The Jonathan Kogan Show

Hewey Media provides incredible news analysis, political commentary, and always tries to find & speak the truth in a clown world full of censorship. This is Part 1 of a two-part series with the one and only: Hewey Media.

Show Notes

This is Part 1 of 2 (listen to Part 2) with the great Hewey Media. We saw the government starting to go after our freedom so they could "keep us safe", we saw the media heavily ramp up their propaganda push to manipulate and instill fear in the people, we saw Big Pharma suddenly gain powers that they’ve never had before in history, and we saw big tech and social media start heavily censoring anyone that questions the narrative.

Hewey Media always calls out the agenda and that's why we wanted to have him on the podcast. This is a great discussion that you won't want to miss!

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What is The Jonathan Kogan Show?

The Jonathan Kogan Show brings you the most important, underreports news (and hot takes) that you need to know but the mainstream media is not covering. If you are searching for the truth, and of course the cold hard facts, then this podcast is for you. But, if you are looking for fake news and distractions from the real news, then you will be better off going to CNN, MSNBC, or Fox News. We do not cater to any corporations or powerful elites, but rather everyday peasants who simply want to know what is really going on without the propaganda.

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[jonathan_kogan]: Are we live yeah we're live oh
by the way quick thing oh i guess

[jonathan_kogan]: welcome toThe Jonathan Kogan Show how we
got an amazing guest this is awesome this

[jonathan_kogan]: is usually I preface episodes that
are bombshell episodes I say bomb shell but

[jonathan_kogan]: this one isn't scheduled to be bomb
shell but it will probably turn out to

[jonathan_kogan]: be a bombshell episode anyways got

[heweymedia]: go

[jonathan_kogan]: rob hue media hue media thanks for
coming on man

[heweymedia]: no problem thanks for having me

[jonathan_kogan]: was that a good intro

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: all right so first things first i
wanted to ask this before we went alive

[jonathan_kogan]: audience is going to care about whatever
in your videos on instagram don't you use

[jonathan_kogan]: a green screen now

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: how do you do that

[heweymedia]: uh so if you go to real
there's like one of the main ones is

[heweymedia]: like just a green screen and then
you just get whatever picture you

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: want whatever video you want and just
put it behind

[jonathan_kogan]: it doesn't

[heweymedia]: you

[jonathan_kogan]: matter what's behind you

[heweymedia]: yeah well yeah it's just

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[heweymedia]: like it picks it up by itself
and it

[jonathan_kogan]: yah

[heweymedia]: does like a green screen

[jonathan_kogan]: are ee l s or s sorry

[heweymedia]: um yeah just just like do like
a real on instagram like like your

[jonathan_kogan]: oh a real

[heweymedia]: yeah yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah yeah yeah

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: i'm not that fancy i don't have
a big instagam following anyways but whatever so

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah wait wait we were so yeah
we're talking about so we're covering so he

[jonathan_kogan]: let me give you a little back
a little bit of context from what i

[jonathan_kogan]: know about rob which is nothing but
here's what i know he is a truth

[jonathan_kogan]: teller he is a warrior on this
battle field like we are trying to break

[jonathan_kogan]: through the the bizarre

[heweymedia]: r

[jonathan_kogan]: inverted reality world we're living in and
realized that hey peasants people we are

[heweymedia]: all

[jonathan_kogan]: all

[heweymedia]: of

[jonathan_kogan]: on

[heweymedia]: the

[jonathan_kogan]: the

[heweymedia]: things

[jonathan_kogan]: same team last time i checked okay
on this isn't about

[heweymedia]: by

[jonathan_kogan]: democrat republican independent it's not about

[heweymedia]: but

[jonathan_kogan]: any of that it's not

[heweymedia]: about

[jonathan_kogan]: about

[heweymedia]: that

[jonathan_kogan]: that i'm a political he might be
more political than me and we're trying to

[jonathan_kogan]: figure out together how do we break
through honestly the matrix don't e now what

[jonathan_kogan]: s to call it it really is

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: just wake everybody

[heweymedia]: on

[jonathan_kogan]: up what are your ideas

[heweymedia]: yeah so exactly what you said but
like i'm starting to come to the realization

[heweymedia]: that like no matter what

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: you show most people it doesn't

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: matter it just doesn't matter like

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: you could literally like point like here's
this like you could show them like

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: videos of things like someone's saying

[jonathan_kogan]: ye

[heweymedia]: it out of their own mouth and
most people just don't care they'll just

[jonathan_kogan]: so that that

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: that actually still happens with some of
my friends

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: i sent them yesterday the link i
got great documentary dropped the real anthony fouche

[jonathan_kogan]: and

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: my

[heweymedia]: one

[jonathan_kogan]: one

[heweymedia]: of

[jonathan_kogan]: of my friends immediately texted back and
was like

[heweymedia]: not

[jonathan_kogan]: not interested i'm like what and i

[heweymedia]: his t v told him fouche was
great so i guess

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: he's a fouche fan

[jonathan_kogan]: but he first said like

[heweymedia]: shame

[jonathan_kogan]: what is his temper sense probably true
not interested and i just it's been going

[jonathan_kogan]: on for so long now i don't
even put the time to i've pushed back

[jonathan_kogan]: like a year ago but it's like

[heweymedia]: body

[jonathan_kogan]: why is the

[heweymedia]: mind

[jonathan_kogan]: mind you closed

[heweymedia]: ah

[jonathan_kogan]: off from hearing another side even if
you disagree with it even if it is

[jonathan_kogan]: false let's say

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: it is false why do you not

[heweymedia]: an

[jonathan_kogan]: to take it in or my

[heweymedia]: i guess

[jonathan_kogan]: guest is it's like by

[heweymedia]: the

[jonathan_kogan]: the

[heweymedia]: way

[jonathan_kogan]: way if my internet disconnects because it
sucks you just take

[heweymedia]: we

[jonathan_kogan]: over to back in like a minute
by the way that

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: atwill happen probably

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: but this is a real professional set
up everybody please take notes

[heweymedia]: uh

[jonathan_kogan]: um and what is it though that
like is

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: it is it it's either fear which
i think it was but i don't think

[jonathan_kogan]: it's fair any more and i think
it's denial at this stage or do you

[jonathan_kogan]: disagree you've disagree with a lot of
my hope that i have

[heweymedia]: uh

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: i guess it you know depends

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: on the person but i think that
like i think that the media was so

[heweymedia]: good at using trump is

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: like so like basically these people are

[jonathan_kogan]: well

[heweymedia]: ingrain in their head like

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: oh if a fouche hates

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: trump then he must

[jonathan_kogan]: ah

[heweymedia]: be a good guy you know like

[jonathan_kogan]: but the gigs up don't you know
that everything is a lie now or people

[jonathan_kogan]: still think it's true

[heweymedia]: yeah i mean i do think more
people are

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[heweymedia]: seeing it but i still think like
way too many people

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: aren't at least aren't being vocal about
it like like this is something like what's

[heweymedia]: been going on the past few years
like like you

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: said like you're a political like i
was pretty a political before all this ship

[heweymedia]: but i don't look at this as
politics i look at this

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[heweymedia]: is like this is way deeper than

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: politics it's like if people don't act
like speak out soon like it's like this

[heweymedia]: is a global is take over on
a on a global

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: level on a mass scale and people
are just

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: cool with it it blows my mind

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: i just don't get how people don't
don't see what's going on i

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: really don't like i'm not in einstein
you know like i'm not some genius that's

[heweymedia]: just

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[heweymedia]: like this is it's right in our

[jonathan_kogan]: we didn't we didn't think you were
in in stein

[heweymedia]: m

[jonathan_kogan]: but but no but seriously what you're
like my like i asked some people who

[jonathan_kogan]: came like i do have friends that
came around to it and i'm like you

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: know

[heweymedia]: love

[jonathan_kogan]: one when ask like when your awakening
because what else do you call it's the

[jonathan_kogan]: great i think it is the great
awakening and my research says there was already

[jonathan_kogan]: five great awakenings in history so is
like the sixth one don't ask but

[heweymedia]: no

[jonathan_kogan]: it's a great awakening and i'm like
from day one i thought it was all

[jonathan_kogan]: b s there

[heweymedia]: it's

[jonathan_kogan]: was

[heweymedia]: not

[jonathan_kogan]: not

[heweymedia]: a

[jonathan_kogan]: a

[heweymedia]: bit

[jonathan_kogan]: day that

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: i thought like my my girlfriend was
the opposite side so it was a really

[jonathan_kogan]: bizarre relationship like tell me to put
on my mask and i refused i still

[jonathan_kogan]: wanted

[heweymedia]: an

[jonathan_kogan]: to go out new york city went
i had and i just wanted to do

[jonathan_kogan]: everything and she's ou can't

[heweymedia]: we

[jonathan_kogan]: walk in there with that andi'm like

[heweymedia]: oh

[jonathan_kogan]: i just like breathing all the air
and like whatever so it was bizarre but

[jonathan_kogan]: like

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: were

[heweymedia]: you

[jonathan_kogan]: you like that from day

[heweymedia]: one

[jonathan_kogan]: one or did you kind of scared
at first for a couple weeks

[heweymedia]: um

[jonathan_kogan]: or months

[heweymedia]: so i was never scared but like
in the beginning i did think like okay

[heweymedia]: like um well well in the beginning
i think i'm trying to think of when

[heweymedia]: i like caught on like i knew
something was like sketchy in the beginning like

[heweymedia]: i'm like

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: this is doesn't sound right like

[jonathan_kogan]: uh

[heweymedia]: fifteen

[jonathan_kogan]: uh

[heweymedia]: days of shutting down like like why
not just if you're scared of it why

[heweymedia]: not just stay home you know

[jonathan_kogan]: ye

[heweymedia]: like why can't the people that are

[jonathan_kogan]: like freedom of choice

[heweymedia]: yeah like why can't the people that
are vulnerable just stay in their house like

[heweymedia]: it's like

[jonathan_kogan]: no

[heweymedia]: us

[jonathan_kogan]: you

[heweymedia]: simple

[jonathan_kogan]: got to keep the healthy people at
home and the vulnerable should be able to

[jonathan_kogan]: go out that's

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: the way it's opposite it made no

[heweymedia]: it's just

[jonathan_kogan]: to me

[heweymedia]: it just waked and like

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: i remember there were people saying

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: like there were people saying oh there's
like uh darkness will come to light

[jonathan_kogan]: my

[heweymedia]: during this time like this there's like
a secret operation going on or something like

[heweymedia]: some insane bullshit that people were saying
like it was the whole like

[jonathan_kogan]: like religious

[heweymedia]: no no like that whole they said
it was something with like trafficking like like

[heweymedia]: there were people and this

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: was this was the q thing

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: where the they use the q thing
to get people complacent like i don't know

[heweymedia]: if you're familiar

[jonathan_kogan]: i don't even know what that i
didn't eve kno what that is at the

[jonathan_kogan]: time i didn't know anything i didn't
even care i wanted to be left alone

[heweymedia]: so it was

[jonathan_kogan]: you know

[heweymedia]: it was a sip

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: on on a right q was a

[jonathan_kogan]: my

[heweymedia]: right wing si op to get people
complacent with lock downs like oh the reason

[heweymedia]: they're locking down is too is to
uh basically there's this sting operation of like

[heweymedia]: this whole all the pedifiles are getting
taken down and it was some like crazy

[heweymedia]: thing and like um yeah just a
lot of people bought into that thing and

[heweymedia]: i think that's why a lot of
people didn't speak out from the beginning because

[heweymedia]: they thought that it was like

[jonathan_kogan]: well and it was scary though like
like you would get you know like i

[jonathan_kogan]: got kicked i wanted

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: to test the outube guide lines and
i so i pulled up the fier documents

[jonathan_kogan]: and i was likei'm just gonna read
them no opinions

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: i just read the documents misinformation

[heweymedia]: information

[jonathan_kogan]: medical

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: misinformation

[heweymedia]: but yeah and that's like where i
started to realize

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: that there's something much deeper to this
like like just how all of it was

[heweymedia]: in unison like how all of

[jonathan_kogan]: perfectly co ordinated

[heweymedia]: yeah completely co ordinated just how all
of the social media sites were all basically

[heweymedia]: you had to have this certain narrative

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: you know you had to if you
didn't push the narrative then got taken down

[heweymedia]: censored and like pippa was one of
the few celebrities that spoke out about it

[heweymedia]: i'm sure you

[jonathan_kogan]: on

[heweymedia]: saw

[jonathan_kogan]: the wings

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: talked about in the wing what's it
called the show that's on youtube with he

[jonathan_kogan]: asked a lot of good questions famous

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: people go on they eat the hot
wings oh is it called hot wings he

[jonathan_kogan]: talked but maybe here's a video from
prior but this wasn't but that

[heweymedia]: was

[jonathan_kogan]: was

[heweymedia]: right

[jonathan_kogan]: like months ago with that wasn't it
or did he talked out earlier

[heweymedia]: he was pretty early this was pretty
early in he said like it smells

[jonathan_kogan]: ye

[heweymedia]: to me like communism because he came
from that

[jonathan_kogan]: right

[heweymedia]: background and yeah it's just like

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[heweymedia]: this is what happens they control the
information and they're all working in unison to

[heweymedia]: push this same agenda

[jonathan_kogan]: and what's the right word to use
instead of unison which comes from the rockefeller

[jonathan_kogan]: foundation document in i think two s
and twelve the word that they use that

[jonathan_kogan]: you also hear on the media

[heweymedia]: lock step

[jonathan_kogan]: lock step

[heweymedia]: yeah yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: they're all in lock step

[heweymedia]: yeah it's it's crazy like we're living

[jonathan_kogan]: it's unbelievable

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: it's

[heweymedia]: but

[jonathan_kogan]: fascinating to be alive and also it
coincides to with i don't know how much

[jonathan_kogan]: i mean i've gone all in on
this as seems you have to which is

[jonathan_kogan]: like because this is like this is
like a real fight like this is crazy

[jonathan_kogan]: its bizarre

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: if we're even in this scenario i
would never like it sometimes i think about

[jonathan_kogan]: it for i and i think

[heweymedia]: i'm

[jonathan_kogan]: i'm going crazy and then i correct
myself like no no believe yourself you know

[jonathan_kogan]: what i mean

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: like it's so massive

[heweymedia]: exactly

[jonathan_kogan]: it's

[heweymedia]: like

[jonathan_kogan]: hard

[heweymedia]: like

[jonathan_kogan]: to

[heweymedia]: that's

[jonathan_kogan]: grasp

[heweymedia]: the thing like i understand why people
think like oh it's

[jonathan_kogan]: yep

[heweymedia]: it's like crazy because

[jonathan_kogan]: hundred

[heweymedia]: it's

[jonathan_kogan]: percent

[heweymedia]: hard to believe but it's it's the
fucking truth like it's like

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: these people and all you need to
really do to like start to really think

[heweymedia]: is just listen to what videos of
what these people said that want us to

[heweymedia]: be safe they talk openly about over
population they talk openly about how there's too

[heweymedia]: many people

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: faking ted turner was on a saying
there's too many

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[heweymedia]: people using too much stuff

[jonathan_kogan]: ye

[heweymedia]: and how he just now he wants
us to be healthy like

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: like it just like how does that
fucking make sense you don't have to be

[heweymedia]: a smart person it's like those two

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: beliefs cannot co exist like do you
want less people or do you want people

[heweymedia]: to be healthy

[jonathan_kogan]: eh

[heweymedia]: it's like

[jonathan_kogan]: and you saw the recent study right
that that said people

[heweymedia]: but who

[jonathan_kogan]: who want depopulation zero percent volunteered the

[heweymedia]: um

[jonathan_kogan]: depopulation theories zero percent

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: decided to volunteer themselves to be depopulated

[heweymedia]: of course yeah of course they want
what people don't realize

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: is the global warming the climate change
bullshit agenda that coincide with a depopulation they're

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: the same thing it's just package differently
it's like if you want net zero emissions

[heweymedia]: some corrupt puppets that want net zero
hum all of that ship

[jonathan_kogan]: missions

[heweymedia]: emissions do you think they would want
more humans in the world or do you

[heweymedia]: think they would want less

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: it's a real simple

[jonathan_kogan]: but it's up to

[heweymedia]: answer

[jonathan_kogan]: the person to like think it through
and i'm thinking okay you on zero like

[jonathan_kogan]: that's like listen we are on this
podcast i am extremely pro planet i'm pro

[jonathan_kogan]: human i'm pro freedom in pro leave

[heweymedia]: eh

[jonathan_kogan]: alone just whatever we love the planet
i love the planet i live here it's

[jonathan_kogan]: amazing

[heweymedia]: mazing

[jonathan_kogan]: i want to stay on the planet
for as long as possible and have it

[jonathan_kogan]: be here all

[heweymedia]: but

[jonathan_kogan]: about the planet but do you understand

[heweymedia]: and

[jonathan_kogan]: like if

[heweymedia]: you

[jonathan_kogan]: you

[heweymedia]: want

[jonathan_kogan]: want to use candles that

[heweymedia]: that

[jonathan_kogan]: that

[heweymedia]: was

[jonathan_kogan]: was

[heweymedia]: made

[jonathan_kogan]: made

[heweymedia]: in

[jonathan_kogan]: in a fact

[heweymedia]: factory

[jonathan_kogan]: tory that was powered by fossil fuels
like it all goes back to you know

[jonathan_kogan]: that electric car that you like where
do you think that came from like

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: not only that i used like rare
minerals were like there

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: was slave labor in

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: congo but nobody cares

[heweymedia]: it's um lithium in copper like like
that ship is

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: like people don't realize the amount of

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: energy that that it takes to get
that stuff

[jonathan_kogan]: or just being in a electric and
i'm listening i'm about anything i just just

[jonathan_kogan]: don't take away my friends but like
m f from like you know like you

[jonathan_kogan]: know electric cars and stuff like that
ike there's it's not just black and white

[jonathan_kogan]: it's so new but like what you
said you said listen to what they say

