The Jonathan Kogan Show

In this ⁠riveting video⁠, we bring you the latest bombshell revelations surrounding Hunter Biden's alleged felonies, as disclosed by an IRS whistleblower. Prepare to be stunned as we delve into the shocking details that have sent shockwaves through the political landscape. From potential tax evasion to undisclosed foreign business dealings, the implications are staggering.

Join us as we analyze the testimony, dissect the evidence, and examine the potential legal consequences. This is a must-watch for anyone seeking the truth behind the controversies surrounding Hunter Biden and the implications it could have on the highest levels of power. Stay informed and be part of the discussion that is shaping the future.

Don't miss out on this groundbreaking expose!
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The Jonathan Kogan Show brings you the most important, underreports news (and hot takes) that you need to know but the mainstream media is not covering. If you are searching for the truth, and of course the cold hard facts, then this podcast is for you. But, if you are looking for fake news and distractions from the real news, then you will be better off going to CNN, MSNBC, or Fox News. We do not cater to any corporations or powerful elites, but rather everyday peasants who simply want to know what is really going on without the propaganda.

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Jonathan Kogan:
And we're live on The Jonathan Kogan Show. I'm your host, Johnny K. Another dollar another day. Oh my God, here we go, baby. It's great to be with you. An honor, privilege, no matter where you're watching. Twitter, Facebook, like I said, who uses Facebook, who trusts meta? I just, I don't know, man. I'm bullish on Twitter video, very bullish. I've been saying it for a long, long time on this podcast. Go listen to old episodes. You will see that we've been truthful and bullish. on the future and accurately predicting what's going to happen in this world. We're very, very good at that. Why? Because we do the research, we cut through the propaganda, and we go straight to the source and we find the truth. We don't have biases, we don't have political leanings, we don't agree with anything. We just care about truth. That's it. In a world where up is down, left is right, we like to identify if right really is right or left really is left or if up really is up. Truth, objective truth. Now, without further ado. Subscribe to The Jonathan Kogan Show podcast, wherever you get your podcast, or just go to, and you can go listen anywhere, YouTube, Rumble, all that shenanigans. And Twitter at KOGZ, if you're already watching on Twitter. Twitter, Titter, thank you. Okay, here we go. So before I get into the testimony that's going on, which is really wild, and actually the guy who was whistleblower X, Mr. X, all right, like Mr. T, but Mr. X. Mr. X is a self-proclaimed, well, I don't know why I prefaced it like that. It's weird. What I'm about to say is going to sound really weird that I just said that. He's a gay Democrat. Okay. He's a gay Democrat for whatever reason. I mean, whatever. Who cares? We don't care. We don't care what you are. We don't care. We don't, we don't do labels. We do human beings and that's it. We may go a step further. We actually may identify people as good and helping humanity and evil destroying humanity. That's about as low as the buckets go. It's pretty binary. You're either good and human or bad and human or who knows? Maybe you're an alien. I don't know, but that's not here nor there. Nor he's from Northeast Ohio where I'm from. How let your boy, um, and he identifies as a gay Democrat. And that's what it is. I don't know. I don't even know if that's the right terminology to say. He identifies the gay. He is a gay Democrat. I guess is a better way to say it. I just want to say if you're one of the four people listening to this from my home, uh, you know, geographical area of Northeast Ohio, hit me up at KOGZ on Twitter. Send me a DM. Let's connect. You know, come on, listen, you know, my number, hit me up. Let's reconnect. Okay. Let's reconnect. All right. So first I want to talk about China before we get into it, because this is one of the boldest things I've ever seen in my life. So I'm sure dictatorships for a long period of time have done some wild shit and they've probably actually done this very thing before. But like you want to talk about a bold plan. When I saw it, so that was fake. But I came across in like many news outlets. This is real. This is unbelievable. I'm going to pull it up to, I may or may not play the video because it's not really like a video, just like a slide show. So what do you think the CCP, the Chinese communist party is doing over the next 10 years, what their plan is? Here we go. The Chinese communist party, the CCP has initiated a 10 year project to rewrite religious texts, including the Bible. That is as bold as a guest saying, Hey, listen, we are going to. We don't like the Bible. We don't do that. We're going to rewrite it, baby. And you know who the savior is going to be? Xi Jinping. All right, you don't like it. Go to the camp. All right. I mean, that is that is so you got it. Listen, you got to give credit what crowds do. You got to have so much control and so much of a dictatorship and so much control over information and just mind control to be able to say, hey, yeah, this text has been