Clydesdale Media Podcast

Scott, Jamie and Special Co-Host Carolyne Prevost talk about the current hot topics of the CrossFit World. Faul on Kettlebells & Cocktails, Open Matchups, What are Jamie and Carolyne's goals for the upcoming season.
Scotts health updates

Mal O’Brien not competing this year.

Lazar leaves Mayhem

Jamie’s versus series

Don Faul says a significant amount of money will be pulled from the Games team and used to support the Affiliates
What does this mean for the Sport?  What are the Affiliates asking for? Does the Money need to be equitable for the needs of both sides? Quote from Dale King on KB and cocktails

Week 2 open announcement - Medeiros v Mertens (is this a lot for mertens with Taylor v Mertens also in Week 3)

Masters and Teens games expectations - kit.
How important is the athlete kit?? How is this saving crossfit money? 3 venues, 3 equipment shipments.

Athletes coming back after a drug ban (ie., Henrik Oskarsson)- Should these athletes be tested prior to coming back ? 

Open predictions 

Can you have balance and win the CrossFit Games, Carolyne you are the epitome of balance interested in your take (From Death By)

From TDC podcast- Vendor village not attached directly to the venue- “it’s a few hundred meters away, it’s a walk, its not right next to it, it’s going to have a different feeling…’’ Planning big breaks between events to hopefully drive people there… thoughts for vendors ?

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

What is going on, everybody?

Welcome to Thursday Night CrossFit Talk.

My name is Scott Schweitzer.

I'm the Clydesdale.

I have with me my normal co-host,

Jamie Latimer, and our special co-host,

who is going to fill in for

most of the night for me.

I'll be here,

but I don't have much of a voice,

Carolyn Prevost,

who is a great friend of the show,

and we appreciate her so much.

But we're going to go through today's news,

and I'm actually going to

turn it over to Jamie to

lead this edition.

And so we're gonna we're

gonna kick it off.

All right, big day.


so one of the big breaking news we got

male O'Brien has said she

is out and not going to

even do the open this year.

thoughts, Carolyn.

I'm not surprised.

Looked like she's, like she said,

she's at peace with her decision.

There's no timeline for when

she'll be ready to come back.

If she wants to come back,

she's someone that's going to be active,

I think her whole life and she'll,

she'll find something to

stay fit and yeah, happy for her.

I mean,

if this is what she wants and this

is what she needs for her health,

I think that's, that's good.


Sounds like she's,

In Hawaii, enjoying her time.

I have heard a lot of people

speculating she may be

going to do a high rocks race.

They've seen a lot of posts

in that direction.

A little less stress, I would say,

with something like that.

So I could see that route.

I don't know.

I don't even know if

competing in anything is on

her horizon right now.

She just looks like she's

honestly having a good time traveling,

spending time with her

boyfriend and getting some

training in whenever she can.

I think that's good for her.

Yeah, I agree.

This is actually one of my

biggest pet peeve topics.

And so I do want to,

I want to jump in here a little bit.

And that is we've got to stop pushing 13,


15 year old kids into professional sports,

whether it be soccer,

whether it be gymnastics,

whether it be CrossFit, whatever it is.

Carolyn's a great example.

She played sports every

season and it was different.

She got to shut off one, pick up another.

I did the same when I was in high school.

It made high school sports

enjoyable for me to move

from sport to sport to sport.

And the fact that you think

a 13 year old is going to

be a professional athlete.

It's just too much, I think,

for kids these days.

And my biggest hope for Mal

is I don't care if she ever comes back.

If she's happy,

that's the most important thing.

But it says a lot that she

moved all the way to Hawaii,

kind of out of the spotlight.

to get away from some things.


and I think we need to respect that

and let her find whatever

it is she wants to do in life.

Because she looks like she's

having a ball.

That's a cute video.


I mean, yeah, like her whole identity,

I feel like for many years was CrossFit,


And it's, it can be hard to, you know,

step away from that and try to refine,

you know, what makes you happy.

And, and it, you know,

especially when you're that

part of your life, you maybe you're just,

you still like,

but you just can't do the

competition part.

So yeah, I mean,

looking forward to seeing

the things that she's going

to post and what she's, you know,

her next next adventures.

Can you are so right?

We missed our five minutes

of TV talk to start the hour.

Oh, man.

Turn it over to Jamie and

look what happens.

I don't even know what I've

been I don't know what I've

been watching this week.

Nothing really I haven't

gotten that like the movie

that you suggested.

I saw it but I skipped over

I've been pretty busy this

week so I don't have any

like any show talk here and

even watch anything.

I honestly have not watched

a single thing.

I am busy doing schoolwork.

I just started my next,

like my new semester last week.

So it's just been just prepping,

meeting my new students and

adjusting what,

where I want to go with the semester.

Cause now you get like, you know,

different levels that come in every year.

So it's just been busy,

busy first couple of weeks

and then things will start

to settle after that for me.

What's your TV?

It goes with the first

agenda item we kind of skipped over,

and that is my health, that I am back.

I'm watching a lot of Friends.

And just so you know,

the reason I watch Friends

is it's probably my

favorite show of all time.

And it's something that I

can sleep to and wake up

and sleep and wake up and sleep.

I know the show well enough

that I know where we're at.

But I've also had a lot of

anxiety with what happened

to me this last week.

And Friends has kept me even

keel during that with just

some lighthearted laughter

and nothing too serious.

Before I went in the hospital,

I was watching Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

I stopped that for now.

I need something normal,

something just kind of,

Easy on the brain familiar.



So Lex has a couple questions here.

Is she in Hawaii with her

boyfriend or did her family move there?

I don't believe her family moved.

So I think that she's just

there with the boyfriend

and she moved there.

I think so too.

And I noticed that back when

I went in like August that

she had put Hawaii in her bowl.

So she's been there a while.


And she doesn't have HWPO in

her bio anymore.

Did she leave that?

That's a good question

because they posted her a

couple of months ago when

they did their roster.

So that might be a new exit.

At the end of the video, she says,

when you want to know more

about my future, you'll hear it from me.


That's a statement, huh?

She also has her YouTube channel.

So I'm sure she might start

doing a little bit more

with that and maybe showing

a different side of her.

I know I watched something

with her cooking and things like that.

So I'm sure she's going to

explore different avenues as well.


We got a Christopher Alford.

Carolyn, what do you teach?

My daughter is a music teacher.

So I have a grade nine math, grade 10 math,

and then a grade 11 and 12 fitness class,

which I crushed today.

It's great.

I'm sure you crush that every day.

They got to love having you as a fitness.

They have a lot of respect.

That's for sure.

And this group that I have this semester,

they all took the class in grade 10,

basically almost all of them.

And they have continued to

work out at lunchtime and

They've all signed up for

different gyms and they

come in now with their little notebooks,

write the workout,

write all their lifts and everything.

Like they're so independent.

It's really nice to see them take that,

you know, very passionate with their.

That's awesome.

And you have an affiliate in the school.



That's, that's the gym.

It's just the affiliate.

So I get access to some of

the affiliate benefits and,

That's really cool.

Okay, another athlete.

Lazar leaves Mayhem.

This one's news to me.

So Scott found some recent

information that I hadn't seen.

So you have an Instagram post on this?

All right.



All these pins get me.

Oh, yeah, I know.

Hey, that was it.

I think I had seen something

about the fact that he was

going back to his previous

coach from when he did the

best at the games, right?

Is that what we had seen?

I don't remember where it was.

I think he pulled it.

Yeah, he may have pulled it.

But it did mention something

about going back to his

roots when he first

finished top 10 at the

games and then had a

picture with a coach or

something like that.

And then...

Assuming he's going back there.

It could just be,

that's his like coach where

he lives and then still

follows the mayhem program,

which you see a lot of times, um,

when people don't really

live in Tennessee.


It's gotta be hard.

I mean, you can follow the man programming,

but I feel like if you had

the thing going,

if you aren't going to be

in that camp with them,

you probably better off

with the personal coach that you had.

Yeah, it might be in a story.

Let me look real quick.

Yeah, it could be a story.

I just showed it where he

does advertise for ATB lab programming.

There's a comment he makes.

