Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Tuesday, July 23rd, 2024 / Our daughter HATES Josh’s slippers, Chantel has lowercase toes, it’s our 19th wedding anniversary, Emery’s friend thinks Chantel’s name is Shauna, we take a trip to the laundromat, Josh thinks Chantel dances like Post Malone, and our neighbor thinks he’s Billy Idol and we’re not mad about it!

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Wake up with Josh & Chantel every weekday from 6a-10a on Classy 97! Missed the show or want to revisit your favorite moments from the show, enjoy Wake Up Classy 97 - The Podcast!

It's Josh and Chantel, and this is wake up classy 97, the podcast, a replay of today's full show. It's Tuesday, July 23rd. On today's show, our daughter hates Josh's slippers. No offense. I have a lowercase toes.

It's our 19th wedding anniversary. Emery's friend thinks my name is Shonna. We take a trip to the laundromat. Josh thinks I dance like Post Malone, and our neighbor thinks he's Billy Idol, and we're not mad about it. Thanks for listening.

You can hear the show live weekday mornings from 6 to 10. It's wake up classy 97, the podcast. Enjoy today's show. Classy 97. It's Josh and Chantel.

Oh, hey. What's up? Oh, hey. Good morning. Oh, hey.

It is, just after 6 o'clock. It's Tuesday. It's July 23rd. Today is sprinkle day. Sprinkle?

Yeah. The little sprinkles. The little candies you put on top of, baked goods. In England, those are called tens of thousands. Tens and thousands or tens of?

Tens and? I don't know. I can't remember. Live there, so I'm gonna call them sprinkles. Okay.

They add a little color, a little festivity to a Hundreds and thousands? Oh, I totally To a delicious little pastry, A cupcake? A doughnut? See A birthday cake? I'm prone to go for the one without the sprinkles.

I don't like sprinkles. Would you add it to something, like oatmeal? No. You wouldn't? Mm-mm.

I don't. Sweeten up your oatmeal? No. I don't. Give it a little crunch?

That's the part I don't like. I don't like the crunchiness of them. Interesting. It's peanut butter and chocolate day. Oh.

I don't like Reese's peanut butter cups. Because they're sweaty. Because their peanut butter is sweaty. That is correct. It is national vanilla ice cream day.

So if you like the sweets, today is a day for you. It is. It's also, get this, national gorgeous grandma day. Hey. Gorgeous grandmas.

I see you. Yeah. You know, you strut your stuff today. Gorgeous grandmas, you strut it. You work it.

There's also international yada yada yada day. Yada yada yada, which is the old way of saying blah blah blah. That's it. That's all. Those are the days?

That's it. That's the whole thing. Okay. That's what's going on today. Oh, okay.

Happy Tuesday. Mhmm. And good morning. Good morning. It's Josh and Chantel.

Excuse me. Going to take the dog out last night? As I was going to take the dog out. Oh Yeah. When when you and Emery decided that, I was going to be the one to go take the dog out because you both said not it.

Oh, Yeah. Is that what you mean? Yep. And so I stood up from the same couch we were all sitting on enjoying the evening. That's how it works.

Oh, okay. So the dog needs to go outside. Not it. Emery said not it. Yeah.

You lose. Well, the dog should do it herself. Well, she should. But, also, your dog Okay. You're the one that wanted the dog.

Enough about that. Alright. You get your slippers on. Yeah. And Emery says, not those.

Don't put those on. Yeah. I know. Why why doesn't she like my slippers? And she said, your slippers suck.

No offense. Yeah. No offense. No offense. No offense.

You have ugly slippers. No offense. What? I don't think she understands how no offense works. Or maybe she does.

Maybe she does. I think they're cool slippers. No. You don't. I didn't at first, but they've grown on me.

I think they're cool now. Are you sure? I'm positive. I think they're really cool now. Really cool?

Yeah. You're so cool. I feel like you're trying to butter me up. No. I'm not.

I think they're cool. I promise you. I'm not no cap. What? I think they're cool.

What? No. I do. I do. I really do.

Emery does not like them, but that's okay because she has her own personal style, and it does not include anything that you or I wear. And that's fine because we're old, and that's okay too. What? Wait. No offense.

Oh, okay. There. That now it's okay. Hey. You told me the other day that I have what you call lowercase toes.

Yeah. I heard about this on the Internet, and it it's because you have little tiny toes. They're just short. They're just squatty. And to be fair, I had to pull up the the online thing I saw Okay.

Because I wanted to see this guy this is this is a guy, and this is probably photoshopped, I would think. But it says that it looks like your toes are in lowercase, and his are much, much smaller than yours. Much smaller than yours. Okay. But it's just, they're just little.

That's all. That's it? That's all. It's just small. Called lowercase toes because they're little?

Just because they're yeah. They're not in all caps. Not like, normally you know how sentence works where you'd have a capital letter followed by Yeah. I know. I have some lowercase letters.

