LiftingLindsay's More Than Fitness

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In this episode of the Lifting Lindsay podcast, the focus is on BLTS (Bites, Licks, Tastes, and Sips) and their impact on fat loss and maintenance goals. Lindsay discusses how these seemingly minor habits can significantly hinder progress towards achieving and maintaining a desired body composition. Through her Fun Fact Friday segment, she explains the importance of addressing and stopping habitual BLTs to prevent them from sabotaging diet efforts. Lindsay shares insights on recognizing and overcoming the root causes of BLTs, including lack of meal satisfaction, emotional eating, and unawareness of their accumulation. She offers practical advice on creating awareness, enjoying larger and more satisfying meals, and finding emotional solutions to avoid mindless snacking. Additionally, Lindsay highlights the importance of community, accountability, and self-check-ins as tools for success.

00:00 What are BLTS?
02:28 Why are BLTS ruining fat loss?
12:53 Why do women turn to BLTS?
17:25 Checking in on your emotions
21:10 Suggestions for working through emotional struggles
28:05 How do I stay motivated?

Creators & Guests

Wife and mother of three. I have a deep passion for learning and teaching. I also really love lifting weights and fitness.

What is LiftingLindsay's More Than Fitness?

Dive into the joy of fitness with Lindsay and other guests exploring how it goes well and beyond the gym floor, the number on the scale, the size of your waist or the calories you're counting.

Speaker 1:

Welcome. Welcome to the lifting will be podcast. I'm really excited to

Speaker 2:

be here with you guys today and be talking a little bit about BLTs. So I'm sure if you follow a lot of fitness influencers on Instagram or social media, you've heard of BLTs before. Maybe you haven't. BLTs usually is referring to bite, mix, taste, and sips, all of those little sneaky things. So a lot of times when we have conversations about BLTs, we're talking about how it's hurting your fat loss goal.

Speaker 2:

And 100% 100% yes. BLTs can hurt your fat loss goals. The reason why I wanted to talk about it today though is because I wanted to remind people that it not only hurts their fat loss goals, but once if they but if they do not tackle this habitual BLTs habitual, bite lick, taste, sips, and all of those calories add up, if they take that and carry that into maintenance, likewise, they will not be able to maintain the body composition that they achieved in fat loss. So let's talk about this for a second. This is this is my fun facts Friday.

Speaker 2:

The fact is if you don't tackle your VLT problem, then not only can it create issues in fat loss, but it will make maintenance and learning how to mindfully eat at maintenance really hard because you'll be like, what? Why can't everybody else maintain, but I can't? I'm tracking. I'm tracking at maintenance. Or now I'm now I'm learning these new skills of stepping away from tracking.

Speaker 2:

But why is this scale keep going up? Because we haven't we haven't tackled the DLTs issue. So let's kind of rewind here and talk about why are BLTs real mean fat loss, And then that can kind of trans transition really well into how it then ruin maintenance goals. So I think the fat loss one is a bit easier for people to kinda grasp. Right?

Speaker 2:

Let's say you just forget to track all of these BLPs. I am talking about this a lot in my b strong membership right now. So in my training app, I also have, themes that we work on every month. And this month's theme is actually tackling and learning how to stop these virtual BLTs. And so we're having challenges throughout the month, and we have, like, a a a journal, a PDF that they can print off and and kind of return and report with themselves, daily and then return and report to the group weekly.

Speaker 2:

So that's kind of what we're doing right now. And with it, I had a video walking them through, like, look, this is how this is how a handful of nuts. You think, oh, but that's healthy. I'm just gonna just a little handful, a little tiny handful. And I have a video where I show them all this, but I'm gonna try to describe this to you.

Speaker 2:

Let's say that the day before you meticulously put everything into MyFitnessPal that you're gonna eat this day. And then in between meals, kind of get a little hungry. And so you start having these BLTs. You take, like, a little sip of, you know, your kid's leftover drink or your husband's or whatever, or, they're just gonna try this. This looks good at the restaurant.

