JB Presents: Top Tier

JB and her special guest Ryan Gilder rank all of your fan favorite desserts in this episode. Listen as they debate whether banana pudding is served hot or cold and oddly enough the geography of California in this hilarious back and forth episode!

What is JB Presents: Top Tier?

Starring Jordan "Bro" McCray, better known as JB, as her and a weekly guest entertain the listeners with their opinions on everyday things. JB creates a category each episode and ranks all of your favorite things. Tune in for all loads of entertainment, laughs, and hot takes.

You are listening to Top Tier. I am your host Jordan McCray. I find things and I rank them. We are live. You are listening to Top Tier. And we are live coming to you from the basement of Greenspun Hall in Las Vegas, Nevada on the campus of UNLV. You are listening to Top Tier. I am your host Jordan McCray and I am with one of my guests

Ryan Gilder!

Thank you so much for joining me Ryan! Future host of THE Ryan Gilder Show! Watch out for that one y'all!

The Ryan Gilder Show? That's an interesting one. Not like the Gilders Gridiron? Not like that?

Oh no stop it! You told me yourself you were going to have a show one day and it's just going to be called The Ryan Gilder Show.

Wow I had such a big ego back then.

Honestly, you're not wrong. All right, so let me just tell you guys what we do on this podcast. So essentially, I take a category of things. This whole season is going to be dedicated to food because I like to say that I'm a food connoisseur. So I take a food category and I find things that fall in that category and we just rank them based on a tier system. I don't like going through 1 through 15 because it's just a little too hard. I like to keep it simple here and we start with bottom tier. These are things that are just not that great, didn't wow us, we don't like it, you know it's not very good. Then we have our mid tier. I like to say it is incredibly mid because it's okay, it can be good, but it's not amazing, it's not something that we would always go back towards, you know, it's not our favorite It's not even close actually and then we have our top tier the name of the show, of course which are things we absolutely love are to die for and We think about this we dream about it, you know So we might as well get started. Are you ready for today's category Ryan? Yeah, of course. Yeah, I'm excited to be here. Awesome. So today's episode is going to be dedicated to desserts.


Yes, are you well versed in dessert?

I mean, I'm here, so hopefully.

I would like to think that you're qualified for the dessert category. So we might as well just get started. As always, we're gonna start with the bottoms here. So our first item of the day starting with bottom is going to be jello. Jello. Yes. Yeah I mean jello okay it does have its purpose yes it does. Is it a bottom tier dessert? I do agree with you it is but there is purpose for jello I mean you need a low calorie dessert I mean you could get zero calorie jello. Not a lot of desserts are zero calorie. It gets the job done you know and most of them are sugar-free So I mean if you got a sugar-free jello zero calories, is it a bomb tear dessert? Yes, but is it still a dessert? Yes So you get you get a little bit of dessert pillow whipped cream on it put a little bit of fruit on it You can you can find your way to get your way through it. Okay. I hear you ginger. I hear you See you you did bring up a nice point and that it's like sugar-free and low calorie But the thing is is when I'm eating a dessert, I am splurging, I am going in, I want all the sugar, I want all the toppings and all of that such, and there's not much that you can do with Jell-O. Like, yes, it has its different flavors, but you wanna know who is like the number one consumer of Jell-O? Hospitals.


I don't want, have you not had like Jell-O at a hospital?

Is that a statistic or did you just make that up?

I think I'm making it up but I'm almost positive I'm correct though. Am I not wrong?

I don't know, I was- you're the one who brought it up.

