The Jonathan Kogan Show

Step into the heart of American democracy with "Inside the Arena," the podcast that brings you an exclusive and in-depth analysis of the pivotal events shaping the nation's political landscape. In our latest episode, we delve into the electrifying atmosphere of the first GOP Presidential Debate of 2024.

As microphones pick up the passion and tension on stage, our podcast hosts leave no stone unturned, providing context to every policy proposal, fact-checking statements in real-time, and offering historical comparisons to previous debates that shaped the course of American politics.

From the rise of new faces to the strategies of seasoned politicians, "Inside the Arena" delivers unbiased, thought-provoking analysis that transcends party lines. We aim to bring clarity to the intricacies of the debate, helping you navigate through the political rhetoric and make informed judgments about the contenders' visions for the nation's future.

Tune in to our podcast as we capture the essence of democracy in action, making sense of the memorable moments, the unexpected twists, and the defining exchanges that will undoubtedly influence the upcoming election season. Whether you're a political junkie, a concerned citizen, or someone curious about the future of the United States, "Inside the Arena" is your ultimate guide to decoding the first GOP Presidential Debate of 2024. Subscribe now and stay informed!
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The Jonathan Kogan Show brings you the most important, underreports news (and hot takes) that you need to know but the mainstream media is not covering. If you are searching for the truth, and of course the cold hard facts, then this podcast is for you. But, if you are looking for fake news and distractions from the real news, then you will be better off going to CNN, MSNBC, or Fox News. We do not cater to any corporations or powerful elites, but rather everyday peasants who simply want to know what is really going on without the propaganda.

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Jonathan Kogan:
Not a lot of thunder there, I gotta say. Wow, not bad. That's a good intro, I gotta say. Wow. Also very good. Listen, we don't care who says what, we just judge things objectively. Both very good. Is this a real fight? This is so absurd. It doesn't come off as authentic. Here he goes. He's the only one who could say that. Oh. Oh, that was all scripted, but good. Trump's defense will be, I gave the state's permission to do whatever they want. So weird. The whole thing is the Matrix. Oh, Berger. Interesting dude. Interesting looking too. Dude's got interesting policy. He's a billionaire who created his massive business out of North Dakota, which is pretty impressive. Who is this guy? Why is he on the stage? Is he a real human? I mean it's okay, just who is this dude? No, I know who he is, but... Oh, talk about current events. Oh. So these snippets that these people are going to say are going to be used by the Biden campaign and Democrats. Just watch. It's almost like they're baiting them. It's weird. That's fair. This is so weird. This dude has prepared. Whoa. This is wild. Wow. This is not a normal debate. Whoa. Not bad. This is such a weird debate. It's like, it's not even real. That's so bizarre. Right. That's what people forget. You can't just cut things in one country and then keep growing coal in China. Yeah. She's got two solid answers so far. You gotta give it to her. was long. That was long. So that was a bizarre beginning to the debate. I don't know what you guys think. I think it was weird, very weird. And so let's review some of the stuff that happened. Well, what is this? Hold on. Ah, whatever. So what's interesting here? So I think leading up to this, Vivek has done some really good podcasts, some really good interviews. He talks really well. And this isn't, if you're on either, I don't care what side you're on with the climate change, it has nothing to do with that, but him coming out and saying that so harshly that I'm the only one that could say this and climate change is a hoax, even if it is, that just comes off as it came off as really smug and arrogant. It wasn't, it just came out as very cocky. Like he knows more than you do. That was not good. He was very, he's been very smooth up to this point. That was bad. And that clip now is going to be used by whoever runs the Democratic Party. And that in itself will turn off a ton of independent voters. If you just have climate change as a hoax and I'm not a super packed puppy and I could say it. I'm the only one who could say it. That came off to me as really bad out of his character. You know, maybe the spotlight