The Ladies Who Lead

In this episode of Ladies Who Lead, SK Vaughn and Roxanne discuss personal updates, entrepreneurship, and the transformative power of color analysis. Roxanne shares her journey from nursing to owning multiple businesses, including a pet boutique and a color analysis studio. They explore the importance of executive presence and personal branding, emphasizing how the right colors can enhance confidence and perception. The conversation concludes with reflections on the theme 'bloom where you're planted,' highlighting the dedication required to nurture one's business and personal growth. In this conversation, Roxanne shares her insights on personal strength, the definition of success, and the importance of style and color analysis in empowering women. She emphasizes that true strength lies in recognizing one's capabilities and that success is about loving what you do. Roxanne also discusses how understanding personal style can enhance confidence and self-perception, ultimately leading to greater success in both personal and professional realms.

Key Takeaways
  • Roxanne's journey from nursing to entrepreneurship showcases resilience and adaptability.
  • Color analysis can significantly impact personal branding and confidence.
  • Executive presence is crucial for business owners and professionals.
  • Each season in color analysis offers a wide range of choices beyond traditional palettes.
  • Roxanne emphasizes the importance of community in her businesses.
  • The right colors can enhance how others perceive you in professional settings.
  • Tools provided in color analysis help simplify wardrobe choices.
  • Nurturing a business is akin to caring for a plant; it requires dedication.
  • Blooming where you're planted means giving your all to your current endeavors. You are stronger than you know.
  • Embracing risks can lead to personal growth.
  • Success is defined by loving what you do.
  • Style and color can influence perception.
  • Understanding your clothing personality boosts confidence.
  • Women often face societal pressures that can cloud self-perception.
  • Personal connections in business are vital for success.
  • Clothing choices can impact how others perceive you.
  • Confidence comes from knowing you look your best.
  • Empowerment comes from understanding and embracing your true self.

00:00 Surviving and Thriving: Personal Updates
05:52 Roxanne's Entrepreneurial Journey
12:07 The Power of Color Analysis
17:57 Executive Presence and Personal Branding
28:08 Bloom Where You're Planted: Life Lessons
30:49 Embracing Inner Strength
33:14 Defining Personal Success
36:02 The Importance of Style and Color
54:16 Connecting Passion with Success

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What is The Ladies Who Lead?

The Ladies Who Lead Podcast is all about women supporting women. We will cover topics like, diversity and inclusion, gender pay gap and respect in the workplace. We want to celebrate with you and hear stories of success and hard lessons learned. Whether you are a lady who leads in the boardroom or a lady who leads in your community, this is the place for you.

SK Vaughn (00:01.926)
Welcome everyone. I'm so excited to have Roxanne here with us today on the Ladies Who Lead podcast. You're in for a treat. Welcome Roxanne.

Roxanne (00:11.32)
Thank you. Thank you for having me.

SK Vaughn (00:14.566)
Absolutely. Well, I always kick it off with how are you surviving or thriving this week? And so while you're thinking through that, I will go first. So how am I surviving? Hmm. I think I'm surviving in this season of just not feeling settled just yet. You know, we still have our house and mobile that we're trying to sell and I'm very much not in a house here yet. So it's just not feeling very rooted, like deeply rooted into the community just yet, but it's going to get there.

I have hope. It's just a process. So I'm trying to be patient and trust the process and just know that it's going to happen in the way that it always works out in the way that it needs to. So that's kind of how I'm surviving in this kind of weird in-between. And then I'm thriving because this is just a little bit of a humble brag, I have to say. I'm really excited. I just closed a major deal with my new marketing agency and it's incredible.

And I think it's just affirming, like reaffirming what I've been working towards and all the good that's coming from it. And it's just a really sweet season of just kind of seeing that hard work slowly start to pay off. So that's how I am surviving and thriving this week. What about you, Roxanne?

Roxanne (01:26.158)
Awesome. So I am surviving this week because I've got so much going on right now. I just came back from my style certification in Des Moines, Iowa, and just getting back into the flow of things. I was gone for a week. So with three full-time businesses, it's a little hard sometimes. Sorry.

It's a little hard sometimes to get back in the groove of things. Sorry, I had a frog in my throat.

SK Vaughn (02:04.852)
No problem, do you want to grab some water before we start going? Yeah. Absolutely. I can just, you can just jump into how you're surviving and then go into your thriving again. Yeah.

Roxanne (02:06.862)
One second. So we can like do that part again. I'm sorry.

Roxanne (02:16.59)
Yeah, you need to cut that part out. It's not that I need water. I don't know why. It's like suddenly I'm like, ugh. Okay.

SK Vaughn (02:28.02)
That's how it goes. It's okay. I already have my coffee right here and my water because I already know I'm going to be coughing at some point.

Roxanne (02:33.578)

I know. Okay, I'll start this again. Okay, so I am surviving this week, just trying to get back into the groove of things. So I just got back from Des Moines, Iowa from doing my style certification and with three full-time businesses. I'm sorry, SK, I don't know what's going on.

SK Vaughn (03:00.744)
You're good. No worries.