here for thousands. Yeah, like people, you know, go to religious places, you know, to praise this book or wherever you want to religious texts, however you want to identify. I'm not here to I'm just saying this is a pro-human podcast. It's as far as we go. And you're saying, Hey, we know all these people know the stories of the Bible, but you know what? In 10 years with AI and all that stuff, they're not gonna know what's real information, what's not. So we're just gonna shut this down on our throne, rewrite the whole damn thing. That is so bold. Should we play some of this video? Let's play some of this video. I think it's just a slideshow. So I'll probably just read most of it, but that is one of the boldest plans ever. Could you imagine Joe Biden saying, Hey, as you guys know, I'm a dictator and I am going to rewrite. the constitution. I'm going to rewrite that actually might happen. Who knows? All right, here we go. So the Chinese Communist Party, CCP has initiated a 10 year project to rewrite religious texts, including the Bible. such intense background music with a candle lit. Across Henan province, local CCP officials forced Protestant churches to replace the Ten Commandments with Xi Jinping quotes. Oh my god. The CCP aims to make the faithful serve the party rather than God as part of its cynicization of religion. Examples of the altered tax include Jesus stoning an adulterous woman to death in place of forgiveness. The CCP's control over religion extends to appointing Catholic bishops and demanding authority over selecting the next Dalai Lama! The CCP's attitude toward religion is evident in Tibet and Xinjiang, where Buddhists and Muslims have faced persecution. That's not good. So these, so no, if you do want to advertise, let me know. Um, so, uh, but we will never be told what to say or what to do. We stand with the peasants. Full stop. Okay. So if you can't advertise in a place where the peasants stand together, Get out. If you care about that and want to advertise the peasants, let me know. All right. So I just, I'm very impressed. I'm very impressed. Not saying it's a good thing. I'm just saying, holy shit. If you are powerful enough to say, I'm going to rewrite the Bible where people are going to actually consume it and believe it. That's some, that's some real power. I don't think they have that kind of power. I don't think so. I don't think it's going to work. I think they're losing control over there. I think they've got a major demographics issue, which we've caught on this podcast at length. We'll probably do it again. but you can go back and listen to those episodes. I think China's in deep shit, their economy's in deep shit. You listen to Jeff Snyder, who's very, very good, knows a lot about the Eurodollar, he runs Eurodollar University, very good source for economic news. China is not doing so well, okay? Actually, like nowhere in the world is doing well. In fact, in fact, speaking about economics and the world, before we get into this testimony, I actually came, I was actually listening to a podcast today, and I'm gonna pull it up because I clipped it. So there is, I believe it's called Forward Guidance. I'll go to my Twitter and play this clip because this is crazy. So this is a very reputable person. So, so Danielle DiMartino Booth, CEO and Chief Strategist, QI Research LLC. She's very well known. She used to work for the Fed, I think for over a decade perhaps. Well, she's on the BlockWorks show, Forward Guidance with Jack Farley. And they're talking about biodynamics and the data and how it... let's say does not match up to reality. And in this three minute clip here, she's essentially saying that all the data we're getting right now from an economic standpoint are lies and it's all going to be revised, but it's going to take a year. They're just lying. This whole by dynamics thing, which we kind of think so on. Basically you're saying the economy is doing so well in all these areas, yet bankruptcies are at an all time high, like the highest since the great financial crisis. It makes no sense whatsoever. Listen to her and she's very respected in the economics community, let's say. And she says that not only her, but her mentor who follows all this data says it's fraudulent that we're being told lies, not even just lies politically. And, you know, from our own present, you know, you, you take these shots, you're not going to get COVID, you know, that, that guy, um, well, apparently we're being lied from every aspect of life. All right. Just take a listen for yourself. I think it's very interesting. It's a very good clip. Here we go So, you know how I've talked about many times on this podcast, how the odds of getting something either 100% right is equally as hard as getting something 100% wrong. And during the pandemic is when literally every decision that was made was 100% and Brett Weinstein talks about this very well, but we've talked about it here probably before anyone else did, which is everything. every decision, everything was 100% inverted from what you should do. Perfectly perfect. So like, if you're going to totally guess and like, you know, you're figuring shit out on the run, you're going to get like, maybe, you know, sometimes you'll get 40% right. Maybe you'll get 20% right. Maybe you'll get 90% right. You're not going to get a hundred. Just like you're not going to, you'll get 80% wrong, 60% wrong, maybe 10% wrong. Maybe not so wrong. It