was too big. That was really not good in my opinion. I'm curious to hear what you guys think. So Doug Burgum hasn't talked much. I think he's interesting. Like I said, he built a multi-billion dollar business, became a billionaire in North Dakota that is, let's say, not easy. Nikki Haley has said two things and both were pretty solid. They were both very good. Chris Christie is on the stage to just bash certain people, but he did a decent job when he talked about the Vic. That was funny. skinny guy with a tie and that was like Obama. I think a lot of people in the country would think that's a compliment, but I guess there's a good portion that would not like that as well, obviously. Um, but that's what he, that's what he's here for. Tim Scott comes off as whatever. Uh, and Ron DeSantis has been the best person so far, and he already used his most important card, which is the COVID card, right? He didn't do lockdowns and how it was handled in Florida. You know, they, they handled it the best. Uh, so that's his number one talking point. He got to use it, use it very well. Uh, it's a big point. The, the, the Trump defense though is going to be, I'm just saying what it's going to be. The Trump defense is going to be, Hey, I didn't centralize power and say lockdown or not lockdown. I distributed power to all the individual states and governors made the decision. So if you locked down or not, it's not on me. I gave every governor the power. So. It's. kind of an indirect attack at Trump with DeSantis, but, you know, he did, he did give a lot of power to Fauci, listened to everything he said, and that did not go well at all. So, I think DeSantis used that card, used it fairly quickly, but, you know, it's good. It was good. He definitely has been, definitely been practicing for this, you could tell, but I think he's done an excellent, excellent job. And again, we just call it as we see it. On the Jonathan Cogan show, very simple. We don't have political views. We just are very good at reading people, assessing the room, um, you know, understanding what gets across most people, who's being truthful, who's not. We don't do the whole political views. We just call it. Uh, so DeSantis is definitely up right now. Nikki Haley, you got to say she's done a good job. Burgum only said one thing and it was mediocre. I think he needs to talk more to get a shot. He's definitely interesting. Chris Christie, you know, he had a one good insult, uh, Vivek. is coming out too cocky. He's coming out too cocky. I'm telling you people watching this are not happy with Vivek, if they've never seen him before. If this is the first time they're coming in contact with Vivek, they are turned off right now. Now he could change that, but I'm telling you from how he comes off in every other interview up to this point, he's very favorable, he's unbelievable with his words, and I'm telling you, he's captivating. But on this debate, He has started off on the wrong foot. He's pressing too much on the super PAC puppet, telling the truth and climate change as a hoax was very direct. Whatever you think of the topic, it's going to turn off a lot of people. Let's get back into the debate. And that's the assessment so far. By the way, these are the most divisive topics between Democrats and Republicans to create turmoil in the country. Interesting. That's a pretty good answer actually. You can't do a, just like you can't have a federal, you know, just like Roe, how it was federally, you can't do federal abort, a ban. Nothing federal. Ooh, interesting. Okay. Yeah. He bounced around that. He's not answering. He's not answering. Oh boy, this, he's gonna, here we go. When is that point? Really? He doesn't, does he talk like this at the dinner table? Wow. Wow, Nikki Haley coming off as very honest. Respect. Yeah, bring Bergen back in. He looks funny. That's a good way to explain what I'm trying to say. He's right. That goes against the repeal. what Burgum is saying though is right. It has to be with the states. So they talk about how Roe can't be on the national level, and then the next day they're saying, ban abortion on the national level. You gotta be principled. It's weird, but if the people want that in California, why take it away? It is bizarre though. But then why was Roe a problem? You said Roe was a problem because it was at the national level. Okay. Okay, this will be good. They're gonna start with the vague. It's my guess. by dynamics. Whoa. That's Vivek's talking point shutting down the part of education. He just stole it. That's crazy. Wow. That was pretty good. That was a good recover from his start. It has? Oh my god. Could you be being so powerful that your name is on the debate stage like