The Choosing Ease Podcast

I'm beyond excited to share with you some transformative insights from my recent Qigong retreat in the breathtaking landscapes of Scotland. This retreat was not just a getaway; it was a deep dive into the art of energy, guided by my incredible teacher, Darryl Collett. You may remember Darryl from one of our previous podcast episodes, and I’m thrilled to revisit our conversations and explore new depths.

Applying These Insights to Your Life and Business
You might be wondering, what does Qigong and understanding karma have to do with growing my business? Well, in a true Zen way, I would say: Nothing and everything. Being a successful business owner goes hand in hand with personal and spiritual development. You can’t make more money, help more people, or create more freedom in your life without doing the deep inner work at the same time.

A Little Background on Qigong
Qigong, which literally means the art of energy, has been a cornerstone of my life for over 17 years. I've traveled the world, trained with the best teachers, and integrated the essence of these teachings into my programs. It’s a daily practice for me – a source of balance, strength, and deep personal insight.

This week, the theme that resonated deeply with me was karma. For a long time, I viewed karma as a simple mechanism of reward and punishment: good deeds bring good outcomes, bad deeds bring bad ones. But during this retreat, my perspective shifted dramatically. Karma, as it turns out, is far more intricate and profound than I had imagined.

In this week’s podcast episode, I share some key takeaways from my retreat:
  • Karma is Bigger Than Us: It’s intertwined with our past, present, and future, shaping our lives in ways we can’t always understand.
  • Flow Over Manipulation: True karma is about clearing energetic blockages and creating a state of ease and flow, rather than trying to manipulate outcomes.
  • Self-Care and Sincerity: By nourishing ourselves – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually – we align with positive flow and good karma.
Join the Conversation

I’m so excited for you to dive into this conversation and reflect on these profound insights. I truly believe it can transform how you view karma and help you create more ease and flow in your life and business.

Tune in here to listen to the full episode.

What is The Choosing Ease Podcast?

A podcast for multi-skilled coaches and experts who are ready to leverage their unique expertise, create money overflow all while embodying ease. Discover how to stop forcing things in your business and start letting your natural life force guide you... so you can spend less energy, get bigger rewards, and make the kind of impact you were born to create.


I'm recording this episode when I am just back from a Qigong retreat in Scotland. And Qigong means literally the art of energy. It is a Chinese practice and I've practiced this art already for over 15, I think about 17 years now. I'm also certified to teach it. I teach it in some of my programs.


I teach this to my students because I think it is a really beautiful energy practice and it is very powerful. In my personal life, I, this is the one practice I do every day. At least once day, sometimes twice a day, and I have traveled the world to do many, many courses, and I have the best teachers. And this week I was with my teacher Daryl Collett with whom we have previously also recorded a podcast. So, that is a little bit of a background of where this episode is coming from.


And in this week, in this past week in Scotland I had some really deep, profound experiences and insights about the concept of karma. I'm on I wanna share them with you. If you follow me on Instagram, you might have seen some of these things in my stories. And if you don't follow me on Instagram, definitely come and do so. Because when I do journeys like these, this is where I like to share the in the moments, events, pictures, videos, and takeaways.


And I asked you in my stories, it would be interesting to talk about the concept of karma and flow and how we can really create, quote, unquote, good karma in our lives and thus also in our businesses. And most of you said yes. So here I am talking about the concept of karma and energy work today, and what it really means for us. And, I need to go to something quite personal that before I dive into that concept. So, one of the things that came up for me in this week, and I this hasn't been a new quote unquote issue.


It's something that I've been aware of for a while, but for some reason right now is the time to deal with it, to get new perspective and insights on it. And that is that I noticed for myself that the concept of karma just felt really closely related to either punishment or reward. So it's like you get bad karma if you do something bad, and you know, if you, you can I can see that in a bigger picture in the world, as in bad people get bad things? But also in my personal life, if I regret something or if I feel guilty about something, it's like I'm getting bad karma and it is my fault. So it can be that tool of the mind of the thinking mind to beat yourself up and I noticed that for me if it's certain issues I would see karma that way.


