Clydesdale Media Podcast

We are less than 2 weeks away from the CrossFit Games. We look at the announcement of Event 6, How does the Texas Star play a role? We rank the field of 40 CrossFit Games Athletes in the Female field.  We also look back at the crazy fashion trends we all jumped into early on in our CrossFit Journey.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

what is going on everybody

welcome to the clydesdale

media's sunday night

crossfit talk I'll get

there somewhere I'm just

fresh off the lake my mind

is slowly coming back to

reality uh but yeah

had a good time uh carolyn

will be with us in a little

bit she had reservations

for dinner and uh she's

enjoying that with lex

right now and so as soon as

she's done she'll be

hopping on as we get into

the more important things

we're going to talk about

tonight like ranking the

2024 women of the crossfit

games from 40 all the way

down to one and I think I'm

the only one that's seen

all the lists yes

And it is,

remember last year we were

really similar.


None of us are similar this year.



So it's going to be

interesting to see like

what people think of the lists,

what you guys,

we think of each other's lists,

all of that kind of stuff.


While you're here, don't forget, like,

subscribe to the channel,

hit that bell so you're the

first one to know when new

episodes come out all week.

As we shift from elite

athlete interviews this

week to we're going to move

more into the Masters athletes this week.

So make sure to check that out.

And if you did not see the

interview we did with the

Fialas on Thursday,

so good and so important.

for what has happened a

mother and daughter,

both qualifying for the

CrossFit games for the

first time as rookies.

And it's on the same weekend.

So mom was going to forego

her rookie year to go with her daughter.

And her daughter said, if you do that,

I'm not going.

Oh man.

Good for the daughter.

So the daughter is going

with dad to Michigan and,

mother and son are going to

birmingham alabama for the

masters and she and so I'm

hoping with behind the

scenes we can catch some

footage of her catching the

daughter on the live stream

and rooting for her some

stuff like that we're going

to try to take those back

stories um use those to get

really good behind the

scenes at the masters uh

crossfit games in birmingham

still bummed because we were

the the this company was

going to forego the elite

crossfit games to cover

both the teens and the

masters right and when they

decided to schedule them

both on the same weekend we

had to make a choice and

jamie's become one of my

best friends so we're going

to the masters

I would almost rather stay

here in Michigan and less stress,

less travel, less money.

It is what it is.


But it's your rookie year at

the CrossFit games.

And with that, how's it going training?

Well, I had, I mean,

I did the fresh coast last weekend,

so there was like little D load to that.

And I took a couple of days after.

So I just feel like I'm back

in that little lull slump.

I don't know.

It's just going to be good weeks,

bad weeks.

Sometimes you feel like

you're dying and overtrained,

and I feel pretty good right now.

So I don't know.

Hopefully we get another good, tough week.

Our good friend Sarah Cooper,

we've got a 70-plus going

from my gym to the Masters.

That's awesome.

Not many of them signed up.


I talked to Lana Marcin at Fresh Coast,

and she was not happy with

the signups that they got

for the 70 plus.

But they have it for this year.


it's a good enough showing that

they will continue that on.

So big hello, shout outs to Valberto,

Kenneth, Bruce, Sarah, of course,

and Holly,

who are all here with us tonight.


What's up, guys?

So this isn't in our notes or anything.

I was listening to an

interview with Michael

Phelps that he was on Pat McAfee.

And he talked in that interview,

something you said,

like clicked this thing he said,

that he was so psychotic

about his training that he

never missed a day in six years.


Never took a rest day.

In six years.

Cause in his mind, if you take one day off,

it takes two days to get

you back to where you were.


And if you, and if he did it every day,

that's 50.

If everybody else took a one rest day,

that gives him 52 days of

training that nobody else had.

I won my one race by one,

one hundredth of a second.

And I believe that those 52

days got me that one,

one hundredth of a second.


I feel like CrossFit especially is a

tough sport to get into that mindset.

I was guilty of that for years.

I would go 30 days without

taking a rest day at all.

And I mean...

There's, there's so many little,

so many different variables,

so many little pieces.

Like, I feel like you, you know,

if you're like, Oh, I feel beat up.

I should move this piece.

And then you get to that day

and it coincides with something else.

It's just like, it's hard.

It is.

It's hard to want to like

trust your body and skip a piece.

Because you do,

you feel like you're

falling behind people

because there's so many

things you constantly need

to be training.

My only thing about this is

I hope young kids are not

listening to this going,

that's what I have to do to be great.

Because, you know,

Rich Froning said that when

he was competing early on, right?

That his body just didn't

like sitting around resting.


So he needed to go move.

And I just, yeah, you needed to move.

And everybody's body reacts different.

When I was swimming five hours a day,

And that was through high

school and then into college.

Like, my body needed a rest.


it was whooped up by the time Sunday


And I think if I tried to go

seven days a week,

my body would have failed at some point.

I mean,

it's just a recipe for overtraining,


I mean,

your muscles can't grow without the

rest day, so...

Michael Phelps is a cyborg

that just comes around once

in a lifetime.

And to try to emulate that greatness is,

is just a recipe for, for disappointment.

I think if everybody tried

to do it the way he did it, you know,

you look at Jason Hopper

trying to emulate Matt Fraser and,

and he has his worst finish

ever at the games.


You have to do what works best for you.



just a little side note as

something I listened to as

I was relaxing this weekend.

So we'll go into our,

what are you watching?

How far are you into the bear?

I watched one more episode.


I do not have time.

I am stressed.

It's tough.


we finished it we finished

season three oh nice um

right before we went on

vacation um but we couldn't

get it took us like a week

to get the last episode um

I just I hate watching the

last episode because I know

that I just want to watch

more right and I have to

wait a year right

And that's where I'm at.

And this one, the story just, so not to,

I'm not, no spoiler alert here,

but when you,

season two was so phenomenal,

moving the story forward.

To me,

season three does not move the story

forward very much.

It's almost like,


those middle sequels that are

setting up the end and it's

setting up like the next season.

So it doesn't really get anywhere.

And you feel like let down from the season,

even though everybody's

great in it and the story's great.

It just didn't go very far.

It makes sense.

So there's that.

The other thing I'm totally

into is receiver now.

I've seen clips.

which was quarterback last year.


Receiver this year.

Um, yeah,

I'm like four episodes into that

and I think it's seven.

So that's pretty good.


I enjoyed quarterback.

I'm sure.

I'm sure I would like the receiver.


It's really,

this one is way more people

instead of three quarterbacks, five,

five receivers.


And it's funny.

They all kind of got hurt at

the same time.

So it kind of shows you how rough it is.


And some want to blame the

quarterback for why they're getting hurt.

Some don't.

But your Amon Ross St.

Brown is in it.


And in the first episode,

he tears his oblique from the bone.


And continues to play.


That just, that doesn't even seem.

They're tough.

Kenneth, you are correct.

I thought I heard the Hard

Knocks is doing the Chicago

Bears this year.

Is that true?

It is completely true.

And I cannot wait.

The first episode is like August 7th,

I think, 6th or 7th.

Uh, but they're there now.


the bear started training camp this

last week.


HBO has already been there doing their



so it'll be interesting to see what

comes out from it.

Very exciting.

Um, heard Tyson Bajans having a great, uh,

he had a great spring and coming into, uh,

the season and like

solidified himself as the

backup quarterback, uh,

with like no debate.

That's awesome.

So, um, and he's been getting some,

some run in the Chicago media.

Cause like,

I'm always looking for bear

stuff on YouTube and like

he pops up quite a bit this year.

Uh, just his dad,

the whole arm wrestling story.


and he always talks about CrossFit as

his way to do stuff.

So that's, it's cool.


I like following him.