Speaker 2:

Just a little sip turns into 3. That's like a 100 calories right there. A handful of nuts. A tiny little handful. Like I said, 100 and 20 calories.

Speaker 2:

Kids leftover sandwich. Just a few bites. There's a few bites left. You feel guilty. You don't want to, have them, you know, waste food.

Speaker 2:

So you're just gonna eat it. Just these little bite. That's like depending on the standards, that's like, you know, a 100 calories right there. Let's say it's a grilled cheese. You put butter on both side.

Speaker 2:

You have some, you know, lot of cheese in the middle. Just a few bites of that, and all of a sudden, bam, that's a 100. And then maybe your kids are sitting there eating some gummy bears, and you just, you're putting things away. You just grab a peep of those. Can easily be, like, a 100, 120 kid leftover crackers on their plates.

Speaker 2:

You know, there are lots of just a few of them later on in the day. You know? Eighty calories. K. By the end of the day, what I just barely described, minus the sips, I didn't include the sips in it.

Speaker 2:

But what I just barely described is around anywhere between 350 to 425 calories. You pretty even though you sat there the day before meticulously put in everything you're gonna eat. And then the next day, you ate everything. You ate all those meals that you put in MyFitnessPal. But then on top of it, you didn't put into MyFitnessPal The handful of oh, not the healthy.

Speaker 2:

It's just a tiny little handful. Isn't though? These things add up. And a lot of times I I do feel like there are, a lot of people have been made aware of this. Like, look, these things add up what you, so then you do this for weeks and you're throwing your hands up in the air and you're like, well, I don't get it.

Speaker 2:

You're talking to your coach. I don't get why I'm not losing weight. I plug everything in the night before I follow the plan. Now there's a few little, you know, VLDs here and there, but but that doesn't add up. Oh, but it does.

Speaker 2:

It literally adds, and depending on how aggressive your cut is, you have literally landed back at maintenance. Because if your if your cut is only like a 350 calorie deficit, you just BLT'd your way up to maintenance. Or maybe it's a 400 calorie deficit, 450. Doesn't matter. You just BLT your way up.

Speaker 2:

And then on top of that, if you pair a reduction in energy out, maybe, you know, when you first put this plan together, you are getting easily 10, 4000 steps. But, you know, once you get in a calorie deficit, you gotta slow down. Your body wants to conserve energy. And so it will naturally start sending you more signaling, let's just sit down. You don't have to take those people.

Speaker 2:

Just sit down and enjoy your network. Just sit down at school. And all of a sudden you're not moving 10 to 12000 steps anymore. You're moving 8 1,000 steps. Well, already decreasing energy out like that.

Speaker 2:

Your daily movement is going to decrease what your maintenance is. So between BLTs, eating a little extra here and there, and then you not moving as much. You have literally from both ends nailed maintenance. But the problem is your mind is fixated on a calorie deficit. You are, I always say this, you are mentally in a diet, but physically you're not.

Speaker 2:

But since you're mentally in a diet, you feel drained. I just because it is stressful. I'm I'm counting everything. I'm on this outcome. And why isn't it happening?

Speaker 2:

Because mentally you are there, You are exhausted. You are putting in the energy, but physically, these little things like BLTs and not moving as much from both ends of energy in, energy out, you are creating maintenance. So a lot of times when I explain this to people, they're like, oh, wow. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Okay. That makes sense. And and I heard a coach one time say, well, let me show you, clients, how I create a category in my fitness pal for all of those BLTs. So if you're going to do it, just make sure you track. So, you know, if you're gonna get the the handful of gummy bears, if you're gonna eat your kid's leftover, then just make sure you're guesstimating and tracking.

Speaker 2:

So yeah. Okay. Sure. That doesn't really solve the problem. That yes.

Speaker 2:

It does. In that, you can solve the problem of now I need to lower what I'm eating for lunch or dinner because these little BLTs are adding up. And so in the end, you can lose weight by including those. Yes. 100%.