So I'm back for that video we just showed.

And here.

That's the one, I think.


I tried to pause and it went.

2021, my first CrossFit Games,

first top 10 finish, first event win,

and the best male rookie of the year.

All done with this, man.

Glad to be back to finish what we started.

Good for him.

Ken says here,

I remember Rich saying a

couple years ago that it

seems the trend for people

to only be at Mayhem for

about three to four years

at most and then move on.


I mean,

that could be due to the intensity

at which they train.

Rich has said so many times

the training age of his

body is just too much wear and tear.

They go hard there.

They do a lot of volume.

I kind of think that's the

case in most camps.

You can only hang around for

so long and keep up for so long.


And if you know the coach like very well,

you have that good relationship.

Sometimes it just has a

little bit less pressure.

You know,

you can be more honest with your

training with that person

and adjust things as you need.

Do you want me to do my

health update before?



At least we're trying to

save you from talking.

We know you're going to do

you also with Cheryl tomorrow,

but please tell us everything that you,

you know, you're going through.

So if you listen to the

weight loss show last week,

I was kind of hitting a

breaking point where I

couldn't breathe much.

I couldn't breathe very well.

And with Cheryl and I talked

about the stresses in my life,

like my sister's having

cancer removed tomorrow,

some different things like that.

So I went to the family

doctor that Tuesday,

which would be a week and a half ago.

He diagnosed me with lung infection,

gave me antibiotics and steroids.

I get to Friday,

I start to feel a little bit better.

Saturday, fell off a cliff,

like could barely breathe,

could barely even walk like

to the bathroom.

And my wife is like,

we're going to the ER.

So we go outside and I'm in

such a panic attack,

like I can't even get in my car.

I can't even describe like

like every time I got in the car,

I couldn't breathe.

Was it the anxiety of going

to the ER or was it?

I don't know.

So I had like so much gas.

My stomach was protruding out.

And every time I like

crunched into the car,

it felt like you're cutting

off my airway.

And and so she takes me to the ER.

I finally get in there.

I opened this, we like,

it was cold Saturday.

Like we had the sunroof open.

We had the windows open,

but thank goodness the ER

is only like 10 minutes up the street.

So we get there,

couldn't ask for better care.

They get me in like 15 tests

done in five minutes, like bing, bang,

boom, chest x-ray, chest, a CAT scan.

Stomach x-ray.

Just one thing after another.

And they found the AFib within 10 minutes.

Hooked me up to an EKG.

Found that immediately.

And then it was put me on

medicine to try to get that

to correct itself.

That wasn't happening very fast.

So they decided they were

going to transfer me to the hospital.

Squad came and got me at

like 4 o'clock in the morning.

On Saturday night, Sunday morning,

I go to the hospital.

They hook me up to everything,

another bunch of tests.

And what had happened was a

lot of things around it.

So the AFib is the most important thing,

which is not life-threatening in itself,

but it can cause strokes.

It can cause some other things.

So you want to get it under control.

Um, but the,

I had that sinus surgery in

October and it was on prednisone a lot.

That prednisone pushed my

blood sugar up to three 80.

And eventually we learned my

A1C to 10 and it was like six,

six months ago.

So now I'm in like diabetic condition.

need to have that.

Blood pressure stayed okay.

It was a little bit variant,

but it was in the okay range.

Trying to think what else

I'm still doing the coughing thing.

So they're having me spit in

a cup so that can go off to lab.

Um, they're giving me stuff for that.

Um, and every time that like I'm coughing,

I'm panicking because it's

closing off my airway to like everything.

Um, I have so many medications right now.

It's insane.

And so I stayed there for a couple days.

Everything leveled out.

My heartbeat was 150 beats a

minute to 165 beats a

minute when I went into the ER.

When I got let go,

it was between 65 and 75,

but still not synced.

So they sent me home with medications.

I don't trust my family doctor anymore.

And I talked to the doctor

in the hospital.

Like, what do I do?

I don't trust him because

every time I go there,

all he does is throw pills

at me and doesn't like do

the tests I need done.

So they set me up with a

counselor to get a new doctor.

So I see the new doctor next Friday.

I see the cardiologist on

Monday to kind of follow up.

The cardiologist is going to

make the decision on Monday.

If the medicine hasn't done it enough,

they're going to send an

appointment to shock my

heart back into rhythm.

So it's still irregular right now?


And do you feel that?

Now I'm acutely aware of it.

I can feel a flutter in my

chest every time it gets way off.

So they hooked me up to a

machine in the hospital and there's two,

two beats going.

There's a top of your heart

and the bottom of your

heart and the closer they're matched,

the better I feel.

So if one's beating it like

65 beats a minute and one's

at 68 beats a minute,

I'm feeling really good

even though it's still off.

But if they vary,

I feel like a flutter in my chest and it,

it just zaps me.

So, yeah,

Monday's the decision whether

they bring me in and shock

the heart back to rhythm.

Or if it's so bad,

they need to do an ablation,

which means they go in.

There's a sensor at the top

of the heart that basically

you go in and you clean it off,

and then it sets it back to rhythm.


That's kind of like what's coming up.

But in the meantime,

I'm taking all these diabetes medicines.

I'm taking heart or they

have me on blood pressure

just because a stroke is

the most dangerous thing.

Anything that can cause a stroke,

they're trying to get my

stuff as low as possible.

So I'm like,

I have to inject insulin for

the first time in my life.

I am taking metformin.

I am taking heart pressure

or blood pressure medicine.

it's just crazy are you

taking the insulin like on

your like the finger or

like to go in your stomach

or yeah I have to prick my

finger to read my blood

sugar then I have to inject

it into my stomach or my

thigh or whatever I thought

that would be hard it was

not yeah um but it's just

how many times a day do you

have to do that

The insulin just once.

And it's because it's for sleeping.

It's like a longer lasting

medicine where like the

metformin I take only lasts

for a few hours.

So you take that like during

the day when you're awake

and can take it.

And then at night you take

the insulin to kind of get

you through the night.

Are you getting through the night?

Are you sleeping through the night?

Sleeping way better.


Um, my cough is actually reduced, um,

through all of this.

It's still there.

And I still like cough up

phlegm occasionally, but not like I was.

And, uh, I was telling Jamie,

the analysis on the phlegm came back.

I don't understand anything it says.

So I'll have to wait for the

doctor to tell me what that means.


I hate that.

I just want, Dash,

I hope this new doctor gets

you some answers.


you need to get to the bottom of this.

This has gone on for far too long.

I want to answer.

Kenneth says, did they say what caused it?

They say you can't know what causes AFib.

Like it,

it is the most common irregular

heartbeat in the world.

Millions of people have it

and you don't know why it happens.

And I can tell you the

amount of people that have

reached out to me who have

it has blown me away.

Um, the amount of DMS I've gotten,

the amount of well wishes I've gotten,

I am, I'm, I mean,

I like cried this afternoon.

I think CrossFit sent me a card.

Wishing me well.

Unreal, unreal.

And I appreciate each and

every one of the messages.

They mean the world to me.

But these people that have

gone through what I've gone

through and know what it's

like and are on the other side,

those messages mean so much

to me because they're

giving me the confidence

that in a few weeks I should be better.

So what's your routine like during the day,

the last couple of days?

Are you at home?

So I got home Tuesday night.


it is... I have not been back to work.

And the only thing normal

I've done is today these two shows.

With Jason Grubb this

morning and this one tonight.

Everything else is just get

through the day.

Yesterday, I...

Here we go, cheesy me.

Before all this happened,

I bought my wife Lego flowers,

and then I went to the

hospital and couldn't get them made.

So yesterday I was putting them together,

and it helped me so much

just to clear my mind,

just to do something with my fingers.

And I know it sounds juvenile,

but it just helped.

So I'm trying to do more

puzzly stuff during the day

when I'm awake,

just to keep my mind off of things.

but yeah.

Are you able to like go for

a walk and let's say with

the dog or anything?

I do not want the heart

elevated at all until they

figure this out.


I'm pretty much on like a bed rest.


Well, we're glad to see you back today.


It's good to be back.


but the grub interview did take it out

of me.


But thank goodness he talks a lot.

