Grid Connections

In today's episode I share a few updates about the channel along with sharing my recent experience helping my mother find an EV to replace her current car along with recent Tesla Service experience and trying Tesla's "Full-Self Driving" software for the first time in almost a year.

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Also if you are looking to either buy a Tesla or even test drive one, feel free to use our referral code.

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Chase Drum
Host of Grid Connections and Founder of Bespoke EVs

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Good morning, Grid Connections listeners.

Today I've got a bit of a different
episode for you.

I wanted to share a few different updates.

We also were gonna have a one-on-one
interview today, but due to some

scheduling things that had to change.

However, overall, I've got some big
announcements about just the series in

general and some of the things we'll be
doing this year.

And recently, I also had the opportunity
to go car shopping with my mom, who's

looking for a new car to replace her
current Mercedes.


I'll get to that in a second, but just
wanted to share the updates.

And that's going to be the majority of
this episode today.

Uh, I learned a lot.

I mean, I've dealt with dealerships and
car sales over the years quite a bit, but

I think my most recent experience,
especially since she was looking to buy

something electric is just, uh, was a
really interesting one that I want to

share with you and then I also just had
some other updates.

Um, but first I think the big thing is.

Traditionally, I've been releasing these
episodes every Tuesday and I also want to

just say my apologies if I sound a little
congested unfortunately, I kind of thought

is cold for someone but Hopefully it's not
coming through too much and as you might

notice I'm at a different location than
usual So I'm actually currently staying

and kind of helping some people with
something for a few days But wanted to get

this episode out anyway, so This is more a
one-off episode

Uh, follow, following episodes will be
back to kind of the normal location and

normal audio and video setups.

But overall, I'm going to be moving, I
think, uh, the release date for a lot of

episodes moving forward to Wednesdays.

Uh, currently they come out every Tuesday,
but just with usually logistics and

editing and scheduling.

Uh, having it be released Wednesday
mornings would actually just, I think, be

a lot easier for me to manage.

I'm hoping that this year we're definitely
getting a lot of interest, not just in

listeners, but people wanting to be on the

I'd really like to get to a point where we
do maybe every Wednesday is a one-to-one

episode and then Thursdays would be more
of a panel interview.

So ideally I'd like to actually be doing
two episodes a week, one of each style.

So if you know of anyone that's interested
in being on the show, please reach out to

them and then reach out to us.

It's just guests at conn

We're going to be changing that email as

But for now, I'll still continue to get
emails there.

But if you know of anyone or if you just
have recommendations of people you'd like

to have me reach out to or even topics to
cover, just email me or reach out to


And once again, that email is guests at
conn So yeah, we'll be moving to


And I think with just the momentum we're
seeing, it might even be, it might still,

it's probably still a few months out.


even start releasing two episodes a week,
which I think would be awesome.

With that update out of the way, I just
wanted to share kind of a quick overview

of some of the things I'll be talking
about today.

And then if this isn't for you, totally
understand, but it has been a really

interesting experience.

So the majority of today is going to be
talking about my recent experience,

probably over the course, I guess actually
over the course of three days, helping my

mom buy a new car to replace her current
car, which is a...

Maybe 120 to 130,000 mile, 2012 Mercedes

It's a beautiful car.

She got it used originally in one owner
and it was pretty much fully loaded, but

it was kind of wild, because I think she
paid just under 40 and it would have been

close to probably a six figure, maybe at
the very least 80 to $90,000 car back

then, even when it was new.

So it's been a great car and honestly,

It's just the fact that it's kind of
getting up in miles.

It's had some minor things needed, like
just headlight replacements, but I think

even one of those was like 1100 bucks.

So it's getting to that point at
diminishing returns and which is the miles

on it, she is looking to return it.

And she's had it for almost a decade as it
is anyway.

So she's usually really good about keeping
her cars for a long time.

So I think it's going to be a thing that
kind of works out for her anyways.

And she's kind of accept the fact that
she's probably going to be spending more


Probably the most money she's ever spent
on a car for this one.

And so we looked at quite a few different

Her big thing is she wanted it to be

And I'll tell you kind of more about how
we even kind of dabbled with maybe not

doing that and even looking at a couple
traditional, as you will, combustion

engine vehicles.

But we eventually landed back on electric.

We still actually haven't made the final
decision as to what she wants, but we do

have it down to two vehicles.

The other kind of interesting thing is in
this process, I was able to swing by a, we

ended up going to two different Tesla
dealerships here in the Portland area.

And at one of them, they not only had the
new Tesla Model 3 Highland, but they

actually had the new Cyberjunk.

So I want to share some of our thoughts on
that because that was kind of a surprising

experience and overall really positive.

And then the final thing is recently I

Just with some of the stuff I've seen
online and just kind of general curiosity

about the space, I actually decided to
sign up again for Tesla's full

self-driving beta through our car.

I'm doing just the monthly thing.

I didn't spend the $12,000.

I used it a year ago.

I found it really fascinating.

I still didn't think it was ready for
prime time, by any means.

It has definitely improved.

I still think it isn't ready.

But some of the stuff and things I've been
hearing about, version 12, I just wanted

to kind of get a good baseline again for
it and hopefully when that gets rolled

out, if it does get rolled out next month
or two.

I'm really curious to see how that works.

I've always thought, whether it's Tesla or
a different company, that seems the most

likely is the version to, or a big
component of what would become a truly

full self-driving vehicle.

So I'll talk more about that as well.

just at a high level, yeah.

The majority is gonna be about car
shopping experiences and some of the

brands we dealt with and cars we came

Some of the things that we saw with doing
that, like the Cybertruck and others, the

FSD doing, trying testing that again.

And then finally, I was gonna also share,
unfortunately, it seems like every year


My car gets a big rock chip in it.

I mean I drive about 25 to 30,000 miles a
year and I drive a lot in rural, oregon So

even though I give people a lot of space
rock chips happen pretty frequently And

unfortunately my windshield cracked again
So I was just going to kind of give a

quick update about that and i'm haven't
posted yet but i'll be sharing videos of

recent drives on fsd and just kind of for
people who might be curious or People who

don't know just i've

recorded what it takes to actually submit
a service request for getting the

windshield replaced and I have to admit
this is such a really interesting way to

do these things I Think maybe the Tesla's
the Rivians and some of the startups of

the world can do it But it would be a
struggle for any car that uses traditional

dealerships not that it couldn't be done I
think it's just they're usually so

fragmented between brands and locations
that to have this kind of seamless

experience would be hard and I know it's

The comparison is made a million times,
but it is very similar to Apple's

ecosystem and platform versus like, I
mean, Samsung's probably a better one too,

but just the fact that you can go to an
Apple store and stuff like that and have

it all taken by one company.

So to kick it off, let's get into the
majority of today's conversation, which is

around the car shopping experience that we

So originally I kind of spoke with my mom

She has a very well equipped Mercedes, I
mean, even though it's a 2012, it had

ventilated seats, it had night vision, it
had all sorts of crazy things.

And majority of the time, she doesn't
really use them.

And admittedly, she tries not to drive at
night anymore either.

So she had kind of a list of a few things
that were really important to her.

And to be honest, there are now things
that are, I would say, in premium

vehicles, but there are also just luxury
components that in this process, she

discovered that she really liked.

And overall, I think she's appreciated the
Mercedes experience from driving in the


But she's really been impressed.

Now, this isn't the first dealership she
went to.

But now she really does enjoy, when she's
ever had service issues, taking it to this

one specific Mercedes dealership.

She's just had a consistently positive

And that was one of the things that she
really liked and kind of attracted her to

staying with the Mercedes brand.

and put the Mercedes EQE at the top of her
list to replace her GLE Mercedes, because

it is similar size and similar things
overall, obviously their electric


But we were kind of talking about that.