[jonathan_kogan]: in person i

[heweymedia]: get

[jonathan_kogan]: did

[heweymedia]: some

[jonathan_kogan]: something a little different which was this
is what i did and it really help

[jonathan_kogan]: me and maybe this will ep someone
else which is everything they told me not

[jonathan_kogan]: to listen to or someone who i
should not ever listen to

[heweymedia]: you listen

[jonathan_kogan]: i

[heweymedia]: to him

[jonathan_kogan]: listen to

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: one hundred percent of those people and
on so them were telling the truth

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: it's

[heweymedia]: and you

[jonathan_kogan]: bizarre

[heweymedia]: start dude but but this is where

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: he just with everything going on today
like it gets me to question it's like

[heweymedia]: first of all there's people living in
two completely realities right now like there's people

[heweymedia]: that see what we see nd then
there's people that

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: think censorship is a good thing

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: uh bidin s the best you know
like just like basically opposite world and

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[heweymedia]: but whose narrative whose narrative will the
main street media

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[heweymedia]: promote the opposite world narrative so that
gets me to question history it's like

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: now hear me out it's like a
hundred years from now what are we going

[heweymedia]: to hear it

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: depends on who wins this battle or
whatever you want to call it but my

[heweymedia]: bet is at least the ones in
power right now they're going to say how

[heweymedia]: great bill gates was how great fouche
was how how many lives this boost saved

[heweymedia]: and that gets and that gets me
to question just history you know like in

[heweymedia]: like people that they told us were
really really really bad not going to mention

[heweymedia]: that name and again i'm jewish by
the way so it's like

[jonathan_kogan]: o am i cheers broke

[heweymedia]: there you go but but yeah it's
like i

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: question if that we're being told the
truth when it comes

[jonathan_kogan]: ye

[heweymedia]: to r h the that

[jonathan_kogan]: so you go so you're definitely much
darker and i'm pretty i'm direct with the

[jonathan_kogan]: audience and stuff you're definitely little bit
darker with your like our just like

[heweymedia]: no

[jonathan_kogan]: you

[heweymedia]: no

[jonathan_kogan]: know but

[heweymedia]: i just

[jonathan_kogan]: just

[heweymedia]: questioned

[jonathan_kogan]: good

[heweymedia]: it i'm not saying like i know
that like i

[jonathan_kogan]: but

[heweymedia]: mean

[jonathan_kogan]: that's

[heweymedia]: for all

[jonathan_kogan]: good

[heweymedia]: i know he could be like i
mean as far as i know he's evil

[heweymedia]: but it's like um how the funk
do we know you know if we're lied

[heweymedia]: to about everything the people empowered the
lie to us about everything how do i

[heweymedia]: know that

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: that hitler was

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: for sure a bad guy we're just
basing it completely off of what we're told

[heweymedia]: you know

[jonathan_kogan]: so i think i think those are
really really good questions to ask and the

[jonathan_kogan]: best book or best literature that i
found on this which is called the network

[jonathan_kogan]: state pibology who is he's a genius
but the network state and

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: he goes how do you know history
the winners

[heweymedia]: a

[jonathan_kogan]: write the history books okay it's

[heweymedia]: exactly

[jonathan_kogan]: written by the winners and

[heweymedia]: exactly

[jonathan_kogan]: right now and this goes to another
piece of littre which is the fourth turning

[jonathan_kogan]: which were clearly in obviously

[heweymedia]: um

[jonathan_kogan]: but basically the winners the history and
so what we're experiencing now is if the

[jonathan_kogan]: bill gate side wins out then

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: you're

[jonathan_kogan]: you're

[heweymedia]: right

[jonathan_kogan]: right i

[heweymedia]: have

[jonathan_kogan]: have

[heweymedia]: this

[jonathan_kogan]: this i don't know if it's naive
but i really truly believe that would pass

[jonathan_kogan]: the lidetector where i truly believe in

[heweymedia]: had

[jonathan_kogan]: heart of hearts that good

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: always beats evil the truth always prevails
just might take a while i personally

[heweymedia]: sally

[jonathan_kogan]: see the damn breaking especially in the
parliament which is

[heweymedia]: very

[jonathan_kogan]: very very interesting and

[heweymedia]: there

[jonathan_kogan]: there is

[heweymedia]: s

[jonathan_kogan]: just

[heweymedia]: no

[jonathan_kogan]: no

[heweymedia]: way

[jonathan_kogan]: way here's

[heweymedia]: my

[jonathan_kogan]: my biggest concern about all this is
that yes i do think the true is

[jonathan_kogan]: going to come out but this is
in my opinion this is the most massive

[jonathan_kogan]: crimes against humanity situation

[heweymedia]: sure

[jonathan_kogan]: on the most ridiculous scale that it's
unfathomable it's hard for my mind to grasp

[jonathan_kogan]: it that it's so bad

[heweymedia]: ah

[jonathan_kogan]: that these people will do

[heweymedia]: an

[jonathan_kogan]: anything to avoid it and then all
of a sudden what

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: we're

[heweymedia]: on

[jonathan_kogan]: on

[heweymedia]: the

[jonathan_kogan]: the verge of a new or war

[heweymedia]: not

[jonathan_kogan]: not a coincidence i think it's going

[heweymedia]: it

[jonathan_kogan]: to

[heweymedia]: had

[jonathan_kogan]: happen because it has to happen otherwise

[heweymedia]: why

[jonathan_kogan]: there's no way to even get it

[heweymedia]: you

[jonathan_kogan]: of your mind i think it's going
to happen because i'm

[heweymedia]: cared

[jonathan_kogan]: scared

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: straight up

[heweymedia]: i was thinking that too like just
hold like game theory it's like so if

[heweymedia]: they don't kill us off per say
it's like there's millions of us now that

[heweymedia]: are completely aware of their bullshit like
never before

[jonathan_kogan]: hundreds of millions in my opinion

[heweymedia]: like never before aware bullshit like like
will never trust the

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[heweymedia]: media again will never trust the government
again it's just like and that's why i

[heweymedia]: don't necessary like i think

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[heweymedia]: that i mean it's beyond me it's
like what their plans are for the future

[heweymedia]: but it's like they have to have
some sort of plan for the people that

[heweymedia]: didn't comply with the bullshit too you
know it's just like everyone thinks oh just

[heweymedia]: the people that got the boost you're
just all going to die and then we're

[heweymedia]: going to live happily ever after like
it's like i don't think that's going to

[heweymedia]: be the case i think they

[jonathan_kogan]: they're

[heweymedia]: have

[jonathan_kogan]: not dumb

[heweymedia]: they

[jonathan_kogan]: they're not dumb

[heweymedia]: exactly like they have game theory of
what they're going to do when this happens

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: when that happens when this happens when
we react this way it's like they have

[heweymedia]: some sort of plans you know and
i just try and just think of well

[heweymedia]: here's the thing you got to think
about it but you also can't you you

[heweymedia]: also got

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: to live your life and you know

[jonathan_kogan]: you

[heweymedia]: um

[jonathan_kogan]: can't live in fear and

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: scared all the time otherwise you just
shouldn't be here anyway there's no point

[heweymedia]: yeah you just gotta you know it
does get tough to balance sometimes it's because

[heweymedia]: sometimes

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: the ship like i mean i get
pissed off dude like like just what these

[heweymedia]: firs do like right in front of
our faces it's like these are some of

[heweymedia]: the most evil people on the planet
and they'll do anything for power and and

[heweymedia]: that's what people have to realize

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: like it's like these people aren't doing
this be they freak and care about us

[heweymedia]: like they don't give a shit about
any of us

[jonathan_kogan]: wait

[heweymedia]: but

[jonathan_kogan]: they don't they don't love us i

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: they love us i thought the c
d c loves us

[heweymedia]: there's people that actually think that

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: too and it's it's just

[jonathan_kogan]: like four and they're all in a
nursing home with one year i don't understand

[heweymedia]: no

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: it's more than you think man it's
more people than you think trust

[jonathan_kogan]: why do you say that what do
you is this this is like god's like

[jonathan_kogan]: where do

[heweymedia]: you

[jonathan_kogan]: you get this this feeling from is
this from your experience

[heweymedia]: just just

[jonathan_kogan]: of

[heweymedia]: the

[jonathan_kogan]: like

[heweymedia]: amount

[jonathan_kogan]: outside

[heweymedia]: of

[jonathan_kogan]: real life

[heweymedia]: yeah just the amount of people

[jonathan_kogan]: ah

[heweymedia]: that use the words rhetoric misinformation

[jonathan_kogan]: uh

[heweymedia]: you know like just the amount of
people that that

[jonathan_kogan]: uh

[heweymedia]: like are still going along with this

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: p s to think that bidon's doing
great because the t v told him he's

[heweymedia]: doing great

[jonathan_kogan]: is that person going to be around
forever when they're on boosting number sixty five

[heweymedia]: um m this is what i think

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: i think they're just going to be

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: self like not self reliant i think

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: going o be completely reliant on farmasutical
so if you look up there was a

[heweymedia]: study

[jonathan_kogan]: of course

[heweymedia]: there was study i think it was

[jonathan_kogan]: you can

[heweymedia]: pub

[jonathan_kogan]: pull it up if you have

[heweymedia]: on

[jonathan_kogan]: it

[heweymedia]: pub med i don't have it i
have it saved somewhere but i would need

[heweymedia]: to pull it up but it's on
pub met i'll send it to you after

[jonathan_kogan]: auto

[heweymedia]: the

[jonathan_kogan]: immune related or something

[heweymedia]: yeah so they did a study where
like eight i think it was like eight

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: months after they have someone that didn't
get the booty and then someone that did

[heweymedia]: eight months after the booty they received

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: the boost it was their immune response
was lower than the people that

[jonathan_kogan]: i saw that

[heweymedia]: yeah so

[jonathan_kogan]: obviously

[heweymedia]: but here's the thing it's just like
so that's basically admitting that they're going to

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: have to be on a m the
same way like netnetflix is like a you

[heweymedia]: know subscription service like this

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: the their health is now a subscription

[jonathan_kogan]: not all but it will be a
very very large amount and i don't know

[jonathan_kogan]: if you saw the video from probably
your biggest you're probably the iggest fan boy

[jonathan_kogan]: of the who so

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: the who put out a video that
o yes so i'm still confused with long

[jonathan_kogan]: covid i'm sure

[heweymedia]: lo

[jonathan_kogan]: longcovid

[heweymedia]: over

[jonathan_kogan]: is one thing and then

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: i also think it's a front for

[heweymedia]: m

[jonathan_kogan]: juice injuries but who knows i'm really
veering for the ladder but i've heard very

[jonathan_kogan]: credible doctors say it's also legit so
i'll give it that and don't know if

[jonathan_kogan]: you saw this clip but they gave
the who this lady was like we're very

[jonathan_kogan]: concerned i should pull this up what
we're very concerned about the effects long covid

[jonathan_kogan]: we predict that there are hundreds of

[heweymedia]: a

[jonathan_kogan]: of people that are debilitated and cannot
work she said hundreds and

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: i was

[heweymedia]: like

[jonathan_kogan]: like who they're getting ahead of our
of their selves of themselves did you see

[jonathan_kogan]: this

[heweymedia]: so hundreds of millions of people that
cannot work because of long covid

[jonathan_kogan]: that's what she said

[heweymedia]: um when

[jonathan_kogan]: i thought that was a cover up
for the injuries from the thing

[heweymedia]: wouldn't surprise me i mean i don't
think ye i didn't hear that

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: but i mean nothing they do surprises
me at this point you know like it's

[heweymedia]: like truly i'm just

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[heweymedia]: you know it is what

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[heweymedia]: it is it's just like

[jonathan_kogan]: but

[heweymedia]: ever

[jonathan_kogan]: isn't

[heweymedia]: day

[jonathan_kogan]: it perfectly inverted isn't isn't it literally
if you did the exact opposite of what

[jonathan_kogan]: you were told to do during this
whole time is it not perfectly aligned with

[jonathan_kogan]: the opposite side

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: perfectly

[heweymedia]: yeah don't yeah the only thing you
should be taking is the boost they say

[heweymedia]: like that's the best way to say
it's like that is the

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[heweymedia]: absolute work thing you should be doing

[jonathan_kogan]: anti

[heweymedia]: especially

[jonathan_kogan]: early treatment

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: anti vitamin d

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: anti health or like

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: like exercise anti

[heweymedia]: locking

[jonathan_kogan]: social

[heweymedia]: your yeah locking yourself in and being
safe and not breathing fresh air i mean

[jonathan_kogan]: the mask the mask where the infection
would actually go deeper and the little fibers

[jonathan_kogan]: rom

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: the mask will go deeper in the

[heweymedia]: on

[jonathan_kogan]: and give you all sorts of problems

[heweymedia]: i'm goin

[jonathan_kogan]: the mask is horrific

[heweymedia]: ah but the t v told

[jonathan_kogan]: it's

[heweymedia]: him

[jonathan_kogan]: a sign though it's a sign it's
a sign

[heweymedia]: but

[jonathan_kogan]: like that

[heweymedia]: here's the thing too though it's like
so if they wanted to and that's where

[heweymedia]: i see a lot of people i
think like get

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: tricked to it's like just because so
we trained ourselves to do the opposite of

[heweymedia]: what like the media tells us in
like the government but i also think that

[heweymedia]: that can be dangerous too because there
are people that yeah the media covers them

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: like unfairly but i still don't think
they're on our team per se um

[jonathan_kogan]: what do you mean

[heweymedia]: like there's people that the media makes
out to be like um

[jonathan_kogan]: controlled opposition type thing

[heweymedia]: like my thing

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: yeah exactly

[jonathan_kogan]: i think that's true

[heweymedia]: yep

[jonathan_kogan]: but my thing is like i can
just tell when someone is being truthful not

[jonathan_kogan]: and yet i think that some people
right now who are really telling the truth

[jonathan_kogan]: are probably controlled opposition what do i
care if they're tling me the truth i'll

[heweymedia]: go

[jonathan_kogan]: go back

[heweymedia]: back

[jonathan_kogan]: to the other side for me it's
pretty easy to tell but for most people

[jonathan_kogan]: i realize it's not

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: which's a big reason why i started
the podcast

[heweymedia]: yea many people it just like

[heweymedia]: they have their people they have their
team they have their guys and then they'll

[heweymedia]: just ride it ride it out to
the grave with whoever they see is on

[heweymedia]: their team you know and it's just

[jonathan_kogan]: like

[heweymedia]: instead

[jonathan_kogan]: seed

[heweymedia]: of calling out the true when when
it's the truth

[jonathan_kogan]: exactly like i don't care who it's
i'll switch i'll switch from someone i've watched

[jonathan_kogan]: for a while when they start lying
in two seconds but like

[heweymedia]: on

[jonathan_kogan]: one of the greatest things so i
also think and this is something i've looked

[jonathan_kogan]: into this is kind of getting out
there but i don't put anything past any

[jonathan_kogan]: of the stuff i'm we're just like
there were in these there's cycles all the

[jonathan_kogan]: time like one in eighty years like
seculums and all this stuff and we're in

[jonathan_kogan]: a cycle now we're like the electromagnetic
fields in the relation to the moon and

[jonathan_kogan]: the solar sis is different like the
jupiter just went up seven hundred degrees and

[jonathan_kogan]: you know all this crazy stuff and
i think that and

[heweymedia]: one

[jonathan_kogan]: we're

[heweymedia]: must

[jonathan_kogan]: mostly water so when we have different
electro magnetic it changes you know are thinking

[jonathan_kogan]: of stuff and i think that that's
part of like this awakening thing and i'm

[jonathan_kogan]: i guess i'm

[heweymedia]: or

[jonathan_kogan]: more maybe optimistic but i'm a very
practical realist which is like there is no

[jonathan_kogan]: way there is

[heweymedia]: no

[jonathan_kogan]: no way that a

[heweymedia]: year

[jonathan_kogan]: year

[heweymedia]: from

[jonathan_kogan]: from

[heweymedia]: now

[jonathan_kogan]: now people don't

[heweymedia]: no

[jonathan_kogan]: know what the real truth is there's
just no way the dam is definitely breaking

[jonathan_kogan]: with things like rumble

[heweymedia]: go

[jonathan_kogan]: and other platforms i just can't i
feel like it's really breaking now which is

[jonathan_kogan]: why we're rushing to a nuclear war

[heweymedia]: uh

[jonathan_kogan]: oh boy

[heweymedia]: uh i mean i

[jonathan_kogan]: ye

[heweymedia]: hope you're right i just i think
that there's

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: i personally think the people that don't

[jonathan_kogan]: ye

[heweymedia]: see it at this point will never
see it no matter what like until there

[heweymedia]: dead and even when they're dead i
think they'll

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: think that it would have been so
much worse if they didn't follow the government

[jonathan_kogan]: uh

[heweymedia]: you know like it's

[jonathan_kogan]: h

[heweymedia]: it's

[jonathan_kogan]: ah

[heweymedia]: the sad truth like it's like

[jonathan_kogan]: that's

[heweymedia]: so many

[jonathan_kogan]: the best

[heweymedia]: people

[jonathan_kogan]: men ever it

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: could have been so much worse

[heweymedia]: yeah yeah it's

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: sad but it's it's it's real like
so many people just there's there's a quote

[heweymedia]: someone said um but people are going
to trust the government until their pronouns or

[heweymedia]: was where did you

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: ever

[jonathan_kogan]: my

[heweymedia]: hear

[jonathan_kogan]: god

[heweymedia]: that

[jonathan_kogan]: i haven't heard that

[heweymedia]: oh oh

[jonathan_kogan]: s what it seems like so

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: let me ask you what do we
like my take

[heweymedia]: was

[jonathan_kogan]: was

[heweymedia]: like

[jonathan_kogan]: like

[heweymedia]: a

[jonathan_kogan]: a lot of people that have to
be telling truth at this point in time

[jonathan_kogan]: is people that are part of the
conservative crowd that just listen to history it