I feel like Jell-O is something that you would find exclusively in a hospital and I just don't want to be reminded of that. And then also it's like it has its cool little fruity flavors but you also have to eat it cold. It's like, have you ever had lukewarm Jell-O? No. It doesn't make sense. Yeah, that's why I never had it before. And also another thing is like, I want something in the Jell-O for my listeners that are above the age of 21. I want a little something extra my jello, you know jello by itself is like stop that amazing I need I need a little extra kick to it too bad

I've never had anything like that because I'm not 21 yet. So when I'm 21, maybe I'll have a

maybe you will experience the other side, but till then Jell-o's get me in the bottom tier just because on its own it cannot stand it does not stand on its own. How old are you? Let's not talk about that. All right, we're just gonna skip to our next topic. Our next item in the bottom tier category is going to be banana pudding. Do you eat bananas, Ryan? I like bananas. Would you want bananas in a pudding? I think it's mid-tier. I think it's, I honestly, I, first of all, I'm not a fan of bananas, so I already think it's a bottom tier fruit. And then pudding itself, like, I think is not that good. So then when you put bananas in pudding, the only thing that kind of saves it is like those little vanilla wafers, those little vanilla cookies. But like, banana pudding is not good.

Let's remember what this list is, Jordan. It's top tier, not Jordan's top tier. I mean, if it was your top tier, then fine, like, have your way with the banana pudding, but, I mean, for everyone's sake, I think that bananas are sweet, I think they're pretty good. I think it's a mid-tier dessert.

Okay, do you eat your banana pudding cold or hot?

I like it hot.

Interesting, because the way that I've always had it served to me is cold. So that could be where our disconnect is. Maybe send it back to the kitchen, I don't know. No, this is a homemade dish. I've never had banana pudding at a restaurant. Never in my life. I've only ever had banana pudding at like family gatherings. Well, they don't like to have banana pudding in Central California, clearly. I'm not from Central California, I'm from NorCal. Put some respect on Sacramento. Okay, Sacramento is, I think it's central. It is not central. Where is the Bay Area then? North of Sacramento. No, it is not!

It's west, okay? It's west, I know.

No, it is not! You're also wrong!

What is it, northwest then?

Are you saying where is Sacramento in relation to the Bay Area?

Sacramento, I mean the Bay Area is North West of Sacramento.

That is completely false. The Bay Area is actually South West.

San Francisco is...

South West of Sacramento.

Really? I didn't even know that.

Sacramento is more NorCal than the Bay.

Wow, I didn't even know that. So they don't like banana pudding in Northern California?

I am putting this on record, this is the last time I'm having someone from LA on my podcast. This is it. You ruined it for everyone from LA. Because how do you not even know the geography of the state that you live in?

Because the only part that matters is the southern part of it.

Stop it. You guys wouldn't exist if we didn't send you water.

No, we wouldn't exist if you guys didn't dig up for the gold in San Francisco.

Exactly! That was not San Francisco, that was also Sacramento! But the gold rush was in San Francisco! No, it was not! The gold rush was actually north of Sacramento.

Oh my goodness.

Let's get back to the podcast, okay? I can't with you. Alright, I believe that banana pudding is not that good, so I just want to move on from banana pudding. The last item on our bottom tier is going to be macaroons or macarons or however you pronounce it. They're Maca good I think those are middle to top tier. Have you ever had a good quality macaron with the filling inside? Oh my it's so good. I am just not impressed because I feel like every time I eat a macaron the cookie itself is like sticking to my teeth and it's just well

there's many different kinds of macaroons okay like the ones that you're talking about yeah those are bombs here but the ones are like kind of a little

bit crunchy those are solid there with the stuffing in the middle oh it's unbelievable the thing is is that I myself I love desserts but I also love making desserts and I bet a lot of you guys have probably never tried to make macaroons but they are so hard to make because they have so much technique that goes into them so they're really easy to mess up so like i don't even know what the desired texture of these are supposed to be because there's so much range in what you could get you could get them crunchy you could get them sticky you know and they're also another thing that's served cold which is just kind of weird i don't serve cold yeah i'm joking i'm joking yeah oh my gosh, stop it. Stop it. Okay, but yeah, I don't like a cold cookie that has this like weird filling. I would say that they have a lot of like variety in terms of flavor. You could basically make any flavor a macaron. But I don't think that they're that good. Let's remember the podcast name is not what does Jordan like to make top tier or just the dessert top tier. And if you get a good quality macaroon, that's a middle to top tier type of dessert right there. If you get a bad macaroon, that could be one of the lowest tier of dessert you could get, because bad macaroons are really bad. But macaroons that are crunchy are pretty, that could be middle, upper tier,

so that's why I think macaroons should also be mid.

