Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Friday, August 9th, 2024 / The massive Pop Tart mistake, the best days are lazy days, unimportant life skills, they’re called hobbits, is there such thing as healthy ice cream, Josh is no longer in a girdle, how are hot dog buns made?, fat swollen feet are awful, and are you allowed to get wet?

What is Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast?

Wake up with Josh & Chantel every weekday from 6a-10a on Classy 97! Missed the show or want to revisit your favorite moments from the show, enjoy Wake Up Classy 97 - The Podcast!

It's Josh and Chantel, and this is wake up classy 97, the podcast, a replay of today's full show. It's Friday, August 9th. Today on the show, the massive Pop Tart mistake, the best days are lazy days, unimportant life skills, they're called hobbits. Is there such a thing as healthy ice cream? Josh is no longer in a girdle.

How are hot dog buns made? Fat swollen feet are awful, and wait, are you allowed to get wet? Hey. Thanks for listening to the show. You can hear it live weekday mornings from 6 to 10.

It's wake up classy 97 with Josh and Chantel, and this is the podcast. Enjoy today's show. Classy 97. It is Josh and Chantel. It is Friday.

Oh, it's Friday. Yeah. Yeah. Did you forget until just now? No.

I just get excited when people remind me. Hey. It's Friday. Yes. Yeah.

It's National Book Lovers Day. I love books. I know you do. What's your favorite book, Josh? What is my favorite book?

Mhmm. That's really difficult to answer. It's difficult for me to answer too because I have a lot of favorites. It's like saying, what's your favorite song? Right.

You can't. You can't. I have a lot of favorites. I was part of a book exchange club last Christmas, and they said, bring your favorite book. And I said, I can't choose.

What'd you end up doing? I picked one of my favorites. Oh, okay. Good. One of your favorites, not Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. That's a good way to think about it.

National Book Lovers Day. It is National Women's Day today. I'm a woman. I know. This is true.

This is great. It is National Coworking Day. I'm a coworker. I know. This is a day for me.

It's also Betty Boop day. I have no comment. And it is melon day. Melons. Cantaloupe, watermelon, honeydew.

Are there any other melons? I'm sure there are. There have to be more than just 3 melons in the world. I don't know, Josh. Well, get this.

It's hold hands day. I love holding hands. It's national rice pudding day. I love rice pudding. I just I like to make rice pudding, but I haven't made it in a long time.

And I saw some at the store not too long ago, and I said, oh, they prepackaged rice pudding? So I got some Yeah. And I tried it, and it was delicious. Look at you. Every time I ate it, Emery would make fun of me.

It's passion fruit day. You do have nothing to say about my rice pudding? Nope. Okay. Listen to this.

Cantaloupe, watermelon, muskmelon Alright. Field pumpkin, crookneck pumpkin, Accounting pumpkin? Those are melons? That's what they're saying. And honeydew is not on this list.

That's because honey nobody likes it. Oh, it is. Honeydew is on the list. Likes it. I like honeydew.

If you have a bowl of honeydew, cantaloupe, and watermelon, what's the last thing you eat? Well, that's gonna it's always gonna be the last thing I eat, but I'll still eat it. No one likes it. I do. It's national billiards and pool day.

It is also national veep day. I don't know what that is. Veep? Yeah. The vice president.

Oh, Veep. I didn't know that Yes. Actually. Yep. And I think that's what's up.

Yeah. That's what's going on today. Fantastic. Mhmm. And it's Friday.

Read your favorite book. Eat some melon. And, I'm Say hi to your coworkers. The women in your life. There you go.

All those things. Happy Friday. Friday. Yes. Right.

Let's get this day moving along. Alright. Here we go. Start this weekend. Well, eventually.

I know. That's just what I'm saying. Let's get it moving along. You ready? Yeah.

Go. Push that button. Josh, how much do you love Pop Tarts? They're pretty good. Yeah.

What would you say if they made a massive Pop Tart, the size of a big screen TV? I why? That's what I would say. Because you love pop tarts so much. No.

And but why would I that's the reaction I would have. Why why did we do this? I don't know. But they did. They made 15 massive pop tarts.