It's still disappointing

that CrossFit has not used him more.


uh to do do some things so

uh try your dagger says

let's rank some folks we're

gonna get there we're gonna

get there we have a third

person coming in carolyn's

on her way she just is uh

uh out to dinner with lex

and as soon as she gets in

we'll we'll get to the fun

stuff but one thing I did

want to I wanted to pull up

is last week we talked about

why CrossFit isn't

promoting the Tia Laura rivalry more.

And they took one step, one baby step,

with this post.

And we talked about it,

that she made this quote

However it goes, it ends with me winning.

And that they should use that.

And then they should have

some clips of Tia, like,

dominating and back and forth.

So they took this tiny step, like,

that we wanted them to take so bad.

And then nothing.

Followed this up.


We are less than two weeks

away from the CrossFit Games.

This mega rivalry on the horizon.

And this, it's a step.

We asked for a step.

Yeah, they shared it at least.

I mean, it got lots of interaction.


neither one of them need to participate.

They've already said things.

They've already done things.

Oh, I think Laura wants to participate.

I mean,

she's the one putting it out there.

When NBC promotes the Sunday

night football game,

they don't go ask the

players for footage of what

they're doing.

They go back and get clips

and put it together to

promote their show.

CrossFit has a show coming up.

They have a show that

they're trying to get eyes on,

that they're trying to get

butts in seats.

They should be taking clips

and making a montage of

these two women going at it.


Clips from Rogue.

Clips from when they've

competed in the past.

They're the last two champions.

It's everything there is.

I agree.

Tia probably would not participate.

I cannot even follow her social media.

It is all ads.

But she is interviewed after events.


Yes, they could pull clips.

Would she be active and be making posts?


Could they create their own storyline?


You could do it with footage

of them competing against each other.


It doesn't even have to be

anything she says.

Like it just, it's so damn frustrating.


Small team.

They can't do that stuff.



then they have people like Jason and

Dallin actually saying

things and they could grab those clips.


We could put those together.

Like you listen to these interviews,

Lazar Jukic with Sivan the

other day is talking about

throw eight names in the hat, nine,

ten names in the hat.

Anyone could win the games.

Very true.

We haven't had that in forever.

Throw all their stuff in.

Who you got this year?

Do a whole who you got campaign.

Have Roman's interview after

the box overs at semifinals,

right into Dallin's interview,

right into Hopper's, like all that stuff.

It's all out there.

All they have to do is

curate it and throw it together.

Oh, gosh, it's frustrating.

Going to have to do the work for them.

But it's funny.

We actually said this last week,

and we got this,

and then I was watching for more,

and it never came.

Never came.



Metcon Rush.

Did you see anything from there?

I didn't.

They did some Instagram lives.

I was really jealous because

I was supposed to go to Metcon Rush.


But had to pull out of that

because of vacation planned

by my wife and had to

choose happy wife life over

going to Metcon Rush.

But one of my favorite

people in the world won the women's side.

And that is Freya Mooseburger.

So huge shout out to her.

She was followed in second

by Samantha Pugh and third Chloe Serrano.

And the winners got three grand.

That's almost as much as

like winning a semifinal.


Not a bad day.

Not a bad weekend.

Vi actually says,

Dave admitting that

dismantling the media

department was a huge mistake.

It's kind of a win though.

And maybe it means changes are coming.

And Vi is speaking to, in an interview,

he was asked,

what's the one thing he

would change if he could

change anything in the past?

And it was the dismantling

of the media department.


I mean, he brought that up.


I feel like Pat brought that up as well,

the media.

And then a different interview,

he brought that up.

So, I mean, it was brought up twice.


because of the way the

question was asked though, it was,

it had more punch.


What is the one mistake you

would want to do differently?

Um, and so, yeah,

and we can get into some of that,

but Sarah is,

and we're jumping all over

the place till Carolyn gets here,

but Sarah is asking who my Funkos are.

I have a bunch by the way.

Like if you saw on the other side there,

there's a bunch, but I have the flash.

I have,

my namesake thor then I have

some fun ones uh this is

mike didka nice the bears

this is uh the tick I don't

know if you're it's like it

was a sitcom comedy uh

super super funny and then

this is uh slash from guns and roses

And then back here who fell down is, uh,

Walter Payton.

So, yeah,

I used to collect all kinds of things,

but now I just collect, uh,

mint trading cards.

These wax packs are so freaking fun.

This takes me back to like

1984 saving my allowance,

going down to the store and

open up at football cards

and being excited about who was inside.

If you have not got yourself

a mint trading card, wax pack,

got to go on mint trading cards.

Wad zombie is the freaking

coolest dude in the space.

These are the coolest

trading thing in the space.

Go grab you some, um,

Some of his new ones are Enola Kai,

which I've learned in the

Dave Castro interviews.

He's like the coolest guy in CrossFit.



Hattie Cano.

He's got Savan, Adrian Conway, Chase.

I don't know who else.

I got a bunch of them.

But anyway, go check those out.

They're awesome.


Trying to catch up on everything.

SoCal Whizza.

SoCal Whizza?



That's what's next.

This comment.

The people in CrossFit media

do not love CrossFit.

It is a job, not a passion.

Their work quality proves it.

That is evident.

I would agree.

And Sarah Cooper has the

Harry Potter Funkos.

I have Harry as well, somewhere up there.

And then the other Metcon Rush winner,

we forgot, we didn't finish that out.

Luis Oscar Mora won.

Nick Matthew took second.

And Benoit Boulanger took third.

So all big-time semifinal athletes.

Metcon Rush is killing it over there.

um, in Maryland,

I've got to get there next year.

Like it is those,

one of those mid majors

that is going to grow the sport.

And I've been saying that

for months now it crash.

So Cal or NorCal classic,

those beach brawl,

all those kinds of things.

They're the ones that are

going to grow the sport

because they're getting

really good names.

uh someday we'll see him we

we were we fulfilled your

request from last week

seeing our og pictures I'm

just waiting for carolyn to

jump in for those as well

so uh so okay so socal

wadapalooza um do I have to

say tear in there too I

don't know I have no idea

yeah it's a long name

is as named a bunch of

people since we last met.

It started with Lazar Jukic

for the world team,

Ariel Lowen for the North American team,

Justin Medeiros for the

North American team,

Sahir Kaya for the world team,

and they've been added to

the rosters of Tia Toomey, Jeff Adler,

and Danielle Brandon.

So that's shaping up to be a

star-studded event.


It'll be exciting.

Yeah, super exciting.

And I think this question

was thrown in here by our co-host,


But we'll go ahead and we'll

attack it now.

We got into it last week

about the Hall of Fame.


And Carolyn forgot Matt.

And then she stuck to her

guns on Instagram and said

she's keeping Matt out of

the inaugural class,

which makes no sense to me.

And I'd love to hear the

explanation on this.

And she was going with Kalipa, Miko Salo,

and Rich.

So with this, she asked,

who would your MVP out of

Matt and Rich be?

I'll let you go first.

I think I know your answer.

Do you?

I don't know.

So if I had to... Well,

this depends on MVP how.

Like who I would put on a

team to try to win an event,

I would have to go with that.


If it was, like,

who was the biggest

contribution to the sport of CrossFit,

for sure I would go with Rich.

So I think it's Rich on both fronts.

Matt is, I mean, just like Tia, like,



I would have loved to seen

them actually go head to head.

I just did.

Well, 2014.


That doesn't count.

No, that does not count.

Like, like a 2018, 19 head to head.

I would have liked to seen them go.

That's not fair to rich.

Cause rich is older.


And rich was great against the field when,

when things weren't as

heavy and skills weren't as ran as deep.

Matt could still demolish fields in very,

very deep fields.

I don't know.

I would have to see Rich

have competed in that time frame.

