Clydesdale Media Podcast

We talk Europe and Asia being done and how North America West and Oceana are on the horizon.  What are you most excited to see?

00:00 Intro 
02:53 Workouts
04:12 Deck Update & Projects
12:14 Amy's MURPH Prep
14:54 Semifinals: Europe & Asia
17:09 Competition Injuries 
23:49 Amy's List, Upcoming Semifinals, & FOMO
29:08 Denise is awesome!
30:23 Watching NAW & Oceania 
35:38 Age Groups 
36:34 Wrapping U

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

What is going on, everybody?

Welcome to Clydesdale Media Roundtable.

Again, two weeks in a row,

it's the Scott and Amy show,

or the Amy and Scott show.

And now Amy's frozen.

Yeah, my screen,

everything went black for a second.

I was like, oh my gosh,

what just happened?

And Amy is sporting the thick boy shirt.

I am.

Here it is.

Look at that.


What do you think?

I like it.



Really good quality stuff.

You can go to

and he has tons of shirts out there.

I'm going to be checking in

with him hopefully later

today to find out where is our merch.

Where's merch?

You know,

I was just watching our intro and

looking at Charlie and why

does he always look so angry?

I know.

He doesn't.

He never smiles.

I know.

I mean, but even there, I'm like, dude,

we got to fix that.

Maybe he is.

Maybe having 17 kids does that to you.

I think probably that definitely does it.

He's just tired.

He always tired because all them kids.



That's what it is.

All them kids.


I can't even imagine having

kids at my age now.


you know my neighbors at the

age of 50 just had a baby

first no like fifth oh my

god and their youngest

other than this baby is uh

like 13. wow wow so they

just had a kid graduate and

they just had a newborn

That would be like me

starting all over again.

No way.

No way.


No way.


like we see the dad in the driveway

just going like.


Like I just had to get out.


I just need to get out of the house.

Oh, my gosh.

So, yeah.

When Julie and I heard that, we were like,

no way.

No way.


What's up, everyone?

Glad you're in the house today.


Jodi, it's awesome.

Most importantly, did you work out today?

I never work out on Tuesday.

Because of this is the time you work out?



Did you work out yesterday?

I did.

And what did you do?

So I was craving a sandbag.

I did it in my garage yesterday.

I threw down the one car.

And so Corey has our other

car in Pittsburgh because of some things,

but we don't need to get into that.

But I was craving a sandbag.

So I did some low ring rows,

some sandbag cleans, and then I, um,

I shifted it and took the

sandbag and tossed it over my shoulder.



and then I did air squats just trying

to move.

I love it.

Feel good.

Um, and yeah, it was great.


Awful outside of our house though.

oh my gosh yes awful it's I

mean like it looks like

there's snow on people's

houses because of all the

cottonwood yeah we have one

we have a tree right in our

backyard oh it is awful

speaking of I need an

update how's the deck I've

been waiting for deck picks

So the deck is gone.

All the posts are out except

for a couple my dad and I

cemented in not that long

before he passed away.

And I've got to dig those out,

but I've already got like planter set.

And so we're going to,

we're doing raised beds for tomatoes,

peppers, cucumbers.

And those are set.

And now I,

so much dirt has washed away

from the house.

I need to get a load of dirt

to get that leveled out

before I can do anything with a patio.


So you're doing a patio, no deck.



Got it.

Well, there's going to be, we need stairs.


I was going to say there's

gotta be some stairs.

So there'll be like a little mini deck.


To come out like a landing

and then down the steps.



But we found like an outdoor gas line.

So we're going to put in a

gas fireplace or fire pit.

Yeah, fire pit.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

That's real cool.


But it's my piddle project for the summer.


So no rush, just like as we get time,

work on it.

So, you know,

I'm on my – I'm on summer break already.

We just started.


and I couldn't even make it

through the whole weekend

before I had to start doing

some projects like it was

sun it was sunday night and

I was like well I guess I'm

gonna go uh power wash the

house because I needed

something to do but so

here's my summer project so

I am going to because I got

this new power washer I'm

going to power wash off my deck

an area and then I bought a

new spray painter so I can paint.