I know. They're just all lowercase. No. I have a there's a big one. It's big.

It's like a a lowercase p and then a bunch of e's. Oh. And then maybe kinda like a little I at the end. That's what it you see what I'm saying? I see what you're saying.

My poor little piggies. Right. There's 5 of them. Right? Yeah.

So you got that lowercase p, and then you got, like, a I and 2 g's and then that other I down there at the end, piggy. Pay piggy? Piggy. It's not a y? Why isn't it a y?

Yeah. It could be a y. Just a little it's just a little one. Mhmm. That my pinky toe is definitely the it's so small.

It doesn't even it's a joke. It is a joke. Like, a lot of people are like, if you had to lose one toe, which one would you lose? You practically don't even have a 5th one. Yeah.

I do. Aw. No offense. No. Listen.

The toenail on my picky toe is so little that Listen. You can't even call it that. No. I know. When I when I have to paint it Uh-huh.

With toenail polish or fingernail polish on my toes, it it's it takes nothing. It's like one swipe, and it's done. Half a swipe, probably. You should just color it with a marker. Like, you could just that's it.

That'll that'll do. There it is. You could draw a bigger one. It also I could draw a bigger one. It also, though, like, it doesn't it's not independent.

My little lowercase toes are it's they're all one toe. Yeah. They don't move independently of one another. Can you can you do that thing where you spread them out? I just tried.

It's really hard. And does that one do its thing? The piggy? Why do you call it that? The pinky one.

The last one. The pinky one? Yeah. It does. It stretches itself out.

Good. Oh, man. I this is who I am. I can't change those. No.

So deal with it, I guess. I'm dealt. I've been dealt for a long time. I have no no issues. I'm like, put those away.

I don't need to see that. That's what I'm I'm saying. I don't do that. Oh, you don't do that. Right.

Alright. Oh, yeah. Except when they're cold. No. Yeah.

Then keep them to yourself. I don't want anything to do with that. That's not nice. No. You can put on a sock or something.

I usually do. Go stand on the heater vent. I usually do, Josh. You stand on the heater vent? No.

Go stand in the corner on the heater vent with socks on. Yeah. I do. Freezing to death while you're over there toasty warm. Yeah.

Not freezing to death because of your cold feet, your little tiny toes. You promised Little ice cubes. You promised that it could be warm forever. No. I did not.

So for good news today, I wanna tell you about Jessica Oliver and Charlotte Harris. Have you heard of these ladies? No. I have not. They are best friends, and they recently com he completed a huge adventure.

You might call it the adventure of a lifetime. Might I? Together, they did, set out from Monterey, California in a boat and competed in the 2024 World's Toughest Row Pacific Challenge, where you literally row a boat across the Pacific Ocean from California to Hawaii. No way. Yeah.

What many miles is that? Well, a lot. They had to bat let me let me tell you how long it took. Okay. And then you can And what kind of boat are they in?

A rowboat. Just a rowboat? Okay. Now you're thinking about, like, a rowboat you'd take on a pond. It's a specially made It has to be.

Vessel for this competition and for the ocean. Yeah. It has to be. But it is a 2 person rowboat. Oh my gosh.

Where they just have oars, and they row this boat. Dude, I just did some kayaking. I know. And my arms are I was tired of catching flew in from Island Park, and boy are my arms tired. Just kayaking, the little stretch I did.

I was sore. Yeah. And you had a a current. You weren't fighting 40 foot waves. No.

No. No. Foot waves they had to deal with. Oh, I got the mileage. It's the next number.

28 100 miles. 28 100 miles? Yeah. How long did it take them? 30 7 days, 11 hours, and 43 minutes.

Bros. How many other people participated? Now I don't know that answer, but they did break the existing women's record by 9 days. What? They are world record holders.

The time also beat the existing men's record by 2 days. That's cool. Yeah. They smoked it. They went Gosh.

They had they had it going on. These 2 are insane. Insane. Charlotte said, we gave it everything and we're completely broken, but it was worth it. And apart from the determination and hard work, it was teamwork and solid friendship that got them through.

Charlotte said we can read each other so well, which you'd have to. You would really have to. In a boat for 40 days. Yeah. Hurricane to get there.

28 100 miles. Arguments did they have under. Where did they sleep? Well, so the boat, as I said, is specially made. So it has little cabin areas, sleeping areas on either end.

Okay. So imagine an old phone. This right here. The boat looks like this. Yeah.

Sleeping cabin, sleeping cabin, rowing area between. Like okay. Do you see what I'm saying? I see what you're saying. That's not a lot of I just looked up a picture.

That's not a lot of sleeping area. No. 37 days, you say? Yep. You better like your crewmate.

Really better like your crewmate. And you better hope your crewmate is pulling their weight. Yeah. You better roll faster, Charlotte. Sorry.

