Public Sector Executive News

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And here’s today’s news from Public Sector Executive – on Tuesday the 6th February 2024.

The Northern Ireland Executive has written to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to urge him to engage in discussions over the long-term financial stability of the delivery of public services in the nation.
With the restoration of the Northern Ireland Executive, the stabilisation of public services and finances is a key target, with this needing to be done sustainably. The letter mentions the way that Scotland and Wales are both funded.
The next steps will see officials within the Executive beginning the development of a sustainability plan, which will focus on a plan for productivity, long-term budget planning, additional funding, and a capital plan.

The Department for Health and Social Care has confirmed how much funding local authorities around the country will benefit from through its Public Health Grants.
One region where public health grants will not be received is Greater Manchester, where all ten local authorities are currently piloting a new initiative where retained business rates will be used for public health funding.
The Local Government Association has also responded to the announcement, saying “It is vitally important that the Government continues to address challenges which arise over the coming months and years.”

Leeds City Council is marking s one year of becoming a global fast-track city, by launching a new grants programme to support communities that are living with HIV.
Coming on National HIV Testing Week, Groups in the city will be allocated grants of up to £700 to help highlight their experiences around discrimination and the stigma involved when it comes to HIV, TB, or viral hepatitis.
By becoming a fast-track city, Leeds has seen the benefits of a number of partners across the city coming together to develop workstreams that allow for more opportunistic testing, and engagement among the most at-risk populations in Leeds.

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