Clydesdale Media Podcast

We look at some of the news that has been released around the CrossFit Games including Friday Night Lights, CrossFit Boulevard, Vendor Village Plans and so much more.  Plus we discuss our 1st listener question of the week.

UPLIFT link for this year T-shirts:

0:00 Intro
1:10 Like, Subscribe,  Hit the Notifier!
1:53 Hockey & TV Talk
5:06 Riff Responses
8:52 Listener Question of the Week: Dave's "Week in Review" & Athlete Interviews
26:53 Games: Vendor Deck & "Friday Night Lights"
33:26 Games: Projection of Attendance
39:40 Barbell Spin Vendor Deck Article
43:10 Masters Athletes: Kits & Dirty Laundry
56:39 CrossFit Rivalries
1:07:27 Games Prize Money
1:08:28 Paid Judges?
1:13:00 WZA SoCal Tickets
1:14:05 Uplift Shirts
1:15:55 Metcon Rush Workouts
1:16:56 Submit listener questions or riffs!
1:20:41 Wrapping Up

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

What's going on, everybody?

Welcome to the Clydesdale

Media Sunday Night CrossFit Talk.

What is going on?

So, first of all,

I was interviewing Abby Domet today,

and her mic was very soft.


So, I turned my volume way up,

and then that music came on,

and I think I lost both eardrums.


Yeah, that was a bit abrupt.


I got some TV in the background.

Aaron, please turn that off or down.

Let them know.

Let them know.

All right.

What do we got to first let them know?

Carolyn, you're the best at this.

You got to like, you got to subscribe,

you got to hit that notifier.

And yeah, follow us.

Yes, we know when everything's going on.

And you can also join the

channel for as low as $2.99 a month.

Helps us get to all the

events that we're hoping to

get to in the next few

months and helps support the show.

We really appreciate that if

you can do that.


I've set it at the lowest amount

possible at $2.99 a month.

That's $2.99 to help us out.

So with that,

thank you for joining us tonight.

And we will get into tonight's agenda.

Well, first of all,

I have a question to ask.



How is your nephew dealing

with one of the greatest

comebacks in hockey history?

He's so excited.

So they went to game the

last two games in Edmonton.

My sister and her husband

went and then Easton as well,

which is the nephew.

They're so excited.

They're so pumped.

Huge Edmonton fans.

I'm rooting for them, too,

in these playoffs.

I would love to see that

reverse sweep come back.

It's been super exciting to watch.

And for those of you who

don't follow hockey,

the Florida Panthers had a 3-0 lead,

only needed to win one game

to clinch the Stanley Cup,

and Edmonton has won three in a row.

It is now tied.

With one game left, winner takes all.

For the hardest trophy to

win in all of sports,

and the most beautiful trophy as well,

may I add.

And my Pittsburgh Penguins

have won it three times.

I mean,

do you want to go with my Montreal




my Penguins have won it more than that,


Yeah, for sure.

Five times.

Five times.


because Sydney has... Two

back-to-backs and then the

one in the middle.

Yeah, I forgot the one back-to-back.


When you win so much, you know, it's hard.


I have been watching this show.

I've got to tell you about

King of Collectibles.

If you've never watched it on Netflix,

it is golden auction house

and they show what it is to

like get valuable items and

put them up for auction.

And they're really big in the sports world,

like trying to get the most

rare sports items there are

and sell them.

And it has been so freaking fun to watch.

And they're in season two.

And I've been binge watching.

And Julie was watching it

with me till someone

brought in supposedly the

mummified hand of Cleopatra

to put up for auction.

And Julie was like, I'm out.

Where do you even get that?

So apparently there was a

tidal wave at one point in

Europe that where her grave site was,

apparently it got disrupted

by this tidal wave and

things went ashore.

And then it has been passed

down and there's paperwork

with it from like the 1600s forward.


Changing hands and all that.

But now to like authenticate it,

they have to like do DNA testing on it.

And compare it to different

mummies from her lineage of

the same time.

And that's what's fascinating to me.

Not necessarily the hand,

but all the kind of cool

science behind it.

Just to authenticate that it's hers.

That's crazy.


um so yeah I just wanted to

put that out there and that

you know just this little

like talk at the beginning

we do is allows more people

into the audience before we

get really rolling but

With that,

we're going to get into the first thing,

which is the final response

to the riffs from last week.

It has been an ongoing week

of stuff from the riffs.

Jamie's riff has been mostly

positive in agreement,

and that is really cool.

We should get back to public

posting of riffs.


My rift, on the other hand,

has resulted in an apology kind of,

sort of,

and then it resulted in John

Young and I actually

exchanging phone numbers,

having a conversation on Thursday,

talking it all out,

and him and I are cool with

the whole thing.

like he gets it you're in

this business you say goofy

things um occasionally

you're wrong and you get

called out on it and that's

what it is right um the

only thing I want to say

about is a lot of people

not involved in the actual

beef or whatever we want to

truly call it that was the

clickbait version of it

are like giving their two cents.

I was not bragging about my

ability to pick people

because I am not good at it.

Lex will tell you, I am not good at it.

I was just defending myself

when someone said that my

picks were silly.

So I miss picks all the time.

But when I do make good picks...

I like to tout myself a little bit.

Let it be known.

And then... And the other thing is,

Heat One app, just for you all that know,

I try to play it.

I have never completed a

weekend with all of my picks.

Because if I'm not...

It's not that I forget.

I'm at an event, and they won't take.

I get to where I don't have

good reception.

At the games last year,

I couldn't make picks.

I was in the Coliseum.

They wouldn't go through.

This year, we were in the parking garage.

I was picking event four.

It didn't take...

it it's just been weird stuff like that.

Or like when they add the prop bets now,

I don't get the notifier

cause I'm working on something.

And then by the time I see it,

the events already happened.

So I've never been able to

complete a weekend of the heat one app,

but I still have fun trying.

And, or my,

the other result is I make all

the picks on Thursday and

then I don't get to make

any changes based on what I

see over the weekend.


That's usually what happens to me.

Someone gets injured and I

don't have the time or

service to get in there and

get things changed and I

just get stuck with that

person that I put in or whatever.

And Patrick Clark says,

we are more often than not,

we are more wrong than right.



So when you get that right call,

you're like shouting it

from the mountaintop

because you finally got one.

But, yeah.

But Hattie was my dark horse

pick in the West.

Jack Rosamond was my dark

horse pick in the East.

I did pretty good this year

on those kinds of picks.

But I did not get event four

picked for heat one.

I didn't get some of the prop bets.

And that happens a lot, so...

But John and I have talked.

Everything's cool.

Him and I are cool.

And he said it's okay to have a rivalry.

It's okay to have a friendly rivalry.

It makes things interesting.