She had gone to the dealership, she'd
already test driven it, and she was pretty

sold on it to begin with, but she just
wanted to see what else was out there.


didn't really like the idea of having to
deal with CCS or a non-Tesla, I guess to

give further context, my stepfather has a
Tesla Model X, I want to say 2019 or 2020


It's a newer one, but it's not, it's one
of the later ones before the refresh.

And personally, I've driven a few
different Model Xs.

I, to be honest, just don't really like

I just feel like it makes a lot of noise,
there's a lot of issues with it.

And to be honest,

He is a contractor, so he does beat it up
quite a bit.

He has two trucks that he uses for work.

One's an F-350, I mean, and he's a roofing
contractor, so he uses those quite a bit.

But he tries to use the Tesla as much as
he can.

And one of the big things too is it did
qualify for supercharging.

He isn't bothered by the sound.

He likes the fact that he doesn't have to
pay, especially because it's for


And then the fact that it's electric.

But realistically, he just doesn't...

get to use it, he uses it quite a bit, but
the reality of his job means he still has

to drive his trucks quite a bit.

Quentin Alley, he has a reservation for a
Cybertruck and he's still excited for it

even as a contractor.

But I think what's interesting was my mom
likes the idea of going electric, but she

is definitely much more, I would say not
technology adverse, but just she kind of

prefers more of a traditional driving

And so while she thinks a lot of the
things that Tesla's doing is great and she

likes the charging and a lot of the other
stuff, sometimes the actual car experience

being so fully digital and focused in the
minimal button, so focused in the main

infotainment screen really isn't something
that she's really into or excited about.

So from an early start, her focus was
really on going to more of probably kind

of a more traditional...

vehicle or less electric a Electric
vehicle with a more traditional driving

and car experience.

So that's Consistently, we're gonna have
the Mercedes at the top list.

You just didn't like the CCS And that even
though I did kind of share with her if she

waits here that should change And she
actually kind of came around to that is

like well if I can get an adapter and
start using it sooner That's not ideal,

but that should be fine.

That shouldn't hold her back the main
issue she had with it was when she bought


current Mercedes, she had actually been
looking between it and a Range Rover Sport

at the time I believe.

And both were very beautiful vehicles,
they were both used, one was brown and the

Range Rover Sport was this, I want to say
beautiful blue, but it could have been

their metallic green.

And exterior and looks wise she was
leaning towards the Range Rover, but

technically the Mercedes was better
equipped and it still was a really

beautiful brown metallic which she liked.

In the end, she's kind of happy she went
with it, but she's always wanted a Range

Rover so that is something we kind of go
down as we Go through this Experience I'll

share a little bit more about that later
too looking at Ranger every game but one

of the things that stood out to her a lot
was just on the road we kept seeing

Rivians and so when I came up to work and
More or less really spent a couple days to

test drive these vehicles with her Rivian
was kind of at the top of list we

both enjoy the exterior.

I hadn't been in one in quite a while and
I really hadn't been in an R1S.

So we were both kind of excited, like,
yeah, let's try something different.

We love the boxy exterior of the R1S.

And then we got there and the interior was
really great too.

The location of the Portland Rivian
dealership I wouldn't say is, it's not


It's kind of easy-ish to get to because
it's near 405 and I-5 and a few other

things here in the Portland area But it's
pretty close if people know to like


I believe I want to say Southwest first
That doesn't sound right but it's really

close to PSU and so while it's kind of
easy to drive to the downside was They

have fences up all around even though the
Rivian I guess you want to call it service

center dealership itself was really nice
and really beautiful made

kind of temporary fences all around it
because there were quite a few,

unfortunately, just helpless people kind
of around there and for security reasons,

they had the fences up.

So that's kind of the downside to it, but
the actual location was really nice.

And they had quite a few cars there, but
that's what kind of got us interested.

We thought like, okay, it's a derivative
of the kind of Tesla experience by it

being all one company it's newer.

And she had enjoyed kind of working with
Tesla and doing that stuff in the past.

She was a little hesitant just because
they were new or.


And I think they're going to be successful
as a company, but just with the current

markets and everything, in a lot of ways,
there's a lot of uncertainty with a car

company, a newer car company.

And so we decided, though, to take the
test drive.

The person we went with on the test drive,
I forget his name, I think I have it

somewhere, but overall he was a really
nice guy, really great experience,

reminded me a lot of kind of the old or
even today kind of current Tesla


It's not really high pressure.

It's very educational.

It's not really trying to poo or look down
on other brands.

They just want you to go electric.

And obviously they'd love it if you go
with Rivian, but they were even interested

in, hey, if you go with Mercedes, we get

Just get an electric one.

So I thought that was kind of a cool and
really good experience.

And that was something my mom really had a
positive experience with because we'll get

to another dealership experience down the
road that wasn't as positive.

So we start driving the car.

And what was really interesting to me was
my, we decided to have us both test drive


I'm not really in the market, but the
Rivian R1S is just something I've kind of

looked at in the past and something that's
been interesting to me.

So I get in the back, my mom's the one
that test drives at first.

And I've been kind of interested, but it
was funny sitting in the back, I was like,

wow, the materials are nice, the seats are
really comfortable.

I actually got, started getting really
amped up about the car.

I was like, oh crap, now I'm gonna wanna
buy one of these things.

and we start driving it and I kind of
notice after we've been in it for a few

minutes, my mom is driving it but she
doesn't seem very excited to be driving


So I asked her, what do you think?

She kind of responds and she's like, you
know, it just feels kind of boaty.

And from the back seat, I didn't really
get that experience.

So that kind of surprised me.

And I got in the, we pulled over and then
I was like, okay, I'll go to drive.

And I started driving it.

I wouldn't describe it as boaty.

But it also...

surprised me.

It felt more disconnected than I thought
it was.

It just wasn't bode and maybe disconnected
isn't the right word.

Just driving it, especially in normal
mode, really was kind of surprising.

It's interesting that is what they have it

It makes sense, especially if someone's
coming from like a traditional combustion


I thought it was like really slow and then
they put in a sport and of course then

you've got the acceleration of like an EV
that I've been spoiled with.

But the overall driving experience, still
from a steering perspective and a couple

of other things, I honestly kind of both
of us were surprised.

After it all, we just kind of felt like
that's not it.

Even though there were a lot of really
great things about the car, we really

liked the software and stuff.

But one of the interesting things is we
started talking to them.

And my mom would ideally like to get an
electric car and especially one that has

dogma because she has a few dogs.

And so...

He's like, yeah, the sales person we were
working with mentioned it did have dogma.

So my mom thought that was a big plus.

But then we started asking about other
things that we'd kind of been spoiled

with, with either the Tesla or even in
some of the Mercedes competition.

We did kind of consistently get this thing
of like, no, we don't have that yet, but

let's come in a software update, which
probably is.

But at the same time, I feel like early
Tesla was really good at it.

And nowadays it's not as good as far as
like the...

Oh yeah, I'll be a software update.

I'll be there maybe in a couple of weeks
to a month.

And it does happen.

And we've seen this actually still happen
with Rivian, but it is one of those things

like, okay, we're looking at the car now
and it's something, some of these things

are things that we really wanna have and
like, and since it doesn't have it today,

it's kinda what we have to go off of.

Hopefully and most likely it'll be added
down the road.

And I'm trying to remember what a couple
of those things were.

One of them was some map functionality,
but there were just a couple of small

things like that.

Having said that,

totally get away people like the car.

And I'm really happy for them, but we, I
think, went in with really high

expectations and both of us kind of just
walked away with kind of meh.

And we're surprised by that.

We still love the exterior and we thought
the interior was really nice too.

But other than the looks, the rest of it
we weren't as really happy with.

I think we did agree that it was quiet,
but not like super quiet.


there were some kind of interests.

Oh, and one of the things I remember was
like, seeing the music functionality, I

was asked about Apple Music and they said,
that'll be added as a software update down

the road.

It was a few things like that.

It was kind of cool to see the R1V, I
believe, the Rivian van.

