My True Ghost Stories

Join a spiritual medium as they recount their journey from childhood encounters with spirits to helping earthbound ghosts cross over. In this first episode, listen to two intriguing ghost stories—a haunted basement filled with antiques and a persistent spirit, and a heartfelt message from a tropical paradise.


Visit Jennifer's website to learn more!

What is My True Ghost Stories?

Join a New York City native and professional spiritual medium as she shares authentic paranormal encounters from her life and work. From childhood experiences to present-day revelations, these stories aim to normalize the supernatural and encourage listeners to trust their intuition.

Hello, and welcome to My True Ghost
Stories, where each story is a chapter

from my own journey as a spiritual medium.

I'm Jennifer, and I specialize in
helping trapped spirits to cross over.

I clear haunted houses, bring
closure to those left behind, and

I craft custom rituals that help
both the living and the departed.

In this podcast, I share my true
ghost stories, exploring those

moments of connection between
this side and the other side.

So join me as I explore these
experiences one true tale at a time.

Welcome to Episode 1 of
My True Ghost Stories.

I'm going to tell you a little
bit about myself and what I do

before we get to today's stories.

I am a spiritual medium.

I talk to ghosts or spirits,
primarily those who are trapped or

earthbound, and I am blessed with
the ability to help them cross over.

As a kid, I saw and felt spirits
all the time, and I was scared.

I was well into adulthood
before I realized that these

ghosts were asking for my help.

And through a series of spiritual
experiences, coincidences, and messages,

I realized that I was able to cross
spirits over, and even more so, that

I had a responsibility to do so.

I do this crossing over with a combination
of help from my guides, the spirit's

guides, communication with the ghosts
themselves, and using these tools, I

craft a custom ritual that will help
this spirit move to their next stage.

And every trapped spirit is trapped
for a different reason, so each

case requires a different approach.

Sometimes the ghosts have already
departed, but have left behind energy, and

I am often called to clear these spaces,
which is really rewarding because the

atmosphere is so much better afterwards.

I have many, many true ghost
stories to share with you.

Some before I knew that I
was a medium, and some after.

And my hope in telling these stories is to
bring tolerance, love, and understanding

to trapped or lingering spirits who,
although we might be afraid of them,

are really just asking for our help.

So, let's begin.

I have two stories for you today.

The first is about two ghosts
I encountered on a clearing

job who were very attached
to their earthly possessions.

And the second is about a happy spirit
sending reassurance from a tropical

paradise to a co worker of mine.

And here we go.

Speaker: This story is
called Haunted Basement.

I was contacted by a family who had
done recent renovation and decluttering

of their basement and had experienced
a severe energy change in that area.

They said it was uncomfortable
and negative down there

and they had a rec room.

That nobody would use after this
renovation and decluttering and negative

energy had come upon the basement.

So they asked me to please come and
diagnose the problem and clear the

basement so that they could use the
rec room and the laundry and the

washing machine and all that again.

So I arrived at a lovely home.

And I was greeted by the family, and
after a short conversation about what

they were experiencing and what had
happened and what they had done in the

basement with the decluttering and the
renovation, I went down there by myself

because no one would come with me.

When I went down there, I saw the
area that had been renovated and

I saw lots of antiques and I felt
definitely more than one spirit.

So I will tell you about each
spirit and here's the first one

. So Spirits can attach themselves to an
object, like some possession of theirs

that they had while they were alive.

After they pass on, they will cling to
that object, which is probably really

important to them for some reason.

So, this basement was full of antiques.

Um, and the woman had told me that
she likes to go to estate sales and,

purchase things and bring them home.

So I was walking through the basement,
and my attention was drawn to this

sterling tea set that was in a box.

And it was just sort
of thrown into the box.

It was not organized.

and it had engraved initials on it.

And it was very beautiful, very beautiful.

And I picked up one of the
pieces and I said, Oh, okay.

The energy that we're all feeling
is attached to this tea set.

So I knew I need to find why there was
so much energy attached to this tea set.

And I assumed it was a spirit
who was attached to it.

so I got into my zone.

And this way that I do, and
I said, okay, where are you?

Where are you?

And it takes a few seconds, and then
she appeared, and it was an older

woman, and she was standing there,
and she was looking very upset

and frustrated, and I said, hello.