[jonathan_kogan]: could ave ben the left side and
then it just whatever i'm a political doesn't

[jonathan_kogan]: matter and

[heweymedia]: and

[jonathan_kogan]: then people automatically dismiss conservatives because that's
like the thing to do and so on

[jonathan_kogan]: okay let me take this from an
a political point of view which is authentic

[jonathan_kogan]: i don't want to be political

[heweymedia]: what

[jonathan_kogan]: i think it's very toxic to be
political and so what about that well that

[jonathan_kogan]: break

[heweymedia]: at

[jonathan_kogan]: through to people and that

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: might be working might not be working
but like what can

[heweymedia]: and

[jonathan_kogan]: we do to at least give it
the highest probability of success to wake up

[jonathan_kogan]: those that are not awake yet

[heweymedia]: oh i think just just share what
you see publicly don't be afraid to use

[heweymedia]: your

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: voice um do what you're doing podcasts

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: you know just get getting the message
out there and also making people aware like

[heweymedia]: that you're not telling people that you're
a pole like you're

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: not on a team you see the
flaws in the republic and you see the

[heweymedia]: flaws in the other side it's just
like point out that you think both sides

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[heweymedia]: are sucking stupid but it's like this
is a bigger game people need to understand

[heweymedia]: that this is not just like if
this was typical just politics i wouldn't be

[heweymedia]: like i wouldn't be putting nearly as
much energy into this this is much

[jonathan_kogan]: right

[heweymedia]: deeper than

[jonathan_kogan]: right

[heweymedia]: this is much deeper than

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: politics it's like this is a pivotal
time in the world and depending on who

[heweymedia]: wins this

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: information where

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: whatever you want to call it is
depend will depend on how the future looks

[heweymedia]: like as crazy as that sounds it's
the truth

[jonathan_kogan]: so how do you how do you
if this isn't republican verse democrat which i

[jonathan_kogan]: don't think it is

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: what would you say it is what
first what

[heweymedia]: uh

[jonathan_kogan]: you had to pick

[heweymedia]: just it's i would say good versus
evil it's just like people that want

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[heweymedia]: to be a freedom versus slavery it's
call it what you want to call it

[heweymedia]: i think it's

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[heweymedia]: it's slavery digital ideas freaking clawshwab the
world economic forum it's they want

[jonathan_kogan]: they

[heweymedia]: control

[jonathan_kogan]: love you

[heweymedia]: over every aspect of your life and

[jonathan_kogan]: which is wild because i came and
control my own life why do you ant

[jonathan_kogan]: to control like six billion eight billion
people that's so bizarre to me

[heweymedia]: well

[jonathan_kogan]: what's the deal with that

[heweymedia]: they just

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: i think that they realized that like
so humans i complain that you know that

[heweymedia]: they rebell against the government they do
things and and they become like a new

[heweymedia]: sense

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: and they realize that like we have
a i and and we have

[jonathan_kogan]: ah

[heweymedia]: robots that can do a lot of
the jobs that we can do and they

[heweymedia]: realize like they think we pollute the
earth so they think that

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: there's too much of us you know
like there's too much people they just see

[heweymedia]: us is like another number and they're
like yeah we're at

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: the point where we actually don't need
thee people that descent so we could yeah

[heweymedia]: i mean just

[jonathan_kogan]: that is such a crazy thing to
like so are they human

[heweymedia]: i mean

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: i think i think they're just evil
greedy power hungry people that

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: will do anything for more power you
know it's just like just think of it

[heweymedia]: i know andrew tate it's a lot
of a lot of hate but he says

[heweymedia]: a lot of ship that's spot on
and he said like just imagine it being

[heweymedia]: like a

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: basketball game and there's no like referees
are or

[jonathan_kogan]: oh yeah

[heweymedia]: like of course they're going to

[jonathan_kogan]: the

[heweymedia]: fuck

[jonathan_kogan]: way he's

[heweymedia]: and cheat

[jonathan_kogan]: great the

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: reason he was cancelled is because he's
telling the truth

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: okay get over it and and a
bit here's why i think he was really

[jonathan_kogan]: canceled which is he was getting a
big following by young men

[heweymedia]: there

[jonathan_kogan]: and they're trying to dem because the
only thing that they can't plan this is

[heweymedia]: some

[jonathan_kogan]: the one thing that that will mess
up the plan there's one thing that isn't

[jonathan_kogan]: in their formula that will screw everything
up so you said it's all perfectly gamed

[jonathan_kogan]: out game theory there's

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: one thing that screws up the whole
thing for them and

[heweymedia]: that

[jonathan_kogan]: that

[heweymedia]: is

[jonathan_kogan]: is men

[heweymedia]: a

[jonathan_kogan]: coming

[heweymedia]: we

[jonathan_kogan]: together because when we get pissed and
we revolt that's called

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: a revolution and

[heweymedia]: we

[jonathan_kogan]: we win every time and that they

[heweymedia]: ha

[jonathan_kogan]: happen so before you could do that
they want to off your dick and they

[jonathan_kogan]: want to like like poison you and
they don't want you to like be strong

[jonathan_kogan]: or go to the gym and that's
what he promotes that's what it is

[heweymedia]: yeah ah it's uh but

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: he's another reason i think they band
him is because he's not just like a

[heweymedia]: guy that that's just like politics you
know just pure he was a lot of

[heweymedia]: he was getting a lot of people

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: both sides just from he was like
main stream like just doing dating

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[heweymedia]: advice and stuff like that and then
he started chiming in ship about the you

[heweymedia]: know the world a mac forum just
how they're going after our freedom

[jonathan_kogan]: oh he knows how it works

[heweymedia]: yeah and he knows his ship so
they're like you know what he has way

[heweymedia]: too big of a platform and he's
getting norma's to base we see the bullshit

[heweymedia]: so they he took him down and
then they said it was over his misogeny

[heweymedia]: like they give a ship about

[jonathan_kogan]: no

[heweymedia]: misogeny like like bill

[jonathan_kogan]: and no woman ever came

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: out against him like it's crazy like
you know when you're talkin about he was

[jonathan_kogan]: on pumps anthony pompliano's podcast and

[heweymedia]: that

[jonathan_kogan]: his

[heweymedia]: was

[jonathan_kogan]: title

[heweymedia]: awesome

[jonathan_kogan]: on the podcast

[heweymedia]: by the way

[jonathan_kogan]: he's the next alex jones look at
all you look at someone's podcast and it's

[jonathan_kogan]: like they

[heweymedia]: ah

[jonathan_kogan]: averaged i don't know twenty five hundred
cavies then when the one andrew king comes

[jonathan_kogan]: out like three million with him it's
wild but he talked about like elections overseas

[jonathan_kogan]: and he's like who was involved in
hillary clint or the clintons and all this

[jonathan_kogan]: and he started i'm like whoa

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: and that things still up i

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: think which is

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: wild he knows the total truth about

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: and that is not good for one
party the elite again

[heweymedia]: you

[jonathan_kogan]: if you

[heweymedia]: are

[jonathan_kogan]: are

[heweymedia]: a

[jonathan_kogan]: way

[heweymedia]: black

[jonathan_kogan]: left or

[heweymedia]: a

[jonathan_kogan]: way

[heweymedia]: right

[jonathan_kogan]: right it is time to re like
i really believe people who support trump and

[jonathan_kogan]: people who support

[heweymedia]: you

[jonathan_kogan]: the young turks are

[heweymedia]: much

[jonathan_kogan]: much

[heweymedia]: closer

[jonathan_kogan]: closer than they think they

[heweymedia]: are

[jonathan_kogan]: are in this type of situation they
just refuse to see it i

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: really believe that

[heweymedia]: i agree too it's like this this
has nothing to do with like the whole

[heweymedia]: side thing in general is an allusion
to divide us that's literally why there's two

[heweymedia]: parties get p on this side get
them on this side get them to fight

[heweymedia]: each other instead of

[jonathan_kogan]: well who wins

[heweymedia]: yeah the people at the top the
people that are dividing us people that run

[heweymedia]: the media the people that run the
government the people the globalists i mean yeah

[heweymedia]: and that's that's their third game

[jonathan_kogan]: and what's interesting

[heweymedia]: and

[jonathan_kogan]: is

[heweymedia]: it works

[jonathan_kogan]: there's two things one thing that's interesting
but what you said is just in this

[jonathan_kogan]: moment in time i'm sure this has
happened in history is that

[heweymedia]: a

[jonathan_kogan]: when

[heweymedia]: we

[jonathan_kogan]: we fight over something as society like
when one side against the other there seems

[jonathan_kogan]: to be a common threat i see
like you know a lot of like the

[jonathan_kogan]: transgender you know the treatments for rona
all this stuff and there's one group that

[jonathan_kogan]: no matter who's fighting is winning no
matter what

[heweymedia]: you lead

[jonathan_kogan]: and it seems like big forma

[heweymedia]: oh

[jonathan_kogan]: is

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: always winning

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: like what is that like

[heweymedia]: well

[jonathan_kogan]: one one requires surgery one requires medication
one requires you

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: know some formula that you put in
you like it's always there's always someone at

[jonathan_kogan]: the bottom that's winning on either side

[heweymedia]: well big

[jonathan_kogan]: what

[heweymedia]: farm yeah they control the media

[jonathan_kogan]: everything

[heweymedia]: they control big tech the big farmer
runs america whether people want to

[jonathan_kogan]: run the world

[heweymedia]: well i went there are countries that
um that are way different than america like

[heweymedia]: like there's other countries that they they'll
sit and they'll watch a

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: you know just watch a football game

[jonathan_kogan]: new zealand and the united states both
can advertise directly to the consumer for

[heweymedia]: it

[jonathan_kogan]: farmasutocoles

[heweymedia]: exactly

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: but but other countries like that's like
waked to them and it should be i

[heweymedia]: like

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: it's waked like i don't know how
people like it's so normalized to us like

[heweymedia]: it's not

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: normal to

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: see a freaking

[jonathan_kogan]: and nobody

[heweymedia]: farmer

[jonathan_kogan]: watches commercials

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: it's all farm all of it

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: if you ever have on like a
news channel especially like anderson cooper but you

[jonathan_kogan]: by fine are out don't

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: like it's always it's it's like it's
like you should go to your and you're

[jonathan_kogan]: playing in the baseball you should go

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: you know tell your doctor you want
that man as as a pam and then

[jonathan_kogan]: it goes to the end and some
serious side you know you want beale you

[jonathan_kogan]: can't blind ad then you die okay
but as our real quick

[heweymedia]: yeah and it just

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: but but it says it in like
a really it's got

[jonathan_kogan]: and

[heweymedia]: like

[jonathan_kogan]: they talk fast

[heweymedia]: it's got really like vivid colors of

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: a happy real happy world and like

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: just side of side effect side effect
side effect but go to your doctor today

[heweymedia]: for this drug it's just

[jonathan_kogan]: you should your doctor should be telling
you what to take you shouldn't be going

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: there and asking for something that is
bizarre world

[heweymedia]: exactly it just shows that

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: it's all about money these people just

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: sold out america for a dollar no

[jonathan_kogan]: you

[heweymedia]: what

[jonathan_kogan]: think so

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: i feel like you could for just
money that one you sell out every like

[jonathan_kogan]: all the way to the top they
sold this out for just a dollar

[heweymedia]: money power and population

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: control it's yet

[jonathan_kogan]: popular took a draw

[heweymedia]: yeah they want they want

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: us sick i don't think they want

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: like everyone dead but i think they
want us sick enough so we're reliant so

[heweymedia]: they can make more money so they
can have more power and yeah it's like

[heweymedia]: a sick population is much easier to
control a dependent

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: reliant population

[jonathan_kogan]: they

[heweymedia]: on big

[jonathan_kogan]: want you to be dependent that's

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: the point the government gives you money
all this stuff

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: so i think the lites know i
think they have information we don't know specifically

[jonathan_kogan]: like the ross childs okay who

[heweymedia]: really

[jonathan_kogan]: really run the world they own the
central bay it's like bank of england that's

[jonathan_kogan]: ross child's bank the fed that's ross
childs that's what it is and there seems

[jonathan_kogan]: to be this pattern that every five

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: hundred years so five hundred

[heweymedia]: years

[jonathan_kogan]: years

[heweymedia]: ago

[jonathan_kogan]: ago the ross childs basically

[heweymedia]: he

[jonathan_kogan]: became the owners

[heweymedia]: the

[jonathan_kogan]: of

[heweymedia]: word

[jonathan_kogan]: the world from a

[heweymedia]: money

[jonathan_kogan]: money standpoint which means you you know
listen to the phrase control you know control

[jonathan_kogan]: th money control the world and before
that it was like an italian family i

[jonathan_kogan]: forget the name but their symbol was
like some orange thing

[heweymedia]: yet

[jonathan_kogan]: on and their dynasty ended after five

[heweymedia]: we

[jonathan_kogan]: hundred years like they

[heweymedia]: was

[jonathan_kogan]: would they would fund both sides

[heweymedia]: the

[jonathan_kogan]: of the war and like they would
make money no matter what and then the

[jonathan_kogan]: ross childs came in and during all
the wars they fund both sides and they

[jonathan_kogan]: win no matter what and we happen
to be at the point that is now

[jonathan_kogan]: five hundred years later which is interesting
and i think what's happening i think the

[jonathan_kogan]: underlying thing of

[heweymedia]: all

[jonathan_kogan]: all this is the global financial system
is bro

[heweymedia]: o

[jonathan_kogan]: king and it's breaking and it's collapsing
and this is all a front because the

[jonathan_kogan]: whole ship

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: is coming down from from a

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: finance

[heweymedia]: need

[jonathan_kogan]: standpoint like it's over like two supposed
to end and then

[heweymedia]: we

[jonathan_kogan]: we you

[heweymedia]: know

[jonathan_kogan]: know

[heweymedia]: we

[jonathan_kogan]: we

[heweymedia]: push

[jonathan_kogan]: pushed the can down the road and

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: now it's done and i think it

[heweymedia]: all

[jonathan_kogan]: all like cover up for a financial

[heweymedia]: financial

[jonathan_kogan]: collapse like a global financial collapse

[heweymedia]: a

[jonathan_kogan]: and i think we're starting to see
that come out and i just think that

[jonathan_kogan]: coincides with like there's this great wakening
and realize what's going on and my true

[jonathan_kogan]: belief is like

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: this is gonna if you read the
sovereign individual

[heweymedia]: the

[jonathan_kogan]: like the greatest book of all time
must read for everybody tells you what the

[jonathan_kogan]: future is like and they say there's
gonna be this

[heweymedia]: break

[jonathan_kogan]: break

[heweymedia]: off

[jonathan_kogan]: off that feels like what the greeks
talked about with the gods that is going

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: to liberate humanity into this last era
of last stage of life called the information

[jonathan_kogan]: age which is going to be the

[heweymedia]: m

[jonathan_kogan]: time ever humans have absolutely been

[heweymedia]: r

[jonathan_kogan]: and

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: i

[heweymedia]: feel

[jonathan_kogan]: feel like

[heweymedia]: a

[jonathan_kogan]: we're

[heweymedia]: break

[jonathan_kogan]: breaking from this

[heweymedia]: matrix

[jonathan_kogan]: metric system that they controlled us with
money and it's so odd that bit coin

[jonathan_kogan]: exists and i'm not here you know
promoting anything but i feel like what's happening

[jonathan_kogan]: is we're going to this like d
centralized system of money and like humans are

[jonathan_kogan]: actually going

[heweymedia]: bee

[jonathan_kogan]: to be free and not work for

[heweymedia]: man

[jonathan_kogan]: man and it's going to be like
creators like this and like like it's supposedly

[heweymedia]: thank

[jonathan_kogan]: it's the it's the last age of
humanity with work ching and it seems like

[jonathan_kogan]: a big

[heweymedia]: events

[jonathan_kogan]: event

[heweymedia]: going

[jonathan_kogan]: going

[heweymedia]: on

[jonathan_kogan]: on

[heweymedia]: right

[jonathan_kogan]: right

[heweymedia]: now

[jonathan_kogan]: now it feels really fucking

[heweymedia]: you

[jonathan_kogan]: weird out here like something is going
on i don't know what it is but

[jonathan_kogan]: i will wouldn't put anything past it
after what i saw the past two years

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: like something's happening

[heweymedia]: see i think that these people that
these corrupt people that that

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[heweymedia]: like run the

[jonathan_kogan]: bill

[heweymedia]: show

[jonathan_kogan]: gates

[heweymedia]: he's one of them but but i
think that there's i think there's even people

[heweymedia]: that we probably don't even know about
that are like completely

[jonathan_kogan]: astral's

[heweymedia]: what

[jonathan_kogan]: like bill gates is towards the top
and not the

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: highest no way

[heweymedia]: but it wouldn't even surprise me if
there were people that we were

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: even more in the shadows than the
rothschilds that

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: just like completely lay low

[jonathan_kogan]: that's scary

[heweymedia]: it is but

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: i just think that these people the
same the same way with like nine

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[heweymedia]: eleven i think i think that when
it does collapse i think it will be

[heweymedia]: like a controlled demolition collapse of the
financial system

[jonathan_kogan]: well that's what they're trying to do

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: are we this isn't really conspiracy it's
happening and now with the bank of england

[jonathan_kogan]: like that's slowly crumbling you see and

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: interesting is the markets were collapsing in
september of two thousand nineteen interesting time

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: very interesting and then we printed trillion

[heweymedia]: all

[jonathan_kogan]: dollars and i think we push i
think it's a big cover up the more

[jonathan_kogan]: i'm learning about the person who

[heweymedia]: a

[jonathan_kogan]: talks about this the most or best
is a guy named edward dowd he was

[jonathan_kogan]: he was a hedge fun guy for
black rock he's

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: been

[heweymedia]: heard

[jonathan_kogan]: on a bunch of shows with

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: naomi

[heweymedia]: heard that

[jonathan_kogan]: wolf

[heweymedia]: yeah i heard of him before like

[jonathan_kogan]: he just came out of a book
that is literally coming out like next week

