Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Friday, May 31st, 2024 / Buying half a carrot, free strawberries, how Josh and Chantel knew their relationship was serious, buying a Stegosaurus fossil, selling organs, too many thumbs, and Josh got bullied by a group of pre-teens.

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Wake up with Josh & Chantel every weekday from 6a-10a on Classy 97! Missed the show or want to revisit your favorite moments from the show, enjoy Wake Up Classy 97 - The Podcast!

It's Josh and Chantel, and this is wake up classy 97, the podcast. It's a replay of today's full show. It's Friday, May 31st. On today's show, we talk about buying a half of a carrot, free strawberries, how Josh and I knew when our relationship was serious, buying a stegosaurus fossil, selling an organ, and too many thumbs. And also, I got bullied by a bunch of preteens.

But, hey, thanks for listening to the show. Catch it live weekday mornings from 6 to 10 and enjoy wake up classy 97, the podcast. It is Josh and Chantel on a Friday morning. It's Friday. Can you believe it?

It's also the last day of May. Oh, yeah. It is. Tomorrow is in June. That's crazy.

I know. I know. It is crazy. Today is, web designer day. Why did you say?

I didn't have anything to say other than that. Just oh. Alright. Acknowledged. Yeah.

True. That is true. It's also National Utah Day. Ew. Is that ew.

These are weird reactions you're having. I was trying to see if this is the day that Utah became a state, and I wanted to see if that's, if that's what that's about. Really like Utah, but I feel like it's predetermined in Idahoans to dislike Utah for some weird reason. Ew. I know.

Utah. I don't. We only go there all the time. We do go there a lot. I think it's more about, like, when Utah comes to us that everybody goes, go back to Utah.

But why? Who cares? It's just people. It's national macaroon day. Oh, I love macaroon.

It's also national smile day. Did you know that Pocatello is a smile city? I didn't know that. Mhmm. It's actually gets a lot of walk around in public without a smile on your face with Pocatello.

It's a big deal. I don't think everybody knows that. I've lived in Pocatello. I didn't see smiles on everybody's face. No.

It is. People breaking the law down there. Oh, man. Criminals. Yeah.

National Save Your Hearing Day today. It's about, ear protection, and also, hearing aids and things like that. Save your hearing. And world no tobacco day. If you needed a day to quit, today is a fine day.

Right? You should probably think about quitting. Quitting what? Tobacco. Not you.

I'm saying Like, I don't use tobacco. Doing it. Just quit. It's not good for you. No.

Today's a fine day. Alright. That's it. That's what's going on. It's also Friday.

It's the last day of May. Okay. It's a 4 it was a 4 day work week, right, which is my dream. Like, this is what I've been talking about. It has felt so long.

So now you're gonna start saying you want a 3 day work week? That's not a bad idea. Well, yeah. 3 days. We could do it.

We could get all our work done. 4 day weekend every weekend? Oh, doesn't that sound nice? Let's try to get the 3 day. 3 day?

Try to get the 3 day. Weekends rather than the 4? Okay. Let's just try for that 1. Let's stay in the 4 day work week mode.

Okay. For now. Hey. Next week, it's 5 day work week. No.

There's a 2 year old painter named Laurent. Okay. I'm sure it's pronounced differently. Laurent? Laurent.

He's from Russia. Uh-huh. And he is selling his paintings for $7, 000, and they're flying off the shelves. Really? Yeah.

Really. I gotta start selling some paintings. I don't I'm not trying to be rude. I'm not trying to dash your dreams. I I just don't know if they're gonna go for $7, 000.

I don't know why this kid's paintings are going for $7, 000. He's 2 years old. I feel so attacked. You don't think my painting is worth $7, 000. You haven't seen it.

That's true. You don't even know what I'm capable of. I don't even know what I'm capable of. Know what you're capable of. I think you've got a really good gift.

You're really good at the water coloring. You are. Well I just think art is really difficult to sell. Apparently not. Well, this 2 year old kid is just a fluke, I think.

Okay. Okay. What? He's not selling anything. He's 2.

He is 2. His mom is selling something. What I'm saying. His parents are exploiting him. That's what's going on.

Well, they claim that they're saving it all in a trust fund for him. Okay. I know. They said they first noticed his gift when they were on a family vacation last fall, and they found it difficult for him to do anything other than paint. And his paintings are abstract.

No. Right? But he said the mom says it's clear you can distinguish animals from them. He loves to draw elephants, and you can see the elephants in these pictures. I I'm looking at these 2 photograph or these 2 paintings that he painted.

Name? Laurent Schwartz. I gotta see this. Okay. It's a mess.

Abstract, Josh. It's a mess. Abstract. They're selling for $7, 000. I'm baffled.

You're boggled? Your mind is boggled? He's not he doesn't know color theory, so someone is handing him complimentary colors, and he's making a mess. And they're going, yeah, that'll be $7, 000 for that mess. Brilliant.

His mom look. No. No. No. His mom claims that he chooses those bright colors and that he doesn't like brown.

So he'll never use brown, but he likes those bright. And that 1 sells for 14, 000. What were you gonna say? You had something to say. I have many things to say.