And that's actually going to

be a topic later in the show.

And that's what inspired

that to kind of talk about.

But we're bringing up a new segment,

which is our listener

question of the week,

which actually is going to

roll into something else

that a listener is talking

about in the chat now and

why I kind of ignored it.

So the question, the original question was,

did you like the Dave

Castro Week in Review more

before he came back?

And I'm assuming he came

back to the game side of CrossFit.

Or did you like it more

before he was there?

And so I'm going to open

that question to you two first.

Before he was where?

Before he was on the game

side of CrossFit.

So he got fired.

He was brought back and then

put on the affiliate side.

And that's when he started?

And that's when he started.

And it was like he would

talk about his agenda going

to this affiliate, to that affiliate,

having a meeting with a

bunch of affiliate owners,

things like that.

And then when he moved over

to the game side,

it took a turn into more the sport.

Yeah, I feel like I did enjoy it.

Maybe it's because it was new and a new,


fun thing when he first started them.


but maybe it was also because it was

more affiliate driven and I

was interested in hearing

some of that and where this,

the company was going.


but it is nice to get some of the maybe

hints sports, you know,

his mind frame on that stuff too.

But I do personally,

I think I enjoyed it more before.

I mean,

I'm in the camp of any news is good news.

I feel like we don't get

enough news in general,

whether it's the affiliate side,

the sports side.

I still don't know whether,

like for the sports side,

whether it should come from

him and YouTube.

I think there's a more

professional way to get

some of the information out.

But in general,

I think any time that he

can get on the mic and just

speak in general with what's going on,

I think that's a good thing.

I would like to see it more as like a –

what did they have before

during COVID where some of

the media outlets, I mean,

the ones that were getting

invited to it could

actually ask questions and

maybe have more of like a

dialogue response,

like where he's just

answering certain questions from the chat,

which is also good because

now you're involving the

community that might not

have that access with the questions.


I mean, I think,

I think that's a good segment.

I always watch them every week.

This week's was interesting.

So I don't,

So here's my thought.

And Patrick Clark's kind of

went down that road already,

and I'm just going to dive

down it as well.

One, it's the only news source we have,

which I think is the crime in this.

If he wants to have his own

release of information once a week,

that's all cool to do that.

But for it to be the only one,

I think is wrong.

And in a bad play by CrossFit overall.

At the very least,

there should be press

releases to the media that

have applied and been to

the games and the

semifinals and all that

stuff when news is released.

All the stuff that just came

out about the games, about Fender Village,

CrossFit Boulevard,

all that stuff should have

been in a press release with documents.

But it's never released.

It's one of the new,

one of the media companies

gets a hold of it.

Like barbell spin publishes it.

Now that's the media release

for everybody.

And CrossFit never gives out

the official release.

And you have to think about

the language barrier too.

Like how many people in the

international space can

even understand like fully

English and what's going on,

like on YouTube,

like they're probably not

following like Dave Castro's,

YouTube channel, like they would normally,

if it's an article,

they can translate it and whatnot.

I mean, now you can use AI, but it just,

it's very,

it's for like North America and

Europe and Australia,

like the communities that

maybe understand more

English and just what's going on there.

In some of the hotbeds, like Brazil,

there's a guy who does the

media for Brazil who can't

speak English and then

probably translate it to his audience.

Then there's a podcast

called Dummies at the Box,

which is Italian,

and they probably do the

same thing for Italy.

There's a lot of people

around the world that are bilingual,

but it's a shame that you

have to be bilingual to

then be the media person

for that and spokesperson

for that country.

It just seems unprofessional

to do it on YouTube,

on his personal channel.

It's not even on the

official CrossFit Games site.

I think that's the one.

It's growing his own

personal brand versus CrossFit,

which has a million

followers or I don't know

how many they have on YouTube.

Pretty close to a million if

you use the CrossFit Games one.

That reaches already more

people on YouTube versus

his personal one.

So if you just took that same interview,

switch it there

significantly better.

Well, and,

and in maybe getting in trouble

with this comment

Is attacking Hiller

professional news release

information the reason why

Hiller didn't get a media

pass to the games and

taking 10 minutes out of

your week in review to have

a personal beef between the two of you?

That's not professional news

to be released either.

So it's like this hodgepodge

of stuff that really makes no sense.

That's where I think he can

release it on his own

personal channel is

answering questions that

people from the community have.

But the moment it's official

information about the season,

about the affiliates,

that should be on the

CrossFit Games Instagram or

the CrossFit website, YouTube,

all of the platforms from

CrossFit and CrossFit Games.

That's where it gets pumped out to.

If it's just answering

Hiller stuff and questions

in the community,

that can be his own

personal conversation with the community.

And I think that got lost

along the way where now

it's like releasing clues

on his Instagram where you

have to follow Dave to get

some of that information.

so so then this rolls into

today where dave releases a

new series that he's doing

where he's going to

interview all 80 crossfit

games athletes for five to

ten minutes each one to get

to know them better my

first reaction was what I

saw brooke there and I was like

cringe that was my first

reaction I was like what

now it's confused right it

wasn't a week in review

it's this new series he's

doing but it's released on

the same channel right

And it's kind of like you're

asking them what events they want,

what are their strengths and weaknesses.

As an athlete, talking to the programmer,

a co-programmer of the CrossFit Games,

I feel like that's kind of awkward too.

You're not trying to expose

your weaknesses or what you want,

and he's getting ideas in

his head of different athletes.

I don't know.

It just seems – I mean,

it's entertaining for

people who are going to want to see.

I don't know if he'll get to all 80.

Hopefully he does, so it's a fair –

thing but it's just I don't

know I just I don't know I

feel like there's no way

he's getting all 80 done if

he does 10 a week for for

the next eight weeks is

that he doesn't even have

that long he has he has

four weeks so he's got to

do 20 a week so he's got to

do three a day

And just organizing that

with his own time and with

the athletes' time is hard enough.


He's not getting three of

those done a day.

Those are not getting done.

So my first question,

I have two big things I

want to talk about here.


is it a conflict of interest for the

programmer of the games to

interview what his intention is all 80,

but probably won't be all 80?

How much of a conflict of

interest is it to have

those conversations with the athletes?

I think it's a major.

I don't like it.

Because it puts ideas in his head,

whether it's this year or

the following years.

It's putting, I don't know.

And more importantly,

it puts doubt in the heads

of those fans of the sport

or media covering the sport

or the other athletes, right?

And the more doubt that we have,

the less you believe in a

fair product at the end.

And it's not a fair product to begin with.

Like I, I've, I've had problems with,

you know,

people testing the workouts every year,

people on the demo team every year.

And it's like, there's leaks that come out,

whether it's from the, that,

or you have testers that

are part of training camps

are best friends with athletes.