They had a few of those and it was really
cool that they pretty much had all of the

different exterior colors as cars there.

Of course they had it in their little kind
of sales area.

See what they look like but to actually
see the cars in person was really nice and

then they even had obviously it's not a
common thing but one of the Versions they

have I think is really cool that they have
something so unique and one of the things

that my mom liked about the Mercedes was
this really beautiful brown leather

interior that they offered and With Rivian
they have this pretty wild green leather

and brown wood It's very earth tones and

It's very unique

And since she was thinking of going with a
green car, she's like, you know what, I

would never get this otherwise, but green
exterior with the green interior could be

kind of cool.

And so they did actually just happen to
have one car.

And the guy was able to get it right
before a service person took to drive it


And so it's kind of cool to see that
exterior and it is cool, but I think we

even decided like, yeah, we probably would
just go with black or something.

Just keep it simple.

Even though I just thought it was such a
unique and cool thing.

Maybe personally, I would have gone with a
green interior if I had a green car, but


I think my mom also appreciated that they
had it, but it wasn't for her.

And so I think that was our biggest thing
that we were kind of surprised by.

Overall great sales experience.

And one other thing that's worth
mentioning is my mom wanted a test drive a

lot sooner, but previously you had to put
down $1,000 to even get a chance to test

drive it.

And that was something that kind of rubbed
my mom the wrong way, understandably.

And I think

Especially so, now that we have test
driven, I would have been really annoyed

to put a thousand bucks and then kind of
walk away with my overall experience of it

just not being that.

what I expected it to be, it just was.

In some ways it's good to have a boring
car when you drive, but it was boring in

kind of the wrong way.

And I know something of that size, it's
not huge, but it's kind of Tahoe-esque.

It's big enough that I expected it to not
be super sporty, but I expected it to feel

kind of more from it other than just kind
of the acceleration, excitement you get.

Other than that, I just didn't really get
much from the experience.

So we go to lunch, we start talking, and
we realize, well,

That was pretty cool, but we really
enjoyed the sales process and the people

we work with, but clearly the Rivian's off
the list.

And then we start kind of talking about
things and she knows and loves the 1987

Defender 90 I have and she's like, yeah,
I've always wanted a Land Rover.

We can't talk about that previous one.

She looked at it and I was like, yeah,
that was pretty a cool car.

I mean, personally, I'd get a Defender
versus a new Range Rover for a few

different reasons.

And we start talking like, well, let's
just go to the Land Rover dealership.

And she had been aware that Land Rover was
looking at making a...

They kind of sent out this like, I think
they even posted originally on YouTube,

but an announcement that there's an
electric Range Rover coming, but really no

other details other than maybe we'll see
it later this year, but it's not supposed

to come out till next year at the
earliest, I think.

So it was pretty vague, but it was

We decided, you know, let's just...

and I mean for me personally, I had a...

I've been to a Land Rover dealership in a

And so I was just curious to see if they
had any of the classic Defenders like I

have, and just what they had in general.

And so we drive over there, and I think
immediately one of the things that stood

out to us was it definitely felt like a
traditional high-end dealership.

Not that the Rivian one was bad, it just
had more of the kind of like a Tesla.

It was like high-end but new.

And this one, I mean, they had a person
there making cappuccinos and all sorts of

stuff that you could get.

which I'm sure works the salespeople
advantage quite a bit, but it was just, it

was a nice experience.

And we met a sales guy there who, I kind
of mentioned, originally he just asked us

if we had any questions and at the time we
didn't, we were really just there just to

look, we really didn't think it would
become as much of a thing as it did.

And then I started talking to one of the
sales guys, kind of a super nice guy,

originally from the UK, I want to say, or
at least lived in London for a while.

And then he finds out I have an 87
Defender 90 and pretty quickly he kind of

start talking.

He's like, okay, so you kind of know your
stuff and all this.

And as we're walking around or just kind
of talking, it's a large, we were in the

inside area and there's obviously a pretty
large parking lot, but the interior had a

lot of cars in there.

And so my mom's kind of looking around and
she sees the new generation Defender.

And I like both of them.

Obviously I'm a little partial to the
classic because I just think it's kind of

beefier and kind of.

the new ones that look a little too

But she starts looking at it and she's
like, you know what, I really like the


And we asked him, does that have an
electric version?

Of course it doesn't, or no even
announcement about it.

But he's like, and so she's like, okay.

And so she just kind of keeps walking

I figured we would be leaving shortly, but
I just kind of kept talking to the guy

until she told me she was ready to leave.

I'm talking to the sales guy for like
another 15 minutes before.

I see my mom again and some other person
had let her in because she got locked out

from walking around.

I was like, oh my God, I'm so sorry I
didn't realize that.

And she's like, so can we test drive a

And that really surprised me because I
thought immediately just because I know

she liked the looks of them and she really
loved the colors.

And this is what stood out to me but
really ends up standing out in this whole

process was just how many different colors
that Jaguar and Land Rover have for their

cars and trucks of all kinds.

And the colors they had.

were by far the most options and the most
beautiful, in my opinion.

They had reds, greens, blues, blacks, and
they didn't just have one of each.

They had a few different versions of each.

And there was very few colors I just
didn't like in general, even colors I

normally don't like, especially some of
the browns they had were just awesome.

And so we actually go, end up taking a
test, and she had spot this one brown Land

Rover Defender in particular she really
liked, and that's how she ended up getting

locked out because she wanted to walk
closer and check it out.

But then she said, yeah, let's test drive
on the Defender.

And I was like, oh, and I thought at first
you wanna do the two-door one, because

that's what we kind of looked at when we
first walked in there, just because it's

kind of the smaller, kind of cute style I
got out.

But she's like, no, I want a four-door, so
let's do the 110.

And immediately what was clear to both of
us was, we love the exterior design.

We actually really like the interior, but
it was obviously much more luxurious than

the classic Defender, but it was also much
more a truck.

and kind of, or maybe I should say SUV,
but it had, it just was tough and it had

the grab handles and all these things that
were just like, not, they were.

maybe you could say luxury-ized, but it
wasn't a luxury vehicle.

But it was very nice and pretty well

It obviously didn't have all the gizmos
and gadgets, but it had all the gizmos and

gadgets that were kind of important to my
mom, which were really heat steering

wheel, ventilated seats, a lot of stuff
that was common, but even though her car

had all sorts of things, because it had a
wood steering wheel, it couldn't be a

heated steering wheel.

And that's one of the things that, that
was the only thing that really annoyed her

about the car, which is kind of funny.

But obviously now, especially with this
new generation

even though it looks kind of toyish on the
outside, it's still a very capable


And the interior for sure has become much
more Range Rover-y.

And so it was still really nice, and we
liked it, and we drove it back.

But as much as my mom liked the styling of
it, she was like, it's just a little, it

was a little too big.

She was like, if anything, I'd like to go
something smaller.

And she was kind of looking at these

And in the end, we were there for a couple
of hours, at least, if not a few hours.

And by the end of it,

She's like, you know what?

I think I want to get the...

We looked at a few different ones and it
was really the Range Rover Discovery,

which kind of surprised both of us that
she landed on that had the right size,

right functionality, right options.

And price-wise wasn't too bad, but it also
surprised both of us actually how

expensive the Discovery's got.

We're almost the defender now.

It's kind of the...

I mean, the Discovery is the entry one,
but to find an entry one...

is a lot harder than it is to find like an
entry price defender or in that ballpark.

They got up pretty quickly in price.

And her ideal budget was mid to high 70s
or 80s.

She could go higher than that, but that's
like what she really wanted to spend.

And then could go into the 80s for sure if
needed and maybe even higher than that.

But she really wanted to kind of get a
deal because

She did also hearing about how sales were
slowing, especially with electric

vehicles, and she realized this was an
electric vehicle, and she felt really bad

about not getting one, but there was just
everything she really liked.

