How's The Market? with David Childers

As an agent, you should surround yourself with people who want to see you succeed and to stay focused on your own progress rather than comparing yourself to others.
In this episode Treasure Davis, a Colorado-based top agent, team leader and coach shares impactful stories of helping clients achieve homeownership and the importance of building a team based on integrity and care. Listen for strategies for success in the current market, such as focusing on the basics, building relationships with vendors, and providing value to your clients. Treasure emphasizes the importance of having a coach, setting goals, and staying true to oneself in order to thrive in the industry.
We measure our success by your peace of mind before, during and after the transaction Serving Colorado since 2005. For more info on Treasure and the team:
Real estate content for real results a coach and setting goals are crucial for personal and professional growth.

What is How's The Market? with David Childers?

This podcast brought to you by Keeping Current Matters brings you into the conversations that we have every day about the housing market. We believe that the educated agent wins in any market. This show will help you get there.

Welcome to the How's the Market?

Podcast, a podcast that

is built for you, where

we talk to agents, to

leaders in the market, to people

that are talking about what is

happening right now so that you

can give the best advice to the

clients you serve and

make an impact.

And you know, this week we've got

an impact maker in Treasure


She leads the Treasure Davis team in

Colorado Springs, Colorado,

and tells a phenomenal

story about what they are doing

in the market to make a difference

right now. So listen

for Treasure and just

how she cares about people,

and specifically

what they're doing tangibly

to care about people and

grow their business at the same time

because she's going to break it

down. So with that, let's

go ahead and hop right in.

Well, Treasure, it is good to have

you on the podcast today.

I'm grateful for for you joining.

So thank you for making a few

moments to to spend together.

Thank you for the opportunity.

I really appreciate it.

You got it. You got it.

Well, you and I have known each

other for, for several years.

You've got an amazing team.

But for somebody listening that

maybe doesn't know Treasure Davis

doesn't know the Treasure Davis

team, tell us a little bit about you

and your team.

You're there in Colorado Springs,

but how have you been in the

Tell us just that backstory.

Yeah, well, I am about

to celebrate 19 years

in the industry.

That's awesome.

Yes. Got licensed in 2005.

And, I actually

was a nurse prior

to getting into real estate.

And I also worked at

a prison, well, a

medium security male prison, which

you wouldn't think goes hand in hand

with real estate, yet somehow it


What did you do in the prison?

I worked for the

warden, and.


The last job I did was getting

together the files for the cases.

When the inmates would see you for

the attorney general's.

So. Wow.

It was a really great career.

I think it really launched me into

doing that. I've always been an


So my husband and I have bought

businesses, built them up, sold

them off.

We've done three previously.

So, when

I was doing that, my husband and I

lived in a really small town in

Colorado, and, I had a

wedding store, worked at the prison.

My husband had a sprinkler business,

worked at the prison, and we were

working four jobs, working


And we were not able to,

like, get ahead.

And my father in law, who was in

real estate in Colorado Springs, was

always at baseball games,

living the best life, you know,

making great money, able to afford

things. And I was like, I can

do that.

So I got licensed in 2005,

moved by a family up to Colorado


That's what they did stated income

loans, which we remember how that

turned out.

All right, I remember it well, yeah.

And, we quit our state jobs,

left all of our benefits behind.

And I was like, I'm going to take a

go at this.

And I think, like so many people,

once I got into it, getting license

was the easy part.

And then I realized, oh my gosh,

there's a lot to this, right?

And there's a lot of liability

and there's a lot of ways to

make mistakes that are easy

just from being an experience for


And I'm so thankful for the mentors

that I had literally from day one

walking me through that.

And I think a lot of people like,

look at where we are today

and they're like, oh, it must have

always been easy.

It must have always been like this.

Like, you know, they've always

been selling this number of houses

and doing all this business.

But, you know, the first year

in real estate, I think

I sold maybe

seven houses.

And I was in a new market that I

didn't know. I'm from Colorado

Springs, but I didn't grow up here,

so I didn't come in with this fear.

I didn't come in with this

great network.

You know, I literally was

like, what do you do?

And it was figuring out what niches

worked for me and which niches I

was willing to do to make a go at


And I'm thankful that I learned

those lessons. I don't necessarily

want to go, you know, back

to doing for sale by owner

open houses, right.

But I'm glad that I learned on doing

them and learned about, you know,

how people think and how people

what really drives their decision



Thank you for sharing that story.

That's an amazing story.

I didn't know that about you.

Yeah, yeah.

Congratulations, too, on 19 years.

Thank you.

In the business, next year will be

the big 20 year celebration.


And I'm gonna host it at

Keeping Current Matters


All right, come on down.

We'll sit by the fire here, and, and

we'll do that so.

Well, Treasure, I'm so grateful

for you sharing that, because I

think the point that you make of

somebody sees Treasure Davis or the

Treasure Davis team, and you're out

there, you've been in events and

things like that, and they think,

gosh, I don't know.

You know what that's like.

What was it like for Treasurer

starting out? And I got to think to

back in oh five was stated income

loans. Things were, you know,

sort of similar

to the last couple years where

things were, you know, a little bit,

winded. Our back maybe is the best

way to say it. Very different


How did you navigate that?