I didn't realize this was gonna make you so upset, this story. You look. I'm all about the arts. I love that the kids being creative. I love that he's learning.

I think that's all fine and great and dandy. His paintings are a mess. It doesn't stop the fact that people are buying them. She created an Instagram account to show his work, and that's where people have started to buy them. Okay.

You're upset. I'm flabbergasted. Flabbergasted? I am baffled. I don't understand because I've seen art.

I've seen abstract art. This isn't it? I've seen what looks like a 2 year old making a mess. I I don't think they're that bad. I think they're kinda cool.

You don't like them. I'm not I'm not bashing on the kid's art. It sounds like you are. Kinda sounds like you are. The kid should create art.

I'm all for that. Encourage a kid to make art. But Hang it on the fridge like everybody else. Quit exploiting your 2 year old for profit. They're saving that money.

Okay. Classy 97. It's Josh and Chantel. Hey. Good morning.

Friday. There was a grocery store in Russia that was linked to 18 cases of This is 2 Russia stories, but 2 Russia stories. What website are you on? On Russia. Okay.

Alright. Go ahead. Sorry. Grocery store in Russia. Was linked to 18 cases of food poisoning.

Oh, no. So to keep people coming in because this story leaked the news, and people were like, we're not shopping there. So to peep keep people coming in, the owner of the grocery store said, if anyone gets sick from my groceries, I will pay you a 1, 000, 000 rubles or $11, 000 each. Okay. So people responded, and they started showing up and licking the eggs, hoping they were covered in salmonella.

He And you're telling me somebody's paying $7, 000 for a 2 year old's ark in Russia. Russia's crazy. People licking eggs, trying to get sick so that they can make enough money to survive, and they're out there buying a 2 year old's art. Obviously, the owner canceled the whole thing. He said, stop doing this.

Don't come in. He does say he'll pay the original 18 18 people who claim that they got food poisoning from his store, but only if they can prove that his products are the 1 that they got sick from. Mhmm. And how are they gonna do that? I don't know.

They're not. I don't know how they determined that they were all linked to that grocery store in the first place. They didn't. They just it's a scapegoat thing. They went, nah.

I shop there. I know. I got bad eggs. Lick it. You'll see.

Ugh. What a strange thing. I know. Can you imagine just walking into a grocery store, opening a case of eggs, and licking them? No.

I feel like that's People That's not a good idea. Would do anything for $11, 000. $11, 000. Mhmm. I guess if you were desperate enough.

I guess or what if you just bought, like, some chicken and undercooked it? Yeah. That's your own fault. That's the same what he said. That's what he said.

That's why he said, prove to me Yeah. It's my fault, and then I'll pay you. There no one's gonna be able to prove that. That's also a lot of money. You could've just started out with, like, $50, dude.

You don't have to give away $11, 000. People are gonna show up and lick an egg for $50? Depends on how desperate people are. People might do it. Well, I'm glad he put an end to it.

I know. Because people are buying those eggs and Ew. I know. I don't want people I don't wanna buy a package of eggs. Like someone's breath.

Ugh. Gross. This, good news today comes from Blue Springs, Missouri. What's going on in Blue Springs? Well, there is a kid named Daken Kramer.

Daken? You think it's Daken? How do you spell it? Daken. Daken?

Daken Kramer? I think Daken. Alright. Well, anyway, Daken is finishing 5th grade at Thomas Old Old Oldekin Elementary School. Why you got all these crazy names?

Anyway, he's finishing 5th grade. And during the school year, he learned that some of his classmates had built a bit of a school lunch debt, so he started raising money to pay off that debt. And his efforts were successful. He was able to give the school district a check for $73100. No way.

Yeah. Way. That's enough to wipe out all the school lunch debt way. At that school. How did he earn all the money?

I'm trying to see. I don't even know. It doesn't say what he did. What? He he held fundraisers, I guess.

School administrators were super impressed by his campaign, and they honored him with a special, way and a special way at the end of the school celebration. They started a yearly award in his name. There's now a plaque that lists the recipients of the Dakin Kramer legacy award that's hanging outside of the front office. Dakin Kramer legacy. He's how old?

5th grade? 5th grade. Yeah. So that's what? 11?

10, 11? Something like that. Yeah. His teacher, Christy Haley, said he decided that he wanted to leave a legacy here at the elementary school, which is what we teach our kids. We wanna start teaching the 5th graders from day 1 next year what your legacy is going to be, and, hopefully, we can continue this kind of kindness.

Sheesh. Isn't that cool? 11 years old. He's got a cool legacy. Yeah.

He raised $73100 Good for that kid. And wiped out all the school lunch debt for his classmates, at the elementary school. Anyway, good good on Dakin. That's that's good news to get you going on classy 97. Classy 97.

It's Josh and Chantel. Tell me if you think this is, unethical or a genius hack. Okay. Not unethical. Just bad behavior, I guess.

Alright. A hack or bad behavior? K. A woman needed a carrot. She only needed half of a carrot.

For, like, a recipe or something? Recipe. So she went to the store. She said, I don't need a whole carrot. I just need a half a carrot.

She, what do I wanna say? Not ripped, but, like, yeah. Snapped it? Snapped it. Snapped it.