I just think Matt's

domination is unparalleled.

They both retired on top,

meaning they both probably

left stuff on the table.

So when you're going four to five,

that doesn't mean much to

me because I'm convinced

Rich could have beat Ben Smith in 15.



And to be honest,

Matt probably wins a couple

more if he wants to.

but rich only, he never tried to dominate.

Rich did enough.

I agree with that.

So like,

you're not going to get the spread

you would get with Matt.

They had different mindsets,

which was about saving his

body for the end.

And he never lost on Sunday.


And his plan worked beautifully.

I agree.

So I don't, I don't know.

I think it's, it's a toss up.

If you really look at it, um,

Because Rich had that, they both had that,

I'm not going to lose mentality.

And they were willing to die

on that hill to do it.

I wish we had some insight

to Matt's time at Mayhem.

And like,

I think there was someone alluded to,

you know, like they're,

they both have that won't back down.

So like if they had to work,

if they worked out together

in the gym together,

they were both going to try

to win that workout.


and it's hard to do just workout

training sessions every day,

trying to win.


but I wish we would've gotten more

insight into that.

Like was rich beating Matt

60% of the time.

I like, and we'll never know.

I'm sure.

I wish somebody would come out with that.

It's like how many licks it

takes to get to the center

of a Tootsie Pop.

The world will never know.

It's too bad.

Someone in there has got to

have some insight.

Your coach,

didn't Rich overhead squat

nearly 400 pounds in 2014?

Yes, he did.

What's Matt's overhead squat?

Not as heavy.



Rich was strong back in the day.

Oh, yeah.


Like at Invitationals,

he was trying ridiculous

numbers that nobody else

even had a shot at.

Vi says,

Matt was a more impressive athlete

than Rich.

Obviously, it's all conjecture,

but I think peak Matt would be peak Rich.

Rich has clearly done more for the sport,

so it's probably about what matters.

yeah I agree I like if I

would pick rich to

represent crossfit any day

of the week um it's it's

pretty overwhelming that

it's rich yeah um

throughout here uh sarah

matt influences sport after

rich I might add rich is crossfit

Rich is the goat of CrossFit,

but Matt was the most

dominant individual.

Rich has done more for CrossFit than Matt.


I don't think anybody can dispute any

of those.

But I do think everybody

just automatically says

that Matt was more dominant.

And Rich,

after his first year taking second,

never lost.


So he did everything he

needed to do to win.

Matt had a different mindset

he wanted to crush the

competition he wanted to

set records I'm not sure

that's what mattered to

Rich I think Rich just

wanted to win at the end of

the day I mean it would

have been nice to see them

continue on because I don't

like could Rich have

trained to that capacity I

don't know I don't know but

you're right he's older

that's that's a tougher ask yeah

And D Reed says,

Andy beat Matt head to head.

And he'll always have that in his pocket.

That's true.


The fields that Matt beat were tougher.



Clock says,

could Rich have learned to run like Matt?


Rich got better at running.


He hired Henshaw.

Henshaw worked with him.

He got marketably better.

And it caused a rift between

him and Kalipa because

Kalipa was pissed because

he thought he had the key

to success over Rich.

Did Kalipa have Henshaw first?



I've heard Henshaw tell the story.


So Tristan Patrick says,

I go back to the 21-59 complex.

Everyone says that's the

only time they have ever seen Rich go,

and he destroyed the field.

Which complex?

I'm not sure.

I don't know.

Rich had that clutch gene,

could bring it whenever he needed it.

Matt did too.


So, but yeah.

But for some reason,

you throw those two names

out there and it always

sparks debate and everybody goes forever.


But anyway,

let's move on to the Dave interviews.

He's done 79 of them.


There's one left, I believe.

He only has one left.

Who is it?

And it is Danielle Brandon.

Oh, what the heck?

There was a poll, I think,

put out by Barbell Spin

that asks who's going to be the last.

Most of the votes were Danielle,

saying that it's because

that's his favorite, they're friends,

blah, blah, blah.

I have tried to schedule Danielle.

It is one of the toughest

things I've ever done in my life.

We have had her on the show twice,

but it took multiple

attempts to get her on.

But I cannot imagine going

to the games and

consciously dissing Dave.

Halpin did correct me.

I should have.

That's right.

78 because he didn't do Ilya

Markov because he didn't get his visa.

He's not coming anyway.


But again, and yes, Yvonne said this too.

I heard it as well.

She is nearly impossible to schedule.

But I don't have Dave's clout.

So hopefully Dave can get

Get that scheduled because

she hasn't done any media.

When we were doing these rankings,

that was going through my head.

This is the first year we

haven't seen Danielle do media.

She did the documentary.

We haven't heard from her since.


It's just posts of more her

brands and stuff, her sponsors.

That's all I've seen.


So it actually...

I didn't know whether to

influence my ranking or not

because it just seems like

a different approach this year.



and we'll see where that ended up later



Dave announced during the Elisa Fuliano

interview, um,

that we now know all the outdoor events.

So it appears that we're

only doing the run,

swim outside and Farrington field.


which was then announced

later to be the field sprint rest,

1600 meters.

Then on Dave's Instagram,

we got a clue and I'm going

to share my screen that

this implement would be

used at Farrington field.

And that is this little guy,

the happy star.

Then barbell spin took it a

step further and blew this up.

And you can see it says 190 pounds,

70 pounds, 70, 70.

Uh, so that's a heavy star.


How much was the Husafal bag?

I don't think it was that much.


Carolyn will be on in 10 minutes.


They had a heavy cheese curd one year,

didn't they?

Didn't that go like black, black,

yellow cheese curd and that

was the heavy one, like $200? $200.

So Sarah says the Husafell

she thought was $150, $200.

I'm sure Halpin knows if

he's still with us.

That sounds about right.

The cheese curds the first

year were only $175 because

I had to move them.

I volunteered for that event.

But I think in years after that,

they went heavier with the cheese curd.


Sarah is correct, according to Halpin.

150 and 200 for the who's a fell.

So if it's one 70 for women

and then two quarter,

maybe that's the question.

Is this the women's or the men's bag?

We will probably find out in

a week or two.

Ski bag was 200, one 25.

I would like,

like to think being a sprint

that that's the men's.

Do we know it's a sprint?

Yeah, that's true.

They just say,

he just said it's going to

be used in an individual event six.

There is a 1600 meters that

they don't tell you how

that is going to be done.

They do say field sprint and

then 1600 meters.

They had to carry that who's

a fell a long way upstairs.


Yeah, I don't know.


Judy Reed, of course she's correct.

Sarah Cooper is lead female analyst.


I like to think Jamie and Carolyn are,

but we'll let Sarah in that club.

I mean, I like the idea,

even if it is just start at

the end of the turf,

pick up the bag and sprint down.

I like that idea.

Like you always get like Kelly Baker.

somebody tripping over their feet,

trying to run with those

bags in their hands.

My dream is that the sprint

is strong man's fear.

That is one of my favorite events.


Yeah, I love that.

At the games.

You've got a football field.

You can break it up with

handstand walks or other

things on the field like

they did back in 2017 and

put other apparatus out

there with the happy star.

And maybe the happy star is

just the last implement you have to use.

But I loved that event.

I was in the pits for that.

I moved the yolks and I loved,

I loved seeing that live.

And there were a lot of races.

If you remember,

that's when Fikowski and

Fraser went off the edge of the,

the field racing to the end of that.


draw your dagger I've

personally seen with my own

eyes this weekend women

moving 200 pound bag pretty

well I know where draw your

dagger was and that means

that fee Alexis and Paige

Semenza were moving some

200 pound bags understand I

want to see them carry the

bag around the track for

the 1600 meters and they

race NASCAR style Robin and racing

Strongman Sphere is the best

games event ever.