Because you're then in the business

a couple of years and

oh eight rolls around, right.

Did you what was that journey


You know, when you're a newer agent

I don't think you really know.


You don't know that this is the

hardest time because you're not

coming off of, you know,

the last great point.

So for me getting started, I

was like, oh, this is the market.

And going through all of that.

I remember thinking to myself, oh

my gosh, like doing bank

loans and having all that done is

really hard, you know, and having

water turned off in Colorado

and freezing temperatures and

turning water on.

And you know, all of those programs,

I think taught me so much.

But I don't think that as a new

agent, I really understood

the impact 08 had on so

many people.


And I think that's probably what a

lot of agents are maybe feeling a

little bit now.

Yeah, well.

I think that I didn't mean to cut

you off, but I think that's the

encouragement to anybody starting

in the business or has started in

the business the last six months

is you're like, okay, this is what I




And I think this is the best.

I mean, if you can make it in this

market, right.

This is like the oh five

of, you know, this is the 08 market,

if you will. I mean, a little bit

better. Of course.

Sure. This is kind of that market of

you're not coming off of those two

years when things were easy, just

kind of like when we were doing

stated income loans,

you really needed a pulse to get a

loan, right?

And obviously now things

have changed. But it was kind of the

same as like buying and selling

during Covid.


It was just a frenzy free for all.

So I really think that people

getting into the business now,

in this time that are newer,

have the greatest potential, because

as long as they're willing to do the

hard work and really lean in,

they're going to thrive.

It's a great point.

It's a great point.

I know if you're going to say

else, but the the

point of you don't have the

sort of rearview mirror, this is

what we used to do, or this is how

it was.

Is critically important.

I think a ton of it's a ton of

motivation and encouragement for

somebody new. And it's a realization

for people that have been in the

business. They're like, okay, I got

to do things differently.

So when at what point did you start

to build a team?

Yes. You know, going back to that,

I think what happened to a lot of us

veterans that have been in the

market for a while is

Covid really,

you know, put a put a match on

everything that we had been doing

and really, you know, jumpstarted

everything for lots of people.

And then over the last, I would say,

year, things simmer down.

And now we're needing to do

the things that we used to do

that I think some people don't want

to go back into doing right, but

we need to do them because they're

the right things to do and the

basics always.

When we get back to the basics, the

basics always win.

Yeah, and I think that's something

for like the veteran agents like

myself is like, you need

to get back into that learning mode

and you need to do the things

that got you here.

Obviously tweaking them with AI

and technology, but I think

that there's a lot of lessons to be

learned in that as well because I

hear so many people that are like,

you know, my phone's just not

ringing like it used to be.

And I'm like, in

what world do like people

call you like, right?

You have to be the one having those

conversations and doing the outreach

and and doing the things that matter

and surrounding yourself with the

people that you love, that you

work hard with, you know,

and following up with your past

clients. I mean, the stats from NAR

are crazy on

they live too. They worked with, but

then they didn't return back to

working with that agent.

It's like, oh my gosh, there is an

opportunity right there

in our database.


Such a good point, such a good

point. So

journey of the, of the team.

We were going to talk about that

when you start building a team.

And where do you sit today.

Yes. So I started building

the team roughly 12 years

ago, right off the cusp of when

teams were just kind of emerging

and people were trying to figure

them out. Of course, some people had

them, but they weren't really a

household name.

Right. And it wasn't really what

you did.

And so I started

with a really great

at that time, she was an assistant.

And I always say a good assistant

will double your business.

They will take so much off of you

that you can.

You're able to lean into what you do


Now, she's been with me for 12


She's my listing manager, and

I could not do what I do

without her.

She has helped me leverage myself

to the point of being able to

get back more time and lean and do

the things I love, like coaching

for Tom Berry and doing all of that

stuff that I couldn't do before.

The way the team actually got

started is actually a pretty funny


Go. I want to hear it.

I was doing a transaction with

an agent and I

friended her on Facebook.

This is when Facebook was still

newer. She's been with us almost

11 years, and,

she wouldn't accept my friend

request. And I was like, that's so

weird because the transaction is

going great. Our clients are happy.

We're about to go to closing.

And then on the day of closing, she

accepted my friend request, and on

there she posted, just closed

my first transaction.

And so I saw that

I was like, oh my gosh.

Like I had no idea.

Like, usually you could tell when

someone's new because things take


You know, you need to lean in and

help them with questions, which of

course is great.

You know, we were all new

at some time and we still,

you know, need help.

And so I immediately called her and

I was like, I just got to say,

I had no idea that this was your

first transaction and

you did an outstanding job.

Like, that's awesome.


I would love to meet you for coffee.

And, you know, just get to know you

better. I think you did a great job.

And so we met for coffee.

And in the back of her mind, she was

like, oh my gosh, I'm going to

recruit Treasure.

And this is going to be

great, you know, because at that

time I was probably doing.

60 transactions myself,


And so we met and I was like, oh

no, no, no, no, I'm not going

there. I'm not recruiting you like

I'm doing none of this sort.

