shiny (for the moment)

Hello out there in listener-land! Thanks for finding me, Erica Alshuler, and my new podcast, Shiny (for the moment). Having posted my first episode without even saying my name or name of the pod (natural over here), I thought I should take a minute (or three) to introduce myself and give you an idea of what's to come on the pod!

Hope to meet you soon on Instagram and Facebook to tell me what you think of the show and anything that is shiny to YOU at this moment :)

Have an awesome day!

Shiny (ftm) on Instagram and Facebook
Theme music "Gospel of Gold" by Effie Zilch

What is shiny (for the moment)?

Conversations about things that interest me… until they don’t. Because new = shiny ✨
Featuring cool people and unbridled banter.
Dive in. Jump out. Rinse. Repeat.

Erica Alshuler (00:07.47)
Hello and welcome to Shiny for the Moment. I'm your host, Erica Lindsay Hahn -Alschuler, and I wanted to introduce myself. But first off, if you're hearing this, thank you so much for listening. I'm a woman in my 40s who left her corporate job three years ago with three kids in elementary school, which means for the past three years, I've spent most of my time doing...

laundry and housework and administrative stuff for schools and soccer and basically being a taxi driver. This means my life is full, busy, literally, but also full in so many real ways. And yet I still found myself struggling and feeling overwhelmed, underwhelmed, sad. I kept saying to myself, if I'm struggling and having a hard time being happy, then who gets to be happy? I have so much. I'm so privileged. I'm so fortunate.

And if I'm struggling, there's something really wrong. Because I was a psychology major and an overanalyzer by nature, I've made it a quest of sorts to figure out what makes me happy when I'm not being a mom, wife, or career woman. So I've been on this journey for the past three years. One of the things I discovered is the part of me that used to want to be a talk radio host. I don't know why, but I did. I like talking. I like connecting. I like sharing.

Maybe I should start a podcast. So here I am. I created Shiny for the Moment, which means I get to talk about anything that's shiny to me right now. It may change, I might lose interest, I may become more obsessed, who knows? I'm curious, I love exploring new things, I love trying new things and buying new things, which is a problem. I'm working on it. So if you're down with that, come along for the ride. When I started this journey after leaving work, it started with health.

I had to make sure my body wasn't the reason I wasn't happy, which shocker, it was definitely part of it because I wasn't taking care of it. I was taking care of my kids and working instead. So a lot of the things that I've been interested in lately are health and wellness related. So be ready for that. Things like Pilates, getting diagnosed with ADHD, pelvic floor physical therapy, and functional medicine to name a few, but also fun things I hope, like starting your own business or podcast, trying pickleball.

Erica Alshuler (02:30.35)
this whole mushroom craze thing that's going on all around us, and even things like the glorious television show that is Bluey. If you end up listening to my podcast, you'll obviously get to know me well and all my weirdness and the incredible people I bring on who I'm so lucky to have in my life or get to know through the podcast who have lots of interesting things to share. But I'm also hoping to get to know you guys well. I'll be on Instagram. I'll be on Facebook. As I keep saying, I like to talk and connect. So come find me. Lastly,

Because I value it above all else, I promise to be authentic, aka real, even when I probably shouldn't. For example, I've already talked about poop several times on the podcast I've recorded. So if any of this sounds exciting at all, join me weekly on Shiny for the Moment and dive into my random brain for a bit. I'll certainly be thankful to have you along for the ride. Now go check out my first few episodes and please have an awesome day. Bye for now.