I agree.

It was so many people failed

right at the edge of the

line for the handstand

walks and had to go back.

People were crushed by those

big Viking implements that

they had to carry.

It was crazy.

I do think that that's like the best.

I mean,

this is your time to showcase our

sport to everyone.

you've invited people off

the street to come in and watch this.

Like, don't just give them a track meet,

give them something that

like showcases our athletes.

Slater logs.


Lex says,

I want Danielle to play hard to get.

I think she is.


I think she always plays that game.

I do too.

so so we have that implement

I'm hoping for strongman

sphere are what are you

hoping for yeah I agree I

think something like that

is is the right idea it if

it's just a sprint or even

just a sprint with that bag

running down like if that's

it it's not enough time on

the field it's not enough

like that's just two short

little things five six max

seven minutes of a mile run like

If you're going to bring

people out and tell people

to show up at Farrington Field,

it's got to be worth their time.

It's got to be a long enough event.

It's got to showcase our athletes.

I think Strongman's Fear or

something like that would

be a great choice.

Halpin says there has to be

more on paper even with that sandbag.

The heats are eight to 10

minutes of total work.

That doesn't seem like very long.

Yeah, I think he, correct me if I'm wrong,


but you are actually computing out

in your head how long with

the sandbag and the runs

and all that kind of stuff

would take heats to go through.

Well, he must have,

maybe there's already like,

So that's what, is that Friday night?

Is that ESPN's broadcast hour, two hour?

So there's two hours.


Scheduled for this.


Oh no.


Do you guys remember the

2020 games event called happy star?

Was that the run shoulder to overhead one?

they had to go out to

different locations at the

ranch and come back and then do,

I think it was shouldered overhead,



Uh, she is saying, uh, redo redux.



I think the burpees over the log were a

different event.


that was actually might've been the

same event.

They might've come in from running out,

got done the thing over the,

I don't know.

I can't remember if that was

the same event or different event.

So Alvin's calculations are 120 yards.

Sandbag run rest six to seven minute mile.


Do says two 2020 hill run burpee thruster.

So that was different than the happy star.


So that, okay.

So that was the one with bar

muscle up shoulder to overhead.

And the women were getting

crushed on the shoulder to overhead.

You could tell the fatigue

on her last rep.

We didn't think we'd ever see that.

You could see the difference

there between the men and

women in the shoulder fatigue.

That's one of the ones I go

back to when everyone is

asking for heavier for the women.

It has to be the right movements.

I think people forget about

the cumulative shoulder

fatigue on women when you

pair it with bar muscle-ups,

ring muscle-ups, shoulder-to-overhead.

The other news that's come

out this week is event one, the run swim,

is tentatively scheduled for 7 a.m.

Dave did say they're going

to make the demo team do it at 7 a.m.

And then if it's too hot,

they're going to go at 6 a.m.


I don't know what

temperature difference

you're going to get between 6 and 7.

And I think they're overthinking the heat,

but that's me.

And then we finished with

teams are using a

paddleboard for event one.

Do we think they're doing that big one?

I don't know.

I don't.

There's a big one in the picture,

and it's a picture with Sam

Dancer and Jen Dancer and

Christine Kohlenbrander and

Jared Stevens.


Those two men would need the

big paddleboard.

Just saying.

But it makes you wonder, well,

they don't say anything

about a paddleboard in Run Swim.


I don't think the

individuals are going to

have a paddleboard, personally.

I think it's Run Swim.

That's straightforward.

Sam Briggs posted an event

she did with the big

paddleboard on her Instagram.

That thing is so big.

I mean,

I could see all four of them like

laying on it and I don't know, or,

or standing, but I don't know.

I feel like that'd be a disaster.

I don't think you could

coordinate for people standing.

There's Sam Briggs.

That's old school.

Look at the progenics logos.

That's a six-person team.

Is this a throwback picture

or something she recently did?

She just posted it,

but if you see that Progenix logo,

that's old.

It's got to be old.


it seems like something she repurposed.

I think Carolyn is with us.


What's up?

How was dinner?

It was so good.

It was a hibachi.

That's what I had today too.

I forgot that we had booked

it like last week and I

didn't even think about the

time difference.

It's like, oh yeah, 4 p.m.

is perfect.

But I forgot that we are at

5 Pacific here.

We have one more thing and

then we're going to get

into our rankings and goofy pictures.

So first is,

and the last thing is Pat's

interview with Dave.

We talked about this one

that a lot of people felt

it was the best ones yet.

And it definitely was the longest.

It went 30 minutes of back

and forth with Pat and Dave.

And what were your thoughts, ladies?

I'll let Carolyn go.

I mean,

you're not going to keep Pat to a

short interview.

That's for sure.

He always has so much to say.

He was, yeah,

that probably my favorite

interview was Pat.

I liked that he pushed back

on some of the events.

He had some, you know, good humor with,

you know, is that,

Are you just out of ideas

and stuff like that?

I thought he brought up good

points on the step-ups and

his concerns with the

standards and it being

across all lanes being fair.

It looked like Dave was like, yep,

those are great points and

stuff like that.

I wouldn't be surprised to

see the step over if that

was the case or something like that.

It seemed like Dave

acknowledged his concern and

is thinking of ways that that will happen.


I thought it was a great discussion.

I feel like they could keep

going on for a long time,

but they kept it to 30 minutes.


You know, me, you know,

Pat is like one of my

favorite CrossFitters.

I loved it.


It was my favorite interview.

But yeah, I, I couldn't tell.

I could like, I totally agree.

dave agreed with with scott

with pat but I don't know

that he I don't know that

that means that it won't

still be step ups and it is

what it is and like I don't

know but if you look at how

the athletes are moving

online like I still don't

think it's that great I

agree I agree leaving it up

to the judges and letting

Letting a workout be

determined by a judge is not right.

And I don't know if Dave is, like,

trying to see if he can get

these judges in line and make an event,

like, be judged properly.

Or, like Scott has said,

want to double down on this.

I'm going to show you how to do it right.

I think he acknowledged Pat very well.

And he was like, yep, you're right.

But I don't know what that means.

we're going to change it.

Ken Walter says Pat has

concerns with almost every event.

He's definitely one of the more vocal ones,

him and Brent at every briefing,

they always have questions

or concerns on some of the things,

but it's because they want a fair,

a fair competition.

So like every time we have briefings,

like Pat's always bringing

up possible cheating ways just to be like,

make sure everyone knows

that that's wrong type thing,

which I mean,

It's nice to have someone

speak up at briefings that

just has so much experience.

And I think that's what I

took away from the interview as well,

is it was two people that

have a lot of experience in

our sports just chatting away.


You have this comment in

there about Haley's interview,

and I didn't do it justice

when we talked about it,

but she said it perfectly.

And, like, I didn't mind the workout,

but this is what I said

when we talked about it last week.

I don't think you can

bastardize the workout.

Like, it's a workout that means something,

and I don't want to see it changed.

That's my biggest issue.

Like, I get Pat's concern, but it's Chad.

It's for something.

It's step-ups.

Do them right.

I think Pat has embraced the

get off your lawn character

and loves living that life.

I'm the grumpy old man on

the porch and I want

everybody off my lawn.

But Haley brought up a

really good point that this,

this workout means

something to a lot of people.

And after struggling with

mental health over the last year,

she thinks it's

disrespectful to challenge

what it is and what it means.

And while I don't think,

I think Pat was just being

Pat and not like trying to

take away its meaning.

He just is thinking about

the sport and the competition.



But this is also my concern

when we talked about this,

like doing hero workouts

for speed at the games

versus doing hero workouts

at your gym and, you know,

suffering with other people

from the community and stuff like that.