Anyways, good news to get you going. Good for that. Class of 97. Today is, is a big special day. Today is a very big day.

What is today? Today, Josh, is our wedding anniversary. That is true. Today is our wedding anniversary. We have been together for well over 20 years, married for, as of today, 19 years.

19 years. High five, buddy. Here's what I found out. I did some math. Okay.

Because I I wanted to know how long well, first of all, 19 years is the bronze, anniversary. K. You 3rd place. What you gonna get me? That's bronze.

I don't know. Do you need get me up. Do you need something bronze? A bronze coated statue of something. Me.

A bronze coated statue of you? I got you a bronze statue of me. You're welcome. Thank you. Yeah.

Here's what it works out to. Since since we've been married, it's 6,940 days. 6,940 days? Yeah. Best days of my life.

Are you sure? 6,940 days. And then I thought, you know what would be fun is if I looked around and saw, like, what are some, what does Google think I should get as an anniversary gift? Okay. And?

I found mugs, T shirts, pillows, customized Stanley Cups. I don't want any of that. And here's what a bunch of it says because, you know, people are creative, and everybody can write greeting cards. Right? Yeah.

This one said, I've been married 19 years, and I'm not afraid of anything. You don't scare me. I've been married 19 years. Is this the sentiment you wanna set? No.

This one, just married 19 years ago. We've survived 19 years of marriage. We have survived 19 years of marriage. Survived? Yeah.

I've enjoyed. Well, I've enjoyed it too. Survived sounds like we came out of the sink. It's been a Like, you've been stranded on an island and you finally got found 19 years. Like, that's that's that's not a real positive one.

19 years of marriage and she hasn't killed me yet. These are things on mugs and and shirts and stuff. Terrible. I know. I would here's the thing, Josh.

I would marry you again. Well, that's nice. I didn't even get to share my favorite. I'm sorry. Go ahead.

This one this one was on everything. Okay. Epic husband since 2005. Epic. There were shirts.

There were mugs. There were all kinds of things. Epic husband. You've been a pretty 1,005. Epic husband.

I agree. 10 out of 10. Would marry again. That's gold star. Epic.

Yeah. Is this a good husband? Epic relationship. 2005. Hey.

Do you remember anything from our special marriage day? From the special marriage day. I remember, I went out on an adventure with some friends, and you specifically told me one thing I should not do Yeah. Which I then promptly immediately did You did. The very first, chance I got.

You just told me, not to scratch my head You because I'm I'm a bald guy, and I always wear a hat. And, for the wedding, I was not gonna wear a hat. And you said don't scratch up your head. And I went out with some friends to go, do some exploring in the woods, and a tree branch went right across my head. So all of our wedding photos, I have, like, a red mark on my head because That's true.

It's because you put it out in the universe. I feel like I'm just glad that was the like, you didn't go, like, don't break your leg. True. Yeah. Maybe you should've just been paying more attention.

Oh, it was just under a tree. Stuff happens. What's the when people look at our wedding photos, what's the matter with Josh's head? Yeah. What's that what's that line?

Just born that way, I think. No. Is that right? He still has it today, I think. Haven't looked at him in 6,940 days, but I think it's still there.

I just remember starving because we had been so busy talking to all of our family and friends and guests. We've got to our hotel room after the ceremony, and I was so hungry. I was like, what? I'm starving. Luckily, we had some friends that had put in some snacks.

Right. Put put some Put some snacks in there. They had put some snacks in their room. So that was I was so happy for them. Thank you.

And then the next day when we went to clean up Yeah. The host of the venue was like, I made a whole entire plate of goodies for you. All this stuff to take home. Cool. You should've told us that before we sailed off into the sunset.

You still got leftovers that day? Yeah. That's true. Well, happy anniversary. Happy anniversary, Josh.

Josh and Chantel's big day. 10 out of 10. Would marry again? Would marry again. Yes.

I took Emery and her friend swimming last week. Yeah. And her friend kept calling me Mrs. Tielor. The whole time? The whole time.

Like, Mrs. Tielor? Yeah. Hi, Mrs. Tielor. And I said, hey. You don't have to call me that.

You can just call me by my first name. And then I realized that she didn't know what my first name was. And so I went, okay. That's a problem. So I you said, I'm Chantel.

You can call me that. They called me Mrs. Tielor maybe 3 or 4 times. And each time I said, you don't have to call me that. And so then she'd say, okay. And then I finally said, you can just call me Chantel.

And she goes, Chantel? And I said, yeah. And she goes, why? Go, oh, that's my name. That's And she said call me that.

And she said, oh, I thought your name was Shauna. I said, no. No. No. Shauna.

I know a couple of Shaunas. Do you? Yeah. Good folks. Okay.

It's a good it's a good crowd to be loved in well. I agree with you. Yeah. They have a cousin named Shawna. Okay.