doesn't matter, but you're not going to get it a hundred percent wrong. Unless the intent is mal intent in meaning they fucking hate you. I'm sorry for the language, but that means that they hate you. Okay. If everything about your health and doing what's best for you is a hundred percent opposite of what you should do, you're being told the opposite of what you should do for your optimal health. It means somebody out there in control of these people telling you this stuff. Hate you, including, and, or the people themselves who are telling you these lies like Fauci, Fauci hate you. He wants you dead. He wants a whole generation of kids dead richest country in the world of all time. Most unhealthy kids ever. Make it make sense. Please make it make sense. It doesn't make sense. Of course it doesn't make sense. So they got everything 100% wrong. And so she's saying the same thing, that the economic data, what are the odds that it's 100% wrong? It's like statistically impossible, unless it's intentional. Buy dynamics at work, baby. Buy dynamics. Don't ask questions, you peasant. You go to work, you make less money. Inflation goes up. You can't afford anything. Shut your mouth. You'll be deplatformed. You'll be censored for talking about the economy. You're not an expert. You need to talk to an expert like that guy at the New York Times, Paul Krugman. He's the only one that knows what's going on. He said in late 2007, the economy's never been better than boom. Great financial crisis. You got to love it. And then people like Peter Schiff and he's on TV and like 2007 saying, oh, something big is coming that, you know, it doesn't make sense. He's mortgaged back securities. Everything's a blob and they're on Fox news and stuff going, Oh my God, Peter Schiff, I would buy all the bank stocks. You idiot. I'd buy Goldman's. and then they all plumb it, okay? It's opposite day every day of the week. Pretty much, if you pay attention to what the elites say and you go the opposite direction, you will be extremely successful, you'll be perfectly healthy, you'll be the happiest person of all time. If you follow the herd and go with the elites on everything they say, you'll be dead in probably two years. You'll probably be obese, have diabetes, your job will be paid hourly, you'll probably don't have that job in a couple years, you'll be replaced by AI, and then you'll be dead as a doornail. Sounds good. Sounds good, keep following the experts. Follow the science, follow the science, baby. Follow the science. By the way, another thing, you wanna follow the science? Ready for this? Oh my God, it doesn't stop. I know, I know, I know, I know, I know. I gotta get to the testimony or whatever, but this is just incredible, okay? This is incredible. So I think it was Scott Adams who... replied to this or like quote tweeted and said, nothing is real. And I thought it's hilarious because it's true. So, uh, this is from the New York times, ready? And Paul Thacker reported here, I'll pull up on the screen. If you're watching it, I don't want you to not be able to see it. This is from the New York times. Okay. Most reliable source, uh, in the world. Yeah. Okay. But anyways, Paul D. Thacker ready from New York times, Stanford president will resign after report found flaws in his research and he wrote, follow the science. Nothing is real. So the president of Stanford. the most, one of the most renowned universe in the world. You're told to follow the science, listen to experts. This guy had fraudulent studies, scientific fraud, where at least, at the very least, three of his studies are being retracted for fraud. Not for like, eh, you know, we made a mistake on this one over, no, intentional scientific fraud. But yet, but yet, you're telling me that the same elite experts that told you what to do, wear a mask, lock down, all that, that they were right that time around? Really? Is that what you're telling me? How many brain cells you got? I know you got more than one. Follow the science. It's crazy. It's unbelievable. I mean, listen, these are the same people that decades ago put fluoride into your drinking water. Do you know what fluoride is? Fluoride is a neurotoxin. It is a neurotoxin, okay? Basically it's like brushing your teeth with mercury. All right? Go check your toothpaste. Is there fluoride? You were brainwashed so bad growing up that you were taught that fluoride was something you needed in your toothpaste to feel better. Listen, my dad's a dentist and after the teeth would get clean, he would put fluoride in my mouth and then I couldn't eat for like 30 minutes or something afterwards. Neurotoxin, people just listen. They don't even question things, but now people are learning. Now people are realizing that everything's a lie and that we've been totally duped for a long time. But... It's a neurotoxin and they put it in your water. If you're in the United States of America, they put it in your water. In other countries they didn't, okay? They don't hate you as much. The United States establishment despises its citizens. I don't know why, I don't know what we did. I love the United States. I think the Constitution is probably the greatest pro-human invention of all time. It's really, I never respected it until now, but it's like, wow, that is impressive shit. And like Thomas Jefferson was like 33 and like Armageddon, they were like 18, 20. They were so young. I'm like, what the hell am I