Like that's the difference

between do you put those

hero workouts on the line

and skirt the line?


And like, I think if the twist is,

you know,

getting them away from the box too often,

like you're also getting

rid of that stimulus of

that stamina of just steps, like step up,

step up.

Cause that changes the whole

workout as well.

If you start having, I don't know.

pull-ups or something in between,

something that you can do with a ruck.

I mean, they could do a barbell,

like one's a 45 men's barbell,

one's a 35 barbell,

and you're just holding it this way.

Like, I don't know if it's an actual ruck,

but the ruck would make

sense just because of the sponsorship.

But yeah,

I do like the idea of keeping it

as much as possible to the

workout and what it was written as.

What I thought was

interesting is Haley put

herself in the shoes of

Chad's wife and his kids.

There's this big honor that

my husband or father's name,

his workout is being used

at the CrossFit Games and

what that would mean to them.

And hearing people

disrespect the workout

isn't good for them.

And so I thought...

it was an interesting,

it was a take that I did

not think about when I've

been talking about it.

And I,

I'm glad she mentioned something

about it because there are

people associated with Chad

and what it means and

they're affected by

everything we say about it.

And what a cool feeling they

would have that knowing this,

their dad's workout is at

the CrossFit games.


Vi says, Pat speaks his mind,

and I love him for that.

You won't catch him biting his tongue,

and CrossFit has enough sycophants,

so he brings good balance.

I love his takes.

Again, I love the character he's become.

He is getting to be one of

the elder statesmen,

and people want to hear

what he has to say.

And I don't think he meant any disrespect.

I don't think anybody did,

but it is something to think about.


So, so anyway, with that last week,

we talked about how at one

point in my life,

I was such a fan of Rich

Froning that I tried to

dress like him when I would

do workouts and people said,

we need to see the pics.

So I have a few pics and I

asked Jamie and Carolyn to share theirs.

And so Jamie has one that's classic,

but I'll let her,

hers will come up later.

So I'll start with mine and

we'll go through.

So this one is I did a 5K or

5 miler and got long socks,

the Nike free runs, the pink headband.



I have a lot of pictures like that.

and if I can figure out how

to shrink the screen here

we go uh this one is me

carrying my buddy at a comp

this one is me as rich

really uh with the black

headband the facial hair

the rich running t-shirt I

have the necklace right

there uh so supporting that

pretty good um here's carolyn

I couldn't find anything.

I don't have anything from back then.

I just used to always wear

high stance socks all the time.

But you got the wrist wraps.


You got the nanos going.

Chalk everywhere.

Yeah, I had nanos, all of them,

every single pair.

This was Carolyn's first competition.


That would be one.

I think that's the last time

that you'll see me in a sports bra.

I think I just was following

what everyone does in CrossFit.

So that's why I sent it.

I'm like,

I will never be in a sports bra

at a competition ever.

You won't find me.

I'm in a t-shirt or tank top.

Are those Nike lifters in the sand?

I don't even know.

I think they're running

shoes at that point.

And then I switched to

Reeboks for the rest, basically.

I know I have some more here.

Uh, Oh, this one is pretty good one.

Oh, that's a good one.


The red headband, the red shirt.

I still wear a headband

every single time I work out.

So like, Oh,

find pictures of the headbands

or something.

That's me every day.

I wear my junk headband all the time.

And then we have, we have Jamie.

taped up the rock tape, like crazy.

Um, the headband, the bright green shoes,

the tall socks.

Yeah, I have so many,

I still have all my tall

socks of every color to

match every outfit.

And I actually,

I like wearing tall socks

so that I don't always have

to pull my knee sleeves down.

And cause I dragged the

barbell right along my shins.

Um, so I, I still have my tall socks.

I like them.

I'm used to them from running.


I just always had like either tall

socks or compression.

I wanted to feel this one

because I wanted to say my

front rack has gotten so

much better since this pick.

So much better.

But the board shorts,

the Rogue Fitness board shorts,

the rock tape on the knees, the grips.

There we go.

The necklace right there.


But my front rack is so much better.

Trust me.

So I actually stretch before

I work out now.

That's good.

So anyway, that was fun.

And if you guys have any of that stuff.

like shoot it to us and tag

us on Instagram.

We'd love to share it.

Cause we all like went down

that road a while back.


Judy gets it.

Send us your tall socks, Judy.

I did cross it when the tall socks were in,

but I wish they were still a thing.

You can still wear them, Judy.

I still do.


I did not get the Galatians tattoo.

um so then what we have next

is our rankings I'm the

only person that's seen all

three lists I've changed

mine five times since I got

back from vacation I wrote

mine in five minutes I'm

not honestly I didn't try

to think about it too much

because I know a lot of

these competitors obviously and it

I don't know.

I didn't want to think about it too much.

That was my first quick glance at it.

And same Carolyn.


I think I could probably make an

argument with looking at

the order of events that we

know so far and maybe

making some adjustments,

but I just like threw mine

down and I'm like, we're going with this.

This is basically my list

that I submitted to help

him for any events.

So, um, yeah, I think.

I feel like,

unsure from 22 to 13 12-ish

and then I i don't feel

sure from like eight to

three yeah I mean it all

depends on the workouts so

freaking hard it does john

young just jumped in he

knows how hard this stuff

is before any events so hard

The thing that's tough is

you don't know injuries

going into the competitions.

You don't know people's mindsets.

There's so many factors,

like what the workouts are,

that makes it hard to pick the order.

Last year,

as soon as I was doing the demo

and I knew what the workouts were,

I could, in my head,

pick certain athletes.

But if I don't know all the workouts,

it's just harder because

you know what their

strengths and weaknesses are.

I still feel fine with my list.

I just feel confident.

um so back yeah huge

congrats to john young his

wife they found out that

they're having a little

girl um so super congrats

to john young on that and

will we appreciate it hit a

like for that youtube

algorithm would appreciate

a like and a subscribe if

you haven't already done so

you'll be a great girl dad john

I was a girl dad.

I still am.

My little girl is 22 years old,

turning 23 this week.

So, yeah.

You will love it.

It's been the best 23 years of my life.

My dad was a five-time girl dad.

All girls?

Five girls.

So, all right.

Here we go.

We'll share the list.

And I am going to try to blow.

It's not going to blow up.


Go full screen.

I'm in Canva to do this so I can go from.

John says, goodness, Carolyn,

the stuff of nightmares.

That's a lot of estrogen in one house.

This is 31 to 40 and I'll

blow it up so you can just see our lists.

You don't need the header, right?



We will go with Jamie's first.

She has Gemma Rader in 40th, DeJuan Young,

39th, Georgia Pryor, 38th,

Andrea Pinheiro, 37th, Daisy McDonald,

36th, Shung Young Choi, 35th,

Kyra Milligan, 34th, Chloe Govan David,

33, 32, Claudia Gluck, and 31,

Victoria Campos.

Carolyn, you want to read yours?

Because that's a lot.

my eyes.

40 is Raider, then Dwan Jung,

then the Brazilians, both of them,

Daisy McDonald, Georgia Pryor,

Victoria Campos, Caroline Stanley,

Lexi Neely, and Linda Kiesman.

And I rounded out with Pinheiro last,

Gemma Raider 39th,

Georgia Pryor, then DeJuan Young,

Daisy McDonald, Kyra Milligan, Julia Cato,

Lexi Neely, Jacqueline Dahlstrom,

and Victoria Campos.

I cannot put Pinero any higher than 40th.

The fact that you know

she... It's pretty clear

she's been on something,

and you don't think she's going to...

use that to finish higher than she,

than you have her.

I think, I don't care.

I don't care.

I won the, first of all,

the first event is going to

be terrible for her.