that? Wow. By the way, if you critique George Soros, you're an anti-Semitic. Or you are anti-Semitic, just so you know. Can't do that. Also interesting. The head of the DA. Oh my God, they're gonna spend the next, the whole rest of the debate talking about Trump and he's not even there. Oh man, what do you guys think so far? What do you think? I think that last round, I think actually a lot of people said good things. I think it was all kind of spread around amongst everybody. I think Vivek kind of recovered a bit. I think Pence made good points about how, listen, if you're saying that there's, you know, America's in a dark place and there's a problem with America. You're you have it bat, you have it wrong because it's not anything with the American people. It's the American government. So stop saying there's a problem with the American people. That's a fair, that was a fair response. It was actually a good response to Vivek, to be honest, because he always talks about how we need a new identity. And he's like, listen, the American people are great. They love freedom. They love all this stuff. The new identity is for the government, Washington, D.C. He's kind of got a point. No one ever responded to him with that. Doug Burgum made a good point. Hey, maybe we can get a, you know, a president in the White House that understands small town values and how small town values is maybe what we need right now to bring us back. You know, people helping people, loving thy neighbor, you know, bringing a lot of those cultural norms that are in small towns more nationwide. A huge swath of population won't like that answer, but it's an interesting argument. Maybe that is more of what we need. What else we got? DeSantis. I was shocked to hear that there was increased crime in Florida, but then he said Florida was actually down for a 50 year low, but they said, then they clarified Miami. I'm still surprised though. I thought Miami, a lot of people move there, but I still thought Miami would be improved, not worse. But I guess it's just affecting everybody. So also kind of interesting for sure. And Yeah, I think that's it for right now. It's going to be interesting. It's going to be very, very interesting. So let's get this back on the screen. Now the whole next segment, at least the next segment is going to be Donald Trump, who by the way, posted this. This is on X. This is Tucker Carlson. Oh, I missed it. Shoot. I just screwed it up. Where he says He did. It's got 75 million views already. 46 minutes at Tucker Carlson on X. So keep that in mind. I was watching some of it. Now I lost my spot, but that's okay. And now we're going to get back to the debate to see where we're at. But overall, the whole thing, the whole debate so far is a little goofy, no matter what you think of it. Like just take the politics out of it if you can. Just weird. which is very, very goofy, very goofy. Some of it seems like fake, this like fighting and attacking, but it's like not real. It's very bizarre, very, very bizarre. You guys know what I thought about the beginning. Now this whole next, it's so weird, Pence running on, all this stuff we, you know, as administration, everything we did, well, the guy who was your president, who you reported to is also running. It's just so bizarre. You're saying, my administration did so much. If that's true, the guy who you worked for is also running. It's such a weird dynamic for that particular one. This is where Chris Christie is going to get his chance to shine. He's going to really lay it into Trump. I bet you Asa will too. So Chris Christie, Asa, I don't know what Doug's going to say. Vivek is going to defend him. Ron DeSantis, this is going to be very interesting how Ron DeSantis handles the Trump. topic because the interesting part is nationwide, DeSantis has a lot of support with independents and others, but in order to win, he has to win the Republican primary and get those MAGA voters. And I don't think that's so easy without defending him somewhat, but if you full out attack him, you literally just won't have enough people to win the Republican primary just because so many people support Trump. So it's going to be a tough balance for DeSantis on this one. This is going to be very interesting to hear. Chris Christie, here's your moment to shine. And probably Asa. Doug Burgum, I am very curious to what he says. He seems like a very logical dude so far. Just doesn't have that charisma-esque. I think Vivek could do a decent job from the other point of view of Chris Christie of defending him. So I'll be interested in your watch. So it's probably coming up here right now. You gotta admit, it's pretty unbelievably trollish for Trump to release