I know that was said in the

comments earlier because it

did give me time to kind of

recoup the voice while he

was talking to be able to ask questions,


yeah yeah you you have so

many people praying for you

right and I know you're

getting those messages but

yeah everyone's been behind

you uh you've seen the

posts you've seen the other

channels speaking about you

so yeah just know that

people are here for you um



we are praying that this doctor figures

some things out and we get

to the bottom of all of this.

It's really got me.

So the other,

the thing about the doctors and all that,

like, I'm just pissed off.

I just want to,

now I'm in a mode where get me,

get me back to like

function and let me kick some ass.


That's just where I want to be now.

I want, like,

I have all these prescriptions.

Let's start checking those

off and throwing them in a trash.

Like, I want to like,

just get rid of them all.

And it gives me a goal to

like shoot for let's take

nine down to seven.

Let's take seven down to

five and let's go.



So, so that's it.

Well, the channel, if you want more,

more delving into this,

Scott's going to go over it

with Cheryl tomorrow.

So there'll be even more in-depth talk.

So join, get some more background and, um,

Yeah, hop in on that.


so I thought I'd jump in on this

trend of...

the versus series.

Um, and so, and I, I have a unique,

I think, uh, perspective in my gym of,

I now have Haley Rolfe, a, uh,

three time team games athlete.

She's 18 training right beside me.

And then I have Jim, uh,

2022 third fittest man, 65 plus, um,

that trains next to me every single day.

So a pretty wide array of, um,

ages, I'd say we're both,

we're all highly competitive.

Um, so I want to run, you know,

I want to shoot like once a week,

one of our tougher workouts, um, and,

and show people like 18 year old,

a 40 year old and a 67 year old man, um,

what fitness at any age looks like.

And maybe I'll occasionally

get one of like my regular

class members in there.

So you can even see a

general population person

competing alongside us.


I don't know.

I don't know if this will pick up or not.

I've gotten quite a few

comments today that say

they love this idea.

I know Taylor Self is doing

it or Jason Hopper is

throwing his weekly ones up.

We'll see.

Look at Jim's Toto bars.

Somebody call him out on that.

No rep.

Would you do the open with

them live or do you want to

keep your scores still

because it's competitive with the

I don't know how we'll do

the open Haley and I will

probably so Haley and I are

going to try to also go

team with two other guys so

we may keep that like not

post it until like Monday

but we will probably do the

workout together so there

will probably be video of

Haley and I doing the

workout together and Jim

usually runs opposite of me

because I need to really

walk him through some things

Scott knows that.

Yeah, Jim is no ordinary 67-year-old.

He is incredibly fit.

His engine is amazing.


He's similar to me in the

top-end strength isn't quite there.

The difference, I'd say,

is he also doesn't have

some top-end gymnastic skills.

He doesn't have ring

muscle-ups or a bar muscle-up.

He can't hold a free...

That's what held him out

last year from making the

games was the freestanding

handstand hold.

He only got a second.

If he would have been able

to do three seconds,

he would have made it.

He just...

his shoulder mobility is, I mean,

we try to work on it every day, but yeah.

So if you guys like it, hop on the channel,

hop on that video and

thumbs up it and comment so

that it helps the algorithm.

And I'll try to put more of these out.

Where do we find it?

Is it on the Clydesdale media one?

It is.


So it's going to be there.

And will it be, you said once a week?


And so and I don't know, like,

I want to pick a workout

that's like under 14 minutes.

So it's not so long.

This happened to be a 20 minute AMRAP.

And I ended up shortening

the middle like five to 18 minutes.

I like sped it way up.

You can see it's started.

Well, no, it hasn't kicked up yet.

But yeah,

because I want to talk through

the workout.

And I don't want us to sit

there and talk for 15 minutes.

So I'm hoping to find a little bit.


Some shorter ones might be a

little bit more.

You know,

who wants... I don't know who

wants to watch.


you got to comment on the video and

call Jim out.


I don't... You know,

we'll see how long... They

won't all be this long.

We'll try to find some shorter workouts.

We'll try to find... If you

go and watch this,

Haley and I talk about

competing with each other.


I will try to find a barbell

centric workout that Haley

has a much better shot at

beating me at that.

We've done a lot of

gymnastics workouts lately

that give me the upper edge.

So I'm sure she's itching to

beat me in a workout.

She's 18.

So she's aged up now this year.


Yeah, she's aged up.


Which so she's not going to

be quite competitive enough to make

A semi, I don't think.

So I think that's why we've

decided to try to put together a team.

I mean, it would,

it'd be a miracle if we made semis,

but it'd be fun to go as a group.

So, and Azariah Price is our,

one of our other guys,

also a team member.

But it's also cool that the

masters are able to do the

whole... Because there are

different times of the year,

you have your own path,

and then you can also do team.

Yeah, I know.

I love that.

I thought that was cool.


the best part of the video was the

DBAB discussion.

I don't even know what we discussed.

What is DBAB?

Does anyone else know what DBAB is?



I think it says auto-correct.

He put that in the comments too.


like just our discussion in general was

your favorite part of the video?

I'm guessing it.

Oh, yeah, we did say don't be a bitch.

We both were like,

I was telling myself don't be a bitch.

Got it, got it.

The one thing I also want to

put out here is Jamie did this on her own,

and it is awesome.

I love every bit of it.

But one thing we want to

focus on is all the other

people that are doing these

types of workouts are men.

50% of the sport is women,

and it's just as popular.

And maybe Jamie and Carolyn

do a head-to-head on one of these weeks.

Who knows?

It's limitless what we can do with this.


For sure.


And I wouldn't,

I was considering that too.

Like if, if this starts to pick up,

like I was thinking that

like I could send Carol in

a workout I'm going to do,

we can both do it even if

it's a day or two apart,

but I could take the videos

and put them next to each

other on the screen and we can show that.


Um, I'm, I'm totally up for any other,


and not to like try to do a fit

where it would just be like,

here's a workout and we can

analyze it and just, you know, over it.

Like we can come on the show,

you guys can talk over it,

how it felt for each of you

differently with your skill set.

There's a lot of men's versions of this.

We need to get the women their shine too.

And teens and masters.


And so...

I think we could do a lot.

You know, we,

we did the whole legend series.

We have a ton of masters

contacts that we could do

the same thing with them.

I think it'd be cool.

And I, and you know,

thank you so much for you

did all this while I was in the hospital.

Yeah, I didn't.

And guys, I threw this up last night.

I was trying to not bother Scott.

He's like,

just put it on your own channel.

I was like, that won't be the same.

And I'm trying to do it all alone.

And I'm not super proficient

with all of this software yet.

So I did my best here to put a draft out.

And we'll see if it gets some likes,


Um, yeah, if you guys like share it,

I might reshare my story in

my Instagram and you guys

can reshare that and get more,

more views here.

It would totally help.

Like you guys heard this

morning with Jason,

it's all about the

algorithm and getting

YouTube to pick up on things.

So you guys can help.

We'll keep pushing out this kind of stuff.


Cause it's the comments or

something that you have to put, right?

Like we're always doing in

the chat for the, like the live chat,

but then once the video goes up,

if there's not any in the comments,

then it's


It doesn't bring it up as much.

Is that what happens?

Yeah, I know.

That's part of it.

It's hard figuring out

YouTube's algorithm.

I'll say that.

So yeah,

look for another one of those next week.

But moving on.

Don fall has said that a

significant amount of money

will be pulled from the

games team and used to

support the affiliates.

What does this mean for the support?

What are the affiliates asking for?

I mean,

I guess we don't know yet because

they haven't announced any

prize money or broadcast deals.

I'm fine if they want to

take money out as long as

there's sponsorships that

are coming in to fill the

money that would be needed.

you know, given by CrossFit.

Because if CrossFit can save money and,

you know,

allow other players to enter the space,

that's, I mean, that's great.

But if there's no other

players plus CrossFit removing,

then that sucks for the sport side of it.

Because that's, you know,

a huge entertainment part of CrossFit.

And it'd be sad.