Snapped it in half, left the 1 half there, took the 1 other half to the check stand, weighed it. The price was 8¢ for her half a carrot. She bought it. She left the store, left behind the remaining other half of a carrot. Now do you snap it short way or long way?

If she snapped it long way Can you imagine? Wow. She's got some cannons of steel. Ripped in half like a phone book? This is the real question.

Which way did she snap it in half? I guess Oh, I thought the real it's gonna make a difference in in how I decide if I thought the real question would be, which half did she take? Did she take this the Okay. You're assuming she went short way then? I'm assuming she went short way.

Yeah. She cut it in She broke it in short way half, not long way. Did she take the, like, the The little thick end of the carrot or the thin end of the carrot. Right. Which which side did she take?

I don't know that that's the important question. I can see where you would think that that was the most important part of the story, but really it's about how she snapped it. And did she do it just in her hands? Did she involve her knee? Yeah.

And yawing. Yeah. Or did she open up a knife from the kitchen department and cut it and then I don't know those answers. There. I don't know those answers.

Alright. Look. Let's let's break this down a little bit. Break. Yeah.

Exactly. If you go to the store and there's a bag of grapes And, they're open, and you'll see them. And you're like, oh, I just grabbed this bag of grapes. It's all the grapes I get. You are allowed to adjust the quantity of grapes in that package Yeah.

By taking some out and putting them into another package or whatever Yes. To get the amount of grapes that you want. Yes. So I'm a little conflicted. This is a weird 1 because you wouldn't typically break a carrot.

Go, that's the carrot I'm gonna buy. I'm gonna take this half of carrot. Yeah. Because no one's gonna buy that other half a carrot. Yeah.

And then, like, immediately, my brain goes to the donut thing that I hate. Oh, yeah. I hate when somebody brings in a dozen donuts, and there's a box of donuts in a communal space, and someone cuts 1 in half and only takes half the donut Because no 1 wants your other half a donut. It's gonna go to the garbage. If you only want to eat half a donut, take the whole donut, eat the half, throw it away in your own garbage.

Don't leave it there. You think you're being considerate, but you're being gross. So I'm thinking the same about the carrot. You think you're being If you're only gonna it it's 8¢ for half a carrot. It's 16¢ for the whole carrot.

Whole thing. So And I guarantee you, like, you can use it. Like, she Or don't. Or don't. Don't leave it at the store for somebody else to deal with.

She didn't wanna buy it because she knew she wouldn't use it. Okay. So she just thought that'd be wasteful. But it's just as wasteful because nobody's going to buy that half a carrot. Nobody's gonna go, oh, I need a carrot and a half.

Lucky day. Not 1 person. Lucky day. Has ever done that. So buy the whole carrot, use what you need, and toss the rest if that's what you gotta do.

Find a rabbit. Feed it to something. I don't know. This is your other half a carrot to do with as you please. You gotta buy the whole carrot.

I think so too. You gotta buy the whole carrot. A carrot and a half. Lucky day. Josh, how old were you when you first learned how to ride a bike?

Probably pretty young. I I don't know for sure. I know I remember at Christmas when I got my first BMX bike. Oh. And it was I was So cool.

1st grade, maybe. Fancy. So, yeah, it was pretty cool. And then pretty cool. Later on in life, I was probably 11 or 12 when I upgraded to a real sweet all chrome BMX bike.

It was very cool. Woah. I did ride, my parents had 10 speeds from, you know, like, the seventies or whatever. Uh-huh. Those were pretty cool.

We had some of those. With the, the gear change knobs were right up by the handlebars, like, right up. They were little levers you had to move. It was real fancy. And then I got my own real bike later, but I I don't know.

I lived on a bike. Me too. My first bike was a blue 1 that had a banana seat Oh, you had 1 of those? With flowers on it. Do you know how badly our daughter wants 1 of those?

She does? She wants a banana seat bike, like a little Schwinn. No. So bad. No idea.

Oh, yeah. Why? Because of Stranger Things. She wants that retro bike. Like, I want 1 of those so bad.

If we could find, like, 1 of those Schwinns that had the multi speed thing, even if we could find 1 that was just, I feel like Mhmm. My hoarder dad Might have 1? Might have 1 in his shed. I feel like I'm just I'm just telling She is, like, really into it. Real digging for it.

And there's gonna be lots of other surprises you find along the way in this shed. But if you're brave enough, I bet you could go find 1. Okay. What I learned, shockingly, is that a quarter of people a quarter of adults don't know how to ride a bike. Really?

25% of adults don't know how to ride a bike. Really? Yeah. Really. How's that happen?

Well, they never learned. Right? Or they were too afraid. Fear and embarrassment are the main barriers from preventing them from learning how to ride currently. What's the fear?

Falling down, getting hurt, not be you know scientists don't know how a bike works. What? Like, they understand how the gears and everything work and and how momentum and, you know, all of the physics go into it. They just can't figure out why it stays upright. What?

Yeah. Because it makes no sense. They're like, it makes no sense. Weird. Yeah.

I've never heard that before. Is this what you had, though, right here with the little flowers on the seat? Yeah. It was a little bit different. Oh, okay.

And then I had streamers. Of course, you did. It was pretty cool. It makes me sad that 25% of people don't know how to ride a bike. We gotta get we gotta teach these people how to ride a bike.