doing, man? I'm doing a podcast. Yes. It's the number one political podcast in the world. Yes. It's the most unbiased podcast in the world. Yes. It's the most truthful source of information you can get in the entire world. Yes. It's totally unbiased, but it's still a podcast while these dudes were running constant writing constitutions. It's unbelievable. It's absolutely unbelievable. Now. 18 minutes in, we're going to get to the testimony now. All right, here we go. So like I said, he is a gay Democrat. It's amazing you have to say that. The reason I say that is because when you're apolitical and you just tell the truth, no matter what the truth is, for some reason, you get put as a right wing extremist. I don't know why. I'm not, it's amazing. And people still fall for that, that you're a right wing. That you know, you want to you want to do an insurrection and take over? No, I just want to tell the truth over here. Okay, I just want to i'm just I just want to tell people the truth. That's all I want to do. I have no agenda other than telling the truth. That's it Why that makes me right wing. I will never know. I will never know. Okay, but So be it. So this is a gay democrat who is now Obviously a right wing pro-nazi anti-human uh, QAnon conspiracy theorist, obviously, because that's what you become when you tell the truth. That is what you become. It's wild. Listen to his opening testimony. So this is whistleblower X Joseph Zeigler again from Northeast Ohio, went to Ohio university. You'll, you'll listen to it. And I ha I kept what you had to say. He's a gay Democrat to give it, cause otherwise they'll say, oh, it's a partisan thing. And he said, look, it's the GOP, it's the Republicans. This has nothing to do with politics. This is not even a political podcast. This is a pro truth podcast. That's it. Listen to his opening statement. He is a whistleblower from the IRS calling out how Hunter Biden, uh, Hunter Biden was let off and he should have had felonies. Just listen, don't listen to me. Wait, wait, can I, can all the NPCs say it with me? No one is above the law. Well, okay, we agree, we agree. Yes, Trump should not be above the law. Everybody agrees. What about Biden? You're a conspiracy theorist, you racist bigot. Just a little side note, I have to say his career choices suck. They're boring as shit. You're talking to someone who I worked at PWC, which is like, Ian, why? Man, it sucks. And I was an accountant and I did the same shit. Okay. Very poor choices. He's in the club. They're very, very boring. It's amazing. He's on the global stage making such shitty career choices. Sorry to all you accounts out there, but I'm one also, and it sucks. God bless. See, I told you he's a gay Democrat. Why it matters that he takes it in the ass or gives it to someone in the ass, why that matters, I have no idea. And if he's voted for like Obama or Klayn and all that, like why that matters, I have no idea. But he either likes and or, you know, he's into the ass stuff and he votes Democrat. Why that's even relevant to tell the truth, I have no idea, but I told you he was a gay Democrat. as it should. Wait, I need to correct the error that he just made there. It's felonies unless your name is Hunter Biden. And even better, if you're the president, Joe Biden, and you refuse to acknowledge that you have seven granddaughters or grandkids. When you refuse that you have a grandkid, that makes you a fantastic human being. Little separate, but just want you to enter. And it makes you not. eligible for a felony if you ignore grandkids because it's always the grandkids fault. Side note. Can you imagine having the chutzpah to having the hubris to be able to say that it's unfiled, but you're clean, sober with a family, you're never doing better? And then you say that to the IRS and then you write your own memoir. And in that memoir, over that same period of time, when you're reflecting on it, you say you learned how to do crack. pay for hotel rooms for your drug dealer and get sex club memberships and you were just out of control, crazy bananas. The chutzpah, that is, listen, you could say all you want about Hunter Biden, but I'll tell you what, I have never met anyone that has committed so many corrupt corruption acts, potentially treasonous against the very country that He lives in and that is dad's present of, and then saying to them, ah, listen, I, I'm clean. I'm sober, all this stuff. And then literally you come out with a book and over that same period of time, you say, Hey, over that period of time, I learned how to cook crack. What are you going to do about it? That is, that is basically saying, I can say whatever I want. You can't do nothing about it. That's what I'm saying. I mean, honestly, why pay tax if you're the president's son? You know, I mean, listen, there should probably just be a sales tax anyways, where you only pay tax on things that you purchase. The government probably shouldn't just get an automatic income tax, you know? So I don't really care about the actual act that he's talking about here, but my God, you are the president's son or the vice president's son, and you're not filing taxes. Oh my. Goodness. That's unbelievable. I mean, that is unbelievable. Oh, we got a. An internet connection issue. So you got to give me a second here, but that is you are the president's son or possibly at that point, the vice president's son who is running for president of the United States.