I'm gonna have to do it on a

day that my husband's not

home working because I

didn't tell him I bought it,

first of all.

And second of all,

I know he probably wouldn't

be excited about me using it.

So I'm just gonna wait and

show him what I did when it's done.

I don't know if you remember the story.

I went to work on a Saturday

to get some overtime.

Came home and Julie had

repainted the entire kitchen.

I think I did know that.

And did not stay in the lines.

So I came home and I was

freaking out and

immediately had to get out

a brush and fix all the stuff.

But see, this is how we work.

So like, if I were to tell him,

I want to do this project,

let's get it started.

He'll him hum around and not

get it started.

But if I start the project,

he can't not finish something.

And I know that's what Julie does to me.

Cause she does.

She'll be like, Hey,

I'm going to paint the bedroom.

And I'm like, no,

you're not have time this

weekend to paint the bedroom.

We don't,

it's not warm enough to open the

windows or something.

You're right.

And then she'll go, well,

I'll just do it myself.

She gets a half a wall done and goes, F it,

I'm done.


I get tired.

Well, now,

now I have to do the whole thing.

I get that.

I know that game.

Her and I play it well, obviously.

Oh, gosh, she does it all the time.

And my biggest problem is, like,

in my head, a project is A, B, C, D,

E. That makes sense.

D before A, B,

and C. And then you get to a

point where you have to, like,

make it work together.

And it's much more difficult

than if I had been able to

do it in the correct order.

Then maybe you should have

started it when she said,

this is my idea.

Patio, for instance.


It started.

It's being worked on, right?


But she's already thinking

about the decorations that

need to go and the new

shrubbery and the new all this, right?


we don't even know where the frame's

going to end up being yet

to know where to put that stuff.

I'm only smiling because I can relate.

But because of

her health issues right now.

I'm safe for a minute.

Cause she's not going to get

up and do it right now.


She, you know,

we're just trying to get to

like walking without pain.



And there's no need for her

to lug pots and dirt and

stuff to do the stuff she wants done.

So, so how do we make that happen?


we are switching back to my insurance.


And that is effective July 1st.


So we have to be in pain for

another month?

Well, she got shots.

She got cortisone shots done.

So that has alleviated some of the pain.

And you probably can relate to this too.

She gets the cortisone shots.

She feels good.


I'm going to go do all of this stuff

in one day.


And then she's in pain the

next day because she overdid it.

That's hard.

So I'm really trying to put

my foot down and say, I will do that.

You sit down.

We don't need you re-injuring.

Pick two things.

Do those two things.

See, she has a little GSD in her.

She does.

She has a lot of that.

right and so it's like hey I

feel good I got it I got

gsd yeah you know but we're

and you're you're kind of

to this point we don't have

any kids at home I need

stuff to do two of us and

like if that third bathroom

doesn't get cleaned today

it's probably okay there's

nobody even going to use it

yeah but see here's where I

start to feel I feel like

yeah but I can't enjoy

relaxation time until

knowing there's something

else that needs to be done

that's just it's just a

it's something I'm

struggling with and I'm

working on it but I also

create stuff to do that I

don't need to do did I

really need to power wash

the concrete out there no well

And okay.

You, I don't know.

I don't know you.

I know you really well.

I don't know if I know you this well.


So Julie will be like, okay,

that bathroom needs cleaned.

But on her way to the bathroom,

she'll see something else needs done.

She veers off there.

And then six hours later,

she's done eight projects.

And the bathroom is still not clean.


I get the bathroom clean,

but I do veer off.

And I'm like,

if I don't take this trash out.

Then I'll forget and it

won't get taken out.

Oh, as I'm taking out the trash,

I better drop this off at the recycling.

So it's like that kind of stuff for sure.


So, hey,

aren't we supposed to talk about

some CrossFit stuff?


Did you work out today?

I did.

But yesterday was worse.