Riding a bike is the best. That's what I did as a kid. Right. Everywhere. That's on my bike.

Okay. Maybe they, never got the opportunity. Maybe they live incredibly urban, and, they just relied on public transportation and stuff. And so they never had the opportunity to, like, get out and ride a bike because it was, like, not maybe that's why. Because there's a lot of people, right, that live in, in big cities, and maybe they just, you know There's no yeah.

There Who taught you how to ride a bike? I couldn't tell you. You don't know? I'm I've I do not remember. I feel like it was my dad, but I couldn't be sure.

You taught both of our kids. I remember teaching our kids, but, yeah, I couldn't tell you my own childhood. I don't know. My favorite video is Beck learning how to ride his bike, and when he finally masters it You I'm doing it. No kidding.

Yeah. He said, I'm doing it. I'm doing it. Yep. And he and he did.

He nailed it too, which was pretty good. It was pretty awesome. That's a weird statistic. I know. We gotta we gotta teach these kids how these adults how to ride a bike.

Get some bikes in these, people's hands. Let them let them pedal it out. I think they might. They might just love it. Do wanna let's go on a bike ride today.

Okay. Yeah. We can This afternoon? It's not windy or anything. It's bike riding day.

Breezy, but yes. Bike riding day. Classy 97. It is Josh and Chantel on your Friday. Good morning.

You know that, movie yesterday? Oh, the Beatles 1. Yes. Yeah. Where they go where, Ed Sheeran is in there, and, he's not the main guy.

Premise of the movie is that something happens. There's, like, a a storm or something, and it wipes out a certain certain famous things. So the Beatles, the band gets wiped out. No one's ever heard of the Beatles. Heard of a song.

No 1 has ever heard of them. And so there's, like, guys have not heard of themselves. There's a musician, yeah, there's a musician who recreates all the music from The Beatles. I watched that movie kind of his own thing. Yeah.

Yeah. I watched that movie recently, and then I thought, what band or musician could I do that with? Like, know all of the songs and recreate them. And? I can't think of 1.

But you would know their entire discography. Yeah. That's really difficult. I know. I mean, I would probably you have to?

I guess you could just do the top their top hits. Right. That's all you would really need to know. Until until you get the record deal, and then they're like, these songs are amazing. We need more of them.

And then you'd be like, oh, no. God. And you have no way to go back and reference and be like, that I remember this 1. Right. Because it's all wiped out.

You have no idea. You only know what you know. But you'd also have to be you'd have to write all the music too. I could I could do good on lyrics. I'd be like, oh, it sounds like this.

I know there's drums at this part. Mhmm. I know there's guitar at this part, and I know the lyrics say this. And the producer would say, yeah. But what what's what's the melody?

And I'd say, oh, I don't I don't know. You you figure that out. You Just make it up. It's not my job. Is there an artist you I don't know.

Could do that with? Not not a full discography. No way. But there are a couple of bands that I would be like, yeah. I could probably get a handful of songs out of each 1.

And maybe maybe I would have to mix and match and be like, was that 1 song or is that part of another song? Then I'll just make a Frankenstein song out of multiple parts that I remember. Or you'll take another band that has disappeared, and you'll be like, oh, let's just use this song and claim it as my own. Yeah. And it's totally a different style.

Like, that's not gonna work. Be because the the deal with this guy in the movie is that he is also a musician. So he he can play guitar, and he can sing. And so he makes all of the music. Yeah.

He's a songwriter. Right. I'm just a consumer. Right. And so for me, I'd be like, oh, yeah.

Yeah. But if you have I loved that song. How does nobody else remember that? But think about your favorite band, and they could would they disappeared, and you would have they you wouldn't have their music. I'd still have the memories?

Yeah. But you would never be able to listen to it again ever ever. You'd wanna create it just so you could hear it again. I get what you're saying, and that's probably true. But I also I don't know.

I mean, I'd be like, I remember this, but nobody else does. It's a little secret I have. That's mine. No. Nobody else knows it.

And I could sing it, and people are like, what is that? What are you singing? And I'm like, you wouldn't know. It's my own. You wouldn't know it.

That's like your dream come true. What? If your favorite band disappeared and you were the only 1 that remembered what they what you once had. Like, so good. And, no, you couldn't listen to it again, but you're the only 1 that would know it ever happened.

I hate that, actually. I wouldn't like that. But then you wouldn't have anybody else there that knows it. Think I'm a gatekeeper, and I'm not. Kinda.

Kinda big time. It's classy 97 with Josh and Chantel. Hey. Good morning. Hey.

How did you know was there an inkling when we were first dating that you were like, oh, this is getting serious? How did you know our relationship is getting serious? I'll tell you when I knew. Alright. Tell me.

You did not like the way that I handled my compact discs. Oh. 0. You treated you treated yours very carefully, and you had boy. A chest that you kept yours in.

We had a foot locker. And it was locked. As a Foot Locker tends to be. But why? Did you think someone was gonna come in and steal it?

To keep people that don't take care of their CDs out of it. Listen. Here's where this stems from. I've had that Foot Locker for a very long time. I still have that Foot Locker.