And then in the other way, it's like karma is good karma because I did something good. So it's almost like that reward and always thinking that you can manipulate karma at any time just by being a good or a bad person you will get more good or more bad and but that concept also got me into another inner conflict where this like why isn't the word more fair? If that would be true, if karma is a reward or a punishment always, then why isn't it in the world why is why does it happen somebody can, I don't know, be the manufacturer of weapons that kill many people and then be very rich? You know? So why do they get the reward of money if it isn't for them doing creating good in the world?


So this whole concept of good and bad and how do I see that, in a smaller way you could say, like just to relate it to our practices as coaches and experts and being entrepreneurs. Why is it that somebody who's maybe even less, who has less certification than me has studied less. Why do they make way more money in their business? Isn't that unfair? Right?


It should be karma. It should be I worked really hard so I should get a lot of money, for example. And by the way, I already decided that next week I'm gonna talk about karma in the sense of money. So if you're triggered by those words and karma, next week I'll dive deeper into that. But really here what I wanted to land is that the misconception is, this is how I see it now, the misconception is that karma isn't just good or bad.


It isn't just punishment or reward. I think that I really had a trouble to see them what. So them what is it? Because isn't it like that? And I think I'm not alone in that.


So I thought it'd be really helpful to dive into that deeper today. Because if we think karma is just punishment and reward, if it is just good and bad, if it says something about if we are a good or a bad person, it can really create anxiety. And in a way that a whole belief system of I need to, you know, I'm getting this I'm not getting this result of this launch. Again, let me make it very mundane examples as in I wanted to make €100,000 for the launch and I only made €10,000. Why is that?


Is that bad karma? Am I doing something wrong? Is this punishment? Right? And I think that in itself, that belief system creates a blockage.


And again, it it actually links to something deeper than that, and I'll I'll get to that in a minute. So if you recognize that like karma being either good or bad this feeling of unfair is unfair somebody else has more success or it's unfair in the world that it isn't always that the good people get all the good things or get the long life or get the all that then it's that feeling of, you know, karma is just not what is it? You know? How does it work? Why isn't it more quote unquote fair?


So in this week when I sat with all that and interestingly enough it wasn't only a week of beautiful Qigong practice in a beautiful part in the world in Scotland in nature with an amazing group of people that I've known for also about 17 years because we have been practicing Qigong with the same teacher together for this long, time. So that is all really special and really beautiful. But in this week I also saw I would say some quote unquote on my demons either some things happened that I won't specify but that were really, really tough to deal with. And amidst all of that, these highs and lows, I had this ongoing insights and questions and emotions coming up around karma. And what I see now is that karma isn't as, how would I say, immediate as I would make it as my mind was making it.


If I think that karma is a direct reward, like I I do this thing and I karma this is good karma and I have a direct grade award reward for it. That would be too much of a simplification of this deep spiritual cosmic concept. So karma is something way better than that. Your karma basically already starts before you were born and depending on what you believe and all beliefs around us are fine. I do believe we have multiple lifetimes.


So it can even come from a previous lifetime, and then another, you know, it can come from your genetics. It's very clear that the family that you get born into already sets a certain cause and effect Which by the way, I think is a beautiful description of karma. Cause and effect is just something happens that has a certain effect. So for me this insight of like wait a minute, karma is a way bigger thing. I do not have control over every part of my karma.


And keep listening because I do have another insight which actually puts me in direct quote, unquote, I won't say control, but I can directly influence my karma even in this lifetime and over coming lifetime and maybe even past lifetimes depending on how we think time works. But karma is something that in one hand is bigger than me. I have to surrender it. I do not know all the parts that are playing a role in this. I do not know everything that is a part of my karma and of why something happens or why it doesn't happen.


Right? It is not something that I can completely understand. A beautiful story that Daryl, my teacher, told us on the retreat was of a boy and this boy was given a horse. And everybody was saying like, oh my gosh. That is amazing.


Such good karma for you to get a horse. You know, such a valuable gift. And, a couple of weeks later he's like riding the horse and then one day the horse gets afraid of something and jumps and he falls off the horse and breaks his leg. And people are like, oh, we thought it was good karma but maybe it's actually bad karma because now you broke your leg because of this horse. And then not long later all of a sudden the country was in war.