They only sold them in LA, Chicago, and New York. Why did they do it? I don't know why they did it. Was it art? Was it No.

No. I don't know. I don't have that. Consumable? I don't have that answer.

You don't have the why? No. I don't have the answer, but I have other information. Do you wanna hear it? Sure.

Stop asking questions. I have so many, though. The massive pop tart went on sale this week and immediately sold out. They only made 15, so it's easy to say they sold out. Each pop tart was 70 times larger than a normal pop tart and big enough to feed 73 people.

It costs $60 including delivery, and the only flavor choice was strawberry. Frosted? Yes. Did they leave the crusty edges? Yes.

Lame. They had they had the opportunity to do something great. And? Cover all of it in frosting. You saw you saw a picture the other day of a kid who had been given an Uncrustable.

Yeah. And he had cut the crust off of his Uncrustable. That is correct. Because look. It doesn't it doesn't matter that it doesn't have the actual, like, outside of the loaf bread crust.

There's still an egg. There's still a crust. Yeah. So funny. But as I've said before, I really I like to eat just the dry part and throw the middle away.

Yeah. That's because you're a weirdo. They really should have just frosted the whole thing. And why don't they just frost the whole thing? Well, it goes through a machine.

Make the machine frost the whole thing. Do you ever watch how it's made? No. Well, that show, yeah, I haven't seen how they frosted or made pop tarts. I don't even know if they've done a pop tarts one.

But because I understand how manufacturing works because of that show, they're gonna come down a little conveyor in a row, and they're gonna go under a a little nozzle that's gonna go squirt. No. I understand that, but they can alter the machine so that it covers the whole thing. That is correct. I mean But then what would we have to complain about?

I don't know. I don't love Pop Tarts enough to get one of these. And I also wouldn't think $60 to buy a Maxi. Dollars, you get 1, not 2. Probably doesn't come in foil.

I don't think it does. I'm just gonna to cut it up to share it. Yeah. Hey. But you know what?

What? You cut it up and you get a middle piece? Yes. That's fully frosted. Oh, Josh.

Now you're thinking. Yeah. But did they do the filling to proportion, or did they do the filling just so scant that you couldn't even tell it was there? I don't know because I'm looking at a demo picture of it. So, you know, how, like, you see a picture of McDonald's food and it's like that looks So it loads really like like a good thing.

Yeah. So I don't know I don't know if this is the real one or if this is just a pretend one. Pretend? Yeah. It's just the art?

No. It's a pretend popcorn. Like, the pretend one where they make it look so pretty. No. I understand.

You know? Pretend Pop Tart. Except these were real. Can't get it now. Probably expire before I'd be able to eat it anyway.

They don't know when they're gonna make more, but they are gonna do more. So you might still have another chance if you live in Chicago, LA, or New York. Did you say hi? Hi. Hey, weirdo.

Good morning. Why is hi weird? Hey. I don't know. Hi.

How are you? Good morning. It's Josh Chantel. Hey. How many Lazydays do you think you need a month to kind of recharge your batteries and just reset.

Which month? Pick a month. Why does the month matter? Well, pick a month, and I'll tell you why. May.

May? Yeah. I'll probably need 31. K. How about December?

Also 31. You know what I'm talking about when I say lazy days. Like, when you just don't do nothing. I just don't do nothing. Don't do nothing.

Uh-huh. When I when I just sit around and take it easy and Yeah. Maybe make a breakfast. We call these days no shower Sundays. That's correct.

Sometimes we shower, and sometimes we don't. Well, it just depends on what's going on on the day. Is that you're so lazy that you just don't even have time to shower. Right. Or you just don't have the energy to shower, or you just don't want to.

You just wanna stay in your pajamas all day. Correct. Sometimes we have lazy days, and it's like, okay. I'm gonna get ready, but I'm still gonna just hang out. Right.

Right? Yeah. They're nice. I think everybody needs those for your mental I would like to get myself, set up on one of those today. Well, you can't because you have to work.

Americans want 5 lazy days a month. It's not enough. Feel totally rested and relaxed. It's not enough. That's about 60 per year and then about 1 a week, which I agree.

