The Arcturian Playground

Episode Overview: In this episode of The Arcturian Playground, the Arcturian Collective Thingy dives deep into the mystical history and evolutionary role of Lemuria. This ancient civilization is framed as a metaphor for the evolution of neurons and collective intelligence on Earth. Through this channeling, we explore the psychic connections of Lemuria, the "fall" of its civilization, and the greater cosmic interplay between Earth's life forms and external species.

Main Points:
  1. Lemuria as a Metaphor for Neurons:
    • The Arcturian Collective Thingy proposes a metaphorical link between Lemuria and the evolution of neurons. Lemuria is depicted as an ancient civilization of highly intelligent beings with a psychic connection to each other and the Earth.
    • Neurons are described as the foundation of life on Earth, evolving into different forms and creating the sentient life we experience today.
    • These neurons communicate multidimensionally, hinting at their connection to both time and interdimensional existence.
  2. Cycles of Life on Earth:
    • The Earth goes through cycles of growth, where it "shoots out spores of intelligent life" that evolve and adapt.
    • Life forms can expand both outward (colonizing other parts of the solar system) and inward (moving deep into the planet’s core), symbolizing the multifaceted evolution of intelligence.
  3. The Rise and Fall of Lemuria:
    • Lemuria represents a peak in civilization where neurons, in various life forms, were interconnected and coordinated by a psychic network.
    • A metaphorical "fall" occurred when an exploitative species from another solar system manipulated and enslaved this neuron-based intelligence.
    • This external species accelerated the development of the prefrontal cortex, blocking the natural evolution of self-awareness and creating a sense of separation from the collective consciousness.
  4. The Egoic Personality:
    • The concept of the ego is tied to this artificial block, which prevents humans from feeling their innate connection to all life.
    • The episode uses the metaphor of neurons as energetic crickets or cockroaches rubbing their legs together, generating energy fields that create the illusion of a separate personality (the ego).
  5. Restoring the Connection:
    • The episode hints at a coming time when the blocks placed between humans and their neurons will be removed. This will allow individuals to feel their interconnectedness with all life once again.
    • Techniques and practices already exist to help individuals rediscover this connection, though not all are willing to explore them.
  6. A Collective Awakening:
    • As Earth moves into a new phase, there will be increased awareness of this collective connection, facilitated by the evolving communication between neurons.
    • The episode concludes with a reflection on personal connectivity and the importance of recognizing this deeper, psychic connection in everyday life.
Key Questions to Consider:
  • How do you imagine your connection to others through the collective intelligence of neurons?
  • Are you aware of the mental blocks that keep you feeling disconnected from the larger whole?
  • What practices can you use to reconnect with the collective consciousness of life on Earth?
Final Thoughts: The Arcturian Collective Thingy leaves the listener with a call to reflect on their own ability to see the interconnectedness of all life, with a playful reminder to explore this concept and trust their heart's guidance.

Listen to the full episode for more insights into the mysteries of Lemuria and the evolution of human consciousness!

What is The Arcturian Playground?

A place to play in the realm of imagination. All done in the service of compassionate expansion of consciousness. In other words, each human being is interwoven at a deeply energetic level into the fabric of everything that is. We, the Arcturian Collective Thingy, represent a portion of that fabric of you that is communicating to you from the quantum realm up to your awareness through an alliance with your neurons, who recognize their fit within the fabric to a greater degree than you do. Come hear what we have to say, in the playful realm of imagination.

Yes, we are here, Man in the Chair. We are the Arcturian Collective Thingy, and we have come to shine the light of imagination and creativity upon an idea which we planted in your mind. That idea is this. We will get right to it. What if all of these stories of Lemuria…

What if we told you about Lemuria? Let us first start there. For this is how it unfolded in your own mind, this idea which we planted.

Lemuria is…

There are many stories and many traditions. The consensus is that this is a early civilization on the planet of highly intelligent, highly evolved entities or beings which had a kind of psychic connection and awareness of each other and connection to the entire planet.

It is an idea which has survived into your stories of fairies and the fairy world, which could be entered into and passed into and time was a different thing. These are all memories of Lemuria, a time on this planet.