So now all the men need to go and fight in the war, but this boy, because he has broken his leg, doesn't have to go and fight. And then you could say it was, it looked like karma was actually good karma because he got to stay home. Right? So this is what I mean with in the bigger scale of events, we don't know exactly what is good and bad karma. Things that may per be perceived right now as bad karma maybe are actually the universe or God, however you want to name it, providing a pathway for you to get to the best outcome possible.


So, first of all, to surrender this concept of karma and not say it's direct. If I just had a sales call and this person said no to join my program, is that bad karma? Not necessarily. Maybe this person really didn't belong there. Maybe it was just not the time.


Maybe, maybe, maybe there's so many things that we do not know. It is not necessarily bad karma. In the bigger scale of things, you might only be able to see why certain things happened in your life many years later. It's Steve Jobs that said you can only connect the dots backwards. Isn't it?


So you can only see what was, why something happened if you look at it at hindsight. As I just promised, there is still a way to say get good karma or get good flow in your life. And that what that means is that you just have the things happen in a way that feel really smooth and nice. Again, it can still be like the story with the boy that fell from the horse, can still be that something that turns out later to be the best thing, but generally it is something that you would say creates this really beautiful, easeful flow that feels like, oh, this is really divine timing. This is really how it is meant to be.


So how do you get there? Like, how do you do that? And again, if you relate to this as good and bad and punishment and reward, you try to manipulate it. You know, try to manipulate it's kind of like, I wanna manifest things in my life from a from a brainy kinda space. And that is not what I'm talking about.


What I'm talking about is how do you get into that good flow? How do you get into this beautiful flow of life? For a moment I need to look at what is good flow. And I want us to think of, for a moment, of this as in a Qigong perspective which is that everything ultimately is energy. And you can say Qigong perspective this is also, just you know, quantum mechanics.


It is like really thinking of everything in the end is energy, Right? We are energy. Everything around us is energy. Everything you made in the end of energy and we perceive it as a human, a car, a street, a house, everything is energy. So if everything is energy, what creates good flow, good karma is when flow when energy can flow.


Energy naturally wants to flow. It wants to be free. It wants to be, yeah, free flowing. Whenever there's an energy obstruction, so there's something where the energy doesn't flow for some reason. There's not enough energy.


There's too much energy. There's a blockage. When energy can't flow, it creates this ease, not ease. Right? And as the title of this postcard, we want to create ease, easefulness, and flow.


So in order to get to easefulness and flow, we need to remove the energetic blockages in our lives. In our businesses. In our relationships. In our bodies. In our minds.


We want to release the energetic blockages. These blockages, you can see them, they are on older levels. So and blockage can be physical in your body, it can be mental, emotional, it can be a karmic blockage. And you can think of this as, for example, if you've had, let's say the broken leg, it's a physical blockage. Right?


If I have a limiting belief, even as I said, I have the belief that karma is just about punishing me. I'm, like, having this feeling of, like, I am getting punished for things that I didn't do right or because I'm not good enough or whatever. That is a mental blockage. Any limiting belief. And if you know me and I've followed me for a while, you know, I talk a lot about beliefs.


Any limiting beliefs is a is a mental blockage. So here's the point I wanna get to is that when we focus on clearing out the blockages and creating good energy flow. So in simple terms, when we focus on our well-being, on being feeling good, on taking care and time for fun little parts of ourselves and truly and deeply heal them heal them on the subconscious level, on an energetic level. If we take time to rest and to sleep, to nourish our bodies and our minds and our relationships and our souls, and our heart. This is the best thing that we can do in order to be in an energetic state that will create flow.


And if you create flow, you are somebody who feels what is right for you. You know this is a yes. This is a no for me. This person is a yes for me. This person is a no for me.


This is the difference between fear and this is the difference about intuition. And I know how to go with my real self, with my intuition and let go of fear. If you are in that state, if you take care of you and prioritize your energy, your flow, your emotions, your well-being, that is ultimately clearing your karma. It's creating good karma in your life. Right?


This landed for me so deeply in the past week. It's not about wanting to manipulate the future or the past or beating myself up about something hoping that I will do better next time. It's about being so compassionate and loving and kind and caring for yourself so that you create flow, that you allow yourself to heal on the deep levels, that you allow yourself to dream on the high levels and to step into your vision and to step into your future self, and to receive support and care from yourself and others, and so much compassion for the fact that you are human, and you have no idea, and that you can only connect the dots backwards, but the only thing you can do right now is to be close enough to yourself, to you, to be with you, and to really take care of your energy first, of your body first, of your heart and your intuition, and choose the things that feel true to you right now. And that isn't always and sometimes it is, but it isn't always hang on the couch with a bag of crisps and watch TV. Right?