Well, I feel like they've already...

taken money out of the sport

by dropping the semi-finals

right and giving and and

that's a good choice we've

all we all think that

that's a good idea to give

it back to the local comps

um syndicate running their

theirs um so there's

already money that they've

saved on the table

and where so where are they

pulling there's pulling

more money from all the

influx of open and quarters

and they're keeping that

and push putting it towards

affiliates like I don't

quite understand like if

the money is coming in for

the sports side that needs

to be supporting the sports

side because that's clearly

where people are showing

you they want their money

they're putting their money

where their mouth is and if

that's where they want it

then you need to keep

investing in the sports side um

don't know what the

affiliates are even asking

for more more content that

isn't game centric I don't

know I mean yes they they

should be you know pumping

out content you know daily

essentially of affiliates

and uh you know like

basically what you're doing

like you know older members

uh younger masters teenagers

just more content in general,

people from all over the world,

not just in the States.

You know,

people have different backgrounds,

you know,

just pumping out just content constantly.

So I don't know if they just

need more people to be

traveling around the world.

I know that like the money

from the CrossFit open and

stuff like it is good.

good amount of money with

the quarterfinals,

but there's still like all

those expenses for the semifinals,

for the, for the buildings,

for the broadcast, the games,

like it's still not enough.

They're still taking a lot of money from,

I'm assuming from the L

ones and everything else

outside of the sport.

So I'm sure they're using up

all of the sport money already.

Plus some of the other level

one stuff that they have

money from there.

And I'm sure they just want

to be like a little bit less,

but I don't know what that

significant amount is going to be.

And yeah,

how that's going to affect

which is weird because you

have the teenage games and

the masters the same

weekend to me that just

made it more expensive

because now two broadcast

deals two it you know

wouldn't that be more

expensive this is the one

thing that about all of

this and this is further

down in the notes but we

can jump to it because it

kind of does coincide like

I don't understand when you

say you're trying to save

money in the games because

it's so expensive.

And then you split into

three different venues.

Now you got to pay for three venues.

You got to pay for three broadcasts.

You got to pay for three

shipments of equipment to

be sent to three different places.

And then you're requiring

triple the sponsors, right?

to show to attend or chip in

when it could just be the

one location it would make

more sense to get like few

bigger sponsors in a bigger

monetary sense um I i this

is just mind-boggling to me

there's no way this is

saving money and to me it

like the biggest thing

comes down to again this is

further down in the notes

but like the athlete kit we

talked about this with uh

this morning,

is such a giant draw for athletes.

You're talking about the

swag bag stuff from the games?


That's the only reason I

wanted to go to the games in 2019.

That is the only reason.

I was like, oh my god,

I get all these pairs of shoes,

all this clothes.

I wanted to make the cut

because I had more clothes.

That was my goal to make the cut was like,


I can enter into the prize money and I

just got a new set of

outfits with my name on it.

That's how it was.

I was going there for the kit.

That is what I've been trying to say.

There are numerous.

I mean,

you're talking in the hundreds of

athletes that are just

vying to get to that break

into that spot just to show up.

I know people say this all the time.

If you aren't telling

yourself you're going there to win,

there are lots of athletes

that that's not in their mind.

They are just going there to make it,

to win it, to get the kit.

They have put up with years

and years of striving for this, attending,

spending money on other

local comps or traveling to

mid-level comps just to get

the experience.

to walk away with little to

no prizes or swags at these

to tiptoe their way into

the games just to get the

swag back that is the first

time at least the first

time that's that's it like

that's that's what's

drawing these people to to

keep buying for that spot

ariel lowen told everyone

that just about to say

that's why right that's why

she went to grant games

just to get the freaking placard


I was like, yeah, like, dude, that's,

that's the fun.

Like once after a while, you know,

the first year you're

willing to spend that money

and you're like, I don't care if I'm,

you know, out 2000, 3000.

Cause I got all this clothes.

I got these signs,

everything after a while.

You're like, okay,

I don't need the clothes.

I actually just,

I need the support for the competition.

But for those initial times

that you like qualify,

those kids are super important.

Those are memories.

like I went through my

clothes the other maybe a

month ago I couldn't throw

away any of the things that

I had from like the first

games I'm like no there's

you're attached that

clothes like that that pair

of pants I've worn this

event this it's like it's

memories yeah it I've

spent like days like stressing over this.

And when I heard Bob say on

the podcast the other day

with Jason that they

announced the gear sponsor

and for the athlete kit for masters.

And it's someone we've never heard of.

They don't have bags.

It's not Northern tool, but close.

They don't have bags.

They don't have shoes.

So we, so we're,


Will Gold Rock do it for the Masters?

No, no, no.

We're getting so we are

going to be exactly as I expected.

The redheaded stepchild of

this entire thing.

We're going to go get a

couple of shirts and a couple of shorts,

which is exactly what we

got at MFC and Legends.

So what is it?

What is other than maybe the

top two or three that have

a chance of winning the podium money?

What is it that's going to

draw an athlete to go to

the Masters games as

opposed to Legends in December?

If I if I personally lived

like at this point,

I might as well not go and

I might as well just go to

MFC because I can drive there.

It's cheaper.

I'm going to get the exact

same thing out of it.

I'm going to get an outfit and.

You know,

you're not going to get as many

people from South America

or Europe or Australia like

traveling like that.

for the Masters as well.

It's already been separated, right?

Those athletes were coming, you know,

because they were competing at the games.

Then they got to watch and, you know,

watch the individuals, watch the teams or,

you know, go around the vendor village,

et cetera.

but now it's just the masters.

So it's like,

what's going to draw all of

these athletes in or the

teenagers or the adaptive division too.

I mean,

even the adaptive divisions at the

same time as the SoCal, uh,

water Palooza.

So all three, uh,

Of the split off games.

Are clashing.

With like something.

With each other.

Or with another major event.

Which is just unfortunate for the vendors.

Unfortunate for the athletes.


I wish.

I wish somehow.

Somebody was willing to.

Get that.

Through to HQ.

That like.

The athlete kit is.

one of the most important

things like and

unfortunately like speaking

with Jason like he doesn't seem to

It doesn't matter to him.


it doesn't matter because you've been

there four or five times

and you have years of gear.

And so like,

it doesn't matter to you anymore,

but it does matter to a lot of people.

And a lot of people who are like 32, 33,

who didn't make it and are

going to like excited to

turn 35 to go that way.

I mean, that was always my whole thing.

Like I have spent years just

trying to make it just to

get the kit and to have the

exact same thing that everyone else had.

And yeah,

it's four three four grand

easily worth of stuff I

mean they got everyone got

an ice bath last year we're

not going to get anything

like that like mine's my

new kitchen table because

it won't fit on my balcony

that's my that's my kitchen

Yeah, I don't know.

It's just, it's heartbreaking for me.

So the one thing I don't

want to get lost in this is

I've been a big supporter of Don Fall.

I like him a lot.

He lost me on this one.


And in the notes I put, like,

what do the affiliates want

with this money?

What do they feel they're missing?

And then you have people

like Dale King coming on

kettlebells and cocktails saying,

it's not CrossFit's

responsibility to bring

people into my doors.

That's my job.

That's what I'm supposed to do.


what he wants is the stuff he can't do.

Like the legal representation of the name,

the make sure you protect

the brand so that it's there for me.

It just feels like CrossFit

HQ in this move and in this

announcement is going very Orange Theory,

very that corporate gym mentality.

And I don't think that's

what the affiliates want.

And you can't count dollar for dollar,

50-50 split.

They're two different entities.

And I think earlier in the comments,

Kenneth said,

I bet you if you took a poll

of people who got into CrossFit,

75% of them did it because

they watched the games on

ESPN and went to a gym.

Which again goes back to

bringing people within the gym.

I don't know how well Dale

King's gym is doing,

but at the end of the day,

affiliates still want...

CrossFit to still help in some way,

you know,

bring a better reputation to the

word CrossFit in terms of

safety and coaching and stuff like that.

So I think that's where the

money needs to go.

They posted something today

with safety and injuries.

You know,

it's protecting the name of

CrossFit to bring more

people to the affiliates.

It's still the games and the

Netflix documentaries or if

they want to do other types

of documentaries to continue to expose,

you know,

people outside of our population

to CrossFit to then bring

them to their local

affiliates and stuff like that.

