IT Matters | Tech Solutions and Strategies for Every Industry

In this episode, Keith is joined by Darrell Stinson, VP of IT & Security at Cohere Health, a software startup in the healthcare space. Darrell and Keith dive into a strategy for building and implementing security compliance plans for startups.Conversation Highlights:[00:39] Introducing our guest, Darrell Stinson[03:37] Darrell's journey with startups[05:51] Experimenting with open source technology[07:13] Strategizing in a new ecosystem[14:08] Evaluating MDR providers[20:35] Compliance re...

Show Notes

In this episode, Keith is joined by Darrell Stinson, VP of IT & Security at Cohere Health, a software startup in the healthcare space. Darrell and Keith dive into a strategy for building and implementing security compliance plans for startups.

Conversation Highlights:
[00:39] Introducing our guest, Darrell Stinson
[03:37] Darrell's journey with startups
[05:51] Experimenting with open source technology
[07:13] Strategizing in a new ecosystem
[14:08] Evaluating MDR providers
[20:35] Compliance requirements to adopt
[24:23] Utilizing artificial intelligence

Notable Quotes:
"Communication helps build your credibility, helps build your buy in, and people are more inclined to support decisions that you make." Darrell Stinson [16:55]

"(Artificial Intelligence) is gonna give you an outline and then you can go and sprinkle Keith in it, you can go and sprinkle Darrell in it, and fill in the blanks with the things that are appropriate." Darrell Stinson [25:48]

Connect With Darrell Stinson

The IT Matters Podcast is about IT matters and matters pertaining to IT. It is produced by Opkalla, a technology advisory firm that helps their clients navigate the confusion in the technology marketplace and choose the solution that is right for their business.

What is IT Matters | Tech Solutions and Strategies for Every Industry?

Welcome to the Opkalla IT Matters Podcast, where we discuss the important matters within IT as well as the importance of IT across different industries and responsibilities.

About Opkalla:
Opkalla helps their clients navigate the confusion in the technology marketplace and choose the technology solutions that are right for their business. They work alongside IT teams to design, procure, implement and support the most complex IT solutions without an agenda or technology bias. Opkalla was founded around the belief that IT professionals deserve better, and is guided by their core values: trust, transparency and speed. For more information, visit or follow them on LinkedIn

Narrator: Welcome to the IT
Matters podcast, where we

explore why IT matters and
matters pertaining to IT.

Keith Hawkey: Welcome, everyone
to the IT Matters podcast where

we crack into the minds of the
brightest IT leaders and discuss

the challenges facing us today,
so we can stay sharp and guide

our organizations to a brighter
digital future. I'm your host

Keith Hawkey, a technology
advisor and some might say IT

whisperer. But enough about me,
today we're discussing security

compliance with the VP of IT and
Security of Cohere Health, a

software startup in the
healthcare space. Cohere is

actually the winner of the
Triple T and has been named both

Healthcare's Fierce 15 and CB
Insights Digital Health 150

list, as well as ranked on
LinkedIn's top startups. And

today we have Darrell Stinson,
he leads Cohere's IT and

security, and he knows a thing
or two about building security

compliance plans for startups,
as he successfully implemented

at many young companies across
the past decade. Darrell,

welcome to the IT Matters
podcast, how you doing, brother?

Darrell Stinson: I am doing
great, Keith, thank you for that

very warm and eloquent welcome.

Keith Hawkey: Anytime you have a
call, just give me a ring, I'll

type something up real fast and
put a smile behind it.

Darrell Stinson: Thanks so much.

Keith Hawkey: Happy to offer off
my services there. So Darrell,

today we're really focusing on
cyber security compliance. And

one of the reasons I thought
that you would make a great

guest to have on is is your
background, particularly with

startups and and how you've been
able to you know, startups

typically don't have the most
resources to and prior knowledge

to adhere to some of the
probably more prevalent today is

the cloud focused compliance,
startups mostly operated since

they are starting a new company
and getting into the data center

game as most attractive as it
was before. Can you tell us a

little bit about yourself? How
did you end up in the position

you're in, a little bit about
your career, and how you got

where you are today?