Oh, gosh.

I'm not even going there.

Draw your dagger.


ADD, cyclone cleaning.


That women be crazy.

I guess you're done now.

So that's fine.

Um, so yesterday's workout.

So it's the last time of Murph prep.

So it was, um, run 800 meters,

rest two minutes, run 800 meters,

rest two minutes, then come out,

come in and do three rounds, 20 pull-ups,

40 pushups, 60 air squats.

Is this what rich did in Europe?

Probably it's mayhem programming.

So yeah, I'm sure.

So my problem with that is, I mean,

I do the work cause I'm

going to do the prep and I

love Murph and those are

all great movements.

I think to do,

I would never in Murph do 40

pushups in a row.

Like I would never do that.

It would, I know my capacity.

It would take me in the weighted vest.

It would take me way too long.

And it did take me way too long yesterday,

which is why.

i choose to break it up in

different ways so it just

took forever and I just was

like so sore my lats are

sore my arms are sore my

chest is sore everything's

be sore but did you die it

was close but I made it

through today's workout I i

did the independence track

which is something I loved

about their programming is

they have like three

different actually four

They have like the compete track.

They have the freedom track,

which is what I would just

consider an RX track.

And then independence.

So like an intermediate

track and then liberty of beginner.

And I love it that it can be like, yeah,

today I'm not feeling a hundred percent.

So I'm going to do

independence track today.

And like, I'll hit the stimulus.

It'll be perfect.

And I'm not feeling like I did too much.

You know what I mean?


We have, we have RX scaled and L1.

okay yeah and l1 is like hey

if you're not feeling today

you just need to move that

this is an option for you

yeah and I think people

need to see that I think

it's it's nice to have that

the visual of the different

tracks other than I know I

can modify but I feel like

I'm modifying you know

everything or something so


I mean,

Christy and Patrick preach like

it's more important you're back tomorrow.


Than that you kill this today.



And so when they added that out one,

they really preach that a lot.

Like if you're not,

if you're sore and hurting, change it up.

Make sure that whatever you

do today gets you back here tomorrow.


I'm in.

I feel it.

So there was some CrossFit

going on this weekend.

Yeah, there was.

A little bit in Asia,

which I will admit I did not dive into.

But Europe happened at like

five o'clock in the morning, our time.


I would get up and like fast

forward through as much as I could.


Get it all in.

Did you watch much of it this weekend?

I didn't.

I was wrapping up end of the year stuff.

So even over the weekend,

I was busy with that.

So the quick takeaways are

the programming I thought was awesome.


I thought it was a good mix

and a good blend of everything.

Um, and it really was a true test.

And other than Yona Koski, like,

I don't think anybody missed it.

Like I'm crushed over.




I think the right groups of people

got in watching the test play out.


um surprising yona doesn't

make it in has a bad first

two days but then really

comes back on the last day

but it's just not quite

enough to get him into that

top 10. so a games without

yona who you know was at

our hotel two years ago we

got him celebrating after

we won't get to do that this year


another surprise was Elisa Fuliano

winning the snatch ladder

at five foot one, 30 pounds.

It's amazing.

That is amazing.

And so I met her in person.

She's been on the show a bunch.


Person at the games last year.

She is so stinking tiny.


Not realize how much until

you stand beside her and

you just dwarf her.


Well, I, because I'm a Clydesdale,

but yeah.

The fact she was so smooth in that event.

So smooth.

And the, you know,

the saying smooth is fast.


And she proved it, every bit of it.

So what about the,

and Jason at CF Media was

talking about this, about the injury.

So I talked about it with Carolyn,

who has been on the floor,

and I wanted to get her take on all this,



And so Rebecca Vitteson comes down,

slides down the rope, and she,

her knee buckles.

She immediately goes to the floor,

grabbing the knee.


From watching sports my whole life,

ACL popped.

You can tell it.

It's what happened, right?


It took forever for someone

to get on the floor to her.

Where was her judge?

So the judge is doing

everything he's supposed to do.