And I thank goodness.

Very true.

And she's going to get off to a bad start.

And I just hope it continues that way.

Cause I do think she is

using stuff and I don't

want to give her any credit

for any more than that.

I have a question for

Carolyn about Caroline Stanley.

I can't believe she has her down this low.

I don't know.

Every year there's one or two people that,

like last year, where did she finish?

In the 30s?

The 20s?

High 20s?

I'm not sure.

I think there's some times

where you can't predict some weekends.

I was stuck with that at the end.

So that's my Jacqueline Dahlstrom pick.

Someone always ends up down

there and that's my pick.

I had Jacqueline around the 29 at first.

And then I,

I just know that she's often

been in the late teens.

So then I last decision just

switch some people around, but yeah.

Do I think Stanley can finish much higher?


I think Stanley can get close to 20.


I don't know.

Like I,

I think she's probably between 24 and 30,

but when I did my rankings quickly,

didn't think about it twice.


kept going.


Trend don't float, Jamie.

That's true.

Event one will not be good for her.

And the mile run won't be good for her.

So she's got a couple there that.

And Lynn, this is, this is overall,

this is how we think

they're going to finish

with very limited

information at this year's

CrossFit games.



you and I both have Kyra Milligan

down low.

I saw some comments in there.

I don't think these first

events stack up for her very well at all.

That doesn't mean that the others won't.


because of the situation with underdogs,

they have put her in a

place where massive change

one month out of the games.

I don't think that's good for competition.

so yeah I don't know I just

feel like there's other

people fitter than her I i

think I mean it doesn't

matter they're not there

but I just think like if

she would have been in the

east I don't she wouldn't

be going yeah so let's move

on to the next 10 um jamie

you want to go through your

list can you see them

Yeah, Linda Caseman, 30, Lexi Neely,

Caroline Stanley, Julia Cato, Sahar Kaya,

Alisa Fuliano, Hattie Cagno, Amy Kringle,

Danny Spiegel, Jacqueline Dahlstrom.


Choi, Hattie, 29, Kyra, Claudia Gluck,

Sahar Kaya,

in 26.

Juliano in 25.

Chloe in 24.

Bethany, I just don't know with her back.

She can be anywhere from

close to top 10 and I have no idea.

We never know with her.

Danny Spiegel and then Amy Kringle.

And I go 30.

Now here's going to be the shocker.

Claudia Gluck in 30th.

Maddie Sturt, 29th.

Chung Young Choi, 28th.

Linda Kiesman, 27th.

Brooke Wells, 26th.

Emma McQuaid, 25th.

Sahir Kaya, 24th.

Grace Walton, 23rd.

Shelby Neal, 22nd.

Elisa Fuliano, 21st.


Yeah, I have Brooke in 26th.

I know that's probably going

to create some fuss and muss,

but there's always bigger

names down the list,

and you have to pick somebody.

She had an injury at the

beginning of the year.

I don't know what toll

that's taken on her training.

She looked good at semis,

but the games is a different story.

So, yeah.


And Emma McQuaid has not

been able to train much this year.

So as much as I like her and

I think she's typically a teens athlete,

like in that teen area,

I just think she may fall

off a little bit.

And when I looked at the Australians,

they're all here and below.

I just don't think the field

was that tough in Australia this year.

So I just don't know enough about them.

Yeah, I can see that.

Someone commented about me

having Claudia Gluck too low.

You guys, I mean,

you guys only ever a couple

of places higher than me.

I mean, Scott,

you had her 30th and Carolyn

has her 27th.

I had her 32nd.

Like you're almost,

that's almost like the same spot.


Cause you really have to

look at everything in tears.


like I had the hardest time

23rd up and that's why I

went grace walton first

because I don't know how

tough that field was in

australia so yeah danny is

is a tough one for me with

the running to start the

weekend this is where I

like I almost want to redo

this when we know the know

the event like know all the events

In my head when I was doing this,

I was like,

this could be a tough start for her,

but I got to think there's

going to be something heavy

in there or something that

she's going to excel at to

kind of make the start of

the weekend somewhat balanced.

But yeah,

she was one of the tougher ones for me.

And depending on the sprint event,

like she's more of a sprinter.


and if you add a heavy implement there

while you're sprinting or a sled and,

and something,

she could do well there and

take a hit maybe on the mile,

but she's an explosive

athlete and she's an

athlete at the end of the day.


probably one of the better pure

athletes in the field.

So, um, she is very hard cause you know,

in certain events she'll, she'll struggle,

but she also always has

wheelhouse events.

So somewhere in the middle, um,

Is normally a safe bet.

A hundred points is a lot.

She has the capability of

getting a hundred points a

couple of times.



And that's when I get into

this tier and you're going to see, like,

I don't have her that much

higher than you guys,

but when you can get a hundred points,

like that makes a huge deal

on this leaderboard.

And I looked at it as,

I don't think Shelby Neal

and Elisa Fuliano have the home run.

Fuliano was a sprinter.

What did you say, Fuliano?

She was a 100-meter sprinter.


She's a hundred meters sprinter.

She got second.

Fuliano got second on a

handstand walk event last, last year.

And she's a 100 meter

sprinter as a background.

So I wouldn't put it past

her that she can get a top

three on an event.

If it was a pure gymnastics thing,

she's gray on her hands.

I know she takes like,

she took second in the handstand event.

Like she's good on her hands.

I just, yeah,

that was my thought process anyway,

through this whole thing.

I'm shocked you have Brooke Solo.

I just... Her body got held

up year after year.

JR changed my mind a little

bit on her because she has

been training with Hopper

and I saw a few things and I don't know.

Just how highly he spoke.

I think she's been getting

better and better since the open.

I think she looked

surprisingly good at semis,

and I think she's only

going to improve whatever

her labrum that she was

protecting up through the open.

I think she's just improving.

But any time you can get

close to 100 points at the games,

it's so huge because you're

not middling any of those

top girls very often.

So any time you can get 80-plus points –

you're almost getting close

to the top 20 if you can

get one or two of those.

And some of these athletes like Spiegel,

probably only Spiegel

really in this list that

has many home runs like that.

I mean, Brooke could get a top five,

but I don't know what Scott

was thinking there.

It is what it is.

And there's things like,

Every time I say this,

it gets me in trouble in some ways.

When you're scheduling these

people and the stories they

tell you back as to why

they may not be able to come on,

it affects the way I think

about how they're going to

perform in the upcoming event, right?

And so with some of these athletes,

that's happened.

Now, Brooke Wells, everybody's saying,

have you seen the Hopper video?

I don't trust those videos anymore.

Those videos are there to

make sure that everybody looks good.

Of course.


if Carolyn has inside information and

knows times and this kind of stuff,

that's more information than I have.

I don't have that information,

but I just know that

they're finishing very

similar basically every workout.


And, I mean,

that could be a good thing or a bad thing,

depending on where Hopper's at.

Because, I mean,

we put a lot of faith into

him last year and saw what happened.

But I think he is bound to

have a better season,

much better season this year,

training with, you know, JR.

Tune in next week to hear

where Carolyn puts Hopper.


And John Young trying to rub

salt in the wound and restart a rivalry.

With next thing you know,

he's going to say Saxon can

win the games.

You'll have to tune in next week, John,

to find out where I have

snacks and pan check.

So, yeah.

So let's move on to the top 20.

And there,

I'm going to go first this time.

We'll go back the other way.

I have Caroline Stanley in 20th,

Danny Spiegel in 19th.

Only a couple places higher

than you guys ever.

Bethany Flores,

because every time I count her out,

she somehow finishes.

She never gets cut,

and she always makes it to

the next round.

I agree.

She just does.

Amy Kringle, 17th.

Chloe, Govind, David, 16th.