Darrell Stinson: Certainly, my
start, was actually in the US

Army. So Military Information
Systems Security, that was my

job in the military. I ensured
that conversations or data that

was supposed to remain secret,
most things that had a computer

chip in it, I was trained to
repair those items. That's where

I got my start. And that's where
my foundation was built from the

compliance space to encryption,
algorithms, and rotations, all

those types of things that we
utilize today in the cloud, and

SaaS, and platform as a service,
data center technology and this

was over 20 years ago.

Keith Hawkey: I know that IT or
technology in the Army is a

little bit of a different beast
than it is in the private world.

How did you get involved in
startups? I know that you're

based out of Atlanta, and
there's a active group of

startup companies and a little
bit of an incubator city. How

did you land in and kind of so
many startup companies? And can

you tell us a bit about your
path there?

Darrell Stinson: Sure man. So
after my time in the military, I

did work as a department of
defense contractor. So I did

things like, teach binary math
to soldiers who are joining the

military, networking, and
switching and all those things.

This was in Augusta, Georgia at
a base formally known as Fort

Gordon, it's called Fort
Eisenhower just recently went

through a name change. But
looking at the Metro Atlanta

area. Yeah, you're right.

There's a huge community here,
we are so interconnected. It

feels like there's only 50 of
us, everyone knows everyone. But

lots of startups or companies
call Atlanta home for many

different reasons, right. But my
security engineering job was

with a startup and it was in the
healthcare space. And I was

exposed to things that I had
never actually seen in a private

sector. Things like auditing on
the SOC side, Sarbanes Oxley,

writing policies from scratch,
and implementing firewalls,

virtual desktop infrastructure
technology, I thought it was

fascinating just a level of
resilience. So that's where I

cut my teeth on building things
from scratch so staffing teams

and figuring out the right
people to hire. What tools are

good sometimes you won't always
have the right resources or

funds at startup to just throw
money at any need or solution.

You have to be resourceful and
you have to be decisive. And

that's one of the things that I
love about startups, you get to

solve current problems with
current technology, and current

willing and able bodies, right?

I just love formulating these
teams and creating new solutions

that really take, you know,
startups to the championship. I

call it the promises.

Keith Hawkey: Yeah, something
stuck out to me, you mentioned

they, you know, there's a lot of
grand ambitions of startups, but

you often have very limited
resources, because they are

focused on the monthly cost. And
I've worked with with a handful

of startups, and that's a
primary concern, vast majority

of services today, cybersecurity
services, they have a monthly

cost to it or an annual cost,
everything is moving to

subscription model. So you have
to be extremely resourceful when

you're taking on this challenge.

Is it safe to say that you may
have experimented with some open

source technology? Have you ever
had any experience with open


Darrell Stinson: Absolutely. So
open source is probably one of

the first areas that companies
that don't have unlimited

resources would go to. What can
I utilize that doesn't cost me

either anything or a lot of
money, that still helps me solve

my problems or address the need.

So open source tools are very
useful at times. But sometimes

you can find yourself limited
for certain reasons where you

need to step up your game, and
maybe subscribe to a particular

tool on a monthly expense, or
maybe the annual expense. And

this all comes with maturity of
growing companies, right? I've

been in all different spaces. So
financial, technology,

healthcare, data center, I
mentioned the military

operations before, but getting
exposed to a number of different

types of domains and industries,
has really helped me put

together my repertoire of
solutions that I can go to and

lean on when it comes to maybe
something that's similar. Maybe

it will help us in this this
particular stage.

Keith Hawkey: Yeah, cross
pollinating, especially in the

technology space is is so vital
today with with the rapid pace

that an IT leader has to has to
keep up with. So let's dive into

some of the framework, some of
the strategies that you've

implemented, when you walk into
a new company, new startup

software space, what do you
typically find as far as the

ecosystem? And how do you go
about starting that process of

what are we complying to? What
are my resources? How do you

start your methodology?

Darrell Stinson: That's a good
question. So I love when I have

the opportunity to utilize
auditing, right, or some sort of

reference point, for instance,
in the healthcare space. So we

have high trust HIPAA, that
gives us guidelines or reference

points on what we should be
doing, or need to adhere to. But

there are other frameworks that
many of us can use almost any

company, and at any phase or any
level of maturity. And it's the

five elements of a cybersecurity
framework, those five elements

do go in order. So let's
identify, protect, detect,

respond, and recover. And then
I'll kind of talk a little bit

about each of those and why
they're important for their own

reasons. So identify is the main
question that you asked me,

right, you want to identify
what's at stake? What business

you're in? What type of staff do
you have? Or what type of

correspondence documentation
policies do you already have on

hand? Maybe you have none. Maybe
have some or maybe it's

elaborate. But you also want to
identify physical and digital

assets, talks about ecosystem.