[jonathan_kogan]: called it's called unknown causes or something
the sudden adult that's

[heweymedia]: ah

[jonathan_kogan]: epidemic

[heweymedia]: it's crazy

[jonathan_kogan]: see if i can pul it up

[heweymedia]: it's really insane

[jonathan_kogan]: it's

[heweymedia]: that

[jonathan_kogan]: disgusting

[heweymedia]: we're yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: i want e if i could

[heweymedia]: she

[jonathan_kogan]: pull it up

[heweymedia]: the shapes don't care

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah oh it's just

[heweymedia]: your

[jonathan_kogan]: oh here here it is ye i'll
ull it up real quick so this is

[jonathan_kogan]: coming out really soon and robert f
kenny i think the truth will come out

[jonathan_kogan]: i personally believe my family disagrees but
i believe bill gates they're

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: all going to be tried i think
he's gonna be a nurnberg too on

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: the

[heweymedia]: don't

[jonathan_kogan]: dark

[heweymedia]: think

[jonathan_kogan]: you

[heweymedia]: so

[jonathan_kogan]: really on't think so

[heweymedia]: no i don't think so i

[jonathan_kogan]: come

[heweymedia]: think

[jonathan_kogan]: on

[heweymedia]: i think that the

[heweymedia]: what just happened am i still

[jonathan_kogan]: do you see it

[heweymedia]: am i still visible

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah yeah i was just sharing my

[heweymedia]: oh

[jonathan_kogan]: for a

[heweymedia]: oh

[jonathan_kogan]: second this

[heweymedia]: gotta

[jonathan_kogan]: is the book cause unknown the epidemic
of sudden debts in twenty twenty one and

[jonathan_kogan]: twenty twenty two

[heweymedia]: wow but

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: yeah i think that just the revolution
is going to happen by the people i

[heweymedia]: don't think a lot of these people
that did it

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[heweymedia]: unfortunately i don't think they're going to
see justice a lot of

[jonathan_kogan]: what's going to happen

[heweymedia]: ye

[jonathan_kogan]: we're not going to just co exist
like really

[heweymedia]: what

[jonathan_kogan]: what

[heweymedia]: you

[jonathan_kogan]: do yu think is going to happen
do you know

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: how much of the population knows the
truth a ridiculous amount

[heweymedia]: what we don't control like the police
you know we don't control like the people

[heweymedia]: in power it's just like i just
don't they're not going to hold themselves accountable

[heweymedia]: like the government

[jonathan_kogan]: no no but there's a revolution and
like we take over whatever that looks like

[jonathan_kogan]: i don't know if i mean not
like a insurrection

[heweymedia]: i mean

[jonathan_kogan]: sort of i'm talking about i don't

[heweymedia]: i hope you're right i just i

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: i think like right now at least
like these people

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[heweymedia]: are too powerful like it's at this
moment at least unless something

[jonathan_kogan]: but you can't

[heweymedia]: changes

[jonathan_kogan]: tell me

[heweymedia]: significantly

[jonathan_kogan]: that we're on the path that things
are just going to continue like this for

[jonathan_kogan]: the next

[heweymedia]: a

[jonathan_kogan]: rest of our

[heweymedia]: life

[jonathan_kogan]: lives and we're like there's too much
weird things in the air

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: like

[heweymedia]: oh

[jonathan_kogan]: uh what are we going to do
not talk about the gigantic oft in the

[jonathan_kogan]: room like this is

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: crazy

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: at doyouthiki's going to happen i feel
lie there's no alternative

[heweymedia]: but it's just like we know there's
so many people that that know about the

[heweymedia]: ship it's just like we live in
this digital world now or like back in

[heweymedia]: the roman

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: days like you could go to faking
empire you could like overthrow them but now

[heweymedia]: it's just like you can run the
world digitally you know like you can manipulate

[heweymedia]: ship through algorithms you can

[jonathan_kogan]: my

[heweymedia]: um m like you could be in
freaking hawaii and like have an office or

[heweymedia]: like be in government in the x
you know and freaking

[jonathan_kogan]: but what

[heweymedia]: north

[jonathan_kogan]: if the humans don't comply what happens
because the power really truly is with the

[jonathan_kogan]: people they're not

[heweymedia]: i agree

[jonathan_kogan]: that powerful

[heweymedia]: i agree

[jonathan_kogan]: the truth is we have the power

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: it's an illusion

[heweymedia]: i agree and that's that's where i'm
optimistic it's just like we we are the

[heweymedia]: change that we want to be like
the best way to beat the system

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: is just to be the best version
of yourself to to you know just encourage

[heweymedia]: people to see the lies be as
healthy as possible you possibly can be as

[heweymedia]: h don't be dependent on

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: these these people and just do your
own research don't don't just take the media

[heweymedia]: uh everything they say at face value
just just pretty much just being the best

[heweymedia]: you possible healthy being self fishin knowing
how to grow your own food ship like

[heweymedia]: that i still need to learn how
to do a lot of that ship

[jonathan_kogan]: yes

[heweymedia]: but but yeah i mean that's

[jonathan_kogan]: same here

[heweymedia]: that's the goal it's like

[jonathan_kogan]: now we get food from a farm
locally so we got i think that that's

[jonathan_kogan]: what i tell people to i think
the biggest something it seems like we are

[jonathan_kogan]: in for turning a changing of some
sort the world's obviously shifting in some way

[jonathan_kogan]: and what happens for turning historically which
happened eight years ago it years before that

[jonathan_kogan]: is that what

[heweymedia]: ha

[jonathan_kogan]: happens is that the the existing institutions

[heweymedia]: sure

[jonathan_kogan]: fail and

[heweymedia]: basically

[jonathan_kogan]: basically are changed

[heweymedia]: for

[jonathan_kogan]: forever and you rebuild them

[heweymedia]: a

[jonathan_kogan]: or you build new

[heweymedia]: one

[jonathan_kogan]: ones and then that

[heweymedia]: at

[jonathan_kogan]: sets up the the institutions and way
the civil society contract of how things run

[jonathan_kogan]: for the next eighty years and i
think we are seeing the system of the

[jonathan_kogan]: last eight years clearly dissolve in front
of our faces and

[heweymedia]: like

[jonathan_kogan]: like

[heweymedia]: no

[jonathan_kogan]: now and the problem what happens in
these in the four turnings is there's always

[jonathan_kogan]: a war that's how it happens

[heweymedia]: but

[jonathan_kogan]: and then you re structure it

[heweymedia]: but

[jonathan_kogan]: breton woods

[heweymedia]: but here's the thing it's like is
it dissolving for the better like i'm still

[heweymedia]: seeing a ton of censorship i just
got banned again the other day it's just

[heweymedia]: like

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: i see increase censorship i see increase

[jonathan_kogan]: okay but do you see really though
but do you see platforms like rumble getting

[jonathan_kogan]: a lot of traction places like ear
you got you got a buying parlor you

[jonathan_kogan]: got you know

[heweymedia]: yeah but but a lot of those
people though it's like they

[jonathan_kogan]: lawn got twitter soon and he put
out a weird message today that said i'm

[heweymedia]: no

[jonathan_kogan]: not going to let you guys

[heweymedia]: down

[jonathan_kogan]: down like today

[heweymedia]: but

[jonathan_kogan]: like

[heweymedia]: just because they say that doesn't mean

[jonathan_kogan]: true

[heweymedia]: i don't trust elan mass to be
honest with you i go with it i

[heweymedia]: hope that he's a good guy but
he um he was just doing some shady

[heweymedia]: ship in ukraine he like wants to
provide star link for ukraine did you hear

[heweymedia]: about that

[jonathan_kogan]: so what happened in that is he
provided it and then the foreign minister was

[jonathan_kogan]: like he asked for a peace deal
and the guys like to an funk off

[jonathan_kogan]: or like you know all this stuff

[heweymedia]: then

[jonathan_kogan]: then people accused him of getting paid
for all the startling but the truth was

[jonathan_kogan]: he was paying for it and so
he's like okay they don't

[heweymedia]: par

[jonathan_kogan]: pay for us i'm just going to
shut it down i was like

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: okay he's like he's he's like and
then he's like hell with it i'll just

[jonathan_kogan]: keep paying twenty million a month or
something like that so

[heweymedia]: he's

[jonathan_kogan]: he was

[heweymedia]: kind

[jonathan_kogan]: kind

[heweymedia]: of

[jonathan_kogan]: of

[heweymedia]: saying

[jonathan_kogan]: saying

[heweymedia]: like

[jonathan_kogan]: like now i'm doing this as a
favor like

[heweymedia]: oh

[jonathan_kogan]: shut your mouth

[heweymedia]: i just i don't know until

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[heweymedia]: proving otherwise i just

[jonathan_kogan]: fair

[heweymedia]: oh

[jonathan_kogan]: so edward the guy we just talk
about edward dad i think explained it the

[jonathan_kogan]: best he goes if it was me
if it was my master plan of resetting

[jonathan_kogan]: the world he goes

[heweymedia]: we

[jonathan_kogan]: i would

[heweymedia]: have

[jonathan_kogan]: have people that are literally like a

[heweymedia]: m

[jonathan_kogan]: character like clousshwab and these people coming
that are clearly evil the fact that if

[jonathan_kogan]: you're

[heweymedia]: what

[jonathan_kogan]: listening to this and you

[heweymedia]: no

[jonathan_kogan]: know

[heweymedia]: the

[jonathan_kogan]: the name clousshwb you should realize

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: the world sumthin up because you did

[heweymedia]: no

[jonathan_kogan]: know that name three years ago and
you should not know that name okay the

[jonathan_kogan]: fact that

[heweymedia]: no

[jonathan_kogan]: you know

[heweymedia]: that

[jonathan_kogan]: that

[heweymedia]: name

[jonathan_kogan]: name which by the way his ties
his dad

[heweymedia]: what

[jonathan_kogan]: was a lead officer in the

[heweymedia]: no

[jonathan_kogan]: nazis the jermy

[heweymedia]: a

[jonathan_kogan]: army he is a nazi like a

[heweymedia]: ah

[jonathan_kogan]: real nats that's a real nazi he
is a true nazi that's what

[heweymedia]: no

[jonathan_kogan]: nats is um that's where and then
george sores used to round up jews he's

[jonathan_kogan]: a self hater and that's all true

[heweymedia]: oh

[jonathan_kogan]: and these are people telling you how
to live your lives okay

[heweymedia]: ah

[jonathan_kogan]: makes a last sense

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: don't question it just shut up

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: and he said if it was me
i'd have those people that are like villains

[jonathan_kogan]: and destroy

[heweymedia]: a world

[jonathan_kogan]: the world then

[heweymedia]: have

[jonathan_kogan]: have some safe safe coming like

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: i have a new way of doing
things follow

[heweymedia]: with me

[jonathan_kogan]: me and that

[heweymedia]: we

[jonathan_kogan]: those

[heweymedia]: had

[jonathan_kogan]: are the real people that run

[heweymedia]: like

[jonathan_kogan]: or like

[heweymedia]: real

[jonathan_kogan]: that was

[heweymedia]: evil

[jonathan_kogan]: the grand

[heweymedia]: people

[jonathan_kogan]: plan

[heweymedia]: yeah yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: like elan or something like that

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: or trump perhaps i don't know

[heweymedia]: yeah i just say

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: you know just watch listen and just
see how people don't don't just listen to

[heweymedia]: what people say but you got to
watch what they watch what they do and

[heweymedia]: um yeah just don't blindly trust any
of these people that we don't know like

[heweymedia]: you know just give them uh the
default position should be uh not trusting these

[heweymedia]: people until they

[jonathan_kogan]: like us do not trust either

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: of us

[heweymedia]: exactly

[jonathan_kogan]: i tell everybody never trust what i

[heweymedia]: here

[jonathan_kogan]: verify

[heweymedia]: by

[jonathan_kogan]: all of it

[heweymedia]: yeah i have no problem

[jonathan_kogan]: come to our

[heweymedia]: with

[jonathan_kogan]: own conclusions

[heweymedia]: that yeah exactly and it's just uh
that's you know that's just part of the

[heweymedia]: problem that massive problem that we're in
today is is a people just have there

[heweymedia]: the people and they just blindly trust
them or you got the people that control

[heweymedia]: big tech that are like you can't
trust this person he needs to be

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: deplatformed and then they just shut you
down and and my thing is i think

[heweymedia]: hundred percent i think even just

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: hundred percent believe in survival to the
fittest so like if i'm telling my followers

[heweymedia]: hey guys dog poop by eating g
poop you'll you'll live another two hundred years

[heweymedia]: it's like i

[jonathan_kogan]: a lot

[heweymedia]: think

[jonathan_kogan]: of protein

[heweymedia]: i think you should be allowed to
say that you know like it's just like

[jonathan_kogan]: obviously

[heweymedia]: it's it's on you it's on you
if you believe that like i believe all

[heweymedia]: misinformation

[jonathan_kogan]: ah

[heweymedia]: should be allowed to be said i
believe in free speech in just the free

[heweymedia]: market if i continually lie to people
they're not going

[jonathan_kogan]: won't

[heweymedia]: to

[jonathan_kogan]: listen

[heweymedia]: trust

[jonathan_kogan]: to

[heweymedia]: me

[jonathan_kogan]: you

[heweymedia]: exactly

[jonathan_kogan]: of course

[heweymedia]: it's

[jonathan_kogan]: not

[heweymedia]: common freak in sense like

[jonathan_kogan]: propaganda only works with censorship people propaganda
only works with censorship because

[heweymedia]: yes

[jonathan_kogan]: if your argument was so good and
so persuasive they would let the other side

[jonathan_kogan]: talk obviously it's not good and and

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: thing is here's like the silver lining
all this because i believe things are going

[jonathan_kogan]: to they're still going down but i
think in the end were goin to get

[jonathan_kogan]: through this and things will go back
up i don't know when that will turn

[jonathan_kogan]: but i feel like that will happen
it takes time he thinks the world just

[jonathan_kogan]: going to hell but i disagree

[heweymedia]: i wouldn't say that i think that

[jonathan_kogan]: it's gonna be better than ever

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: when

[heweymedia]: think

[jonathan_kogan]: we get out of this

[heweymedia]: i think good will win and i
do think

[jonathan_kogan]: okay

[heweymedia]: like i mean i have a pretty
good perspective in terms of like um there's

[heweymedia]: you know a lot of wacke

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: ship that happened i don't like a
lot of it

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[heweymedia]: also like there is a

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[heweymedia]: silver lining like i did like it
makes you realize that like um just you

[heweymedia]: are your own savior you got to
be self accountable

[jonathan_kogan]: responsibility accountability

[heweymedia]: exactly all sorts things that you know
i took a lot of ship for granted

[heweymedia]: like when ship was normal

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: you know now it's like now when

[jonathan_kogan]: it's crazy

[heweymedia]: if things do get back to normal

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: you're goin t appreciate it much more
because they say like like when you're at

[heweymedia]: the like when you're

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: in ship and then it goes good
again you you see it at a much

[heweymedia]: different perspective you see it in a

[jonathan_kogan]: our

[heweymedia]: appreciate

[jonathan_kogan]: kids will never understand i feel like
like it's

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: when we tell them when we get
it when we get out of they will

[jonathan_kogan]: like this will be not even understandable

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: but the big thing was is that
what we're doing is there's this

[heweymedia]: a

[jonathan_kogan]: massive ironically white space that used to
be filled

[heweymedia]: but

[jonathan_kogan]: up which is uh media telling the
truth bizarely

[heweymedia]: more

[jonathan_kogan]: that is a there is a

[heweymedia]: you

[jonathan_kogan]: economic

[heweymedia]: know i

[jonathan_kogan]: okay telling

[heweymedia]: in

[jonathan_kogan]: the

[heweymedia]: truth

[jonathan_kogan]: truth and in

[heweymedia]: media

[jonathan_kogan]: media is

[heweymedia]: directly

[jonathan_kogan]: directly aligned

[heweymedia]: in

[jonathan_kogan]: with economic

[heweymedia]: the game

[jonathan_kogan]: games if you tell the truth you
will make

[heweymedia]: more

[jonathan_kogan]: more money over the time people will
trust you so like i get

[heweymedia]: what

[jonathan_kogan]: in what

[heweymedia]: happened

[jonathan_kogan]: happened during these times is it clearly
separates aside of like who's a big farmer

[jonathan_kogan]: chill and like who's honest

[heweymedia]: exactly

[jonathan_kogan]: like

[heweymedia]: yep

[jonathan_kogan]: who's a fraud and who's honest

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: who did i trust all the years
i was a clear fraud

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: it's

[heweymedia]: like

[jonathan_kogan]: like split to society me into either
a group a or b

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: a fraud

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: be our truth tellers and it's like
this is great

[heweymedia]: exactly

[jonathan_kogan]: you just canceled out like eighty per
cent of the people

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: and now we need more truth tellers
how easy is that and if you tell

[jonathan_kogan]: the truth now you will benefit in
five years much more so than the people

[jonathan_kogan]: who sold out

[heweymedia]: a hundred

[jonathan_kogan]: it's

[heweymedia]: percent

[jonathan_kogan]: great

[heweymedia]: and not just with that too just
with like with dating as well it's just

[heweymedia]: like

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: if you look at like someone outside
that's still wearing a face mask lone like

[heweymedia]: that's

[jonathan_kogan]: m oh

[heweymedia]: just like like sometimes

[jonathan_kogan]: it's great

[heweymedia]: exactly like it used to take like
could take years sometimes to find out

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: this person is an idiot now it's

[jonathan_kogan]: uh

[heweymedia]: it's a mediot like you're an absolute

[jonathan_kogan]: h

[heweymedia]: if you're in your

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: car alone with face mask like like
like that it just tells me

[jonathan_kogan]: i

[heweymedia]: right

[jonathan_kogan]: just

[heweymedia]: off

[jonathan_kogan]: saw

[heweymedia]: the bat

[jonathan_kogan]: that

[heweymedia]: it's just your

[jonathan_kogan]: i just saw that

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: it's a sign people

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: understand and this is not i'm not
rational or i'm not like uh over emphasizing