I'm saying when you overall it, you average it out, all the good macaroons with all the bad macaroons I'm saying that it lands in the bottom tier. I'm saying it's mid. It really does. So what are you going to put in the bottom tier Ryan? Well let's hear what the rest of the desserts are. Okay well that actually wraps up our bottom tier for those of us that need a reminder because we were way off topic our bottom tier consists of Jell-O, banana pudding, and macaroons. Now we're gonna move into the mid tier. These things, not so great, but you know, they'll do.

They're mid.

They are incredibly mid. So we're actually gonna start off with bread pudding.

I think it's just bread pudding. It's mid. I mean, I've never gone to a restaurant and they're like, we have bread pudding. I'm like, oh, okay. Next.

I've actually seen bread pudding on the menu at restaurants and I've enjoyed it. It's never been amazing when I've had it from a restaurant. I always think that bread pudding is better when you make it homemade.

It's a really good homemade dessert that you could have. I think that it has its purpose. There's a reason why it's on this list and not at bottom tier. But when I was younger and I saw pudding, I thought it was actually like chocolate pudding. And then I get it and I'm like what is this? It's a bread. It's soggy bread. Yeah, just soggy bread So that's why it's made

But yeah

I think bread pudding is very much supposed to be something that's made at home and I will say bread pudding is the only time That you will see me eat raisins. I Typically despise raisins. I despise them as well. But bread pudding when it has some raisins in it I don't know what it is, but it's so good. No, I don't I can't know I for brief side note I cannot stand raisins, okay? Because I love trail mix, I love trail mix, until I get the raisins! The raisins annoy me so much that I have to take them all out and then by the time- it's so messy! Can someone please make a good quality trail mix without the raisins? On record, remove raisins from all trail mix in existence. I can actually kind of agree with you. I think raisins are pretty, I don't know what their purpose is. Let's get back to the, let's get back to the podcast. All right, we're gonna move on from bread and pudding because I think we really said everything that we need to say about it. Our next topic for the mid category is going to be s'mores. S'mores is mid. It is. I, it's so funny because like every time like I get s'mores I get so hyped and then they always somehow underwhelm exactly and that is the whole purpose of the mid category it's like oh you think of what you use what where when and where you're making s'mores Oh on your camping trip first of all I don't like camping so that's already but this isn't

Jordan's top tier everyone's top tier but honestly like every time I eat a s'more there's something going wrong with it. It's always either messy or like you get some of the chocolate bar, but you don't get some of the marshmallow or you get a little bit of both. If they were perfectly made right, I think it would be a top tier dessert. But the problem is that there's always something wrong with the s'more and it always turns out to be mid. And that's why it's at the middle.

I agree, because you could over roast the marshmallow. You can under roast the marshmallow. I am not a fan of the Hershey chocolate that is consistently and always used in like s'mores. It's not very good chocolate. Graham crackers are cool, but I like eating graham crackers by myself. I don't by themselves. I don't like pairing other things with it. And by the time you're halfway done with the s'more, it's already like it's it's very messy and it's okay, but it's not great. It's okay for the occasion like oh this is a nice little campfire type dessert but actually eating it it's you know it's actually better is like like s'mores are kind of like like a flavored s'more like hot like like those like frappuccinos that like s'mores in them are you saying like a blended coffee I'd rather have a blended coffee that had like the s'more flavor in it where they actually like put the graham cracker with marshmallow and like chocolate sauce compared to like having like a like eating the s'more like a sandwich because like the sandwich always gets all messy and stuff. Yeah so I think maybe in the future I'll invite you to do a coffee episode. Do you drink coffee? No. I am a coffee connoisseur for those of you guys that are listening. You guys know why.