I just wanted to meet you.

And so we stayed in contact and

stayed friends. And then as my

business picked up, I was like,

well, I have leads that I can't

take care of and you would do a

great job with them, you know, can I

connect you with them?

And so I connected her with people

and then she started getting so


But that's even before she joined up

with you.

Yeah. She was at her company and I

was at my company.

And then finally one day she came to

me and she was like, okay, by the

time that I pay you a referral fee,

my company split and all of that,

there's not a whole lot left over.

I would like to come over and join

your team. And I'm like, I don't I

don't have a team.

Like, I don't know what you're

talking about.

And she was like, no, I would really

like to join you. And I'm like,

yeah, I don't know about all that.

I'm just selling houses.

And so she's actually the one that

encouraged me to start a team

and to do all that.

And we came up with the name

together and,

I still to this day fight her

on the name of our team,

because I'm like, it should be

something like, you know.

The mountain group or something like

that. And right, know your name,

your established like it needs to be


And so she's been with me 11 years


And she is phenomenal.

But I always tell her, like, the

team is all because of you.

That's awesome.

I thought it.

And so now fast forward,

we have nine admin.

We have 15 agents.

And last year we closed

417 transactions.

Wow. With a pretty small but

mighty team.

That's amazing.

Thank you for sharing all that.

It's great.

What's her name?

Her name is Leanne Potts.

Leanne Potts.

Shout out to Leanne.

Shout out to Leanne.

That is awesome.

I appreciate you sharing that story.

I think in that in

just even doing

what you saw at the right time

is just the right thing led to

building a team. And that's really

it's really neat.


And it's it's been, you know, from

the start of the team, it's always

been about surrounding ourselves

with the right people, not just

anybody, and living at our values

and and who we are.

And really just surrounding

ourselves with great people that

lead with integrity and

take really great care of people.

Like on our team.

Now, there is not

anybody that I would say, oh my

gosh, I'm nervous about how they

conduct business or

hold themselves accountable or

take great care of our clients.

And I also, I'm really proud of the

fact that they truly believe

that everybody has the right to


Yeah. And that is impactful

because I think a lot of people can

say that.

But then when, you know, an

opportunity comes in and they're

like, oh my gosh, they're qualified

for this.

That's not going to happen.

They push it aside, but

I've seen them firsthand say,

well, no, I'm leaning in.

Yeah, because everybody starts


Is there a is there is there a story

from your team that's happened

recently or that stands out in your

mind where that happened?

There are a lot of stories about


I can remember,

one of the stories that

is very near and dear to my heart

is when I was first

getting started, and I think this is

really led to the success of our

team and who we are as a culture

and who I've surrounded myself with.

I really believe feel the

same way, and I've seen them walk

this line as well, and

it was one of my clients.

His name is Michael and

he is a veteran, and he

was in Iraq.

At the time he was a contractor.

And so he would work really long

hours. Our time difference was

different. He knew he was coming

back to Colorado at some time.

And he was like, nobody will work

with me. I've had some credit

challenges. I've had some things

going on, and everybody keeps,

like blowing me off.

And I was like, well, I'm not going

to blow you off.

Like, let's figure this out.

So I got in touch with someone that

could do some credit counseling, and

I just stayed in touch with him from

a genuine, authentic place

of like, you know, how's it

going over there?

You know what's going on, you know?

And, this is when times were

there. Tough over there anyways.

But this is, you know, before they

had really a lot of amenities

back there, you know, for, basic

necessities for our military.

And so started following

up with him. And it took us, took

him some time to save up and to do

some things. And, you know, to

really get over the mindset that he

deserved to home.

And fast forward,

it took us three and a half years.

He ended up coming back to Colorado.

He sent me a really beautiful,

gift that was like,

like butterflies.

Like preserved butterflies.

That was. They were beautiful and

exquisite, and and

I don't really know the story of,

you know, behind that.

And he also sent a flag

that had been shot by,

indirect fire, and he had

it boxed into a shadow thing, and we

just became friends.

I'm married. He's married.

There was nothing weird going on,

but it was just a really great

friendship of, like, I'm here to

support you however long this

journey takes, because I believe

that you deserve this home.

And we ended up finding him a

great townhome,

and the townhome worked out great

for him, and he lived

there for many years.

And then they decided to move.

They were having another baby and so

they were moving down to Texas.

And the

equity that he made from

selling that home.

Made a generational impact

on his family because no

one in his family had owned a home



And so those are the stories that we

have. So many have stories like

that of like, you know,

it took a long time.

Yes, there was perseverance, but

it wasn't just like, you're ready to

buy a house. It was like, hey,

how's it going with this?

Okay, that's a challenge.

Like, let's how do we overcome that?

How do we meet you where you're at

and get you to where you want to be,

and just being able to see the

impact for his family.

Was inspirational

and we have the same story

with our team.

You know, we have people on our team

that have.

I'm actually sitting next to one of

them. His name is Dean.

He'll sell 50 homes

this year.

Every year.

He's a great runner.

He's a great athlete.

