I Used To Watch This?

We are back back with part 2 of Goliath Returns. Michael is currently in the dungeon Garthe sent him to, and he has to get out to save KITT, Devon, April and the doctor who is being sold off. They also have to face Goliath one more time. Who will win! listen to find out. Also, in this episode since it was split we just get right to the second part. 

What is I Used To Watch This??

Two guys reliving their childhoods through TV shows from the 70s and 80s.

Mike S.:

Our time

Intro Garthe:

has come, my giant friend. And this time, there will be no doubt. This time, we will succeed.

VO: intro:

Welcome to I Used TO Watch This? The podcast where we watch our favorite shows from the seventies eighties and see what we think of them today. Here are our hosts, Mike Forgeto and Mike Sullivan.

Mike F:

So this is the reason why I brought up the limo because this episode starts off with the same fucking scene of the limo driver.

Mike S.:

Yeah. Like, was it the same footage?

Mike F:

It had to have been. It was

Mike S.:

because it was, like, yeah. It was exactly the same. Yeah. And A 5 minute watch this car pull up and wait for

Mike F:

the video. Montage. This and this reminds me of, again, a Mystery Science Theater 3 1,000 episode, one of my favorites, Mitchell, where they're, like, driving in the and I probably said this before, but he's they're driving in these gigantic seventies cars, like, chasing each other, but it's such a slow speed chase and, like, hot merging action. That's like what this is like. You know what I mean?

Mike F:

It's like Yeah. Like, okay. Yeah. We're just watching this limo drive up a curvy driveway.

Mike S.:

So but but ultimately, was it was was it was Garth. Right?

Mike F:

Sean And Michael. He had Michael. And Michael. Alright.

Mike S.:

Right. And they, oh, yeah. This is where so they they bring him in, and they throw him in this rat infested dungeon.

Mike F:

And Like, these rats were there on purpose. It wasn't just coincidental.

Mike S.:

He had them shipped in. Like, he he basically had these rats shipped in and bred to be in this dungeon with Michael. Now this wasn't just cells like the other 2. No. This this was like dungeon.

Mike F:

It was,

Mike S.:

like, made of stone.

Mike F:

There was just moss hanging and stuff. Yeah. It was Jank.

Mike S.:

Yeah. It was

Mike F:

Yeah. It was it was something. And he chained him to the ceiling too, basically. Right? Like

Mike S.:

I I don't remember.

Mike F:

He chained him to something.

Mike S.:

I don't know.

Mike F:

Maybe not. Because he did have his hands free, so he could talk to Kik.

Mike S.:

My dog is

Mike F:

I'm his. Yeah.

Mike S.:

That's fine. Psychotic over the streets.

Mike F:

You probably saw you probably heard us talking about the rats. He's like, where?

Mike S.:

Yeah. Right. Exactly.

Mike F:

But, anyway yeah. So he talks to Kit from the watch, and he's like, hey, you know, which I think is pretty good range. My watch can, you know, disconnects from my phone if I'm in, like, the other half of the house, basically. I shouldn't say it's full of lot of that.

Mike S.:

And and here's the thing. Like, Kit says to him, Michael, is that you? I'm like, who the hell else talks to Kit, you know, through a watch? Yeah. Of course, it's him.

Mike F:

And, he's in the garage with Goliath, and he's not happy about being in there with Goliath. He's like, I don't like being next to this guy. And this is where, you know, Garth comes in and tells him again about that prison like you're saying. And he talks about these rats. He's like, by the way, these rats breed quickly, and they will do anything to feed their young.

Mike F:

So make friends with them.

Mike S.:


Mike F:

So, basically, he says these rats are gonna eat him, I guess, to feed to the Yeah. The baby rats?

Mike S.:

Yeah. Base basically, they will breed quickly and devour him.

Mike F:

I I personally, wouldn't they breed quickly and then then burrow throughout the house to get to the kitchen to get all the free food, easy food?

Mike S.:

I don't know. I would be start stomping on

Mike F:

them, though. Right. Exactly. They can't stomp if they're or they can't breed if they're stomped on.

Mike S.:

Breed. Yeah.

Mike F:

Yeah. That's what I would do.

Mike S.:

Oh, yeah. So basically, he had that that dungeon shipped in from Africa that was part of the was the prison that they rebuilt.

Mike F:

Can you ship in and make to my specifications the exact prison I was in in Africa?

Mike S.:

Hey. This is Garth. I was supposed to be in that African prison, but can you go to somebody some of it?

Mike F:

But the thing is, like, Michael didn't put him there. Michael didn't even know about him. Why does he gotta do that to him?

Mike S.:

No. Right?

Mike F:

Just because he looks like him?

Mike S.:

I guess. I guess. And at some point, he calls him brother too. I'm like, they're not really brothers.

Mike F:

No. You know? No. But,

Mike S.:

but the oh, this is when and then now we switch over to Devin, and he asks is it April? He asked April

Mike F:


Mike S.:

If she if she could turn off the light

Mike F:

Yeah. If she

Mike S.:

could figure

Mike F:

out those lights, like, you would see, like, in office buildings. Right? Basically, it has, like, a slot.