Most companies are they have
some sort of whether it's a

hybrid remote work, setup, or
like Cohere remote first, and

folks are all over the country.

Right. So that identification
piece is really important,

because you need to know what
you're defending, what you need

to protect, what's at stake,
what's critical, what's not. And

through that discovery, you'll
probably find that you have some

blind spots, too. So lean into
the next element of this, which

is protect. So you wouldn't
defend a $10,000 asset with

$500,000, for instance, right?

Keith Hawkey: So let's, I'd love
to get into that a little more.

Because what you're talking
about is very persuasive when

you're trying to illustrate the
numbers to the decision makers

of business.

Darrell Stinson: Absolutely.

Keith Hawkey: It's one thing to
say that we have secured these

elements of our business, we
have protections in place, we

have these layers, but it's far
more persuasive in my

experience, to describe the
value of the assets they have.

And then compare those to the
security tools and the cost

associated with those to protect
those assets. Do you have any

specific examples of, of doing
drawing that comparison? How do

you value data value various
assets within a company.

Darrell Stinson: So someone like
myself won't usually dictate

that to the business, right? And
we encouraged and this is where

the collaborative effort is
really, really important because

you can't do IT or security
alone. But what we what I

usually encourage the business
to do is understand the value of

the assets, if we're talking
about HIPAA data, right? What is

the cost of a breach? There are
some reference points there,

right? What is the cost of a
breach? What are some of the

fines or penalties that we may
be held against, right. Maybe

you're in the banking industry,
there are reference points out

there that can give you dollar
amounts. And then maybe some of

those investigative efforts or
forensic efforts might be

required to investigate or the
you might have to devote to it.

If you understand some of these
numbers and I've often partnered

with firms that come in and do a
benchmark assessment, it can

help you decide exactly, hey, it
would cost you this amount of

money based on the amount of
data that you have, the types of

resources that you have, if you
experienced a breach in the

industry that you're in. If you
experienced, experienced a

breach, it would probably cost
you this much money. And here's

your level of maturity to defend
against it. This is one of the

first things I like to do it at
a new organization, sometimes

it's a little pricey, but the
amount of visibility that you

get, and understanding your
maturity, what it may cost you

or may not cost you so that you
can have the right kind of

conversation about what we're
spending and how we're investing

in the program. But a lot of it,
Keith, is analysis. So once we

understand some of these
reference points, we don't want

to spend, you know, $1.2 million
dollars on investing in a breech

and paying out in fines. So it
makes sense to spend maybe a

quarter of a million dollars on
this particular resource that

helps us carve out supply chain,
and vendor partnerships. And

maybe we create a hybrid team
that allows us to have staff on

hand, and vendors in like a 24/7
type of scenario. There are lots

of companies of vendors who
offer SOC as a service or manage

detection and response. And a
lot of companies think that,

well, if you hire a couple of
good security people, you've

probably covered something goes
wrong. It couldn't be farther

from the truth, right? What I
like to do is create a maybe a

hybrid scenario. So one of these
SOC as a service teams think of

it like an ER team. So someone
comes into the ER, and you have

someone who's checking blood
pressure, someone who's doing

maybe chest compressions,
someone's who's dressing a

wound, but everyone does
something, right. And in the SOC

as a service piece. That's what
companies want is assurance. So

put a price tag on there. And
you say, well, we could spend x

amount of dollars, whether it's
100,000 or 200,000 on this and

we have coverage, we'd have
assurance, something happens at

three in the morning Christmas
Eve, we have a team or a

solution in place. And that kind
of helps paint the picture to

either the board or executive
leadership teams who need to

make decisions on where money is

Keith Hawkey: Sounds like you've
had to evaluate a handful of

those SOC as a service MDR

Darrell Stinson: Yes, I have and
have some implemented before.

That's not the only type of
solution. But there's so many

different scenarios. And I think
analogies that really, really

helped me articulate or
communicate to folks who don't

have the depth and an
understanding into IT and

security space, but still need
to know enough to make

decisions. So that's kind of
been one of my secret weapons.