Like it's just not a professional space.

Like you can't have people

that are testing workouts or whatever,

regardless of the NDA,

like their best friends or

training partners of athletes are

it's just, you have that going on.

You have interviewing the athletes.

Like they're so like,

it's just such a close

community that I think it's

really hard to set.

Like, I don't know.

And Patrick Clark makes a great point.

Duan Young and Shung Young

Choi do not speak English.

So how,

and Dave most likely does not speak


So how do you have those conversations?


I don't think that those ones are


Cause I don't think you're

bringing on a translator

for a five minute like that.

That'll just be,

wouldn't even be fun to watch.

Um, yeah.


so then my other point is there are

people already doing this.

There's us, there's be friendly fitness.


There are other people

already down the road of

interviewing these athletes.

Why don't they just share

the interview that's already been done?

Share it on the CrossFit

Games website or our

YouTube channel and share

those interviews.

I mean,

Brian and Patrick have almost done

all of Europe already.

I know.

You know,

we've been down the road with

like five or six athletes already.

Let those just be what they

are and share them instead

of redoing everything and

creating this big conflict of interest.

It's weird to me.

When did Dave become

interested in the – I know

he's friends with some of the athletes,

friendly with some of the athletes,

but he's always tried to

make it pretty clear that –

he doesn't think about specific athletes.

He's not like,

that's not what he's invested in.

So like,

for what reason is he even wanting

to talk to these people?

And ask those specific questions.



Cause it just puts an idea

in our heads that like

something gets programmed.

You're like, Oh, he must've like,

like who knows?

It's just, it's just awkward.

It's not awkward.

I don't know what the right word is.

It's just positive interest.

Like it's just.


It's sus.

It is so sus.

That's what my daughter

would say completely.

That is sus.

And so it just baffles me.

So now we're to this point

where CrossFit media or

CrossFit as a whole would rather say, hey,

I know other people are doing it, but hey,

let's do it ourselves.

And the only person we have

to do it is the guy running

the whole show.

I know they have a small team.

but you can't find anybody

else to do a five,

10 minute interview with these people.

I mean,

I feel like this is his own idea

and own thing that he wanted to do.

I don't even think he talked

to the media department.

Cause if you did,

they would have been like, cool.


Let's get you logged into

the CrossFit YouTube

channel and upload those.

Like this is totally rogue on his part.


You got to think so.

I don't know.

It just,

it baffles my mind that they would

even entertain this.

I just,

it makes me worry that we're even

going to, where we're even going at all.

I didn't want to do a riff

tonight and I'm trying not

to like go all in on this,

but it's really tough.

To be fair, I liked the interview,

but you're like, why is this happening?

Brooke came off great.

Sure, but it showed the fallacy of it all,

too, where, hey,

what don't you want to see?

Well, I'm not going to tell you.

And just the fact that

that's the athlete he picks first.

We already know that's his

favorite athlete.

So it just is already like, okay,

we get it, Dave.


I don't know.

If you start with a random athlete,

it looks less sus.

That's true.

Like you start with already your favorite,

and maybe that's what's

going to draw the attention

and people to look at all

of the next interviews.

But we'll see.

I mean, like you said, I was –


I thought it was like,

I still listened to the interview.

I was curious of what kind

of questions he was going to ask,

what direction it was going to go.

Again, it's media and more media is better,

but I just think it's not

from the right source at

this time of the year and

whether he's using that information,

like I said,

this year or next year in future years,

it's still popping ideas.

In his mind,

he's curious on what the

athletes are thinking about

the venues and what's a possibility.

We'll see.

Did you feel like he gave a

good answer on why he

wanted to go to Fort Worth?


Yeah, I didn't love it.

So Linda Jerry says,

playing devil's advocate,

Dave wanted his channel to

be just him doing his stuff.

So he most probably didn't

think it with a CrossFit HQ hat on.

So I work for the state of Ohio, right?

There are things that I am

not allowed to do because I

work for the state of Ohio

because of my job.

Because there is a definite

conflict of interest in...

And it would...

it would taint the

authenticity and the

fairness and all that stuff

for whatever we are doing, right?

If we're putting a bid out

for someone to come in and

work on our systems that I work on,

and I say, oh,

my brother-in-law owns this company, like,

I have to recuse myself from all of that,


Because it is a conflict of interest.

When you are programming the games...

when you're programming the

games and you're running

the games and determining

like a lot of the things

that go around it and you

are now interviewing these athletes,

I think it's a conflict of interest.

You would never see this

happen with any other sport.

This is the best comment I've seen so far.

John Young says,

I think Sydney should have

done the interview to see

if Dave could tell the difference.

Will Branstetter.

She might be testing the workouts, right?

She might be signing an NDA.

I love Dave doing the interviews.

It's not like Dave isn't

allowed to talk to any of

the athletes when he goes

to semis or games.

No conflict at all.

Agree to disagree, Will.

The questions he was asking

were things that could

influence how you do things at the games.

And what I don't understand

is the about face.

Like, just a week ago...

I think, Will,

you were in the room with

him when he was asked about athletes.

He goes,

I don't really care about the athletes.

I don't care about the outcomes.

I just think of it as a playing field.

Now, all of a sudden,

we have this about facing a

180 direction going in another way.

That's baffling.

That's probably the most

baffling part to me.

We don't know if it was in Sydney.

We don't know.



I mean, I'll listen to all of them.

I'll watch all of them for sure.

It's going to be

entertaining to hear how

he'll ask the questions.

And he might go a different

direction with other athletes.

It's just his new creative way of,

I don't know,

learning about the athletes.

Because a lot of times we

get to the games and he

doesn't know much about any

of the other athletes.

So maybe this is his way of being like, oh,

let me try to actually get

to know the athletes before.

But, well, maybe it's a good idea,

maybe not.


We'll see how it plays out.


So this week,

the Barbell Spin broke the

news that they actually got

a hold of the vendor deck,

which actually released a

lot of the information of

things that are going on

around the CrossFit Games this year.

The first big announcement

was something we've been

talking about for the last

couple weeks is hoping that

there was going to be a

Friday Night Lights.


I think Tristan brought it up to me

first at semifinals and then,

then it stuck in my brain

that that has to happen.

Um, I think it came out this week that, uh,

Joe from morning chalk up

mentioned this like six months ago.

Um, so I think people have been,

if you're going to be in Texas, that's,

that is an iconic thing

that happens in Texas.

Why not embrace it?


we talked to the last couple

of weeks that there's a

football field right beside the venue.

And sure enough,

that's where they're going.

So that's really awesome

that that's been confirmed

by the barbell spin.

What are your thoughts about

a Friday night lights in

Texas and knowing that you're,

there's going to be some

outdoor events on a

football field with a track.

It's just like, it's like at 8 PM.