[jonathan_kogan]: this nancy germany it didn't start

[heweymedia]: at

[jonathan_kogan]: with concentration camps it ended

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: with concentration camps that

[heweymedia]: was

[jonathan_kogan]: was

[heweymedia]: the

[jonathan_kogan]: the

[heweymedia]: last

[jonathan_kogan]: last step that took like eight years

[heweymedia]: the

[jonathan_kogan]: they started encroaching and taking civil liberty
civil liberty liberty they split oh these people

[jonathan_kogan]: are bad like the unvaccinated you know
all this it's the exact same tactics they're

[heweymedia]: identical

[jonathan_kogan]: identical the death camps this country camps
were last and

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: if you listen or watch you know
even the real anti fouche or

[heweymedia]: he

[jonathan_kogan]: look up norberg speech recently with r
f k junior there was a holocost survivor

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: who talks about this is how it
started they

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: took one thing away one thing away
we are taught to oh is concentration as

[jonathan_kogan]: we don't see concentration camps and we
don't thankfully but that's not where it started

[jonathan_kogan]: that's where it ended

[heweymedia]: exactly and it's just like people

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: it just blows my mind that the
people just don't get it and i guarantee

[heweymedia]: that person probably got censured for

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: misinformation they probably took that person

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah yeah

[heweymedia]: down for harmful dangerous misinformation goin against
the science that

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: was clearly brought out and

[jonathan_kogan]: ah

[heweymedia]: it's just like

[jonathan_kogan]: he just arrested a halloo survivor that
was outside of a play in parenthood like

[jonathan_kogan]: singing i'm not christian but singing hymns
or hums because i'm like that because they

[jonathan_kogan]: wanted pro life that's how she and
they arrested her and she survived the hollow

[jonathan_kogan]: but no big deal look the other

[heweymedia]: it's

[jonathan_kogan]: get in line conform and listen and
let me tell you some good advice that

[jonathan_kogan]: i've leaned over the past two years
do not ask questions never fact check just

[jonathan_kogan]: well

[heweymedia]: sorry

[jonathan_kogan]: sorry listen to the fact checkers follow
bill gates on instagram and

[heweymedia]: he took off

[jonathan_kogan]: eat

[heweymedia]: his

[jonathan_kogan]: the

[heweymedia]: comments

[jonathan_kogan]: bugs

[heweymedia]: by the way

[jonathan_kogan]: oh so by the way that's a
default if you follow someone on twitter and

[jonathan_kogan]: they do not have their comments on
you don't need to follow them you already

[jonathan_kogan]: know the fraud

[heweymedia]: yeah it's just like just now but
here's the thing it's like why don't people

[jonathan_kogan]: ye

[heweymedia]: like why does that even need to
be said it's just like that should be

[heweymedia]: common sense like if someone

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: has to turn off

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: their freaking comment section

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah like

[heweymedia]: that's

[jonathan_kogan]: the w have

[heweymedia]: there's probably something

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: that you know that they don't want
people seeing they don't want people talking

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: but that's what we've seen the last
few years we've seen they just come we

[heweymedia]: got a hold of big text they
completely they're controlling the information there can

[jonathan_kogan]: and they were successful which by the
way they're in bed with big farm

[heweymedia]: of

[jonathan_kogan]: what

[heweymedia]: course

[jonathan_kogan]: happened was is decades ago

[heweymedia]: oil

[jonathan_kogan]: oil and gas own the country

[heweymedia]: oh

[jonathan_kogan]: now it's big farm an they got
their tentacles and everything so

[heweymedia]: you

[jonathan_kogan]: when you have a company people

[heweymedia]: o what

[jonathan_kogan]: like to buy

[heweymedia]: commercial

[jonathan_kogan]: commercials to advertise it well big farm

[heweymedia]: i was

[jonathan_kogan]: is

[heweymedia]: much

[jonathan_kogan]: much smarter

[heweymedia]: arter

[jonathan_kogan]: than that they just put

[heweymedia]: the

[jonathan_kogan]: their

[heweymedia]: money

[jonathan_kogan]: money

[heweymedia]: on

[jonathan_kogan]: on

[heweymedia]: the

[jonathan_kogan]: the whole

[heweymedia]: network

[jonathan_kogan]: network so they

[heweymedia]: don't

[jonathan_kogan]: don't

[heweymedia]: even

[jonathan_kogan]: even

[heweymedia]: need

[jonathan_kogan]: need a

[heweymedia]: cmercilramg

[jonathan_kogan]: commercial they have the propaganda in the
programming it's genius

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: it's the best marketing of all time

[heweymedia]: there some of

[jonathan_kogan]: it's breaking though

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: i'm telling you the damn

[heweymedia]: a

[jonathan_kogan]: is

[heweymedia]: great

[jonathan_kogan]: breaking there's no question is here let's
let's here let's play this real quick this

[jonathan_kogan]: this just happened i didn't even watch
it yet but you posted it but i

[jonathan_kogan]: want to see it let's say and
then you could talk to it this

[heweymedia]: a

[jonathan_kogan]: happened today i didn't even watch this
yet here we go

[heweymedia]: i'm actual a

[jonathan_kogan]: a

[heweymedia]: bill

[jonathan_kogan]: there this is for a proving

[heweymedia]: in

[jonathan_kogan]: the vac

[heweymedia]: a

[jonathan_kogan]: the

[heweymedia]: like

[jonathan_kogan]: lo

[jonathan_kogan]: approving something for kids i'll say yes

[heweymedia]: it's disgusting dude

[jonathan_kogan]: history is not on their side they're

[heweymedia]: daily the

[jonathan_kogan]: no

[heweymedia]: public

[jonathan_kogan]: conflict

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah how do these people live

[heweymedia]: exactly dude it's like i'm not even

[jonathan_kogan]: i'm not gonna play all of it
they all

[heweymedia]: so

[jonathan_kogan]: say yes it was it was unanimous

[heweymedia]: i'm not even like the most i
don't know i mean i would say i'm

[heweymedia]: like spiritual

[jonathan_kogan]: ah

[heweymedia]: but i'm not even like the most

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[heweymedia]: what

[jonathan_kogan]: i've gone super spiritual now and now
i think

[heweymedia]: like

[jonathan_kogan]: like religion is real from the past
two years

[heweymedia]: dude that's what i'm going to say
it's like i was never really like a

[heweymedia]: religious

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: person i'm still i wouldn't say i'm
like super

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: religious but if this if there is
anything that's like evil

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: that's funking evil like like that right

[jonathan_kogan]: right

[heweymedia]: there is evil like it doesn't get

[jonathan_kogan]: no

[heweymedia]: much more evil than then pushing that
on kids and i looked up the data

[heweymedia]: to that shows like the amount

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: of kids that have died from this

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: rona not from the boost from

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: rona

[jonathan_kogan]: i

[heweymedia]: it's

[jonathan_kogan]: zero

[heweymedia]: it's not well even with their numbers
it's like point zero zero zero zero like

[jonathan_kogan]: like nothing

[heweymedia]: dude it's insanely like

[jonathan_kogan]: for the whole population

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: it's less than it's ninety nine point
nine survival

[heweymedia]: but they're pushing an unproven thing

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: no for kids it's like nine and
nine point nine like

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: it's insane how

[jonathan_kogan]: it's not

[heweymedia]: like

[jonathan_kogan]: for the kids though it's to get
full blanket immunity because if you get it

[jonathan_kogan]: on the schedule

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: you then have blanket immunity this is
my guest they're going to prove it for

[jonathan_kogan]: the schedule tomorrow which this was like
for something else but they're going to prove

[jonathan_kogan]: it tomorrow because they know the dam
is breaking and

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: when you approve it for kids that
relieves all immunity for kids and adults no

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: matter what forever and then guess what's
going to start happening

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: right after that the dam

[heweymedia]: i'm

[jonathan_kogan]: is going to shatter all the information
is going to come

[heweymedia]: no

[jonathan_kogan]: out and i'm telling the truth will
prevail but guess what nothing can happen and

[jonathan_kogan]: then you got a revolution

[heweymedia]: i hope you're right man but i

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: i just don't think that like they
still have a hold over

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: the media like we know

[jonathan_kogan]: they

[heweymedia]: he

[jonathan_kogan]: don't

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: i have i have people i watch
now i don't even i

[heweymedia]: no

[jonathan_kogan]: know exactly who to watch at this
moment in time

[heweymedia]: but

[jonathan_kogan]: that's

[heweymedia]: that's

[jonathan_kogan]: telling

[heweymedia]: you

[jonathan_kogan]: as i'm sure you do

[heweymedia]: but that's

[jonathan_kogan]: what

[heweymedia]: you and me like like most people
like they're still watching freaking the late night

[jonathan_kogan]: they're not

[heweymedia]: show with like

[jonathan_kogan]: the number one night late night show
right now according to the ratings from nils

[jonathan_kogan]: the ratings is gret gud field gut
feld on fox news he

[heweymedia]: beat

[jonathan_kogan]: beat out jimmy kemmel stephen colberc the
biggest big farmer shell of

[heweymedia]: all

[jonathan_kogan]: all time

[heweymedia]: in yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: those people know they sold out if
gut felt on fox news which isn't even

[jonathan_kogan]: like a late night show technically is

[heweymedia]: number

[jonathan_kogan]: number

[heweymedia]: one

[jonathan_kogan]: one ahead of kemel fallen and cover

[heweymedia]: better

[jonathan_kogan]: i'm telling

[heweymedia]: he

[jonathan_kogan]: you that's a sign that people are
waking up why is that

[heweymedia]: yea i hear you but

[jonathan_kogan]: yah

[heweymedia]: it's just like even though many people
are waking up it's like that doesn't mean

[heweymedia]: that they're being held accountable though it's
like yeah so

[jonathan_kogan]: oh that's

[heweymedia]: i'm aware

[jonathan_kogan]: true

[heweymedia]: i'm away or that

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: many people are aware but it's like
where have where

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[heweymedia]: the fucking arrest like

[jonathan_kogan]: it's

[heweymedia]: i'm

[jonathan_kogan]: just starting though it's just starting

[heweymedia]: not even just the arrest where's the

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: guillotines for these fucking people dude like

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: like put the

[jonathan_kogan]: i think you need patients that's all

[heweymedia]: yeah i don't

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: know man

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: like these and again like i'm not
one to just

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: like now just hate on

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: someone with like a different viewpoint but
this is just like

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: this is truly evil what we've witnessed
and what we're witnessing

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: pushing this on so i have no
problem with pushing this on like a grown

[jonathan_kogan]: a

[heweymedia]: adult that has the abithe

[jonathan_kogan]: that's what

[heweymedia]: cognitive

[jonathan_kogan]: i say

[heweymedia]: ability to think for themselves and put
two and two to

[jonathan_kogan]: we

[heweymedia]: they're

[jonathan_kogan]: should

[heweymedia]: that

[jonathan_kogan]: all agree leave your hands off the

[heweymedia]: yep

[jonathan_kogan]: if there's one thing all parties can
get together on leave your hands off the

[jonathan_kogan]: children

[heweymedia]: dude but but these idiots were told
that it saves the kid's life and like

[heweymedia]: they truly believe

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: they're just so low i q they
don't look at any data they just regurgitate

[heweymedia]: the experts at

[jonathan_kogan]: but

[heweymedia]: the

[jonathan_kogan]: aren't

[heweymedia]: t

[jonathan_kogan]: people

[heweymedia]: v shows

[jonathan_kogan]: seeing

[heweymedia]: him

[jonathan_kogan]: some i've seen some of the hard
attacks i've seen some of the

[heweymedia]: dude

[jonathan_kogan]: bad things i've seen it

[heweymedia]: but the t v tells them and
the experts say it would

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: have been so much worse

[jonathan_kogan]: experts i would have been

[heweymedia]: like

[jonathan_kogan]: so much worse

[heweymedia]: it's pathetic

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: dude and these are the freaking stories

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: that the algorithm promotes

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: it would have been so much worse
that they didn't get their booty

[jonathan_kogan]: who would have thought

[heweymedia]: they're fucking

[jonathan_kogan]: evil

[heweymedia]: evil

[jonathan_kogan]: would show up like this this is
how evil showed up in our world who

[jonathan_kogan]: ould ave thought

[heweymedia]: there's another one he did it again

[jonathan_kogan]: he did

[heweymedia]: with

[jonathan_kogan]: another

[heweymedia]: fouche

[jonathan_kogan]: one

[heweymedia]: promoting the booty

[jonathan_kogan]: he

[heweymedia]: he

[jonathan_kogan]: just

[heweymedia]: did it

[jonathan_kogan]: did

[heweymedia]: yep

[jonathan_kogan]: what this

[heweymedia]: he

[jonathan_kogan]: is

[heweymedia]: did another one

[jonathan_kogan]: kill bear unbelievable history is not

[heweymedia]: it's

[jonathan_kogan]: going to show that in a good
light come on

[heweymedia]: dude

[jonathan_kogan]: it's

[heweymedia]: but

[jonathan_kogan]: over

[heweymedia]: but

[jonathan_kogan]: for them people sold there's also regular
people like creators like us who sold out

[jonathan_kogan]: on

[heweymedia]: the

[jonathan_kogan]: the

[heweymedia]: last

[jonathan_kogan]: last two

[heweymedia]: year

[jonathan_kogan]: yours to you know take advantage of

[heweymedia]: he

[jonathan_kogan]: the moment and it worked for two
years and then all

[heweymedia]: a

[jonathan_kogan]: truth comes out and the reputation is
done forever once it comes out it's over

[jonathan_kogan]: like there's only a hand there's not
so many people that ave bee telling the

[jonathan_kogan]: truth like us our careers are gonna
go like given a few

[heweymedia]: mark

[jonathan_kogan]: months i swear to god we're goin
be like like we're going to be it's

[jonathan_kogan]: going to go

[heweymedia]: but when they

[jonathan_kogan]: you

[heweymedia]: control

[jonathan_kogan]: can't trust any

[heweymedia]: the

[jonathan_kogan]: of them

[heweymedia]: platforms though when they control the platforms
and don't let people like me and you

[heweymedia]: get the exposure that we

[jonathan_kogan]: but they're

[heweymedia]: should

[jonathan_kogan]: leaving

[heweymedia]: be getting

[jonathan_kogan]: their leave like like like tate was
a big deal with rumble i think and

[jonathan_kogan]: then another big one to get on
rumble was russell brand

[heweymedia]: a

[jonathan_kogan]: i think

[heweymedia]: dude

[jonathan_kogan]: people

[heweymedia]: he's a

[jonathan_kogan]: are

[heweymedia]: puppet

[jonathan_kogan]: switching

[heweymedia]: he's a he's a puppet to russell

[jonathan_kogan]: he might be but

[heweymedia]: he

[jonathan_kogan]: he

[heweymedia]: promoted

[jonathan_kogan]: might be but he's bringing people over

[heweymedia]: and that's where we got to be
careful with controlled opposition he promotes

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: the dude horary what's his name uvoll

[jonathan_kogan]: no you've all know harar the top
adviser to claus sat

[heweymedia]: yep russell search right now russell brand

[jonathan_kogan]: oh i saw that

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: that was from years ago right with
sapiens or something or no

[heweymedia]: uh

[jonathan_kogan]: i did see that i was shocked
by that yeah

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: so even if he has controlled opposition
at lise's telling the truth right now and

[jonathan_kogan]: get people to

[heweymedia]: do

[jonathan_kogan]: let's get to the rum platform to
see me

[heweymedia]: but that's but that's their game it's
like like they'll give tid bits of truth

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: so it's like oh we can trust
this guy and then people think up

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: well he's he's given truth so he
must be a good guy and then he's

[heweymedia]: going to lead you in the oppos
it way in somewhere some other aspect

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: you know like that's the game they
control people

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: got to be

[jonathan_kogan]: no

[heweymedia]: careful with that you know because some
of these people

[jonathan_kogan]: i got disconnected

[heweymedia]: they control both sides i don't see
you any more by the way i think

[heweymedia]: it i think i think jonathan's internet
gave out ah are you there man

[heweymedia]: but anyways i think

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: kicked him out for a little bit
but yeah anyone anyone listening to this look

[heweymedia]: up ouvalnoahorari and just do your research
on exactly what this guy is about he's

[heweymedia]: genuinely one of the most he doesn't
even hide it like he literally he openly

[heweymedia]: says how there's too many people he
openly says how um we need to do

[heweymedia]: ship with the population and it's wild
jonathan it's no longer showing him this is

[heweymedia]: his podcast but it's just me on
here right now so um but yeah it's

[heweymedia]: pretty wild that these are these are
the times that we're living in but i

[heweymedia]: just want people to to realize that
the world economic form is not like these

[heweymedia]: people do not care well that's pretty
much my main message these people don't give

[heweymedia]: a shit about any of us

[jonathan_kogan]: ah

[heweymedia]: like they truly don't care they truly
are just some of those corrupt people you're

[heweymedia]: back there you are what's

[jonathan_kogan]: nice

[heweymedia]: up

[jonathan_kogan]: job had long go

[heweymedia]: i was just like in problem because
it kicked you off

[jonathan_kogan]: but but what you're saying though is
about well you said it bere got kicked

[jonathan_kogan]: off which is so i'm where my
goal right now is just to get people

[jonathan_kogan]: to listen to

[heweymedia]: the

[jonathan_kogan]: the

[heweymedia]: other

[jonathan_kogan]: other side

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: of the discussion controled opposition

[heweymedia]: no

[jonathan_kogan]: not like i feel lkew'regettng to advance
to say

[heweymedia]: oh

[jonathan_kogan]: oh then they're controlled opposite to them
people are gonna go insane they're going to

[jonathan_kogan]: be like i can't try that

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: up and they're gonna

[heweymedia]: no

[jonathan_kogan]: go nuts

[heweymedia]: no i agree with that like i
think that like listen to people when they