Mike S.:

In school. Yeah.

Mike F:

That's where you, like, shove something in, and you could, like, then flip the switch inside there.

Mike S.:

Yeah. Yeah. I I was always afraid. I heard kids would do it like you you could stick a paper clip in and do it. But I always thought, like, I'll get electrocuted if I do that.

Mike S.:

So Yeah.

Mike F:

I never did. Think that's

Mike S.:

Then Devin starts talking about some weird shit about making dough out of his clothes and detonating it.

Mike F:

Yeah. Because he says World War 2 pilots and their, RAF made these bombs out of clothes. And the doctor, of course, knows about it because, you know, he was in World War 2 2, I guess. I don't know.

Mike S.:

Like like, the the 2 of them are like, hey. Yeah. All we need is, like, the stuff that would be impossible to have. Right. And then Devin's like, oh, my buttons are made of

Mike F:


Mike S.:

Like, meltymite or something. Yeah. I don't even know what the word is.

Mike F:

It was something like that. I'm like, my buttons are plastic.

Mike S.:

So, like, you crush them. You know, April crushes them with her heel. It was so MacGyver y. Right. It was like

Mike F:

Yeah. Yeah. It would you know, but, you know, you never know. Like, what was that, what was it called? The anarchist cookbook?

Mike F:

Maybe it says something like that in there.

Mike S.:

Yeah. May maybe. Maybe. Did you have that book? To have that knowledge.

Mike F:

Did you have that book?

Mike S.:

It didn't, I think. And, I had the Getty Even books, but I don't know I Oh, yeah.

Mike F:

Because what well, someone we know did. 1 of our friends did.

Mike S.:

Yeah. Someone yeah. 1 of our friends

Mike F:

did. Okay.

Mike S.:

The brothers.

Mike F:

Mike doesn't wanna name names. That's

Mike S.:

fine. Yeah.

Mike F:

I mean, not that ever anything was ever used. I don't know. I don't remember really what was in it. I just remember that was like the taco

Mike S.:

I don't either. But

Mike F:

of every you know, that was like the big deal to have that to have that and to have watched watched Faces of Death. Those were like the 2 big things in the eighties.

Mike S.:

Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Mike F:

Yeah. That's right. I never I

Mike S.:

never saw that.

Mike F:

I only heard that. I never did. Either. I don't think I would have liked

Mike S.:

it. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think I don't think I have the balls to watch that anyway. It was anything like people told me it was.

Mike F:

Yeah. Exactly. Anyway, kids, if you don't know what we're talking about there, look that up too. Just maybe, not at work Internet. So where we at?

Mike S.:

Alright. So we made some we're making clothes.

Mike F:

They're making the bomb. Bombs. Yeah. They made the bomb out of, like oh, well, they started off with the little things that are inside your collars or your shirt to keep your

Mike S.:

Oh, yeah. Right. And then, like, part of

Mike F:

the lining of his coat and Make his underwear elastic.

Mike S.:

I don't know what he used, but yeah. Yeah. But then meanwhile, Michael tells Kit, hey. Just start recording everything.

Mike F:


Mike S.:

He's like, oh, okay. So he just starts recording everything. And, oh, then the the lady comes as like, the evil lady. What's her name? Adrian.

Mike S.:

Adrian. She comes to see Michael. And this is where we really catch on that she wants him. Right. Because she's like in his face, all, like, sexy and, like, telling I don't know what she's telling him, but it it was, like, creepy.

Mike S.:

Like, if it was reversed, it would be super creepy. But it was creepy enough as it was. Right? She and then she basically, like, forces him to kiss

Mike F:

him. Right.

Mike S.:

Right? Yeah. I don't even have that written down.

Mike F:

I just remember. Yeah. And then he's like she's like, it's an amazing resemblance, good and evil. I wonder who I'll I will I will prefer. And and she oh, she said, if you please me, I might have you spared.

Mike F:

Yeah. Right. Right. I'm like, oh.

Mike S.:

Then I was thinking, why did Michael just wring her neck right there?

Mike F:

You know what I mean? He's like

Mike S.:

he could've easily just, like, killed her and escaped

Mike F:

or something. Yeah. He's, you know he's not the kind of guy.

Mike S.:

But that's not yeah. That's right. Then what? We go back to the hotel, and and the fake professor, the fake doctor catches his niece looking through his stuff. So he's just like, alright.

Mike S.:

You know, let's cut to the chase. I think

Mike F:

he does have a gun at this point. Right?

Mike S.:

Does he? I don't even know. Oh, no. Not yet. Well, he does, but we don't really see it.

Mike S.:

Okay. And he's like, look. I just want you to stay quiet, or we're gonna torture your uncle.

Mike F:

Right. And I think he just, like, takes her out of the hotel. Right? Like, down through the lobby?

Mike S.:

Yeah. Yeah.

Mike F:

Just be cool.

Mike S.:

Just be cool. Just, you know, everything be fine. Then meanwhile, back at, you know, MacGyver Labs

Mike F:

Geiger Labs.