Hattie Canio, 15th.

Karen Freyova, 14th.

Paige Samenza, 13th.

Emily Rolfe, 12th.

Haley Adams, 11th.


I'll go, I guess.

I have Paige Samenza in 20th,

Jacqueline Dahlstrom in 19th.

Grace Walton as my highest

finishing rookie, I believe, in 18th.

Maddie Sturt in 17th.

Shelby Neal,

very impressed with her at the


I think she's on an upward trajectory.

Emma McQuaid,

I think that's a lot of times

where she falls.

Same with Emily Rolfe.

I think Abigail is going to

have a big bounce back year

as her sophomore year in 13th.

Freyova in 12th and Emma Tall in 11th.


I feel like we're close on these ones,


I have 20th, Shelby Neal, Bethany Flores,

Madeline Sturt, Emma McQuaid,

Grace Walton, Abigail Domet,

Paige Semenza, Karen Freyova, Emily Rolfe,

Brooke Wells.

So you have Brooke a little

higher than me.

A little bit higher.


We haven't,

we haven't seen Brooke on

Carolyn's have we?

Scott has athlete decline

interview invitation bias when ranking.

Yes, I do.

And it's really their reason,

not that they decline.

It's the reason that they

give me and Andrew Hiller

would like me to drop their names,

but if I ever want to get them on again,

I'm not your names.

You know, Andrew,

my heart wanted to put

Chloe higher and I had her

as high as I think like

17th or something.

And the last minute switch

of her industrial and a few others.

But I do like that one.

And someone said,

I'm a tall at 11 is crazy.

I had her inside the top 10

and also switched her last minute.

You have her 11th.

Like, yeah, you're, you're right there.


I mean,

I think she benefited a lot last

year from how much upper

body pulling there was at the games.

And there was a whole like a shit ton.

And like Pat had the best

games that he could have had.

He had some events that were

given to him with the upper body pulls.

And that's his strength.

And he just ripped his hands,

which sucked because that's

one of his best things.

Like he should have done

better on the rope climb.

And Emma Tall, I would say,

is number one or number two,

maybe behind Gazan right

now in some of the upper body pulling.

So I don't know if she

finished 11th last year

because of how much pulling there was.

I still think she is

extremely solid coming out

of Europe and will be right

where close to where she was last year.

So whether she gets into the

top 10 or right outside,

I don't see her being too far away.

She's very impressive.

I think it's a great spot for her.

Ken Walter says,

because of Hiller's video dome,

it will be higher than 12th

if we're going by media stuff.

Then Sarah Cooper,

I think you're all high in

Ralph based on the events released.

This is my, this is not,

mine is not based on the events released.

She has improved every year.

She's made it to the games last year.

She took 13th.

So this year she takes 12th.


That's all.

And she's always been around like 15th,

14th, 13th.

She just keeps improving one

spot every year.

Lynn, Scott,

the fact you have Amy Kringle

above Spiegel, Shelby, Brooke,

we need revision six of the list.

I think what Amy did in

Europe against that stack field, uh,

deserve some notice.

And so again, 23 through like 12 for me,

11 maybe is all like one group of stuff.

And just trying to figure out who you put,

where I, I, and I said,

I do not feel confident in

any of these in here.


John Young says, I have Emmett's all 11th.


Puts the men's in the top 10 just for me.

I couldn't do it.

As much as I love Paige.


I had to have her making the cut, though.

I love Paige.

Yeah, I have her 13th.

I think she's going to do really good.

I think she has a different

mindset this year than she

has in years past.

And she's healthy, which is huge.

So I have her making a big jump.

Yeah, I have her 14.

Thank you, Jonathan Ortega.

Amy is more well-rounded

than Danny in my mind.

And you couldn't say that a year ago.

Well-rounded, yes.

I think our issue with Danny

is she has the capability

of getting two 100-point workouts.

Amy's well-rounded,

so if you don't have that

ability to get 100 points.

I think Amy is going to be

competition in the run-swim.

yeah the mile run like those

things and she has a

potential to hit some out

of the park there yeah so

uh anything else here no

I'm surprised how similar

this group of groupings is

for us you had me thinking

we were way off

I do have Hattie higher than you guys, too,

by like a lot.

I think she's more

well-rounded than people

give her credit for.

And she was winning the West

with one event to go.

I can see her up there.

I have Abby.

I have Doma at 15th.

And I could see her

somewhere around there.

I had her like 24 hours ago.

Yeah, I can see her up there.

She's well-rounded.

I just think a

well-roundedness at the

games is not where she was at the semis.

Like over there at semis, if she's getting,

let's say, a top five there,

it might just be like a top 20 to 25.

And to be honest,

it just doesn't get that many points.

And I just think being a rookie,

it's hard to get inside that top 20.

Very few do it in their first year.

So I had her outside of the cut.

Can she make the cut?


I just think there's

something to be said about

a rookie year and just

experiencing a whole field

of 40 athletes where

everyone's good and the

volume's higher and stuff like that.

A lot of these rookies have

never had competitions like that.

So I just think that's why I

put her further up.

Vi asks,

is Amy a better runner than Emily?

I don't know because I don't

know if I've ever seen them

compete against each other

in a run of it.

But that is their strong

suit for both of them.

They both did the, it's not running,

but they both did the Dubai Tower, right?

Emily was there?


And Amy won that.

So take that for what it's worth.

And, you know,

John has to say unequivocally no.

That would be my first

instinct is that Emily's

the better runner.


But Amy's really, a really,

really good runner.

That is her strength.

Um, so,

but then you throw T is a really

good runner too.

So I don't know where they

fall like Haley.




It's all going to be crazy there.

Uh, John says,

I know like I want it to Jamie.

He ain't faster than Lazar.


I don't.


I'm not saying that's a running event.


It is interesting to look at

it in comparison to Chad, though.

All right.

So here we go.

Top 10.

You want me to go?

Yeah, you can go.


I have Emma Tall, Danielle Brandon,

Haley Adams, Ariel Lowen, Alexis Raptus,

Emma Lawson, Alex Kazan, Gabby McGowan,

Laura Horvath, Tia Toomey.


Brooke Wells, Alex Gazan, Ariel Lowen,

Haley Adams, Danielle Brandon,

Alexis Raptus, Emma Lawson, Gabby Magala,

Laura Horvath, and Tia Claire Toomey.

I have Danielle Brandon, 10th, Abby Domet,

9th, Emma Tall, 8th, Gabby Magala, 7th,

Emma Lawson, Ariel Lowen, Alex Gazan,

Alexis Raptus, Tia Claire Toomey,

and Laura Horvath.

I am shocked you moved

Lawson down to sixth.

If you would have saw the

first draft of this,

I would have been slaughtered on here.

I had Haley higher at first as well,

like closer towards the podium.

So here's why Emma dropped for me, right?

I have had Emma number one all year.


Until the last spin poll,

I dropped her because of

the mental health issues,

and she dropped down.

After listening to Alexis

Raptus with Siobhan and with Dave,

I feel like her mindset

this year is different,

and I've wanted to move her up.

So then when that happened...

I moved Raptors up a lot,

and then I actually dropped

her a little bit.

So we settled here,

and I have said all along

that I don't think Tia's

going to win the games,

and I'm sticking to my guns,

and I may die on this hill,

but I have been consistent

all year round.

And Laura Horvath is coming

in with an attitude, and I love it.

I just hope she comes in

with a couple of handstand pushups.


And Daniel Brandon,

like I told you earlier

with her media silence,

I really thought about moving her way up,

but there are so many good

people after the top two,

like where the hell do you put her?

I, yeah, I don't know.

So Karen has her pretty high.

I think there's some good

events for her so far right now.

She's a great runner.