She liked the style and the interior and
the functionality, and she really liked

the Land Rover.

So we leave, it's probably about six at
this point, we go get sushi and we kind of

talk about it, and we both were pretty
pleased and pretty pumped about the

experience, but we kind of finally say,
why don't we go to the Mercedes dealership

the next day?

to go talk to the person that you had been
working with and just kind of look at the

Mercedes electric.

And this kind of turned out to be a whole

And not in a bad way, but what was
interesting to me was, first on the way

there, I didn't know that the Maserati
Ferrari dealership had actually been moved

to pretty much right down the street from

So as we're driving,

I was like, oh, this is essentially a
couple blocks away.

And I was kind of jokingly saying we
should go look at it.

But as we're driving by, I know it's like,
oh, those look like defenders.

They are not the new ones, but kind of
like the classic boxy ones.

And then really quickly I was like, oh,
those are Ineos Grenadiers.

And my mom's like, what?

And she just thought that they were just
defenders and maybe that was some version.

And so we drive past them to look at it
like, no, these are their own brand, which

I forget the specifics, but.

Long story short, the Ineos Grenadier is
kind of, I mean, it's been kind of called

the Defender 2.0 because it is very chunky
and kind of got those hard edges like the

classic Defender.

And long story short, what happened was
there's some, I've been told an oil baron,

but kind of an entrepreneur in the oil
space, oil and gas space that wanted to

buy the molds, I believe, from Jaguar Land
Rover for the old defenders to make a

couple for himself.

which is a pretty big flag, so it would be
pretty cool at a man.

But Jaguar Land Rover said no, and he's
like, okay, how about you just make me a

few more?

And they still said no.

He's like, okay, wait, screw it.

I'll make my own company.

He started Ineos Grenadier.

Obviously very, I recommend Googling, but
very based, very similar to the Defender,

the classic Defender.

And he in fact gets sued by Jaguar Land
Rover for being kind of a trademark in

design infringement and all this stuff.

He ends up winning the case.

And so they've gone into production and
now they, I knew they were being shipped

in the US, but I didn't know that there
were any locations on the West Coast.

Maybe I figured there was one in Seattle
or maybe the LA area.

But I guess this Maserati Ferrari
dealership also, if they didn't have, if

they weren't officially a dealership, they
at least had a couple there and some

information on it.

So we just checked it out and quickly,
obviously it's a really cool truck and

it's much more like the classic Defender
where it's about going off road and being

utilitarian than luxury.


My mom thought it was cool, it was
interesting, but it was clearly not a

competitive thing and obviously they don't
have the electric version.

So we go to the Mercedes dealership and
this is where I find out this whole back

story where my mom went the first time and
had a really great experience with this

one guy named Brian.

He was super charismatic, super
educational, kind of took his time.

They went on this test drive with the EQE
and she really liked it.

I was like, okay, that's great.

She goes back and she wants to talk to

And they're like, okay, yeah, we'll go get
your Brian.

And some other guy comes out, and it was
pretty clear because the first Brian was

about her height, maybe like six foot, a
little taller.

The southern Brian was much taller.

And she's like, she didn't really say it,
but she's like, no, this isn't, or I think

she did.

And she's like, oh no, I was working with
a different Brian.

He was like, well, do you know his last

And she's like, I'm off the top of my

He's like, well, there's five Brian's

And to be honest, if I was in that
situation, I would probably not be going

by the name Brian anymore.

I could have just come up with a nickname
or something to make it a lot easier.

But yes, there are five brands there.

And coincidentally, when we drive up, we
start kinda looking at the cars on the


And even then it stood out to me how many
of the cars are either gray, black, or


Gray, black, or white.

Occasionally there is a blue one.

But it's pretty much gray, black, or

And like one red one.

But that was it with a couple of like blue
ones here and there.


one guy starts coming up to him and my mom
just kind of leans over and was like,

that's the Brian, that's the original guy
that helped me.

And it did for sure turn out his name was

And I immediately asked for a car and I
took a photo of it.

So we just had it for future reference,
but that was just fun.

It was like, why don't you just have a
nickname or something else?

But anyway, we get in the car and, or we,
we started looking at the cars and we go

through one in particular that my mom had
been following actually.

that had been on the lot.

She wanted the blue, I think it's called
Twilight Blue, they did, and it's a really

beautiful color, but it turned out they
didn't really have that, but they had this

one with the brown interior she really
wanted, and that was also beautiful.

It was like, and it was a black car, so
she's like, yeah, whatever, if it's black,

that's fine, but just really wanted the
brown interior.

So, and he's like, yeah, it's been on the
lot for a few months at least, and so,

they just had that December to remember,
whatever they call it, holiday event, it's

still here, they must be, they probably
really wanna get rid of it.

It's a 23.

They've got 24s getting on the lot.

And so we're like, okay, let's, let's

We'll give it a test drive and see if we
can get some sort of deal on it.

And I get in the car.

It's nice.

And if you're familiar with the new
Mercedes electrics, they have something

called the hyper screen, which I'm not a
big fan of, and this one doesn't have that

and it turns out now only like the really
high end models have that.

And that's fine with me.

I actually think it looks better with just
those standard

screen and then kind of a traditional dash
around it for the most part.

And it's, it's nice.

It drives, Cal and Cal Mercedes were
pretty light, pretty soft.

Um, it was really nice, but to be honest,
I expected it to be a little bit quieter

and maybe ride a little bit softer, but it
was still a very, clearly a very nice car

and they, one of the things they wanted to
show me is like, well, it else has

rear-wheel steering, which I knew.

Um, but it'd been a while since I'd really

driven anything I really hadn't driven
anything that nice with one and so we did

and that was one of the perks about it my
mom like and I don't even think it has the

full 10 degrees I think in this version
only had five degrees but it was wild how

much of a difference that made when we did
a u-turn that I just whipped around like

nothing and so I was like I get it this is
pretty sweet we can test drive other

things but if this seems to be the one you
want this is what you're interested in

it's all the color what you want but like
they always say the used car factory

burned down last week

And so you kind of have to get what you,
if it's already built, you kind of have to

go with what you want.

And so we start kind of looking at it,
looking at other options.

They really, turns out they can't really
knock down the price at all.

They're pretty hard on the price.

The people we're dealing with, especially
this one Brian, really nice guy.

And I guess this is what was also
interesting was my mom started working

with the other Brian the second time she
went in there, but he was like starting to

say stuff against Tesla and other car


It was just like she didn't like it
because when she's just a very positive

person, she doesn't like kind of talking
negatively about other people.

So she didn't like that he was kind of
poopooing other brands.

And especially kind of tells us that she
just didn't like that kind of more, some

might say traditional sales car sales

But we're not really having that issue.

The issue we're running into is one, they
don't seem to be interested, like they

knocked maybe two grand off the price.

So it's still like 90, it's like 93,000.

So it's a very expensive vehicle.

Um, it's not the color she wants and we
were like, okay, do you, if we're gonna

spend that much money and it's pretty much
you could custom make it at that point.

So it's like, well, we could custom make
one and they might be there in June.

And really, to be honest, my mom's not
really in a huge, there's no real

immediate rush.

She just wants to get it before it becomes
or needs to be an immediate rush.

And so she's like, okay, maybe we kind of
do that.

But the soonest it might get there was

and then she could do her own colors and
they actually had a really beautiful

emerald metallic green and if you've never
followed them I highly recommend the

YouTube channel Juice Motors because
they're a UK defender kind of resto mod

but just they do amazing builds of classic
defenders for being either super off-road

or kind of making them more kind of all of
purpose or on-road and they recently did a

Defender 90 in this emerald green Mercedes
metallic it's such a beautiful color

We later saw a car in that color.

It was like, that's the color I would
probably get, just because it's unique and

it's really beautiful.

But they also had a really beautiful brown
metallic that they had for one of the


But of course, it's the AMG EQE, which was
at least like 130,000.