an interview. With Tucker Carlson, probably the number one conservative commentator at 8 55 on the night of the first GOP debates that start at nine o'clock. That is like ultimate troll level 15. You got to admit that is a big, big time troll. All right. Let's get back to it. You gotta get that it is it's massive troll. All right, here we go. Now. It's all Trump How much does the media love talking about Trump? What are they gonna do in like 10 years when he's dead? Trump. A brief moment, let's watch how brief this is. It's 9 58. They're raising their hands again. Wow, everyone but Asa. Yeah, well. Here you go, like I said. Time to shine. Mixed crowd reactions. Wow, this is interesting. Whoa. Did I not call it? Oh, massive boos this time. He forgot what he's saying. Whoa. The vague just recovered. He's addressing the audience, the moderator. It's Vivek. Gotta relax though. She's weird at asking questions, not prepared. So he's saying that it is being weaponized. Fave, you gotta relax, man. He just started preaching. Oh boy. Interesting. Wow. Oh my God. people just vote? Let the people just vote. Let the people vote. You know, like, I don't know, democracy. Oh yeah, Nikki Haley, where you been? She's doing very good. I didn't... That's... He's such a politician, it's wild. But he asked him to do a legal thing. You could send it back to the state legislature. They then changed that law. So he, that's not totally true. Ukraine, this is also interesting. This will show who's establishment and who's not anti-establishment. Uh-huh. Here we go. What's... Oh, the Santas. Oh, Vivek's the only one! Oh, he's so mixed. He's the only one. So descriptive. that weirdly kind of helped the Vakes earlier stuff. Yeah, she loves war. You always got to support whatever war it is. Otherwise you hate America. another. Uh oh. That's true, we're not. Wow, took the vase talking point. He keeps saying that, it's so weird. He always says that. God, the establishment wants war so bad. They love war. It's true. Okay. I think it's over 100 now. Why does anyone want an open border? I don't understand it. It's so weird. Oh, I forgot about Issa. Stone Cold Dead. if he says this again. Oh, pants. Seven million! Where are they? That's wild! Just give them New Jersey. More war, baby! Let's just fight a hundred wars. I think we should wage war on every country in the world. Just to test it. Let's just give it a test. All right. Again, very interesting stuff. Very interesting stuff. Everyone seemed to be fairly aligned on those topics, the southern border, the fentanyl. A lot of alignments there, a lot of alignments. So not too crazy. But I believe this was the last one, the last segment when Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy went at it. And I got to say, the crowd was feeling Nikki. over Vivek for sure that they were just cheering her on like she was just crushing it. I mean that's how they perceived it. You know, I gotta say, I gotta stay with what I was originally saying. I don't think Vivek is doing nearly as well as he is done leading up to this moment. He's really had some incredible talks and interviews. He's coming off as really cocky, arrogant, I'm better, these people can't say anything, only I can speak the truth. Very pompous, is that the right word? Pompous. Whatever you think of Nikki Haley, she's done fairly well in her answers. I think she's done a pretty good job. Listen, this is about who we support. We just call things as they are objectively. And Nikki Haley has definitely done one of the better jobs. Mike Pence just takes up a lot of talking room that other people can do. There's no way that dude talks like that behind closed doors. It seems extremely manufactured and I just do not trust it. Asa, now I understand he has ties to the Bush administration and the DEA. Okay. So he's like an old school neocon. I got it. Um, Chris Christie, um, you know, he's there, he's on the stage to, you know, attack Trump, but, uh, he's answered other questions decently well, that last one with the border and the migrants, I think he did a good job. And DeSantis is interesting. He's doing good in his answers. I have to say he's delivered some very good answers, but the, the moderators are putting them in a tough position where Trump is very, at least like anti-establishment in a lot of his views of, you know, no war, like we need no war. Since DeSantis can't fully say that, he's been in the middle like, will you not support Ukraine? He like puts his hand up and then he like waves it like a little bit. And they're like, wait, you wouldn't send it to Ukraine. And then he like diverts the Southern board. He it's interesting. He's balancing getting the Trump supporters, those