I had that Foot Locker when I lived at home, and that Foot Locker had to be locked to keep my little sister from stealing my CDs. I can't even believe you would do that because that's the sole job of a little sister is to take their older brother's CDs. That's so rude. Okay. She still did, and I still got, like, really upset about it.

I knew that our relationship was getting serious. Mhmm. I knew that you really liked me when you gave me a key to your CD Foot Locker. I went, oh, this is real. That was act it's a token.

That's a that's a symbolic token to say, I trust you enough. Wow. That was a big deal. I know. Big deal.

I know. How did you know it was getting serious to you? I'm still trying to figure it out. Is this serious? 20 years, 2 kids later?

Yeah. Are we is this for real? You're still trying to determine? Yeah. It's good enough.

I mean Fair doubt. I feel I feel pretty secure, but is this for real? You actually like this guy? Maybe it was when you put my name on your emergency contact list. That's a pretty big 1.

Big deal. That is a big deal. When when you're, filling out employment paperwork or you're going on an adventure, and they're like, who's your emergency contact? Or you just go to the doctor. Just go to the doctor.

Yeah. And then you take your mom off that list, and then you go, I think I'm gonna put I think I'm gonna put my boyfriend. Oh, big day. It's probably a good a good marker of things are serious. I would I would also say, I think 1 of the first times that I went to, Burley and had dinner with your family and your mom took food from my plate, I felt then like, I'm probably comfortable here.

It's gonna be okay. He just reaches over and grabs some broccoli. That's fine. To everyone. It does.

I know. But that's, you know That wasn't, like, a special thing to you. I wouldn't I wouldn't didn't know that. That was a special moment. Okay.

I would I wouldn't count that as something real serious because she would do that to a stranger if she liked what was on their plate. I'm just saying. Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you're not quite sure if you're being bullied or not? Oh, no. Oh, no.

Oh, no. Who's bullying you, Josh? Preteens? Oh, no. I can't save you.

No way. I'm not getting in that fight. They will crush you. They'll crush you. Like 10 preteens?

No. I can't. I'm sorry. That's not my fight. I grabbed some lunch, and I walked out.

I just got it to go because I had to get back to work. I was running some errands and whatever in the middle of the day. And so I grabbed my lunch to go, and I walk out of the restaurant, and they've got, like, an outdoor seating area. And there's, like, 10 preteens. Like, 12 to 13.

Like, they're maybe a little younger. No way, ma'am. Right around that 11 to 13 year old. Yeah. 11 to 14?

Yeah. Those kids have no feelings. They will crush you with words. Yeah. Or even I mean, look.

It's like a it's like a group big group of 6th graders is what it looks like. Terrifying. Right? Yeah. And I walk out, and I'm just carrying my bag of food.

And 1 of the kids sees me and goes, there's our prey. And Oh, no. And says, hey. I like your shoes. And I went, hey.

Thanks. And then they all jumped in. Hey. I like your car keys. Hey.

I like your hat. Hey. I'm and I'm are you bullying me right now? Is this happening? You're listing off all the things I'm wearing and how you like them.

Life of you, they don't. They don't like what you had. No. No. I like your lunch.

Maybe I'd like to see your lunch all over the floor. I felt a tad. You should. They're vicious. That's all they said.

They kept it they kept it real nice. And then they laughed. But it felt very not complimentary. No. No.

I wouldn't take it as such. I like your shoes. Oh, yeah. I like your hat. And then it was like a competition to see if who could name things about me that they like as I'm walking to my truck.

They hate you. Later dudes. See you. Did you say later dudes? I just waved as I got to to my truck because they were still they were still rattling stuff off.

So I just put my arm up and got in the truck. See you. You are much more brave than I am. What was I gonna do? Turn around and have a I'm not gonna engage.

You don't. No. You just keep walking. Ignore and walk. Thanks.

The shoe 1, I was like, thanks. I like these shoes a lot. What shoes were you wearing? I was wearing my, my bright fluorescenty Salamons. Oh, no.

They didn't like your shoes. That's so rude. That was not a sincere compliment. Nothing. Your ankle socks.

They said that? No. They couldn't see my socks and pants on. Oh. If I was wearing shorts, though, they would have been like, weird legs.

Great. Hey. There's a new show coming out that I think is kinda cool. Mhmm. They're calling it, 1, I'll tell you that in a minute.

But it's kind of like Okay. Love is blind meets the voice. So it's a the show dating? Well, no. It's called building a band.

The show is called building a band, and it's band members who have never seen each other or met before. Alright. And they get together, and then it's Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Trying to find who fits with who. So if you've got a drummer Okay. This drummer fits with this singer or this lead guitar fits with this bass guitar. So but they're they they've never met? They've never met.

They're gonna make bands? How many bands are they gonna make? I don't know. Because I'm just wondering if there's, like, a judge panel of, like, 4, and each 1 has to make a band, and then those bands have to battle. Oh, I don't know.

It sounds kinda cool, though. I like the concept. They're gonna get 50 Oh, sorry. I guess, 50 of the most talented singers who will compete for spots in a band without seeing each other until their final performance. Well, that's not what I initially read at all.

I like the other idea we have. I like our idea better. Me too. Let's have, like, it's drummer week. Yeah.