Jonathan Kogan:
saying, like to be the vice president's son or the president's son or the vice president's son, who's now running for president and to not even care to file a tax return in the country where your father is running for president or is currently vice president, that is chutzpah of chutzpahs. That's amazing. Like you, you're just saying I can do it. Just get someone else to do it. You should just pay it outside council or account. Just here's all the stuff Just file something you are literally the son of the most powerful man Who is responsible for an entire country and you don't even follow the laws of filing a tax return for that country That's incredible Like that's incredible. I mean you got to respect the chutzpah. I don't know what else to say I keep saying that word, but I don't know what else to say. All right, should we continue? I think we should we'll continue hold on Actually, so that's the intro. All right. Now I want to, uh, I want to play some of the segments here. So let's see if we can play some of the segments here. Hold on. If you know what I'm saying, real time streaming. It's what we do, baby. Please subscribe to The Jonathan Kogan Show, wherever you get your podcasts. Leave a five star reveal. I'll help. All right. Let's play some clips now. All right. Some questioning of clay. I can't, are you excited? Are you as excited and tingly inside as me to hear? specifically the Democrats line of questioning. I can't wait because you know anytime, at least so far, that someone has come out to speak the truth, the Democrats, for whatever reason, have framed them as, you know, terrible people, you know, Trumpers. They hate, you know, they're misogynists, they're racists, they're Nazis, they're far-right extremists, and they want to overthrow the United States government. That's pretty much the schtick when you come out and do a new whistle blow and tell the truth. Right. So this is going to be Republican first, but I can't wait for the Democrats. I'm just so excited. Aren't you pumped? So this is Representative James Comer. And supposedly he highlights Hunter Biden telling his CEFC China energy partners, quote, the Bidens are the best. Let's just listen to it. Two minutes 48 seconds. Look at it. Here we go. is going on. This is unbelievable. So he says, I am tired of this, Kevin. I can make $5 million at any law firm in America. This is from Hunter Biden. If you think this is about money, it's not. The Bidens are the best I know at doing exactly what the chairman wants.

Jonathan Kogan:
here. So again, it says, you get it, this message is unbelievable. So this is from Hunter Biden to this CFC guy. I am tired of this, Kevin. I could make five million in salary at any law firm in America. If you think this is about money, it's not. The Bidens are the best I know at doing exactly what the chairman wants from this partnership. Please, let's not quibble over peanuts. My first takeaway is who uses the word quibble. Okay, let's not quibble over peanuts. That's a red flag. If someone ever uses quibble in a text message with me, it's an immediate red flag, immediate. That's just an amazing message right there. Let's get this playing again though. All right, here we go. So, listen, I don't mean this, obviously, I'm apolitical, I don't mean this as a political question at all. I'm just really curious, before we get to the next clip, what is Hunter Biden selling? Is anybody, like, if it's justified that he could do this, it's fine, okay? But has anyone on that side that is saying, you know, this payment's great, this is fantastic, that he's working with these Chinese companies, are they saying what they bought for this five million dollars, what they're buying? What is this dude selling to them? What are they buying? Why is no one asking just the simple? I just want to know what they're buying. What service or product are they offering? What, what, what do they get? No one just gives you $5 million. It says, yippity doo, yippity day. My, my, what a wonderful day. They, uh, they usually want something in return. What's he selling? So if there's partisan hacks saying, you know, listen, he could do whatever he wants. I'm like, all right, that's fine. Just tell me what he's selling. What is he getting paid for? What, why is that not just that? That's all I want to know. What is it? Why is no one giving us the answer? Like, is that you? What? It's just bonkers, bonkers. And if it turns out he did sell out the country and it's really a treasonous act. I will take that if it goes from there. Maybe it was, uh, maybe he was a DJ at a birthday party. Maybe he draw a personalized painting for, you know, the Chinese, uh, chairman of the energy company's daughter. I don't know. Probably should look up if he has kids cause he is an artist. But what is he getting five million for? Is anyone else curious about that? That's all I want to know. Just, I haven't seen any reports of the, he's paid five million. It's corruption. It's not corruption. Okay. Five. Just what was it? Just tell me what was given in return for $5 million. That's all I want to know. All right. So, uh, this is the opening statement from Gary Shapley. We might come back to that. Let's see what this is. This is representative Jason Smith. Um, were you surprised by the DOJ? I want to get into some Democrat question because those are my favorites, which means we probably have to go. to the hack, the wonderful hack of Aaron Rupert, who is the most deceptive, quote unquote, journalists of all time. Like literally the most dishonest person ever, but that's how you find those clips. So Aaron Rupert, let's see, here we go. So here's his thread of covering comers. This is how you get two different realities in life, because people like this are willing to be dishonest. So this is out, and a lot of people apparently like listen