It sounds about right. These are, like, the day like, if you have a lazy day, what you do depends on the type of person. Right? You can nap, watch TV, read, do absolutely nothing. Yes.

Sounds nice. It sounds great. But a 5 doesn't seem like enough. I guess 5 a month. Yeah.

I know. But if you if you think about the average week or the average month has 4 or 5 weeks. So that you're saying you get one of those a week. I need more than that is what I'm saying. I could deal with 2 a week.

Give me twice that. Give me 10. I don't think I need that many, actually, because I think maybe 2 a month would be fine for me. 2? 2 or 3.

Yeah. Down days? If you're doing if you've got, what, 5 a month, and that's, like, 1 a week Yeah. You still have to do stuff. So if you took a day off one day a week every week, there's still things that need to be done during your day off.

Like, you gotta go to the doctor, and you've gotta run errands, and you have to do you have to do stuff. There's still stuff to be done. I'm tired of stuff. I'm tired of stuff too. But I just, I'm just looking to do not stuff.

Somebody broke it down and said, this is what I do on my lazy days. 3 hours of absolutely nothing. I don't know what that means exactly. Did you just stare sit and stare at the wall? Sounds good.

3 days of just shut. It's napping. 3 days of just sitting and enjoying your living space. Again, that seems like doing absolutely nothing. It's a lot of staring at the walls doing nothing.

3 hours of watching movies and TV. We're up to 9 hours. Enjoying your living space. Like, that there's stuff I can do that isn't TV or whatever in in my living space and enjoy it. Yeah.

2 hours in bed napping. Yeah. Oh, sorry. 2 hours just hanging out in bed doing nothing. Okay.

2 hours napping. Great. 2 hours scrolling on your phone. We're up to 15 hours. 1 hour eating, 1 hour reading, I would spend more time reading.

1 hour listening to an audiobook or podcast, and 1 hour dreading the next day. This sounds like Sunday. That's only 19 hours. Yeah. Well, somewhere in there, you actually have to go to bed.

I guess. You're not gonna stay up all 24. So you're giving yourself 5 hours to sleep. To on top of your 2 hour nap and the rest of your laziness. Yeah.

That sounds great. 2 of those a week. Yeah. I think that sounds fine too. Alright.

See, I need to talk into 2 a week. And then I don't need 2 a week. I need 2 a month, and that's I'd be fine. Well, I think you're getting 2 a month. But you'd have to label it as a lazy day because then I won't feel guilty for not doing anything.

You have to say, it's your lazy day. You don't get to do anything, but because you even have to label it. I just live it. Because I feel I feel very guilty when I don't do stuff. Guilt's overrated too.

I know. Guilt and doing stuff. I don't have time for either one. Little bit of good news to get you going. This is from Duncanville, Pennsylvania.

Alright. There's a groundhog that kinda got off the beaten path Oh, no. So they say, and found himself at a mini golf course, which this has got Caddyshack written all over it, a groundhog at a mini golf course. But here's what happened. This particular groundhog got curious about something he'd never seen before and found himself trapped inside a claw machine.

What? The employees at the Meadows Family Fun Mini Golf were quite surprised to find a groundhog prize among the stuffed animals. Look what I won. Mom, I got a groundhog. They didn't use the claw to try to get him out Okay.

Good. Which would have been interesting. They called they called the game warden, who had to get the vending machine company to unlock the machine so they could open up the glass door and safely remove the groundhog from the machine. He was, rescued and released back into the wild, and he's now telling all of his groundhog friends about the clog. Guys, you won't believe what I just saw.

Saw a windmill, and I saw all of these cool tube slides we could go play in, and there were people that were screaming. Animals that were not moving. Yeah. There's that too. What a weird little story.

Oh, little groundhog. Yeah. But he's all good. He's back doing groundhog stuff. Good job, buddy.

Groundhog's big adventure. Yeah. For a minute, he was he was like, what is all of this colorful stuff? Groundhog's stay out. Yeah.

That's right. It's good news to get you going on Classy 9
7. There are some life skills that people under a certain age have never had the opportunity to learn. And that's a broad generalization because I think there are certain people who have the opportunity to learn these skills. Okay.