So way out of the price.

And to be honest, my mom was even kind of
fine with just the base one.

She didn't need the speed or anything like

It was still gonna be faster than her
current Mercedes.

So it just was really interesting that we
started working with them to find a car.

They don't have anything in their

They start going through their dealership

They don't have any car in blue, and, or
they have cars in blue, but the only

interiors they have are kind of this gray.

I think it's white, it's technically gray,
but it's like, I would say more like off

white than like a traditional gray.

And they also have a gray, but it was
interesting that the majority of their

cars are, as I've said, black, white, or
gray, and they have very few,

cars of the EQE in this color.

You pretty much do have to custom order at
that point.

And even then, they've been sitting there
for a while, and they weren't really

budgeting on price at all.

And it was just a really odd experience.

And so my mom was kind of like, you know

This is good to know.

If I'm gonna spend almost this much money
anyway, I'm not gonna buy one on the lot.

I'll just have one custom made, which is
what I would do too.

You might as well just get the exact
version, exact colors you want.

And so that's kind of like, okay, well, we
figured it out.

It's probably gonna be now either the
brown or this, I think most likely to be

emerald green with this brown interior,
which will be a beautiful car.

And like I said, it handled really well,
it drove really well.

It's much more of the traditional kind of
car experience.

There's like, you know, start stop thing
that I'd even like, I kind of forgot about

at one point when I was trying to get it
to go.

And I'm like, oh, you gotta do this thing.

And so this, I know it's already become
kind of a long story, but this is where

we're kind of like, okay.

We go get lunch, it's a lot of money.

It's more that she wants to spend, but in
some ways it works better because she's

also got some things going on financially
that she's like, well, if I'm buying this,

it actually would be better if it's
probably the second half of the year


And that's where it would kind of be nice.

Okay, if I design this, it doesn't get
here until June, July, yeah, whatever.

But it's so 95,000, that's a lot of money.

And I was like, yeah, I agree, but you've
always liked your Mercedes, you have them

for 10 years.

You're gonna spend a lot of money.

I mean, it's probably not the financial
advice thing, but it's like you're the

delta between What you're spending and
what you want what you have to spend to

get what you?

Want and what you're getting it's almost
just like you might as well just do it and

Normally what she does anyway, she usually
finances a car makes maybe Payments for a

year or so and then just pays off at all
at once later anyway, so it's like Across

the board not that big when issue on the

even though it's more money than you want
to spend.

And we kind of keep talking at lunch and I
was like, you know what, we've been

looking at cars that you've won all this
time and it turns out, I think they've got

the new Tesla Model 3 Highland at the
Tesla dealership off McAdam, which is kind

of like Southwest Portland.

And she's like, you want to go look at it?

I was like, oh, sure.

I was kind of like, nah, we don't have to

It's like, let's go look.

I was like, okay.

And so we go there.

It turns out they don't have.

The Model 3 Highline at that location,
they have it at the new Tigard location.

I was like, oh, okay, whatever.

But I guess they were getting one the next

But while we're there, in the dealership
or in the film room, they have a brand new

Tesla Model X with the red, ultra red
color, which is a beautiful color.

And that was actually what my mom had
looked at and spec-ing it with.

I was like, oh, okay, this is interesting.

We started kind of sitting and playing
with it.

One of the salespeople comes over and
helps us, someone I had known and kind of

helped with a car I'd bought previously.

He was pretty good.

It was I wouldn't say high pressure, but
there was like occasionally there were a

couple things he would say that was a
little more pressure in Look down even on

the Mercedes a bit which I get it at the
same time.

It's like person.

It's good to have options Personally, I
think I like the layout of the Tesla, but

I wasn't a big fan of the whole new drive
thing you can use the physical hardware

thing which is once I show that to my mom
and she's like, oh I would do that and

That's what she ended up using it really
wasn't that bad but

it's just a different thing than having to
swipe on the screen.

So we start talking and she really likes
the new interior.

I thought it looked so much better than
that old, the old model, uh, model X

interior and what they have now.

And we kind of start talking, we hang out
there for maybe 30 minutes and then we

leave and we keep talking about it.

And she's like, you know what?

I did a test drive like a year ago.

Why don't we just do a new one?

And she's like, yeah, maybe, or she.

We were trying to go back and forth.

It's like, you test drove it before and
you weren't that impressed with it or you

just, it wasn't enough for you to do it.

So yeah, it was like, honestly, it seems
to be now with her experience and what

just seeing it again, it's like, it's
either going to be the EQP or because the

Model X is about 15 to 20 grand cheaper, a
red Model X.

And I was like, well, why don't you just
test drive it again after we test run all

these other vehicles anyway, if you're
going to spend that much money, let's just

double check.

So the next day, and this is where the
Cybertruck and the Highland come in.

We actually go to the wrong location.

It's their new location.

And they're still actually doing in the
Tigard Southwest, really Southwest

Portland metro area.

They're still doing it out of the mall
location, which was their first location

in the whole Oregon area.

But I think they're actually gonna be
closing that out soon.

And what was, but we get either way, we go
to the wrong place, but it's only a five

minute drive.

We get there a bit early.

And not only do they have the new Model 3
Highland, which you can sit in the

showroom, they actually have the new, the

And that was really fascinating, because
it was roped off, so you couldn't touch

it, you couldn't get in or anything.

But I have to admit, my mom and I, and
technically my mom does have like a, like

I said, my stepfather has a reservation
for one.

I think it is actually technically my
mom's name, and so the plan was when it

came out, he would probably get it, and
then my mom would.

trade in her car she had already and get
them all like, I don't know, something

like that, but that was ages ago.

But we were both surprised at it in person
because it looked so much better in


I couldn't believe it.

I really, I always thought it looked
pretty good from the front, but even from

the sides and all this, it really
surprised me how much, not only did I like

it, but my mom even liked the looks of it.

And even from like directly on the side,
which I thought was its ugliest.

dimension, seeing it in person, seeing it
eye level, it didn't look somehow, it did

look triangular, and it actually looked
really good.

Which really surprised me, the overall
look had kinda grown on me over the years

now, compared to when I first saw it, but
seeing it in person was pretty shocking.

How much I liked it, and how much, also
surprisingly, my mom's looking at this EQE

and a model X, which exterior-wise I don't
think are great looking cars, they're very

egg-shaped, and then this super kind of

triangular thing, she's even, I mean, it's
definitely still different from the

Defender that we looked at, but she was
saying it was one of her favorite designs

and she really liked the look of it.

And I think the best way I can describe
it, especially being in the showroom,

especially being roped off, it's like
looking at modern, and I know I've

experienced this with the car before, but
the last time I can ever think about

having a similar experience was when I
accidentally came across the Concours

d'Elegance in Tokyo when I was...

Tokyo actually means in Kyoto I just been
in there for vacation and then randomly is

going on and we were at this one It was at
a Japanese castle that it was actually

going on that we were just taking a tour
of anyway as I will screw it I'm here


I'm gonna go check these cars out there
all these beautiful classic Italian 60s

and 70s and British like in my opinion the
best car design era ever European sports

cars rare like Zagato Aston Martin Edition
all this stuff.

It was amazing

And that was years ago, but like, this was
the first time since then where it's like,

you're going to see cars and it's like a
art exhibit.

It's you're appreciating for its beauty.

And the cyber truck truly was like looking
at a good or bad.

But it wasn't like, I thought it was
incredibly beautiful.

I didn't think it was like, and it, but it
still looked a lot better than I was

expecting, but it was truly like looking
and going to a modern art exhibit.

And you just see the cyber trucking.

I literally would.

We looked at it probably for just 20
minutes and we would just walk around from

different angles and look at it and it
would just shock me.

I was like, this thing looks a lot better
in person.

It's just so weird and so unique, but at
the same time, it looks a lot better than

I thought it would look.