Roxanne (03:04.448)
Normally I don't get like this in my throat, so I don't know. You think that like water would help? I don't know, I have water right here.

Roxanne (03:17.838)
You're gonna have a lot of editing to do. Okay, I'm gonna try this again. Is there like a place where I can like mute the thing if like I have to like clear my throat?

SK Vaughn (03:19.506)
It's okay. It's part of the process, right? Nick's used to it. He's my editor.

SK Vaughn (03:29.556)

SK Vaughn (03:38.11)
There should be, if you look on the kind of the bottom center, there's his mic. Do you see that on your side of things? If you click that, I think let's test it.

Roxanne (03:44.033)
yeah, okay.

SK Vaughn (03:51.57)
you can mute yourself that way.

Roxanne (03:53.344)
Okay, okay. All right, I'm sorry. So I'm surviving this week just getting back from Des Moines, Iowa where I did my style certification. I was gone for whole week and so with three full-time businesses and coming back.

SK Vaughn (03:57.885)
No, you're totally good.

Roxanne (04:16.226)
you know, to like just jump right in to seeing clients and taking care of issues and things with the other businesses. It's a lot sometimes. So that's keeping me busy because I didn't have any downtime. It was like I got home and then immediately just jump back in to all three businesses. And I'm thriving this week because I did it. So I feel like

You know, there's a lot that I've done this week since I've been back and it does feel good to be able to just get back in the groove of things and just pick up where I left off and just work on the businesses and getting going again. So that's an accomplishment in itself.

SK Vaughn (05:02.793)

Yeah, absolutely. think anytime you take time away, know, it's a little nerve wracking because you have three businesses, right? So it's like, okay, if I'm on this trip, who's going to take over? And also getting back to the groove of things like you mentioned, it's just even when I feel like when you're sick, you know, it's hard to come back and fully get in the swing of things. So I'm right there with you. But it's an accomplishment. You made it back and are keeping going.

Roxanne (05:16.782)

Roxanne (05:27.338)
It is.

Roxanne (05:31.276)
That's right.

SK Vaughn (05:34.174)
Well, I have to point out first before we jump in, Roxanne, I am wearing my season, I think. Can we have a moment for this?

Roxanne (05:41.038)
I love it! You look amazing. Yes, I'm so proud.

SK Vaughn (05:47.87)
Thanks. If y'all haven't figured it out yet. Thanks. If y'all haven't figured it out yet, I'm an autumn and Roxanne helped me figure this out. And so today we're going to really jump into all things color theory and like executive presence and how it makes you feel when you show up with a personal brand in your season. So, but she is incredible. And I just can't say enough great things, but had so much fun in your studio.

Roxanne (05:52.29)

SK Vaughn (06:13.32)
figuring out what season I am so I can confidently say I am in autumn. So this is my season everyone.

Roxanne (06:20.364)
You look beautiful.

SK Vaughn (06:21.842)
Well, thank you. I love it. So Roxanne, tell us a little bit about yourself. You you mentioned a little bit of it in your surviving and thriving moment, but what really led you to become an entrepreneur?

Roxanne (06:35.106)
that, you know, I had a very like...

great upbringing. My dad was an entrepreneur and so he was a great role leader for me and a role model for me. And it's just in me. I don't know. Like I was a nurse for 10 years and I loved being a nurse, but I really don't like to march to anyone else's drums. I like to be my own boss and kind of be in control of my own paycheck and be able to

do the things that I like to do and take off when I want to take off. And I just, it's just in me and I love being an entrepreneur.

SK Vaughn (07:20.242)
Yeah. So there's a lot of in-between. So you started off as a nurse and I know that your career has taken many different turns and transitions. What was kind of the aha moment for you, I guess, when you were finishing up the nursing part of your career and kind of taking that transition? Was there a defining moment that was like, okay, I'm going to jump in. And if so, what was your first business to jump into?

Roxanne (07:46.427)
So my first business was a pet photography business. I bought a franchise where I went around to pet boutiques and groomers and veterinarians and I set up for the day and did pet photography in an RV. So it was a very fun business but it was a business that...

Just, I would have had to keep going further and further to get more clients because usually once people do that once, maybe twice, they usually don't wanna do it again and again and again.

So I transitioned from that and I opened up a newborn photography business. So I started with pet photography and was like, let me try the newborn babies. And I loved that business. was in that for about eight years. I did newborn photography and I loved it. I had a retail studio. It was a boutique studio. was a beautiful little place. And I'm so thankful for that time in my life because I really provide.

lots of long lasting memories for all of my clients. But during that time my husband did pass away from brain cancer and so my life had taken a lot of transition at that time and my assistant was having some life changes as well. And I just decided at that point that it was time to move on to the next chapter and maybe get into a business that could sort

of run itself if I wasn't there because as a photographer I had to be there. I was the one with the camera so if I wasn't shooting then I wasn't making any money. So an opportunity came available in my community to buy a PJ's of New Orleans coffee shop and I had gone to the coffee shop every morning for years. I loved it and it just all things just

Roxanne (09:53.424)
kind of fell into place. And so I bought that business about six years ago and I love it. I still have it today and it's a dream. And then...

moved to Mississippi so that business is in Louisiana in Belchase, Louisiana. It's PJs of coffee PJs of New Orleans in Belchase, Louisiana and But I sold my house in Belchase where the business is and moved to Mississippi. So a whole state away

So I'm not able to go to that coffee shop every day like I was doing before, but that's what I wanted, right? I wanted a business that as long as I had the staff to run it and a good staff, and I do, that I could step away and just do the manager or the owner part of the business and then let my manager run the business with my direction, of course.