He's doing the medical wave.


We need help now.


In France,

the law is that the venue is

responsible for medical, not the event.



So in every place where I've

ever volunteered,

CrossFit has supplied the medical.


That was not the case here.



And so finally,

an older gentleman hits the floor.

It looks like a doctor, I'm assuming,

and starts helping her.

She gets up.

She wants to keep going.


She jumps on the bike.

She finishes the bike again.

She does a legless rope climb.


Slides down much slower.


Goes and attempts a box jump.

Oh, gosh.


Does the second one goes to come off.


And the knee buckled as she

came off the box.


Went down again.


You said that that second

time was much more painful

than the first time.


So Carolyn made an awesome

point on Sunday night.


That if medical has to come

out and assist you in any way,

you should be done with that event.




if you come off and they can tape you

up and do whatever and you

can come back for the next one,

that's fine.


you need to be assessed more than

just oversee.


We penalize people in the

online competition if you

move their barbell for them.

If a medical professional

comes out and assists you, at that point,

I think the event is done.



And I thought that was an

excellent point that she made.

Yeah, I agree with that.

I agree with the event.

And then I commented,

I don't know if you saw on

Jason's post was,

because he was talking about, you know,

they let Roman come out and compete.

And, and I was like,

I would love to do did we

forget about Julie fish a

because remember,

she came out with a boot

and was able to continue on

with the competition.

So I think

In both of those cases, though,

medical did not assist them.

No, I'm agreeing.


I'm agreeing and saying I think it's

also there is some

responsibility of the

athlete that they are

assuming some of that responsibility to.

Like if it's AMA, you know,

against medical advice or whatnot.


So this is where, like,

I'm very conflicted.

And I watched Jason CF

Media's whole show yesterday.


With Grundler, Young, Mango,

and Mike Halpin.


Any other sport,

they don't let the athlete

make the choice.



In football,

if they think you've had a head injury,

they call down, stop the play,

pull them off.


Because an athlete is always

going to try to push through whatever.



but I don't think you can make that

decision on the floor, right?

Like if you're out there and

medical has come out at that point,

the decision isn't yours.

You're in your adrenaline's pumping.


you're going to try to do something

like she did.


It shouldn't do.


Take her off, assess it.

let the adrenaline cool down a little bit.

Then if she wants to go back

out for the next event,

that's all on her.


I totally agree here with what Nick

is saying.

CTE is way different than a knee injury.

But they do that in other ways as well,

other injuries.

It's not just CTE.

But the other thing is

they're very valuable

assets that teams don't

want them completely gone

if they can fix it early.

Yeah, sure.

So anyway, that's my thoughts on it.

I, they,

that when the medical came out the

second time,

they looked like the Keystone cops.

It was, they had like weird, um,

stretchers and stuff that

we don't normally see on a

CrossFit floor.

Because they're not the

CrossFit medical team.


So it just looked, it had a bad look.

The other thing that Carolyn

made a point of is the

camera should have looked away.

Like it's just a bad look for CrossFit.

So regardless of what

happens or whatever

decisions have been made,

let that happen kind of in

privacy so that you're not

broadcasting it.



What happened to Ante?

Um, I understand he got injured as well.


Um, and I mean, let's be honest,

he he's late thirties,

I think like him making it

to the games last year was

kind of an anomaly.

Um, but he hurt his arm in some way.

Someone said he was one arm

pushing on the bike.


Like his Instagram,

it showed like some weird

bruising on it too.

And he said, you know,

his season was over now to

figure out what,

what's going on yeah so I

don't know I don't know

specifically again judy I i

did not dive into the asian

europe took about all my

weekend I don't know how

I'm going to do this

weekend with with north

america west and australia

going at the same time

because there are

contenders in both that we

need to watch for sure

Yeah, he might be old for a games athlete,

but I don't mind looking at him.

Yeah, he's one of Amy's favorites.

Turns out,

if you have an accent and a man bun,

you're on my list.

It's just the way it is.