That can be a way to be like, yeah but that is what feels comfortable. It's not about staying in the comfort zone. It's about tuning into what feels truly right, what feels truly authentic, real. And sometimes, that's crying for a day because something in life hurt you a lot, or because something wants to be healed, or because something of the past still needs to heal. Sometimes it's that.


And sometimes it's stepping into the unknown, doing something you've never done before. It can be as concrete as sometimes it's creating a new program and raising the price and really stepping into that expert level of you. And stepping out there and getting the clients for that. And sometimes it's taking a break and just rest and having a deep, deep sleep, Just letting it all go or having a massage and taking care of you or having a a reiki treatment or what ever floats your boat. Anything that gets you in that state of care and ease and love and kindness to yourself.


Sometimes it's just spending time with your loved ones. Making a puzzle with your kids. Like, whatever it is. These moments of love and care, learning what are your boundaries. What are you saying yes to?


What are you saying no to? And what is really self love as in this is what I'm giving myself. This is where I'm not going because I know it doesn't feel good. And this is what I'm doing because I know it feels good. And this is where I'm choosing to forgive myself because I didn't know any better or forgive somebody else because in that moment they tried the best they could.


And all of that practice, all of those beautiful things, the little things, the big things, that is what shifts karma. So karma as being this really big subject like we have no idea, the whole humanity is in one big state of karmic events all the time. Karma is so big. It is not just about you, it is about life. It is about something so much bigger than yourself, where you play a role in.


You cannot manipulate it or control it from a thinking mind, but what you can do is be as sincere as possible every day with yourself and nourish your heart and your soul and your real self and all that together creates your best flow of karma that creates you connecting to your divine timing, to your true self, to your essence, to your purpose here in this life. So I hope all of this lands with you as it has landed with me and is still landing. And I'd love for this to be an ongoing conversation. If you have thoughts about this the best way to connect with me is just to find me on Instagram, send me a message. I'd love to have a conversation.


And if you listened to all this and it is invoking some kind of curiosity in you on how to be more connected to that real you, to that essence, and not get caught up into the illusions of your mind, your limiting beliefs, the things that actually block your flow and thus, in a way, keep you from your divine timing, from your good karma, from your flow in your life and in your business. I have an amazing training where I take my students into the deep practice, into the subconscious mind, and into energy where we look at what are those beliefs. And the beliefs would be the mental blockages that we can release. And I have a beautiful training called embodied vision certification program. In this program I teach you the exact system that I have used with 100 of coaches and experts all over the world that people have huge transformations with even in one session.


And I teach you that system so that you can use it for yourself, that you can shift your beliefs on a deep subconscious level for yourself and for your clients. So if you have any way, any part of you is, like, I'm interested. I'm curious. I would like to know more about that. Just get to my Instagram and write me the word belief.


So that I know that you're interested, and I'll tell you all about it. The next round is starting on Friday, 26th July. So that is rather soon. So if you hear this podcast now, go and dive into my DMs and let me know. If you hear it after the 26th July, 2024, still send me a DM because, I'll let you know if you can still get in or when you can get in and join this round of the embodied version certification program.


Again, if any of this spoke to you and you are just curious, sent me that d m, write belief in my Instagram, and I'd love to talk to you. Thank you so much for listening to me today. Thank you so much for being here. I do believe it is not a good incidence, and it is meant to be that we had this conversation. And I'd love to hear what your thoughts are on the topic of karma.


Next week, I'm diving into the topic of karma related to money and money blocks. So I'm really excited about that. Can't wait to connect again next week. Thank you for joining us today on the Choosing Ease podcast. Remember to subscribe so you never miss an opportunity to connect, and I'd be so grateful if you could share your thoughts in a review.


Join me next time as I continue to explore the powerful skills and strategies that will help you to let go of everything that keeps you from fully sharing your genius. You are destined for greatness, and through the Choosing Ease podcast, I'm here to help you own your unique wisdom and share it with the world. Until next time, keep choosing Ease.