But being the person that I am and I have to have lots of things going on at the same time, I saw a need where I moved and I moved to Pes Christian, Mississippi, which is near Bay St. Louis, Mississippi. It's a little coastal town, cute little town. And because I am a huge animal lover, I saw a need for a really nice pet boutique because there was no place on the coast where

we could buy really healthy food for our dogs. And I have five dogs and I do feed them very, very healthy food. They eat raw and there's no place around here to buy really good food and healthy treats. And so I opened Cafe Bonjor, which is a pet boutique in Bay St. Louis. It's a precious little pet boutique. I opened that about three and a half years ago.

Roxanne (11:48.534)
And it's wonderful. It's like my baby from start to where it is now. It's like all my own creation and it's just a great little place if you're a pet lover to go to and to get that really, really good, high quality stuff for your dogs. So I did...

SK Vaughn (12:07.44)
Yeah, love, sorry, I've been to her store and I just have to say this right here right now. It is the cutest. We have a dog, Mayfair, and I was just like, okay, I've got to get out of here before I buy the whole store. It was that level. And I love the Bay in the past. So that's great that you kind of found your home there.

Roxanne (12:27.308)
Yes, yes.

Yeah, I love it. It's just, it's a wonderful community and I love being the community pet store where we know everyone and you know, we get to know their dogs. Most of the time we know their dog's name, you know, over their name sometimes, but we love getting to know like all of our customers. And then we have the tourists as well that will come in and it's just a fun, fun business.

So I have that business as well. And then I also have House of Color Mississippi Gulf Coast West, which is a business that I do color analysis and style analysis.

SK Vaughn (13:12.39)
Yes, definitely. So you have your hands full with three businesses, PJ's Coffee, your pet store, and then also House of Color, right? Yeah, wow. You definitely have a very busy day to day. I can only imagine.

Roxanne (13:21.538)
Yes, yes.

Roxanne (13:27.086)
I do. But I love it. I love it.

SK Vaughn (13:32.946)
Yeah. So explain to those who may not know, what is House of Color and what makes it such a great experience? mean, I know because I was just there not too long ago, but for those who are listening, our friends, what can they expect from House of Color?

Roxanne (13:49.19)
my goodness, it is amazing. So House of Color has been around for almost 40 years and it's a franchise as well. And my life was like totally...

transformed when I had my own color and style analysis done by a house of color stylist. And I knew at that moment that so many women need this service and not just women, women and men and even children can benefit from this service. And I knew that I had to do this. I had to bring this to the Mississippi Gulf Coast because we don't have anything like this anywhere around.

And it just, you know, speaking to women is something that I've always loved. I love to bring confidence to people and this business is all about that, right? So what it is is I do color analysis and style analysis in my studio, which is in Gulfport.

And it's a process where I drape you with fabrics in the different colors in our certain situation with these drapes that have been precision dyed in a certain manner where it will uncover which colors look best on you based on the undertones of your skin. And that is important because depending on what we wear, especially around our face,

If you're wearing the wrong colors, it will make you look tired, washed out, and that is in your clothing, in your makeup, in your jewelry, and even your hair color can make you just look not quite right. But when you're wearing the colors of your season,

Roxanne (15:46.336)
And that is based on those undertones of your skin. It really does make you look healthy and vibrant and happy. depending on how you want to be perceived, it just elevates your look in ways that you just cannot imagine until you have the service done.

SK Vaughn (16:08.35)
Yes, I can agree. mean, it's so funny when I was sitting there, I think afterwards, I was telling Roxanne, I was like, wow, I wish I had done this sooner growing up because I could have saved myself a lot of embarrassing photo ops and moments throughout my entire. Yeah, right. That's true, too. And, you know, what's really unique about this is you also walk away with like a fan deck. So like I was tempted to go through my whole closet after this and reassess, OK, what's within my season and what do I just love?

Roxanne (16:21.139)
And a lot of money.

SK Vaughn (16:36.902)
and trying to kind of figure out what makes the most sense to carry forward in this new season, this new chapter of my life. I feel like, you know, our style evolves. I think it's important to be able to understand what needs to go forward with you and what you should probably just keep in the past.