And in a lot of the photos and videos, the
back of it looked horrible.

In person, it's probably still its worst
angle, but it doesn't look as bad as I

thought it did somehow.

I think just instead of looking out at it
and where it makes the back look so big,

just naturally you're kinda looking more
down on it.

And so the back proportions aren't as big
and off as it seems like in a lot of the

photos and videos.

So that was really, I think, my favorite
part of the weekend.

It kind of big a surprise was like how
much I like the look of it.

I am very envious of the fact that it has
this, as they were even promoting there,

the rock chip proof glass, because that's
an issue I've been dealing with, my

stepfather has been dealing with at least
once or twice a year with his Model X,

where the glass is much larger and needs
to be replaced too.

And one of the other things was my mom
liked that it had the rear wheel steering

when she found out about that Because it
is clearly bigger than anything we've been

looking at Closest was probably the Rivian
and even then it was still a bit a little

bit longer than the r1s But she really
liked the fact that every real steering is

like well if it's this big anyway it's
gonna be able to handle a lot better more

like the Mercedes and then the r1s did
well, okay, well, that's funny that this

is now maybe an option but

Either way, it was clear that she was
either going to do the Model X or E-Q-E

Mercedes because of the size and just
functionality and just use case.

And then coincidentally, right next to it
was the new Model 3 Highland.

I didn't get to drive it, but just sitting
in it and looking at the new materials, I

think it makes it look a lot more premium,
higher end.

It's obviously still like an entry premium

And I think...

I think the Model 3 already was a great
value and now at the price point that it's

at and what it does, it to me is still a
really good value.

It's probably not...

I mean, it's been a while since I've even
been in an entry.

Three series or four series or even kind
of a for a three from Audi and so on But

my thing even with those cars is I think a
lot of car reviewers always talk about

like oh the Mercedes this and That is
better equipped and this there's a huge

price delta when it's equipped In an
equivalent matter for one thing, but the

other thing is so many people especially
in that entry Mercedes and BMW trim get

basic trim because they want to just get
the brand or they want the steering of it.

And in my experience, the average Tesla is
usually better well equipped and specced

than a lot of Mercedes or BMWs and people
don't realize that because like when you

see these people testing and so they're
testing like the fully loaded versions.

And so I just thought, yeah, I mean, don't
get me wrong, I totally get it.

There's definitely a difference.

But for the price and the money you're
getting, I think it's...

Tesla really has cemented itself pretty
well in the premium where it's not luxury,

but you get a performance in a premium, I
think steel for the value and the

performance it offers.

But yeah, so Cybertruck, Model 3 Highland,
both really surprised and delighted by, I

guess you could say.

And I've always enjoyed, I got a chance to
drive the last gen Model 3 Long Range just

through Cornwall, kind of Southwest UK, a
couple summers ago.

for a week and I love that thing.

That thing was perfect for kind of the
European roads and the B roads and C roads

and the UK.

And I think this new one would be just as
good if not, maybe slightly better, but I

love the exterior and the interior updates
for sure.

So we went on the Model X test drive and
the interesting thing was on this one, and

this was also an interesting thing, is
when we did the Rivian test drive, the

salesperson came with us.

When we did the Mercedes test drive, the
salesperson came with us.

But when we did the Land Rover Defender
test drive, they just let us take it.

And when we did the Model X test drive,
they came out to the car with us, kind of

showed us a couple things, but they let us
drive it.

And pretty quickly, what surprised us was,
it was for sure, it wasn't as quiet as the

Mercedes, but it was by far the closest
thing we'd driven quiet wise.

It was much more competitive with the
Mercedes interior quietness wise.

but it also turned out to have the best

It wasn't, obviously the Mercedes with the
rear wheel steering and slow speeds could

turn tighter, but this new Model X turned
definitely tighter than the old one did,

or at least maybe there's something wrong
with the one they have, but it turns

tighter than that one.

But more importantly, it was just the
actual steering driving feel was just a

lot more fun, which is crazy for how big
and heavy this thing was.

And I think it was more kind of a sporty
steering that I'd hoped that the Rivian

would have when you put it into its.

but it really didn't.

And I didn't expect it to be super tight
or anything, but just more feeling, more

fun than what it turned out to be.

And with the Model X, even though it's
still a big thing, we were just both kind

of impressed, like yeah, just finding very
kind of good or bad that Tesla driving


So it's kind of more like a BMW and just
you point it somewhere and it goes there.

And so that was pretty fun and kind of the
surprise thing was like, well, if we,

yeah, if we.

don't go with the Mercedes, it'd be the
Model X.

And it kind of surprised me, I've never
been a big fan of them.

The interior and the sound and the audio
quality of the new speaker system was

really nice.

And that's what was crazy.

Now it's probably not the same as like the
Hein-Burmeister, but pretty quickly, and a

lot of these EQEs, you just get a
Burmeister sound system, which was pretty


Now it's probably not the same quality as
other upgraded sound systems along the

German cars, but we listened to it and it
was still really good.

And getting in the Model X the sound
system and that was also really good.

And I think that's what kind of blew me
away is like, you know what?

The Model X is different.

It's not as good as some of the German
equivalents in some areas, but once again,

for the price and overall it's a lot
closer than I expected it to be.

Um, and it was still my favorite handling
of the three cars, even though they're all

big and heavy, so it's not like it's going
to be super sporty, but when you need to

kind of

starting in and out of traffic, it was
really good.

And so there were a couple things.

Obviously the removal of turn signals, I
didn't kind of struggle with.

I had to look down, which I...

I wasn't even against the idea of them
getting rid of the turn signals.

It just was silly to me that they both had
left and right turn signals on the left


So you have to look down to see which is
which you're telling.

After a few minutes, I realized, I think
it was the bottom one's right, the top

one's left, so I got that.

But like in Ferrari, I mean, obviously a
much different car, but a lot of


Sports cars have gotten rid of turn stalks
for and this has been for quite a while

What they do is the left turn signals by
your left hand and the right turn signals

kind of the equivalent space by your Right
hand on the steering wheel.

So now it's really natural to go right or
left And I think a lot of people complain

about this, but if you're using Especially
in van where I live there's a lot of

roundabouts and if you're using The Turn
signal like you're supposed to you're

actually supposed to signal before you
turn anyway, so it's really not a big


However, when you're going into a
roundabout, it's different in Europe.

The way you're supposed to do it in
Europe, and it's because the roundabouts

are smaller, you're actually supposed to
signal which way you're gonna go before

you go into the roundabout.

Because the roundabouts are so much bigger
and you don't have the visibility from the

other side, you're actually supposed to
signal, at least in Oregon, when you're

leaving the roundabout, which one you
wanna take.

So that's about the only situation where,
depending on where your hands are on the

wheel, it would be a little more awkward,
but it'd be a lot less awkward if they'd


the left one where your left hand is and
the right one where your right hand is.

I don't think they're gonna do this, but I
would love to see a software updateable

option where you could replace, I think
it's like the mic audio, if you could

actually make that button become the

turn signal and then the right turn signal
on the other side just became like it just

essentially even though it says it on the
hardware it just switched by it would make

it such a better driving thing altogether
and then getting rid of the park reverse

neutral drive we just found it so much
easier to use the things by where the

inductive charges are the physical kind of
backup buttons and honestly that's

probably what I would do too for a long
time I just found that so much easier so I

realize this game a little bit

I think our big takeaways was for the
better deal, my mom would go with the

Model X if she had her choice and price
was an object, she'll probably go with the


It's still TBD.

I think she's probably going to go with
the Mercedes likely.

But it was really funny.

After we did the test drive, they asked us
if we had any questions.

We were like, I don't know.

We're pretty familiar.

And immediately my mom goes, do you have
the better class in the Model X?

And he didn't know.

He thought my mom meant like the acoustic
sound glass.

And he's like, yeah, we have a better
sound dampening.

He's like, no, or, and so my mom's kinda
like, oh, okay.