Keith Hawkey: There are seems
like hundreds of SOC as a

service providers today. And
every MSP seems to be adding

them to their list of services.

There are names popping up doing
it differently. Some of them are

using SIM, some are not, some of
them will simply rely on rest

API's into existing
infrastructure and ecosystems.

How do you kinda sniff out what
MDR providers are worth the

value compared to some that
might be cutting corners, right?

Because that's a common issue
when you have a newer IT leader

that's confronted with everyone
saying the same thing on you

know, with demos and calls? Have
you learned learned any tactics

to ask their MDR provider to see
how they compare to some of the

better ones in the market?

Darrell Stinson: Oh my goodness.

So it's not just SOC as a
service or MDR. This works for

almost any solution that's new
to the business. You know, one

maybe you're not so familiar
with. I call them science

projects, but it's a proof of
concept, right? So you need to

hold a proof of concept. Maybe
there's a problem statement or

here's the gap that we have
today. Right? And maybe it's not

still clear in the beginning,
but you have a pretty good idea.

And then you develop success
criteria, the ideal solution

would give us 24 By seven
coverage, it would give us

coaching in an event that we
needed, it would give us

forensics or investigation in
the event that we need it. It

would give us triage, of alerts
and events that are happening at

all times of day, all across the
business in our infrastructure,

you figure out what that
criteria is, right. And then you

invite stakeholders. So you
shouldn't make this decision or

do this science project or POC
in a vacuum. So if you have

security engineers, and they
hold a conductive proof of

concept, maybe a week or two,
maybe it's a month, but they run

through the concept, and then no
one else has been invited. So

platform hasn't had a chance to
look at it, engineering hasn't

had a chance to look at it.

Other folks who may be impacted
by the alerts or invited to an

incident, something happens,
they haven't had a chance to

weigh in. I invite everyone I
can invite to the party. So they

can ask questions, they can
maybe add success criteria. And

then you deliver this or take
this to the vendor, or the

candidates, maybe you have
three, maybe you have five, you

need at least two, I suggest
three, you kind of boil it down.

And then you compare them across
that success criteria. Maybe

it's price, maybe it's speed,
maybe it's ease of use, or

usability rather, right? You
figure out what's most important

to you as a leader for the team.

But then that really benefits
and provides assurance to the

business. Once you do this, you
will discover, hey, this

actually doesn't perform the way
they promised. Or maybe it does

more than what they promised.

They have different things like
Slack integrations, and you can

get notifications more quickly.

This proof of concept we should
do it for every new solution

should almost never be done in a
vacuum. And also that

communication piece of it helps
build your credibility, helps

build your buy in and people are
more inclined to support

decisions that you make. So that
is my cheat code, not just for

SOC as a service or MDR
solutions, but almost every

spirit that I that I take to the

Keith Hawkey: Yeah, and it's a
great way to identify potential

gaps, because often we're on
demos, and we hear something and

we comprehend those words in a
particular manner. But when it

comes to having to manage the
solution, it's an entirely

different experience. And even
on a demo, you know, if you're

on four or five demos a day, if
it is your seventh meeting,

you're back to backs, and you're
trying to pay attention and

comprehend brand new technology,
you're likely to miss aspects of

the service, especially
something as important as the

eyes that are going to watch
over your data. And it makes

sure that your organization is

Darrell Stinson: Absolutely. One
of the things that is really big

about the proof of concept is at
the end, I have partnered with

vendors before I take the price
tag to the business, maybe I'm

boiling it down to one or two.

We work together on a day. And a
really good partner will work

with you on the content of that
day. Maybe put one together

based on your particular use
case or implementation, things

that work right for you. When
you're talking about SOC as a

service in particular, you're
also talking about scaling a

team and a startup cannot hire,
you know, 20 people on one

department in one month,
especially in security. So it

will carve out what it costs to
bring in a SOC analyst, how much

work they would do, how many of
you might need, turn it into a

dollar amount, and then the
business can make really solid

informed decisions, it makes
sense to close this gap with

this particular partner. And
yeah, you're right. There's like

100,000 different vendors in
every single space of technology

today, especially security.