It's crazy because like you know how much energy I have Jordan and I don't drink coffee.

That's a fun fact Ryan Gilder is not a caffeine drinker. No. All right so that is s'mores. I think we should just leave it alone. Let's move on to our next topic in the mid category. For mid this might be a shocker but I have cake and cupcakes in mid. I 100% agree. I know what's even funnier is that like like a bunch of cakes are bottom tier. Like some of them are middle tier. Not too many get to the upper tier. I would say cakes is like bottom to middle tier because every time I go to a birthday everyone's like do you want slice the cake? I'm always like

Really? The only time that I'm like really excited for like a cake is if it's an ice cream cake

That's so funny because that seems like so childhood is like oh my gosh You were the you were the person if you had an ice cream cake for your birthday That is actually really funny. That brings back memories. But I, that is exactly why I put cake and cupcakes in the middle tier. Because first of all, they are basically the same thing, just slightly different forms. But second of all, it every single event that you go to, it's very redundant. It's very overdone It's all about the design. You know exactly you know it's very You can have creativeness. You know into the frosting and fondant and all this such, but it's like if the cake doesn't taste good What was the point yeah? I watched cake boss growing up, and I'm like that's so cool But it looks like it tastes just like any other cake. Wasn't there a person who was doing cakes here in Las Vegas?

Well, yeah, he has his own shop over here also.

What is his name?

I can't remember who it is. Is it Buddy?

Yeah, Buddy.

Yeah, Buddy.

Oh, OK, yeah.

Here in Las Vegas.

Look, Las Vegas is his own. But yeah, I'm not a huge cake person. I think that there are a lot of other desserts that are more worthy of the attention and the credit that Cake gets. Because Cake, you will find a Cake at every single event that you're at. But you know, I think it's overdone. You know, I think that we as a society, we need to move on from Cake. And that is exactly what I'm gonna do, and we're gonna move into our last item in the mid-category. And I have Peach Cobbler.

Do you wanna hear a fun fact? What?

I think I've only had it like once or twice ever. And I will say the same thing as you, is that I've only tried it like twice, and both times I've been extremely underwhelmed.

I can't put peach cobbler in any category because I haven't had enough of a taste or enough variety of it. Because I had like it once or twice and I thought it was okay, but I don't, it could've just been a bad peach cobbler, like, if I made, uh, cookies for everyone at the radio station, everyone would have cookies at the lowest tier.

So, I just have to say that I think we need to, I need to see more variety for me to rank it. Put that on record, Ryan Gilder is not a good baker. I'm not a good cook in general, have you heard how many times I've set off- set off either fire- fire alarms, caused, like, chaos in my room because of me cooking left the gas on that was a disaster I had the flu and I couldn't smell and I left the gas on I had no clue I feel bad like I always feel like every time my roommate comes in and like he sees me cooking I feel like he's super scared and I'm more scared than him college students for y'all we're really we're really just trying to make it out here yeah I'm sorry Brady you're such a good roommate and for me to be a terrible cook and like put you through a bunch of Inconveniences, that's on me put that on record. We're sorry, Brandon. All right, but peach cobbler to me. It's I Don't get it because most of the time it's runny I don't know what the purpose of the crust is because the crust seems non-existent Once you actually get it on your plate and then it's like it doesn't seem like the peaches were done. Like you know, it doesn't seem like the peaches were anything special. It's like, it's just peaches, you know, it's like if these were roasted peaches, like peaches that were roasted on the grill. I don't know if y'all have had grilled fruit, but it totally elevates the fruit. But it's like, they just bake the peaches, you know, and it's like, it's really nothing special and I don't understand it because there I know so many people who love peach cobbler like they absolutely rave about it and I'm just like it's very okay to me and I think that's just because I just don't get it I just don't understand it and I'm okay with that I'm okay with saying peach cobbler it's like okay you're all right cuz peaches are good but it's like you're not an amazing dessert you are not knocking my socks off any type of way and that's why I put it in the mid area.