It's a good crowd. I agree. It's not my name. Well, there is that. There is that little small thing where it's not your name.

No. It's not my name. You're Chantel. I just Did you know? I did know.

Oh. It's, it's always weird to me when people I should've said, don't call me Mrs. Tielor. That's my that's my mom's name. That's my that's my mother. Yeah.

That's funny. Thank you. Shauna. It's just weird. It's weird.

And I appreciate, like, maybe she was trying to be respectful. Sure. And I it's probably weird to call your ma your your friends' moms by their first name, but I don't I don't care. I'm trying to think back. Like, like, I'm trying to I'm trying to remember my like, my my buddy, Lee.

Mhmm. Like, his his mom's name is Kathy, and I I'm trying to remember if I was ever like, hey, Kathy. I know. Right? Like, I don't I don't think I ever heard.

That I ever I don't think I ever talked to him. No. I don't think I did either. Keep your head down and pretend you don't exist. That's kinda how I rolled at my friend's house.

Yeah. Or or my friend Sean. His his mom is Susan. I don't think I was, Susan. I couldn't even tell you.

I was trying to think of summer. What's for breakfast, Susan? I could 6th grade sleepover. Susan. Hey, Susan.

Pancake, Susan. I don't think that's a thing. Could have. Okay. My friend Rhiannon's mom's name was Lisa, I think.

Oh, isn't that bad? Isn't that bad? It's, like, forever ago, and these are people that you and it's not bad. You're just kicking it with your friend's mom? Yeah.

Susan. Your friend's like, can we go hang out? No. I'm kicking it with your mom. That's right.

Me and Susan hanging out in the kitchen. I will say now this friend is, is not a new friend. They've been friends for a while, but she doesn't have a lot of interaction with us. And so I come across as a little bit weird when people first meet me. It takes a it takes people a little while to get used to me, and then I I weasel my way into their heart.

But there listen. There might be, like, a little air of, like, confidence in that if you were just first name basis with them, and you were just real, and you were like, hey, good to see you. Good to see you, Lisa. Oh, I see. As a kid.

Right. Like, you just walk in. You're like, hey, Lisa. Like, as a parent, like, if somebody did that now, they just walk by and they're like, hey, Chantal. You'd be like, hey.

Cool. Right? I think so. Would it be the same in the nineties, or would you be like, no? I think I don't know if that would fly with certain people.

Do you know what I mean? There are people who are like, no. You need to respect me. Right. You're gonna call me.

I don't think calling me by a name like, that's that doesn't show me you respect me. Do you know what I mean? I get it. I get it. It just felt it felt bizarre her calling me that, and I was like, no.

Let's just be let's just be cool. We don't need to be so formal. I'm not a formal person. Just let's just relax. Just be cool, my baby.

Keep it keep it casual. Keep it casual. We're all in swimsuits. We're all wet. Like, what?

Like, this is Chill out. Scare running down my face. I'm not a missus nobody. Yeah. You can call me the raccoon.

Yeah. Because look at my face. Because look at me. I'm I'm soggy. Okay.

We are packing to go camping. We're loading up the trailer. And I decided I wanted to pack a hat because sometimes I just don't care to do my hair. So Yeah. You looked even your hat.

You had your little your little golf cap on. It was, it was nice. So I packed a hat. I packed a hat. And then as I'm packing up some stuff from the bedroom, I noticed that you had a fishing hat near your nightstand.

And I said, oh, I'll grab that. He'll probably want that. As I go to load it into the trailer, I go, what? There was already the same fishing hat in the trailer. You have 2 of the same fishing hat.

Neither of those are for fishing. What are they for? Those are for backpacking. Oh. And, what what what had happened was I had won, and I lost it.

How did you lose it? I didn't know where it went. I misplaced it. Okay. And so, this I used that one for a few years, and then I was getting ready to pack for a backpacking trip to go to, Yellowstone last year.

Mhmm. And I was like, I cannot find this hat. And I really like this hat. It's my backpacking hat. Because you're out walking and you're exposed to the sun, you gotta wanna keep the sun off your neck.

So it's this this big, brim, you know, canvassy whatever hat you can dip in the water and keep your head cool. Like, it's a it's a good backpacking hat. K. So I bought another one. The same one.

Well, yeah, I like the hat. So I replaced it with the same hat. And then get this. What? I found the other one.

Where did you find it? In the shed. What? In a bunch of other stuff. Now we have 2 of that same hat.

Now I have 2 of the same hat. So we could be twins. We could wear matching hats. That's alright. It's a great hat.

You just how about you just keep 1 in the trailer so you always have it in the trailer and then one in the house? So you always have 1 in the house. I don't need one at the house. I need one in my backpack for backpacking. Okay.

Well, then keep it there. I need one in the trailer for camping. Sure. But it's strictly for hiking? That's really where I wear it.