And she said, Where is
the rest of my tea set?

I said, Okay, so there's a
problem with the tea set.

I guess pieces have been
removed or something.

So I, so I went upstairs to the family.

They were sitting upstairs and I
said, Okay, um, first off, there's

a lady downstairs who wants to know
where the rest of the tea set is.

So, the woman, the homeowner looked
at me shocked and said, Wow, oh my, I

literally just took the tray from that
set upstairs to use on my nightstand, like

a few days ago during the decluttering.

So I said, okay, well I guess that's it.

That's where the rest of the tea set is.

So I went back downstairs
to talk to the spirit.

And she was not just missing the tray.

She was not just upset that the
tray had been removed from the set.

She was upset that , this tea T set,
which was obviously very precious to her.

This T set was just in a box, and
it was not being displayed properly,

and it was not , being given
the attention that it deserved.

So she was very upset about this.

The interesting thing about this
spirit, it was different, usually,

they, remain there and want to stay
with this conversation, but this

spirit was sort of flashing in and out.

So she'd be there, and then
she'd be gone, and then she'd be

there, and then she'd be gone.

And so I would have to like pause and
wait to talk to her for her to come back.

So I'm not sure, I've never seen that
before, or again,, I don't know why

that was happening, but I'm curious.

thinking that she was possibly
following other objects from the

estate sale, like checking in on this
one and checking in on this one.

So that's a guess, but , that was
my feeling that that's what was

going on with her, that they were
objects all over the country, from

her estate sale or from her home.

And, uh, she was, guarding them.

That was my feeling.

So, it came time for me to help
this spirit move on, because it

really did seem to be that all she
needed to know was what's going to

happen with my T set, and I didn't
need any more information from her.

So, part of a clearing process
is giving compassionate help.

for troubled spirits
that are in the space.

So that's part of the clearing process.

And it's also part of helping troubled
spirits is to go to where they are and

give them compassion and find out what
it is that they need and do the best

that I can to give them what they need.

Using my guides, and their guides,
and conversations with them, I

discern what that spirit needs.

And in many cases, just like this one, it
involves helping them to become willing

to let go of their earthly possessions.

Like a tea set.

While I was back downstairs, I had
one last conversation with this woman

about the importance of this tea
set, and I was able to convince her

that it would be taken out of the
box, and it would be honored, and it

would be displayed, and she did not
have to guard the tea set anymore.

I went upstairs and spoke to the owner of
the house, and she happily agreed to place

the tea set in a place of honor upstairs.

I went back down to talk to the spirit
of the woman, and she was happy to

hear that her tea set was coming out
of the box and leaving the basement.

But most importantly, Through this
conversation and messages from my

guides and hers, she became willing
to trust her earthly possessions to

others and move on to a better place.

Which is exactly what happened, with
my help, after this conversation.

and here is the story of the second
ghost that was in the haunted basement.

So, at the back of this basement, there
was a washer dryer, storage room, and

a back door, and a room off to the
side of the laundry room that had no

door, and lots of energy emanating
from this room I walked through, I

followed the energy, and I went inside
this room, turned on the light to

see, , the renovations that had started.

started in a big empty space in the
corner and a forlorn and very agitated

man standing next to this empty space.

So I said to him, you know, what's wrong?

What are you doing here?

And I got no communication from him except
this feeling from him, this feeling of

outrage and disbelief and frustration.,
I couldn't communicate with the spirit

except for him, you know, staring at me
and shrugging his shoulders in disbelief.

So I went back upstairs and I consulted
the family about what had gone on

in that room and they told me that
they had removed this very large

workbench that had come with the house.

It was there when they bought
it and they had just removed it.

So I said, well, I bet that's it.

So I went back down to talk to
the spirit and I said, um, are

you mad about the work bench?

And then the communication started.


He says, you know, it was a
perfectly good work bench.

How could they get rid of it?

And on and on and on, like, just all
this, just complete disbelief that they

would remove such a beautiful workbench.

, and I could tell that he stayed in this
room all the time near this workbench.

And, as I said before, the workbench,
, the room was next to The washer

and the dryer, and this family had
told me that they felt particular

discomfort while doing laundry.

I could tell from his demeanor and
from messages I was getting that

he would stand in the doorway when
someone was there and probably yelling.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Why did you remove my workbench?

