Lead Tennessee Radio

Tyler Campbell, executive director of the Kentucky Telecom Association, joined Carrie Huckeby to discuss the upcoming 2022 KTA/TNBA Fall Conference and Supplier Showcase. Why is the meeting important? How has the conference changed over the years? What can attendees look forward to this year?

Show Notes

Register for the conference at https://www.tennesseebroadband.com/events/kta-tnba-fall-conference-supplier-showcase/

What is Lead Tennessee Radio?

Lead Tennessee Radio features conversations with the leaders who are moving Tennessee forward. Topics include rural development, broadband, technology, legislation, policy and more. The podcast is produced by the Tennessee Broadband Association.

The following program is brought to you by the Tennessee
Broadband Association.

Lead Tennessee Radio, conversations with the leaders moving our
state forward.

We look at the issues shaping Tennessee's future: rural
development, public policy, broadband,

health care, and other topics impacting our communities.

Carrie Huckeby:
Hello. I'm Carrie Huckeby, executive director of the Tennessee
Broadband Association.

I have as our guest today Tyler Campbell, who is the executive
director of the Kentucky Telecom Association.

Tyler, thanks for joining me.

Tyler Campbell:
Thank you, Carrie, for having me.

I really appreciate your time today.

Carrie Huckeby:
By the way, how long have you been the executive director of
Kentucky Telecom?

Tyler Campbell:
And this is my seventh year.

So I started right before our annual meeting actually in 2015.

I was hired right in 2015, and then so my first event or my
first big meeting, was actually what we're going to talk about

today was the KTA/TNBA Fall Conference.

That was the first one I was in charge of actually back in 2015.

Carrie Huckeby:
Wow. Well, this is our 28th annual KTA/TNBA Fall Conference and

It's on October the 11th through the 13th.

It's happening in Bowling Green, Kentucky.

It's hard to believe that October is right around the corner.

Tyler Campbell:
Yeah, I was going to say this year has absolutely flown by.

Carrie Huckeby:
It has. It has.

So I mentioned that this is our 28th Annual Fall Conference, and
our associations have obviously been coming together for a long

time. And although neither of us were in these jobs then, do you
think the importance of the conference is

any different today than it was all 28 years ago when it

I mean, have the reasons changed to come together?

Tyler Campbell:
I think the reasons are probably similar, but I think they're
more important now than maybe they even were 28 years ago.

And I think, you know, in our industry right now in terms of
broadband, innovation and collaboration are two buzzwords, but

they're very important.

And obviously, we have members that serve both on our boards
that are in both Kentucky and Tennessee that serve both states

and serve them very well.

So I think coming together with people across a broad spectrum
of the industry, whether it be our vendors and being able to

compare notes, what's happening in certain areas of Tennessee,
what's happening in certain areas of Kentucky.

Obviously the we serve our consumers, our rural, rural customers

And, you know, being able to collaborate and compare notes
between what may be impacting one area of Tennessee, where the

topography may be very similar to what the topography is in
Kentucky or the demographics are very similar in those areas.

I don't think you can overstate the importance of innovation and
collaboration among our members.

So I feel that those reasons were probably there 28 years ago.

But I still feel that they're there today and probably now more
than ever.

It's important today to come together, even though I feel like
we technology makes it easier in so many ways to get together.

Obviously, the speed in which our folks do business constantly
evolves and increases, and everybody's calendars get really

bogged down a lot of times between Zoom meetings and legislative
meetings and association meetings.

And so I feel like carving out this time each year for us to get
together, and that's why I'm so happy we're back to these

in-person meetings again, post-pandemic.

I can't overstate the importance of collaboration amongst our

Carrie Huckeby:
Yeah, there's nothing like those face-to-face conversations
standing in the hallway or at a conference lunch.

I mean, Zoom cannot replace that.

Tyler Campbell:
You know, it can't.

It can't replace – Zoom doesn't replace those face-to-face
interactions and just basically the level of anecdotal, you

know, for lack of a better term, storytelling.

You know, the impact of what somebody may be dealing with in
their business day-to-day.

You know, those conversations continually evolve, and they can
begin at a meeting like this and continue once these meetings

end. And so the storytelling aspect and the anecdotal stories

just as important as sitting in a conference room listening to a
speaker talk about industry specific technology.

Like I said, I feel like the peer-to-peer networking that
happens at these meetings.

Again, it's so valuable just because of what you can take away,
because somebody there is going to be dealing with a similar

situation that you're dealing with in your telco.

