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And here’s today’s news from Public Sector Executive – on Friday the 12th July 2024.

Greater Manchester Combined Authority has announced further development on the Greater Manchester Baccalaureate.
Known as the MBacc, the new technical qualification comes as part of the Mayor’s drive to boost productivity and offer a genuine and equal alternative to the university route. The MBacc will launch to Year 9 and 11 pupils in September this year, with today bringing news of the subjects that will form the core of the qualification.
Where the current core GCSE subjects are English (Language and Literature), Maths, and Science, the MBacc will add ICT to its core. By offering a different range of subjects, young people will be given a “clear line of sight” from the age of 14. This will be done through seven gateways, with each of these linking to a sector that is growing further in Greater Manchester and offering skills that employers need.

The Scottish Government has announced a range of measures that will help make sure that people seeking asylum are further supported as they settle into their new communities.
Coming through the New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy: Delivery Plan 2024-2026, which was developed by the Scottish Government, the Scottish Refugee Council and COSLA, measures such as work commitments, English language provision and effective service coordination are being offered to help refugees and asylum seekers that are new to Scotland.
The plan builds on the approach that was established in March and draws on more than 2,000 community consultation responses from those who have resettled and found refuge in Scotland. Alongside the development of the plan, the Scottish Government is also committing £3.6 million of investment for the Scottish Refugee Council’s Refugee Support Service.

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