world title. Yep.

Speaker 2:

And they initially, you know, had an idea what they're gonna do. And then when Tony Chiavani comes in and says makes a suggestion, and then he says, hey. Wouldn't it be kinda like a interesting idea if David Arquette won the belt? And they brought everybody back in. They agreed to that, and then DDP was like, okay.

Speaker 2:

So what's what's the finish? No. That's what that's what the finish is. No. Seriously.

Speaker 2:

What's the finish? Yep. He's like, no. He's like, no way. And then David Arquette, like, no.

Speaker 1:

I don't want it.

Speaker 2:

It's not I don't no. I don't wanna do it. And then what what thing about Arquette that, you know, Arquette is telling a story about how, basically, it was gonna go rated Rumble was going to go into, you know, bring the radio Rumble moving into the w w programming. And one of the things that he said that I found very interesting is when he won the championship, and he's back in the back, and he sees Booker T. And he asked Booker T, how many times have you won a world title, Book?

Speaker 2:

And Booker says, I haven't I am the one. And that killed his moment. I'm like, fuck. Like, he felt like like, he just felt like absolute dog shit. Yep.

Speaker 2:

And I just you know? And it's like I mean, our kid did the best he could. Our our was our kid Armada spent a long time ago because our kid actually paid his dues on Indies doing shit. Yep. He paid his dues.

Speaker 2:

So, people still tripping about about that or whatever. It is what it is. I mean, Vince Russo made himself a WCW champion at one point. I think that's that's a nepotism that happens there. When you make yourself the WCW world champion and I'm a Vince Russo guy, but I'm like, dude, that's not that ain't good.

Speaker 2:

You know? That's the difference between you making yourself a WCW world champion and then Vince McMahon making yourself a WWF champion. So different things there. You know what

Speaker 1:

I mean?

Speaker 2:

So Yeah. But that's pretty much, you know, the way that that's pretty much, the way the the episode ended. Next week on episode number 4, they're gonna talk about, essentially, the end of WCW. They're gonna get into just The day happen. The the day of the last night's role, nobody knew nothing until Shane McMahon walked through the door.

Speaker 2:

And I hope they got footage of all this. Apparently, they got some some cam footage that people were shooting that day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. They they were showing, like, the preview to that episode, and it was footage I've never seen before. I was Nobody saw

Speaker 2:

it until they made a call, and found out that that somebody had been recording all this the recording of shit, and that film should be protected.

Speaker 1:

But That's what they're requesting.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. They're recording this stuff, and nobody knew. Like, it was it was pretty much the end. And I and I can't wait for them. I I know the story of, you know, you know, Music Media coming in and trying to buy w w and Eric Bischoff having his partners, and they raised $64,000,000 in capital to buy it.

Speaker 2:

And then Jamie Koner comes in. AOL Time Warner merger happens. Jamie Koner comes in. He's putting in charge of TNT and TBS. It says, basically, we don't want the rest of government networks.

Speaker 2:

You could buy the range. You could buy the videotape library. You could buy everything except you're not gonna have a TV time. And that's what that's the demise, and then the WWF comes and picks it up. And we're gonna see all that next week, and we're gonna hopefully, maybe a surprise interview for Jamie Conner.

Speaker 2:

Not, you know, not saying it's happened, but it'd be kinda cool to see him on camera talking about this.

Speaker 1:

Most definitely. Yeah. Most definitely.

Speaker 2:

And that and that pretty much was episode 3 of the who killed WCW on, Vice.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Very it was very good. It was very good episode. I am really looking forward to episode 4. I I really am.

Speaker 1:

As as much as I know it's gonna suck seeing all of it, because you gotta relive this shit. When WCW folded, I was actually sad about it. So

Speaker 2:

It got even worse for me, you know, over time when the network started up, and then they actually have the signal, the the the satellite from that night where it says, thank you and goodbye. You know? Yep. WCW with the old night the classic night for music playing in the background. Yep.