But pretty quickly I realized what she was
asking about was in the Cybertruck, where

I had this new, essentially, I'm, if I
remember what it is, it's called, what

the, I wanna say it's like silicon,

It's something with silicon, moron, and.

one other thing, but it's essentially
Gorilla Glass, is more or less, like in

phones, is now what they're using on the
Cybertron's front windshield, so it's much


And so my mom was asking if they had
brought that over to the Model X, because

of how many Rockchips they had been
getting with their Model X, and he was

like, oh, no, we haven't.

But it was just funny that was the only
question my mom had, was like, she was

much more sold on this new version of the
Model X, and honestly, so was I.

But the big thing was like, well, we get
so many Rockchips with that front



Due to her light sensitivity, that's
probably the reason she doesn't like light

interiors, it just reflects too much into
her eyes.

And her biggest gripe with the Model X is
the fact that the windshield goes above

you and just lets in a lot of light.

But they do make a essentially mesh cover
you can put over that.

Not sure if it's enough, but it seemed to
make it more likely that you could get the

Model X.

It would just be nice if they did
something really cool like...

Adaptable glass where I would change the
or I'm trying to think of what that's

called But essentially the lecture of the
electronically adaptable glass where it

goes from being fully opaque to
transparent It's something I've loved it

would love to see on Tesla's for a long
time now, and I thought they would but

they still haven't So I think the big
takeaway was The Tesla molex turned out to

be a lot closer than we thought to the
Mercedes as far as being a competitor It's

probably the next one if she doesn't go
with the Mercedes

And the other kind of big surprise, no
offense to anyone, that's Big Ruby.

I still think it's great brands.

I still think they're making great

I love, I'm happy for people who are happy
with them.

But I think that was also the biggest
surprise is that just was more of a

disappointment than we thought, or not
even disappointment, just it was more, we

thought it was going to be a much bigger
contender and much more, uh, better

experience and it just kind of meh.

So, um,

I will have an update when she finally
decides what she's going with.

I think she likes that the Mercedes is
just a little bit more classic.

She knows what she's dealing with and
there's still stuff that needs to be set


But she figured worst case, you can always
ask me when she gets it.

And she'd probably be doing the same with
the Model X either way.

And she also realizes, and this is
something I criticize a lot of automatic

journalists about is they always like
critique the new interior, especially air

vents where it's like the ones you have to
manually set versus like being able to

physically grab them.

There's some truth to that, but my big
thing is like with most of these modern

cars, once you've set it, especially since
you can save it to a profile, you don't

have to change it again.

And car reviewers kind of complain about
it because they're always getting

different cars and having to set it every
time, which I get.

But in practicality, it's actually really
nice to have features like that, that once

you set it, you don't have to really touch
it again.

Because for example, my old Subaru Outback
was a great car and really good when I

bought it.

The more I had it, I had the traditional
adjustable air vents.

And what would happen is they would just
start to kind of droop.

And so it'd be really hot out.

I'd get in the car.

I want to blast the AC.

I'd aim them at me.

And then over a few minutes, they drew it
back down and they would be, and I'd have

to be like adjusting it every few minutes.

It was really, I mean, it's a first world
problem for sure, but it's one of the

things that was really annoying and just
makes it kind of less safe to drive.

Cause you're looking, taking your eyes off
the road.

And I think with a lot of these electric
cars, there are kind of these one off

functionality things that.

I do make the experience better for the
owner, but maybe worse for people who

aren't either as tech savvy or used to the
technology and then also for people like a

car reviewer that has to kind of hop in
and try a different car every 10 minutes.

But the other big surprise from all of
this was how much we thought the

Cybertruck looked cool.

And that was kind of a funny experience
just to see the, like I said, it literally

was like going to a modern art exhibit.

And we would just walk around and we'd...

look at it from one angle for five
minutes, kind of talk about what we

thought was cool about, and then we'd go
to another angle.

And I just, the last time I could think of
anything was when I was at Concourse

Elegance, and it was literally essentially
the same art experience, where you're

trying to look at these cars from
different angles and just appreciate them.

So that's the big and still undecided car
shopping experience.

And I think the other big takeaway is just
like, it's clear that dealerships still

have so much to learn about educating on.

electric vehicles and trying to figure out
the simplicity of CCS versus Nax and what

that is.

I mean the car we, when we were at the
Mercedes place they were even talking

about electrify America as a discount and
even before I said anything my mom was

like yeah that's useless.

I don't want to chart there.

It's too complicated.

It doesn't work.

And I was like it's pretty funny that my
mom even says that versus like a person

that doesn't really drive an EV that

And for other people who might hear that
and get sold on it.

It's just not going to create an ideal
experience, at least right now.

I hope that changes, but.

I thought the Mercedes dealership overall
did pretty good with positioning and

selling electric vehicles, but it was
still interesting that there were a lot of

gaps and it's just one of the challenges.

And this kind of goes to the second part
that I wanted to cover, which is around

now having in my car, being able to set a
service appointment, schedule when it was,

schedule what the issue is, have it all
taken care of in about 10 minutes.

And now next Tuesday, I'm just going to go
in and they'll replace the glass.

And I've got a video coming about that
with more details, but it is just one of

those things that just makes the
experience so much simpler and easier with

kind of the Tesla.

When, when you do have an issue or it's
not like it's a problem with Tesla, just a

fact of life game rock chips.

It is just well, how easy it was to
schedule, get it all figured out, get it

approved by insurance.

Because just for my own curiosity, I've
been going through Tesla insurance.

It essentially all approved and ready to

And then I'll go on next Tuesday, they'll
swap it out and be done and move on.

Now some might argue, since they're not a
professional window glass, could that be

an issue?

Potentially, I did notice when I had my
class swapped with them last time that

there was kind of a weird rattle at first
that was new, but it has since gone away.

So I don't know, but it just kind of, once
again, it's an interesting time with kind

of the pros and cons of having it all done
by one company.

And so I mean, I think it'd be one thing
if it's like the X or an S, but I've got a

feeling with the frequency of three or
one, they have that probably more down


But yeah, for an X, I'd really be
skeptical with that one huge piece of

class and getting that dialed in right.

So yeah, I'll have an update on that soon
and there's gonna be a video kind of

posting how that's gone, what that
experience is like.

And then finally, just to recap.

Going to and playing with Tesla's full
self driving as they call it.

It's definitely not that but It's just
super fascinating for me.

I totally understand.

It's not ready for most people.

I'm asked people don't need to buy it I
don't think it's worth the 12 grand I

think the what's known as enhanced
autopilot for six grand is expensive, but

that might be more worth it for a lot of
people And it's kind of on the more

expensive side and becoming less
Competitive than it was just a couple

years ago

to other brands that have found the auto
lane change.

I think there's even some cars now that
offer it for, I just come standard with


But for like a lot of the luxury cars,
it's still an option.

And if it for it to be standard, you're
still buying a much more expensive, a much

higher starting price car to just get at

But overall, it's very fascinating.

There was one example where, I know,

I don't think my wife would be comfortable
with it, but just from my own experience

with kind of autonomy and other
technologies, I had set it to go back to

the place I was staying and I turned it on
in this parking lot.

And I realized unintentionally, I kind of
set it to be about maybe 50 feet from a,

which was the way we drove in, but it's
actually not a way you can drive out.

And the car started going like it was
going to go out that way.

And then I realized.

oh that's not the right way, we can't, I
can't, that's a one way and it figured it


And it's like, kind of when you see these
moments, you're like, that is a pretty, I

don't wanna say ingenious, but it is just
while, it's like when you see a puppy or a

baby, like see something for the first
time in the world and kind of like, you

see the kind of gears start turning, this
realization of what it needs to do or what

this experience is.

And it was kind of weird to just see that
with your car and learning like, oh, I


I can't go that way.