Mike S.:

They've created this giant, like, like, ball of dough out of clothing. Uh-huh.

Mike F:

I don't know. Where'd the moisture come from? They must no. No. They did have, like, a cup of water.

Mike F:

Say, I think they had water.

Mike S.:

Maybe this is where they're, like, urinate. Get the urine from that bucket.

Mike F:

You gotta pee on it.

Mike S.:

Yeah. But, yeah, somehow, it's it's just they just have this big ball of dough.

Mike F:


Mike S.:

And then they put it on the hinges of the door, and they ripped the electrical out of the wall.

Mike F:

Right. There was so much extra wire in that light. Like, that's not how you Right. That's not how wire things up. Like, I I had my thermostat.

Mike F:

Did they leave that much wiring in the walls?

Mike S.:

No. I like, my thermostat went bad one time, and I had to, like, replace it. Right. And I clipped a little piece of the wire, and I could not get enough extra play from that wire.

Mike F:

Not to mention that shit's expensive.

Mike S.:

Right. But, but,

Mike F:

he pulls, like, 10 feet of cable out

Mike S.:

of there. Seriously.

Mike F:

Just all shoved in the wall. It was great.

Mike S.:

But then they just blow the hinges off the doors.

Mike F:

Yeah. That won't that won't attract any attention at all.

Mike S.:

No. No. Right. And then, boom. Out they go.

Mike S.:

Garth immediately stops him.

Mike F:

It's exactly it's like they didn't even get out of frame, and Garth is there. Right. Yeah.

Mike S.:

Then and then this is his solution. Take them back to the rooms to the room. It doesn't have a door anymore. Rooms. I guess.

Mike S.:

But he said their room. So

Mike F:

And then Either way then he separates the doctor and says, hey. Take a good look. You're never gonna see them again. Yeah. Right.

Mike S.:

I'm like, okay. Jeez.

Mike F:

Yeah. And now, he's pacing around. That's, like, the next day now, and he's pacing around upstairs, and Adrian comes in. She's like, good morning. And he, like, turns around, like, points a gun at her.

Mike F:

Like, Jesus Christ. Right? And Yeah. I thought it's because he knew that she made out with Michael, but it was just because, you know, the sub is late.

Mike S.:

Thought it was.

Mike F:

No. Because he's like, if you would have gotten up at a reasonable time, you would know the sub is late. That's what he he's just, like, pissed off.

Mike S.:

But he also tells her to

Mike F:

stay away from Michael. Well, he does do that too.

Mike S.:

And she gets all mad. She's like, don't you tell me what to do. So, yeah, there's some there's some tension.

Mike F:

Don't you tell me who to make out with? You're not my dad. Yeah. Right.

Mike S.:

And then and then from back when Michael told Kit to record everything, now we start to see why. Because he's he's splicing some words together of, Chris He's got

Mike F:

a little,

Mike S.:

You know, Adrian? What the hell's her name? Yeah. Adrian. Right?

Mike S.:


Mike F:

Yeah. He's got a little

Mike S.:

Adrian talking.

Mike F:

Pro tools in his car, and he's able to edit the audio.

Mike S.:

Yeah. It's pretty sweet.

Mike F:

He's doing pretty good getting the words, you know, putting them together. And then Michael's like, hey, put a the in there. Yeah. Nice help.

Mike S.:

Don't you know English?

Mike F:

Yeah. Exactly.

Mike S.:

And and then, so he uses it. He's like, okay. Get ready to to broadcast. And he uses his watch. He's in a cell or in the dungeon, and he uses his watch and and kit transmits.

Mike S.:

And it it's basically heard. It sounds like she's saying that she's in the cell with him and saying, hey, open the door or whatever. You know?

Mike F:

Yeah. Yep. Yeah. I'm taking Michael out of here. But and they do.

Mike S.:


Mike F:

But my point is Yeah. Do they not notice that she didn't go in? Or even look? Right. Exactly.

Mike F:

Oh, okay. She must she said, you know, maybe there's another way we don't know about.

Mike S.:

Yeah. But, you know so they open the door, and they're 2 armed guards, and Michael just kicks their asses. Yeah. So he's he's and then then he tiptoes out the front door. I don't know if you saw that.

Mike S.:

Literally tiptoed.

Mike F:

No. I didn't see that. But I did did see he managed to he did manage to find Kit, you know, pretty easily. Oh, yeah. He's never been to that place before, but he was able to find them.

Mike S.:

Right. Yeah. It's I think it was a mansion. Right? Yeah.

Mike S.:

And he find

Mike F:

Not a big one, though. You know? Some of the mansions out west really aren't that

Mike S.:

big. Really? I'm just kidding. I think by definition. I don't know.

Mike F:

I know. I'm teasing. But, anyway, so Michael, you know, he's like, hey, okay. Well and they still gotta fix KIT, because KIT doesn't work. Remember?

Mike F:

All this circuit shorted. So he's like, pop your hood. And he goes in there, and he's, like, oh, your confabulator is loose. Something like that.