MAGA voters with establishment talking points of more war, more, you know, more money to the military industrial complex. That is a tough balance because they are totally opposite of one another. And he's doing his best to balance it, but he's not answering questions directly. And this has happened twice now that he hasn't answered the questions directly. So, uh, I think this is going to catch out to him. I don't think he can just play coy, uh, with these issues. Uh, I think the MAGA voters are realizing he's not answering it. And then from the establishment side, They don't really care because they know in the end, he'll probably support that. But they can't be happy too, because he's not confidently saying, hey, we should go to war with Russia as long as we can. We should just fight every country and spread democracy across the universe. He's not going all the way out. So they have to be losing confidence. So he actually might lose both sides because he's trying to play the middle ground. So he's turning off establishment neocons and MAGA voters. I don't know how he's going to get those MAGA voters because they love Trump. They love him. I just don't see how it's going to happen. I really don't. There's a tough balance. I don't know, man. It's very crazy. Vivek needs to be more used to have a little more humility on the stage and. You know, I mean, Nikki brought up that Israel talking point, which is an interesting one. Uh, listen, let's just take a listen to the, uh, this might be one of the last, uh, parts, but the debate is back on. I think we got 23 minutes. If I, if I'm right, here we go. Are they gonna bring up that slavery thing? So many. That was a good answer. That was a recovery for Vivek. Oh God, here we go. Wait, Nikki in North Dakota? Oh. Yeah, we are teaching the wrong things. The jobs of the future are going to be so different. That's a fair answer. I knew it. Oh boy. Really? He's so sharp. Didn't they make Trump do it? Arkansas? The best engineers come from Arkansas? This guy's one of the greatest engineers of all time. Weird. He said that before. Yeah, so a little analysis here. They all had a lot of agreement with shutting down Department of Education. So that's clearly a Republican talking point there. The teacher unions, that was also a big one. Wait, we got a comment here. What are when are people going to wake up? There's no such thing as an election, but a selection. I don't know what that comment means. But anyways. So again, we got Trump putting out an interview with Tucker Carlson on Twitter five minutes before this debate. They actually didn't spend an insane amount of time on Trump. I thought they were going to spend 72 percent of the debate with Trump. That's what I thought. Tim Scott, not impressive at all. Doug Burgum had his moments, but not good. Asa, barely even there. Chris Christie capitalized early on his thing, but then fell off. Nikki Haley, I think has been steady and actually pretty decent. I think she's been pretty good actually. Vivek has some very good points, but came off as a little too much sometimes. And DeSantis very good, but too much balancing. So I think a lot of this we'll get exposed later on, we'll see. So right now I'd probably rank it. I'd probably say if you take the whole thing into consideration, I'd probably say Nikki Haley is one. I'd say Ron DeSantis is two. I would say Vivek is three. I would say Chris Christie is four. I would say Burgum is five. I would say Tim Scott is six. And I would say Asa Hutchinson is seven. That would probably be my rankings right now. If I had to fairly assess the situation, honestly and truthfully, that's where we're at. I'm curious to know what you think. Let me know on Twitter or on X at K-O-G-Z. I would love to hear what you think. Love to hear what you think. But I have to say out of all of these people, nobody can compare to the strength, the resiliency, the unbelievable candor from the greatest president in the history of the United States of America, Joe Biden. That guy, you could take Lincoln. You could put in a little dash of George Washington, a little sprinkle of Thomas Jefferson and a little topping of JFK. And that is probably a third, if that of what Joe Biden is because he's a hero. And he's the greatest. And I love the people who are willing to die on the Hill saying that Joe Biden is the greatest president in the history of presidents. I love it. It makes it so easy to decipher who's a paid shill or just being dishonest. Uh, and, or who's just out of their mind. Cause to say, to die on the Hill, to say that Joe Biden is the best president in the history of presidents. That is the most bizarre thing to possibly say. Okay. This has