Yeah. See, this is a way better thing. I think so too. And you could call it, the the band of Misfit Toys or something. Just the band of Misfits.

Well, Misfits is already a band. I know. But But Not band of Misfits. No. But that's too on the nose.

Like, that's too, like, I'm trying to figure it out. Like, you'd have to well, that's our Outkast as a group. What would what would have to happen is you'd have to they'd have to, like, make a band name. That'd be part of the project. Yeah.

Part of it. Part of it. And so, yeah, that's very much But it feels like to be a really cool reality show where, like Yeah. Maybe a drummer comes in. He's like, oh, I'm really jamming out with this bassist, and then they get in a fight.

Mhmm. And they're like, I can't I don't need all the drama. I can't see eye to eye with this with this bassist. Hook me up with another bassist. And then he joins a different band.

I don't I don't need all that. No. That's part of it. I don't like that part of it. That is part of it.

Have you ever met, listened to band stories? They never get along. They're always breaking up and fighting. I don't I don't that can happen. I just don't need to see it.

Because you're I don't want the drama reality. I just want the competition part. Well, too bad. You're gonna get the drama because that's what sells. That's what sells you.

I I'm I'm checked out. I'm unsold. Because of the drama? Yeah. I don't want the drama.

We don't even know if there is gonna be drama. Manufacturing drama. You said the drummer and the bassist weren't gonna get along. Alright. What if it's lot not drama, but, like, maybe the the bassist and the drummer just don't have the right style together.

So they're like, hey, man. That's cool. Like, we're just not the right fit. No drama. Then your then your band loses.

They still can't jam together. Then you're that's what it could be called. It could be called jam band. No. That's so lame.

No. The name of the show. No. Not the band. There will be 4 different bands.

No. Yeah. No. Yeah. I think it's it could be a better name.

Jam band? That sounds so dumb. Yeah. And then you could use the old bandstand song No. Jam band instead of bandstand.

See? No. I got it. I understood. I don't like it.

I don't like the name. What are you gonna call it? Not jam band. What's the name of this show? Building the band.

Terrible name because they're not. They're picking a singer. It should be called pick a singer. I know. I agree.

I that's not initially what I read. Our idea, you're right, was better. My If anyone uses our idea, they owe us $40, 000, 000. It's a great idea. $40, 000, 000?

For jam band. Why'd you pick that price? Doesn't that sound appropriate No. For that idea? Just shoot up for 50.

Sure. If you're gonna pay 40, you might as well. To the extent another 10? It's only 10, 000, 000 more. You won't even notice.

Do a product placement with a donut place or something. They'll pay for it. A donut place. Yeah. Dunkin'?

That's the 1. Classy 97. It's Josh and Chantel. Hey. Good morning.

Free strawberries. Where? In California. Oh, no. This is not.

It's been a minute since you've pulled this trick. There was a truck that overturned months ago with milk. Yeah. And you said fruit milk. Gross.

It's road milk. Free strawberries. What was there was a there was the milk truck. There was another 1 too. I don't remember what the other 1 was.

Fish? It might have been fish. Not fish. It might have been fish. But now strawberries, free strawberries.

£40, 000 of strawberries overturned on a highway in San Jose, California. Did it cause a traffic jam? No. It was a sticky situation. These are stupid.

These are bad bad jokes. Go on. If you want some strawberries, I would go now to get them. I think it's probably already cleaned up, but they had to close the highway to clean them up for 11 hours. Definitely a chance.

11 hours. Definitely caused some traffic jams. And I feel like maybe there's some that were undiscovered. Do you know what I mean? Yeah.

If those seeds grow, they're gonna have strawberry fields forever. I like that 1. That 1. You like that 1? Okay.

Alright. Good. Because it's 1 of my favorite Beatles songs. Sure. So well done you.

Well done you. What if the birds were excited? Well, I feel like okay. So it tipped over. I'm sure that some, like, got smashed.

Right? And then they had some intact strawberries, so they had to bring a second truck so that the intact strawberries could be transferred and loaded onto the second truck. Sure. That makes sense. I wonder how many they lost.

How many strawberries did they lose? 4. I think that's it. Mhmm. Just 4.

Just wandered away. Roll away. Meatballs off a table. Exactly. They just out the out the door, across the street.

Oh, where, oh, where has my meatball gone? You know the thing. The largest and most complete stegosaurus fossil ever found is headed up for auction. Do you have $6, 000, 000? No.

Well, I don't know. Once someone buys my art and once someone pays us for our TV idea, then yes. Then you'll have $6, 000, 000? Where am I gonna put it? Yeah.

That's the other question. Where are you gonna put it? And, also, why do you need it? It's the largest and most complete stegosaurus. Why is it up for auction is what I wanna know.

Why isn't it in a museum? I don't think this can be sold for public use. It has to be for For private use? Yeah. What'd I say?

Public? Not private. It's 11 feet tall and more than 20 feet tall. In the house. No.

It's gonna have to go outside. That's huge. I know it is. Maybe it's up for auction for museums. I don't I don't know.

Do you have to be I mean, obviously, you gotta be somebody to have that much money, but you gotta be somebody. Like, you have to have, like, a permit to have that. I don't know how that works. Either. I don't know how that works either.