Mike S.:

Yeah. And

Mike F:

he was, like yeah.

Mike S.:

It means he said, like, he's a suddenly electronics expert.

Mike F:

Right. And he, like, tightens something up and boom, gets right back up to normal.

Mike S.:


Mike F:

I'm like, wow. That was pretty good. Now why did that come loose just because you spun? Yeah. Right.

Mike S.:

And why couldn't kids, like, sense that and fix it or whatever? But Oh, okay. He does so much.

Mike F:

So now he's, you know, he's talking to kids And this is Go ahead.

Mike S.:

This is what I mean by kid can do whatever you want.

Mike F:

Tell him go ahead. What happened here?

Mike S.:

I I because Mike's all

Mike F:

bad about kid's powers here.

Mike S.:

I am. Like, this got me mad because, like, Devin and April are in a room, and Michael's like, you know, hey. Tap into the PA speaker. Make it a two way connection and, you know, tell them that, you know. So I'm like, there's like just decide in the moment how to solve everything, you know.

Mike F:

That was a good job, though.

Mike S.:

That that upset me.

Mike F:

And he did. He was able to communicate, tell him what they're doing.

Mike S.:


Mike F:

And Devin tells her to tells him to get Christina. You know, don't worry about them, because they're worried about her getting hurt, which good point. And, you know, Goliath is in the way, and he's like, what am I gonna do? And then, you know, he's like, well, I know what I'll do, and he's backs the wall. I mean

Mike S.:


Mike F:

I don't know. That was didn't seem like that hard to figure out. But

Mike S.:

But, like, what why doesn't he, you know, like, hey, Disable Goliath's Electrics with, you know, your Right.

Mike F:

Yeah. Microwave. Microwave. Mean it's whatever the hell you want. He always used the mic he used to use the microwave jammer all the time.

Mike F:

Remember? Took down a helicopter with that, I think, one time.

Mike S.:


Mike F:

So, you know, Garth wants to chase him, but Adrian's like, no. He'll come back. Don't worry. They're here. So he heads to the hotel, and somehow he's able to get, like, the doctor's Yep.

Mike F:

He's the epitome of what's that how do you say it? How did he figure out his itinerary? I'm like, oh, he must have hacked his palm pilot to figure out where he's gonna be at. Right? Although I don't even know if they had palm pilots then.

Mike F:

What about the Newton?

Mike S.:

No. Probably not. That was like the 90 or 2000, even.

Mike F:

Yeah. It was 84. Yeah. No. Because the Newton came out when I graduated in college around.

Mike F:

It was, like, 93.

Mike S.:


Mike F:

Well, the

Mike S.:

I don't I don't like to I don't like to talk about the Newton.

Mike F:

The only reason I remember is because for a short time after school, I worked at Circuit City. And this guy came in who actually went to our school, and I knew from school, and he was like a sales rep for him. And he was he had him there.

Mike S.:

Are you serious?

Mike F:

That's the only reason I remember what year it

Mike S.:

was. Crazy.

Mike F:

Because of that.

Mike S.:

I never even saw 1.

Mike F:

I I did. I'm like, oh, that's pretty neat. How much is it? Okay. Nah.

Mike F:

Never mind. Yeah. Right. I don't mean I don't know how much it was, but it was a lot of money. But I did see a a good TikTok where someone was talking about crap.

Mike F:

They were responding to someone's thing about it'll never happen technology wise. I think he was talking about the VisionPRO and, like, stuff like that being mainstream. He's like, oh, it won't. And he's like, well, it took from this. And, like, he went through all the iterations.

Mike F:

We had to have this before we had this, then we had this. Yeah. He's like, then we got to the iPad. You know, it's like, you gotta take the steps. Right.

Mike F:

Okay. Good point. Alright. Anyway, so Michael gets Christina. Super easy.

Mike F:

Just, like, kinda drives up and takes her and, like, see you. It's oh, yeah. The guy has the gun. Because he they're already downstairs. He, like, perfect timing when she's walking down there.

Mike F:

And he just walks up and rips the gun away from the guy. The security guy walks up. He's like, oh, oh, what's going on here? And he basically immediately believes Michael to a point. Right.

Mike S.:

He just basically he he hands over the guy and and the gun Right. To the security guys. He's like, here. It it He's an impostor.

Mike F:

Right. If this is his gun, check the registration or whatever. And if he's not, set him free. He's like, okay. Alright.

Mike F:

Wow. And that's the thing. This is where Michael, he's kind of a cop and he's kinda not, but he needs some sort of badge.

Mike S.:

He does. He needs some some kind of, credibility.

Mike F:

Right. Right? Exactly.

Mike S.:

And, he technically doesn't exist.

Mike F:

Right. Well, that's true. That's true. He doesn't exist. A man who does not exist.

Mike F:

We see Adrian talked to somebody on the sub. They're on their way now. Oh, yeah. By the way, the the sub was detained because of some, military maneuvers in the waters off the coast, California. So

Mike S.:

No. Oh, is that Yeah. That's what that was. Okay.