I think some of these skills on this list are not necessary to learn anymore Oh. Either. Okay. Well, let's let's, let's go through the list, I guess. Here is some of the life skills.

Navigating with a map. Very useful. You think so? Absolutely. I don't think it is.

Okay. Listen. If you are staying urban and you can rely on your GPS navigation built into your vehicle or on your phone, sure. But the second you get out of those kind of coverages, you have to know how to read a map. It's very useful skill.

Just stay in those coverages. Okay. Yeah. Never go in the woods. Just don't go get lost in the woods.

Just don't go on a hike anymore. Use mapping software to to be able to go into the woods, but you've gotta you've gotta plan and prepare and know your maps, and it's very important. Just follow Trailheads, and you're good to go. Okay. I don't know how to use a map.

You'd you mean you can't tell me. Map. I can look at a map. You're thinking about a road atlas map. Yeah.

If I gave you a topographical trail map, you would have no idea what you were looking No. I wouldn't. You're right. Or how to even tell which direction you were heading. No.

But that's why I have you. Okay. What if something happens to me when we're in a backcountry situation? That's odd. That's not gonna happen because I'm not getting on the backcountry with you.

Okay. Alright. Sewing? This is important. Very useful.

People need to learn how to do this. Nope. Because you can just go to the store and buy all the threads you need. No one needs to sew anything. What if you lose a button?

Nope. Did you buy a new shirt? On your favorite shirt. On your favorite shirt. Buy a new shirt.

This is the see the energy? See what I'm saying? Sewing is very important. Is that what you're doing? That's what I was doing.

Sewing is great. I I enjoy sewing. I make quilts. It's cool. I make quilt, I should say.

I make one. Right. I don't know. I know how to quilt, but I don't know how to make clothing. I've made doll clothes before, but Did you do, like, any home ec stuff in school?

Yeah. Pillows. We made pillows. You didn't make any clothes? No.

We made shorts, pajama pants. We made a wind sock. We made all kinds of stuff. I've made a pillow. That's the only thing I can remember making.

Well My home ec class was dumb. Couldn't work better school. You also had to climb a rope. Dude You went to a 19 seventies school. I don't know what to tell you.

Go on. Cooking from scratch. Great valuable skill. These are all things I do. These are all things that people should know how to do.

This is a list of things that Josh Tielor does. Shopping in stores. Yes. Specifically grocery shopping. All of it.

People just, like, order things online. They drive or have them delivered. Pickup and delivery for sure. Yeah. For sure.

But, no, I am a tangible guy even when it comes to not groceries. I like shopping in the store. Using a watch. I wear 1 every day. I use it every day.

What are they called? What if it's not a digital watch? What are those called? An analog one? An analog.

Yeah. Yes. I don't know what it matters. Don't know how to read analog anymore. That That's not important.

No. I don't I don't care about that. Keeping time is important. Knowing what time of the day it is, that's important. Using a watch, good deal.

Mine also tracks my fitness. Oh. Mhmm. Oh, boy. Yep.

Picking up books from the library. I pick them up, and I put them down. You know how to read the Dewey Decimal System? I do. Pull out the do you remember when you had to pull out the the card file.

The drawers, and then you had to look through all the cards? I'm glad that went away. Me too. Well, the Dewey Decimal System didn't go away. Just the card file.

I I don't miss the card file. I like going to the computer and searching my keyword subject or my book title, and it says 670.36, and I go to that section. Good deal. I know. I I know.

Good job. Libraries? Good job. A lot of the things on this list are just silly. Picking yourselves up by your bootstraps.

Oh, come on. It's not even a real thing. We need to get some sewing classes in here. You'd you need to learn how to make pajama pants? I need to learn how to make some clothes for sure.

Pajama pants are easy. I could do that. I wanna make some And have the legs be the same length? That's the challenge. Who wants who wants legs the same length anyway?

Where's your sets of fun? I went out the window, I guess. I see my I think I'm gonna make some purposely with one leg much longer than the other one. You know what? I bet I bet if you made your goal to make pajama pants with one leg longer than the other, they'd end up perfect.