Speaker 2:

But remember today's discussion is we don't get out of the habit of mindlessly just grabbing and snacking or turning your body into the garbage can for your kids' food, because that is literally what you're doing. Oh, I can't waste these 3 bites of this grilled cheese sandwich. I guess I'm the garbage. I will dispose of it. I it's just no.

Speaker 2:

You are not. You are not. But if you don't tackle this issue of this mindless BL team, then what happened is when you go back up to maintenance and you've raised your calories back up to maintenance, And then pretty soon, this is just what happened. Look. I've coached so many people, hundreds of women.

Speaker 2:

When you go back up to weight to maintenance, you're exhausted from tracking everything in the calorie deficit. You usually are like, well, I'm in maintenance now. I'm going to be looser in my tracking. So now all of a sudden, the BLTs aren't being tracked. Or women come to me saying, I really want to learn mindful eating because I really, truly, truly 100% believe that we need to learn mindful eating.

Speaker 2:

That is the ultimate goal. And we utilize the tools that the tools and healthy habits that we learn, with tracking macros, with becoming more aware of, you know, what what we're consuming, how much, macros, whether it, you know, protein or carbs or fat, all of those things. Those those are great tools to know for learning mindful eating. But if you haven't stopped the habitual mind DLT, you carry that habit back into maintenance where all of a sudden you're looser with tracking because you're tired of tracking everything and you wanna step away from it. You don't want to be you don't wanna use crutch.

Speaker 2:

You don't want to be tied to it for the rest of your life. You haven't stopped with mindful snacking between meals. So you're like, well, I don't get it. Are you still eating the same meals? Why is the weight coming up?

Speaker 2:

Well, remember what I just barely showed about a handful of, a few bites of your kids leftover, a few gummy bears here and there, a few crackers here and there, a sip here and there, adding up to around 400 calories. Now you're no longer in maintenance. You are in a surplus of anywhere between 2 to 4 50 calories, 200 to 450 calorie. And and then people come to me saying, why is my body composition changing? Why can't I hold onto it?

Speaker 2:

Because you never tackled the real issue of why are you turning to those VLTs? Why are we turning to them? Well, there's there's few reasons why people often turn to them. So one time one thing is it sometimes it's just as simple as making people aware. You're doing it.

Speaker 2:

Stop. And some women are like, oh, oh, yeah. You're right. That's not smart. Stop.

Speaker 2:

I mean, those women are few and far between, but they're there. I've coached them. Oh, yeah. I'm just gonna stop you. That is that is smart, Lindsay.

Speaker 2:

I'm not gonna do that. That is ruining fat loss, and then it's making maintenance and mindful eating far more difficult. You're right. Stop. But most women are actually reaching for it for other reasons In fat loss, I often see women reaching for it because their meals aren't big enough.

Speaker 2:

They're consumed with this idea of I have to eat as little as possible, and so therefore, I choose, diet foods that I don't really enjoy, but diet foods, you know, create that loss. So I'm gonna choose I don't like salads, but I'm gonna eat a salad. So I don't I I don't really feel full. I don't really feel satisfied, but but I'm gonna die. Right?

Speaker 2:

And that that's the thing is I just have to suffer. Well, no. No. This is why I love sharing recipes to my app members because I'm like, let me show you how you can still feel satisfied after your meal. Right?

Speaker 2:

But but their meals are so tiny. They're like, well, I'm just gonna I'm just gonna eat like a bird all day. I'm just gonna pick at food. So I'll have a meal. It'll be like a a yogurt with an egg or yogurt with a with 2 eggs.

Speaker 2:

Okay. That way I could I could get my protein. Oh, wait. Did you enjoy that? Well, no, but it is the diet.

Speaker 2:

You don't enjoy your meals. You can. You can. So since you didn't enjoy it, you're not really satisfied by it. Not only are you hungry, but once again, you didn't enjoy it.

Speaker 2:

So you're like, that that little cracker, I'll just do that, those just a little handful of gummy bears. All these pills. Because you're you're still reaching out for 1, calories because you were eating, like, a burger everyday. 2, you want something that you actually enjoy. And so a lot of times, I can help women by just teaching them, well, you gotta eat bigger meals.