Never for fishing? I don't wear it fishing. Why? I don't know. You could sunshine on your head.

Wear this hat right now. This is the hat I'm wearing now. But you said it keeps the the sun off your head. Off my neck. Yeah.

Which also happens when you're fishing. Sure. I just don't know why it just has to be a hiking hat. That's just when I wear it. That's what I bought it for.

I don't know. It's my backpack and hat. I walked out with the hat, and I went, what in the why do we have 2 of the same hat? I think I shouted from the trailer. Why do you have 2 of the same hat?

I didn't hear that. Was I nearby? I don't know. I don't think I was. No.

I think Emery was nearby, and she said he lost 1. Well, see, she was there because she was she was there when I bought the new hat. I'm pretty sure. And she was like, don't you already have that hat? And I went, I lost it.

I'm replacing it. We went to the laundromat because we had to, commercial you blankets. Wash some things. Yeah. Yeah.

Big blankets. And you were worried they wouldn't fit in the washer. In my personal washer. Correct. And, and then you washed our big blanket, which is bigger than the kids' blankets you were worried about in the washer.

How did it go? Went fine. So there was no need to go to the laundromat. Perfect. But we did it anyway, and it was Emery's first time at a laundromat.

Well, that's an interesting thing because we have rented in the past an apartment that did not have hookups or a washer and dryer. So we went to Laundromat all the time. Mhmm. And that's when our son was a baby. It was awful.

Because you had a baby in a in a bucket. In a bucket. And then you had the laundry Yep. Baskets, and then you had all the laundry soap and stuff. Yep.

And I was at work when you were doing this, and so you were kinda like Well, here's the here are the things. Here's the problem because, yeah, you had a bucket, a baby in a bucket who was crawling but couldn't walk yet. And I didn't want him crawling on the laundromat for it. But then, also, you don't wanna leave him alone in the car while you're loading in in your laundry, but you don't wanna leave him alone in the laundromat while you go get your laundry. So it was like you had to carry the bucket, the baby in the bucket in the car seat.

I call it a bucket. I know. It's a baby bucket. It's got a handle. It's got a place to put the baby.

It's a bucket. So you would sling that around your arm, and then you'd carry 1 basket of laundry inside, drop the laundry basket, carry the baby back out so you get the second basket of laundry. I only went with you probably twice. Yeah. Because you That was hard work.

Yeah. That was I didn't care for it. So glad you did it. Thanks for doing that. We had to have clean clothes, Josh.

With this laundromat that we went to because we've had now we've I mean, we've owned our house for, yeah, what, 12, 13 years. Whatever whatever. So we've had hookups and stuff at the house and haven't needed to rely on the the laundromat, for a long time. Ever since Bec was a baby. Yeah.

So we went to the laundromat. I don't think the chairs have changed. No. Who cares? They're still the same.

But the laundromat we went to was nice. It was very clean. It was clean. It was up to date. Right.

It was well lit. Yeah. It was nice. It was not it was not it was not the early 2000 Laundromat. No.

No. And I was thinking, like, we rolled up with a bunch of quarters. Yeah. Like, I don't even know how much a laundromat costs now. I don't know how much it costs to do a load of laundry.

I was, first of all, way surprised at how expensive it actually is. Yes. Me too. I was blown away. I feel like it used to cost a dollar for a load.

To wash and then maybe a dollar to dry? Yeah. Not $7 to wash and 4 to dry? Yeah. That's insane.

That's crazy. I was blown away. And they do take they take quarters still, but they also take cards. Yeah. You can just swipe.

It is 2024, not 2004. They've updated things. But anyway Every it was fine. When she first walked in, I was like, oh, this is interesting. And then she left.

You guys had to leave. She had to go home. She was like, this is not it. I'm not gonna sit here and literally wait for laundry. You have to.

You can't leave your laundry unattended. I know. She's just like, I'm checking out. I'm going can anybody drive me home? Because I'm not gonna sit here and watch this spin around.

Spoiled. What a spoiled. Yeah. You don't wanna leave your laundry. No.

But I when Beck was a baby, then I would have to repeat the whole process over when the laundry was done. Laundry is done. Grab the baby. Carry one basket out. Oh, Josh.

Thanks for doing that. There was a woman you did have a coworker who you worked with, and she found out that we were doing that. And she was like, that is ridiculous. Come do your laundry at my house. And that was the best ever.

I'd love to hear. Weren't you, like, cleaning the house and stuff for me? You you were like it was a, like, a trade off thing? Like, you can do your laundry here, but also, like, mop my floor while you're Yeah. While you're waiting?

It worked out great. Okay. I just couldn't remember the whole deal. No. I loved it.

Hey. Thanks for doing that. I know. Do you, wanna explain yourself, or do you want me to explain this story? I I guess I don't know what I need to explain.