But when he joined our team,

if you don't mind me sharing, Dean.


So he was a teacher

and, you know.

Teachers don't make what they need

to make in this country.

And so he could not afford

a home.

He had student debt.

He was driving an old car.

He was a great worker, great

teacher. His kids loved him.

He taught middle school, but

hands out to any teacher that

teaches at all but teaches middle


I hear that.

I have a middle schooler and I'm

like, please, thank you.

And he went from doing all

that to joining our team.

Fast forward, it's been 8 or

9 years that he's been on the team


He has owned he owns

a home, has rental properties.

He's able to travel.

He's able to run marathons

across the country, sell

50 homes a year and

take amazing care of him.

And I know that he takes amazing

care of people because his former

teachers that taught him

and, you know, when he was growing

up and his students are coming back

and buying homes from him today

and staying in touch with him today,

and I just am like, that's so

inspiring. Like, it's not just about

selling a home, it's about weaving

yourself into the journey.

However it fits in.


That's it's powerful.

And tell Dean thank you,

for allowing you to share

that story. How many people are

sitting there?

The only. Only Dean.

Okay, but you

know, one other thing I wanted to

share really quickly.

Just like who we are as a team

and as a culture.

So we have a couple of,

virtual assistants, which is kind of

popular these days.

And one of my virtual assistants

has been with us for over

five years.

When he started with us, he


a little I'm not sure the

right word for what you would call

it, but his home

didn't really have any walls, and so

the rain and the weather would come

in and cause a lot of problems

for him and his daughter.

And so over the years,

one of his first paychecks, the

first thing that he did, and he

shared it because we do,

we do zooms together

and we meet together and we talk

about, like, what we're grateful

for, what our win was, what our

affirmation is.

And I remember him saying to us,

I was able to buy my daughter a bed,

and she's never owned a bed before.

And we were like, oh my gosh,

like, we have beds, our

children have beds.

Yeah. You know, and just not really

putting the context into it.

And so over the years that he's been

with us, watching him upgrade his

living situation and then

to be able to buy a really

nice truck over in the Philippines

and him just being like, so grateful

for what he has and what he has

accomplished and how hard he works.

Really speaks to, I think, who we

are as a culture.

And I think the one thing that I

would want people to take away from

this is, you know, you

want to build a culture that speaks

to who you are, and your culture

may not be the way that, you know,

we see our culture,

but you really want it to be.

And I think a lot of people want

this intention of being from a place

of, you know, how do we want to show

up for other people and,

and how do we want to come alongside

of them?

And how do we want to make sure that

everything that we do is genuine.

And coming from a great place.

It's I always say,

when you do things right by other

people, the money follows

its second home.

Yeah. It's never about the


It's never about the next deal.

It's never about any of that.

It's like, yes, we sold 417

houses, but each single

one of those people has a story.

And we were alongside in that story

to meet them where they were in

their journey.

That's awesome.

It's I really appreciate you sharing

each one of those stories about the

team and just the

impact. I mean, it's the word,

you know, that that your team is

making all across

Colorado Springs, maybe even

further. I don't know.

In Colorado.

So thank you for that.

Yeah. Thank you for the platform to

share that. I've never shared that

on a podcast or speaking

anywhere. So thank you for the


Well, listen, I think sometimes.

It certainly happens to us

at keeping current matters in a

different way, but in for teams

and folks in your seat too.

We get so busy doing what we're

doing, we forget about that.

We forget about the impact, you

know? I try to mention that every

time we do a podcast or if I'm

doing something when, you know, when

you come here for your 20th

20 year celebration Treasure, you

bring a whole team.

There's a wall here at keeping

current matters that we believe says

we believe. Every family should feel

confident when buying and selling a


And that's what drives what we


You know, your team is well,

driving to say, hey, we want to take

the best care and educate and help

people, you know,

achieve the dream of homeownership

and make a difference in their lives

financially and personally, in the

intangible ways and all the all the

things that you've shared.

That's amazing.

And I just I'm grateful for you

sharing it. Great for your for your

team and doing it and making

an impact in the world.

Anytime you can do what you love and

make an impact in the world and do

it with people you love, that's a

special thing.


And you know, this obviously

is the Keeping Current Matters


Yeah. But you know, we use

and have been long time subscribers

of Keeping Current Matters.

And that is one of our main

value ads that we use

to tell people where they're at

and make them feel informed and

make it so that it's easy for us to

understand and to be able to

deliver it to people in a way that

they understand as well.

Yeah, I appreciate you sharing that.

It's not, you know, on the podcast,

like we don't have to do an

infomercial or whatever, but

whatever you say on the great things

about KCM.

I wasn't even paid for this.

Most real estate agents know what's


Good agents understand

what's happening, but great

agents, they can explain

what's happening at

keeping current matters.

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Keeping Current Matters.

Be the expert.

Let's shift maybe to this market.

And what are things?

Because I want to go back to

something you said.

You said, hey, there are things that

we need to be doing right now that

we did, maybe did two, three,

five years ago that we got out of

the habit of doing a piece of

that is education.