[heweymedia]: say the truth but but pretty much
just don't blindly trust anyway you know what

[heweymedia]: i mean like like take

[jonathan_kogan]: verify everything

[heweymedia]: yeah because everyone has like even freakingcnn
they'll have tibbits of truth and like just

[jonathan_kogan]: right

[heweymedia]: just take it in but like just
realize just don't blindly trust everything that one

[heweymedia]: person says i myself

[jonathan_kogan]: so

[heweymedia]: included

[jonathan_kogan]: how do you how do you identify

[heweymedia]: how do i identify truth well uh
one thing that i that i

[jonathan_kogan]: yes

[heweymedia]: do off the bat is just like
what is the freaking government saying and then

[heweymedia]: that that that's like a good starting
point the government saying this then just no

[heweymedia]: probably do some of the opposite of
that like

[jonathan_kogan]: but how do you know the government
is lying for just someone

[heweymedia]: um

[jonathan_kogan]: who doesn't know

[heweymedia]: so just just the for me it's
just like common sense that like with the

[heweymedia]: mass bullshit like it's just like clearly
like i just look at that like clearly

[heweymedia]: that doesn't make sense to walk

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: into a restaurant

[jonathan_kogan]: uh

[heweymedia]: with a mask sit

[jonathan_kogan]: h

[heweymedia]: down then eat your food take it
off put it back on like you

[jonathan_kogan]: you

[heweymedia]: don't

[jonathan_kogan]: didn't know that the virus just stops

[heweymedia]: but

[jonathan_kogan]: like rachel made out it stops with
the host

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: and it cannot go to anybody it
just stops

[heweymedia]: but yeah that right there it's just

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: that to me it's like as long

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: i truly don't get how people are
still going along with that like i just

[heweymedia]: like that's clearly just not based on
science at all

[jonathan_kogan]: it's programming i mean this is a
deep sigh like the best

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: person who explains is dr david martin
who is in he knows it's a sigh

[jonathan_kogan]: up there were patents on this type
of virus back and like two tousand

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: one it started

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: it's in plandemic two is amazing he
he's my brother sam speaks he's a genius

[jonathan_kogan]: and he really knows about all this
and you're seeing though in the legal i

[jonathan_kogan]: feel like this is all coming up
through the legal system is how this all

[jonathan_kogan]: happens you there's finally cases now against
the remdeserver and all this i on't know

[jonathan_kogan]: if i can say that but for
some reason

[heweymedia]: you

[jonathan_kogan]: in the court system it seems like
the corruption doesn't totally capture all of it

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah i did for like alix jones
stuff but like it hasn't like you still

[jonathan_kogan]: things that

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: i

[heweymedia]: should

[jonathan_kogan]: shouldn't pass because you know it's against
the elite are still going through like k

[jonathan_kogan]: junior with the corruption against visor and

[heweymedia]: at

[jonathan_kogan]: i i do believe that something is
brewing that we just don't know about

[heweymedia]: yeah i mean i like the here's
my thing just with with anything like um

[heweymedia]: hope for the best prepare for the

[jonathan_kogan]: a

[heweymedia]: with everything like like i hope they
get taken down but in the meantime it's

[heweymedia]: like we got to plan like no
one's doing that and we got to just

[heweymedia]: be the best versions of ourselves

[jonathan_kogan]: and that's like food and finance

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: and like all that stuff right

[heweymedia]: exactly

[jonathan_kogan]: that's why like growing your because i
mean yes i mean we could be going

[jonathan_kogan]: towards really dark times and

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: there's some and i some crazy things
that there's history that show like there's signs

[jonathan_kogan]: that there've been the so called great
resets before in our world and like civilization

[jonathan_kogan]: was like rebuilt and all this stuff
like like it happened like three or four

[jonathan_kogan]: different times who knows that's

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: true o

[heweymedia]: it's just

[jonathan_kogan]: but

[heweymedia]: history

[jonathan_kogan]: like maybe they know

[heweymedia]: yeah i just after how

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: i see just the world covered

[jonathan_kogan]: ah

[heweymedia]: how i see

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: how i see certain people painted as
heroes and certain people painted as evil and

[heweymedia]: certain people canceled that should be cance
like it's just like ice i question history

[heweymedia]: now it's just like if they're

[jonathan_kogan]: history was a lie

[heweymedia]: yeah it's

[jonathan_kogan]: if

[heweymedia]: like

[jonathan_kogan]: you if you start learning about it
you will realize your example i don't know

[jonathan_kogan]: if that's true if i haven't seen
any that contradicts that yet but pretty much

[jonathan_kogan]: everything else you were told when america
was the good guy we were not

[heweymedia]: yeah it's just like a lot of
it's been propaganda

[jonathan_kogan]: i ran contra like you know the
tuskegee experiment like all this stuff

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: it's crazy

[heweymedia]: i mean just just the last two
years well

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: nine eleven was should have been a
massive eye opener for many but but

[jonathan_kogan]: so i'm just learning i still don't
know the full ends not that but but

[jonathan_kogan]: that's you well we don't have to
get to much into that but you think

[jonathan_kogan]: there's questions there that need to be

[heweymedia]: i think the whole thing i think
it was if there's one conspiracy theory that

[heweymedia]: that i would put my bank account
on it's it's that nine eleven was there's

[heweymedia]: yeah it was very corrupt and inside
job we

[jonathan_kogan]: is it because the building fell like
like after it hit i heard like there

[jonathan_kogan]: were like bombs inside and went straight
down or something or

[heweymedia]: so

[jonathan_kogan]: is that not part of it

[heweymedia]: one that is part of it so
just the way the building fell it's just

[heweymedia]: like it was control demolition there was
two point donald feld went on the day

[heweymedia]: before september tenth saying that they went
to point some two point three trillion dollars

[jonathan_kogan]: the

[heweymedia]: went missing

[jonathan_kogan]: insurance

[heweymedia]: um

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: that's that's

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: another

[jonathan_kogan]: right

[heweymedia]: thing

[jonathan_kogan]: pentagon

[heweymedia]: yeah so he went two point three
trillion went missing he made announced at the

[heweymedia]: pentagon the net day a plane strikes
at like a certain angle

[jonathan_kogan]: that's only

[heweymedia]: that

[jonathan_kogan]: one inflation reduction act that's not a
big deal

[heweymedia]: but

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: it but that's just one thing like
like that just and then there was w

[heweymedia]: t c seven which is a completely
other building wasn't struck by anything and just

[heweymedia]: collapsed for no reason

[jonathan_kogan]: oh that i heard

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: i think

[heweymedia]: yeah there's that right there was

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: when i started to realize that you
know our government is not who people think

[heweymedia]: they are and

[jonathan_kogan]: but hindsight like during that real time
did you know this like did

[heweymedia]: no

[jonathan_kogan]: you know

[heweymedia]: no

[jonathan_kogan]: all this did you even know this
in two thousand twelve twohousand fourteen like did

[jonathan_kogan]: your eyes my i wasn't awake i
would say until these past two years

[heweymedia]: no

[jonathan_kogan]: no any of the i feel like
there's something that's happening on a much grander

[jonathan_kogan]: scale

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: from like the electro magnetic thing that

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: it was all a lot like everything
was everything was a lie but i did

[heweymedia]: not

[jonathan_kogan]: not

[heweymedia]: even

[jonathan_kogan]: even

[heweymedia]: know

[jonathan_kogan]: know

[heweymedia]: the

[jonathan_kogan]: remotely at the time and i don't
think i could have figured it out

[heweymedia]: yeah so i didn't know when it
immediately happened but i did i don't know

[heweymedia]: i must have saw some like documentary
i'm not sure but i eventually like in

[heweymedia]: the beginning when it just happened i
was like these i was like pissed off

[heweymedia]: it like i rack and muslims and
everything and then then i learned

[jonathan_kogan]: so it

[heweymedia]: that

[jonathan_kogan]: worked it worked

[heweymedia]: yeah it did it did in the

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: and then i'm like and then i
realized the truth i'm like if they would

[heweymedia]: do that to their own people they
would do anything

[jonathan_kogan]: but the crazy thing is governments have

[heweymedia]: we

[jonathan_kogan]: done this all throughout history this isn't

[heweymedia]: you

[jonathan_kogan]: new this is actually a perfectly on
script cycle that's what is crazy the

[heweymedia]: that

[jonathan_kogan]: fact that you blindly trust a government
is governments have never ever loved

[heweymedia]: love

[jonathan_kogan]: people ever

[heweymedia]: it just they do anything for power
you know like they'll do anything for money

[heweymedia]: and power and they need an excuse
to go war and justify a war and

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: that's what they did and people bought
it but here's the thing it's just like

[heweymedia]: people have to realize if they would
do that what wouldn't they do no

[jonathan_kogan]: the past years is like a little
that's like a joke compared to that

[heweymedia]: yeah well

[jonathan_kogan]: well maybe not no it's pretty massive
but you know what i mean

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: but here's the thing though i mean
like here's it's not a consortium of like

[jonathan_kogan]: these evil there's not this ball of
leaders who sit around a medingroom table at

[jonathan_kogan]: all and

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: there are like when people talk about
the deep state there's a deep state but

[jonathan_kogan]: there's several groups within that deep state
that they're lined

[heweymedia]: in

[jonathan_kogan]: on most things so you think things
goin but the there's a fight for power

[jonathan_kogan]: on like different issues so yes there
is cabal of these aletes but they're

[heweymedia]: not

[jonathan_kogan]: not all in the same team there's
like eighteen teams and they all want to

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: take it a different way and so
now i feel like now we're in that

[jonathan_kogan]: power struggle

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: where they were aline for like a
good year and a half of the past

[jonathan_kogan]: ere i had seen around august

[heweymedia]: a

[jonathan_kogan]: fifteenth i

[heweymedia]: we

[jonathan_kogan]: woke up and i was like

[heweymedia]: ate

[jonathan_kogan]: something the world feels

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: i woke up i was six months
ago like did you six monts ago a

[jonathan_kogan]: year ago did you if i said
to you does does the earth not feel

[jonathan_kogan]: right does the world

[heweymedia]: no

[jonathan_kogan]: not feel right would you be like
yeah it's pretty something feels weird like something

[heweymedia]: i'm going

[jonathan_kogan]: going

[heweymedia]: on

[jonathan_kogan]: on this

[heweymedia]: here

[jonathan_kogan]: weird

[heweymedia]: yeah i felt i felt there's something
off i mean this

[jonathan_kogan]: something

[heweymedia]: whole

[jonathan_kogan]: is off right

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: you didn't even have to now what
it is but something wasn't the same as

[jonathan_kogan]: it was five years before that it
just wasn't

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: and then on august fifteenth i woke
up and i was i was sitting next

[jonathan_kogan]: to my stepmom and i was like
something feels like it

[heweymedia]: oh

[jonathan_kogan]: just shifted i feel like things are
going but she's like i feel that too

[jonathan_kogan]: and when she said that i was
like well okay and

[heweymedia]: that

[jonathan_kogan]: then things started slowly coming out and
now they're coming out more and more and

[jonathan_kogan]: more it just takes

[heweymedia]: oh

[jonathan_kogan]: time i undoubtedly

[heweymedia]: a

[jonathan_kogan]: believe the truth is going to if
it doesn't come out podcast won't succeed so

[jonathan_kogan]: it must come out

[heweymedia]: but but here's the thing it's just

[jonathan_kogan]: uh

[heweymedia]: like the truth is

[jonathan_kogan]: uh

[heweymedia]: like many people

[jonathan_kogan]: yea

[heweymedia]: know the truth it's just like the
thing that passes

[jonathan_kogan]: it's scary

[heweymedia]: me off it's just like what is
being done about

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: it's like their keep doubling down on
a massive

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: lie like that's the best way to
that i know like they

[jonathan_kogan]: but there's

[heweymedia]: keep doubling down and tripling down quadrupling

[jonathan_kogan]: well now

[heweymedia]: down

[jonathan_kogan]: they're like quadrupling down

[heweymedia]: well

[jonathan_kogan]: because they know it's in plain sight
they know the people are waking i believe

[jonathan_kogan]: and so they're going outrageous but i
think i've heard this recently there's like white

[jonathan_kogan]: hats and black hats the white hats
or the good guy black out the bad

[jonathan_kogan]: guy i think there's a straw

[heweymedia]: go

[jonathan_kogan]: at the real top of these powers
where the white hats are getting control

[heweymedia]: ye

[jonathan_kogan]: i believe

[heweymedia]: again i hope you're right i just
i really do i just think that people

[heweymedia]: have

[jonathan_kogan]: life

[heweymedia]: to

[jonathan_kogan]: is not normal right now this cannot
go on without any justice this would be

[jonathan_kogan]: the weirdest

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: thing ever

[heweymedia]: well they're trying to just control and
that's why they're getting more and more desperate

[heweymedia]: to censor and control speed because because

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: you know the narrative there's just so
many holes in this narrative there's never been

[heweymedia]: more holes in a narrative than then
these past few years like it's

[jonathan_kogan]: i

[heweymedia]: just

[jonathan_kogan]: mean believe you're not like

[heweymedia]: i can't

[jonathan_kogan]: if you

[heweymedia]: keep

[jonathan_kogan]: just

[heweymedia]: up with

[jonathan_kogan]: like

[heweymedia]: it

[jonathan_kogan]: if people listen again i'm not political
but i could just tell who's telling the

[jonathan_kogan]: truth if you just want there's one
person in main stream who actually is doing

[jonathan_kogan]: good job telling th truth i don't
get his control opposition tucker carlson is telling

[jonathan_kogan]: the truth and he's doing a very
good job of doing it for someone that's

[jonathan_kogan]: like main stream i think he's telling
the truth pretty well

[heweymedia]: yeah i like

[jonathan_kogan]: so

[heweymedia]: a lot of what he says i
think a lot of it

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[heweymedia]: he's yeah he calls out the corruption
much more than anyone that i know on

[heweymedia]: at least when it comes on

[jonathan_kogan]: no

[heweymedia]: mange

[jonathan_kogan]: one else

[heweymedia]: treamyeah

[jonathan_kogan]: that doesn't like to know where in
a bizarre world is when you have to

[jonathan_kogan]: carlson who's considered right wing to everybody

[heweymedia]: m

[jonathan_kogan]: that he is the only person that

[heweymedia]: well

[jonathan_kogan]: will

[heweymedia]: have

[jonathan_kogan]: have on grengleengreenwald who by the way
is the most left liberal person of all

[jonathan_kogan]: time and they won't have him on
c n n or m s c that

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: is the way left people that's the

[heweymedia]: we

[jonathan_kogan]: left okay the anti security state all
this stuff tucker's supposedly

[heweymedia]: we

[jonathan_kogan]: the

[heweymedia]: had

[jonathan_kogan]: right and he's the only person that
will have him on

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: that's how you know this is a

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: left thing it is a

[heweymedia]: what

[jonathan_kogan]: good verse evil thing that's wat it

[heweymedia]: well

[jonathan_kogan]: like

[heweymedia]: they have people that speak the truth
and then they were able to trick people

[heweymedia]: into thinking that like people that speak
the truth are right like it's a right

[heweymedia]: wing

[jonathan_kogan]: right

[heweymedia]: thing

[jonathan_kogan]: right they

[heweymedia]: i think

[jonathan_kogan]: did

[heweymedia]: that's

[jonathan_kogan]: a good

[heweymedia]: what they did like they they trick
people into thinking people that speak the true

[heweymedia]: vell they're just right wing extremist it's
like no this is not right wing it's

[heweymedia]: like this is the fucking truth

[jonathan_kogan]: it seems like that's blowing up because
they're saying now when i think one of

[jonathan_kogan]: the biggest mistakes in my opinion because
that's what the right wing extremist when

[heweymedia]: they

[jonathan_kogan]: they

[heweymedia]: said

[jonathan_kogan]: said joe rogan s a right wing
extremist anyone who listens to joe rogan knows

[jonathan_kogan]: he's not right wing extremist

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: and that he voted for burney sanders
i think that that

[heweymedia]: a

[jonathan_kogan]: was a big misstep that's when i
was saying to people i'm like that's a

[jonathan_kogan]: big mistake because people who listen to
him and he's got a huge audience they

[jonathan_kogan]: know he's not a right extreme is
so that's going to fold

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: i thought that was a big error

[heweymedia]: well that right there just tells like
whoever whatever

[jonathan_kogan]: ye

[heweymedia]: media platform said that like now you
know that they're controlled their liars

[jonathan_kogan]: right

[heweymedia]: their sale outs but here's the thing
at least

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: people that have common sense then you
got a factor in how many people don't

[heweymedia]: have common sense you know that still
just that that's been the biggest eye opener

[heweymedia]: for me just the amount of people
that m don't have common sense like like

[heweymedia]: like things that i thought were

[jonathan_kogan]: wild

[heweymedia]: just like basic like you don't even
have to

[jonathan_kogan]: see

[heweymedia]: be a smart person just like just
have half of a brain and many

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: people that yeah a shame

[jonathan_kogan]: so you're not as optimist as me
as about the world waking up and then

[jonathan_kogan]: explain this

[heweymedia]: come

[jonathan_kogan]: phenomenon

[heweymedia]: on

[jonathan_kogan]: to me ready

[jonathan_kogan]: you

[heweymedia]: he

[jonathan_kogan]: have a new boost that nearly none
of the population is taking why is that

[jonathan_kogan]: but yet the main stream the typical
you know the usual suspects are saying get

[jonathan_kogan]: safe in fact they're doing the same

[heweymedia]: no

[jonathan_kogan]: but no he's getting it so what's
going on there

[heweymedia]: how do we know that no one's
getting it

[jonathan_kogan]: because you can go to the c's
numbers and they say how many there's like

[jonathan_kogan]: thirty million people eligible and only five
per cent have gotten it were usually after