Yeah, I agree. I mean, I don't really have anything to say about Peach Cobbler, so I mean, maybe you can make it sometime and then I can rank it, but I don't really know.

We'll see. We'll see. Because your cookies are great.

Thank you.

Thank you. Everybody says that my cookies are amazing. All right, we're going to move on from this mid category. For those of you guys who need a reminder, making up the mid tier is going to be peach cobbler, schmores, cake slash cupcakes, and bread pudding. Now we have the top tier, what everybody was waiting for. These are my top tier desserts. And first of all, we are going to start with churros.

Churros is top tier. Hmm, I don't know I think I gotta put churro on the middle tier. I like it. I like churros I've had really good churros, but That's not normally my go-to

Okay, okay. Hear me out. Hear me out churro First of all, it's fried and it's sweet because of the cinnamon sugar type coating that you get. I can't think of a many times where I've had a bad churro.

You are right.

Almost every churro I've had is very consistent and very good. Well, the thing is with me that I'm not,

well, not with me, this is everyone. I mean, so I gotta be a little bit of here for everyone. Is that like fried food is like, I don't, I'm not a big fried food fan, but think

What is like something that you're going for at a fair? Probably a churro maybe a funnel probably the circus probably a little ride, but you need a dessert But you needed a dessert. I you know the fair is almost over. You know you and your family. You're low on money You're like shit, so we share something that starts with an F. No, we're not going for the funnel cake. Not going for the funnel cake. We're going for the one dollar churros. Right.

You're right. Right. No, no, no, no.

Family, we're all going to get the kettle corn.

Ah, that's more of a snack. I wouldn't really count that as a dessert.

Not even the zebra corn?

That's something different that's popcorn opolis that's extra popcorn I you can't find zebra popcorn at a fair I've never seen you can find kettle corn yeah but that's more of a snack I don't think it's a dessert okay okay well I'll give you that I'll give you that okay I put churros and tops here because fried consistent and they're really cheap.

Yeah, the cheap, you know,

gives it to the top.

You go to any, you know, we're West Coast, so you're going to most, most and all Mexican restaurants, they're going to have churros as their dessert. Get you a churro, get you an horchata. You're happy. I'm a happy camper after that, you know?

Yeah, my stomach isn't, but yeah, I'm a happy camper.

All right, we're going to move on from churros. Next up, something that you actually mentioned earlier on our list, cookies. Cookies, yeah, that's the top tier dessert. There's so many good cookies. I mean, cookies could start at mid-tier, like with bad cookies, but the best cookies, oh my goodness, like I don't really go out and like buy cookies from restaurants all the time, but like you go to Subway, you get a good quality cookie every time. You go to McDonald's, oh my, I've had a McDonald's, I don't remember the last time I had a McDonald's cookie, but all I remember from a childhood standpoint

is I still remember how good they tasted.

That's so funny. My point for why cookies are top tier is because first of all, serving size. It's like the perfect serving size of one cookie, but you could also have more. You know, you could have multiple cookies. Second of all, when you have a fresh out the oven cookie that is still warm, it's ooey gooey, your ooey gooey chocolate chip cookie, to die for. So freaking good. And then also, when you think of a place that serves a dessert, like a storefront, like seven times out of the 10, it's a cookie place. You got-


Yeah, you got crumble cookies across the street, on the other side of campus you have insomnia cookies. That's just two dessert places that are right next to you.

I've never been there. Are there any good Insomnia Cookies?

Insomnia Cookies is actually really good.

Better than Crumble?



Crumble does too much with their cookies. Because that's another thing, cookies, you don't have to get them complex. You don't need a bunch of frosting and all this other stuff on cookies. It's when you put in it and bake it.