Carrie Huckeby:
Well, the reasons to come together haven't changed for sure.

But how has the meeting changed over the years?

Have you seen just in your time span of seven years, have you
seen changes with content,

and you mentioned storytelling.

You know, what kind of changes can we see?

Tyler Campbell:
I think each of our meetings, you know, I think a lot of times
our annual meetings can be geared toward different priorities.

You'll have folks from marketing, finance sectors.

This meeting has in the past tended to be very technical in

However, I will say I feel like because of what is happening in
Washington, D.C.

and in the state houses, you're seeing the continue evolution of
a legislative and regulatory component that we have at this

meeting that in the past, I think this meeting was much more
technical in nature.

So I do feel like it has evolved because we're continually
having regulators from Washington, D.C., the FCC, our

national association partners with NTCA – The Rural Broadband
Association, providing us federal updates, inviting federal

agencies down. I know we'll probably talk a little bit about the
agenda later, but we're in the process of hopefully getting

NTIA to attend, and they said they will attend.

We're just waiting for verification from the speaker, who the
speaker will be.

But you know, the BEAD implementation for the federal broadband
dollars, the BEAD implementation is going to be very important

to all our members.

You know, Tennessee and Kentucky are slated to get hundreds of
millions of dollars for broadband expansion.

And so what does the BEAD implementation look like from the
federal infrastructure package?

So we'll have those conversations.

So I think that those reasons, but I mean, the content has
somewhat changed from just a

technical meeting to have focus on legislative and regulatory
content as well.

Carrie Huckeby:
For someone that may be new to our industry and just started a
job at one of our member companies or associate member

companies, what purpose do these conventions play in the
industry and their career?

Tyler Campbell:
I think it's like a lot of these meetings.

The purpose is in many aspects of relationship building.

People want to do business with people that they know, and they

So for a vendor that may be wondering about exhibiting for the
first time in our supplier showcase, I would encourage them to

investigate, become members of both associations if their
territory allows it, but become a member of the association.

Dip your toe in the water.

Go to the meetings. Test them out.

That's how you get to know the individuals at these telcos that
you'll be interacting with.

But I think for a person that may be coming for the first time,
you know, immersing yourself in the meeting, actually attending

not just a supplier showcase, but come listen to the speakers,
have an opportunity, attend the luncheons, attend the breakout

sessions, and actually listen to the questions that may be asked
in some of these sessions.

You'll get a really good picture of what is happening, I think,
both in Tennessee and Kentucky for among all of our rural

broadband providers.

And that may form how you build a relationship with these
individuals going forward.

Because at the end of the day, I think people want to do business
with those individuals that they know and trust.

And becoming a member of our association and displaying at these
events and interacting with them on a consistent basis is a great

way to do that.

Carrie Huckeby:
We don't have our keynote speakers confirmed, as you mentioned

I know we've extended some invitations to NTIA, but what do you
hope to include in the general session as far

as information and and content?

Tyler Campbell:
Yeah. I think we're going to, you're going to see a definite
focus on what's happening at the federal level in terms of the

future of the infrastructure package and how that's going to
filter down to the states.

I'm hopeful that we'll have a conversation about how both of our
states are dealing with our state broadband offices and our

broadband grant programs.

You know, Tennessee has done an excellent job, and it was a
little bit ahead of the curve.

I would say more than a little bit ahead of the curve of

We're just now in the process of really establishing that

And so Tennessee has done a great job.

So I'm hoping to have some conversations about best practices in
terms of what's been in Tennessee, what Kentucky's hoping to do.

The legislation that was passed in our state, what Tennessee has
already looked to do.

So you'll have a federal component.

You'll have a state component talking about the broadband

I think you'll see content dealing with things obviously like
cybersecurity and just those

technical issues that we had talked about earlier.

But I do think you'll talk about what's happening at the FCC, so
you'll have a regulatory component.

And then the future of USF.

You know, we talk about expanding broadband and the importance
of having these federal appropriations filter down to the

states. Well, that's great for capital projects and construction
of networks, but at the end of the day, it's going to be equally

as important and even more important, that we be able to
maintain these networks into the future.

So we advocate as a rural broadband provider to build future
proof networks.

Fiber is where the demand is going to be met for our consumers
in the future.

So we know 20 years from now that fiber can meet the demands and
the increased demands for video and which is what's driving the

need for additional bandwidth right now.

And so the importance of the Universal Service Fund and
contribution reform, the future of that fund is going

to be a hot topic in the near future.