It's like one,

one event like is from what I can gather.


It's going to be awesome.

I love it.

And it's open to the public.

I think that's great.

I think that's awesome that people that,

you know,

normally don't have those

Coliseum tickets or whatever the,

what's it called,

Dickies Arena tickets can

come and see this.

Just like the North Park

when everyone that had tickets could,

you know,

like a regular ticket could go and see.

Love that.

Because you're now allowing

more people to see certain events.

Because with everything indoors,

you're stuck to only the

people that have the tickets.

So unless you have one or

two events outdoor,

which before we could see

so many more events at the North Park.

So having that at the football stadium,

you know, that's going to be important.

And whether they use it more than once,

I don't know.

But I love it because those

tickets are so expensive

normally to see the action inside.

So more people, more eyes, the better.

And it's a good time of the night, right?

It's should be cool, like cooler.

So John Young says the event is insane.

Do they know what the event is?

I'm not prying.

It is what it is, but that's crazy.

andrew stent says people

with coliseum tickets are

complaining about it they

want reserve seating for

themselves listen I get it

in the years that they were

outside for most of the day

and your reserve tickets

didn't get you squat this

is one event maybe maybe

there's going to be a

second event outside most

of this most of this games

is going to be completely

inside with your reserve seats right

So you get to see nine or 10

of the 12 events or if there's 15,

even more.

I think their reason for

complaining is minute

compared to years past.

Yeah, I love it.


the feels like at 9 30 PM on the same

date last year in Fort

Worth was the field.

I'm guessing.

No, the field.

I gotcha was 117 degrees.

So I was just talking to

Abby Domet today and she

was talking about how the

much different this year

has been to last year.

They were in a major heat wave last year.

So hopefully it's been much

cooler this year for them in Texas.

I think the United States

has flipped upside down

because us in the upper

Midwest are getting hammered with heat,

and they're not so much in

Texas right now.

Hopefully that holds

throughout the year this year.

I mean, it's one event that's late.

Like they're doing whatever they can to,

you know,

they can't control what weather

is going to be that night or whatnot.

It could be great.

It could be hot.

You know,

I feel like by putting it in the evening,

they're doing everything

they can to at least

control what they could.

They played football in

Texas with pads and everything on.

You just take the

precautions you need to take.

I think it's great.

I love it.

I'm excited for it.

All right.

So then in addition to that,

vendor village is going to be like,

it looks like a block away ish, um,

at the will Rogers park.

And in the,

in the trip from the Dickies

arena to that,

they're having CrossFit Boulevard.

There will be active.

There'll be tons of activations, um,

Things like that.

And then at the end,

you'll get to Vendor Village,

which includes a beer garden,

a big screen TV,

all of that in the boulevard between.

Lots of misting air fans as you're going.

There's a community workout area.

And all of that stuff is

open to the public free of charge.


So all the activations,

all of that stuff down the

boulevard and the beer

garden and vendor village

all open to the public free of charge.

That's awesome.

I mean,

some of the best stuff that I got

to be a part of last year

was seeing like the

community events that they

did or the affiliate owners

that got to do certain

events on each like on the playing field,

the 5K run.

ish that they, that the whole community,

um, ran like those, those are awesome.

Um, so to have certain things to do for,

for the community or people

that are just walking around and, um,

this is how they see

CrossFit and there's

different activations, um, spots.

It's, it's gonna be good.


Halpin, we'll give you kudos.

I know you put that out pretty early.

Glad someone found the

vendor deck and released it.

Lots of great info.

Sure was.

I saw it on your Instagram first.

I didn't know who got it,

who put it out first or whatever,

but if it was you, kudos, man.

Um, so,

and so here's the one thing that

was in that vendor deck and

it was a projection of

attendance that they have

been going up in attendance every year.

And the projection is to go

up in attendance this year.

My question is how the hell

do you do that when the

arena only seats 9,000 people?

What was the Coliseum in Madison?

So the Coliseum was less than that,

like six maybe, five or six.

But you had the festival seats,

which has all of those

other people in North Park

that would be packed for the big events.

And I'm trying to go by memory.

I actually think I have it up.

Let me look.

The projection was last year was 69,969.

If you only have 9,000 seats,

how do you beat attendance this year?

Are you going to count all

the people that go to the

high school stadium?

Are you going to count all

the people in Vendor Village?

Like, how does that happen?

I mean,

we count people that sign up for

the Open and don't do any

of the workouts.



What's the difference?

Like anyone that sees one

event that count it.

Cause the Coliseum,

the Coliseum is sold out.


It's capped at a number

that's nowhere near 70,000 people.

And so like, I just,

I don't get where they come

up with the projection, but I guess I,

I shouldn't trust CrossFit's math anyway.

But I think just having it

in a new location will

bring up the attendance.

Because once people had been in Madison,

like, many years, people were like, okay,

I've seen it.

I'm good.

I'll watch it from home or whatever.

And having a new location

can get people excited.

People that, you know,

are from that area of Texas

that haven't been at, like, you know,

the West Coast when it was

in California or the

Midwest in Wisconsin

finally get their chance to

show out here.

I think you'll see more people.

I hope so.

I hope this one keeps growing.

I just don't know how

they're going to count them if it's,

unless they have a,

you don't have to have a

ticket to get into any of

this stuff outside now.

So unless you have a gate

with someone clicking,

like I heard how you count the people.


I mean,

you still have to have people that

go through the security stuff every time.

Like you're,

you can't just show up at the

event and not go through any security.

Like you'd have to pass your bag and,

and whatnot.

So that's the one they're counting.


It was something that

baffled me in the stuff.

And you both have said, my question was,

is it a good move to open

all of this to the public?

And I think it is.

I think it actually will

give a Waterpalooza-esque

feel to Vendor Village that

the game's never had.

I somewhat worry that it's

going to be too busy.

Even if it's far away from

the venue or like, yeah.

Well, I'll be honest.

Like there's times where

being in the beer garden,

watching on that big screen

is pretty freaking cool.


I mean, cause you have all this big crowd,

you get the sense of being

in the big crowd and you

have this big TV where

you're seeing everything.

It's going to be,

it's going to be interesting.

Cause I do think a lot of

people will take advantage of that.

For sure.

Lynn makes a great point.

Too busy is great for vendors.

Yeah, there comes a point.

I mean,

like if you're going and you're

trying to experience these,

like the community workout

area or some of these

activations and you can't

get access to any of that,

like there becomes a bit of

frustration with that.

And then do you keep

attending stuff like this?


I think it's also going to

be a big story is going to

be what they have in the

activations in that boulevard.


what are they doing there to attract

people in?