Because isn't there, like, a deal? Like, if you've if you're digging in your backyard and you find bones, don't you have to, like, stop and call somebody? Oh, do you? Like, you can't just keep digging and go, I found a whole bones. I found a whole bones?

Yeah. That's what you say when you call. They're like, hi. Who's this? And you're like, it's Josh.

I found a whole bone. Who do you call? Who do you call when you find bone? Bone people. I No.

I would probably reach out to the museum. They know who. So I would reach out to a museum and say, hey. Listen. I was digging in my backyard, and I found a whole bones.

And so now I don't know what to do. But they're gonna say, is it what kind of bones? And you say, I don't know. I found the whole bones. Stop saying that.

Even if you bought this 11 feet tall Yeah. 20 feet long Mhmm. I don't even think it would fit in the backyard. Can I turn the tail into a slide? I mean, you could.

It's gonna hurt. Is it the actual fossilized bone? Yes. Or is it the cast of the bones? Oh.

Do you see? Good question. I can tell you that. I don't have that information. I feel like the article I read is the actual fossil.

Can I also say that that's gonna be shipped in multiple boxes like wood crates Mhmm? And straw? Yeah. And then I'm gonna open it up. Frigile and all that?

All that. Yeah. And then, that's the coolest puzzle to ever put together. I Are all the parts numbered? No.

You just have to do it from a from a picture from a picture. Written in another language? Yeah. Oh. It's IKEA style instructions.

The IKEA stegosaurus. Yep. This is cool. There's these noise canceling headphones that have target speech hearing. So it cancels all other sounds in the room and plays just the person's voice that you're looking at.

So say I've got headphones on and I'm listening to music and I look up and I see that you're talking to me and I look at you for 3 to 5 seconds, it'll cancel all the other noise in the room and let me just hear what you have to say. Can I get that to work the opposite way? Where if someone's talking to me and I'm wearing them and I look at them for 3 to 5 seconds, the noise canceling only cancels their noise because that's way cooler. Who, might I ask, you're gonna use that for? That's what I'll say.

You don't listen to me anyway. So what's the point of those I hear everything. And that's a lie. Mm-mm. Yes.

It is. I hear stuff all the time. And then, Emery will be like, and I went, what are you saying? You have very specific hearing where you listen to what you want to listen to and you listen I mean, I guess most everybody has that. Right?

You have a very hearing? You do have very selective hearing. Right. But I wanted it headphone form so I don't have to intentionally do it. I'll be like, the headphones.

I couldn't hear you. Because it's so much work to tune people out. You need headphones? That's it. That's what I want.

You know what I mean? That old grouchy man who just goes You already are. Whatever. Stay off my lawn. I think that's so rude.

I have so many important things to say. Always. As? Always. I'm listening.

I have on headphones right now where I can hear only you and I. K. I'm all I'm very attentive. What's up? What's going on?

Well, I don't have anything to say right now, but I'm sure I will later. And then I'll come talk to you, and you'll be like, what were you saying? What? What? When you do that, am I also doing something else, like reading or watching a video or something?

Yes. But you should drop all of that to listen to me. That's the rules of marriage. I'm gonna invest in some of these. It's Josh and Chantal.

It's the weekend almost. Maybe you're going on a little road trip. What's your favorite part of the road trip? Snacks. That's exactly right, and I knew that about you.

What's your favorite road trip snack? Oh, it depends. I have so many. I'd like to get some salty things. I like to get some sweet things.

My favorite, probably, I like jerky. Okay. And I like, chocolate and caramel, and I like nuts. And I like I mean, when it comes to snacks, anything is fair game. Licorice, I like that.

So here's a list of I like popcorn. Here's here's a list of road trip snacks that you should avoid. Okay. Packaged or wrapped sandwiches. Ew.

No. I never picked that. Why? It's not a snack. This is for a road trip.

I'm not, no, I'm not gonna get nope. I won't ever have that option. Why? I never look in that direction. Okay.

Why won't you grab it? Because it's gross. They say it's because you, even with a date stamp, don't know how long they've been sitting. Gross. So they you should avoid that.

Yeah. I do. Fast food is next. Oh, get out of here. Because it makes you sluggish.

Yeah. Well, you're driving in a car. Don't be sluggish. You're not racing a race. You don't wanna be tired and bloaty and, like, sleepy and full.

We get fast food on road trips all the time. We've been fine. Sunflower seeds. Why? What are you gonna do with those shells?

It's disgusting. I've seen no. I've seen it. It's gross. It is gross.

But If you're gonna get sunflower seeds, get the preshelled ones. Plus, you're clicking the whole time on the trip. Click ashy. Teeth clicking. Shells, gross.

Milkshakes. Why? Milk's a bad choice Why? On a hot road trip. No.

It isn't. It's fine. Again, I've never had a problem. Candy. Bad choice.

Why? Because it leads to digestive discomfort. No. Never. What it says.

Doesn't matter. Citrus. Avoid citrus. I always do. It makes you have to go to the bathroom more often, more frequently.

These are things to avoid on a road trip. Okay. It didn't say anything about jerky Nope. Or licorice? Nope.

