Kube Cuddle

Kube Cuddle Trailer Bonus Episode 11 Season 1

Mark Mandel

Mark MandelMark Mandel


In this episode Rich speaks with Mark Mandel from Google. Topics include: How Mark started coding, ColdFusion, the early days of Kubernetes and how things have changed for new users, Agones (a Kubernetes-based system for running dedicated game servers), the challenges in game development, secrecy in gaming and how open source is impacting it.

Show Notes

Show notes:

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Mark’s Twitter
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The Fields Tested episode on Agones
XKCD’s standards comic
Google for Games

Episode Transcript

Logo by the amazing Emily Griffin.
Music by Monplaisir.

Thanks for listening.

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What is Kube Cuddle?

A podcast about Kubernetes, and the people who build and use it.