[jonathan_kogan]: the

[heweymedia]: it

[jonathan_kogan]: first one's like eighty yeah it's like

[heweymedia]: it's only

[jonathan_kogan]: like

[heweymedia]: five

[jonathan_kogan]: ninety

[heweymedia]: per cent

[jonathan_kogan]: ah of the kids

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: it's like zero it's

[heweymedia]: awesome

[jonathan_kogan]: like none it's like literally it's below
it's ninety nine percent is

[heweymedia]: oh

[jonathan_kogan]: not getting it adults it's under like
five per cent

[heweymedia]: that's great news i was not aware
that well that's

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: yeah that is promising then i was
not not aware so

[jonathan_kogan]: but but yet there they're spewing the
same propaganda but people aren't going for it

[jonathan_kogan]: so i think they're realizing there they're
being lied to what else can it be

[heweymedia]: yeah i mean don't get me wrong

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[heweymedia]: i do think that that good is
uh there's definitely a lot of people waking

[heweymedia]: up and i do think good is
winning in a way but i also don't

[heweymedia]: think that it's like going to just
one day like

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[heweymedia]: flip a

[jonathan_kogan]: no

[heweymedia]: switch like everyone knows the truth i
think it's like still going no it's a

[heweymedia]: long process you know like

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: it's going to take time and i
think unfortunately it's going to take a lot

[heweymedia]: of casualties and i think it's going
to take a lot more casualties and a

[heweymedia]: lot more arm until people

[jonathan_kogan]: courage

[heweymedia]: realize

[jonathan_kogan]: what about courage just from people to
speak up like s just courage

[heweymedia]: yeah but but it's just i think
a lot of the idiots think they don't

[heweymedia]: see it as courage they see it
is like oh this person's just spreading misinformation

[heweymedia]: you know it's like it really depends
on how people see it and i think

[heweymedia]: that you know there's going to be
people that see it and appreciate it and

[heweymedia]: then there's going to be people that
i don't and it just it all depends

[heweymedia]: on kind of the person but it
just blows my mind at this point that

[heweymedia]: just how many holes are in this
narrative that

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: every person

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[heweymedia]: doesn't see it that

[jonathan_kogan]: the biggest hole that i want you
to play devil's advocate someone who who is

[jonathan_kogan]: still believing the agenda what's the

[heweymedia]: what's

[jonathan_kogan]: counter

[heweymedia]: the

[jonathan_kogan]: to this how do you explain

[heweymedia]: a

[jonathan_kogan]: the forty percent increase and all cause
mortality world wide since twenty twenty one after

[jonathan_kogan]: the roll out

[heweymedia]: so me i would explain that by
just people's life style so first of all

[heweymedia]: people didn't people aren't getting screen for
sicknesses that they used to get screened for

[jonathan_kogan]: forty

[heweymedia]: just

[jonathan_kogan]: percent increase in millennials

[heweymedia]: um just also like drug over doses
like just people are shutting themselves down they're

[heweymedia]: eating like ship their i knew the
suicide rate was through the roof so so

[heweymedia]: that probably that definitely increased during this
also just the boosties i mean just the

[heweymedia]: amount of people that complied with that
and um took this poison i mean that's

[heweymedia]: what it is it's poison

[jonathan_kogan]: and if we don't want to even
go that far we could say it's experimental

[jonathan_kogan]: because

[heweymedia]: m

[jonathan_kogan]: it is experimental

[heweymedia]: yeah well it's definitely experimental but it's
i mean i know they're never going

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: to admit it at least not right
now but it's poison i would put my

[heweymedia]: money call it wat you

[jonathan_kogan]: the

[heweymedia]: want

[jonathan_kogan]: sad

[heweymedia]: to call

[jonathan_kogan]: part

[heweymedia]: it

[jonathan_kogan]: is the sad part

[heweymedia]: a

[jonathan_kogan]: is that the evil doesn't care about
following the rules so they're ust gonna roll

[jonathan_kogan]: in everything and then the good people

[heweymedia]: he

[jonathan_kogan]: to go through

[heweymedia]: you

[jonathan_kogan]: ll the work to prove to get
it stopped they don't

[heweymedia]: oh

[jonathan_kogan]: have to prove that it works to
get it rolled out we have to go

[jonathan_kogan]: though the

[heweymedia]: okay

[jonathan_kogan]: work of proving the studies to stop
it that's how backwards this all is right

[heweymedia]: yeah but just enough should be the
fact that there's people that going on camera

[heweymedia]: saying like i got my third and
then a few weeks later just tested positive

[heweymedia]: verona and like it's just like

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: that

[jonathan_kogan]: it's the craziest thing ever

[heweymedia]: and people

[jonathan_kogan]: it's like everybody

[heweymedia]: yeah and

[jonathan_kogan]: what about the body builder you see
the body builder who just died

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: and he wrote that post

[heweymedia]: yeah and

[jonathan_kogan]: he said he said something along the
lines like

[heweymedia]: right

[jonathan_kogan]: okay all you fear mongers i did
my research and i realized i should get

[jonathan_kogan]: it use me as an example

[heweymedia]: oh

[jonathan_kogan]: if i die then you were right

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: if i am fine then something like
admit to the world that you're wrong or

[jonathan_kogan]: at least to yourself and you're coward
all this stuffhe's dead

[heweymedia]: yeah but

[jonathan_kogan]: why explain this to me this is
a real question and we'll end soon which

[jonathan_kogan]: is why

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: this is so bizarre why are parents
parents who are losing children from either sads

[jonathan_kogan]: died suddenly or like a heart attack
which is unusual for kids it seems like

[heweymedia]: to

[jonathan_kogan]: that

[heweymedia]: go

[jonathan_kogan]: those parents

[heweymedia]: part

[jonathan_kogan]: can make they

[heweymedia]: they can

[jonathan_kogan]: can make massive

[heweymedia]: as

[jonathan_kogan]: change the world

[heweymedia]: world

[jonathan_kogan]: by telling the

[heweymedia]: he

[jonathan_kogan]: world what the cause was by an
autopsy with ryan cole or somethin like that

[jonathan_kogan]: and

[heweymedia]: he

[jonathan_kogan]: use that as an example and the
whole damn will break

[heweymedia]: rang

[jonathan_kogan]: in like a day literally that would
be like an overnight

[heweymedia]: it

[jonathan_kogan]: dam break but they're

[heweymedia]: no

[jonathan_kogan]: not leveraging their like the

[heweymedia]: see

[jonathan_kogan]: congressman

[heweymedia]: but

[jonathan_kogan]: who lost a seventeen year old why
are they not leveraging their own children's life

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: to find out the cause of death

[heweymedia]: i think it's i think it's a
mixture think the answer is a mixture of

[heweymedia]: things the first thing is i think
that again the evil people control big tech

[heweymedia]: like like these

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: platforms control

[jonathan_kogan]: h

[heweymedia]: big texa so they

[jonathan_kogan]: it's

[heweymedia]: don't

[jonathan_kogan]: not that

[heweymedia]: let those

[jonathan_kogan]: they're not letting out information is that
these people aren't even looking for the information

[jonathan_kogan]: as they're being contacted by people now
becase there's so many true teller like we're

[jonathan_kogan]: not looking into it or i can't
talk about it

[heweymedia]: so some people but there's also people
that you could find that are like saying

[heweymedia]: that they realized that they were duped

[jonathan_kogan]: there are

[heweymedia]: and

[jonathan_kogan]: you need some one famous you need
some one famous though you need like ye

[jonathan_kogan]: which ye by the way yes he's

[heweymedia]: yes

[jonathan_kogan]: some crazy stuff but there and there
i think he's making some sense and i'm

[jonathan_kogan]: jewish but whatever he he by the
way the thing you post about garyvee makes

[jonathan_kogan]: me really sad because he's one of

[heweymedia]: m

[jonathan_kogan]: he was probably my original inspiration to
make me create content like changed

[heweymedia]: same

[jonathan_kogan]: my whole life like

[heweymedia]: same

[jonathan_kogan]: in seven like just the man i've
never seen those tweeds before till today so

[jonathan_kogan]: you really broke my heart

[heweymedia]: oh

[jonathan_kogan]: you you broke my heart like literally
by posting that i wish i never knew

[jonathan_kogan]: i can't even believe he posted that
which is wild

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: when when was the one tweet from
by the way i didn't have the date

[jonathan_kogan]: which was which was the one that
you showed i'm sorry i'm getting off topic

[jonathan_kogan]: here

[heweymedia]: no no

[jonathan_kogan]: but anyways yea yea is yea is

[heweymedia]: you

[jonathan_kogan]: got

[heweymedia]: have

[jonathan_kogan]: the

[heweymedia]: the point

[jonathan_kogan]: point where

[heweymedia]: work

[jonathan_kogan]: calhe's a billionare that's unbelievable i didn't

[heweymedia]: no

[jonathan_kogan]: know he made that much money off
fashion but that's wild and he's clearly

[heweymedia]: you

[jonathan_kogan]: a genius okay controversial but he's a
genius and

[heweymedia]: and

[jonathan_kogan]: i

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: think he knows exactly what he's talking
about and i think he's probably right i

[jonathan_kogan]: have to

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: say i i don't think he's that
crazy i just don't think you allowed to

[jonathan_kogan]: say that i would love to ee
him on a debate stage with ben ship

[jonathan_kogan]: here i think that'd be awesome

[heweymedia]: but

[jonathan_kogan]: i think i'd be

[heweymedia]: benchapirois

[jonathan_kogan]: fireworks because ben's

[heweymedia]: a

[jonathan_kogan]: good

[heweymedia]: pup

[jonathan_kogan]: at arguing that side

[heweymedia]: he

[jonathan_kogan]: though

[heweymedia]: is but he's a pup at i
don't like benchapiro

[jonathan_kogan]: fine but but he isn't he's smart
though and i'd

[heweymedia]: yes

[jonathan_kogan]: love to

[heweymedia]: smart

[jonathan_kogan]: hear and he knows more about judiism
and that stuff i'd just like to hear

[jonathan_kogan]: what he's pretty good with those interactions
and i think ye is extremely good to

[jonathan_kogan]: i think would be fireworks think old
be really

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: really enter thing though

[heweymedia]: yeah i do too it just here's
my thing is like i just completely believe

[heweymedia]: in free speech and even though i'm

[jonathan_kogan]: obsessively

[heweymedia]: i just believe that even if someone
wants to freaking you know call me whatever

[heweymedia]: call me the key word call me
even post as asuastica on their story

[jonathan_kogan]: that's kike

[heweymedia]: yeah but even if they want to
do that i just think the problem

[jonathan_kogan]: or or turn you off

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: and not listen to you five

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: years ago if you asked anybody this
question the united sates of america they would

[jonathan_kogan]: say of course everything could be said
veythingudbe said this is a new phenomenon sip

[jonathan_kogan]: programming

[heweymedia]: i mean

[jonathan_kogan]: unbelievable programming at the most fascinating levels
i've ever seen in my life

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: which is people don't understand

[heweymedia]: here

[jonathan_kogan]: i have

[heweymedia]: never

[jonathan_kogan]: never ever

[heweymedia]: in

[jonathan_kogan]: in

[heweymedia]: my

[jonathan_kogan]: my

[heweymedia]: life

[jonathan_kogan]: life had so much respect for the
founding fathers in the constitution they were g

[jonathan_kogan]: it says it was the greatest start
up of all time they create they are

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: can't listen i took it for granted
i am not a patriot originally and all

[jonathan_kogan]: this stuff like i didn't really care
i thought this was just the way life

[jonathan_kogan]: it was easy and like those people

[heweymedia]: man

[jonathan_kogan]: man

[heweymedia]: that

[jonathan_kogan]: that constitution is genius they put freedom
of speech first for a reason that

[heweymedia]: never

[jonathan_kogan]: never

[heweymedia]: happened

[jonathan_kogan]: happened

[heweymedia]: before

[jonathan_kogan]: before peasants never ever ever had freedom
speech and

[heweymedia]: never

[jonathan_kogan]: never had the freedom we had while
the privileges we used to have but

[heweymedia]: ye

[jonathan_kogan]: never had that for a reason because
of freedom of speech people do understand that

[jonathan_kogan]: when they censor you know eventually the
person who is cheering for sense ship they

[heweymedia]: no

[jonathan_kogan]: will eventually censure you because it will
get through everybody it doesn't starts with alex

[jonathan_kogan]: jones

[heweymedia]: o

[jonathan_kogan]: and it it ends

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: with like stars alex jones and it
ends with you that's what i say

[heweymedia]: it's whatever is convenient for the elite
at that time you know

[jonathan_kogan]: it's not right or left they

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: will censor until there's no one left
but them like you start

[heweymedia]: ye

[jonathan_kogan]: with alex jones and then you get
to dr peter miccola

[heweymedia]: well

[jonathan_kogan]: the most published cardiologist in the history
of his field are you joking

[heweymedia]: yeah it's just people don't realize there
i said earlier like people don't realize they're

[heweymedia]: literally cheering on their enslavement whether they
realize that or not

[jonathan_kogan]: it's total slavery

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: it's one honubersde

[heweymedia]: but

[jonathan_kogan]: you got to use the words directly
like the one thing yea is doing he's

[jonathan_kogan]: just saying that's how you have to
talk about the stuff

[heweymedia]: now

[jonathan_kogan]: now it's you can't sugar code it
didn't work this is slavery this is

[heweymedia]: modern

[jonathan_kogan]: modern date ownership this isn't about

[heweymedia]: a

[jonathan_kogan]: race this isn't about anything this is
about you being a non elite period

[heweymedia]: yeah it's the it's the everyday

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: people that want freedom

[jonathan_kogan]: yes

[heweymedia]: versus the corrupt umglobalist that want to
control the world that's it's what it

[jonathan_kogan]: here's

[heweymedia]: is

[jonathan_kogan]: what i'm really worried about too and
what do you think about this and what's

[jonathan_kogan]: going to happen can you see my
screen weird website but whatever

[heweymedia]: bill gates predicts hung election in civil
war in america

[jonathan_kogan]: hung election means there's

[heweymedia]: ye

[jonathan_kogan]: no winner for the mid terms

[heweymedia]: um

[jonathan_kogan]: i've never heard that term before by
the way i'm hearing all these new terms

[jonathan_kogan]: all of a sudden

[heweymedia]: yeah so i think that you know
these people have the money and power to

[heweymedia]: make the future so if he's saying

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: i would

[jonathan_kogan]: what's going to happen in the mid
terms that

[heweymedia]: one

[jonathan_kogan]: is it

[heweymedia]: base

[jonathan_kogan]: gonna be a martial law is it
gonna be a fixed like what's going to

[jonathan_kogan]: happen

[heweymedia]: we'll probably

[jonathan_kogan]: here

[heweymedia]: manufacture some ship i mean yeah i
mean nothing would surprise me if these these

[heweymedia]: are the people and that's what i
want people to realize like there's this quote

[heweymedia]: it's like um if you i'm sure
you heard it like if you ut like

[heweymedia]: red ants and another ants in a
jar and you shake it they fight but

[heweymedia]: like you shouldn't be asking like why
they're fighting you should be asking who's shaking

[heweymedia]: the jar

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: did you ever hear that

[jonathan_kogan]: no but that's

[heweymedia]: but

[jonathan_kogan]: exactly relevant

[heweymedia]: but that's kind of what it is
it's just like there's people

[jonathan_kogan]: for sure

[heweymedia]: like like this

[jonathan_kogan]: ye

[heweymedia]: isn't just happening like the they're the
ones manipulating this

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: this civil war like like yeah the
puppet masters are the ones

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: basically getting people so extreme and getting
people so mad at this side this side

[heweymedia]: that it's like the this is all
engineered like

[jonathan_kogan]: of course

[heweymedia]: every

[jonathan_kogan]: it is

[heweymedia]: part of it is engineered

[jonathan_kogan]: the good thing is you know listen
these might be control opposite i'm not going

[jonathan_kogan]: that far i'm kind of talking to
people who are kind of getting over the

[jonathan_kogan]: edge which is like a good thing
we're saying this is not a right verse

[jonathan_kogan]: left this is not republican democrat herein
the us because happening everywhere but a good

[jonathan_kogan]: example to prove

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: that and say what you want about
these people but one ran

[heweymedia]: a

[jonathan_kogan]: for the democratic president in tween twenty
and one is a republican which by the

[jonathan_kogan]: way i love they use free fair
elections election deny or do people for get

[jonathan_kogan]: when you watch the twenty six team
like what twenty six teen election

[heweymedia]: now

[jonathan_kogan]: now

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: it's election den it's so bizarre it's
weird but you got carie lake who is

[jonathan_kogan]: absolutely awesome on camera she's awesome she
had a great clip today she shut down

[jonathan_kogan]: some

[heweymedia]: journals

[jonathan_kogan]: journalists from australia do you see that

[heweymedia]: i think i did

[jonathan_kogan]: it was wild but you got tolsigabbert
opening up for

[heweymedia]: her

[jonathan_kogan]: her because they're both strong independent women
and they both are strong independent women but

[jonathan_kogan]: once republican one is democrat i know
people got smethigto

[heweymedia]: so

[jonathan_kogan]: say but like they are but they're
the same party now because it's populism of

[jonathan_kogan]: people who care about like freedom and
freedom of speech and being left alone

[heweymedia]: oh

[jonathan_kogan]: and then it's a thortrtotalitarian those are

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: the two par so talitarian and freedom

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: in my opinion

[heweymedia]: the thing and again like i like
tulse gabbard like at least what she says

[heweymedia]: but

[jonathan_kogan]: i think she's helping

[heweymedia]: she there is some questionable ship on
her she was in like

[jonathan_kogan]: fine

[heweymedia]: the world economic forum tached to that
too like it's just like

[jonathan_kogan]: i know i know she we could
still use her at this point in time

[jonathan_kogan]: to wake people up i don't care

[heweymedia]: in

[jonathan_kogan]: when we get to that

[heweymedia]: a

[jonathan_kogan]: bridge

[heweymedia]: and

[jonathan_kogan]: then

[heweymedia]: we

[jonathan_kogan]: we can step in because then they'll

[heweymedia]: are

[jonathan_kogan]: start expanding and listen to a like
she will open up a vest of so