So what are the things right

now that your team is doing relative

to the business to address

issues in the market

and educate people on, should

I buy a home right now, or are

there specific things that you can

share with, with

folks listening right now?

To say, hey, this is what we're

doing, and it's making an impact

and it's making a difference in, in,

in our team and in our business.

I would say for our clients, it's

our social media.

Again, we use real talk,

which has been great.

It's super simple.

Again, this isn't an infomercial,

but it is a value add that we use

for our clients, for our team,

to give them things that's easy to


I would also say leaning

into that a little bit more is we've

started this year, leaning

into like we had this situation,

obviously without disclosing

people's personal information,

anything about them.

But we've been leaning into this was

the problem and this is how we

solved it, because people

need to know the value

of what we do.

And I think sometimes

there's a lot of glitz and there's a

lot of glam.

And 99%

of the realtors across this country

are not doing it like that.

Sure. You know, they're not

just leaning into social media,

they're not leaning into TV

shows to production, to things like

that. There's a lot of hard work

that goes through just the number

of people that when someone

buys or sells a home, the

number of people that are also


By the peace of that transaction

is something that I think is fallen

off the radar.

And we've really prided ourselves

in our clients saying, well,

that was so easy.

Like you, you that was so easy.

And I'm like, oh, how well,

you actually really knew, right?

Of course we keep them informed, but

there's some things that we're like,

this is our job.

Like we just handle these.

So we've been taking it and saying

like, here's someone's real

solution, here's how we solved

it, here's the impact that it made

for them.

Right. And I think that consumers

really need to know

that who you hire

to represent you in your biggest

financial transaction,

probably in their lives, it matters.

And making sure that people are good

stewards of that matters.

And I think that's something that

our messaging throughout

2024 on social

media and how

we show up for people and

in our marketing things and all that

we do, is going to be about that


Yeah. And that's in just to

summarize that, that's sort of a

case study type approach.

Right? We had this situation here

was how we solved it.

Here was the impact or here's how

that that came out.

You got such a good a good point.

What when you think about the market

there in Colorado Springs, how is

the market there?

So the market here is

really good.

We're kind of insulated from a lot

of other parts of the country

because we have,

six military installations

right here in Colorado Springs.

So that does keep us a little bit

insulated from what's going on,

because people are always coming in

and coming out.

But where the caveat comes into that

is sometimes it's not right for them

to buy.

Sometimes they're only here for a

minute and it doesn't make financial

sense, or they don't ever want to be

a landlord.

And with the new laws changing here

in Colorado in the end of

2023 2024,

sometimes it doesn't make sense to

be a landlord for people.

So looking at all of that is really


The way that our team is really

diving in is making

sure that we're

really focused in on the basics.

We're really leaning into the

basics, which people

are going to say, oh, I know about

all of those. But it's like.

You know. Are you

making your contacts?

And are you showing up with items of

value ? if you don't have items of

value, here's a list of items of

value that you can give and

customize for where your clients are


To make sure that you know if

they're looking at this, you're

setting them what they're looking

for, right?

So the way that we do that is

whenever we make contact with

someone and they tell us x, y,

z, we're always sending a follow

up on that appointment so

they know when they're going to hear

from us again.

And the other thing that we've

really been leaning into, which is

going to be super shocking and so

basic, is we're doing what we

say we're going to do.

I know it sounds so basic.

There's some other things we're

leaning into.

So we're really leaning into

off market properties.


So we're leaning into off market

properties because on our team

of 15 everybody goes

on appointments.

Not all of them are ready right now

to sell their home. But they'll be

ready in three months six months,

nine months a year.

We're adding them into a database

so that when someone comes along and

they're like, oh my gosh, I'm

looking for this specific house.

We have a list of potential off

market properties so that we can

really lean into our value as

realtors this year, and we're not

relying on online

resources or the MLS of where

you're only going to be able to find


Right. Also not afraid to doorknock.

That's awesome.

Yeah. How often are you?

How often is your team doing that?

Well, obviously ours is a little bit

weather dependent on what's going

on, but we are doorknocking

based off what someone is looking


And another thing that we're doing

is we're also doorknocking during

the inspection.

Because we want people to know their

neighbors if we can, during the

inspection and if they answer.

And we also want to know what the

neighbors are going to say before

the day of closing.


That's interesting.

Which is an important thing to do,

because the minute you meet, your

neighbors are like, oh my gosh.

Do you know what happened down

the street or in this home

or whatever?

One of them.

The reason why we started this is

because one of our buyers

bought a house.

They were moving in, and the

neighbor said, oh my gosh, I'm

so surprised this house sold so


And the buyers are like, why we love

this house. And they said, well,

these front steps are very

slippery, and so many

people have fallen down these front

steps and gotten hurt that we're


The owners have fallen down them.

They get so slippery.

Wow. Never disclosed.


So had we known that during the

inspection timeline we could have

addressed it.

We we came up with a great solution

that worked out well for everybody.

Because we always want things to be

a win win.

But if we had known that up front,

we could have done things a little

bit different.

That's amazing.

Yeah, I hear that.

I think I think having those

conversations and talking

to people. Right.