Speaker 2:

So, I mean, the last image of w w you see is Shane McMahon on the Tron and Vince McMahon and the ad for WrestleMania 17. That's the last that's it. There you don't Yeah. You don't hear Tony Chiavani or or Scott Hudson on there. You don't hear any of them.

Speaker 2:

It's just that's it. Yep. Yeah. The last the last voice you hear on on Nitro is Jim Ross.

Speaker 1:

Yep. So you're gonna have to relive that shit. And so Yeah. So it's it I I'm I'm looking forward to it, but I know I know it's gonna be it's gonna be a heavy episode, especially for WCW fans. So

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Hell yeah. But

Speaker 1:

yeah, man. Final thoughts. What you got?

Speaker 2:

Final thoughts is, actually nothing. There's this you know? I I I have no I have no final thoughts.

Speaker 1:

It's just final thoughts tonight.

Speaker 2:

No. No final thoughts tonight. Just everybody out there is just like what you like, and don't give a fuck who don't.

Speaker 1:

I dig it. No spay no spay your your your pets. Nothing like that?

Speaker 2:

Oh, you can spay them, but you know?

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Help control the

Speaker 2:

pet population. Can help you can help control the pop pet population how you want to, but if anybody's not gonna adhere to that, then I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Alright. I dig it. I dig it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Pretty much it.

Speaker 1:

Don't forget, we have a our first DFP and game night on Saturday, hosted by Jen from the Queens of Nerdom. They got a good game going on. That one's actually gonna be, I think, public, and not on the Patreon. So, make sure you guys tune in to that. Fall and star Friday is gonna be Friday.

Speaker 1:

USDN just dropped an episode. Smoke pit's coming. And then we do all of this next week. So, next week, we have, Montesi. Actually, come back tomorrow.

Speaker 1:

We're gonna I'll be speaking with Demo Diamond who, just won the MPX championship, so we'll be checking in with him. And then we got Monteesi next week, and I'm working on bringing my world back Oh, cool. To, to no gimmicks. So, we'll we're rolling, man, but tap in with us. If you got nothing else, I got nothing else, man.

Speaker 2:

I didn't know that Kevin Kelly is planning to sue AEW. Oh, yeah. He is. I'm I'm gonna have to let us know, Eric Bischoff's wife's choices because, apparently, he was on there, and he's talking about that. But I wanna let, I wanna I wanna talk about this.

Speaker 2:

So, actually, you know, when I get some free time, I'm gonna start writing my own Star Wars series. And Okay. I'm gonna have, I'm gonna have Darth Vader, Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker. I'm gonna have Yoda. I'm gonna have, Kit Fisto, and I'm gonna have Darth Bane all in the same universe.

Speaker 2:

All in the same episode.

Speaker 1:

Okay. Alright. If that works for you.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I mean, hey. So if if if if if a person cannot be born and it could be in the acolytes, then I can do whatever I want.

Speaker 1:

Oh my god. I'm just saying. Hey. You're a star

Speaker 2:

Shout out shout out to my boy, Keanu Money, for getting that DeLorean and going

Speaker 1:

back. If you're a Star Wars fan and and you wanna make your own universe, hey. It's your story.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. I'm gonna add that into it. I'm gonna add Batman into it as well. Do you

Speaker 1:

know Hayden Christensen's probably gonna be playing Batman?

Speaker 2:

I saw Rob, and I'm like, Jeff, Rob. Sources are it don't happen.

Speaker 1:

I see. We'll see.

Speaker 2:

But if that happens, hey. I'm cool with that. I like Hayden.

Speaker 1:

I like Hayden too. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

So I'll be cool.

Speaker 1:

I don't know how believable of a Batman he'll be, but

Speaker 2:

that would be his You know what? I think the guy has range and acting. The guy just say Anakin Skywalker. I mean, he has range. He's a he's an actor.

Speaker 2:

Yes. Robert Pattinson can go out there and be the Batman. I'm sure Anakin Skywalker can be Batman. Alright.