Mike F:

And Garth comes in the room to talk to April and Devon, says, hey. You're not gonna get out of here. By the way, when I leave, I am going to overload the circuits in the house, and the house is going to burn down.

Mike S.:

Good plan.

Mike F:

Right. I'm not sure how you do The main overload circuit level. This.

Mike S.:

Lever. Yep. You just gotta know where that's at.

Mike F:

It's yeah. It's it's on the other side of your circuit breaker box.

Mike S.:

Probably. It's hidden. It's hidden.

Mike F:

And Garth oh, yeah. And Garth wants April to come with him. Right? Oh, no. No.

Mike F:

At first, I'm sorry. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Wants April to come with him. She's like, hey.

Mike F:

I can handle this myself. So she goes outside with him. And, do I have a clip of this? Hold on. There's a little speech.

Mike F:

Yes. She gives a little speech about how he'll never come with him and how basically he'll always be alone, and it kinda hurts his feelings a little bit. Yeah. Yeah. So I wanna play it.

Audio clip:

Please, he can't hurt you now.

Intro Garthe:

Nor will he ever again. You see, Devin Miles must die just as surely as Michael might.

Audio clip:

In that case, you might as well know what I think about you and your destiny. Your destiny is to never have a woman who wants you for yourself, to never have a man who respects you for what you are. Your destiny is death. And if you don't believe me, just go take a good look in the mirror. There are holes where your eyes should be.

Audio clip:

And behind them, there's nothing but blackness.

Mike F:

So you did hear that, but that's where she was talking about, you know, there's holes where your eyes should be, and there's nothing but blackness. And you're gonna die alone, basically. And I didn't realize it until I played it, but there's a lot of heavy heavy breathing going on while she's talking. Because he's, like, kinda growling at her while she's doing it, and it's a total, like, soap opera move. So where we at?

Mike S.:

So he throws her back in the room, and she cry she cries. Yeah.

Mike F:

Oh, but he did say, in in a month, you'll be following me around like a hungry puppy or something like that, like, if he takes her with her. Right. With him.

Mike S.:

So But he doesn't. So yeah. Then, the next thing I have is Kit's pick oh, Kit picks up a vehicle.

Mike F:


Mike S.:

And it's, 4043 miles northwest of the mansion. It Michael's like, that's the ocean. Right. Then they they fig they figure out it's like it's a sub. Right.

Mike S.:

And they're like, alright. Well, they're probably gonna take Goliath to to bring deliver the doctor to the sub. Mhmm. So that's when we'll get him. Yeah.

Mike S.:

So that's the the vulnerable spot.

Mike F:


Mike S.:

And then Goliath comes out of the garage or whatever he was in.

Mike F:

Very slowly.

Mike S.:

Yes. Yeah. And, then I think, Adrian comes to get the doctor out of his cell with her arm guards, and they take him and load him up.

Mike F:

He does try to refuse for a second, but they're like, here's all the guns. He's like, okay.

Mike S.:

Never mind. We'll

Mike F:

just kill you. Yeah.

Mike S.:

Exactly. Oh, and then yeah. Oh, and

Mike F:

this is where we see Garth. This is

Mike S.:

where he he flips that power power switch.

Mike F:

Right. Exactly. Exactly. Maybe it's like when, you know, people who have, like, wind turbines or, like, solar power where they can send it back to the grid. Maybe it has something to do with that.

Mike S.:

Maybe. Could be.

Mike F:

I never really understood how that works. I never had solar panels, but I don't know.

Mike S.:

No. Me either.

Mike F:

So yeah. So that's so that, they put the doctor in the back of the semi, which I found kinda funny. It's just like this giant open semi here. Just go in the back here. You'll be fine.

Mike S.:

Going back. Big empty trailer.

Mike F:

Right. No seats or nothing. Like, they want this guy to get there alive. You would think they would have, like, at least put some sort of seat back there so he can Right.

Mike S.:

Strap him in or something.

Mike F:

And then Goliath does talk to or Garth talks to Goliath as they leave. I don't know what he I can't remember what he said.

Mike S.:

I wrote that down too, and I'm like, but it can't talk back.

Mike F:

Right. Exactly. So it's not the same. I think he said something like, this time, we will win or something like that. We got it, buddy.

Mike F:

Yeah. So yeah. So they pull out. Kit notices that the house is about to explode. He can he can tell that.

Mike F:

He can sense it.

Mike S.:

Right. Right. And So he tells Michael that, and Michael just bolts out of the car into the house that's about to explode.

Mike F:

I think he tells him to take Katherine away.

Mike S.:


Mike F:

And then he goes in and Kit directs him to the main breaker board.

Mike S.:


Mike F:

But did you notice that noises the house was making?

Mike S.:

Like, the UFO was

Mike F:

in his own. Exactly. Like, that's not a noise a house would make if it was gonna blow up. No. Right?