Speaker 2:

And not just calorie dense meals, but actually, like, add volume to your meal. So if you're in a calorie deficit, You're eating, you know, 1500 calories. That's that's a steeper cut. Depending on the woman, it could be a steeper cut. Well, then eat larger meals and make sure that we can add fruits and vegetables to make to build your volume of them too.

Speaker 2:

So you're doing, like, 3 meals at 4:50 and then a snack. Right? There's, there's just so many different ways to structure that so that when you are sitting down and eating, you're not just eating 200 calories of some kind of meal you don't enjoy. So that is another thing. So step 1 could just be awareness for the person.

Speaker 2:

Step 2 is stop eating like a bird. Eat bigger meals so that you can actually last 2 to 3 hours before your next meal. And you're not. The the third one is actually choose foods you enjoy. And when you're done, you're like, I love that.

Speaker 2:

That was yummy. So that you're not constantly looking around for the next, oh, well, let me, oh, let me, satisfied. Let me get a gummy bear. Let me get a this or that or looking for something to make it that you actually enjoy your so these those are those are 3 big ones. I I would then add another big one, which is going to be emotionally new.

Speaker 2:

You're dealing with talk. It's just playing playing and just, like, wanna be a good mom, but I also wanted to stop. And you wanted real good. And you walk into the kitchen and you know you you you already ate your meal, but that that handful of chips isn't gonna hurt. And I I just want something to, like, is numbing that feels good, that it's going to help ease this emotional, like, issue or dealing with patients or or whatever.

Speaker 2:

Right? So there's this emotional component that we need to really be aware of. That one is really good to be able to identify. And then write down in your heart, in your mind, if it is an emotional issue, only only an emotional resolution. Well, if it is being triggered by emotion, by higher, sleep really well last night.

Speaker 2:

We we actually have a lot of studies showing that the less you sleep, the more hunger signals you will receive throughout the day, even though you're not hungry, even though your body doesn't need it. You you would be a maintenance, and yet you will feel more smack and then end up being in a surplus because of that. There's so imagine being in a calorie deficit. Right? That's just gonna make things so much harder.

Speaker 2:

So remember, though, if it's an emotional problem, there has to be the solution has to be more tailored towards an emotional solution. It cannot be the solution cannot be that will not be the solution. In fact, a lot of times, it can the shame of, oh, I shouldn't have ends up spiraling you and sucking you further, deeper down into that emotional, I don't feel good. I've already ruined my day. I'm gonna keep going.

Speaker 2:

Might as well kill me. Right? So awareness, not just of you're doing it, but of why, why is so, and then learning to pause and ask her something. I'm not my, I'm not my kid's garbage can. Why am I eating this?

Speaker 2:

I didn't sleep very well. Put it down. Grab a 0 calorie drink that you can sip on. Or, or maybe you pause and say, what, what am I eating? Why did I turn to this?

Speaker 2:

Why am I all of a sudden in my kitchen cabinet eating all of this? How did this happen? And retrace those steps. Oh, I've been struggling with this relationship or my child my baby is crying. It's hard to deal with that.

Speaker 2:

It's hard to deal with other people's emotions and our emotions, and you're trying to carry it all. Then you need to find an emotional solution, which is not going to be found in actually gonna be found by reaching out to somebody else. If you find that you're there, I'm just gonna give a few suggestions. Call and contact a friend. That is honestly been a huge one that I love suggesting client.

Speaker 2:

If you find that you're in an emotional position where you wanna turn to food, One of the best things you can do is connect with or serve someone. Call somebody, text them, reach out, connect. There is something I do find that the study is coming out about the difference between texting and calling and actually hearing somebody's voice and how that the the positive influences that that had on hormones that are related to positive deep connection. We don't get that when we text. We get those spikes when we hear and connect and talk to somebody, hear their voice.

Speaker 2:

But that was a really, really interesting study. I would love to see more studies on that, but I think that that was a good first step. But but, anyways, that is a huge one. Reach out. This is why having a community or having a buddy that's in it with you that you can call and be like, Hey, I I I just I need to talk.