What about Victor Hoffer?

I don't know.

Yeah, see,

I would not put him on your list.

But he fits those two criteria.

Yeah, okay.

That's interesting.

That's, let's start with that criteria.

And then then we'll weed out the rest.


Well, I'm kind of a manly girl.

So he is a little bit of a girly man.


and judy judy is right there

with you he is for so easy

on the eye yeah this

weekend's gonna be stacked

and then as draw your

dagger says and then the

next weekend we'll be

living off of liquid diet

of ghost energy drinks yeah

it's gonna be rough and I'm

not even going anywhere

although I did make a hotel

reservation in knoxville okay but

julie's okay I am probably

gonna go okay I found a

really good deal yeah

hopefully it doesn't have

bullet holes in the walls

like their games hotel um

but yeah I found a really

good deal just outside of

the city how far drive is

it six hours okay yeah so

it's drivable I can get

there I've already put in

some requests for with my

media credentials so we'll

see what happens there

And yeah.


I just,

I love semifinals more than the games.

As for a media person,

you have more access to the athletes.

You can talk to them more.

You can get better content

and the tension of making the games.


I agree.

Then people who get to the games.

I totally agree.

I agree that the excitement

is bigger at that sense of, of that.

kind of what ifs you know

yeah so I so dry dagger I

do have a media credential

for there I'm just I'm

asking for some extra stuff

I put in some requests

because in the media

agreement it says you can

be in certain places you

can't be in certain places

unless you get prior

approval from crossfit so

that's what I'm trying to do

wide zombie will be our eyes

and ears and carson if he

is sober and not

participating in

shenanigans oh denise is

going to be doing um

athlete control I did that

once before it's hard

because a lot of those

athletes they try to go

rogue they just like nope

I'm going to go over here

and you're like nope we're

in charge of you get over

Wasn't your job one year to

bring on the backdrop for

the Sideline Reporter?


All day.


It was move it out, bring it back.

Move it out, bring it back.


But I got a front row show of everything.

Right at the finish line.



I didn't get to see anything

at that because I was doing

security at Athlete Village.

And so I got to talk to everybody,

but I didn't get to see any

of the games going on.

You got that right, Wadzombie.

I'd even let him boss me around.

And that doesn't happen very often.

That's what I'm saying.

Yeah, I would love to be in Carson.

I have so much FOMO this week.

Yeah, Carson sounds amazing.

but man,

the hotels and the plane tickets

to get out there were

nowhere near affordable

with the late notice we got

for media credentials.

For sure.

But we do have a photographer.

I did get a local LA guy.


He's going to be in the building.

I talked to Dylan and Sasha.

I got,

he's using my media credential to

take shots and, uh,

And he'll get us some stuff

back through the day for our headlines,

for our wrap-up shows, stuff like that.

So at least we have that.


So what time does everything kick off?

So it's 9 a.m.

Pacific, which would be here.

All right.


Last year,

Denise got sweated on by all the

athletes when she removed

the timing chips.

Bottled that up.

I think it will help your

score on the Open.

So do you know who Denise is?


So she won Legends in the 65+.

Oh, fantastic.

And she,

I think... She'll correct me if

I'm wrong.

I think she finished second in semifinals.





So she's going back to the games.



She's awesome.


Great story too.

We had her on cause I

interviewed all the

champions of legends and, uh,

she has an awesome story of

stuff she's overcome in her life.

So, yeah.


one of my favorite people that I've met

on this journey, um,

have no idea I think corey's

been drinking because I do

not understand what that is

I don't understand what

that is either I'm

uncomfortable with what he

might be referring to so

I'm gonna oh oh okay sixth

in the semis got it okay

sorry but she'll she'll

smoke everybody in the in

the live competition I'm sure

So I don't have a lot of

time because I have a one

o'clock meeting.



But what are you looking

forward to most this

weekend at either semi?

Cause I know you are very

much an Australian.

I don't know.

I'm just not, like you said,

I think I'm just excited

for the excitement and the,

I don't want to say like the,

just the surprises.