Trying to sniff all them out is
really hard to do. You can't you

don't have enough time to meet
with them all. And your business

partners internally don't have
enough time to review them and

give you buy in. The proof of
concept kind of accelerates the

decision making, clears the
smoke and mirrors, and it gives

you a level of peace of mind
too, in saying that I lean on

this, I believe in it is the
right thing for us, and here's


Keith Hawkey: Yeah. And and I
could see how there are very

specific challenges in the
startup space. Considering a

vast majority of your data is
stored in a SaaS application

potentially, maybe you're
leveraging Azure or AWS

initially GCP or another Iaas
cloud solution. You know, a lot

of your infrastructure is housed
in some sort of co-managed

situation made servicing
customers with large cloud

environments, the primary
offering. And with that, from an

architectural standpoint in
mind, it sounds like sussing

that out early, especially when
you're within your company has a

lot of focus on the cloud is
important. You know, there are

all occasion, providers in space
they've been around for a while.

They're good at what they do.

But some of the cloud
integrations can be limited,

because they're having to
retool, and they're having to

hire resources that do resources
to manage the cloud space and to

manage that service. What are
some of the strategies that when

you are having to adhere to like
SOC two, type two compliance?

What are some of the compliance
requirements that you've had to

adopt? And get a startup in line
to in your career? And do you

have any words of advice and
maybe things that you've learned

during that journey?

Darrell Stinson: So I've done
about 25 audits in the last

decade. So the ranges from ISO
27,001, ISO 27,017, and 18, SOC

one and two, type two, Sarbanes
Oxley, I've done multiple of

these at different startups,
right. So when I say

championships, and promised
land, this is usually what I

have in mind when I join these
these different companies is to

bring them to a position or
posture that is comparable to

either competitors or other
players in the space that

provides or establishes a level
of assurance. But the benefit

for folks like me is exactly
what you mentioned is those

guardrails, I use the frameworks
to tell the business the

direction that we should go. So
here's our Azmuth. Here's our

Northstar, whether it's high
trust, or SOC, or ISO, or NIST,

we pick these frameworks
together, maybe it's required at

the business, maybe it's driven
by contractual requirements. We

can't sign these customers
unless we achieve ISO by this

day to maintain high trust. When
you sift through those controls

and those frameworks. They've
ranged from 114 controls in an

ISO audit to upwards of 280 in a
high trust audit, right, which

I've done about seven high trust
audits as well. Maybe that 25

number's a little off, I need to
recalculate that. But anyway,

that is what I use the
guardrails, right, just like a

roller coaster, or just like a
train, we will adhere to ISO

we're will we will adhere to
high trust, whether it's how we

review accounts, how we baseline
our laptops and endpoints, how

we monitor activity and traffic
that traverses the firewall, how

often we review firewall rules,
what we do when it comes to

supply chain and vendor
assessments, vendor management,

how we engage in incident,
right, conduct that lifecycle.

But on the engineering or
software development space?

What's our software development
lifecycle look like? How do we

handle approvals and changes
change management, all these

things are built into the these
frameworks one way or another.

Sometimes the wording of the
legalese is a little bit

different. But this is what I
use. My X Factor, though, is

always connect with legal to
help me translate some of the

requirements. Think about, like
GDPR And some of those that are

highly highly wrapped in
legalese, you need a good

partner that will help you
translate and say, well, here's

a requirement And what it
actually means is x, I can then

take that and say, well, we can
solve that problem, or we can

address that requirement with
security. We can facilitate

privacy with security tools. And
here's how we do it.

Keith Hawkey: Yeah no, it really
does. One thing that comes to

mind as you're going through all
the policy and process and

laying the foundation, building
the documentation, the framework

of how your company is going to
comply with whatever compliance

that they need to, have you
experimented with any of the AI

platforms in doing this. I've
spoken with a number of IT

leaders that have and some have
found success. Others are more

skeptical, as how much have you
dabbled into maybe the Chat GPTs

of the world or the Azure AI are
some of the other ones to help


Darrell Stinson: Yeah, so I'll
tell you this. We're currently

in a phase where we are
exploring artificial

intelligence solutions, and how
they can either help us

accelerate certain areas of
business, help us optimize some

of the operations that we have
in place or help us with

accuracy. And so we're at a
place where we're evaluating

those right now. So that's
actually where we are.