And so I think we'll have some conversations that will focus on
what the future of USF looks like.

Carrie Huckeby:
We received several speaker proposals this year and remind me, is
there six breakout

sessions, and you'll be choosing from those?

And give us a look at what we can expect there.

Tyler Campbell:
Yeah. We'll announce that within the next day or so, actually.

I have got a list to actually send back to you that we had
initially met and agreed on some topics.

And but yeah, we typically have three or four breakout sessions
– or I'm sorry – three or four general sessions and then we'll

have six breakout sessions.

That's been the typical format of our meeting.

And so, we'll have three breakout sessions going on concurrently
at two different times.

So it again, we look to have a diversified meeting content.

So we try to get something for everybody that wants to attend
this meeting.

And so I think you'll see that again this year, as in years past
with those breakout sessions, typically those general sessions

tend to be those what I will say more general meatier topics in
terms of federal legislative and regulatory

issues. Maybe like something like you said, the future of the

And then those breakout sessions are very much focused on maybe
innovative technology that could be beneficial to our telcos and

our broadband providers in both Kentucky and Tennessee.

So those more technology specific issues that may come up,
you'll see those in those breakout sessions.

Carrie Huckeby:
Yeah. Those breakout sessions are always very popular because not
only [does] it give our associate members an opportunity

to be in front of the audience, but to also have those
discussions one-on-one and, and,

you know, those specific topics.

So those breakout sessions are very popular.

And as you said, we'll be announcing those very soon to get the
agenda ready.

The last day, half day, is the showcase, and that's always a
good showing.

I think you said other day that 50% of the booth space is sold.

So that is a good sign that it's going to be very active again
this year.

But tell us about the showcase and what the attendees will see
and why that's so popular.

Tyler Campbell:
Yeah. I think it's really popular just because, like you said, it
is the one time of year where we get together and have a

traditional trade show, so to speak.

You know, we'll have some smaller meetings where the vendors
will be there, but they really can showcase the latest and

greatest with their company and what they have to offer.

And, you know, it gives them an opportunity in a setting that's
I think, it's a casual setting, but they're interacting with

their customers and future customers.

And we have a ton of foot traffic that comes through.

We have members from all over Kentucky and Tennessee that attend
this meeting, and they bring their employees.

So that's one thing that's really nice.

It's that they bring the technicians and the outside the plant
employees that will actually be installing this equipment or

using this equipment and interacting with customers.

And so I think it's a great opportunity if you're a vendor out
there and wondering if you should exhibit at our showcase.

You know, it is a compact time.

You know, it's a three and a half to four hour showcase, but
we'll have over 400 people that'll come through that room at one

point. You know, our showcase has gotten so popular, you know, I
don't know about Tennessee, but Kentucky, we don't have any

municipal members. But there are so many people that have heard
so many great things about our showcase that I have other

associations contacting me to see if their members could come to
our showcase.

It is that popular in that area.

We have vendors that have great reputations throughout the
United States that attend this meeting.

And so I feel like the popularity of our showcase continues to
grow each year.

And I fully expect that we will have a at capacity, you know,
typically that showcase, we will have anywhere between

80 to 85 vendors.

We've had as many as 90.

I definitely think we will be in that 85 to 90 range of vendors
that will be present in the room.

And so it's a great opportunity for those associate members of
both Kentucky and Tennessee to get in there and

to interact with people that they may not, they call on every
once in a while, but this is their opportunity to showcase the

latest and greatest technology that they think will make a real
difference for the consumers that our telcos serve each and every

day. And so the popularity continues to grow.

I would highly encourage anybody that listens to this.

If you're a vendor that may be on the fence about coming down to
Bowling Green, I would highly encourage you to be there because

the foot traffic is there.

We have the right people in the room that make those decisions,
and I really think that you will get a lot out of this meeting.

Carrie Huckeby:
I totally agree with that.

Come to the showcase.

As you said, these conventions is where you sometimes can get
that face time and that discussion

with the member companies where you can't always fit in your
travel schedule or make that appointment.

So it's really the right time to see those folks.

And also, you know, with the pandemic, as you mentioned earlier,
the travel stopped, those

one-on-one conversations or face-to-face meetings stopped.

So I think everybody's really anxious to get back into these
type of showcases and be able to have those meetings and

visits with one another.

If nothing else does, to keep, you know, catch up with family.

How is your family doing?

Because our industry is like that.

Tyler Campbell:
Yeah. I really think that's one thing I love about our industry.