Roxanne (16:55.21)

Exactly. you know, we as women, we struggle a lot with that. We struggle with, you know, is this the right hair color? Is this the right makeup? Or we'll see a, you know, a lipstick on your best friend or an influencer. And we love it. We love the way that, you know, that person looks. And so then we buy it and we try it on. And then it's like, this is not the right shade. And it goes like in the cosmetic

graveyard, right? We all have those. And so this just clears up so many of those questions that you may have because you know, when you know, you know. And when you see it, you can't unsee it. And it just, it does save you a lot of money and a lot of heartache and a lot of questioning. Is this right? Is this not right? Do I look good in this color or not?

So it answers a lot and I think that's very helpful for everyone.

SK Vaughn (17:57.726)
Yeah. What are some other examples of where you've worked with women and maybe they're in a corporate setting? Because I also feel like executive presence is so important or personal branding, no matter what stage of life that you're in, you still want to present and look your best. Are there any just interesting stories or important aha moments that people have had who have sat in your chair and worked with you directly?

Roxanne (18:23.308)
Yes, so I have a client that drove quite a ways to come and get her color analysis done. She is a business owner and but she has a very big online presence and so she's in front of the camera all the time with her business and she was going through some rebranding and she wanted to make sure that she was you know she's getting some photos done and she just wanted a better

online presence for herself because the way people perceive you is that decision is made within the first seven seconds of seeing someone and she wanted to have that presence and know that what she was wearing in her lip color her hair color and her outfits

was going to be perceived in the way that she wanted to be perceived to her clientele. And because of that, just, she was blown away by the service. She...

Totally fell in love with everything that she learned that day because you walk away with not only do you walk away with your fan deck and a personalized book with like all of your wow colors in there But you also walk away with a ton of information The session is three hours long and it really is packed with a lot of information that you just take away and you use basically in everything that you do

in every part of your day, right? We all have to get dressed in the morning and so using that information just is so very helpful.

Roxanne (20:13.46)
And she was, she, I see her on camera now and she's just glowing like in her new color palette. And she's like, I finally like know, like I kind of thought that I knew like what colors look best on me, but I wasn't really sure. And I was kind of all over the place. And now she's like, now I know. And it's just wonderful to see.

SK Vaughn (20:35.794)
Yeah, it's a great feeling. It feels like you get a little bit of yourself back in the process. okay, switching gears a little bit and you can tell me if this, if we can't talk about this, but I thought it was pretty interesting when we were talking through just my season and like different nuances to it. And you mentioned three points of red. Am I saying that correctly? And how I think everyone has three points of red. Can you kind of go into that a little bit further and explain what you mean by that?

Roxanne (20:41.239)

Roxanne (20:57.463)

Roxanne (21:05.324)
Yes, so each season, so we have four seasons. We have autumn and spring, which are our warm seasons, and then we have winter and summer, which are the cool seasons. And each season has three points of red in reference to lip color. So.

In each one of those, it's like a category. And if you have at least one lip color in each one of those categories, you can literally wear those three lipsticks or three lip colors with everything in your wardrobe.

So each season though has different points of red. So for you, SK, you're an autumn. So your three points of red is a warm red, a rust, and a coral. So if you have at least one in each one of those categories, if you're living in your season, you can wear that with everything rather than have 25 different lip colors and you don't really know which goes with what. It kind of dials it down for you.

and makes it simple to wear. Okay, I know that if I'm wearing like your reds in your season and your browns in your season or even your blues in your season, you can wear that warm red.

But if you're wearing more of like your rust colors and your moss green and your mustard colors of your season, then you might want to pull out your rust lips, you know, your lip color. And then when you're wearing your coral colors of your season, and I'm just speaking for your season in autumn, but there's, you know, colors that go with the coral lipstick that you have. And all of our makeup is like,

Roxanne (22:54.454)
categorized by season. So I do have a complete inventory of all of our makeup and you never have to guess, well is this an autumn lip color or is it more for spring? Ours is like these are the autumn lip colors, these are the spring lip colors, and there's a multitude of shades that you can choose from. But we don't know that until you come in and get your color analysis done.

SK Vaughn (23:22.324)
That's right. Okay, question for you. I feel like this to me was a bit confusing going through the process and you were great at explaining it. okay, say I'm in autumn, which I am, and it's springtime. Does that mean that I have to wear like autumn colors in spring? Or does that just mean like spring's not my season? I shouldn't even try? What does that really kind of look like from out of season?

being within your own season. Does that make sense? Okay.

Roxanne (23:53.012)
Yes, it does. So no, every single palette has a wide range of colors. And just because you're in autumn, there, yes, you do have those autumn colors that we typically.

think of when we think of autumn. So you have the rust and your mustard colors and moss green, all of the colors of autumn, right? But then you also have so many other colors in your palette that are not the typical autumn colors, like the corals and all of the blues and royal purple and kingfisher, which is a beautiful blue. You have tangerine. You also have lime green.

grass green, ochre yellow. So there's all sorts of colors in your season, in whatever season you are, that you can pull from in the non-traditional or in the season that's not the right season, right? So I'm a winter and so in the summertime,

It doesn't mean that I have to stick with like those darker colors in my palette. So the darker colors in the winter palette are like your charcoal gray, burgundy, like a pine green. Those I'll pull more like in the fall and winter seasons. But in my season, there are many colors that I can choose in the summertime and in the springtime that's in my palette.

all of my pinks and my lighter greens and my lighter blues and like the royal blue that I have on today. So every season does have a wide range. We don't want to put you in a box. That's far from what we want to happen. We want to be able to give you as many choices as you can and every single season has a very wide range of colors for you to choose in whatever

Roxanne (26:03.553)
physical season that it is, like the time of year it is. So yeah, you have lots of choices.