So, I mean...

It's both.

It's what CrossFit can do in

terms of the name.

And indirectly,

it's bringing people to their affiliates.

They still want more members.

So my big overarching question on this is,

do you think this means at

some point they try to

split it off again?

I don't think so.

Like between the health,

like CrossFit for health

and then CrossFit sport, you mean?


I hope not.

I don't know.

I think, I think they're, they're related.

I think they're, they're different,

but they're, they're, they're together.

But for me, it's just like, it's,

it's the name.

I still, you know, if I, if I'm teaching,

let's say kids and I say

the word CrossFit,

they're still kids that

even in this generation now,

because they watch a lot of

bodybuilding and, um, you know,

and they're like, Oh,

CrossFit and kipping pull-ups and,

Like there's still a

negative like view of the

word CrossFit and intensity and injuries.

So that's where I think we

need to continue like the CrossFit to,

you know,

push to protect our name and to

take away all of these

ideas that's on the

internet or just word of

mouth from people that are

not fans of CrossFit.

But to separate them, I don't know,

because I think the

intensity part is still

getting everyone fitter with age.

The Masters population is huge in CrossFit,

and they still can look up

to someone within their age group,

which is really cool to see

what's possible at that age.

I don't know.

I don't think you can separate fully.

I don't know.

In one hand, I want to say yes,

it should be separated

because they clearly can't,

they seem to not be able to

see the difference.

And I would almost prefer

them to not have any aspect

of the open money or anything,

and that all just be a separate entity.

And if the sport

wants to support the sport

then it will and the money

will go where it should go

and in that aspect like

they need to be separate so

they can't intertwine the

funds and we don't get this

muddling of well it's just

costing us too much money

is it because I mean I feel

like if the games is truly

sustainable if that's if

people are going to pay for

it then there's money to be

made there in some fashion

and somebody would pick it

up maybe it'd be rogue I have no idea

Um, but in one way, in one aspect,

I almost feel like it does

need to be separated

because we just keep getting this.

It costs too much.


then you shouldn't be in charge of it.

It's like government doing anything.


I mean, yeah.

If they, if they have the support, I mean,

it seemed like we were

heading that direction, like in 2018,

like we were going to get

these big deals or something, um,

to cover the sport.

And then we just kind of

lost all the media.


I mean, if it can work, sure.

Where has the buildup been to the open?

And Instagram here or there,

it seems like HQ just neglects YouTube.

I've, yeah, I've seen a few, I don't know.

I'd say every few days I see

a post on like Facebook or Instagram, um,


showing just a general member

doing the open in their gym, um, with,

you know,

an inspirational message of like,

this is why we do the openness.

I've, I've had a lot of those.

I've shared them to my own

private team page.

Um, so they're,

they're popping up on my end.

Or they're reposting

previous head-to-head

matchups I've seen a lot.

Those are the ones that seem

to be better on the views.

I was looking at some of the

views that they've had.

Those ones are doing well.

Like the throwbacks of, let's say,

Pat Delner versus someone.



That would be my complaint

with their YouTube is their

YouTube has become just a

retread of something

they've done in the past.

They're still getting views though.

Like, don't get me wrong.

Show in the past open announcements,

they're doing well.

And here's my other beef is

if you've signed up for the open before,

and I know Kenneth hasn't.

So like, because of everything going on,

I've not signed up for the open.

I get a daily reminder that

I need to sign up because I

signed up before like every single day.

But I'm not who you should

be marketing to.


Like how much are you

investing in retention of

the people you have as

opposed to getting more?

Trying to find new people.


I don't know.

The few things that I've

seen on Facebook seem to be

the direction I think they

should be going.

maybe it's not getting enough traction.

Maybe again, algorithms,

I don't know what's not

getting that out to new people.

Maybe CrossFit should be

sending stuff to affiliate owners on,

you know,

send these to all of your members.


Not just the ones that I've signed up,

but these are like, yeah,

don't know why you should be

doing the open what what it

can be good for for the

following year like just

like certain templates for

the affiliates so that they

can then grab that

information and then boom

they send it to them just

to facilitate some of the

that side for the members

like that could be

something that hq could be

doing you know um I know

for um like crossfit canada

um our affiliate manager

sent a few uh like

is it through canvas stuff

of why you're doing the open?

And like,

she sent us a few things to the

affiliate owners just to

share on our pages or stuff

or to members.

Like, I think that idea is good.


I just, I love Kenneth to lap.

He always puts that little

sneaky backhand compliment in for us.

We are talking about Colton next, Ken.

Here we go.

His first ever podcast?


His first ever podcast was

on this channel.

That's when he made it.

That's when you knew he made it,

right there.


Good job, Scott, with that one.

You know how to pick them.

um okay so we've just got

announced that week two

announcement is going to be

justin madero's first

colton mertens um we

already know that colton is

doing the taylor self first

the world uh week three

with um taylor so is that

is that a lot of

head-to-head competition is

that like an unnecessary

amount of anxiety you think carolyn

No, because I think the Open doesn't, like,

doesn't matter.

You know, it's 25%.

And then the thing that's

different this year is the

quarterfinals are pushed

back for the individuals

about a month after the Open.

So it's actually fine if you

want to grab a little bit

more intensity and, you know,

do the Open announcement,

go with your buddies and go

head-to-head there.

Because I think that's good

practice for then a month later-ish.

for the quarterfinals.

I don't think it like, you know,

before it was like a week

off and then boom, you know,

you're already almost like getting,

you know, ready for that.

But no, I think,

I think it's fine for him.


I Colton seems to be,

he'd like thrives in these

situations and he seems to

be grabbing at all of these


He's eating up this, this,

Which is strange for him

because he doesn't seem

like a sociable guy,

but he's taking all of

these handouts that are coming his way.

If there's an opportunity,

he's grabbing it.

He's kind of like showing,

I don't know if it's like a

new personality or his

personality from before,

or he's just more buying

into this character that

he's kind of been given in

the CrossFit space of that

put your head down and

you're working hard and

that farm boy type.

attitude and you guys are all, you know,

crying on the floor and I'm fine.


He's buying into that.

And I think that's a

separation for him in terms

of sponsorship.

You know,

you have to find if that's working,

find it and run with it.

And I feel like that's what

he's doing lately is he's

just running away like with that type of

And I think this is good for him.

I was just surprised that it

was two athletes because I

remember Dave said it's

going to be more than two

and less than seven.


Then you saw two and I was like,

is there more coming?

I got to think,

I got to think there's two

females coming still.

I want to say there's got to

be two females,

especially with that gold barbell.


A few events.

I don't think that they

would do all of those

events just head to head.

Justin versus Colton that

whole day doing a few events.

Cause I don't think that would be good.

Maybe mentally for either of the athletes,

you know?

I want to ask you this, Carolyn,

are you a chip on your shoulder athlete?

Because Colton has always

been a chip on his shoulder,

but he internalized a lot of that.

Like people said,

he's too short to do wall balls.

I'm doing a hundred wall

balls a day with a 30 pound

ball until I'm great at wall balls.


And it seems like all that

internal chip is oozing out

now into an external, like,

stop with the talk that I can't do it.

I've heard it for three

years in a row that I can't get past this,

this, or this.

I'm going to get past this.

Stop it.

Do you ever go in with a

chip on your shoulder?

Yeah, I think so.

I think I well,

I'll just tell myself I'm

just trying to prove

certain people wrong if

they like say certain things about me.

I'm like, OK, well, I know what I can do.

And it's just but I don't

necessarily externally voice it.

It's more just internally

just using it as fuel to be like, OK,

this, you know,

I'm going to prove myself wrong.

Like when I used to play hockey,

I used to have a little,

I used to write on my hockey stick on my,

like the knob on my stick, PTW.

It was like, prove them wrong.

It's like, okay,

like if I got sat on the

bench and I was mad, I was like, okay,

well, next shift.

Like I just looked down my

stick and I was like, prove them wrong.

Like show them why you should be there.

And it was just like,

that was like my model,

like in hockey all the time.

or in sports was just like

prove them wrong but then

it kind of more recently

was like okay more like

proving me also not just

like them so it's kind of

like a balance a little bit

um but yeah I'd say I have

a chip on my shoulder

sometimes I think it's good

it's good I don't know what

drives me scott I i have no

idea I haven't figured it out either so

Just curious.