nothing to do with the prior president. Cause, oh, when you say somebody by knowing then you bring up Trump has nothing to do with that. Just if you are saying that buying is the best ever. When he can't even put a sentence together, something is wrong. You're not being honest. The guy is like a walking vegetable. So anyways, it makes it very easy to be able to tell who you can listen to or who you should listen to and who you shouldn't listen to, but Tim Scott, not very good showing, you know, we know why Chris Christie and people like A$AP are on stage, but Chris Christie did answer a couple of questions. Well. I think the most steady was Nikki Haley. I think Nikki Haley performed the best out of anybody. I mean, listen, I don't support politicians. I'm just willing to say the truth. And if you look and assess all of the different answers and how they handle it seemed like the audience really liked Nikki Haley. I think Nikki Haley had a very good beginning. Vivek was just too much for people. I know he's going to come off as too much. And his climate change hoax thing is not going to play well in clips for the democratic party. I'm just telling you that right now. That was a bad thing to put on camera in a debate. Like it was so confident. Like you got to like be a little more political on that answer. Probably. Right. Dodged a little bit. Um, and then, uh, Ron DeSantis overall, pretty, pretty sharp for sure. Pretty sharp, but he's got a really tough balance with these, you know, what do you want Trump MAGA voters and the establishment, you could tell he's in the middle. He is absolutely in the middle, but he's done a very good job today. He's done a good job. So let's finish this off right here. I think we've got five minutes and then we'll end the stream. Hope you've enjoyed it so far. If you do, please subscribe and follow the Jonathan Cogan Show, number one apolitical podcast on the internet. Here we go. Oh, shout out rumble. Isn't this guy old leadership? It's like an infomercial. no sales pitch to go give them a vote or to check a website. Oh, Pence. You got 40,000 contributions. I don't know why it makes me laugh. No plug for a website. Also, I'll turn. Is he gonna say anything? Interesting. All right. That's a wrap. That's a wrap. So again, what did you guys think? I mean, pretty wild times started off rocky, weird exchanges back and forth, final ratings. We're gonna end it here. I'm going to give Nikki Haley number one. That's a shock. That's crazy. That's nuts. But I give her the number one spot. I think overall throughout the course of this entire thing, she performed the best. Not talking about her views, so just how it was handled, how the audience saw it. She did the best. Number two, DeSantis. DeSantis is number two, pretty solid, but wavering on multiple sides. Number three, Vivek. Recovered a lot towards the end. So that's one, two, three. Number four, Chris Christie. He did well. He took his shots at Trump, which he's supposed to do, but he did very well. What is that? Burgum, you know, just kind of there, stumbled, got nervous a few times. You could see the hesitation, forgot what he was going to say, but, you know, had, yeah, but did well for the most part, but, you know, did slip up a decent amount. Number six, Asa, just kind of there, said a bunch of stuff, but, you know, didn't really stutter and everything kind of was clear on what he wanted to say. Just kind of sucked overall. And then last place is Pence. He is so difficult to listen to. I can't believe that dude has 40,000 individual contributions. I don't know who supports that guy, but he comes off as just a schmuck, just a fraud and a schmuck. Not genuine, totally fabricated, like a fake human. I really, it really, it makes me upset. I'm, it makes me very upset. I get very emotional when I talk about that. Apparently. I don't know what his deal is, but he just rubs me the wrong way. I don't know. I'd love to know what you think. Let me know at KOGZ. That was round one of the GOP debates live. And if you're listening to this later, thank you for tuning in to the Jonathan Cogan show as always. I appreciate it. You can subscribe to the Rumble channel, the YouTube channel, Twitter at KOGZ. We're back. We're proud. We are the number one apolitical podcast covering corrupt politics, day in and day out with truth and genuine. discussion on difficult topics without bias because that is so difficult to find nowadays. So that is what we deliver and that is what you can expect from us. I appreciate you being a part of this show. Subscribe, share, for more episodes and I'll see you later. Have an amazing day, amazing afternoon, amazing evening and until next time, hasta luego. Bye.