What did I do? What happened? What's the what's going on? Post Malone, the singer. Yeah.

Posty? Posty. Uh-huh. You told me that I danced like him. Yeah.

You and Posty give off the same energy. Which is? What energy is that, dear? Just zone flow. Like, I'm in the zone, and this is my flow.

Zone flow. Okay. I kinda actually don't mind that at all because It's not it's it's not a bad thing. He dances like a weirdo, but that's okay. You know why?

No. Because he is He's in his zone. Loving it. He's happy. And he's feeling the flow.

He doesn't care. Yeah. He's in it. Right. And that's what you do.

You get arms in it, like, let's go, and you get this little rhythm thing. And, like, that's the most fluid movement you do is when you're zone flowing. Zone flowing. Yeah. The posty zone flow.

That's what you do. Don't mind me. I'm just zone flowing. Your eyes close. You you do this thing with your mouth, and you just use zone flow.

Okay. I'm not mad about it. Yeah. I have some cutoff jean shorts you can borrow. He does wear cutoff jean shorts a lot.

And then you could really post Malone's own flow. You showed me a video of him dancing at one of his concerts, and he really was. He was just like He's in his zone. Making some weird moves. Yeah.

He was feeling it. He was jamming. He was happy. And I went, I kinda do dance a little bit like that. You and Posty, same energy.

When when a song you like hits and and it's probably a Post Malone song. Probably. And you're you're like, yes, Posty. Let's go. Let's go.

And then you yeah. Really jive it out, don't I? Jive it out. That's what the cool kids say. That's what the Post Malone zone floorers call it.

Jiving out. Hey. Jive it. Yes. Well, I thought you were gonna play, like, a song I could dance to.

This isn't not a song I can dance to. Own flow. No. Not this You were in the backyard the other day, and you said, hey. Hey.

Hey. Come here. You gotta come here. Yeah. Oh, yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. Hurried and put on my shoes. Ran outside. Yeah.

And I you you were looking around like, what's going on? Is there some cool critter? What am I gonna do? Is there, like, a flower? What is it?

Like, what's in the backyard? And I went, listen. You gotta listen. I wish I could have recorded the audio. It was fantastic because I don't know who it was.

I don't know how many houses away it was because it was loud, but somebody was mowing their lawn and having the time of their life singing moany moany. Moeny moany. Top of their lungs singing moany moany while they're mowing the lawn, and I was the happiest. I was like, this is that's pure joy. That what I am hearing pure joy.

He was living his best life. I mean, I've heard moany moany a few times, but I've not heard moany moany from a few yards over while someone's mowing the lawn having the time of their life. I wonder if he knew. You know, sometimes you have headphones on and you don't necessarily know how loud you're being. I don't know that it even matters.

It doesn't matter. I just think that was that was a moment in time, and, and that's it was beautiful. It was beautiful. I encourage everybody. Just belt it out.

If you're feeling the mony moany, go for it. Or whatever song you choose. Well, yeah. No. It doesn't have to be monie monie.

Yeah. Whatever it is. And you're just like, I really wanna sing this at the top of my lungs. Go for it. He was Billy Idolin', man.

He was having a great time. I hope he was wearing while he was mowing the lawn, I hope he was wearing, like, black leather vest. What? Billy Idol. No.

I know. I don't know if I ever saw him in a vest. Yeah. Umrah. Yeah.

Look him up. I am. Look him up. It's red No. All day?

No. There's also a black one. There's a couple of them. Yeah. I know.

Yeah. I was seeing in my head the gloves, the fingerless gloves. So I was really I was into that. And then you said vest, and I lost the vest thing, but the vest is real. I know.

The sleeveless shirts, the vests, and those gloves, those fingerless gloves, that's what you gotta mow your lawn in. And the snarl. The lip snarl. I really hope he was, like I hope he wasn't just singing. I hope he was, like, getting his idol on.

You know? Mowing the lawn. Rock and roll, man. I am curious if he had the song on repeat because it felt like it was a longer version of Mooney Mooney than I've ever heard. Maybe he didn't even have a song on.

He was just Right. Maybe he was just feel it was in his head. He was stuck in his head. He's like, I gotta get this Mooney Mooney out. It was a glorious moment.

I'm glad I got to sort of be a part of it from a few yards away, few backyards away, but I was very, I was very proud of whomever that was having a Billy Idol moment. And That's great. Cutting his grass at the same time. Right? I mean, he was getting 2 2 jobs done in 1.

Come on. Rocking it out, mowing the grass. Yeah. Killing it. Mhmm.

Sunday afternoon, buddy. Was it sun? Was it Saturday? I don't know what day it was. I might have known.

It was, it was moany moany is when it was. That's when it was. Also, Emery informed me that you know when all of the neighbors mow you know all of the neighbors' grass cutting days. Not all of them. Their schedule.