Speaker 1:

We'll see. We'll see. I'll I'll be his, honestly. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

So other than that, I got I got nothing else other than, you know, continue to, you know, help control the pet population, I guess, and have your pets spayed or neutered, Long live the empire. Free all the Sith. And, you know, that's pretty that's pretty much it, man. I ain't got nothing else.

Speaker 1:

Word. Word.

Speaker 2:

We had we had a whole we had a whole discussion about the acrobat before we started the show, but we're not gonna talk about this. We already we already got out of our system.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. We did. We we absolutely did. Alright, Charles.

Speaker 2:

So I'm gonna hold on. Hold on. Hold on.

Speaker 1:

Go ahead.

Speaker 2:

No. I'm a give a I'm a give a little brief synopsis right quick on episode 4.

Speaker 1:

Oh my god.

Speaker 2:

There you go. No. I'm a I'm a just say it like this. Alright? Look.

Speaker 2:

Was episode 4, like, a bad show? I didn't think it was that bad. I mean, I didn't like the fact that May became a babyface all of a sudden. I I didn't like that part of it. I didn't like seeing a character that wasn't born yet in the show.

Speaker 2:

But other than that, I liked the debut of the Sith Lord. I thought that was pretty cool, coming down the way you know, coming down from the from the top and and the soul walk towards OSHA. I I thought that was pretty cool. I I love seeing a red lightsaber because, you know, if you have a red lightsaber, you're a Sith. I like seeing that.

Speaker 2:

I like seeing the force push of all the of the dark Jedi. So, I mean, hey. It it was it was cool for what it was. You know? If you get if you if you give, if this on a scale of 1 to 10, hey, bro.

Speaker 2:

Easily, no doubt, I give this a 3.

Speaker 1:

Wow. Wow. I'm not touching that because we'll be here another hour.

Speaker 2:

I'm just saying. I I'm actually pointing out

Speaker 1:

not touching that.

Speaker 2:

I'm actually pointing out the positives of it.

Speaker 1:

I'm not I'm not I'm not doing it. Nope.

Speaker 2:

Actually pointing out the positives, man.

Speaker 1:

That's great. I'm not doing it. No. I think the I think

Speaker 2:

the Sith I think the Sith Lord was pretty cool. Now it's like the the question's gonna be, who's the Sith Lord? So it's the only 2 people it could be. It could be mother quarrel. It could be, it could be her, or it could be, I I like the idea.

Speaker 2:

I do like the idea, though, of a splinter Jedi group that have turned to the dark side or used to the dark side dark forces. I like the idea of that. You know? That would make sense. Because we've seen that continuously in Star Wars where you've had you know?

Speaker 2:

I mean, it's shit. That's where majority of the and and, okay, that's like, you know, the Star Wars fans are complaining about shit. That's where majority of the inquisitors are. Fallen Jedi, fallen padawans that have gone to the dark side. That's what they are.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So

Speaker 1:

You're muted.

Speaker 2:

Son of a bitch. I'm actually interested. I didn't say that was a big deal. I'm actually looking forward let me go out the way. Okay.

Speaker 2:

Cool. I'm actually looking forward to seeing this revelation if it is a splinter sale because they said it. You know? I think a I think a Jedi trained her. You know?

Speaker 2:

So I'm I'm that's intriguing to me. Even if the show is a shit show with shit writing, that's intriguing to me to see where they're gonna where they're gonna finish it off. I'm just saying. It ain't it ain't all bad. I've I've I've seen worse shit.

Speaker 2:

You feel me? I've seen worse shit. That's what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

I'm not touching this.

Speaker 2:

I'm all I'm all in the street on that.

Speaker 1:

I'm not touching this one.

Speaker 2:

There's one.

Speaker 1:

We'll come back for episode 5. I I Well I'm not

Speaker 2:

touching it. For episode 5. You might come back.

Speaker 1:

Not touching it. I'm I'm I'm I'm good.

Speaker 2:

Stop being a stop being a pussy.

Speaker 1:

Nope. Nope. Not doing it. Not doing

Speaker 2:

it. Bark. You're being a bark.

Speaker 1:

I I am not going there tonight.