Keith Hawkey: On leveraging Chat
GPT I feel like I'm using it

more and more for a variety of

Darrell Stinson: Short answer is
yes. Right. So artificial

Yes. Think of the time savings
of receiving those types of

intelligence can do so many
things we have just they feel

like we have no idea all the
things it can really do. And

we're probably using it for in
situations that are not

optimized, but I have dabbled in
in Chat GPT personally, and I've

used it to do a lot of different
things like helping to build

frameworks for decision making,
or you can use it for for

frameworks from Chat GBT, the
outlines, that's hours, that

could be hours out of your day.

different presentations, right,
maybe there's a pre presentation

that you want to deliver. And
you can prompt Chay GPT to give

me a presentation for a CISO,
who's going to the board and

wants to talk to the board
members about security posture,

To write a job description from
scratch, right? Yeah, you could

right. It's gonna give you an
outline and then you can go and

sprinkle Keith in it, you can go
and sprinkle Darrell in it and

fill in the blanks with the
things that are appropriate for

either what your posture
actually is or the things that

maybe you would not have thought
about to share with executive

leadership or board members.

totally Google your way through
it. You could partner with the

people team or HR, maybe they're
busy at the moment, but you just

want to get an idea. Give me a
job description for I don't

know, a VP of IT and Security.

It's going to give you something
to work with.

Keith Hawkey: That gives me an
idea. With everyone's busy

schedules at work and trying it
can be such a pain to bring the

relevant parties into the
discussion of the new

technology. Some of them might
think it's tertiary to their

job, or it's low on their
priority list. And they are

already quite swamped with
meetings and everyone that

they're managing. I wonder if we
could leverage a generative AI

platform to ask is someone in
this position with these

responsibilities? How would they
think about this technology that

we're looking to bring in? I'll
wonder if there's some data that

we could feed into a Chat GBT to
give us some idea of how they

would view the new technology
that we're introducing into the

company, to get to just start
that process, maybe be able to

meet them where they are
mentally, because, you know,

we're all in our own silos we
all will mostly think and

consider the future based on our
experience, Chat GBT, I'm saying

Chat GPT, I know there are
others, I probably use Chat GPT

the most. That might be an
avenue to help us realize other

perspectives. And start that

Darrell Stinson: I think that's
brilliant. Someone like myself,

it was one of my biggest
challenges, meeting folks

wherever they are. Because we
don't make the decisions or make

purchases, or limitations, we're
siloed. We need to partner with

either finance team or we need
to partner with engineering, or

we need to partner with legal or
board members to sign off

improve on certain changes,
especially if we're talking

major architectural expenses,
right. But being able to frame

those conversations or frame
those topics in a in a way that

is digestible for folks who
don't have your level of

visibility and understanding of
the industry consequences even

that's probably one of the
largest pain points for folks in

my position is maybe we see a
consequence, we often think

breach first in closing gap or
solving the solution. Now we're

talking about SOC as a service
earlier, and being able to frame

that in a way that folks
understand the need, the value

in executing or implementing the
solution and why we don't want

to be on the on the wrong side
of not having made that

decision. You got to make it
easy, because you usually don't

have a whole lot of time. And if
you explain too much it's just

gonna get lost in the sauce, so
maybe using generative AI to to

help us frame those
conversations is actually a

really good idea to experiment
with that.

Keith Hawkey: Words of the wise
from Darrell Stinson. Don't have

your message become lost in the
sauce. I think that's an

excellent point to leave on here
as we end the podcast. Darrell,

this has been incredibly
insightful. Where can our

listeners find you if they
wanted to ask any questions

about your experience or maybe
receive some guidance?

Darrell Stinson: I am very
active on LinkedIn. So it's

Darrell J. Stinson, CISSP, CEH,
if you type all those things in

you'll definitely find me, find
my smiling face. Send me a DM,

send me a connection, I'd be
happy to reach back out to you.

Keith Hawkey: We'll make sure to
add those into the show notes.

Darrell, thank you immensely for
for coming onto the podcast and

I certainly have appreciated the

Darrell Stinson: Keith, thanks
for inviting me, it was like

having a conversation with a

Keith Hawkey: I like the sound
of that. Likewise, take care

everyone, have an awesome rest
of the day and don't get lost in

the sauce. We'll catch you next

Narrator: Thanks for listening.

The IT Matters podcast is
produced by Opkalla, an IT

advisory firm that helps
businesses navigate the vast and

complex IT marketplace. Learn
more about Opkalla at