I think that's what it is.

Like just the unknown, like,

like Yona not making it like, shoot,

you know,

like I wouldn't have predicted that.

So I think just kind of watching to just,

just go along for the ride

and see where it takes us, you know?


What, what's sad for me is like, if,

if I have friends that are

athletes because of like

relationships we built,

they're all in the West.


Not all, but like a good chunk are Ariel,

Emily, Rebecca, like Hattie,

all those people that I've,

I've become friends with.


Sam all like, gosh,

so many people and I don't

get to see them live.

So that's where I'm going to

have a lot of FOMO.

Um, but I,

it's going to be a fun weekend

cause I get to see them all

compete and all punch their

tickets to the games.



that's the one benefit of not being

there is to be able to watch everything.


You know, when, when you're there working,

you don't get,

there's a lot that you miss.

I would say semis,

I've seen every heat of

individual for the last couple years.

I totally have to miss team

because I'm downloading stuff,

uploading stuff.

That's where I choose to take my breaks.

But yeah,


But I don't even know what

the setup is in Carson.


I don't even know if there's a media

pit around the tennis stadium.

I don't even know how it's set up.

Cause it looked tight when

you look back at like when

the games were there.


So I don't,

I have no idea how that's going

to be set up.

Everything always looks

bigger on TV because I mean,

the first time I ever went to Madison,

I was like, Oh, this is,

this is the field.

Like it just seems so much bigger there,

you know, or on TV.

then when you're there.


So the first time I was ever in Madison,

Mike and I were doing

equipment on the field and

it was so tiny compared to

what it ended up being in the last year.



so in my mind it kept growing out a

little bit bigger and

bigger and the stands

definitely probably tripled

in size from year one to

the year we were last year.


That was crazy.

But yeah,

I guess I'm looking forward to that.

Is Justin on his way back?

That's going to be a huge

story after a disappointing year.

We haven't heard much from

him this offseason.

No, we sure haven't.

So what are we going to see?

And yeah, that women's side,

it's so dang top heavy with the top five.

You can't get your message to type?

I typed it,

and then it just said it won't go.

I don't know.


What I was trying to say, Wad Zombie,

is I had already said that in my head.


we're going to be trying to do some

wrap-up shows this weekend.

I know it goes to about 8.30 our time.


And that is provided weather is good.


do we have a weather forecast one

zombie for the LA area for the weekend?

Um, but I,

I do believe the scheduled time

for ending is about eight 30 our time.

So we'll probably do some wrap up shows.

I have everybody I've

interviewed in the semifinal series.

I've said, Hey,

we might be reaching out to

you to have you on the wrap up shows.

And I'm almost a hundred

percent of them said that

they would love to come on.

So we'll see.

I did not see that Bethany

has an Adidas sponsorship.



that's what Laura was wearing in Europe.

She was wearing soccer shoes for, like,

the snatch.

A little overcast in the morning,

perfect sunshine in the afternoon.



It's going to be,

and it's the only outdoor venue too,

so it's going to be

interesting to see that.

And Bethany, every year I count her out,

every year she proves me wrong.


And so this year I picked

her to make it to the games

because I wasn't going to

get fooled again.

Well, I hope that doesn't screw things up.

And do the opposite.

And just to finish up on our

age group people that we love to death,

Dex Hopkins is in a qualifying spot now.

He's no longer 41th.

No, he's 40th.

Yep, not 41th anymore.

No more 41th.

So super stoked for him.

And once we get through all

that finalization,

we'll have a crew back on

from the age groups to talk

about next steps and how

they're going to prepare for the games.

We did a little roundtable

with Dex and Corey and Ryan Radke,

and it was freaking awesome.

They were awesome to have on,

even though Corey and Dex

could not stay on task

after the entire show.

and we needed subtitles for

both of them with their

southern accents wow yeah

with that uh so stoked that

you could all be here uh

the chat always makes us so

much better with that we'll

see everybody next time on

the glidesdale media roundtable bye guys