SK Vaughn (26:10.856)
That's reassuring because I was like, no, I'm just going to be stuck in like browns and greens all year long. And that's not the case. So thanks for clearing that up for those who are probably like me who are like, I wonder first off, what is my season? But then am I stuck living that out, you know, the whole year with limited colors?

Roxanne (26:29.485)

you're not stuck at all. And even so, I always tell my clients that I give you tools and not rules. So I give you the tools that you need to make those choices when you're shopping and when you're going through your closet. But at the end of the day, there's no color police. However, I will say that when you live in your season and you commit to those couple of weeks that we talk about in every session, like, hey, go through your closet.

and you first get your color analysis done, use your fan deck that I give you with your session and just pull aside those colors that fit in your season and live it for a couple of weeks.

And I will say that once you do that and you wear the makeup of your season, it's really kind of hard to go back to wearing those other colors because you truly do see the difference and other people see the difference on you. You you'll get compliments like, look really beautiful today. You look so well rested today. And it's all because of the colors that you're wearing. It really is very impactful.

SK Vaughn (27:44.55)
Absolutely. Couldn't agree more. Well, switching gears a little bit. When you think about bloom where you're planted, which is our theme for this season, what does that mean to you throughout your life where you've maybe gone through different seasons, the highs, the lows, the refining? What does it really mean to you when you think about the theme, bloom where you're planted?

Roxanne (28:08.226)
I love that phrase, by the way. Like, I really do love that phrase. So it means that wherever you are in life, whether it is, because I've gone through lots of different businesses in different times of my life, in different seasons of my life. I've had multiple businesses. But what I feel like it means is that

Give it your all. Give it everything that you have. And if you are in whatever business you are in, do it wholeheartedly. you have to, if you think of it as a plant or a flower, you have to feed it. You have to water it. You have to...

do things with your whole being and heart to make that flower or plant bloom.

in order like so if you're planted in a business just do all of the things do do it and do it good do it to the best of your ability and just feed it water it and put your best effort forward to make that business bloom is I guess the best way that I can explain it

Roxanne (29:48.704)
I can't hear you, SK.

SK Vaughn (29:51.828)
Sorry, I have muted myself. Now I'm back on. That's a great point, I think. I'm new into this whole business thing, right? And I think it's a good point to make. You really do have to give it your all. I think I was watching a video recently. It was like, at first, you're kind of cringy. Then people think you're crazy. Then things start to work out. And then you're like, see? Once you put your whole self into things and really pour in.

Roxanne (29:54.733)

SK Vaughn (30:18.188)
and are completely bought in from start to finish. Kind of like, you know, I don't claim to have a green thumb by any means, but when planting something, you know, it does take time. It does take nurturing. And I think that's a great point that you make when thinking about business and how you tend to it. So that's great.

SK Vaughn (30:39.24)
So if you could give any piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?

Roxanne (30:49.838)
So I think it would be you are stronger than you know.

You know, there's a lot of things that we all go through in life, and I've been through my share as well. And just knowing that you can do anything that you put your mind to and that you are stronger than you know. And sometimes it takes, you know, taking risks and putting yourself out there, but just knowing that, you know, we are born to be strong.

strong women and strong leaders and that we're stronger than what we may think that we are. And so just knowing that, you know, as a young woman, just like I kind of always knew it, just like owning that part of it and just knowing that we are very strong. We're very strong women in general.

And I think that's, you know, my, I think that's what I would like tell myself, that, you know, you're stronger than what you may think you are.

SK Vaughn (32:08.498)
I love that. And I think that, you you're a testament to strength and resilience throughout your whole life story and the things that we've talked about here and previously. And I just have so much respect for all that you've done and been through and worked through over the course of your life. And I agree. think when women are put down, there's gaslighting going on. think it's sometimes it's hard to see the forest beneath the trees. And I think that there's a real

beauty and starting to become and starting to wake up and realize how strong you truly are. And I think there's something really beautiful about that. But sometimes, you know, society, culture, our own insecurities can be so loud, it's hard to sift through what is true versus what is reality, you know, and what we think in between. so I think strength is incredibly important. And so many women, young women,

need to hear that and even women who are a little bit more experienced or seasoned in life I think can be reminded of that. So thank you.

All right, before we wrap up, I always have to ask this question. It's my favorite question I ask everyone. And I think it's a unique perspective everyone has. There's no right or wrong answer. But how do you define success for yourself?

Roxanne (33:38.36)
I think that...

If you can get up every day and love what you do, I think that is success. I think that if you can confidently...