And it also says in the deck

that they're going to have

pre-planned breaks for

people to be able to get up

out of their seats at the

arena and to go out and

check out the activations,

check out vendor village.


there's more time because there's no

age group, um, athletes that are there.


and Dave said that it doesn't

necessarily mean they're

adding more events.

So those, you know,

those times were the

masters athletes or the

teenage athletes were competing.

I'm sure they'll have a few

hours break so that people

can go and shop and come back.

Those prices that I think it

was Spin that put out for the vendors,

is that comparable to what

it was in Madison?

Do we know?

Is that more expensive?

It seems so expensive.

It seemed more expensive to me.

I thought I heard at one

time that in Madison,

a booth was $10,000 for the games.

You're on mute, Jamie.

Is what Halpin set up here is $35,000?

Is that what they're charging this year?

I would take Halpin at his

word at this point.

Here we go.

So a 10x10 is $9,000.

I've heard a 10x10 was $10,000 at Madison.

A 10x20 is $19,500,

and a 10x30 is $35,500.

Oh, okay.

The, the 10 by 30 is the 35.


So I'll just share this real

quick so people can see it.


and this is from the bar best men


There are three options.

I'm trying to blow it up.

There we go.

And we don't have that list of, uh,

vendors yet.


No, this was the deck to sell to vendors.

So nowhere in here does it

actually say who those vendors will be.

Do we know if the space in

terms of what they're looking to fill?

I'm assuming it's going to

be way more than Madison,

but I could be wrong thinking that.

you look at the mock-up of

the I'll try to get to that

too it looks like it's much

bigger so here we go I

think this so this is

pretty much it and these

big ones on the side are

already not available

But here are the different sizes.

And that's a lot of vendor booths,

a lot of 10 by 10s.

With the beer garden smack

dab in the middle, like right there.

And a demo area right behind it.

So that's going to attract

some people in with the

beer garden and the demo area.

And then you have the bigger

ones in back and then all

of these 10 by 10s around

the beer garden and the demo area.

Yeah, that looks like a great setup.

It's got to be enticing to

some of these vendors.

I just think you'd have to

question the actual foot

traffic without knowing ticket sales.

Like, sure, you know,

there's the 9,000 sold out,

but it's almost like they

should have sold like a $50

festival pass so that you

knew who was coming.

I actually like that it's free.

We need to attract guys.

And I think that's more than,

than the money you make off the 50 bucks.

It's just going to be

someone sitting there with

a clicker as people walk in and,

and then you're just going

to be estimating.

Cause you don't know who has

a ticket and who doesn't.


but here's the spectator workout area

right here below.

I don't know if you can see that.




And then the boulevard is

off to the left of this.

Let me see if I can.

Here we go.

So here's Dickie's.

And then the boulevard is

straight down this red line.

And then that's the entrance

to the vendor village and

all of that right here.

So this whole boulevard is

going to be full of activations, misting,

fans, all of that stuff.

So not too far of a walk.

It's going to be interesting.

It's going to be different,

and I think it's going to

be interesting to see how

it all plays out, right?

And we've been asking for

different and more ways to attract people,

and I think they have

responded with something.

We'll see how it goes.

So now let's move on to

something near and dear to

our very own Jamie Latimer,

and that is the Barbell

Spin also put out this week

that they've talked to Masters athletes.

You've actually...

been talking to me about

this for sure I think

you've said it on the air

as well that um that

masters athletes are not

happy with the kits that

they are receiving for the

masters crossfit games and

the real the big deal here

is that essentially you

don't like the the choices

you are given in addition

to that there's only three

complete outfits

for 12 possible workouts for

the weekend and not enough

to even like the complaints

are you're going to be

doing laundry every single

night trying to squeeze

that in just to have clean

clothes because you are

required to wear the

outfits are you are you

required required to can't

be on the floor can't I

don't even think you can be

out like I don't think you

come out to the floor like at all

i don't know I i don't know

how they'll run that per se

but like yeah you

definitely can't get on get

on the competition floor

without your uniform on

they've said but there's

four days of competition in

three outfits it makes no

sense at least four outfits

yeah like if you want to go

in the cold tub or

something after an event

like that you're just

drenched after yeah that's

that's your that's your

laundry that's your bath I

guess is the cold tub

And then you bring a

different outfit for the

next event and hope the

other one dries and yeah,

we're required to wear it.

So I think this was either

note from Lex or Carolyn.

There's a significant influx

of masters this year.



Is that what's hurting this?


instead of outfitting 10 per age group,

now you're outfitting 300, 400 people.


I've said since they made

the change that they made this too big.

It's no longer... It's not as prestigious.

And then you've watered it down with

It's not the same experience at all.

Yeah, they made it too big.

Probably trying to make some

money back off of a bunch

of extra registration fees.

And I mean, it is what it is.

Beggars can't be choosers, I guess.

And every comment I see,

other than the people that are angry,

are people like, boo-hoo you.


It's just it's it is hard to

have had something that you

were working for or the

people like gone and got

something and it just be

like ripped away.

John wants to know, Jamie,

did you know if do you know

if there are cuts?

I do not know if there are cuts.

I. I would be surprised if

there's cuts without cuts.

a heads up on that, but I don't know.

They, yeah.

Like in, like in 2019,

when they had the cuts,

I remember like the further you got,

you got more uniforms.

And like,

that was like a motivation for me

to be like, Oh,

I want to make it to the next day.

So I get a new set of outfits.

Um, so they could do something like that.

If they cut down,

let's say a 20 on the last day,

then those 20 get a special

new outfit or something.

They could, something that they could do.


And Jamie has actually had

more beef with this than

even what was put in the article.

Because they're treating the

Masters athletes like

they're all in the 60 plus division.

With the very long shorts.

Am I quoting you correctly?


I want my booty shorts, dang it.

I'm so the opposite.

Give me those bike shorts.

There's not an option.


what I didn't like was that you guys

have to wear crop tops for girls, right?

yeah I hate that I hate two

crop shirts and like one

tank one normal thing I

think yeah they count the

sports bra probably as a

jersey too right for you

guys because most girls

take off their shirt like I

wouldn't like that because

like I never take off my

shirt I never wear a crop

top I always wear like a

t-shirt or like a tank top

but not like a crop like a

regular tank uh dex says

he'll wear the biker shorts

and he will crop everything

Well, when you have a body like Dex,

you know,

you're willing to just let it

all hang out.


I mean, I hate to complain about it.

It's just like.

Like you have the events

like MFC and legends in the winter and.

Those are the places where

you go and get experience

and you get a pair of

shorts and a shirt and

you're not forced to wear it,

but you're getting something.

Those are our master's mid-majors, right?

When people sign up for Metcon Rush,

they don't expect a kit.

They're going there to get experience.

They're going there to...

You make the games and you expect...

something for $330 and

$2,000 of hotel room and $800 of flights.