And although they couldn't hear
him, they definitely could feel his

agitation being shouted at their backs.

It came time for me to help
this spirit cross over as he

was very attached to this space.

Getting instructions from my
guides, and his guides, they

told me that this workbench, and
probably all that it represented

to him was extremely important.

And his attachment to the bench space,
and his frustration over it being gone

now, was what was keeping him here.

He was trapped, and he was earthbound

, I was asked to tell him that there's an
even better workbench on the other side.

And this, he listened to.

This got his attention.

And the ranting stopped.

. I kept that and using our guides, his
and mine, , he actually voluntarily

went out the front door and I imagine
he went to that fabulous workbench

on the other side, as I rarely get to
see what happens once they cross over.

Except I can say that from the
little that I have been shown of

the other side, And it is beautiful.

I left that family with instructions
on how to close the two portals.

And I told them their
basement was clear now.

And I have received updates
from them that their basement

is now clear and comfortable.

And they're using the rec
room and doing the laundry.

And it's restored to
its previous positivity.

One very important aspect of the story
of The Haunted Basement is the closing

of the portals that I instructed
the family how to do after I left.

A portal happens when a spirit exits
this realm and goes to the other.

And they leave a hole in the
membrane between the two planes.

And that hole needs to be closed
up after a short period of time.

I like to leave it open for a brief
period to ensure that the spirit

has time to finish their exit.

But it is very, very
important to close it up.

If it remains open, it's like leaving
your front door open, and then all

sorts of folk can come through and
make themselves at home in your house.

There are different methods of closing
portals, but leaving them open can

lead to all sorts of ghostly troubles.

And this is the voice
of experience talking.

I learned this lesson about portal
closing the hard way, There's

way too much to go into now.

And I will tell that story, the story of
the unclosed portal, In a future episode.

Speaker 2: And here is
today's second story.

Speaker: I get a lot of messages
from spirits in my dreams,

and this does not bother me.

I keep a notepad next to the
bed to write messages down.

Not my phone, because I don't
want to see any notifications

at three o'clock in the morning.

But with my notepad, I can write
down the messages that I get from

the spirits in the dreams and
get back to sleep pretty easily.

And while I am okay with receiving
messages in dreams, I have set a boundary

that no ghosts are allowed in my bedroom.

They're allowed in my dreams,
but not in my bedroom.

And I definitely don't want
any kind of apparition.

I enjoy listening to ghost story podcasts.

And someone will come on and tell
this story, you know, I was asleep

and I woke up and there was a man in a
Revolutionary War uniform standing there

staring at me, you know, it's terrifying.

And I am not the type of person
who can handle that kind of thing.

I have seen a few ghosts in full view like
that, and it was all before mediumship,

and before I learned that they are asking
me for help, and I did not handle it well.

I want to thank the universe for
respecting my boundaries, because

now I only see these spirits in my
peripheral vision, in my mind's eye,

in my dreams, or I feel their presence.

And this allows me to help them because
I'm not, you know, screaming and

crying and running out of the room.

So that boundary has been
successfully set as I have not seen

a full apparition in a long time.

However, as I said, I am open
to receiving messages in dreams.

And here is one story about that.

It is called Brother in Law.

I was getting recurring visits
from a certain spirit in my dreams

and it was coming in the form of
the sound of knocking on a door.

You know, not my actual door.

Again, that'd be too scary.

In the dream, someone would
say, excuse me, repeatedly, or

I would hear a doorbell ringing.

And yes, this does sound
scary, but it was in my dreams.

So it didn't scare me.

And although there was no visual with
these sounds, I knew that it was a

man and it was the same man each time.

And he had passed recently
within the last few months.

And I could tell he was a nice man, which
was another reason why it was not scary.

So these dreams went on for a
while, maybe a few weeks, and

finally there was a visual.

The visual was a man, maybe in his 40s,
sitting in an open air resort bar during

the day, and there was other people
around, but he was sitting by himself.

There were palm trees in the
background, there was sunshine,

and there was a bartender.

It had a paradise look,
but also a local look.

More like he lived there
than that he was a tourist.

And it was nice, really
comfortable and not too fancy.

The most notable thing about this man
was this magnificent head, dark brown

hair with an impressive hairline.

And I got the impression that
he really liked his hair and

he wanted me to notice it.