Speaker 2:

Can we talk about that? Having a spouse that you can reach out to and be like, I'm having this issue. This is a struggle or whatnot. That is going to be you doing the work. That's the difference between white knuckling, which would be like, well, I'm just not gonna do it.

Speaker 2:

I know I'm feeling emotions, and and I'm not gonna reach for the food. I'm gonna white knuckle my way through that. Did you know that that's not recovery? There's a lot of a lot of people who are sober who are not in recovery because they're white knuckley. And what happens is it's far greater, chance of them just falling back.

Speaker 2:

And if you want to lower those chances, then you need to do the work and you need of recovery, which they've seen is actually through connecting and getting a support system. So there's a huge difference between, oh, I'm just not gonna eat it and reaching out to somebody saying, like, once you're aware that it's coming from an emotional thing, reaching out to a sister and being like, I feel like a bad mom because my baby is crying and it just makes me want to cry. And it makes me just wanna stuff my face with food. And I don't want that solution. I want, I want to face my emotions and, and move through them.

Speaker 2:

It is so amazing to have the people in your life that you have those conversations with. You don't have people or you have the conversation there, you don't have now that may be shocking and that may be hurtful and you may, no. No. No. No.

Speaker 2:

But but my friends, I can laugh with. That's great. Have at least 1 or 2 of those deep, deep friendships. Those friendships are only developed through. Maybe you're the one who makes that first step of I'm, and I just need to have someone so that they can see my hand barely above water because that is a real friend.

Speaker 2:

Marriage too, to be able to open up to your spouse, say those things. So I I know we got off on a little tangent there with that, and this was supposed to be my fun fact Friday. That was less than 15 minutes. But but, hopefully, I I want to bring awareness too. If you carry those same habits of BLTs, if you don't address the root cause.

Speaker 2:

And sometimes it's shallow, sometimes deeper, right? Those root causes don't always have to be some trauma. It can just be like, oh, yeah. I I that's a good point. I'm gonna stop doing that.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna work on that. I'm just gonna become aware of it. You know? So what I've done for my app users is I have this PDF. It's a a kind of like a a return and report, a check-in that they do midday and at night, depending on how they struggle with this.

Speaker 2:

But some they're like, this is my biggest issue BLPs. Some are like, no. I just need a little bit more awareness. Here's a suggestion I would make to those listening here. If you put on your phone just 2 little, I actually have these, pop up schedule in my my calendar.

Speaker 2:

Every day, I have, the same, that pops up around halfway through the day, and it said, who needs me? And it's a it's a reminder to myself that I need to be outside. Okay. If you're like, I don't know. I'm weak.

Speaker 2:

I need that reminder. I'm gonna be stopping you by yourself. But, like, think about others. Is there somebody who needs you? I love having those reminders on my phone.

Speaker 2:

You know, you don't need a a PDF journal return report, but you do need reminders to check-in with yourself. And so I would do that. I would set reminders on your phone halfway through the day, and at the end of the day, at a time that you know maybe maybe at a time when you're in the carpooling, picking up your kids. Maybe at a time you're working, and you know it's your lunchtime every day. Eat it's just like a little reminder.

Speaker 2:

Check-in with yourself. How are you doing? Right? And then a reminder at the end of the day when you know you're winding down to just be like, check-in. How did you do it?

Speaker 2:

And then give an honest report to yourself. And then think, what can I, what can I improve upon tomorrow? What, what was it, that there was an emotional issue? I didn't, I turned to food, no shame acknowledge, learn from it, move on. Right?

Speaker 2:

The, this is the, the process. This is the process of the work and the chain. I love this idea of checking in with yourself of having a buddy to check-in with you, having a community to check-in to somebody outside of yourself to hold you accountable. I will tell you this much as one who sometimes people will ask me the question. How do you say, so committed?