And that's what you should strive. You should strive to mess up and see what happens. I am gonna I am gonna go haphazardly on I'm just gonna not care. I'm not gonna overthink it. And I bet all of a sudden you'd be like, wait a minute.

This is working really well. Roo. It would be awesome. How many times have I been working on a sewing project, and I've been I've come up stairs and said, I'm done. Every time.

Every time. Every time. Like, I just really wanna get in some sewing time. I'm I'm working on this quilt. I'm working on this thing.

I'm making this thing. Cool. And and, you know, I it's you give it a good go 45 minutes or an hour later or so. You're like, I gotta take a break because I'm angry. I go, hey.

What's up? Or you'll come downstairs just to check on me and then be like Yeah. I should have come down. Going on? Yep.

I'm gonna leave. Sounds like you got it under control. When I say to you, Lord of the Rings Yeah. What do you think about? The the books.

I have one book with all of them in it. And then I also have The Hobbit separate. I think about the movies. Okay. Specifically, the movies.

Let's talk about the movies. Alright. How many people do you think it took to cast those movies? Let's just many Let's focus on one movie. Yes.

Oh, it's so many. Because the battles, they had, like, real actors as, like, all of those armies. Yeah. So, a lot. It's a lot of people.

Okay. So then I'll ask, how much do you think they got paid? All of those people. Let's focus on, like, the the the big the main cast. K.

So we're talking. What's his name? No. It doesn't matter. The the point is, are you talking about Dominic Monahan?

No. No. No. How much did he get paid? No.

I'm talking about Frodo. What's his name? You know his name. What's his name? Frodo.

That's his this is his only name. Anyway, okay. That actor that plays him, how much do you think he got paid versus how much do you think the actor who played Gandalf got played? Okay. So how much did Elijah Wood get paid?

Elijah Wood, I knew you knew. Versus how much did Christopher guard or, Who's the guy that plays Gandalf? I can't think of the Gandalf guy. That one's that one's escaping me right now. His name is Ian McKellen.

Thank you. Good night. Now he was in. This is well prepared. He was in the night.

Oh. Anyway, I don't know. Okay. Millions. So Cate Blanchett, who is the actress that played although the Lord of the Rings, people are gonna be so mad at me.

Oh, it's fine. She played the elf queen. Yeah. Right? Liv Tyler's mom.

Yeah. She said he she was on a on a talk show with Andy Cohen, and and he asked her how much she got paid. He was like, you probably got one of the biggest paychecks for playing glad Galadriel. Galadriel. Galadriel.

Whatever. We're totally It's fine. It doesn't matter. Go on. She said, no.

Are you nuts? I didn't get paid anything to do that movie. And he was like, no way. I'm sure you got a piece, like, of the back end. Like, when awards hit, like, maybe you didn't get paid at the beginning, but when awards hit and and box office sales something.

She didn't get paid nothing. She said this was way before any of that. I basically got free sandwiches, and I got to keep my elf ears. And she said no way. I'm sure she got a little bit of a paycheck.

Right? It's a job. So There's no way you signed an a contract at in a movie for sandwiches. Yeah. I just love the I just love where Peter Jackson's taking this.

I'm just I'm all in. This is No. This is the mission in my heart. Nope. Not one person went, I'll just do it for sandwiches.

Especially since there's a lot of big names in that movie. Correct. And they have a lot of What are they? I just told you. Kate Blanchett, Elijah Kellen, Elijah Wood, Dominic Monahan.

Uh-huh. I like that you just keep saying Dominic Monahan because he was like a tiny little snippet. They are called hobbits, not tiny snippets. Come on. So we're at the store last night Yeah.

And Emery says, mom, we're out of ice cream. And I say, that's fine. We don't need more ice cream in the house because I'm trying to eat better. Ice cream is just tempting. I can't say no to ice cream.

It's fine. We don't need ice cream. And she said, oh, but we have caramel and chocolate syrup. That's just gonna go to waste if we don't get ice cream. Oh, no.