At times, because my god sister, okay,

makes the best cookies, okay?


Peanut butter and jelly in the middle of the cookie, but like, homemade peanut butter and jelly in the middle of the cookie.


Cooks it around. I'm intrigued.

It is so good.

I'm intrigued, because PB&J, that is a top-tier sandwich. Top-tier sandwich with a top-tier cookie.

In a cookie.

So good exactly and that's just another thing there are so many types of cookies that are just Amazing you got your snickerdoodles your chocolate chip cookies your peanut butter cookies Girl Scout cookies. That's the best Best nothing which one's your favorite though. I love the shortbread cookies and then I know everybody's a thin mint Everybody loves thin mints but I grew up on eating the shortbread cookies with ice you gotta keep me away from the thin mints because like I would eat the whole box like like I remember my mom like Whenever like she's like hey take one or two cookies. I take like four or five

Every time and that's what I lie. I say take four or five probably take like half the half the box all right

We're gonna move away for cookies because I'm sure ever all of our listeners agree with us in that cookies are Amazing and we're gonna move on to our next item in the top category which is going to be pie. I gotta put pie as mid-tier because I don't know I I don't normally the most pies I get aren't that good and

I don't know I was not a very big pie guy I would have to say. I would say pie

is probably the best seasonal dessert because once you get into that late, you know, fall, early winter, you know, your Christmas, Thanksgiving, for those of us who celebrate those holidays, like pie is very clutch for those holidays. I will say it's a good apple pie, man.

So good.

They're good, but they're good for the occasion. But like a pumpkin pie, I'm not a huge fan of. I'm not a very big fan of it.

Personally, my family doesn't eat pumpkin pie, so I've actually never had pumpkin pie.

Yeah, it really does depend what type of pie you eat, but I'm not very big on pies. I think pies are middle tier for my opinion.

But that was another reason why I put it in top tier because there's so many different varieties of pie. I had this coworker who told me about this one diner, and she's like, they literally had every type of pie that you could think of, and it was amazing. And I'm like, you know, and that's why pie is pretty great, because you can't have a diner and you have a million different types of cake. You can have a diner, and your thing is that you serve a million different types of slices of pie, and I like that.

Yeah, I agree. I like pie just a little bit, like you said, the variety aspect I like, but the taste I'm not, I'm not the biggest fan of.

Yeah. And next up, we're gonna say our last item for this top tier category before we wrap up the show. Last item on this top tier is gonna be ice cream.

Yeah, that's number one. I mean, if there was an S tier, it's ice cream. Ice cream is the best because instead of cookie, it's like you choose the portion size that you want for it. And it could taste like anything you want also. If you want a cookie and you want an ice cream, you could have a cookie inside the ice cream, like cookies and cream. So I really think just ice cream is just the all out best. You can't really get better than that. You could have it on a cone, you could have it with a spoon in a bowl, you could eat it any type of way, you could have it in a milkshake.

Preach, Ginger, preach, I hear you. Because whether you're getting it from the freezer aisle of the grocery store or you're going to a little ice cream shop and you're picking out your flavor and you're getting samples, ice cream is so clutch. I've never not had a decent ice cream, like ever. Exactly. And also, ice cream is very much year round because for some reason I crave ice cream in the middle of the winter, but also ice cream in the middle of the summer hits so different it hits hard it hits so different and For those of us that need a reminder for our top tier category. I had churros Cookies pie and ice cream and that will wrap up this episode Thank you guys so much for listening today. Thank you my guest Ryan Gilder for joining me. I really appreciate This was awesome. Yeah, so make sure you tune in every Friday at 6pm. I'm going to be live airing and I really appreciate all of you guys for listening and I hope you guys all have a great day. Thank you so much. Thank you so much for tuning into this episode. I appreciate every single one of you. I appreciate every single one of you. I hope all of you guys have a great night.

Transcribed with Cockatoo