to him and stuff, which is crazy. This is how you get alternate realities going on. So he just got mad at Comer, and then he says, with this clip he goes, it's just the Burisma stuff reheated, the same basic conspiracy theory that played a leading role in Trump's first impeachment. You've got a lot of people who use the term conspiracy theory, like you're out of touch with Americans, okay? Oh, here we go. Here we go. One of the best political hacks of all time. This Jamie Raskin guy. Love it. Oh man. Here we go. Raskin. So he's praising this quote right here. This is a 47 second... Oh, I'm so excited. I'm so excited to see how biased and corrupt this messaging is. Let's just take a listen. God, that's unbelievable. So it's, it's by the way, it's a great strategy. So he's talking about the guy we talked about, uh, who, uh, posted that video. That has tried to get in touch with federal agents saying he's concerned about the connection between the Biden's and this Chinese energy company. And he keeps reaching out and they keep ignoring him. And then he's about to make it to Congress. And this just happened. We covered on this podcast a few episodes ago, maybe the last one. And when he's about to come to Congress, boom. They slap him with, you know, arms traffic, all this stuff, just slam him with anything. It doesn't matter. Make him a criminal right away. Boom. Gets rid of the witness. Maybe it's true. Maybe it's not, but if it's not true, it's a great strategy. Just nail someone. We just, it doesn't have to be true, right? It doesn't have to be true. You just say, you know, someone's a rapist, arms dealer, Chinese spy. When really that's probably, it's usually a projection of what you're doing, but nonetheless, if that's the case, it's great. Boom. Get rid of all the witnesses. If you can't kill them, make them criminals. This is unbelievable. Oh, here we go, here we go, here we go. Here's another, oh, Jamie Raskin. This is amazing, this is a minute. Let's see what this guy says. By the way, it came up that he was a constitutional law professor for 25 years. And then he turned into this? That's unbelievable. Why can't people just be honest? All right, here we go. Hold on, hold on. Hold on. All right. Let's get this going again. Hold on, let me back it up a little bit. Here we go. Oh man, hold on, we'll get the video going in a second. Hold your horses. And this is unbelievable. It probably doesn't result in a congressional like oversight committee because someone's not being, I don't know, put above the law, which is the exact quote that the people who are defending this cheer is that no one is above the law. But then when it comes to Hunter Biden, it's like, yeah, he's above the law. That's totally cool. Like what? How does it make any sense?

Jonathan Kogan:
Let's get this video back up from a clip by the most unbelievable hack, Aaron Rupert. Again, this is Jamie Raskin. Let's see, we probably left off like right here. Here we go. Let's see. get this going again. So Jamie Raskin, that was the first one we heard. And this one was probably right here. You know what's so funny about concocting a scandal? That's exactly what he was a part of with the Steele dossier in Russiagate. That's literally what he did. They concocted a fake Russia hoax that the country dealt with for half a decade. It's exactly what they did. The Steele dossier and the Clintons and Obama knew it. It was all a lie. They concocted it. Isn't that unbelievable? I'm not saying, I don't know why that makes me right-wing extremist or right-wing, that's just an objective fact. That's just what it is. It's unbelievable. It's unbelievable to watch. Wow, that's amazing. Oh, this has got to be good. This is a two minute clip. I could just tell by what Aaron wrote. He wrote here's Jamie Raskin debunking the GOP's Hunter Biden conspiracy theories in a sweeping fashion in under two minutes. Now this is what I was looking for. This is going to be fantastic. Buckle up, baby. I haven't seen this. This is going to be so good. I'm so excited. Here we go. Wait, this is amazing. So this is amazing. So everything that someone like this usually says is everything. Like if Donald Trump appoints someone, they are a fascist, Nazi, racist, unreliable scam artist. But because that he was in point, that this person was appointed by Donald Trump, that means that everything he's saying is truthful. Everything he's doing in this investigation is honest and not partisan and correct. because it was appointed by Trump. So if Trump ever appoints anybody, they're a fascist. But in this case, he's saying that since this person who's investigating Biden was appointed by Trump, it's honest. It's unbelievable. Now maybe he is, maybe he isn't. That's not what we're saying here. I'm just saying, you literally say, oh, that judge was appointed by Trump and New York Times was like, fascist judge says the government can't censor American speech. putting disinformation censorship in peril, experts say. You know, like that sort of headline. But he's saying that since this was appointed by Trump, that the justice system fantastic because it was appointed by Trump. This one's not fascist. Like what? So crazy. It's unbelievable. It's just like whatever way the wind blows. Oh, here we go. Jamie Raskin. I love it. Love it. So if you think that the IRS is, you know, not doing a good job on this case with Hunter Biden, then help us survey every American with $80 billion to the IRS so that no peasant can ever get away with anything. You know, yeah, we, you know what? You're right. We screwed up with this Hunter Biden thing. So let's make sure everybody who's a poor peasant doesn't get away with a dollar because of this. It's almost like it's almost it's almost like setting up a false flag. You know, so you can put more surveillance and more and more like, I don't