So we're looking at ice cream, and then she gets vanilla ice cream. She picks up vanilla ice cream, and then she goes, do you think she's been making, milkshakes. And she said, do you think if I get chocolate ice cream, it'll make a chocolate milkshake taste more like chocolate? And I said, yeah. Uh-huh.

Uh-huh. 100%. Yep. So she goes, can I get both vanilla and chocolate? And I said, sure.

They were on sale. Fine. Get them. So now we have 2 things of ice cream in our cart, and I go, how am I gonna resist both of these ice creams now? This is gonna be difficult.

And then I see when she reaches for the vanilla or the one when she reached for the chocolate ice cream, she goes, oh, not that one. That one's lactose free. And I said, wait. Let me look at that. And I looked at it, and it also said no sugar added, which doesn't mean there's no sugar added.

It's not sugar free. I get that. But I went, so I looked at the ingredients on it, and I checked out the nutrition facts. And I said, this seems like a healthier alt healthier alternative than the other one, so I said, I'm gonna get that one. So now we have 3 ice creams in our cart.

3? Which, again, they were on sale at a really good price. Okay. Well, good. Okay.

So we get home. We unload our groceries, put our groceries away. We make dinner. We're hanging out, watching TV. She's doing her nails.

We're chit chatting. And then I go, is it time for ice cream yet? And she goes, yeah. I think it's time for ice cream. We pull out the ice cream.

I look at all three of the packages, and I go, wait a minute. Not one of these is the lactose and no sugar added. Oh, really? You didn't end up getting that one? Oh, well, that's a problem.

I thought you did. Problem. I thought I did too. Guess what? I didn't.

Well, we just have regular ice cream. Now we just have 3 containers of regular ice cream. So cool for me. Cool for us. Cool for my waistline.

Yeah. Cool. Cool. It's all about moderation. As long as you don't sit there and eat the whole tub in one sitting, if you just have a little scoop and then a couple days later have a little scoop, you're gonna be fine.

That was a different You're still eating the tub of ice cream. Over time What matters? Like, what's the difference if you eat it in a matter of minutes versus Your metabolism's ability to burn those calories. Oh, I don't have metabolism. No.

None. I'm fresh out. All I have is 3 cartons of ice cream and no metabolism. Man, what am I gonna do? Give me more ice cream.

Do you know what's exciting? What is that? I can twist You can bend and bend and stretch and kick. I'm free. I, I had my follow-up, post surgery situation yesterday.

Yes. And, I don't have to wear that whole, thing I've been wearing for a week and a half or 2. A band. A restrictive band just to keep everything Yeah. It's a sub it's a Squeezed in.

Support thing. Oh, support. Yeah. A support band is a Whatever. You kept calling it a girdle a girdle.

It felt very girdlish. If you don't know what a girdle is, clearly, you had have never had a mom who has tried to squeeze into a girdle I don't know that to make yourself know that my mom ever used a girdle, but I know what a girdle is. Oh, my mom did. Every Sunday morning. She plays it into a girdle too.

Alright. I'm sure she loves you talking about it. She doesn't even listen. Listen. Make herself look nice in those church dresses.

Okay. I know what a girdle is. Well, alright. So, I had, this this, appliance, this device that Velcroed around me that I had to wear for a while, and, I no longer have to wear it. It.

So You know? And that's good. I remember when we got home from church, and she would take off her girdle. It was the first thing to go, and she'd say, ugh. Take this girdle off.

Yeah. It's that feeling. She didn't have to wear it. You're feeling that feeling. It's a it's a very good feeling.

You're girdle less. Yeah. And and I'm and I'm great. I'm girdle less, and I'm great. I'm glad not to be in that thing anymore.

For what? A week ago? Yeah. It was almost 2 weeks, yeah, that I that I had that thing. Were allowed to take it off to shower.

Yep. That's it's rough. I didn't I didn't care for that thing. AS, Emery, I offered to pay her $5 if she would smell it. No.

What in the world? It's clean. It's just like, it's not like I, like, sweat in it. I couldn't do anything. I'd lay around.