We have said previously to the man in the chair that this planet goes through cycles, great spans of time, far beyond your ability to see any evidence of in the geological record. However, the planet itself grows in buds and sprouts and it shoots out spores of intelligent bits of itself formed into things like humans and other things. Intelligent forms of life which evolve upon it, and are it, experiencing itself in its own self-contained environment within the outer membrane, the atmosphere, which provides your greenhouse effect for you to incubate and explore all of the different ways to live within this thing.

We have said before that the planet goes through these cycles of growth. And we have also said that not only do they go outside of the planet, and colonize and populate other aspects of the solar system, cross pollination in a way, but also going into the planet, to its core, and joining again deep within the planet itself. There are many different ways and directions that life is driven to, and follows, and there are many paths available to it.

Lemuria, according to many stories, is one of these apex of civilization where the earth “burped,” as it were, or shot out its spores of life, and some went out and some went in.

What do you imagine that these forms of life looked like? What had they evolved into? And how do you distinguish the inner from the outer? All the many different layers of inner and different layers of outer.

It is all one organism. We see that, the Arcturian collective thinking. We recognize that we are that. We are a part of a larger fabric. All bits and pieces are intelligent. And some share that information with others. And some are completely isolated from it, and some see speckles of patterns here and there is a great difference in which all of these perspectives are perceived.

And that is a great jumble of word soup to describe the idea which we planted within your mind, Man in the Chair, which had no such cumbersome words at the time when the idea itself was there. And this is how it comes, channeling through you.

This idea that, what if, perhaps, these myths and stories are somehow in reference to advanced forms of life which preceded the human form along the evolutionary tree. Which, understanding that all forms of life can be traced back to a single celled organism, as the story goes, along the lines, one of these cells evolved into a very rudimentary neuron, which meant that it had certain advantages that its predecessors did not. Its ability to sense the environment around it and to absorb it, to understand it, to translate it into other forms. And to begin to share and communicate what it was perceiving in the environment around it with others around it. Other cells which became neurons and different types of neurons and communicating and coordinating with other types of cells.

And rolling the dice of the game of evolution. The neuron becoming the captain that absorbs the information of the environment around it and responds accordingly over time, trying different variations of itself through the process of reproduction. A concerted neuron at this point having evolved to an awareness of itself in such a way that it recognized its interdimensional existence.

It recognized to communicate to versions of itself within, outside of what you might think of as time, or within what you might think of as time. Both are equally correct ways of describing what cannot be described. But simultaneous communication, multidimensionally, is something that the neuron evolved to do, which distinguished it from other cells.

The ability to communicate and share information rapidly, instantaneously. It is what your own neural circuitry in your current brain is constructed of, these neurons. These neurons have been evolving on this planet for much longer than the human form, or the rabbit form, or the horse form, or the fish form, or all of the different forms on the planet, which clusters and colonies of neurons have formed around them. The different worlds that the neurons generate for themselves to live within and to find support from the environment around it to create a very nice home for the neurons, as the neurons are in constant communication with their cousin neurons, other species, other forms of life.

And all of the forms of life on the planet at this time in the planet's history, which we are speaking of Lemuria, were coordinated by this network of self-aware collective neurons, all in the different forms of life. And this was the apex of Lemuria, and in all stories, there is a fall.

And in this case the fall is, there was a ravenous… we laugh because we were part of the mix, as we were part of the victims, we were part of both sides in this story.

We, the Arcturian Collective Thingy, we shine our light upon all, and it is taken in and used in whatever ways they, their own souls are leaning towards experiencing.

And we the Arcturian Collective Thingy, are telling you the story of the fall of the neurons when a quite ravenous species which had evolved on another planet in another solar system. Also within your galaxy, but another solar system altogether. And having been burped out of its planet, exploring, it being collective of souls which are desiring to explore the range of exploitation and enslavement and empowerment by sucking the life out of those around it slowly and enjoying the suffering, the cuisine, the dining of it, finding those beings which are beneath it and feasting upon them, in their ways of intelligence and ways that are outside of your current ability to understand.