You know, they really do look at each other like family, you

I always said that rarely did I have a job before this where
somebody asked me how my kids were, and all 16 of my board

members know my kids names and ages.

And, you know, they always ask how they're doing.

My kids are getting ready to start school here in Kentucky.

We start next week.

And it really is a family.

You know, it's a family environment.

And that's why I said I really do feel that the greatest benefit
for people to get involved with these meetings is that you build

those relationships.

They want to do business with people that they know and they

And the foundation for the future business and the future of
both of our associations can be found in attending

meetings like this.

Carrie Huckeby:
All right. So what else can we look forward to during the

I know there's a golf day, right?

And that's on Tuesday.

Tyler Campbell:
Yeah, the first day is what I always really refer to as a
peer-to-peer kind of networking day.

We'll have our KTA/TNBA Fall Conference golf scramble, which is
always popular there at Crosswinds.

And so typically we'll have close to 100 golfers that will
participate in that.

We'll have the registration and welcome reception.

The welcome reception is that night.

Then the next day is when we will have our general session and
our breakout sessions.

We have the ever popular vendor dessert reception.

We always get rave reviews over the desserts there that evening.

And so if once our folks can go out to dinner and interact, they
come back and have that wonderful dessert reception.

They'll be able to set up for their vendor booths the next day.

And then on Thursday, we will have the supplier showcase that

So it's a jam packed three days.

There's a lot going on, but there's a lot of opportunity for
casual interaction.

And like I said, it's a casual environment in many ways.

It's low key, that first day especially.

And like I said, I highly encourage anybody that may be on the
fence about participating.

It's a wonderful opportunity to get to interact with a number of
telcos from both Kentucky and Tennessee.

We'll have, I know from Kentucky, we'll have every telco in
Kentucky that's a member of our association.

We'll have somebody there.

Carrie Huckeby:
Great. So registration is open.

Hotel blocks are available.

Remind us what the hotel cutoff is and the registration cutoff
is, dates.

Tyler Campbell:
The hotel cutoff will be Saturday, September the 10th.

And we are already having to add, we have added to the room

So if you have not reserved your room online on the KTA, it's

website on the event registration page, there is a link there to
reserve your room there in Bowling Green at the Holiday Inn at

the Sun Convention Center.

So I would highly suggest that you go ahead and reserve your
room as soon as possible, because we are already having to add

rooms to the block and at some point they probably will not
allow us to add anymore.

So I would highly encourage you to do that.

And then the registration cut off will be October the third, the
close of business on October the third.

So if you have not reserved a vendor booth, if you don't want to
reserve a vendor booth as an associate member, but just want to

attend the conference, there are conference-only options there
to just attend the conference.

We also have a showcase-only option for individuals that may
want to just come and check out and just talk to the

vendors on the day of the showcase.

That's an option as well on our website.

And if you have any issues, please feel free to contact me at
any time.

Happy to help anybody through the registration process.

Carrie Huckeby:
Fantastic. As we wrap up, is there anything else you'd like to
add regarding the conference?

Tyler Campbell:
No, I really just want to like I said, I think I've done the plug
a couple of times, but I really just I think a lot of this

meeting, again, it was the the first meeting that I was in
charge of as the executive director for the KTA back in 2015.

I'm very fond of this meeting.

I think it's a great opportunity to collaborate.

I always enjoy working with my counterparts in Tennessee in the
volunteer state, and

so it's a great opportunity for our telcos in Kentucky and
Tennessee to get together, compare notes.

And like I said, I really feel that it's a high quality meeting.

The meeting content is always stellar, and I don't think that
this year will be any different.

I'm very confident we will have a very informative and
well-attended meeting.

Carrie Huckeby:
I agree. I look forward to seeing everyone in October, which is
right around the corner, as we said.

And I always look forward to the content and the showcase.

So again, I'll add to what Tyler said.

If you haven't registered, do that as soon as possible and grab
your room.

And if you're interested in a booth at the showcase, you better
grab that up too, because that's going fast as well.

So thank you, Tyler.

Tyler Campbell:
Thank you again. Look forward to seeing everybody in Bowling
Green, October 11th through the 13th.

Carrie Huckeby:
Right. My guest has been Tyler Campbell, who is the executive
director at Kentucky Telecom Association.

And you've been listening to Lead Tennessee Radio, produced by
the Tennessee Broadband Association, cooperative and independent

companies connecting our state's rural communities and beyond
with world class broadband.