know, authoritarianism into the system to absolutely oversee all Americans to make sure that nobody cheats the IRS just because, you know, the investigation with Hunter Biden, it's a pretty good twist on what's going on here. It's actually very smart, very political, very political. That's unbelievable. I mean, that's unbelievable. You think this is wrong? Fine. Then help us fund 80 billion in IRS work or so. Nobody, nobody. Yeah, we screwed up with Hunter Biden. Yeah, we screwed up with the elites, but make sure that person in Arkansas, who doesn't pay or doesn't note that they pay to their friend $120 on Venmo. Let's make sure they don't get away with it. So he wrote Aaron Rupert writes, so far it seems like the big Republican bombshells that Hunter Biden is bad at doing his taxes. Meaning he never even filed them. It's unbelievable. Raskin points out that a Trump appointed US attorney who investigated Hunter Biden recently debunked the allegations made. It's unbelievable. So it's unbelievable. If Trump ever points at anybody to appoint them, they're fascist and they're corrupt. But the one that's overseeing Hunter Biden, he's fantastic. This guy's the best. And there's a lady behind Raskin wearing a mask. God bless. Hopefully it stops the virus. Let's see what we got here. Pretending things that happen in the Trump. Why is it always about Trump? Seriously, why is it always come back to Trump? Why can't we assess different things that are going on in society without saying the name Trump? Like, I don't understand how this has anything to do with Trump. Like enough, we don't care. We just want to take each thing on its own. And so it's Trump, Trump. It's crazy. Yeah, we did something wrong. What about Trump? Oh, Hunter Biden and Files Taxes. Yeah, well. Trump tried to overthrow the United States government. He's a dictator. Uh, they're not related. It doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. Oh my God, look, this, look out, Joe Biden pulled out of Afghanistan. Yeah. Well, look at Trump. He, uh, he, you know, he slept with a point star, but what do you mean? I mean, the, why can't they both be bad things? Why can't they both be bad things? Everyone wants to always say like, why can't Hunter Biden be guilty of a felony and Trump be guilty of a felony? Why can't they both be true? Why do people always, the people who support this corruption, which is bizarre to support and the censorship, all this stuff, it's always in the answer that they say when you call this stuff out is always something with Trump. Like Trump, like, oh my God, this guy is, has made people obsessed with him. I've never seen anything like it. Never in my life. It's unbelievable. We just want to observe each situation and get the objective truth and analyze it and not make it partisan and political. But yet. everything that is pointed out that is corrupt, somehow it's either what Trump's doing is corrupt or Biden and the Astralis is doing something corrupt and that's Trump's fault. It's just Trump's fault. And that's not here defending Trump. That's not what I'm saying. I'm just saying like there's no way everything in this whole entire universe is connected to Donald J. Trump, a game show host. There's just no way. I just don't buy it. I don't buy it. Now let's take a second away from this. And play this clip from uh, uh jimmy dord now this actually just happened This literally just happened. This is unbelievable Uh, this is a little uh off topic here, but I was just thinking about it. I want you to see it which is According to cbs news actually, let's pull it up right now real quick This really just happened. This is a real video of a video according to cbs news lockdowns masking and uh Vaccines prevented everyone from catching COVID. Oh, I probably can't put this on YouTube now. Oh, well, whatever. Let's play it. Two minutes, 70 seconds. I mean, that is these people are sick. He's still saying that. And there's like, I don't know, 14 people out there that believe him. He's like, he had his eyes laid up, we opened up and that's what made the virus rip. I mean, Jay Batra, a friend of the show is one of the most outspoken people on lockdowns of how many people it's harmed worldwide and that we won't even see the catastrophic effects for decades, that children will never recover from it. And this guy saying, we let kids back to school, like that was the bad decision, not like taking them out of something that had 99.99% survival rate was. You know, maybe a better idea to put them in school. I mean, it's unreal. There's still the news is still playing opposite day. Like you're a moron, but you're not a moron because you found The Jonathan Kogan Show. It's great to have you here. Isn't that unbelievable though? He's saying that wearing the mask and the lockdowns prevented you from getting the virus, even though you probably got the virus, unless you're Ashkenazi Jew and something else, which I am, which is awesome. So listen, if people aren't going to manufacture another virus, whoever those people are, you know, Fauci and his pals and Bill Gates. Keep sparing the Ashkenazi Jews. That is awesome. I'm all about that. So if you want to spare the Ashkenazi Jews, hell yeah, I am all about that. Keep putting that in the sequence, okay? That's fantastic. I have no problem with that whatsoever. I actually praise that idea. I think it's fantastic. I think every virus that's manmade should spare Ashkenazi Jews. We've been through enough, okay? We've been through enough, all right? They did experiments on us, no more. We said never again. with Nuremberg, well, we did it again, but whatever, that's not here nor there. Okay. But never again with Ashkenazi Jews. Okay. Do it with other people. All right. Unbelievable. These people are sick. They're concocting viruses. They're concocting false stories. They're concocting