Just love what you do and That's success. I mean and through that if you're loving whatever it is that you are doing Then all of the rest just follows right? So, you know the money will follow the The security will follow all of that comes from

Are you hearing my dogs?

SK Vaughn (34:24.04)
Yeah, we might want to, I can restate the question here in a minute. Let them, no, it's okay. Nick's pretty good. I'm sure he could probably cut it out, but I'm selfishly like, ooh, this could be a good sound bite and I edit those and there's no way I can cut that out. I'm not that good.

Roxanne (34:27.02)
I'm sorry.


Roxanne (34:35.264)
I know. I know. Let me see if they stop.

Roxanne (34:46.956)
I don't know where he's at. Let me just...

SK Vaughn (34:47.909)
No, it's okay. I have dogs. I had one whining a minute ago and I was like, that's why I had muted my mic. I was like, I hear you down there.

SK Vaughn (35:01.574)
Also, Peyton and I have connected and we're supposed to meet tomorrow, by the way, about some web dev stuff.

Roxanne (35:05.87)
Good, that's awesome.

That's awesome. All right, let me call him.

SK Vaughn (35:12.158)
I know, I'm super excited.

Roxanne (35:22.37)
Hey, babe, the dogs are barking and they can hear it on the podcast. Can you stop them from barking? We're almost done. Like he's going crazy right now.

Roxanne (35:34.026)
I know, but he's barking and we can't film while he's barking.

Roxanne (35:42.491)
We're almost done. Okay. Thank you.

Roxanne (35:51.896)
He went outside, so of course the dog is like, I want to be with you.

SK Vaughn (35:56.518)
Right. That's how it goes. Well, how was the trip though overall?

Roxanne (36:02.574)
It was really good. It was really good. So I wanted to talk a little bit about style too and about how I think we were going to talk about. I think we're going to talk about like how women in business can benefit from like knowing their style as well, right? Their style and their color.

SK Vaughn (36:08.146)

SK Vaughn (36:22.14)
Yeah. Okay, yeah, we can work that in. I can restate that question and let you go from there and then we can do the last question, which is how do you define success? So once that stops, we can revisit it.

Roxanne (36:44.622)
sure where he is that he's not coming to get them.

Roxanne (36:58.488)
Alright, hurry up!

SK Vaughn (37:05.98)
It's all good, no worries. It happens all the time, no worries. But the trip was good though overall.

Roxanne (37:06.542)
It's like I'm coming.

Roxanne (37:11.278)

Roxanne (37:14.956)
Yes, it was very good. It was very good. I learned like so much. was a ton, like it's so involved, like everything about it, know, color analysis is very involved. Style analysis is very involved. It's just, it's amazing to me how like just everything that goes into this, it's unbelievable, but it is, it's cool.

SK Vaughn (37:40.542)
Right. Yeah. I think I think they've stopped. So I'll jump in and we'll revisit that one question. So, Roxanne, not. go ahead.

Roxanne (37:49.516)
Where were we on how, sorry, we were on the success part.

SK Vaughn (37:54.578)
Yeah, I'm going to go revisit the color and style questions so you have a chance to add that into the conversation and then we'll go into defining success.

Roxanne (38:01.644)
Okay. Okay.

SK Vaughn (38:05.31)
So Roxanne, I know that you do color analysis and that's really where I've had a great experience, but you're starting to do more of, sorry, let me start that over again. That was not good. This is why we edit.

Roxanne (38:16.289)
And they're still barking.

SK Vaughn (38:21.864)
they've stopped.

Roxanne (38:23.918)
You want to kill a husband like you actually kill him.

SK Vaughn (38:24.57)
so Roxanne.

SK Vaughn (38:31.06)

Roxanne (38:33.048)
Let me go get them.

SK Vaughn (38:34.355)

Roxanne (38:37.646)

Roxanne (39:10.754)
Okay, I think we got it now.

SK Vaughn (39:15.08)
Yay. Okay. So Roxanne, I know you do color analysis, but you also do styling, right? Is that how you say it or styling what you said it a specific way? Style analysis.

Roxanne (39:25.55)
Yes, style analysis. So color analysis and style analysis, which is two separate sessions.

SK Vaughn (39:37.958)
Okay, let me restate that real quick and then I'll let you roll.

Roxanne (39:41.4)

SK Vaughn (39:42.708)
So Roxanne, you not only do color analysis, you do style analysis. Kind of explain a little bit more about that and kind of explain the benefit of it to women today.