Speaker 2:

A lot of people realize now motivation is bleeding. So they'll either ask me, how are you so motivated? Like, I'm 17 weeks pregnant, and I'm still keeping up with my habits. I mean, you guys who have listened the whole time knew that there was a good 6 weeks of struggle. But once I was feeling better, I'm like, okay, I'm back.

Speaker 2:

And I'm right back in my habit right now. And I've had a few women reach out to me lately being like, I don't get it. You how have you stayed motivated? How have you stayed disciplined? Well, remember my what looked what's disciplined for me right now did not or was not the same amount of discipline for those 6 weeks of sick, troubled my argument.

Speaker 2:

Right? As soon as I start feeling better, I've spent 8 years guide 8, no, 9, establishing healthy habits that that I I had to go through the work and the struggle to land where I'm at right now. So don't compare your day, I don't know, 90, to my 9 years. Don't compare that. Just learn from it.

Speaker 2:

Just be like, oh, Lindsey learned all of this. I can, like, just learn from me, learn from my mistakes, look around and learn from other people's mistakes, but don't compare because I had 9 years of mistakes before I finally figured it out. Finally landed where I'm at right now, where now it's not white knuckling. It's just a lifestyle of enjoyment. It's not a lifestyle of restriction.

Speaker 2:

It's the lifestyle of discipline though. There is a difference. I really do believe that there's a difference. Sometimes I see people, they restrict, restrict, restrict. And a lot of times it's, it's a very unhealthy mental thing.

Speaker 2:

There's a difference between somebody who's super restrictive and and it is affecting their mental health versus somebody who's disciplined. Now I realize that there can be some like, Oh, there's some gray area maybe in a crossover there. Right? You have to be cautious. Maybe somebody is overly restrictive and they're calling it disciplined.

Speaker 2:

I realized, believe me, the difference, because I see it, I see different clients and it usually manifests through their mental health. It it really does. And then it starts manifesting in their in their body too. Like, I start seeing people that I'm like, you realize you're not just lean. You're depleted.

Speaker 2:

You're unhealthy. Like, there's there's this and I am actually going to do a full episode, on that because I think that that's really, really, really important. But, anyways, I'm getting lost in the weeds here. My point is when when people are saying, how are you so disciplined? How are you so motivated?

Speaker 2:

Like, 9 years of doing this work that I'm sharing with you today. I am sharing the knowledge of all of my screw ups to where I've landed today to where may maintaining my health even when I'm pregnant. It still is a priority for me. But, also, also, on top of that, I would be in this to not add the fact that my business, my marketing is my body. My business is health and fitness.

Speaker 2:

You when I post on Instagram, I have a 100000 people holding me accountable. That's how I feel. That's why so that's actually why I started my Instagram account originally. I was learning fun things that I wanted to teach them, but I also wanted accountability. I wanted to find a group of people that I could say, Hey, this is how I'm showing up guys.

Speaker 2:

And, and, and group of people that could cheer me on and I could cheer them on. And we hold each other accountable Because there was one study I was just barely reading in a business book. If you have that, if you have a community, whether you're posting on Instagram and you feel like I have to show up were them and myself, Like, I have to show up for myself, but they're holding me accountable too. Or you have, a a group of friends or you have a coach. Did you know you're 70% more likely to achieve your goals?

Speaker 2:

70%. So keep that in mind. When you're looking at all these influences, influencers, and you're like, how are they staying so motivated? Why do you because they're there because they're posting pictures of themselves every day or not every day, but they're, they're posting themselves. And if you think, or if those insta Instagram, whatever people think, influencers think for one second that that's not going to somehow change their behavior.

Speaker 2:

They're lying to themselves because it changes everybody's behavior. Like I said, if you have a coach, it changes your behavior. If you have a community of friends who are like minded, driven, have the same goal, it changes your behavior. If you have a community, of any kind that you have to return and report to, it changes your behavior. So take that and use it for, your advantage.

Speaker 2:

K? If you're struggling, then find your people. And sometimes you have to hire a coach to do that. Sometimes you have to find a community, but you also have to show up in that community. Right?