It does kind of double ended or,

double goal.

What do you as you look forward

into 2024?

We're here end of January.

What do you see?

What are you doing differently,

coaching your team or even coaching

agents that you coach?

About what it's going

to take to win in this market.

What what are you doing to sort of

guide people forward there.

The first thing it's going to take

as a coach.

And I think some people listening to

this don't have a coach.

Yeah, I didn't start off having a


I've obviously been coached by Tom

Perry for over a decade.

I wouldn't go anywhere else.

There's obviously a lot of great

coaches out there and different

coaches meet people, you know where

they're at. But before that, I had

a peer accountability group.

I had masterminds that I was in

before it was a thing.

So I would say someone that's going

to keep you accountable to your

goals. It isn't selling.

A lot of people are like, well, I

don't want to have a team.

Great. You don't have to.

But even by being a solo agent,

you're still a team.

You're still surrounded by your

vendors or you're right by your

people. So you still have a team of

some sort. It's just, do you want

to have other agents that you work

alongside with?

So I think that being said.

I think that the way that

I'm coaching them, it's

somebody that's going to hold you

accountable of some sort, whatever

that looks like.

My number one is get a coach.

Number two, I would say figure out

what your goals are and actually do

a business plan.

So many people don't do a business

plan. And this is an actual


So doing a business plan and

then what we're doing to help people

win as we're breaking it down by

what do they want to do over 12


And then how do we build in the

seasonality around that.

And then how do we break it down

into 12 weeks?

And then from there, how do we break

it down into what they want to do

every single day?

For most people, it's getting to

make ten contacts a day is

pretty much the standard rule of


So that does that.

Let me ask you some of is that ten

phone calls.

How would you define the ten?

Oh well I define

it is ten phone calls

with okay, ten double sided

communication about real estate.


Now sometimes it's a text because,

you know, obviously some people want

a text, but it's two way

conversation about real


I have left ten voicemails.

It's not I left ten voicemails.

It's not I send ten text messages,

but nobody's sent out anything.

And it's been specific about the

message. And our messaging this

year is if you're going to talk

about real estate, talk about real

estate, and if you're going to talk

about something personal, talk about

something personal.

Because what you don't want to do,

in my opinion, is kind of bait and

switch. People where you call

them, they think you're being, you

know, friendly, and then you're

like, oh, by the way, you know?

And then they're like, oh, this is a

sales call.

Oh, I didn't quite realize that.

So I think it's just really getting

to the point of like what the

purpose is for the call

and being really intentional about

it and mixing it up, like not having

every time be a business call.

But I think this year it's really

being intentional.

Like for our vendors this year,

we are getting ready to have

a vendor luncheon to thank our

vendors for standing by

us and taking great care of our

clients as well.

And we're also going to ask them

how we can support them and their

business. This year.

We're going to write that down.

Beginning of next year.

We're going to say, this is what you

asked us to do.

This is how we showed up.

So we have accountability for that.

And then we're going to ask them

to provide us with 1 or

2 referrals for the year.

We're not asking for all their

business. We're not saying it's an

all or nothing thing, because we

want other agents in our market to

win as well, and we want to have the

abundance mindset.

So we're like, we know you work with

other great realtors refer them to,

but if we could count on you for 1

to 2 referrals for the year,

that would be great.

And that alone is a strategy that

will help agents when across the

country is just like saying,

I work with this great vendor, you

know, my home inspector.

Hey, can you just be top of mind if

you come across anybody, could you

give them my name and number?

And when you do that, or can you

ask them if I can contact them?

If you come across anybody,

just it's just staying top of mind.

And it's really like

being clear on I

want to sell to 12 families.

What are my lead pillars that I'm

going to do? And how am I going to

go deep on those lead pillars.

So it's not having 47

lead pillars. It's really having,

in my opinion, 4 to 6

and going really deep into

those to make sure you're really

maximizing everything.

And I would also say

not buying the shiny stuff.

Like we're all guilty of it.

You think a couple people did that

in the last couple of years?

I mean, I did.

You know, it's like, really when you

go to conferences or when you hear

things or when you're like, oh my

gosh, this person using this and

that, not having FOMO.

Yeah. Oh my gosh, I need to be doing

that as well.

It's like keeping your expenses


Staying true, actually looking at

them and making sure that

you're setting money aside for your


You're right. That's where people

get hung up on the most is, you

know, the tax bill.


Yeah. No, I hear you.

It's practical things.

How many?

You know, when you talk about

talking to your appraiser

and lender and title rep,

whoever it is, and saying, hey, 1 to

2 deals.

How many agents do you think are

doing that?

Because I think there's a lot that

are like, have the conversation.

Like, if I'm going to refer you

deals, you got to refer me deals,

you know what I mean? It's almost

like a you have the adversarial

type, but going and going, hey love

for you to to keep a stop mind.

I would think that'd be more

responsive than what most do.

Right. And I think a lot of agents

are like, it's either all or

nothing, right?

You either give me all your business

or I'm not using you.

And we're like, no, we're not

looking at that. We're looking for 1

to 2 for the entire year.