Yeah, I don't know.

I'll have to do some more.

I mean, I guess a little bit.

I want to beat... I don't know.

I have no idea.

I just have an extreme competitive side.

When you train,

do you visualize a certain competitor?

Like what...

like I know like when I'm training,

like I'm not visualizing a

specific competitor, but I'm visualizing,

you know,

other people putting themselves

in certain situations.

It's like,

I need to put myself here and it's like,

I want to make it here like

to the games or whatever.

Like, what do you visualize, I guess,

when you're training to keep you, I guess,

focused or keep, you know,

going through those dark

places and workouts.

Like, what do you think about just,

just pushing yourself or what you can do?

Or do you,

visualize usually it's it is

usually just myself I mean

I will say like I'll be on

the bike and I'll be like

I don't picture one athlete.

I just in my head, I'm like,

anyone else would be suffering,

would be willing to suffer

worse than you are right now.

Like shut up and don't be a

little bitch and push.

And I'll like,

I try really hard to do that.

If it's like a heavy barbell,

like step up and grab this barbell.

Like other people are

stronger than you and

they're already approaching the barbell.

But I don't have like a specific,

I don't know that anyone

has ever like been like,

you suck and, and I'm going to, and then,

and then I'm like,

want to prove them wrong.

I don't, I don't know.

So it's just a general population.

Like I just,

in any situation I envision

like people and they're

just doing better than me and I want,

and I need to push harder

and try to catch up or whatever.

So I think what I envision is just like,

what is the cut line?

And I envision like when I'm

in a pace where,

this is the pace I feel like

a games athlete would be doing it at,

or this is, you know, an elite score.

And I'm just kind of chasing

what I kind of visualize as

that elite score.

And it's like, I want to be elite.

This is what I have to do.

And I'm just trying to like chase that.

Cause I'm often just training by myself.

So that's,

I'm just trying to picture some

sort of line in front of me.

It's like, this is where I should be.

Yeah, exactly.

I'd say that's very similar.

Speaking of, I put you in my top 25.

Scott, did you finish your poll?

I did not.

I wondered.

Try to open it tonight

because I actually just

submitted mine earlier today.

And I know it said yesterday.

Let's see if you can submit it tonight.

Oh, they're redoing that.

Yeah, they did a February poll.

And yes, you were in my top 25.


Yeah, check that.

Okay, so...

athletes coming back after a drug ban,

the Heinrich Oscarsson,

they just said he's coming back.

Should these athletes be

tested prior to coming back

or throughout their ban or I don't,

however you look at it.

They should be tested during their ban.

For sure.

Like you can't go four years

without getting tested.

It's literally like, Oh,

continue doing for a little

bit longer what you can do and then

next time you're at an

in-person competition, you'll get tested.

So, you know,

then they know they're

basically figuring out in

the next four years,

how long things take to get

out of their system.

They got four years to figure that out.


They got to get tested somehow.

I did hear that,

that Ricky Gerard was

tested throughout the band,

but I don't know.

It could have been one time.

One time.

Is that what it was?

One time.

So I agree with you, Carolyn, that to me,

if I'm in CrossFit and I get banned,

let's juice it up to 11 and

get as strong as I can possibly get.

And then when I know the

half-life is going to be

gone for my return back,

then let it all out, right?

But we don't even test the

current athletes enough.

I have competed in CrossFit since 2014.

I have been tested three times, I think.

And I'm on the list of I

send my whereabouts every

three to four months.

been tested three times for

the crossfit games I want

to say and I've been on

podiums like a few times in

like different competitions

they're not testing enough

because like I don't take

anything I just take

creaking that's the only

thing I take and I'm like

I'm thinking to myself damn

if I'm getting tested three

times in 10 years and I've

been to 10 10 regionals and

semi-finals like

I mean, I know some of the top,

top athletes are getting

tested a lot more,

but still the other games

athletes or bubble people,

like there's just not enough testing.

It's crazy.

It is crazy.

I don't know what the solution is.

That does seem like a big

strain on the budget.

So I don't know.

But then in my head, I'm like,

but don't waste your test on me.

Go test other people.

I'm clean.

Sure, test me, but go test people.

Just not enough.

And in the teams,

they only test two people.

So I don't know.

I'd rather pay more for

competitions knowing that

everyone gets tested.

I'd rather pay a little bit

more in the competition fee

if it means it's covering

the testing of more people.

But even then,

people at competitions are

normally off whatever they're taking.

So it's during the open, show up to a gym.

Show up to a random

affiliate that has a bunch

of people or just that you know.

Show up to an affiliate, test.

Because everyone that's on

the open or under that could be tested.

So during the open,

just show up to places.

The only people that take

during a competition are those that say,

Hey, my buddy gave me a bag of pills.

I just took them.

But I know it's expensive, but yeah,

I guess I don't know, but I guess.


I don't know what to do there either.

All right.


hopefully when they come back from

their ban, though,

is that they've learned their lesson.

Like, that's what you hope for, right?


that's what my heart wants to believe,

I guess.

That they're coming back.

Have you ever predicted that

Ricky would be this popular

after coming back?


I thought that there would be a little

bit more.

But, like, this first year,

I think he was well –

like, uh, well received.

Yeah, he was,

he was actually well received.

I was surprised,

but I was really surprised

about his first year back

being well received.

And now he's like,

like he's one of the most

popular athletes in the sport.


And I think people want to

see someone learn from

their lesson and learn, um, yeah,

like learn from their lesson.

And then,

like a comeback story.

Like we all love a comeback story.

I think that's what's drawing people in.

The only thing I didn't like

from that situation is that

his brother popped for the

same thing two years later.

And you're like, did he learn?

That's where I'm like, what,

what about Ricky makes you

think he learned from his lesson?

And especially knowing his brother,

like maybe he just learned how to cycle.

No comment.

I don't know.

For me,

the tough part is that his brother

tested positive two years.

Like that, that was a tough part.

Cause I was like, well,

one of them hasn't learned

their lesson at least, but you, you hope,

I don't know.

I hope that cause he's,

he's really a phenomenal athlete.

Like he's not just a crosser.

Like he's a really good athlete.

I think he played rugby.

He's a great mountain biker or like,

it's like, I,

I like the athletes in this sport.

So he's, he's an athlete.

So like, I, I hope that he can, that he's,

learned ldy2742 if you're

caught they should be

tested every three months

make the athlete pay for it

I do like that you want to

compete that's an

interesting take yeah

something like that I guess

I i don't I don't even know

how much the testing is but

something like that yeah I have no clue

but I guess they would know

when they're buying their

own test to get tested.

And I don't know how that would work, but.


It's you got to pay the penance, right?

You're the one that tested positive.

You want to stay in the sport.

You got to pay for this over

the next four years.


Brian friend on what's it called

around the whiteboard is

what it's called.

I'd like propose that if you

test positive and then you

rat someone else out,

that is also juicing that

it would reduce yours.

Cause it would basically try

to get more people to get tested.

I still don't like the fact

that you would reduce yours.

Like going to rat someone else out.

Shouldn't reduce what you did.

Like you still tested positive.

It should get, you know,

your four years just by,

pointing fingers and say, well,

go and test these ones that

I got the supply from or whatever,

shouldn't be reducing your bad.

But if it's going to grab more people,

I don't know.

Both are, I don't know.

What do you think about that?


I thought it was an interesting take.

I would almost be willing to

dock a year just to get

more people caught.

It may be worth it.

So then it would go like that.

No, no more than one year though.

No more than one year.


Like just cause you do two,

you don't get two years.

If you start going into two

years and stuff and all of

a sudden that would be.





We attribute that to the right Brian.

It was Brian spin.

What did I say?


Oh, sorry.

Uh, yeah.

Brian spin.


Yes, yes, yes.

When you said that Brian

Friend was on Around the World,

I knew that that topic was on.

I was like, well,

that's news that he was brought on.

I don't even know why I said Brian Friend.

Different people.



All right.

All right.

Open predictions.