And I mean, you're,

you're spending four or five grand for,

you got,

you got like four or five grand

of kit stuff in the past that like,

I see in your notes,

you said something about shoes.

I'm actually happy.

They're not even messing with the shoes,

but I,

I probably could have sold

all my Noble shoes last

year if I would have made

it and made my entry fee back.

There's options there.

I did like the stuff when

they gave it to us at semifinals.

They treated us really nice there.

It looked good on the judges

and everything,

but it's just not enough if

it's the Masters games.

Didn't you guys get three outfits?

Uh, yeah, it was,

we are getting what you

guys got at semifinals.

Like don't even a supply it

for semifinals and spend

that budget on actually

providing us with enough clothes.


I don't understand how the games

athletes are getting what

your semifinals athletes got.

Like I asked for, uh, like unisex t-shirts,

but they didn't make small for the men.

So I was given a medium.

So I just, had I gone to small,

I would have worn it.

It's like a little bit baggy, which I mean,

I could have worn, but, um,

So you might be able to

switch some styles out and

say that you don't want

long shorts and you only

want the booty shorts.

Same with you, Dex.

You can ask for the booty shorts.

Larry Young says... I'm sorry.

Go ahead.

Put the one you wanted.

I lost it.

It went bye-bye.

There's so many comments

right now about Reebok

colors that I lost it.

No, it was Larry Young.


I get it.

I liked the Reebok colors back then.

I did too.

I loved it.

It was cool.

It's this one.

I found it.

They take the Masters for granted.

And if you look at recent statistics,

without the Masters, it's over.

They waste money on everyone

who doesn't care.

Invest in the people that do care.

All right.

Now you had John somewhere.

Here we go.

Dang it.

I think if three outfits is

all they want to give y'all,

then it should just be

optional to wear them or not.

Most people would still wear

them during at least three events.


Every time you read it,

I read it in John Young's like voice.

I can't help it.

Like I'm like thinking about

just like y'all like all

the passion behind that statement.


MFC, one year,

asked everyone to wear...

Because I think they only

gave two shorts and two shirts.

They just said, hey,

this event is the one that

we're trying to like stream

or whatever they're doing.

Please wear it for this event.

And I think everyone complied.

And if they said that, like, hey,

we have these three floor events, Friday,

Saturday and Sunday.

Those are the ones where

like we are enforce us.

I don't care.

Say event seven, event three,

seven and nine.

You must be in your uniforms.

it for broadcast for whatnot.


But like beyond picking three,

because you are failing to

provide more than three, that's gotta be,

that's gotta be the

athlete's choice at that point.

I like that.

That would be good.

Like one each day that, you know,

whether it's the first

event of each day or some sort of event,

that'd be good.

So Dex says,

and this is just to

encapsulate everything

that's just been said in

the comments about colors and all that,

Reebok apparel was poo-poo.

My response to that is,

it may have been poo-poo,

but I could tell what

athlete was who on the

floor because of the

combination they wore during that event.

Because Reebok gave you so

many varieties of different

colored shirts and bottoms

and bras and tanks,

and I could tell who was

who on the floor.

these last couple years it

is tough you're like well

that body type I think it's

I don't even know that

you're gonna be able to

even see body type in the

outfits that we have really

like they're not that baggy

they're not flattering some

people make them look good

I'm sure I'm gonna look

like a box out there so

Dex said they gave so much back then,

he wrote it off on his taxes.

Must be nice, Dex.

Rub it in.


now I know what riff I'm going to

clip this week.

Because I'm going to look

like a box out there.

That's the line.

I like their stuff, though.

That was good.

I have yet to feel it.

Um, which is also,

that's another thing that's

like scary to me.

Like we're pretty,

athletes are pretty

particular in the stuff they wear.

Um, I didn't like their sports bra.

That's the only thing I felt

like it was like wider than normal.


And I think it's one style

to each their own.

Like some, it could be, you know,

I didn't particularly like that,

but someone else could.

So that's clothing for you.

So I think we've pounded that one home.

Masters need more.

Masters need more clothes.

A lot of comments were,

y'all going to end up naked

by the end of the weekend

because there's nothing left.

I think that was Sarah Cooper.


And Lynn's in agreement with me,

which I love.

I like the gear to identify

the athletes during streaming.


so uh why is dex in a speedo

will be the question at the

way oh god I miss you

brother larry I agree I do

like that they stepped up

to sponsor I just and I i

do feel like I'm on them

and it's unfair but it's

again don't take on the

semi-finals don't like

think about what you're

doing and still making it

prestigious for the masters.

Otherwise just get rid of us.


I don't know why we're half-assing

this event.

Like we could just do our

events like MFC and legends

could just stay legends.

And you can't say you're

doing the games and then

change it completely.


I think the biggest mistake

was it shouldn't have moved to 40.

And I know that's going to

piss Dex off because then Dex is out.

But 10 was way too small.

40 is way too big.


There's a happy in between

there that better fits this event.


30 for the 35 to 39.

Like 20 to 30 there.

And then the rest of them are basically...

Maybe 20 next, and then it's 10.

And then the upper ones, five.





that's where MFC and Legends come

into play.

If you're 20 to 40, go to those events.

Get more experience and earn your way up.

I agree.

All right.

So the next topic was

inspired by John Young and

in our conversation saying

that rivalries are good and

we should embrace them.

And so what I wanted to talk

about is do we need more

rivalries in CrossFit?

And my opinion is from my

perspective is the men,

they're coming with rivalries.

We've got them all over the map.

And it's going to make the

men's games super fun to

watch because of that.

But we don't seem to have

them as much on the women's side.

And so I want to oppose that to you.

Have we ever had a good women's rivalry?

I can't think of many.

I think maybe Cara and Tia

would be one that would come to mind.

Just coming from the same region,

they were back and forth at finish.

I don't know how close they are together.

I feel like they're fine with each other,

but there hasn't been much

on the women's side.

Yeah, I mean,

me versus Semenza for hockey was great,

but we... Wisco won, though.

Is it a rivalry, though,

when you dominate the other side?


but Ohio State won against Wisconsin

this year in the finals.

Yeah, but you weren't playing then.


When you were playing,

it was a domination.

And Paige will admit that.


But I think that's part of the problem,


is Tia has not let anybody be her

rival for seven years.



because we're just working out with her


Like it's her for so long

and then the rest of us are

competing after that.

I think the best rivalry,

the most recent rivalry

we've had is Tia and Katrin.

The two years Tia was second

and Katrin won.

Those were close.

You could even throw Sarah in there.

It was more of a three-way.

They came down to the last

events a couple times.

They don't talk the smack

that's going on now.

I saw a little bit of it.

You know how Jason Hopper is

with Dallin and everything?

Between Ariel and Daniel Brandon,

they're friendly chirping.