She's a good swimmer.


some of these events that have been

called out, like as long as she's healthy,

like lower back wise,

I know she's had issues in the past.

If there's a heavy deadlift

or something like that,

she could struggle there,

but I think she's a gamer.


I think she'll be in the best shape at

the comp.


I've been very impressed with Alexis

wrap this all year long.

If she's healthy with her colitis, um,

she's going to be vying for

a podium spot.

I think Gabby training with

Laura this year has been, you know,

nothing but positive and

she's just getting better and better.

Um, Haley being back in the field is,

you know,

like she's always within the top seven,

closer even to top three.

So I had Haley above Danielle at first,


kept going back and forth,

ultimately landed her there.

But yeah,

Haley's biggest weakness

obviously is strength,

but she's really good on the machines.

She's a great runner, great, you know,

gymnast, handstand walker, everything.

So she'll, she'll be in the mix this year.

I was sad to put Ariel and

Gazan lower than probably a

lot of people.

But again, I just,

with the amount of running

I've seen so far,

I don't think Gazan is as

strong of a runner as some

of the girls above her.

I know Dave likes to program

a lot of running events.

There's always like four,

five events out of the 12 to 15,

let's call it 14 of the

events that have substantial running.

Although she's, you know,

obviously getting better there.

Ariel is so well-rounded,

but I just think there's

some other girls in the

field that could be a

little bit stronger in certain areas,

but Ariel could finish higher again.

She's always a sleeper pick.


Always great.

And then Brooke has been

looking good on social media.

What does that mean?

I have no idea.

I flipped her and Emma tall last minute.


I mean, yeah,

I think you and I have Brooke

and Emma tall swapped.

Like we're both right there.

A dryer dagger says that I

must be on some good stuff.

Apparently I get accused of that a lot.

Jamie gives me beyond crack too.


And then Vice says, good for you, Scott.

Lynn, Scott, oh, man.

Gabby, seventh.

You sound like Tyler right now.

I actually had Gabby higher

at one point in this list.

It just, gosh, it's hard.

Lawson sounded tired,

talked about her mental struggles.

I thought so, too.

Lawson's going to smash it.

The only reason I have her

off the podium is because Tia's back,

laura's there and I think

gabby just training

alongside laura leading up

to the games like that's it

like lawson could could

podium easily uh I think

she's mentally strong I

think it could be just

taking a little bit of

pressure off of her talking

about the mental stuff but

she's so well grounded

she's she's a great athlete

she's going to be right

there for the podium and

could honestly win as well

too if anything happens with



Ken Walter says Tia's never

coming back on the show, Scott.

Tia's never been on the show

and she never gives me an interview.

So I don't,

I feel no allegiance to pick her first.

John Young picks it.

Carolyn, Jamie, Scott.

Not Sean.

Sean hates me.

Tia can't be beat.

Ha said with love,

Tyler will take it as a compliment.

Kenneth says,

I don't know who needs to hear this,

but Ariel is winning the games.

She's bringing the fiddle

back to United States.

Oh, glory.

We waving in the top spot on the,

of the podium this year.

Now that guy's on some stuff.

That's a big ask, but you know, the thing,

the order of, of these girls,

like these athletes, this top 10 is,

is so strong.

And, and,

it's really gonna depend

what the events are and

what the order will be because

besides maybe the top couple,

it can go either way.

They all have wheelhouse workouts.

They can all win workouts.

It's gonna be really

exciting to watch these athletes.

I'd be surprised to see

someone outside of this list podium,

but yeah, they're all great.

And I expect a big battle

between this group in a couple of weeks.

John Young says,

y'all trying to temper

expectations on Emma Lawson

for her mental health.


Yes, that's it.

Lynn agrees with Carolyn about Kazan.

With Dave programming,

I'm seeing a lot of long,

grindy workouts.

I haven't seen her excel in those.

And again,

last year had a lot of upper

body pulling.


And that was a fifth place

for her last year or fourth?

I don't remember, fifth or fourth.

I don't know.

Like I don't see them having

a max snatch after having

it at semifinals,

but her raw strength is as

strong as anyone as we've seen, you know,

her deadlift strength and

her pressing strength.

Yeah, she can finish higher too.

I have no idea.

John Young says, Tia Laura Lawson,

Gazan Gabby wrapped his bucket.

that's more in order with

mine john but whatever you

can say carolyn's is better

um wow so many comments I

know I can't even keep up

at this point I you know

what we'll put it all in

heat one app and once we

know the events and we'll see who's the

Yeah, and hopefully I can get, yeah,

this one I can at least do

at the beginning of the

weekend and not have to worry about it.

It's the shot caller that I

always have trouble getting my picks in.



I beat John Young last year

at the games at the shot caller.

Just throwing it out there.

I think so.

Or maybe I was too.

I thought I did.

Random question.

Have we seen Magala and

Laura swim at the games ever,

not paddling which years?

Just a swim?

That's a good question.

Was there... Well,

they did the flipper swim into the kayak.


I want to say,

wasn't Laura at... What was

Laura's first year?



Wasn't there regular swim that year?

Or was that the paddle?

Was that the... Yeah, I don't know.

I'd have to go look.

That sounds like a shirt.

Better double check if

you're going to throw

accusations like that, girl.

I was close to you.

That's all I know.


2018 Madison triples.

Which was the run.


Try plus.


I don't know.

I was there.

I like can picture going out there.

I don't know.

So what I'll do is I'll post

all these graphics out onto

Instagram so you can check

them out slowly and then bash us.


That's just all you want in

the comments or on

Instagram as we put those out there.

What I love is every time I

put them out there,

it's the coaches that come hard.

Coaches come so hard.

So they're.

All right.

What do I do to finish this thing up?

I just feel like I'm friends

with some of them,

so it's hard to place them.

It's hard.

I want Hattie to finish top 10.

Yeah, she's in your camp.

I know.


All right, well, I'll pull this down.

I had one question left,

but we're past the 90 minutes.

We'll bring it up next week.

It's a great question that

was brought up on another

show or by someone.

I think Hiller said it.

Andrew Hiller talked about it.

And when he was doing his

social media top 20 or 30,

whatever it was.

Mark Moss is in the chat.

When you end in that,

July uplift challenge.

Did you do, you did it right.

We did the real of you doing it.

I sent him my score.

It was supposed to be,

it was supposed to end on the 19th,

but he said they were extending it.

Let's go end it.

I'm bringing Catan.

If anyone's interested,

I don't want to beat you too bad, John.

I love board games.

I love board games too.

I won't be there this year.

I will be training.

Tristan told me that was not

a good idea for me to go.

Yeah, well, with that,

I'll get those posts out there.

Don't forget, like,

subscribe to the channel.

If you want to help us get to these events,

you can join the channel

for as low as $2.99 a minute.

Sound like an MCI commercial.

We should do it at some point.

I'm up for it.

So anyway, we'll do...

I don't even know.

Like, subscribe to the channel.

Join if you want.

It's $2.99 to join a month.

I made it as low as you could make it.

And hopefully we have some

news on merch next week

because I got to talk to

Mark tomorrow about all that.

With that being said,

thank you so much for being here tonight.

You guys are the best.

My shirt is... I have to get

the order into Mark by Tuesday.

jamie latimer shirt to

support her going to the

crossfit games I dm her on

instagram if you're

interested her there's

pictures out there on her

instagram I'll make sure

you do that um with that

being said if you have

those goofy pictures from

back in the day in your

neon and your tall socks

Post them, tag us on Instagram,

and we will share those.

And we will put some of our

own out there as well.

And we'll put out the

leaderboard stuff and

comment all you want on that.

With that,

we'll see you next time on

Sunday Night CrossFit Talk.

Bye, guys.