Sixth Door to the Left to The Devil's Plaything from our friends at Tlacuache Theatre:

A Troll is awakened by construction for the third time this week, and ponders how to co-exist with the humanity of the modern world…



W. Keith Tims and Brady Flanagan as the Troll


Written by: Pelle Frid

Directed by: Pelle Frid

Sound Design: Pelle Frid

Artwork by: Yendysear

Divine Rodentia Studios logo: Zacharias Frid

Sound consultation: H. M. Radcliff

Music was In the Hall of the Mountain King, by Edvard Grieg, performed by the Czech National Symphony Orchestra and is available in the Public Domain.

Sound effects taken from various sources, including,soniss and 

Find out more about the cast&crew

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What is Sixth Door to the Left?

Sixth Door to the Left is a infrequently updated fiction anthology feed for short stories that needs to be told. Tone may vary greatly, as we ask the question: What’s behind door number 6?

Sixth Door to the Left is a Divine Rodentia Studios production. Find out more about Divine Rodentia Studios

Hello There! My Name is Pelle Frid, The only 
person working on Sixth Door to the Left and

creator of Divine Rodentia Studios. Before today’s 
episode, I’ve got a great show to share with you

all. From Tlacuache Theatre comes The Devil’s 
Plaything, a horror comedy about a guy named Greg,

who through no fault of his own dies 
and is given a second chance at life

by a demon in exchange for killing people. It 
is funny, anticapitalist and has demons in it,

what’s not to love? I’m dying to hear 
more, and I think you might as well.

You can listen to The Devil's Plaything on 
all the major Podcast apps, and subscribe to

ensure you never miss an episode. We’re gonna 
play the trailer for it right now. Enjoy!


Gary Carrie: So uh what’s your name my man.

Greg: oh um Greg.

Drathralas: You should really consider 
taking better care of yourself,

even my last host was not such 
a disgusting oaf of flesh.

Greg: What is going on? How did I 
get from the floor to the toilet?

Drathralas: In exchange for your continued control 
of this fleshy bag you will bring to me more meat.

Greg: Dead? I I I can’t do that

Drathrals: Surely you must be joking, is that 
not what humans are known for? I did accounting

for the somme, murder is the modus operandi 
of all humans. You are dead. You have died

because of autoerotic asphyxiation. 
Your next choices are quite simple.


Greg: Hey do you know what time it is?

Random Dude: Go look at a clock dude.


Greg: I thought we had a deal Drathralas!

Dave: You insolent fool I am not Drathralas!

Samantha: Hello! Welcome to the 
TV station’s booth. Did you want

to volunteer? You get a pin if you sign up.

Tommy: What the fuck greg! I’m not interested!

Greg: It's not me! I I I can’t stop it!

Narrator: The Devil’s Plaything is 
a new horror comedy by Tlacuache

Theater Productions. Listen to 
it wherever you get podcasts.


Now, without fur ther ado, Episode 2 of the Sixth 
Door to the Left, The Mountain Troll’s Awakening.

*explosion* *dripping water*
*faint construction*

[Troll]: Mmmmmaaughhhh!

(Cave Echo) The Drummer is here, *bat squeeks*
seeking to blast me for my cursed deeds!

No, not the drummer,
people-folk in their iron steeds.

Such is their way,
taking my mountain away.


Long is the time I spent in these halls,
So very many nightfalls.

My treasure is immense,
So much so I must always be on the defense.


I hear them now, breaking my home,
Evermore limiting the space I can roam.

Oh, how I wish to break the carapace,
*truck backing up*

Force them to forever leave this place.
I would tear and break asunder,

A proper and terrifying manhunter.
But as it stands I cannot do that,

My every move would make me fall flat.
For it is of iron these mounts are made,

And should I approach my power will quickly fade.
Bind me to the wielder’s will unbreakable,

Render me magically incapable.


[In the hall of the mountain king by Edvard Grieg 
plays softly, growing in intensity over time]

Once, a bride to the mountain I took,
Only for a priest to read from the book.

Such terror such pain.
I wish not to suffer again.

Were it I only settled elsewhere,

I may have not been so ensnared.

For the hated iron is all surrounding,
Demanding, perhaps, my announcing.


(Echo Stops) Haaaaa! *Teleportation spell, 
electricity, construction work stops*

(Outside) *Brids singing*
[Construction worker]: What?

[Troll, changed his voice]:Take heed, people-folk,
and hear what I have to say,

I live in this mountain and wish to stay.
Say, then, please tell, how may one

stop this disquietude?
The noise, the rumble.

The clamor of a great magnitude.
If it’s riches you seek,

I could fill your bags within the week.
All I as is that for this churn,

You leave, to never return.
Leave this mountain, tear down your fences,

I beg of you, come to your senses.
For should you continue destroying my residence,

You will not be pleased
when you learn of my vengeance.

Your power over this world dwindles,

The protection brittles.
The book, the detested bells of old,

Helped you grow and expand, like mold.
Rewarded your cooperation would be,

And just as terrible my anger, if set free.

[In the hall of the Mountain King 
crescendos and end] (Birds fade away)


The Mountain Troll’s Awakening was 
written and sound designed by Pelle Frid

The Troll was played by W. 
Keith Tims and Brady Flanagan

The music was Music was In the Hall 
of the Mountain King, by Edvard Grieg,

performed by the Czech 
National Symphony Orchestra.

Sound effects was taken from various sources.

The Sixth door to the Left 
Cover was created by Yendysear.

The Divine Rodentia Studios Logo
 was created by Zacharias Frid,

To find out more about our
cast and crew or Divine Rodentia Studios,

please visit our website

Creating art is expensive, if you have
the means to do a one-time donation

to our ko-fi page would be
greatly appreciated.

Special thanks to H. M. Radcliff for 
her invaluable help getting me off

the ground with the sound design, as this 
was the first piece I made from scratch.

[AUDIO LOGO] This has been a production
By Divine Rodentia Studios