Real Estate Is Taxing

Introducing the Real Estate is Taxing Podcast.

The official trailer for the 'Real Estate is Taxing' podcast, hosted by Natalie Kolodij With a decade of experience in real estate and a professional background as a tax specialist, Natalie aims to share her wealth of knowledge on real estate taxes. She promises to break down complicated tax topics into understandable segments, focusing on strategies to avoid common pitfalls and minimize tax liabilities legally.

 The podcast intends to provide accurate and engaging tax education, starting weekly from May 2nd.

00:00 Welcome to the Real Estate is Taxing Podcast!
00:15 My Journey into Real Estate and Taxation
00:45 Why I Started This Podcast
01:13 What to Expect: Breaking Down Tax Topics
01:33 Join Us and Make Tax Less Taxing

What is Real Estate Is Taxing?

Hey there, fellow real estate investors, FIRE enthusiasts, and tax aficionados! Welcome to "Real Estate is Taxing" – your go-to weekly podcast for all things real estate taxes, hosted by Natalie Kolodij, EA- Real Estate Tax Strategist and dry humor extraordinaire.

Each week, we're breaking down complex tax topics into bite-sized, understandable explanations, with no regard for how many obscure references it takes to get there.

Hello, everyone.

And welcome to the official trailer
for the real estate is taxing podcast.

I'm your host, Natalie Claudie.

And I am so excited for this new project.

Even though I've been involved with
real estate for about a decade.

I got started in the worst
way possible, which was paying

for a weekend guru seminar.

I learned next to nothing and
found myself spending hours.

Bingeing podcasts, reading books
and browsing online forums.

This also happened to be the same year.

I graduated college and
started working at a CPA firm.

The overlap of these two pivotal
events meant I found myself becoming

a tax professional who is highly
specialized in real estate.

I decided to launch this podcast
because for over a decade now I've

worked with real estate investors and
I have gathered a Euro of tax knowledge

that I want to share with all of you.

Additionally, I've fallen victim
to falling asleep during no less

than three different tax classes.

So I've also made it my mission for the
past few years to provide tax education.

That is accurate, understandable,
and also not the most boring

shit you've ever heard.

So join me weekly for new episodes.

Beginning May 2nd, where I will
break down complex tax topics into

understandable pieces and focus on the
concepts and strategies that you need to

know to avoid the most common pitfalls.

And to make sure you're paying as
little in tax as legally possible.

So subscribe come back and I will talk to
you soon because real estate is taxing.

But it doesn't have to be.