But I know a few of them. Like, I know, across the street to the right, that guy's a Friday mower. I know, Just directly next to us is kind of a sporadic, like, it'll get mowed a couple times a month. On the other side, he and I kinda work together. We're kinda Tuesday people.

Like, today's lawn mowing day. Okay. And so probably if I get to it before he does, he hurries and gets to it because our yards touch, and they can't one can't be longer than the other. That's just it's just unacceptable. And they look good when they're both mowed on the same day.

It's a good stretch of grass. Yeah. So I'm pretty I'm pretty excited about that. That's it. Just a couple of people.

I don't know everybody. Oh. I'll go like, oh, yeah. Jim over here. He's a Wednesday mower.

I'm like, nah. Just a couple. The fact that you know too is more than I know. I don't keep track of anybody's lawn mowing schedule. You don't need to.

I got it handled. Oh, that's fantastic. Even if you didn't have it handled, I still wouldn't care to know. I know. I want the, because the guy next to us that mows the same day, he's on a good water schedule as well.

And so I try to I try to keep up because you gotta keep the green grass looking green when it touches somebody else's good looking green grass. Yeah. You know? I can't have, like, a big yellow dead patch right next to his good looking yard. I just can't.

That's embarrassing. Right. I couldn't do that. The guys across the street have the, sprinkler system. Yeah.

And I want that. I'm real jealous of a sprinkler system. And they do a good job. That Friday mowing is fantastic, but it's on a Friday. Who wants to mow their lawn on a Friday?

Not me. That's why I do it on a Tuesday. It's a good day to do it, buddy. But I also do it the day before garbage day so the grass clippings can go out in the garbage on Wednesday. Nice.

I know. And then, hopefully, it'll remind me that I need to take the garbage out to the street. I like where you're at at. System. This is good, Josh.

This is high quality husband work here. Friday doesn't make sense. Mowing your lawn on a Friday. It looks good all weekend, but But on a Friday, your grass clippings have to stay in the garbage can till Wednesday. Ew.

Dizzy? I know. Hey. I appreciate you doing that so I don't have to. Thanks.

I'm gonna put my headphones on and moanie moanie my way through the lawn today. Do you want a black leather vest? Maybe. Oh, yes. No.

No. I do not. 19th wedding anniversary. Today is our 19th anniversary. When you proposed to me a while ago Yes.

Many, many years ago. Many moons ago. Yeah. 20 some odd whatever years. I was in a plane coming back from New York.

Well, I was not also in the plane. You were not in the plane. I said I was in the plane. You were in the plane. Yep.

And my friend was in on the surprise. Yeah. She handed me an envelope. Yes. There were 3 envelopes.

Right? I think so. I'm trying to remember. Yeah. The first one was, like, a crossword puzzle.

I'll keep her busy doing stuff she hates. Here. Find some words to a crossword. And it was like I should've given you math problems. No.

Gross. Would've been great. I would've ripped it up and thrown it away. What do you code where you have to decipher a bunch of stuff? Oh, I would have said no to you right then and there.

I did not know at that time that you were going to propose. I thought you were just, like, doing a cute little, like Fun thing. This is gonna be so fun for her plane ride home. Mhmm. Because the crossword puzzle and the word search were all things that related to us.

Sure. It was cutesy little things. Those were the first two envelopes. God. I can't remember.

Creative and romantic. What happened? Years. Years of time. And then the 3rd envelope have, like, a nice cute, like, love note in it.

Yeah. Letter. And then that's when I knew that you were going to propose. And so then I had to you at the airport or something. At all this anticipation.

Yeah. And then I walked down. This was before it was pre 911. So there were Yeah. You you well, you still had to wait.

Like, I couldn't go to the gate. I couldn't meet you at the gate. And so, No. I guess it was post 9 it was post 911. So there was still security checkpoints.

There were. It was post. Yeah. It would have been because that was 2001. Yeah.

Yeah. So yeah. Yeah. And this was to March of 2,000 4. Yeah.

Yep. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Figuring it out.

Got it. Got it. Got it. And then, yeah. So I had to wait at the bottom of the escalators, and this was before the remodel at the Salt Lake Airport.

Mhmm. And, and then you came down the escalator and, hi. How are you doing? Let's go to baggage claim. And, again, I knew you were going to propose because you said so in the letter.

And so did your friends who you were with because I'm sure you had talked to them and been like, guys, this is happening. Yeah. Well, the one friend knew for sure because you had talked to her. Right. And then the other ones were, like, they knew too.

So we were all, like, waiting waiting for you to do it, waiting for you to propose. Yeah. We went and got my bags. We walked around the airport ready to get to the parking lot to go get their car. Yeah.

Nothing's happening. It's awkward. It's weird. What's what's gonna when's it gonna happen? And then you finally bit the bullet.

Yeah. I finally got the guts. I don't know. It was it was the the fear of rejection thing, I'm sure, is there. It's also this, like, public display thing.