Roxanne (39:53.58)
Yes, so this is another very, very unique service that I offer. You don't have to have your color analysis done in order to have style analysis done, but I do feel like they both go hand in hand together for sure. But style analysis is a unique bespoke service where we take your vertical measurements and we figure out your proportions of your body. And then we also do a

personality like yin yang, test or assessment, not a test but more of an assessment, and we figure out your unique clothing personality based on your body structure and proportions as well as your personality. And the whole point of all of this is, like I said earlier, people perceive

people make judgments and perceive things about you in the first seven seconds that you walk into a room. And we all can kind of think about this scenario. If you had a millionaire, this person that is just a millionaire, but he or she would dress in very, kind of look like a hobo, right? And walk into a restaurant or walk into a place of business.

this, what would you perceive that person? Would you perceive that person to be that millionaire? No, probably not, right? So we can now, you know, I just use that as an analogy, but we can think about it in so many different ways. Whether you are a stay at home mom or whether you are a business woman.

in a boardroom. You want to be perceived a certain way and by having a unique clothing personality that just gives you an all-over put-together look. Even if you are just in leggings and you know a sweatshirt, if you put that outfit together in a certain way, we've all seen those those women right that even in their cute little workout gear

Roxanne (42:14.022)
they just look so stylish and most people do want to

look put together. That was one of the things that I hear most often from my clients is that they want to be able to have a certain style. They want to be able to be perceived a certain way. And through this process, we figure all of that out. So it's another three hour session where we dig deep into how do you want to be perceived. And based on your personality and your body structure,

I can give that to you. I can give you direction on, okay, this is how you want to be perceived. And so this is the type of clothing that you want to look for.

and I have you bring in like some items that you love, that you love the way they fit, you love the way you feel in those items, and then I also have you bring in items that aren't quite working for you. And we talk about that, we go through it, what do you like about it, what do you not like about it? And it just is another way to boost confidence in you, and also it's a way for you to be able

to be perceived like you want to be perceived. So if you are a salesperson or if you are a woman that is in business and you are, know, say you're in conferences with men, a bunch of men at the table and you feel like maybe they don't take you seriously, it might be because of your clothing choices that maybe might not fit your personality.

Roxanne (44:04.4)
So if you want to come across as strong, powerful, confident, then you might choose different clothing to kind of...

get that point across and you don't even have to say anything just by the way you're dressed and by the way you're styled could come across that way. So it is very unique to each person and the process that we use is we'll bring all of that out and more make you feel like you are dressing as your authentic self because just because you you may love my style and I may love

other influencer style. If I put those same clothes on or if you put my clothes on, you may not feel like your authentic self. You may feel like you have a costume on and everyone is different and that's what we uncover. We uncover through this process which style will fit your body and flatter your body the most but also what fits your personality the most and we'll come across how you

want to be perceived and everyone has a different word for that or a set of words and we go through those words. We go through you know things like you know one person may want to be perceived as beautiful, glamorous, sexy where another person are that's their words for I don't want to be perceived as sexy. I don't want to be I want to be perceived as pretty or cute.

So everyone is different in what they want to be perceived as. And it's, you know, through my certification in style, one of the things that...

Roxanne (45:57.786)
I was so shocked with is when we present a client with their unique clothing personality, it's like their face lights up because it almost gives them permission to be who they really are. They just didn't know how to execute that. So one of the, I'll give you an example.

So one of the, he was actually a guy at our certification class and he was one of our models and you he came in dressed as a dude normally dresses right in a pair of pants and a polo shirt. But through our process and through going through and kind of digging deeper we really saw some things that really resonated that he really is kind of a fun

quirky guy.

And you know, he told us about, yeah, sometimes, you he likes to wear these fun socks with the little raccoon faces on them. So he wound up being a classic gammon, which we have 23 different unique personality, clothing personalities. And what that gammon part of his clothing personality will allow him to do is to look for little unique things that will bring out his fun side because he wanted

to be perceived as fun. That was one of his big words. He wanted to be perceived as approachable and fun. And when he was just wearing his regular pants and a polo shirt, he wasn't like really

Roxanne (47:37.464)
bringing that forward. Like there was nothing in his plain pants and shirt that would make someone perceive him as being fun. But when we showed him examples of how he can wear that classic polo or button-up shirt, but yet look for the ones that have a cuff with a little fun print.

around the cuff or the little fun print around the neckline. That then brought that

word that he wanted to be perceived as fun out in his clothing personality. And so when you see him and he's wearing those things, you would probably think like, that's such a unique shirt. Like I bet he's fun because he's now dressing for his personality as well as his body architecture too. So we, we learn and we teach you how to dress for

your body architecture and your personality, which most people are missing the mark on that because they just don't know. And then when we put it together with the color analysis and you wear the colors in your season, along with your clothing personality, you are just like, you are just ready to go. You are filled with confidence because you know that you are looking your best. And I tell my clients too that

You know, one of the things that think about if you're going to a meeting or an event or even a social with the moms, you know, like your kids class is having a moms social and you go in your closet and you've got all these clothes and you look at all everything that you have in your closet and you think, have, wait.

Roxanne (49:37.304)
Feel that?

Roxanne (49:43.648)
Okay. Can you hear me?

SK Vaughn (49:47.272)
Sorry, I was muted. said, yes, mine fell out earlier too and I was having to put it back in.

Roxanne (49:55.362)
Okay, I'll just start that part out.