Mike F:

Like, if the if you would be better off making that, like, fake, like, Van de Graaff generator noise or whatever if the house was gonna explode, because that's what like, noises you would expect if it was being overloaded. Right? Like, some weird humming noise. Like, I was

Mike S.:


Mike F:

At my mom's house once when a power line thing came down, and I heard that that it it was the it was the weirdest, like, sound thing. Really? Because it was just up the street, and, like, you could see the glow. And I'm like, I'm not going outside. I'm afraid to go

Mike S.:

Yeah. Right.

Mike F:

Because it wasn't, like, right at the house. It was, like, next street over. Like, because there was one right outside my mom's house. And but her basement had water. I'm like, I'm not going down there because I'm probably gonna get electrocuted.

Mike S.:


Mike F:

But it was the weirdest, eeriest, like, sound. Anyway

Mike S.:


Mike F:

So then so, yeah. So he does that, and now the lights are all out. And he manages to find a light that's just

Mike S.:

Like a flashlight.

Mike F:

Yeah. Like a giant, like, lantern. Yeah. It's like just like sitting there. And so, yeah, she's they find he finds them, and she's like, I've never been so glad.

Mike F:

April's like, I've never been so glad to see someone in my life. And

Mike S.:

Did he get some out of there?

Mike F:

Yeah. He gets them out of there. But then he, like, leaves but they have to catch Goliath, obviously.

Mike S.:

Right. Right. And then so Goliath is rolling down the street. This cop attempts to pull out.

Mike F:

Oh, yeah. Roscoe p Coltrane there.

Mike S.:

Yeah. Yeah. But Goliath just like, the cop speeds ahead and tries to, like, roadblock him. And, Goliath basically he runs him over. He doesn't just, like, hit him and knock him out of the way.

Mike S.:

It's like monster truck, like, runs over and smashes the car, which was cool.

Mike F:

And meanwhile, Garth is, like, honking the horn, and Adrian's, like, do you need to do that? He's, like, I want the whole world to witness my triumph. He's, like, that's why I built this thing. Like, what triumph? What are people gonna know?

Mike F:

They're not gonna have any idea what you're doing except you're driving around like a nut my nut bag. Right?

Mike S.:

Like, the truck is not even needed No. Woody.

Mike F:

No. It's not. It's

Mike S.:

not. Oh. So they're they're in the middle of a chase. Yeah. And Devin decides to call Michael in the car Right.

Mike S.:

Because there's no no better time to call. Right. But he tell he tells him the general's setting up a roadblock. Yes. So they've got, like, the National Guard out there.

Mike S.:

Right. It's like a handful of soldiers and Mhmm. Some some tanks or something.

Mike F:

I don't know. And I think Michael knows it's not gonna really do much, but but whatever. Right.

Mike S.:

Try to slow him down, maybe.

Mike F:

But yeah. So Garth sees it, and he's excited. And he speeds up build the thing. Yeah. He blasts right through, right, the first thing, which was people and some cars.

Mike F:

Right? Right. Or was that where there were tanks too? There was, like, multilayer.

Mike S.:

A truck. It was a there was a a truck with, like, rocks in

Mike F:

it that Oh, yeah. That's right. Right. Right.

Mike S.:

He just broke through that.

Mike F:

Yeah. So he bust through, and then Kit jumps over it behind him.

Mike S.:


Mike F:

And by the way, again, I think we may may this mention before. The car is indestructible, the truck, but inertia still exists. So they would still Yeah. You know, they'd probably get thrown into the windshield when they hit that truck regardless. Just an FYI.

Mike F:

So, yeah, he's like, I love the feeling of power, absolute power. He's like, I remember he's talking to Adrian now. I remember you waiting outside my door, hungry for my touch because you looked like because I looked like him. And then Yeah. I don't know.

Mike F:

She's he's like she says something like, why settle for a copy when you could have the original? And she means Michael. He's like, he's the copy.

Mike S.:

Yeah. Right. Yeah. That was an insult for

Mike F:

the allegiance. It is such a weird dynamic. Like, why did she take why did she let him out of prison? I don't understand. She obviously doesn't like the guy.

Mike S.:

She could've done it on her own, really.

Mike F:

Right. If she rebuilt Cladd, what did she need him for?

Mike S.:

Right. Maybe next time. Yeah. Alright. So they know they know those doctors in the trailer, but they scan for him anyway Oh, yeah.

Mike S.:

In there.

Mike F:

Speaking of which, you would think he would have been launched through the back of the truck when they

Mike S.:

Yeah. Right? He would have been rocked all over the place. Bloody corpse specter.

Mike F:

And they and they do show him on the inside. At one point, he does look like he is gonna be sick. He's, like, hanging on by a strap.

Mike S.:

Yeah. That's safe. Yeah. It

Mike F:

would be like, oh, shoot. Was it what was the movie? There was something where they had something like that, and, like, the guy's arm was still attached to it, like, later, and they took the body away. You know what I'm talking about? There was some

Mike S.:

Yeah. No. That sounds funny.

Mike F:

Classic movie. I can't remember. Anyway

Mike S.:

Alright. So in order to get to the doctor, Michael has to climb out onto Kit, go up, sneak up to the trailer, and open the door while they're, you know, going a 120 miles an hour down the highway. And so he At least does that.