So, Scott,

you want us to guess what we

think the first workout might be?

Is that what you want to predict?

This isn't my note.

Oh, all right, Carolyn.

All right, let's go.

I don't know.

I was just asking if you had

any predictions for the Open coming up.

Prediction workout-wise or

prediction... Yeah, workout-wise.


Movement-wise, week one.

Because you said it's unique.

I know.

I'm intrigued by the wording

around week one.


I think it's going to be

simple classic CrossFit.

What's going to be unique in there?

I don't know.

That to me is not unique.

I would like to think that

they are done with the

introductions of new

movements in the open.


I just, I don't think that's a good idea.

I don't think that's the

place to introduce them.

It's too many people

interpreting something new.



I think that also,

I think I would also go

with quarterfinals for that too.

I think if there's a new

movement introduced,

I would like to see it in

person with top judges and

then have it trickle down from there.

But when you have non judges,

top judges and affiliates

grabbing new movements.

I don't think that's a good idea.


I don't think you're going

to see burpee or pushups in, in the open.

That's, that's a recipe for disaster,

but there could be a version of that,

whether it be like burpee

Cindy or Dave pipes every year.

And it's never crazy different.



He does have a way to just draw you in.


it's just like the way he would speak

at the games, the way that he just,

you know, those words about the open,

like you're just,

those are the things I

think that people miss the

most is just the way he

talks about workouts and

just gets you anxious.

Literally, you're like listening to him.

You're like, oh my gosh,

there's a lot of pain coming up.

Yeah, that makes sense.

It makes me think that it

won't be a retest because

that's not really unique.

Like what if it's like the

seven minutes of burpees,

but it's like seven minutes of,

they had a 10 minutes of

burpee box jump overs on cap


I get them mixed up now because a lot of

cap has been showing up

Something like that is just gross.


So I would and so and I we

actually were just talking

about this recently.

I would like to see burpee

pull either burpee or

bar muscle up or burpee ring

muscle up um because I

personally think not

connecting those reps like

I've said this before like

a ring muscle up with the

dip I think is the way to

do it or or burpee ring

muscle ups so that it you

can't really get away with

that push away as much um

and making those be singles

and um I just think this

one is the first one right

um so yeah like a burpee

bar muscle up I think would be

Let me propose this.

Everywhere we're hearing Boz

and Dave talk about how we

have to change the way

workouts look so that everybody can start,

not everybody can finish.

And maybe workout one is a

demonstration of that.

So my first ever open workout was 13-1.

It was 50 burpees, then snatches,


Then you went more burpees or less burpees,

but then a heavier snatch.

What if you did like both?

You start with regular

burpees and you do a light snatch.

Then you do burpee pull-ups

and a heavier snatch.

Then burpee bar muscle-ups

and a heavier snatch.

something like that that

demonstrates what the new

way of the workout is going

to be so that everybody can play,

but we can still test for

the fittest on earth.


I think we're going to see a

lot of that type of thing

or the gated type workouts

in quarterfinals.

I think they've already alluded to that.

They're like,

they basically said the 25

will be able to start the

workout they probably won't

be able to finish um so I

would be hesitant to think

that they're gonna do that

also in the open um just

because I think that's

gonna be you're gonna see

five of those workout types

of workouts in

quarterfinals so I don't

know I don't know I don't

think we'll see shuttles personally

i think I don't think

shuttles will be in I don't

necessarily think have they

shown a like a equipment

list no I don't think

they're doing that this

year well I said I think it

was paused no I think it

was said that the equipment

list basically came out of

the pandemic and uh they're

going away from that but

now you should just have everything

basically have everything available and,

but I don't think you'll

see anything with 25, um, feet for the,

for the open.

I think something on the

spot or in a smaller area,

that's just easier for the affiliates, uh,

might be the way to go just

to facilitate classes,

to run the workouts.

We've had 25 feet for a long time.

We have with lunges.

2016 was the introduction.

I think with the overhead walking lunges,

burpees, chest of our one,

I think was the first time.

So I don't,

I don't think that's the big

problem for affiliates.

It's that it's designated floors length.

So quick move.


I w I would say that one,

it would be a problem

because on overhead,

bar a lot of like our gym

would have to go under the

rig and like that just

takes up a lot of room like

a bar versus like dumbbells

in 17.2 I think it was uh

lunge lunge love toast of

our power like that takes a

little bit less room that

you can kind of go a little

closer in lanes if you're

if you're by people but the

overhead bar I think would be less

And you could,

you could make lunges 15

feet or like short.

And it'd still be effective.

Hell you can lunge in place

and it's effective.


Especially cause you're

having to push off.

If you're doing like,

let's say a forward lunge

or a reverse lunge.

That could be.

Do we see a max lift?

I think we will see a max lift.

What's your prediction of the max lift?

I think a heavy deadlift is coming.



Box jumps and deadlifts ascending ladder.

It's coming.

It's coming back.

Oh, so you just think just like 14.3,

like the workout lift,

not like a one rep max deadlift.

No, no,

I don't think I'd do a one rep max


I think there's going to be

a two part workout with a lift.

Complex or a lift?

So I would prefer to see a

complex for sure.

I just think doing a single lift after,

I mean,

I think it should be after a

workout and I think it should be,

you should have to do the

workout in some fashion to earn the lift.

The one year, 2021,

when they did the complex,

I did not like the format

of once you got done,

you had one minute or something.

I don't know what the time

was because you were

getting penalized by being fitter.


Because if you finish the,

and then if you didn't finish the workout,

let's say you began lifting.

I don't remember the time.

It was the thruster chest to bar one.

And then let's say 12

minutes at the 12 minute mark,

you had a time cap and then

however long you had for your lifts.

But if you finish that in,

let's say eight minutes,

you were lifting at nine minutes.

You were lifting under a certain fatigue.

And if you didn't have the

fitness to finish very fast

and you had to wait around

because you didn't have, let's say,

a chest to bar or the bar muscle up,

you got to rest.

Basically, you could almost load your bar,

get ready,

and then you got to do your

lift fresh while the fitter

athletes were under fatigue.

So I don't like that idea.

I like that if you are going

into another lift, if you finish earlier,

you earn that rest.

A hundred percent.

And not one minute later you finish.




I didn't.


It was 2021.


I didn't like that either.

I remember specifically that

there were people in the gym out,

outlifting me, which is not rare,

but who did half the amount of work.

And I'm like,

if you would have continued

to work with what I did, you would have,

you wouldn't have hit what you hit.

I mean, I, I know that for a fact.

Um, yeah, I don't like workouts like that.


So if there is a second part,

it can't be like 2015 with

part a was nine minutes.

And then part B was the

clean and jerk and people

sat around and then a max lift,

which was very similar to me.

People didn't sit around for 2021, uh,

21 point,

three slash four.


But it was the same idea as

2015 where someone could

still float around for the

first part and then get

ready for their lift.



do you think there'll be a lift in

the open?

I'll be honest.

I have not thought about the

open because of the last week too much.

Um, I always love a lift and,

I'll tell you the year they

had the burpees you had to

finish to be able to lift.


It, it pushed me to,

and that's the only workout

I've ever repeated because

I missed it by like two

reps the first time and

then went in with a

different strategy and

finished it and was able to

do the lift on the second one.

That was a game changer.



I, that was one of my, I,

that workout was tough, but like,

I think that's the way you

program a lift for sure.


you have to show the fitness to earn it.

I was thinking bench too.


What if we're all thinking

there's like a max lift,

but it's a max gymnastics

movement and it's like max reps of,

I don't know.

They did pull-ups in team

series the one year or

something like that.

I mean,

a certain amount of time or

something on a machine, like a one,

two K row.

So did you see their,

did you see their posts the other day of,

it was like basically some,

some people say a two K row

is one of like the worst things.

How about three of them?

And it was like two K row rest,

three minutes, repeat two K row rest,

three minutes repeat.

And I was like, gross, gross.

Something that people avoid doing like,

like repeated workouts.

And it's like, your score is your slowest,

you know, or something like that.

And it's like, that sucks.


You know, and we're all thinking max slip,

but it could be something

different and unique.

And it's something that tests fitness.

I don't know.

Just throwing that out there.