[heweymedia]: many

[jonathan_kogan]: many

[heweymedia]: other

[jonathan_kogan]: other

[heweymedia]: people

[jonathan_kogan]: people

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: like you just gotta some people are

[heweymedia]: one

[jonathan_kogan]: one sided if you just break open
that vessel so they then they're like oh

[jonathan_kogan]: what about him what about her what
about him and then they can choose from

[jonathan_kogan]: the fur range

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: of people

[heweymedia]: yeah it's just like my whole thing
is don't get married to people get married

[heweymedia]: to ideas

[jonathan_kogan]: that's the

[heweymedia]: you know like

[jonathan_kogan]: exactly

[heweymedia]: like like and if someone is saying
a good idea whether i like them or

[heweymedia]: not i'm goin i'm going to share
them and promote what they said you know

[heweymedia]: like so on both sides like like
if joe bidin does something i

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: like i'll

[jonathan_kogan]: exactly

[heweymedia]: give him his credit like like

[jonathan_kogan]: of course

[heweymedia]: he did something with mariana he

[jonathan_kogan]: zero people got out though did you
know that now what happened here

[heweymedia]: no

[jonathan_kogan]: so so so he ruled that

[heweymedia]: did

[jonathan_kogan]: if

[heweymedia]: he

[jonathan_kogan]: you

[heweymedia]: have

[jonathan_kogan]: have

[heweymedia]: a

[jonathan_kogan]: a

[heweymedia]: man

[jonathan_kogan]: mariana offense

[heweymedia]: face

[jonathan_kogan]: you he will let all the federal
prisoners out of jail with mariana offenses guess

[jonathan_kogan]: how many people are in federal jail
or federal prisons for for just marian

[heweymedia]: on

[jonathan_kogan]: offenses zero

[heweymedia]: well

[jonathan_kogan]: so

[heweymedia]: you

[jonathan_kogan]: zero

[heweymedia]: know

[jonathan_kogan]: people were let out so he's calling
on governors to be like let him

[heweymedia]: no

[jonathan_kogan]: out because everybody has two charges who
are in a fit

[heweymedia]: deal

[jonathan_kogan]: a prison

[heweymedia]: wow

[jonathan_kogan]: so technically from his order zero

[heweymedia]: no

[jonathan_kogan]: and a few people have covered on
the internet which makes me is that wild

[heweymedia]: so so they doped us with that
it was just like

[jonathan_kogan]: yes

[heweymedia]: a

[jonathan_kogan]: you didn't know that

[heweymedia]: i'm not

[jonathan_kogan]: i'm shocked

[heweymedia]: i'm not surprised i mean i just

[jonathan_kogan]: how funny is that

[heweymedia]: yeah i mean at the

[jonathan_kogan]: everyone

[heweymedia]: same

[jonathan_kogan]: loved it was fraud

[heweymedia]: yeah but at the same

[jonathan_kogan]: yes

[heweymedia]: time i do think that like there's

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: on the right too that i'll say
like like that that's one that i think

[heweymedia]: that like people should be on board
with like no one should like if you're

[heweymedia]: just freaking smoking weed like you shouldn't
have like a whole record for

[jonathan_kogan]: i think most people agree with that
by now at least in the u s

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: obviously

[heweymedia]: but

[jonathan_kogan]: i mean obviously like listen well let's
just debate those issues like that's fine but

[jonathan_kogan]: we're talking

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: about like can we speak on

[heweymedia]: okay

[jonathan_kogan]: youtube or not speak

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: like the bigger things to play here

[heweymedia]: for sure yeah yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: let

[heweymedia]: that's

[jonathan_kogan]: those people out god

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: bless

[heweymedia]: yeah i agree but yeah i agree
there's much bigger fish to fry than than

[heweymedia]: mariana

[jonathan_kogan]: i

[heweymedia]: right

[jonathan_kogan]: mean you

[heweymedia]: now

[jonathan_kogan]: got people that are like running for
office that are clearly controled that don't like

[jonathan_kogan]: fetterman like you

[heweymedia]: you

[jonathan_kogan]: can't

[heweymedia]: can't

[jonathan_kogan]: even

[heweymedia]: even speak

[jonathan_kogan]: speak

[heweymedia]: yeah he literally can't speak

[jonathan_kogan]: it's bizarre

[heweymedia]: oh

[jonathan_kogan]: he goes and the eagles are better
than the eagle

[heweymedia]: i saw

[jonathan_kogan]: and

[heweymedia]: that

[jonathan_kogan]: then you har a guy glew

[heweymedia]: yeah yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: like what

[heweymedia]: yeah well he's literally he has like
a audio

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: you saw that like an audio

[jonathan_kogan]: well he

[heweymedia]: assistant

[jonathan_kogan]: can't

[heweymedia]: because of

[jonathan_kogan]: and

[heweymedia]: its show

[jonathan_kogan]: and god

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: her example of m m b c
telling the truth she told the truth she

[jonathan_kogan]: said before we started

[heweymedia]: you

[jonathan_kogan]: he

[heweymedia]: could

[jonathan_kogan]: couldn't really

[heweymedia]: undestand

[jonathan_kogan]: understand language and we couldn't talk

[heweymedia]: yeah and

[jonathan_kogan]: and then they just smeared this woman
who was an nsmbcreporter who i couldn't believe

[jonathan_kogan]: told the truth because that's totally captured

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: but she told the truth and they

[heweymedia]: a

[jonathan_kogan]: smeared and she's like he didn't and
then she's like oh no everybody uses computer

[jonathan_kogan]: systems what do you do in the

[heweymedia]: it

[jonathan_kogan]: you listen and you speak you don't
do anything else he can't do either

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: he's got a big thing right here
it's very very big it's

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: very big

[heweymedia]: i saw that

[jonathan_kogan]: in a recent his most recent twitter
thing he had it was a clear picture

[jonathan_kogan]: of it i mean it's he has
alfermiga whatever it's called where you don't stop

[jonathan_kogan]: growing

[heweymedia]: on

[jonathan_kogan]: like

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: andre the giant had it

[heweymedia]: jes

[jonathan_kogan]: like you get

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: really really big that's not what this
is by the way why did he have

[jonathan_kogan]: a stroke i have theories but i
don't know

[heweymedia]: yeah would surprise me if he he's
a promoter of the bootes

[jonathan_kogan]: of

[heweymedia]: as

[jonathan_kogan]: course

[heweymedia]: well all

[jonathan_kogan]: but

[heweymedia]: are

[jonathan_kogan]: it's just it's crazy so let

[heweymedia]: that

[jonathan_kogan]: me ask one more thing in the
one on this who as of right now

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: in this point in time who do

[heweymedia]: you

[jonathan_kogan]: you trust like who will you get

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: who will you listen to for legit
information name a few

[heweymedia]: um like in terms of like politicians
or social media accounts like just

[jonathan_kogan]: oh anything wherever you get

[heweymedia]: oh

[jonathan_kogan]: your information just because information warfare like

[heweymedia]: ah

[jonathan_kogan]: things that you would say are reliable
right now for the most part at least

[jonathan_kogan]: to listen to

[heweymedia]: so i like anomaly anomaly

[jonathan_kogan]: i

[heweymedia]: dreamer

[jonathan_kogan]: was

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: just said that i was just about

[heweymedia]: a

[jonathan_kogan]: ask you do you now anomaly that's
so funny okay so anomaly yep

[heweymedia]: so he's he's one that that i
like that he calls it fair

[jonathan_kogan]: he's good

[heweymedia]: he calls it fair on both sides

[jonathan_kogan]: i think the three of us have
a very similar view on all things in

[jonathan_kogan]: my

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: opinion it's so funny i was just
going to ask you o no anomaly

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: it's

[heweymedia]: like

[jonathan_kogan]: wow

[heweymedia]: i would

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: say i like ran paul and thomas
massey like they're both

[jonathan_kogan]: is he from kentucky thomas massey

[heweymedia]: i believe so

[jonathan_kogan]: he's been tweeting out some real stuff

[heweymedia]: he even called out trump when trump
signed off on printing out trillions like he

[heweymedia]: was one of the

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: only

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: republicans to actually say like no like
this is really stupid to print out trillions

[jonathan_kogan]: people

[heweymedia]: of dollars

[jonathan_kogan]: have to know trump went over budget
he made our budget bigger too like that's

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: bad we're agreeing that both sides do

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: like they're both bad

[heweymedia]: exactly but

[jonathan_kogan]: he is good and rand paul i
think is pretty good too he's very good

[jonathan_kogan]: at least

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: with fouche

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: such a clown

[heweymedia]: just just people that call out the
bullshit and it's just like so it just

[heweymedia]: anyone that doesn't you know

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[heweymedia]: uh sign a way to send billions
to ukraine doesn't sign away

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: for children

[jonathan_kogan]: don't

[heweymedia]: to

[jonathan_kogan]: ask

[heweymedia]: get

[jonathan_kogan]: questions

[heweymedia]: yeah it just don't don't ton ucraneis
great even though they were covered as one

[heweymedia]: of the most corrupt places in the
in the world

[jonathan_kogan]: the most corrupt

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: in europe they were

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: if you see the before headlines and
then after

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: headlines the media it's like

[heweymedia]: but

[jonathan_kogan]: cloud world which is one of the
best twitter accounts

[heweymedia]: but now we're there to protect their
democracy like

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: as if they have a democracy when

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: banning opposition parties when they're banding opposition

[jonathan_kogan]: media

[heweymedia]: media it's just it blows

[jonathan_kogan]: you ever

[heweymedia]: my

[jonathan_kogan]: remember

[heweymedia]: mind

[jonathan_kogan]: like ten years ago in like any
pot political race people are going like we

[jonathan_kogan]: need defend

[heweymedia]: demo

[jonathan_kogan]: democracy to me that sounds like such
a ridiculous like how are you

[heweymedia]: on

[jonathan_kogan]: going to defend democracy to me that's
all such an outrageous question like

[heweymedia]: well

[jonathan_kogan]: what what

[heweymedia]: what

[jonathan_kogan]: are you talking about

[heweymedia]: what i hear now all i hear
when people say defend democracy i just basically

[heweymedia]: hear we got to protect communism

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah yeah

[heweymedia]: that

[jonathan_kogan]: it's

[heweymedia]: how

[jonathan_kogan]: what

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: it's

[heweymedia]: see it today it's just it's the
opposite of democracy now because

[jonathan_kogan]: it's the opposite

[heweymedia]: yeah it's yeah so

[jonathan_kogan]: why are like the why are like

[heweymedia]: politics

[jonathan_kogan]: politicians in america

[heweymedia]: going

[jonathan_kogan]: going

[heweymedia]: along

[jonathan_kogan]: along with it cause they're not gonna
e on the winning team they're puppets clearly

[jonathan_kogan]: their low level ike senators and when
not are they i can't understand

[heweymedia]: money

[jonathan_kogan]: like they have children

[heweymedia]: yeah but they're just different

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: power like they're not going to have
to deal with the consequences

[jonathan_kogan]: just have to say that to be
elected or something

[heweymedia]: uh

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: just it's just the way it is
like they don't have to

[jonathan_kogan]: there

[heweymedia]: suffer

[jonathan_kogan]: won't be a senate after there's communism
they're gone or if they're there their own

[jonathan_kogan]: by clause

[heweymedia]: um

[jonathan_kogan]: or gates like

[heweymedia]: m some

[jonathan_kogan]: it's over

[heweymedia]: someone's cutting them a check somewhere i
would bet you know i don't think they're

[heweymedia]: just

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: stupid i thought i give them i

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: believe that they're just evil and just
willing to sell out the country for for

[heweymedia]: money unfortunately

[jonathan_kogan]: they have kids that's what i don't

[heweymedia]: heir kids will be set for life

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: i find that hard to believe especially
the dollar goes

[heweymedia]: but i'm sure i'm sure they have

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: the ins and outs of what to
invest in you know when ship hits the

[heweymedia]: fan and they know what's stock's going
to prop up what's going to plump

[jonathan_kogan]: wait

[heweymedia]: it

[jonathan_kogan]: are you saying there's corruption or inside
or trading are you that much of a

[jonathan_kogan]: conspiracy there

[heweymedia]: oh no never

[jonathan_kogan]: okay

[heweymedia]: they would never do such a thing
i think they're

[jonathan_kogan]: okay we

[heweymedia]: they're batting a thousand

[jonathan_kogan]: who's the best stock trader in the

[heweymedia]: oh

[jonathan_kogan]: history of the world

[heweymedia]: nancy is up there i know nancy

[jonathan_kogan]: nancy palos

[heweymedia]: but there's

[jonathan_kogan]: and she only

[heweymedia]: actually

[jonathan_kogan]: does it part time

[heweymedia]: there's actually a guy republican that doesn't
get as nearly as much credit but he

[heweymedia]: actually has a better

[jonathan_kogan]: oh god

[heweymedia]: stock performance

[jonathan_kogan]: the

[heweymedia]: in

[jonathan_kogan]: guy

[heweymedia]: her

[jonathan_kogan]: who had the exchange with the big

[heweymedia]: i forget his name but i know
that there there's they're all freaking

[jonathan_kogan]: both sides

[heweymedia]: they're both

[jonathan_kogan]: they're

[heweymedia]: playing

[jonathan_kogan]: on the

[heweymedia]: the bullshit

[jonathan_kogan]: they're

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: on the it's different management teams for
the same corporation that's

[heweymedia]: yep

[jonathan_kogan]: what's going on here people

[heweymedia]: exactly it's it's uh there's sell out
on both sides and that's what i want

[heweymedia]: people to realize it's like i'm not
just someone that's gonna dick ride the g

[heweymedia]: o p you know like it's just

[jonathan_kogan]: right

[heweymedia]: people got to realize

[jonathan_kogan]: right

[heweymedia]: that they're both fucking corrupt i'll say

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[heweymedia]: they're both corrupt but it's like but
one when it comes to freedom and liberties

[heweymedia]: and in not

[jonathan_kogan]: ah

[heweymedia]: pushing poison to the people i think
there is a better choice so

[jonathan_kogan]: it seems like more so it's the
populist republic is not like the mcconnals that

[jonathan_kogan]: seems more like like i think like
george bush and bob

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: are on the same team and like
trump was like on a different team sort

[jonathan_kogan]: of is that kind of corrector now

[heweymedia]: yeah but trump i actually

[jonathan_kogan]: he might ave got captured

[heweymedia]: yeah trump i lost a lot of
respect for even trump when he started pushing

[jonathan_kogan]: to

[heweymedia]: bullshit you know he started pushing

[jonathan_kogan]: shocked

[heweymedia]: it hard and then uh yeah it's

[jonathan_kogan]: he didn't do mandates he didn't do
mandates though which was but yeah

[heweymedia]: he didn't but he passed like he
didn't he also didn't fight hard for it

[heweymedia]: he just said well

[jonathan_kogan]: he didn't

[heweymedia]: the reason people don't want to take
it is because they don't trust bide and

[heweymedia]: it's like no it doesn't have anything
to do with iden it's just no one

[heweymedia]: wants

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[heweymedia]: that garbage warp speed bullshit

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: that was passed and has zero liability
you know it's just yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: tomorrow

[heweymedia]: yeah yeah but

[jonathan_kogan]: crazy

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: where where can people find you on
social media

[heweymedia]: m

[jonathan_kogan]: or wherever

[heweymedia]: so he media on instagram my t
v told me podcast i need to do

[heweymedia]: an it's been like a little over
a week since my last podcast but my

[jonathan_kogan]: fucking

[heweymedia]: t v

[jonathan_kogan]: do it

[heweymedia]: yeah my t v told me on
pretty much anywhere you can find a podcast

[heweymedia]: spotify um rumble and an apple you
can find me there

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: my t v told me and uh
s m r for sheep was my tik

[heweymedia]: tok name but they took that

[jonathan_kogan]: m

[heweymedia]: down so

[jonathan_kogan]: permanently

[heweymedia]: my eleventh account too like like

[jonathan_kogan]: uh

[heweymedia]: they love literally my eleventh account

[jonathan_kogan]: h

[heweymedia]: so i did appeal it so we'll
see if

[jonathan_kogan]: yeah

[heweymedia]: if that has

[jonathan_kogan]: oh

[heweymedia]: any luck with that but yeah thirty
five thousand five we're just down the drain

[jonathan_kogan]: whoa

[heweymedia]: yeah dude they yeah i mean this
isn't even the first time they did that

[heweymedia]: so it's

[jonathan_kogan]: well

[heweymedia]: liveallly the eleventh time

[jonathan_kogan]: the

[heweymedia]: it

[jonathan_kogan]: and

[heweymedia]: gets

[jonathan_kogan]: they're they're good to on thing i
have with tiktok i stopped using it because

[jonathan_kogan]: i got a strike i'm like im
gonna get band so thed i didn't use

[jonathan_kogan]: it for two months

[heweymedia]: a

[jonathan_kogan]: and after sixty days

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: of my other post they took down
s from like nine months earlier out of

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: nowhere and what

[heweymedia]: you

[jonathan_kogan]: was

[heweymedia]: got

[jonathan_kogan]: that post about it was about a
famine coming a famine

[heweymedia]: m

[jonathan_kogan]: really weird that's all i'm saying august

[heweymedia]: that probably means that there's some ship
coming if they're taking

[jonathan_kogan]: probably

[heweymedia]: that stuff down but

[jonathan_kogan]: start growing your own food all

[heweymedia]: yeah

[jonathan_kogan]: right hue media i appreciate it stay

[heweymedia]: i

[jonathan_kogan]: on for a second til this thing
loads to a hundred and then you can

[jonathan_kogan]: ex off but

[heweymedia]: m

[jonathan_kogan]: i'll end it now thanks man appreciate

[heweymedia]: no problem thanks for having me on

[jonathan_kogan]: check them out definitely on instagram all
right piece