So after looking at this
for a few moments, the man

looked at me and a voice said.

Talk to Michelle,

Not the actual name.

I've changed the names.

Speaker: And the voice came
in like a voiceover, but I

knew it was coming from him.

Talk to Michelle.

I have a co worker with this
name and I knew that that

was who he was talking about.

I saw Michelle the next day and
I asked her, a little hesitantly

because I didn't know if she
was open to this kind of thing.

I asked her, is there a young man
in your life who recently passed?

And she answered, yes, my brother
in law passed away a few months ago.

She told me that she had had a very
good friendship with her brother in

law and that his passing had been very
hard for her and he had been too young.

When she asked why I was asking, I
decided to tell her about my dream.

I was getting a feeling that she would
be open to this type of mystical message.

I told her about the dream and about the
beautiful setting I had seen him in, and

that all he had said was Talk to Michelle.

She looked at me in disbelief.

She told me that she had been
having a rough year with lots of

unresolved problems and he was one
of the people that she would talk to.

And she told me that her brother in
law's last words were, Talk to Michelle.

Tell her everything is going to be okay.

So we sat with that for a few moments.


And then we started talking again,
and together we concluded that he

was reiterating this reassurance to
her by sending a message through me.

And I told her, Oh, and
there's one more thing.

He had this bad habit.

beautiful head of hair with an impressive
hairline and he obviously wanted me to

notice it and she started laughing.

She said that he was so upset about losing
his hair in the last few years and he had

done all sorts of treatments and nothing
was working and he was all frustrated.

So she was glad to know that this
had been resolved on the other side.

I went online to learn more about spirit
contact while sleeping and, surprise,

surprise, there is not much research,
scientific or otherwise, to be found

on messages from the dead in dreams.

And the little that I did find
focused only on deceased loved

ones appearing to the grieving.

Which is not what happened here with
Michelle's brother in law, who I didn't

even know existed, let alone ever met.

But here is a bit of what I found.

I found an article in the Sunday Guardian
from January 2019, and it's called Mystery

Behind Ghost Visits in Your Dreams.

And it starts out saying, dreams
that involve contact with a ghost

or spirit are generally known as
visitation dreams and are quite common.

There are many explanations and
many possibilities, some of them

scientific, some of them spooky,
some of them historical, some of them

traditional, some of them supernatural.

The article says that dreams are
in fact considered one of the

most effective ways for the spirit
realm to connect to the living.

Aunt Wraith, Ph.


and founder of the Institute
for Mediumship, Psychic,

Astrological, and Reiki Training.

explains that it is actually easier for
spiritual entities of all kinds such

as deceased loved ones, guides, angels,
or in my case, other people's brother

in laws to communicate with us while we
are sleeping, partly because you're more

likely to be receptive to it in a dream
than you would be in a waking state.

Visitation dreams are typically clear,
vivid, intense, and are experienced as

real visits when the dreamer awakens.

The dreamer is always changed by
the experience, explained Patrick

McNamara, PhD, an associate professor
at Boston University School of Medicine.

And to conclude our story,

it would seem that heaven for
Michelle's brother in law, is living

in a paradise with palm trees and
sunshine, sending reassurance to

the living with a full head of hair.

And that's all for today.

Thank you for listening to today's
episode, and if you think your house

is haunted, want energy cleared
from your space or need a custom

spiritual ritual, I'm here to help.

Visit jp or email me
at JP clearing

Don't forget to join me here
every Tuesday for a new episode.

Until next time.

Are you curious about the supernatural?

Do you find yourself intrigued
by ghost stories and the

mysteries of the afterlife?

Then join me, Jennifer, on
'My True Ghost Stories'.

Each week, I'll share true tales from
my own journey as a spiritual medium,

where I help trapped spirits cross
over, clear haunted spaces, and create

custom rituals for those in need.

In 'My True Ghost Stories', you'll
hear about my personal experiences

with the paranormal, including
the moments of connection between

our world and the world beyond.

Whether it's assisting spirits
to find peace or transforming the

energy of a space, every episode
offers a unique and heartfelt story.

And sure, some of these stories might be a
little spooky sometimes, but they are all

rooted in compassion and understanding.

Tune in every Tuesday for new
episodes that explore the fascinating

world of spirits and the unseen.

Visit to learn
more or contact me directly


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