Yeah. Super uncomfortable. They'd be like, this is happening. People are around. What if people are around and she says no, and then they have to console console me?

Like, I don't need that. No. And then you just run out crying. Right? Like, yeah, drive home from Salt Lake by myself.

Or I say no, and you go, oh, finally. Yeah. I did I thought she was gonna say yes. Right. Yeah.

Yeah. Really dodged that one. Well, it it happened. With their weird little toes. What?

That's hours ago. We talked about that. Lowercase feet. Anyway, you're you you know, everything worked out. It did.

It's good. It happened. You did it. I said yes, and here we are today. You know, we got married.

Classy 97. It's Josh and Chantel with your would you rather this or that question of the day. Would you rather raise money from a lemonade stand or raise money from a car wash? Having done both Have you? Yes.

Remember we had the car wash? I remember the car wash. I don't remember the lemonade stand. Well, the kids have done the lemonade stand. Okay.

But that really turns into the parents doing the lemonade stand. Yeah. So And it doesn't raise a lot of money. The car wash is more lucrative. The car wash, here's what happened when we did the car wash the last time.

You and I were part of an improv comedy troupe Yes. In our younger years. And we were trying to earn some money to go to an improv festival, and we decided to have a car wash. Yeah. We did not know that that car wash was double booked.

That was not our fault. That was not our fault. That was the the venue where we were going to hold the car wash double booked a group. A group of cheerleaders. Right.

From a high school. Yeah. Beautiful, cute, perky cheerleaders with a group of 20 something improv theater nerds. Nerds. So Yeah.

We knew right away we were not gonna make any money. Yeah. Did we end up partnering? Did we go like, hey. Listen.

Did. Let's So we share the space. We partnered up and said, listen, guys. You're gonna be the ones that pull in all of the clientele. Yeah.

You guys you guys stand on the street and get customers do the dirty work. Will do the dirty work. So we ended up doing all of the washing of the cars, and then I think we split the money down the middle. Yeah. I would I would say car wash is a better thing than a lemonade stand.

I think you get more customers at the car wash than the lemonade stand. Because I think you can charge more for a car wash than for a glass of lemonade. Plus, you're bowl you're probably doing both these on a hot day. Yep. And I'd rather have the water splashing around than just sitting in the sun waiting for somebody.

Ice cubes smell. Stop. Yeah. Exactly. That's where I'm at.

Exactly. Yeah. That's that's my pick. Me too. It's Josh and Chantel with your better today than yesterday daily challenge.

What is it? Well, it's something to do today to make today better than yesterday. That's what it is. I get that. No.

No. I just like to explain. Oh, no. What's the challenge, bud? Alright.

Turn the lights down in your home. Okay. Light a candle. Sit down. Safely.

Well, yeah. Responsibly. Use an LED one if you want. That's fine. Turn the lights down.

Light a candle. Sit down. Do a little self guided reflection meditation. Oh. Yeah.

It's nice. Right? Yeah. It says you'll hit a spiritual reset by doing nothing. Just sit here, Feel your senses.

I don't think this is a good idea for you, and I'll tell you why. Because I'll fall asleep? Yep. And then it's not a good idea for you to fall asleep with a candle lit. So maybe you should not, you should absolutely use an LED.

Lights down. Use a battery operated one, Josh. Please don't use a real flame. Set a flashlight up. There you go.

Close your eyes. There you go. Relax. Sit down. And then you wake up a little while later, and you go, that was great.

That's a good what a good reflection. That was a self guided meditation I needed. That's your better today than yesterday daily challenge. Let's see. Coming up here in about 10, 11 minutes or so, we'll open up the final mystery Christmas present.

Yeah. Christmas in July with the Mountain America Center. It's a good one. You're gonna wanna know about that. This show is now available to listen to everywhere you get podcasts.

That's true. We take the, the whole show, and we, condense condense the whole thing down. Because it goes from 6 to 10, so that's 4 hours of show. That is. We we condense it all down into less than an hour.

So you can listen to the whole thing. If you wanna listen again or you missed a part or maybe you wake up later and then you don't know what happens at 6 in the morning and you wanna know, now you can. The whole thing. It's Wake Up Classy 97, the podcast. Just just search for wake up classy 97 everywhere you listen to podcasts.

So that's like Amazon Podcast. You can, look it up on Spotify. Apple. You can find it on Apple, all over the place. So, anywhere you get your podcasts, you can get wake up classy 97, the podcast.

Yeah. You do that noise often. Anyway, we'll open up that present here in just a few minutes, and then, we'll call it a day. But Hot dog. That's it for the show anyway.

So thanks for listening. We'll be back tomorrow. We'll be back to do the show tomorrow morning. 10 o'clock, we'll open up that last present, though. That's coming up.

Stay tuned. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.