and warping your brain. It's sick. Thank God the internet somehow can get the truth out there. If you look for it and you find places like this and you share this with people and then we all unite and we come together and we realize we're on the same team and that the real enemy is the mainstream media and the elites. Those are truly the enemy of the people, not the people, not other people who maybe have different politics than you or think, have a different opinion on policy. No, that's not your enemy. That's your friend. That's your peer. That's your neighbor. Love thy neighbor. The people are evil. The ones intentionally manipulating information, censoring information, forcing you to do things based on lies and corruption at the deepest, darkest level ever. It's sick and I'm done with it. All right. So should we keep going through some clips here? What should we do? Probably should be going through some clips, you know what I'm saying? Um, I want to find some other, oh, no, I'm going the wrong way. So great point by Lynch here. I love it. This is unbelievable. Let's see what Ken Okoa, uh, let's see if he has another one. Um, okay. Here's a minute. Let's see if, uh, so the question is, were you ever blocked from interviewing a witness, uh, when it came down to the Biden's? No, no way. Probably not. Nobody's above the law. Let's see. Dude, does Joe Biden count those kids as his grandchildren? Do they make the cut? I'm just curious, asking for a friend. Could you imagine being a grandfather and not acknowledging one of your grandkids? I mean, that's really crazy. It's a totally different subject. It was just mind blowing to me though. Let's see what else. Yeah, we can go on and on here. What's this? The Bidens create over 20 shell companies. What were these people selling? I just want to know what the buyers are being paid for. I don't like, do they have a business, a family business? Do they sell services? You know, maybe consulting for, you know, um, I don't know how to run a campaign, how to get elected. Uh, I don't know something just what's the, what is being sold? That's all I want to know. I'm cool with them. Sell whatever you want to whomever you want. Just tell me what it is. Why is that not being at just what were they selling? Nobody knows. Nobody cares. the guy running the free world. All right. Well, we're going to stop it there for today, but the corruption is so deep on all sides, the whole game is rigged. The whole thing is fixed. Everybody knows it. It's not a secret. It's just, can we get to the truth? Like this doesn't have to be partisan. It doesn't have to be political, but I guess when you're backed up against a corner and the truth is coming out, when you've lied for so long and people know you're lying. that you can either tell the truth, come clean and be looked, you know, kind of bad, but people forgive you or double and triple down and just lie and lie and never tell the truth and just destroy an entire society because you're willing to come clean and people get mad because people are trying to tell the truth. And a lot of people are like, no, look, like, you know, we believe what they're saying. And you know, we don't trust Nazi fascists on the other side, even though it's a lie. It just doesn't make you Republican to tell the truth. I don't understand. Listen, if the same thing was going on the other side, guess what? I'd be calling out the same way. Same exact way. It is about truth and nothing but the truth. And that is it. It's very basic principles on this podcast. Very simple, very simple. We're very simple here. Truth and nothing but the truth. We do not believe in politics. My goodness. The fact that to say that on so many podcasts is mind blowing. It's absolutely mind blowing. It's actually sick. All right. So that's all I got for today. Please subscribe to The Jonathan Kogan Show, wherever you get your podcasts. Again, you can go to You can subscribe to the YouTube channel. And of course, if you're watching on Rumble, subscribe to the Rumble channel. Ding, give it a thumbs up. Hopefully it'll travel with the algorithm. Not sure how the Rumble one works. We can get more people absorbing the truth, coming to the apolitical sphere, realizing that we're all on team peasant. We're all on the same team. We all love one another. We all just want truth. We don't want bias. We don't want filters. We can handle information. We're strong enough. We don't need the YouTube gods and the Google gods to filter information because they have a special gene that can absorb dangerous information But then we can't so they have to censor it from us No, no, we just want unfiltered information and we will decide what is true. What is not true We'll use our critical thinking skills and we will come to our own conclusions by our very selves because we're smart enough to do that That's this that's what this podcast is. You want to be a part of that movement? Join the movement Okay, you don't want to be a part of that. You want to be filtered out you want the YouTube gods to censor? play that game, okay? I don't care. This is just for the people who want to get to the truth. Very basic, very simple, from a principled approach, unbiased, apolitical, period, full stop. Okay, follow on Twitter at KOGZ. That's my Twitter account. Rumble YouTube, subscribe, podcast, give it a five star rating if you think it's good. If it's not, just ignore the podcast. There's a ton of podcasts out there, but none of them are apolitical and truthful like this one. I'll promise you that. All right. I love you. I hope you have an amazing day. If you're somewhere where it's nighttime, I hope you have an amazing night. I'll see you tomorrow. By the way, big podcast coming tomorrow, so you really do want to subscribe. Big guest tomorrow. Very, very excited. All right. God bless. I'll see you later.