I think they were trying to

be like a girl version of it

maybe but I think they

they've stopped but it

could have been fun between

those two like that would

be that would be a good

battle because I feel like

it's a good match yeah and

they're great friends so

it's like you know that

hopper and and gallon type

I hope they bring it to the

games because you did see

it like when ariel did the

open announcement yeah and

that was there with signs

um like that was awesome

And I think we need more of that.

And I think Laura would be a

trash talker in the right situation.

But she has to hang with Tia

to make it work.


She can hang.

She's good.

And I hope we get that this

year because I think that

will elevate the sport.

I think the men's side this

year is freakish.

You've got Jeff and Roman.

You've got Dallin and Roman.

You've got Dallin and Jeff.

You've got Dallin and Hopper.

The best shit talker is Pat Belner.

When he wants to,

he has some great

one-liners and he's great.

He's always in the mix.


and then you had two people wanting to,

like Dex brought up,

two people wanting to fight

after the bike event last year.

I mean, Medeiros and Lazar.


You guys probably have not

seen the behind the scenes of West Coast,

the second episode this morning.

I watched it this morning.

There's a moment where

Savannah is interviewing Pat,

and Pat's like,

I didn't even win the event.

Go talk to Colton.

He won.

Wait, you always talk to Colton.

Stay here.

I deserve some love.

That's great.

It was probably the highlight of the whole,

because you know he means it.


I think the thing with the guys,

other than Justin and Lazar,

I feel like everyone else

is actually friends,

and it's funny banter.

That's the problem with women,

is they either will

actually hate each other,

and I feel like that's kind of where...

the question was with Emma

Carey and Danielle Brandon, like,

is there actual animosity here?

And you could like feel that

tension on the floor and

the year that's going to be your rivalry.

Like it's going to be awkward with women.

It's there's not, they're just personal.

It's more,

I feel like girls take it more

personal in general.


Like they'll be like, Oh, it's jokes.

But then they'll be like, I remember that.




There's comments in here about, like,

women taking it too seriously.



And the men,

you can tell it's in jest most

of the time.


It's a shame that culturally

it's allowed to kind of be

where for the men it's okay

and for the women it's catty.

It shouldn't be that way.

Women should be able to have

just as much fun doing it.

And Danielle and Ariel

showed that it can be done

in a tasteful way.

I think, I think they,

they did a good job.

And like, I, I would like, um,

DM them and be like, I like, I like it.

Keep going, like run with it.

Um, yeah, because guys do it and it's,

you know,

they're confident girls do it

and we're cocky.

Um, like it's,

it's just the way it's

sometimes that things can

get looked at and, um,

that's how the society is a lot of times.

I come from the attitude era

of wrestling and cocky is cool to me.

That's why I was a big Rock fan.

Back when he was a wrestler,

I loved The Rock because he

was flat-out cocky.

And I love that stuff.

And I think we've missed it.

in this sport.

When it's been there,

it has elevated the sport.

The thing is it needs to be

from the top because if the

rivalry is from the 20th places,

it's not relevant.

Like John Young said earlier,

Tia has been in a league of

her own and Laura's in a

league of her own.

normally like right after

for the last few years so

like we want to see it from

the top people and on the

men's side we are seeing it

and it's not from you know

people down the leaderboard

it's from the top 10. so

that's what's making it

even more interesting even

more captivating for us so

unless like those top girls

start you know going back

and forth I just I mean I

hope to see it it's fun I

love it I mean I come from

a hockey sport which people

chirp all the time


cocky for women is amazing if you can

back it up.

Well said.


do you think the rivalries are a U.S.

thing because of Europeans

and Asia and Africa?

I don't think it's a thing,

just culturally.

So how would that translate globally?

I do think there's European

rivalries for sure.



it's definitely easier to have a

rivalry when you compete

more often against each other.

So it's a natural robbery

that will happen in North

America versus in Europe when they go to,

you know, multiple events in Europe,

like you start competing

against those people and now you're,

you're beating them in certain comps,

they're beating you and

you're starting to, you know,

go back and forth, but.

Emily Rolfe should get, look at Tia,

give her a fake silver

medal before the run.

If she beats her, she's a legend.

Or Alex Kazan hand her a

fake silver medal before

legless rope climbs.

It's still risky.


I agree with that.

I think we create the

narrative with Euro rivalries.

They don't give a shit about

each other in that regard

unless someone cheats.

So yeah.

Anyway, I just thought about that.

I thought like every time

that's just another way for

people to beat me, John.

I think this is a great idea though.

I do like this idea of, you know,

North America West versus

the East versus Canada.

Cause I won't say North America.

Let's go USA West East.

I think Canada can have her

like their own team.

Oceana is ridiculous.


We're team world team Europe.

This is, that's a great idea.

You start cheering for people within your,

your region.

I like that.



what they're doing with Heat One is


I just wish I could get all

my picks in in a weekend.

Just one time.

Without having to do them all on Thursday.

You just have to do them

each night right before you go to bed.

They need to switch it so

you can't just use Tia the whole time.


It could be no more than two

plays or something.

If there's six athletes per team,

let's call it three in case...

Cause six times two would be

12 events and there could

be more than 12 events.

So no more than three plays.


But you've been like when

we're on the road,

like we're shutting down the show at 10,

11 o'clock at night.

Sometimes we have,

we're eating as we're starting the show.

Like it's, it's just craziness.

I try to do it right before

I close my eyes.


I need to set an alarm.


So John says they've got it

all figured out.

Just hasn't come out yet.



So then I just have some quick hitters.

These are not things we're

going to dwell on a long time,

but just some quick hit notes that I saw.

And that is first is prize

money was announced this

week and it's remaining the

same for everybody except adaptive.


Any, any thoughts?

Adapted, they added more divisions.

So that's a positive for

for that community.


unfortunate that their prize

purse is going down, but I think overall,

people in that community

would want to have more

people represented.

So I think that part is good.

To have it match with losing Noble,

I think is a good sign that

GORUCK and whatever else

for sponsor were at least

able to match in their first year.

We'll see what happens from

here on out and how fast

those payments will come after the games,


At least we're not going down.



I did see some comments

about taking some of the prize money,

like from first and making

instead of 315 or whatever it is,

and making it like 215 and

get a paid group of judges

that are trained and good

on the floor in the moment.

And I don't know how I feel about that.

But I do think the judges

work hard and there are

good ones out there and

they should be rewarded for

being the good ones they

are and find a way to not

let some of those that

maybe have graded out

differently from being on the floor.

Aren't the games judges all seminar staff?

Theoretically, yeah.

So like, I mean,

aren't they already kind of getting paid?

So what I don't know about

the seminar staff is if

they're graded as judges.

Because to be a seminar

staff member is one thing.