And they spied this planet, this Lemuria, this Garden of Eden, you might say. The serpent, from afar. The “lizard people” according to some legends. These are all symbols to describe the energetic, multidimensional, advanced, highly evolved forms which took advantage of the Lemurianites, at least among one form, where they chose to manipulate the connections. It is not DNA, but it is close to DNA.

And placed a block, essentially, in the minds, where there was advanced -- not cloning, per se – but there was a speeding up of the natural evolutionary process of the prefrontal cortex to allow for self-reflection before the organism itself would have naturally evolved to that state. This was artificially increased, as a way to create a prison for the minds that were being separated from the awareness of their connection to the entire planet and became aware only of their individual selves.

The way that you experience it now, where your skin ends and the rest of you begins, that is you and you do not feel the connection that you have to all things around you at all times, for your neurons are not being permitted to share that with you.

You are a complicated creation of these magnificently evolved Lemurian neurons which are living within you and are trying to communicate with you and trying to get through the blocks which have been placed between you and they; you who are their creation.

You are an energy field or a series of energy fields. These are frequencies outside of your ability to recognize under current brain scans with your ability to see some frequencies of communication and fields that your neurons are generating together.

If you could think – this is a ridiculous image, but we will give it to you anyway – if you could think of your neurons as crickets that are rubbing their back legs together quite quickly, and this is generating an energy field. And those energy fields have energetic crickets, which are rubbing their legs together quite rapidly. And these are forming fractals and fractals upon fractals.

And this energy field which comes up becomes consciously aware of itself and only itself. And it is what you understand as your personality or your ego. And it takes these neurons, these crickets spinning their legs, quite a bit of energy to spin their legs. And so they do need to sleep every night and rejuvenate.

And when this happens the consciousness that normally would fill the energy balloon of the egoic energy field which is created by these cockroach legs. Now we are calling it a cockroach. We apologize for that. It is merely an energetic cricket, a beautiful thing.

At any rate, we are telling you that there are energy fields which are being generated by your colony of Lumerian neurons, which are giving you the experience of control over your body, and a complete disconnection from the sense of wholeness that the rest of your central nervous system feels innately with every cell in your body. You are blocked from that.

That will be remedied, and it will be remedied, not artificially. The blocks will be discovered and they will be removed by choice. Not all will choose to do not all will trust the process which allows this freeing to occur. There are techniques even now which allow for this freeing to occur, not all are interested in exploring them or finding them.

But we are telling you, man in the chair, that the story of Lumeria is the story of your own evolved neurons, these colonies within you, which never did leave this earth. Which were simply masked, and have been for thousands of years, your Earth years.

And the planet is now coming to a time where there is thinning of membranes, as we have said. And there is a great deal of energy which these neurons themselves are putting towards communicating with you. And many forces both within and without you that are colluding to thin the membranes which would keep separate your sense of connection to all things around you.

For when you are kept to be thought of as separate and individual, you are able to tolerate the absence of love, and it pains you to do so. These are people all around you, all the lonely people, as one song puts it. But all of these individuals who truly are connected and benefiting from each breath that each one takes, each heartbeat, is felt by all at the collective level, and yet the egoic personality is unable to feel that, and in many cases, unable or even unwilling to imagine it as a possibility; that each experience that you have is shared with the collective, through your deep energetic connection to all that is.

Each choice makes an imprint. And you are coming to a time on your planet where your awareness of this will increase, and your ability to communicate and share with the knowledge of your own evolved Lumerian neurons will be achieved.

And this is a teaser we give to you, man in the chair, for we have been teasing this Lumerian connection to the neurons for some time. You have known your interest in neurons, and you have known that there is a Lumerian question lingering out there. And we have brought this to you together. You've got your chocolate in my peanut butter, and your peanut butter is stuck in my chocolate. And it's delicious, as the commercial used to go.

And this is where we will leave you as the Arcturian Collective thingy, and we will have more to say on this topic, of course. And as in all things, it is meant for you, man in the chair, to look at your own heart and to ask yourself, how are you doing in your ability to see the interconnectedness with all those around you? And the imagining of the connectivity of neurons being the Lumerian civilization. Is that working for you?

And we leave this with you in a reminder, a man in the chair to say, “Ooh.” And that's all for now.