Tut Altz - Daily Boost

Daily Boost - 6 Kislev

6 Kislev: Preparing Our Hearts

The Daily Boost is a podcast, created by Tut Altz, to help inspire your day with a daily Moshiach-related Torah thought.

Show Notes

Topic for Kislev: Chassidus and Moshiach

What is Tut Altz - Daily Boost?

A 2-minute daily Geulah lesson to inspire your day.
It's short: it's quick, its insightful, and it's bringing Moshiach!


G-d will send the prophet Elijah [Eliyahu] to inspire Israel to be upright and prepare their hearts [for Moshiach]...
(See Mishneh Torah, Shoftim, Melachim, 12:2)

One reason for the revelation of Chassidus during these last few generations is to prepare us for Moshiach. However, we only prepare for Moshiach when we study in a way of complete understanding, understanding that, in the words of the Zohar, “sustains” us.
It is not enough to simply grasp the basic points of Chassidus. Rather, the ideas must be reviewed thoroughly until they become integrated into our being. When we learn with life and vitality, one can sense Moshiach.

Likkutei Sichos, vol. 30, pp. 172-4