National Health Executive News

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And here’s today’s news from National Health Executive on Thursday the 20th of June 2024.
The NHS is facing a £38bn shortfall in the funding needed to significantly improve its services by the end of next parliament, according to new research from the Health Foundation. The analysis — conducted by the organisation’s REAL Centre — suggested that to achieve sustained improvement over the next decade, an average real-terms funding growth of 3.8% would be needed.
This includes a slightly elevated annual growth of 4.5% over the first five years to enable Covid-19 recovery and service modernisation, ultimately totalling an extra £46bn of funding by 2029/30. This requires the health budget to swell significantly more than if it grew in line with the Office for Budget’s Responsibility’s latest fiscal outlook — 0.8%. The Health Foundation’s Anita Charlesworth said: “Politicians need to be honest with the public about the scale of the challenge the NHS faces and the reality that an NHS fit for the future needs long-term sustainable investment.”

Cancer survival rates in the UK are lagging behind other European countries by as many 25 years, the charity Macmillan Cancer Support is warning. Its analysis shows that the UK’s survival rates for several common types of cancer are only just now reaching what countries such as Sweden and Norway had already achieved in the early 2000s, or even earlier in some cases.
CEO at Macmillan Cancer Support, Gemma Peters, said: “Together, with politicians and partners, we can transform cancer care for a more hopeful future for people with cancer and the people who support them. We urgently need the next UK government to prioritise a long-term cross-government strategy that revolutionises cancer care and ensures everyone with cancer has access to the care they need, every step of the way.”
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