Give some to other people.

Love all of your relationships

because we know you're not your

we're only relationship that you

have. We respect that.

You know. But it's like if you think

of somebody and we're a great match

for you, how do we stay

top of mind for you?

You know. What do we do?

What does that look like?

But first we're asking.

Then how do we show up?

Well, for you.

What do we need to do?


I heard them wanting from us.

How can we help your business?

Yeah. It comes through loud and

clear. You know what I mean?

First of all, taking the time to say

we appreciate you, right?

And doing a launch and and doing


This I, I thoroughly enjoy

this conversation. I appreciate you

sharing just what you're doing.

So I want to put you sort of

on the spot.

Okay, okay.

So for people who are listening,

we'll kind of kind of wrap up maybe

in this area.

What is the somebody going to make

their ten contacts?

They get somebody on the phone or

they have an interaction.

What are they saying?

How are you coaching that person,


On connecting.

I love the don't bait and switch

like, hey what's up? Oh, by the way,

let's have this conversation.

What are they saying?

I think it depends on who

they're like. What lead source are

calling from?

So it kind of starts there.

We and we build that out.

So I would say if it's a past

client then

I would lean in and say.

You know, your equity

has gone from this to this this

year, or I would even start off a

little bit backward from that and


Can I do an annual equity review

for you? Can I show you what equity

you have in the home so that you can

explore options for you

that would really work for you?

I'd start off there.

They would say yes, because one

thing that two things that people

always want to know is what their

home sold for and what's going

on with their neighbors.

Yeah, totally.

Are they doing. What are they

selling for?

What's going on with them?

And so any time you can lean into

those opportunities, it's really

great. So I would say

I would lean in to can

I do this equity review for you?

Can I swing by?

Can we meet for a cup of coffee,

whatever that looks like.

Can we talk about this?

Can I get face to face with you?

Because realtors are great face

to face. That is really where we

win. Not over the phone.

Nobody really likes that.

But we win face to face.

So I get back in front of them

and I would lean in with, you know,

here's your equity.

Do you have any thoughts of making

a move in 2024 or 2025?

When do you see this number?

Well, no, I don't have thoughts of

that because, you know, my home is

worth X and I really want,

you know, 700 for my

home. And I think your home is worth


Yeah. I love that.

I'm going to put you into my off

market database, and I'm going

to put a tickler on there.

And I'm going to keep watching every

six months.

Or when somebody comes along

that says, I'm looking for this home

and this specific area, I now

have something in the back of my

pocket, and I will tell you, this

is how we won during Covid,

because I had this spreadsheet and

I'm like, oh, wait, you're looking

for this?

I sold that.

Let me see if they've had any

interest in selling their home at

all. Let me get a one time showing.

Let's get you into the house.

So I really think that's how we're

winning with past clients.

We also did the 100 K and 100

K. Excuse me.

Right, 100K in a 100 day challenge.

That really brought

a lot of things to light.

And then letting people know like,

okay, they want 700.

You think the home is worth 550?

Great. Is it okay if I touch base

with you in a couple of months and

we just check the value, people are

going to say yes.

Another great way to lead in with

people if they get on the phone.

That's a simple way is saying,

do you have any home improvement

projects you're planning for 2024?

Great. Well, I have an amazing

vendor list.

Can I send those to you for some

spring maintenance items that are

coming up?

Another great thing is how many

people actually bought their home.

Have done a home inspection in the

last three years?

I have it.

Do a home inspection.

Let's make sure that we're getting

ahead of any items that could be

potentially causing issues for


Can I lead you into a home,

Inspector? Can I lead you into an

Hvac person?

Can I lead you into someone

that can put on a back deck for you

that you've been thinking about?

How can I be your trusted source

person moving forward?

That's an easy way to have a real

estate conversation about what

they're planning to do with their

home. That's genuine and authentic

and coming from a place of


Yeah, and I appreciate you sharing

that. And, you know, the

ideas that you rattled off me

when you started with the equity

conversation. Right.

That's an easy opener question

to have. Are you using that on text



Yeah. Yeah.

So I've seen that, you know,

certainly has been a campaign that a

lot of folks have, have used,

in, in getting that connection

and saying, okay, what I thought of

any projects or what are you going

to do with that?

So I appreciate you sharing that.

What about, any others

top of mind for you as people are

reaching out?

You know, one thing that I always

did that was easy is because I think

getting on the phone and thinking

about what to say is hard.

Yeah. And especially myself.

So one thing that I would do is I

would get together a couple of

trusted vendors and I would

say, you know, can we host a happy


Can we host something simple that we

only pay if people show up?

I'm really big on paying for

who comes to play, not paying.

And then nobody shows up, right?


So putting together a small happy

hour, putting together some sort

of information like is your

demographic of who you work with.

Are they older people that

really need to be focused on estate

planning in estates?

You know, all of that.

So can I bring someone in that

focuses on making sure that

everything is set up for, you know,

making sure their wills are in

place, making sure they have estate

planning. Can we do a little easy

happy hour or lunch around it?

And then that gives you an easy


You know, you're splitting the cost.