Or that falls under candy. Licorice does? Does not? Is it not against It is. But Digestive discomfort.

Nah. I'm gonna keep I'm gonna keep on keeping on with my licorice. You know what they didn't put on here? Tacos. Well, that's tricky to eat in a car anyway.

Pizza. Dash pizza. We've done that where you get a pizza, and then you have leftovers, and then you just put it up on the dash in the sun to warm up. Dash pizza. Josh and Chantel in classy 97.

How many thumbs do you have? 2. Good job. You. You were so fast with that answer.

What if you could have 4? I don't need 4. But what if you could have 4? Why would I need 4? Here's the deal.

It seems a little greedy. University of Cambridge in England, they've been messing around with this, additional appendage gadget that gives people a, another thumb. For what purpose? So that you can do more tasks. But, where would you put it?

I don't need more thumbs. What if you could have more thumb? I don't want more thumb. Let me let me explain. Your hand has 5 fingers.

Thumb and those 4. Mhmm. Yeah? Mhmm. What if you had a thumb over here?

Over by your pinky. Your pinky. No. What would be the point? Look at how many things you could hold on to.

I can hold on to. Fingers. Just great. 2 thumbs. No.

Never trust a 6 fingered man. Here's the device. So you wear it around. It's not gross. You wear it around, it goes around your thumb here and has this wrist wrist, band that helps run it.

So your muscles control it. Okay. Look at this. They they've put it on kids. They've put it on all kinds of adults and stuff, but see how the thumb wrap like, it works like a thumb, but is your hand is free still.

So, here's here's another, example. Like, this guy like, they're just showing the dexterity of it. Like, you can you can do all kinds of things. I don't see the point. We've been doing just fine with 5 fingers for a very long time.

But what if we could have 6? But it's not necessary. Alright. Well, it expands the range of motion, and researchers found that it was super easy for people to get used to having the extra thumb to grip and manipulate objects. 98% of people were able to use the extra thumb.

Only 13% were unable to figure it out within the first minute because they gave you no instruction. They said they strap it on. They go, make that thumb work. Oh, no. I would fail.

People were like, my muscle does it. I can make that thing work without moving any of the rest of your hand. How It's fascinating. How do they do it? How do they make it move then?

The rest of your muscles in your muscles in your arm may you they went, and 98% of people were like, yep. I got it. Moving that extra thumb. 98%. I'd be in the 2% that was like, can't.

Only 13 weren't able to figure it out within the first minute. That's me. You're 1 of those 30 what's this thumb? You think it's too many thumbs? It's too many thumbs.

You don't think it's too many thumbs? I think I might like to see. Look. You could take the bottle off of a or the cap off of a bottle while you hold it with your extra thumb. Give you the whole hand to do whatever.

But I don't need I can do that with No. You have to do that with 2 hands. It's okay. I You could do it with 1. Hold it, and then my other hand gonna be doing?

High fives. Alanis Morissette told you everything you can do with the other hand. One's in the pocket. The other one's playing a piano. Who knows?

Anything you want. Classy 90 7. It's Josh and Chantel with your Friday. Would you rather this or that question of the day? Would you rather sell all of your possessions or sell 1 of your organs?

For what? Do you have to? But why? What's my motivation? Says, hey.

You either sell all your possessions or you sell 1 of your organs. It gonna be? You have to make a decision. You have Why? You have a minute.

But why? You just have to. Oh, I need to know why. Oh my gosh. That's gonna make a difference in what I choose.

That's why I'm asking. Why is it that I have to do this? Where are you picking? I'm gonna pick an organ. Which 1?

How do you know an organ? I have a keyboard Oh my god. And a piano. No. Probably a kidney.

I've been here all week. A kidney. Or a lung. Are you a kidney? A lung.

I'm not selling organs. I only need 1 lung. But I need to know why. Is it just so that, like, I can, like, have a vacation, or is it because, like, someone desperately needs this money? Or what's the deal?

You just have to. Okay. I'm going with my organs. I'm not selling organs. Just 1.

You just sell 1 organ. I'm not selling any. You could do without 1 of your kidneys. Could I? Yeah.

You could. I'd like to have 2. Prefer it. Body intact and all that. You could sell an ear.

That's not an organ. Would you rather this or that with Josh and Chantel? Classy 97. It's Josh and Chantel with your better today than yesterday daily challenge for Friday. Friday.

It is what? Put your phone far away from your bed tonight. Oh. Yeah. Totally disconnect from your phone tonight and resist the urge to check it while you're in bed.

Put it in a different room. Put it away from where you're at. Put it out of reach. I actually am gonna do this. Don't forget to turn off your alarms first.

Oh, they're already turned off for the weekend? Off already. I have places to be probably in the morning, so I can't. So I'm gonna not turn on my alarms. Alright.

Well, put your phone far away from where you are. We'll do that. And then, then you don't have to think about it. It's your better today than yesterday daily challenge. And that is gonna do it for us for your Friday.

Hope you have a lovely weekend. Woo hoo. It's already here. It's only been 4 days since you had 1, I think, and now we get to have another. Here we go.

So we'll be back in the studio Monday. Have a good weekend. We'll see you then. Bye. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast.

If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.