And it was, it obviously had a couple
moments where it was like on the fence and

not sure what to do, but then it pretty
confidently and quickly made it.

At other times it does the wrong thing and
it is something you have to pay attention


I am more of the mindset that, well, I
understand that this isn't beta, even

saying it's in beta is kind of rough.

It's probably more like alpha in some

But the big part of the reason I did this
again was one, just to test it because

it's been about a year and two, their
fully neural net version should be coming

out and which they're referring to as V12.

They've said in the next month or two and
as soon as it's been following autonomy

and kind of had some exposure to it
professionally over the years, I've always

thought a fully neural net which for those
who aren't familiar to explain it is...

Essentially, instead of writing lines of
computer code, you have the computer and

the driving system almost experience
whether through real world experience or

through simulation or just throw...

This is probably the most common case,
just throw a bunch of video at it and it

learns what to do in these situations.

And so in a lot of ways, it's actually
much more similar to the human brain.

And that's what's so interesting about
this is Tesla had like 300,000 lines of

code and then some of those...

elements were actually helped with neural
net and Video kind of comprehension to

make certain aspects of the self-driving
smoother whereas this version essentially

gets rid of 300 like 300,000 lines of cab
and it just learns by itself and It's kind

of spooky and it's kind of wild but to me
that makes the most sense when you look at

Whether it's the end all be all I don't
know but it seems like it's gonna be

definitely a complete

to get to a truly full self-driving
vehicle and whether it's Tesla or someone

else, I don't know, but I'm pretty
convinced that that's gonna be the way and

I've been watching some of the videos
online where it's obviously not perfect,

but it's become much smoother and less
harsh and be able to kind of critically

think about what needs to be done.

And so I'll be actually posting more
videos fairly frequently now on our

YouTube channel about drives I've taken
with the full self-driving in our Model Y

and what I've kind of my commentary on
what it is.

I'd say majority of the time or over not
it's impressive, at least to me, what it's


I think the big takeaway is it usually
makes the right decisions, but it needs to

sometimes think through or make those
decisions sooner, like with a human

driver, especially one that knows the area
of where it's driving, which is

interesting to see when you see other
people on the road, and I'll talk about it

in a second, but it needs to know which
lane it needs to get into earlier to plan

for maybe a...

Off-ramp or a turn it does that pretty
well But it would be much smoother I think

a lot more people would feel more
comfortable with it if it did those

certain things sooner a lot of the time
and then there's other times where it does

something weird and so you do have to kind
of watch it but I Get some people are

freaked out by it But I am more of the
mindset that you need to be for sure

responsible with it, but I'm Glad that
people have access to it and I think Tesla

gets all the flack, but they're actually
far from the only one I was even talked to

someone yesterday

about how a friend of theirs has access to
Comet AI, which if Tesla's Apple in the

full self-driving and EV space, Comet AI
is definitely the Android or kind of

homebrew hacker style, where it's
essentially a video system that you can

install yourself into a car if it has, if
it meets certain hardware already in the


And then this will take over and do a lot
of the driving, at least on the highways

for you.

And I think they're starting to do some
city stuff, but.

I think even if the car never becomes full
self-driving, it's well to see what it's

already learned and doing because the
areas where it more often than not the

areas where I've had to interact or Kind
of hit the accelerator do something to

change it is because it's following the
law too closely and human drivers Don't

and I think that's what has brought I've
also just seen so much is like human

drivers doing kind of what would be
Technically illegal or the wrong thing to


For example, with one of the Nitsa things,
which is probably the right thing to do,

but has kind of caused awkwardness as it
comes to a complete stop at a four-way

intersection and you just realize how many
people don't or how quickly someone either

stops and goes.

Whereas this kind of comes to a nice
gradual stop, but then cars behind you are

going, wait, you're actually going to a
full stop or kind of causes other weird

things like that.

Or you'll just see like the car is trying
to do the right thing, but because of the

harder to do what it's trying to do or had
it known that humans are unpredictable and

to realize maybe it should have made those
attempts to make a lane change or whatever


And it's just really fascinating because I
think it's good that people have exposure

to it.

I totally understand.

I totally agree that in a lot of ways it's
not ready.

But at the same time, it just shows how
bad it actually does do a good job of

showing how bad human drivers are because
you're kind of so much more now in tune to

some of these

And I'm just really excited to see if this
version 12 of the fully neural net system

is as big of a game changer as some of
these people have been saying.

Obviously, most of the people who have
been exposed to it are either at Tesla or

very pro Tesla people.

So I'd like to have a little bit more
open-mindedness to whether it's right or


My guess is it's still not ready for
primetime, but will be a big step forward.

And I'm kind of curious.

I haven't had my wife be in the car with
this version, which is 11.4.

I think of FSD, but I know she really
didn't like the one we had when we just

did the monthly thing of it last year And
so what I might do is I might wait till I

get 12 point whatever And once I have that
in the car and then have her Be in the car

went and turn that on and see what she
thinks of it and my guess if I'm being

honest She still won't like it But she
might be much more comfortable with it if

it's driving as smoothly and pick out a
lot of this stuff as what?

I'm seeing along

You're not, it's, you have the option to
give it control at the speed and then it,

instead of being so robotic or going a
certain corners really fast rather things,

it's a lot better about that.

I will say since I've driven it last year,
there is definitely a lot more things it

does as being so hard to following the
rules of speeds where it'll kind of adjust

and has a bit of a flexibility because of
how it'll see like traffic is going.

So it'll go a little bit faster with
speedlite, which I think is actually the

safer and right thing to do because
sometimes it would go the speedlite and

then you're just getting passed like crazy
because Arun's doing like 15 or 20 over.

Then reality by going 10 over, then it's
not being people coming up right on your

back and all this stuff.

So it's been a really interesting
experience and just want to give the

update that we'll be sharing more of those
on the YouTube channel.

So it's been pretty interesting and I'll
have more updates but

I think like I said, my biggest issue is
in that it's better, but it still isn't

fully like a human driver kind of making
sure, especially human driver that knows

where they're driving as opposed to
somebody who might be driving it for the

first time, making some of these decisions
while in traffic or even on road settings

a little bit sooner.

And so I'll be posting videos of those
soon with kind of my commentary and it'll

be interesting to see if you guys find
this interesting or not.

Let me know if you do.

Um, but with that, I think I've, I mean,
it's already been almost an hour and 10

minutes, but just to recap, we're going to
have some really cool, um, interviews in

the next couple of weeks and we'll be back
to the one-to-one interview, uh, set up

soon and we'll be doing these on, uh,
releasing new episodes on Wednesday.

We'll also hopefully be trying to get to
later in this year, two episodes a week.

And, or at least I would like to, but that
will probably require some.

additional support so we'll see how that

And then, yeah, I just want to share the
recent car buying experience.

It was just really interesting to me.

If anyone has follow-up questions, please
let me know.

And if you didn't like this episode, also
let me know.

But it was just really interesting how,
and just to recap, with the Mercedes

dealership, it was like 90% of the way

Just like my mom can almost get exactly
the car she wanted, but it was 90% of the


And it was so much more expensive than
just like, okay, if I can't get my, if I'm

going to have to spend all this money

and it's gonna take all this time to get a
90% car.

Why don't I just spend like two to three
grand more and just get the car I actually

want and just wait six months?

And so it was probably the best.

It just really interested me that it was a
good experience but at the same time it

was really frustrating and like we're
almost there.

Why can't we just get across the line and
buy this thing?

And that was the frustrating part of that.

I was like, no, we just have black, gray
and white.

Whereas the Tesla was also a good

The car itself.

was like 90% of what she wanted, but she
could get one quickly and she had multiple

color options.

But with the Mercedes thing was such a
more struggled or such a greater struggle

to get the car she truly wants.

So with that, I wanna wrap this up and I
hope you guys tune in next week for our

one-to-one interview because it'll be a
really exciting and a fun one.

But with that, thank you for listening and
talk soon.