Mike F:

At least 20.

Mike S.:

Yeah. So he does that. He goes up, and what I was thinking is, like, there's no lock on the trailer. Correct. You know, he just he just opens it up.

Mike S.:

Had there been a lock, they wouldn't have been able to save him. But,

Mike F:

it's like it's an indestructible truck, but yet they forgot one tiny little detail.

Mike S.:

We really should have put a lock on that back door. So they they get the doctor. So these Mike Michael and the doctor climb back on Kidd and get in the car.

Mike F:


Mike S.:

And then then it becomes kind of a reverse chase. Right? Now Goliath is chasing Michael.

Mike F:

And at first, I did you notice though when they got back in the truck, it looked like there was a bomb. Like, I thought he put a bomb on the back.

Mike S.:

I saw that

Mike F:

But that was just there. Then because I went backwards, and it was there already when they pulled up to it.

Mike S.:

So Yeah. It was like a little electronic panel.

Mike F:

Right. Which you would think that was the lock. But they didn't even undo it. No. He didn't even, like, pretend they hit buttons on that one.

Mike F:

But, yeah, you're right. So now it becomes an apps a backwards chase. He's chasing Yeah.

Mike S.:

Kit. And, then Michael goes off road.

Mike F:


Mike S.:

And, you know, Goliath stays in pursuit. And, again, I think we're heading towards a cliff here.

Mike F:

Right? But at this point, before that, Adrian's like, why don't we just escape? We're we just get out of here. He's like, I don't wanna escape. I fight.

Mike S.:

Yeah. That's right. Yeah.

Mike F:

And she's like,

Mike S.:

I Yeah. He's not he's not gonna give up. But so yeah. So, again, I think, you know, Michael says, you know, what's coming up or whatever? Kid's like, hey.

Mike S.:

There's a cliff. So Michael's like, hey. How's your grappling hook? And I'm thinking here, this is a big risk. You're you're driving along.

Mike S.:

You fire off your grappling hook, and the there's a couple of rocks.

Mike F:

Right? Literally. That's what it is. They're rocks. They're not anything bigger than rocks.

Mike S.:

They're not too big. Yeah. Right. I I would think you'd hit them with the hook, and you would drag those rocks along with you. But it just suddenly halts them to a stop.

Mike F:

I mean, I'm sure he used this kit dynamic braking too, though, for the combination. The reverse turbo? Maybe the reverse turbo worked. Yes. Yeah.

Mike F:

They didn't try that.

Mike S.:

But the odds of that

Mike F:

And then

Mike S.:

grappling hook actually catching, you know.

Mike F:

Yeah. That's a that's a lot it is a

Mike S.:

lot calculations right in there. Yeah.

Mike F:

Right. So now Goliath is behind him, and they can't stop, obviously, momentum. At least now physics still works. Right. So they can't stop in time.

Mike F:

And instead of, like, driving into Kit and pushing them off what they, like, drive off to the side of them.

Mike S.:

Exactly. Which Exactly. Why?

Mike F:

If he was really as maniacal as he is made out to be, he would've purposely drove into him to take him out with him.

Mike S.:

You know what it would've been cooler is if there was, like, another 10 feet of rope on that grappling hook. So he actually goes off the cliff

Mike F:

And hangs from hangs there?

Mike S.:

And hangs there. Yeah.

Mike F:

That would have been cooler.

Mike S.:

And then go then Goliath goes over, then they kinda, like, reverse back up or something.

Mike F:

Exactly. Yeah. That would have been perfect. That would have been great.

Mike S.:

That would have been nice.

Mike F:

Now so now, obviously, then Goliath goes, falls over, crashes, and I guess the saltwater can't handle it, even though it is indestructible. But I wanna say something. Did you notice that Goliath basically growled? Get like an edible?

Mike S.:

No. No.

Mike F:

So it's not unlike like, by the way, I mentioned this at work, and someone actually knew what I was talking about because I don't know what I can't remember what they were saying about something. Oh, he was talking about engines on an airplane, and he's like, they kinda growl. I'm like like the like, Airwolf? He knew he knew what I was talking about. He's an older guy like me.

Mike F:

Anyway. So, yes. He does. He growls. I I got it.

Mike F:

I I have it here. It's 25 seconds. You're gonna hear something, and I'll kinda try to talk about it. You're gonna hear something when he goes over the cliff, and then you're definitely gonna hear it when he hits the water. Well, you're not going to because you're not gonna hear anything.

Intro Garthe:

Yeah. Right.

Mike F:

I forgot. But the people listening will. Hold on. I like it's making this weird noise, but it's growling. He hit the water.

Mike F:

Now we're gonna see him going underneath.

Intro Garthe:

It's over.

Mike S.:

Thank god.

Mike F:

I love it.

Mike S.:

What was that?

Mike F:

He sounds like Me. Me. Kinda like Bigfoot.

Mike S.:

That's awesome.

Mike F:

Wait. I gotta see if I can I send you this export sound file?