Speaker 2:

Some people literally, and and I bet you right now, doesn't the view listening right now are nodding their head. Like, yeah, that's actually why I opened up my Instagram account. That's why I'm posting myself. I don't want to become I didn't wanna become a coach when I first started my Instagram account. I literally just wanted to find a community of like minded women that we could cheer each other on because in my neighborhood and amongst my friends and family, nobody seemed to care about this.

Speaker 2:

And and I wanted to rise and be better in this area of my life, but nobody else seemed to care about it around me personally. And so I went out looking for this community. There were times when I I started hiring coaches too, because I'm like, I need more. I need more accountability. My goals have shifted.

Speaker 2:

They've become a little bit more aggressive. I need more accountability. So then I hired a coach. It is amazing. The difference that it made for me.

Speaker 2:

But, man, just once again, when you are just flipping through Instagram and you're wondering why, how how does that Instagram influencer stay so dedicated, stay disciplined? You better believe that a portion of that discipline is because they are putting themselves out there on social media to think that that doesn't somehow sway somebody's, behavior or discipline or focus is to ignore literally all of the research that has been done in business, on goals, on habits, on this very subject. So if you need to open up an Instagram account, it can be scary. I'll tell you the very first One of the very well, I think it was the second post I did was before an after picture. And my after picture does not look like me now.

Speaker 2:

It probably looks like a lot of other people's before pictures. But my after picture, I I lost £30, but I looked like it just a skinny 12 year old boy. Like, just like a tiny, no muscle, but I was really proud of the weight that I lost. But, but then I also wanted to build, I was falling in love with, you know, lifting. It was the second one that I put out there and somebody wrote, there was 2 women who wrote just like, you look disgusting.

Speaker 2:

You you look gross. And I I laugh because that's how I deal with stress in my life. It's a people are, like, people are suffering. They're like, tell her you're always laughing. I'm like, it's you know what?

Speaker 2:

You don't know if I'm happy. You don't know if I'm sad. It's like I deal with all emotions through laughter, like, uncomfortable laugh, like sad laugh. Like, I don't know. Just laugh.

Speaker 2:

But, it's just I don't know how he will get through without laughing. I literally, I just don't know. But, but I laughed, and then I sat there and died. So believe me, like, I I I probably shouldn't have told you that story if I'm like, if you need accountability, make your own accountability Instagram account. And then I tell you how but be careful because people are mean.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if you need me tell you that, but but I'm so glad that I kept those statements. I'm so glad that I found people that I connect to who were like minded, cared about these things, and wanted to be stronger and progress and just love themselves with who they are in the moment. But at the same time, know you can hold 2 truths. You can hold a truth in one hand of, I'm great. I'm incredible.

Speaker 2:

I'm amazing. I love myself. And in the other hand, you can say, and, yes, I and, yes, I am capable of more. You can hold both truths in in your at this moment. It doesn't have to be either or.

Speaker 2:

So I love connecting and finding women like that. Oh, you guys, this is 40 minutes now. I'm 40 minutes into my 15 minute on fat. So getting back to BLTs. So have on your phone little little reminders, little announcements, you know, 1, 2 throughout the day saying, hey, check-in.

Speaker 2:

How are you doing? How are you doing with your VLT? Connect with somebody. Find somebody that find a support system around you, but just know that as soon as you start carrying this BLT habit, even if you're tracking them in fat loss, great, you're gonna hit your fat loss. But if you carry that habit into maintenance, then it is going to be making mindful eating really, really hard.

Speaker 2:

So it really is best to that habit, to, to stop it, to figure out a way to be aware of when and why it's happening, and then put in the work for it. You guys are amazing. Thank you so much for listening. You guys are amazing. Thank you so much for listening to this episode today.

Speaker 2:

If you have any questions, shoot me a a message on Instagram. If you guys are interested in joining the community and learning the train smart, eat smart, set up this, this lifestyle of health and fitness that is truly enjoyable, you can always, use the link in the notes to join us in our community, Be Strong. We would love to have you. You guys have a great week. Week.