To be a judge on the floor

is something different.

And they should have some kind of a, well,

I know they paid the

seminar staff judges.

But like for the teams,

it won't be seminar staff.

It will be the volunteers.

Who cares?

I care.

I care.

No, you don't.

I care because they don't

put the right... Just

because you can teach a

movement doesn't mean you

can judge a movement.

I agree.

At high speed.

I agree.

They put a lot of credence in that,

and I think it's misguided.

I still would like to see...

Let's say you were going to

bring down the money of the first place,

which, I mean, that sucks,

but I still feel like that

middle ground doesn't get paid enough.


you go through the whole

season and you're a top,

let's say top 10 or top 15

athlete at the games,

which is you're a stud.

And the most you'll make

within semifinal and the

games is like less than, I don't know,

40,000 maybe between both

of them to combine like,

plus you're taxed on it.

Like that's not a full-time job.

I mean, people have sponsorships,

but I'd like to see some.

I mean,

it's good that finally from the

worst place they're getting

paid now because for a long

time they weren't getting anything.

But I'd like to see a little

bit more for those,

let's call it at least

those top 20 at least need

to get a little bit more.

The volunteers are paid in

old merchandise from

previous year's games.

They are.

And a challenge coin.

And usually a pair of shoes

that just hurt.

I used to agree with you, Scott,

but if you notice,

there's been less

controversy surrounding

seminar judges than the

volunteer judges from semis, for example.

I guess I don't know who's

who because there was some

atrocious judging.

At semifinals?

Yeah, those are the volunteer judges.

Some of our staff only do the games.


so maybe we need to take the money

and put it towards paying

semis so that actual

correct athletes make it through.

I don't disagree.

Because I think for the most

part of the games, for the most part,

it's well judged, I would say.

For the individuals, for the most part.


The year that Boz did all

the programming and with

the wall facing and the

brick with the hole and the

crossovers and there was a lot of stuff.

But it was a lot of new

stuff thrown at everybody last minute.

Make it easy on the judges.

You're making it tough on the judges.

You got people's hair that

are going over the line and

it's hard to see whether it

was the head going to the,

like past that line on the block or,

or the hair,

like just make it easy on the judges,

pick movements that are

going to be easy to judge

and let the athletes race.


I think that the more

simplified straight

CrossFit workouts we get, the easier,

the better the judges will do.


so uh okay uh the

wadapalooza socal tickets

are on sale how much uh

they're not cheap um I know

the vip tickets are like

400 bucks but they come

with food but all you can

drink beverages um private

bathrooms um and premiere

seating on all floors wow

And then the regular tickets, I think,

are about $100 and something, I think.

I'm going by memory.

I saw the Instagram post.

The VIP looked like worth it

to me because of all-day food,

all-day drink.


Private bathrooms.

Access to air-conditioned bathrooms.


Which is a big deal in the hot sun.

So I thought that was pretty cool.

The other thing we have is Uplift shirts.

Uplift has announced their

new shirts for this year.

I don't know if you saw those.

Trying to pull it up real quick here.

It's got the like camo, right?


he tagged me and now I can't find it.


Let me search.

There we go.

Let me share my screen.

There they are.

So I don't know if you can see.

Those are, those are look nice.


They've got Boz programming

this year's workout on Labor Day weekend.

So make sure you go sign up.

Do that WOD in honor of

suicide prevention and you

get a shirt commemorating it with it.

So super cool this year.

Do you want to post the link

in the comments maybe or something after?

Yeah, I'll do that after the show.

I'll put those in the

comments or I can do it now, I guess.


Yeah, I'll do it.

Too much going on right now.

I'll put them in the

comments right after the show.

So make sure you check there.

And back to this.

And finally, we have Metcon Rush.

They've announced their

workouts for this year.

Looks like a fun competition.

And pretty much...

Other than Carolyn,

everybody who didn't make

the games this year is at this event.

So Nick Matthew, Freya Mooseburger,

I think Paige Powers is there.

It is a who's who lineup

pretty much of all those athletes.

So it's in Hagerstown, Maryland.

They put on a great show.

You should go check that out.

It is really, really a cool event.

I like the events.


They look fun.

I think I looked at them and

was glad I didn't sign up.

See, I was like, crap,

I should have signed up.

These are much better than

my semifinal workouts.

I like them.


So a couple things real quick just is...

In the comments,

we do a listener question of the week.

If you have a question for us,

make sure you drop that in the comments,

not the chat, but the comments,

and we'll go through the

questions and bring one of

those up next week for us to talk about.

In addition to that,

this is a new concept.

We're getting big on our riffs,

and I want to put this out to the crowd.

If you have a riff that you

want us to hear about,

Record your riff,

make it two minutes or less, DM it to me,

and if it's good and PG,

we will play it on the show,

and then we'll respond to your riff.

but why should we have all

the fun riffing about

what's going on in the CrossFit space?

Let's give you the option,

the opportunity to make your own riff.

Just take your iPhone or

your Android device,

record yourself a video and

drop it in a DM to me,

or I will give you my email address.

I think you can only put one

minute on Instagram.

So you might have to,

or they can put on YouTube.

They can do it unlisted on

YouTube and give you a link.

That's true.

And I can make a version for

Instagram that's longer than two minutes.


my riff last week with John was well

longer than two minutes.

I meant more like if you try

to send it through a DM, like your video,

you'll have to put it on YouTube,

like unlisted.


However you need to do it to us,

I will give you my email.

You can send it to me that way.

I think you can get a couple

minutes video through email.


John has never gone only two minutes.

Don't be lying, John.

So if you have that,

I was going to say something else to that,

but it can be about anything.

I don't, I don't care.

I we're just not a political show,

but it can be anything sports related,

anything entertainment related,

whatever it is.

If it, if it's cool,

we'll play it and then

we'll respond to it.

But we want to give you the fans,

the listeners,

an opportunity to riff with

us and then we'll react to your riff.

So with that,

if you have any questions

about getting that to me,

just DM me and we'll work it out.

And somehow I have some Google drives.

You can drop it in there.

I can just give you permission.

I think I'm going to get

Dropbox back because too

many times are we sharing

folders with Holly and it,

it doesn't seem to work at

different events.

So PG girls, goodness.


We talk what we feel,

but we keep it PG here, okay?

Keep it PG.

It's the way I honor my mother.

Keep it only two minutes, John.

Keep it only two minutes.

John can't keep it under two minutes.

Keep going.

He does a riff like every three hours,

I think.

I love it.



And on that note,

we're going to say goodbye.

Peace out.

Thank you for joining us.

Don't forget in the comments,

question of the week,

send us your video riffs.

And with that,

we will see everybody next

time on the Clydesdale media Sunday night,

CrossFit talk.

Bye guys.