Mike S.:

You like it that much? Well, you got I'll hear it.

Mike F:

That didn't help. I just want I wanna send it to you because I think you'll enjoy it.

Mike S.:

I'll send it. I'll make a ringtone.

Mike F:

But like the first one, you can kind of be like, okay. Maybe that is just like slow mo sounds of a truck. You know what I mean? Like they slowed it down, and, you know, that's what it is. It's just slow motion.

Mike F:

So that's what it is. But the second one is it's definitely

Mike S.:

It's a growl.

Mike F:

Yeah. It's definitely growling like an animal or like like I said, it kinda sounds like okay. I hate when you can't find oh, that's why. Here we go. Well, let's do this.

Mike F:

Will this work for me? Oh, there we go. Alright. I'll send it to you. I don't know how long it'll take to get to you.

Mike S.:

Can't wait.

Mike F:

Nope. It I heard the noise, and it went.

Mike S.:

Yeah. Yeah. It went. It's here. Let's see if I can see if I can play it.

Mike F:

Yeah. I could hear it in the background a little bit.

Mike S.:

It's the water hit. Yeah. Oh, yeah. It's almost like a scream. It's terrifying.

Mike F:

But the thing is, like, it's it's not like like you would expect Kit to make some noise. More like help me. But,

Mike S.:

Yeah. But

Mike F:

anyway so yeah. So that's the end of that. And someone says to him, who was that mad man? Was someone in the car with no. Michael's by himself.

Mike F:

Right? Yeah. Yeah. I think I

Mike S.:

think it was He had the guy with him.

Mike F:

Was it oh, yeah. He Oh, no. He's the doctor. The other doctor was in the Yeah. I forgot.

Mike F:

He got him out of the truck. Yeah. Never mind. Yeah. He's He's like, who was that mad man?

Mike F:

I'm like, well

Mike S.:


Mike F:

It's kind of a story. So you see you see, that's really Wilton Knight's kid who was put in an African prison.

Mike S.:


Mike F:

But now I look like him because I was shot in the face, and he wanted to save me.

Mike S.:

Alright. What? Yeah. That would that would be a deep explanation.

Mike F:

Yeah. So now, we cut back to, you know, the end of the episode. Now they're back from the conference, and they're, they're, getting coming out of the or Kit or Michael's getting in the car and alright. I'm sorry. Kit drove them to the conference.

Mike F:

Michael didn't go. Because he's he's like, that's some boring ass laser shit. I don't need to see that.

Mike S.:

Right. Right.

Mike F:

But Christina comes out, and she's like, hey, I got a list of restaurants that Kit gave me for our dinner date. So Kit's like, you know, playing matchmaker, and finally, he's, like, being Yelp over here. And, he's like, oh, okay. And then they're driving. Right?

Mike F:

And then Kit makes a horn noise like Goliath, like the you know, because he recorded that too. I'm like, that wasn't cool.

Mike S.:

The air horn.

Mike F:

And Yeah. That was good. But to get him back for scaring him, Mike hits the gas and Kit acts like he's like, you drive like this every day.

Mike S.:

Right. And you could take over if

Mike F:

you wanted. Right. It didn't make any sense. Anyway That was it. That was it.

Mike S.:

That was a hell of a show.

Mike F:

It was. And I believe that's the last time we see I I guess yeah. Be pretty hard for Garth to come back from that.

Mike S.:

Yeah. Yeah.

Mike F:

But yeah. I agree. So anyway, that was

Mike S.:

But he could

Mike F:

that was it. So we kinda got got, like, double evil twins episodes or whatever, let us know. Not that we're gonna make it a thing for this whole year, because Twin episodes or whatever, let us know. Not that we're gonna make it a thing for this whole year, because that would be impossible.

Mike S.:

Yeah. Kinda burnt out on that.

Mike F:

But it's it's it's funny. Because just because it was such a big thing in the seventies eighties. But, yeah, that was it. We finally watched the right one. Right.

Mike F:

Hopefully, you did too and enjoyed it. Goliath is kinda cool, but it's too bad he doesn't have brainpower like

Mike S.:

Kit. Right. He needs a computer. Yeah.

Mike F:

We should do Kit versus Karnex. We didn't already do that, did we?

Mike S.:

Did we? I don't know. I can't remember.

Mike F:

It's terrible. We're terrible. We don't remember what episodes we did. But, like, we figured out, as you guys heard, because I'm probably not editing that part out, this was 4 years ago we did the first Goliath. So it was understandable that we would have forgotten or that Mike

Mike S.:

I bet Mike would have forgotten. I'm still concerned that I don't remember, because I watched the whole damn thing again and don't remember.

Mike F:

Yeah. I think it's funny.

Mike S.:

Alright. But there you have it. I think that I think that'll do it. Yeah.

Mike F:

That's it. It's a long enough one for you. Yeah. Alright. For this episode, I used to watch this.

Mike F:

I'm Mike Forgeto.

Mike S.:

And I'm Mike Sullivan. We'll see

Mike F:

you next time. Bye.

VO: intro:

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