That would just, that would take so long.

I mean, they wouldn't be a 2k,

but I don't know.


Yeah, I saw that one and I was like,

oh my god.

I suppose you could do a 2K row.

I mean,

they've had 20 like 25 minute workouts.



Well, shoot.

They had the thruster double

under which had no time cap.

Thruster double under. 17.5.

there were people that like

there literally was no clock for that.

So like you could have gone for it.




I was trying to think of, yeah.


Um, but for the most part, I think,

I think they're done in about 20 minutes,

but I don't know.

I was going to say there's no cap for 14,

five, 16, five.


The burpees.

So yeah.

Are we ready to wrap this thing up?


I put the next one here and

I listed this just before

the show on death by one of

the questions was,

can you be balanced in life

and win the CrossFit Games?

Because it's almost been

like an armor for people to say,

and I'll just say Matt Frazier,

like he did not live in

balance to win the CrossFit Games.

When he was training,

it was all about training

and all about winning the games.

Do you think you can be

balanced in life and win?


Well, in life,

there's still some sacrifices, I guess.

But I don't know.

I think Pat Vellner has gone pretty close.

Is that right?

Alex Gazan is an example of

someone who is just such a freak athlete.

He thinks she can do it.

And she's very adamant about

having balance in her life.

What's balance for her?


She's doing this full time.


She doesn't have a job.

I mean, defined.

Job is CrossFit.


Sponsorship obligations and stuff.

I don't know what I would

consider balance in that point.

I guess everyone's balance is different,


That's the thing as well is

my balance will look

different than someone

else's balance because what

I can handle will be

different than someone else's.

I mean, Ariel still doesn't work, though,

like in terms – she has her daughter.

Are you saying being a

mother is not working?

No, no, no.

I'm saying – no, no, no.

But I'm saying she's like –

she's training at home.

She has her daughter,

and then she has – like

she's not doing like another job on top,


Like she has her daughter

that she's doing a lot of

activities with and then

doing her training around –

that part um which I think

helps on her garage gym oh

my gosh looks have you guys

seen how nice it looks her

new one that's getting

built the new one beautiful

damn that's that's amazing

that's what happens when

you yeah I would say she's

pretty close in terms of

balance because of

like it's not only CrossFit, but I mean,

there's other like fathers

and mothers too in this space.

So I don't, I guess, yeah,

I guess how do we define balance?

Are we talking about, can you have a job,

like another career?

Is that what we're talking about?

Or because there's other athletes that,

I mean,

male athletes aren't coming back

from like a pregnancy,

like Ariel or Annie or Cara Tia have.

So I guess like that's

completely different, I think.

I don't know.


I'd be curious what they're, when they,


What were they trying to say

when they said that?

I mean, it's notable with Matt, right?

Like he was a singular focus

and to the effect of not

using a knife during season,

not going to someone's birthday party,

not see,

like if you become no longer social and,

to the point where you like

will not go out and go

somewhere with your friends

on a Friday night.

Cause you don't want to go

to a restaurant or you

don't have a different food.

Um, I would say, no, you're not balanced.

I would say I'm not balanced

and I'm not nowhere near.

Um, so like,

there's lots of things I

declined to do with my

family that I would have

not declined to do years ago.


And I and I can only imagine

that the people that do

this like fully full time

are even worse than me.

But maybe I'm wrong.

Yeah, yeah, I guess.


It's the balance question

that I have trouble.

Because that's like,

is it's gonna be different for everyone.

Everyone's balance is different.


Like, I think

if just looking on social

and what you see on social

media isn't even an

accurate representation of

what people probably do outside,

but it's nice to see though, you know,

someone like Pat, for instance,

still put in some hours,

his chiropractic

chiropractor job that he's doing.

Then he has a family as well.

Plus he's,

you know, podium at the games.

Ariel has a daughter.

You can see her doing

activities with her

daughter and doing things

like it's different.

Like she doesn't have the

job as well as Pat,

but then she also came back

from pregnancy.

It's just different.

I don't know.


I think, I think it can happen though.

I think it happened.


I think Emma Lawson does a pretty good job,

but again, she's,

not working.

Uh, I'm pretty sure she's living at home,

has a great setup at home,

has a lot of sponsorships and,

but in terms of her life balance,

it's easier maybe to have a

balanced life when your

partner is a games athlete as well.

And they have similar interests.

Like I think that balance,

they see each other at the gym as well,

and then they can spend some time off.

I don't know.

It's still connected,

but she is still doing kid or young stuff,


Rich Rawlings is a good example.

That guy has no balance.

When he was individual, no way.

He has no balance.

You have to go team to get balance.

His kids come to the gym.

He doesn't have balance.

I love him too, but like

There's not.

I don't know.

They did say on the show

that those who are

partnered with their life

partner as a coach and life

partner seem to be more balanced,

like a Jeff Adler or a Tia Toomey,

but it's just probably more disguised.

Yeah, I agree with that.

That is their lifestyle as a family.

So the balance there is in

unison in a sense.



the last thing we have on our agenda

is from the TDC podcast,

Vendor Village not attached

directly to the venue at

this year's games.

It's a few hundred meters away.

It's a walk.

It's not right next to it.

It's going to have a different feeling.

They're going to plan for

big breaks between events

to hopefully drive people over there.

Thoughts for vendors?

On the surface, without seeing it,

I think that sucks.

Even if they put big breaks,

people are going to go to a restaurant.

But having a wall through

the vendor village,

having it so easily accessible there,

I think really helps the vendors.

If they go and do workouts

in the vendor village,

because it's a bigger vendor village,

and it's like, hey,

meet at 1 o'clock here for

a community workout,

having these athletes sign,

it could draw people.

I think that's what they're

going to try to do.

But I think it's,

I guess we'll see year one,

but it's definitely

interesting that it's not attached.

Because when that building came up,

the Dickies, we all thought, you know, oh,

the vendor village is going

to look great here and there.

But it's not attached.

So one,

what are they using that area that

typically is a vendor village for?

And basic freaking business 101 is,

Wherever it is,

make it the entrance to the arena.

To come and go,

you have to walk through

Vendor Village to go to the arena.

And I'm okay with it.

If you guys have indicated

in Paper Street who were

right inside of Wadapalooza last year,

not this year, but last year,

and everybody had to walk

by their booth to get to

any of the venues, they killed it.


So I don't know.

Yeah, the open.

And it's going to be open to the public.

And that works then.

If it's the entrance,

you have to walk through

there to get to the arena.

You just have the gate on

the back end to go into the arena.

Or you can exit over here if

you're just there for the public.

Yeah, I agree.

I feel like if it's going to be separate,

it needs to lead into the venue.


you have funnel traffic through there.

If you want people to keep

sponsoring these things for

exorbitant amounts of money,

they have to have the foot traffic.

They have to make their money back.

I mean,

Wadapalooza didn't go great for a

lot of vendors,

and a lot of vendors don't

want to go back.

Because of the rain, also?


And I don't...

And that may be a big part

of it is the rain was

keeping spectators away just in general.

I just think there was less

foot traffic in general at

Guadalupe this year overall.

I think it was paid seats.


the paid seats made less people go to

Guadalupe because they were

too expensive.

So less people bought tickets.

Yeah, I guess I didn't think about that.

I didn't hear anything about

Craig Ritchie.

He wasn't a vendor.

He just had the app.

Like he said,

he lost money going like paying to go.

Normally he would make that

back in his YouTube views.

So hustle is at a booth at

what a Palooza every year.

And it's a massive open air

booth with like,

Tons of meet and greets and

stuff like that.

So he may have had one this year.

This was my first miss in a couple years.


I wouldn't be surprised if

he didn't make out so well.

Again, I heard quite a few who didn't.

So, yeah, that's going to be a problem.

Well, we're over our 90 minutes.


But good show tonight.

Thank you, everybody,

in the comments for being here.

Thank everybody for the well

wishes and the love in the comments.

I love you all.

This has been fun.

We'll have to do it again.

Get Carolyn or Lex back on

and really get some stuff going.

With that,

we will catch everybody next

time on Thursday Night CrossFit Talk.

Bye, guys.

We out here takin' aim, let our voices