SK Vaughn (49:57.234)

Roxanne (49:58.67)
So one of the things that I tell my clients is think about if you're going to a meeting or an event or even a mom social, like your kids class is having a social with all of the moms and you think about, okay, what am I gonna wear to that? You go in your closet and you look.

at all of the clothes that you have in your closet and more than likely you're probably like, have nothing to wear. Like I don't have anything to wear and you have this closet full of clothes. It's because everything is just kind of like, you got a little bit of this and a little bit of that and a little bit of this, right? And so when you have your color analysis done, it brings all of that together and everything cohesively goes together in your wardrobe. So it suddenly opens up so many more opportunities

outfits that you have because it all just goes together. So if you are you know like back to my to my analogy here and you're trying to figure out something where before you have your color analysis done or and or your style analysis done and you are you looking at all of these clothes and not knowing you know what to wear

you'll find something to wear because you can't go naked. So you'll find something to wear. But the whole time you might be like, does this look okay? I wonder if I look, do I look presentable? Like, is this the right color lipstick? Does this color look good on me? Am I? So you've got all this stuff going on in your head at your meeting, at your event. And even though you might not be actively thinking about that,

It's still in your subconscious mind, right? Because the subconscious mind is very, very powerful. And those things that are stuck in there from the time when you're putting your makeup on, when you're picking out that outfit, and you're not quite really sure, am I going to be perceived the way that I want to be perceived, is still stuck in your subconscious mind. So are you really going to come across as being 100 %

Roxanne (52:16.368)
confident and be yourself in whatever that situation is if you have all that junk and that noise in your subconscious mind. Probably not.

So you're not going to be the best, the absolute best that you can be unless you clear that noise and clear that subconscious mind of any doubt because you know that you are wearing the right colors, you're wearing the right lipstick, and you're wearing the right clothes for your clothing personality. So you've got enough to deal with with all the other stuff that you have to deal with.

when you're in meetings and events and mom's gatherings, that shouldn't be something that you have to deal with. And even though you may be saying that, well, I don't really think about that, if you had any kind of question in your mind, it's still stuck in your subconscious mind. You just don't actively know that it's there, but it's there.

SK Vaughn (53:24.562)
Wow. So many reasons to go and get your color analysis as well as your style analysis. Thank you so much Roxanne for sharing all of that. think a lot of us probably will pick at our clothes or try to figure out why it's not flat, know, laying flat, just, you know, how we want it to or positioned. And so I think it's a great opportunity to kind of do a refresh and reassess why that is and to really kind of

Roxanne (53:43.639)

SK Vaughn (53:50.6)
dive deeper into what it means for you in your own closet. So I think that's a great point.

All right, last question. Favorite question of all of it is, and I always ask everyone this question because I think it's really important to have different perspectives on this, but how would you define success for yourself?

Roxanne (54:16.223)
success for myself is getting getting up every day and loving what I'm doing.

I think that the ret, if you love what you're doing, and for me, I truly love every part of every business that I have.

And I have different roles in each one of my businesses, right? So the coffee shop, I'm not in there making the coffee. I have baristas that are doing that. I have a manager that is running that business. However, I'm very, very involved. I know what's going on at all times because I have that close relationship with them. And the same with the pet boutique.

I am very involved with my manager and my staff.

And I love that. I love what I do. I love my role in my PJ's coffee shop. I love my role in my Cafe Bonjour Pet Boutique. And I love my role in doing what I'm building confidence in my House of Color business. And I think to me, that is my success. Just loving what you do. And then the rest will come. The money will

Roxanne (55:35.997)
the relationships will come. All of that is kind of a precursor, but for me, knowing that I'm loving what I'm doing is really my success. And also making the connections that I make with my clients in all three businesses. I make sure that I make those connections because to me that is success as well. If I can feel like I have a connection

with my PJ's coffee community and I am a whole state away. That is success. When I feel like I make a connection and know my clients at my Cafe Bonjour pet boutique and I'm not there every day but I still know them and know what's going on, that is success for me. And getting to know all of my House of Color clients on a personal level

because they're stuck with me. Like I tell them all like you're stuck with me like if you have any questions on is this the right color is this the right style they know that they can text me or call me at any time like it's not just a one-and-done service.

It's something that just will go on forever and having that connection with them that success for me and all of that put together is I guess my definition of success and then the rest of it will come because I know that I'm putting forth my best effort in all of the businesses and Through that that's my success. Yeah

SK Vaughn (57:21.82)
Love it. think that's great to hear. And, I don't know how you do it, but you do it well, all the businesses and make it look effortless. so thank you so much, Roxanne, for joining us today on the Latency Lead Podcast. It has been so much fun getting to sit in your chair in the studio all up until now. Let me say that again. It's been fun getting to sit in your chair up until now where the kind of the tables have turned or the roles have reversed and we're getting to sit down on the mic. It's been

Such a joy getting to know you and connect with you. So please don't be a stranger. You're always welcome back to the podcast.

Roxanne (57:56.738)
Thank you so much for having me. This was so fun and I loved getting to know you in my chair and I love seeing you rock your autumn colors. You look beautiful. You look so pretty. So this has been fun. So thanks for having me and I definitely will not be a stranger.

SK Vaughn (58:10.024)

SK Vaughn (58:17.396)
All right, great. And that's it. I'm gonna go ahead and stop recording.