Speaker 2:

Well, you already said on Facebook how you felt about it, so it doesn't matter. I did.

Speaker 1:

So if you wanna know

Speaker 2:

my thoughts, check my Facebook post. I said, well, all these small favorites I have here in Facebook.

Speaker 1:

Well and we will. Exactly. Check my phone number.

Speaker 2:

Go ahead and give you know, the next thing about what we do here on no givers. Why don't you just go ahead and give your I gave my thoughts. Give your thoughts. It's whatever. We're talking.

Speaker 1:

I thought and and I'll say it briefly. I thought I thought episode 4 was a decent episode. I did. The general the general consensus is episode 3 is not a good episode. Episode 4 brought it back for me.

Speaker 1:

I liked episode 4. I like the concept that we're seeing Jedi in a different in a different view. Right? They're Jedi. They're still Jedi.

Speaker 1:

We know that they're they're the antagonists of the show, but they're too fucking comfortable. I like that aspect of the show. I like that there's a possibility that they are going to let the Sith rise again because they're just looking for the wrong shit. Now you mentioned the the splinter Jedi. So that could be a possibility.

Speaker 1:

My my theory is there there's a Sith out there that they're actually missing, and that Sith is getting away with shit.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I agree. And that's that's what I'm that's what I'm talking about. Like, all all bullshit aside, that's the part of the story that's intriguing. It's because who is the Sith? Who is the person that's behind this?

Speaker 2:

That you have you have the Sith, and then you have people that wield red lightsabers.

Speaker 1:

Right. It's

Speaker 2:

because you have a red lightsaber on me. You're a Sith. You know what I mean?

Speaker 1:

That is true. That is true.

Speaker 2:

So that's kinda where that's kinda where I'm getting at. So that part of it, I'm actually intrigued. I I do I will say that episode 4 was a ways step above episode 3. Episode 3 was just a shit show. I'm I'm not gonna come up here and defend that.

Speaker 2:

I don't give a fuck how much people like damn story or wherever whatever. No. That was trash. Like episode 3. That that that was trash.

Speaker 2:

This episode, like I said, I'm a give it a 3. And that's just it is what it is. I'm a give it a 3 because there's just not a lot of story there. There's not

Speaker 1:

I've I've seen people like episode 3. For me, personally, it wasn't my cup of tea.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. I'm I'm not And that's just me. Yeah. I I give I give episode 4 a a 3 out of 10 because this is not about a story there. This is not about to go with.

Speaker 2:

I mean, one minute, the girl wants to kill her sister. Next minute now okay. My loyalty is my sister. We had a buildup for Vader for 4, 5, or 6. We have that.

Speaker 2:

We didn't have that here. And everybody is speculating that, you know, the the lines would be, no. I'm your mother or some shit like that. Mike. We'll see.

Speaker 2:

I I We gotta play out. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

We gotta

Speaker 2:

Here's what it is.

Speaker 1:

It gotta play out.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So, I mean, they have me mildly intrigued with the the reveal of the Sith Lord, the possible spinning. But like I said, they're they the Jedi are showing their flaws no different than when it showed the flaws in the prequels. Same kind

Speaker 1:

of thing.

Speaker 2:

They let Yep. They let Palpatine. The Jedi, I think the the thing with the high republic Jedi that I'm noticing is that they are very political. They are so in the senate. No different than their counterparts and the the prequels that are trying to say, well, it's the senate, but also not have the senate in their business.

Speaker 2:

As we saw with Anakin using Anakin as a spy on the chancellor. Yep. Same shit. So Yep.

Speaker 1:

I don't know.

Speaker 2:

We'll see where it goes.

Speaker 1:

We'll see.

Speaker 2:

Yep. But other than that, I ain't got no further power thoughts. Other than that, you know, like I said, home of the empire and, you know, here's where to you.

Speaker 1:

Bet. Bet. Alright, you guys. Thank you for tuning in to episode 74. Come back next time.

Speaker 1:

Until then, peace. Be safe, and we'll see you.