You're only paying for people that

show up, which is great.

You're lending them a value.

You you're coming from a place of


And then, that gives

you a reason to call because you're

inviting them to something.

Right. When you're inviting someone

to something, and then when you get

face to face, you give them.

Let's say two people show up.

Those are two solid people

that you need to follow up with.

Like you just got one on one time.

They showed up.

And and I will tell you, I've been

doing this for a long time.

And I did one that

literally one person showed up to.

And he was actually my, my carpet


Wow. When it happened, I was like,

oh my gosh, this is so embarrassing.

And I was like, embarrassing to who?

Nobody knows who showed

up and who didn't show up.

We were able to have a great

conversation with him.

The three of us were able to sit

around and brainstorm how we could

help each other's businesses, and

he became one of my best clients

who's bought and sold multiple homes

with us. That's great.

But at the time, it wasn't even.

I was just so mortified

that only one person showed up.

You know, fast forward now

we have events with 400 people at

them. But that's not where we

started, right?


We started off with one person

showing up.

Yeah. I appreciate you reminding

everybody of that because sometimes

it can be hard to look at

Treasure Davis and the Treasure

Davis team and think, gosh, I'll

never get there.

And you broke that down and told

that story very, very well.

In in the journey of that.

As we wrap up, any

sort of final thoughts that

you have for folks listening

that maybe you've been in the

business long time?

They're new in the business.

Anybody that's in real

estate that you would as a coach

just say, hey, here's my

encouragement to you as you go

throughout the year.

I would say that the encouragement

would be really surround

yourself with people that

want to see you win.

And shut out the noise.

There is so much noise.

There are so many people that

are, you know, that are posting

great content.

Yeah. But all that is, is content.

There's no meat behind what

they're actually posting.

And I think people see that and they

feel discouraged.

Yeah. When it's supposed to be meant

to lift them up and show them what's

possible. But sometimes you look at

that and you're like, oh my gosh, I

won't be this.

And I would say, don't ever compare

your chapter one to somebody

else's. Chapter 29.

You know, really look at where

you're at and what you're,

you know, what you're wanting to do.

And remember that you're only

competing against yourself.

It's you versus you.

And if you can work on being 1%

better every day and staying

true to your daily

disciplines and what you're looking

to do. So one thing that I have

my coaching clients do is set up

their own daily, weekly,

monthly plan,

and we literally take it every

single day.

You know, what are the 3 to 5

business things that you're going to

work on every single day?

And then when we look at that, we're

like, okay, how did that go?

How do you feel like you won?

How do you show up? How do you

reflect like?

And it starts with first having a

really strong morning routine.

But in my opinion that's kind

of played out.

In my opinion, it's really like how

do you have the strongest evening

routine to set yourself up

to win the next day?


And how do you set up your night

so that you're actually excited for

the next day?

And that's what I've been working on

for the last two years, is like, how

do I have such a strong evening

routine that I actually

am so excited to go to bed because I

can't wait for the next day?

That's great, because my day's easy.

My day's hard, you


But it's like, how do you do that?

And that's really what we focus on

is like what? Your morning routine?

What your evening routine?

How do we break it down into daily?

Weekly? How do we have things up

and visual so that every day

you're reminded of what you need to


And how do you treat this like a


And it's different for everybody.

Yeah, I hear you.

What's in my mind right now Treasure

is, we've got to do this again.

And that's what I want to talk to

you about. Okay.

Let's talk about nights.

Let's talk about mornings.

Let's talk about treating your

business like a business.

Because that's that's certainly a

difference maker. And and I just got

to say this, I have thoroughly

enjoyed our conversation.

And thank you.

Shout out to you, to

Dean, to Leanne, to the entire

Treasure Davis team for making

an impact in

the world.

It shines through in how you talk

about your business.

So thank you so much.

Thank you for the opportunity.

You know, I love any time that I get

to listen and learn from you.

And, you know, thank you

for everybody at KCM.

You guys are helping us

to make the idea of data

and numbers easy

and easy for us to share with our

team, our clients, everybody.

And so thank you for that as well.

But the feeling is mutual.

We're grateful for the support for

what what we do.

And, from our entire team

to you and your team, we are

grateful. Thank you for the time

we've got to spend today.

Thank you so much.

Have a great day.

All right.

Well, that was a phenomenal

conversation with Treasure.

And she even talked about a couple

members of her team.

And Leanne and Dean.

Shout out to them and the entire

team for for the difference they

make in the market they serve.

You know, and I really

as we were having that conversation,

I was thinking, we've got to do this

again and talk about her evening

routine, talk about her morning

routine, and talk about treating

the business like a business.

So here's what I want you to do.

If you enjoyed this podcast,

share it with somebody that wants

to make an impact in the business

like this.

And, and help us get the message

out. Because when we do

business, like Treasurer Davis

and her team do business, we

make an impact in the world.

And that's a special thing.

Grateful for you listening to the

House Market Podcast, you know, it's

just, another way at Keeping

Current Matters that we want to give

you the tools and resources to make

an impact, in the world and

in the business to the customers

that you serve. So thank you for