I still am, like, limited on movement. I just, I just have them free. Yeah. I did notice, because I've been wearing it for so long and everything's been sort of compressed and stuff that as I was moving about the day yesterday or the afternoon, like, the movement of things, I was like, I feel movement, and that that was weird. It was kind of a weird transition to go from, like, everything was very Tight.

Just rigid and tight and stuck to, like, body my body's moving. You tried to wrap it around me last night. Like, I wanted to be constricted. No. I you to know what I went through.

Oh, no. This isn't some kind of, like Shared experience. No. This isn't some kind of, like, fake pregnancy bump. Yeah.

I know what it feels like to be constricted. No. I got it. I'm fine. I've worn Spanx with just the new age model.

I bet it is. I I wonder, if you woke up and that was on, if you'd go, what is this? I'd hate it. I know. I I'm trying to figure out how I could do that.

I was asleep when I when I woke up with it on. Yes. You did. You were heavily heavily I was under anesthesia. Yeah.

But you can wake up with it on. That'd be a weird day. Want to wear it. There's no need for me to wear it. You should try it.

I'm fine. You you should try it. I'm good. Well, I'm gonna throw it away, actually, because we don't need it anymore. You might wanna try it.

I don't. I don't. Just get just keep I don't know. Keep moving. Alright.

Just focus on moving. I'm working it. I can feel the movement. Good for you, buddy. Thanks.

I saw something, and I don't know. It's kind of broken my brain a little bit because I don't understand it either. There is, this video rolling around the Internet of, lady asking the real questions in in life. She's got a hot dog buns, and you know they they come in that weird, like, 8 count hot dog bun Yeah. Where you get it's 4, and then there's 4 on the top.

And you take them out and you end up with 4 in your hand because they're attached. They're attached. Yes. And yet attached and sliced open, not all the way. They aren't split in half.

Right. They're cut. So the end ones are cut, and you can open them like a like an envelope, like a hot dog bun Yes. Like normal. But the middle ones are sliced as well, and yet they're still attached as 4 hot dog buns.

And I can't fathom in my brain how that works. And how are they attached in the middle? So you've got an end one. It's sliced on the left side, attached on the right. Yes.

How was it sliced? Are they all sliced? They can't be because the one on the right is sliced out the right. On the right and attached on the left. I can't figure it out in my brain how these magic hot dog buns are sliced.

We're gonna have to buy a package and look. I'll well, look at what? I can see it in my brain. I can't figure it out. They sliced and attached in the middle?

That's the part I can't figure out. Because we know that on the right hand side, the one is attached on the left, sliced on the right. The one on the left hand side is sliced on the I'm watching a lot of talk. I'm watching how it's made. I gotta figure it out.

It's it's it's driving me nuts. Well, are you gonna explain it to me for now? So I've gotta I gotta fast forward this thing because they got dough dropping out. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. I get it. You make dough. The dough gets rolled around. It gets baked in an oven.

These are individuals. These are not stuck together. You've clicked on the wrong video. That's well, this is like a fancy bakery in Chicago. So I need what I need is to know how they okay.

Here's the deal. They have specialized equipment, I assume. Yeah. The They do partial cutting. The buns are placed in a cutting machine, which makes a series of part cuts along the top of the buns.

It's not on the top. No. It's not on the top. It's on the side. On the side.

The buns remain connected along the side or at the bottom due to the partial cuts. This allows them to easily be separated after packaging. It that doesn't answer the question. Talking about hard hitting stuff today. It blows my mind, and I've never thought about it before.

And It's one of those things figure it out. As a person, you just go, I don't have to think about this. It's just always done. I don't have to worry about it. Some somebody else has to worry about this, and I just wanna have a barbecue and get my soft squishy bun.

Yeah. I know. But how do they do it? I don't know. It's gonna drive me crazy.

This is one of life's big mysteries. I gotta go find, like, how it's made. Yeah. You'll you'll get it figured out. What a great show that was.

How it's made? Yeah. I agree, but I feel like the narrator is a bit boring. No. I like that it's boring.

I like that he's like, there is no there is there is it is so direct. It is dry. It is direct. It is informative, and it's and it's, well, the hot dog dough is rolled into little pans. But I think you can be direct and still be exciting it.

There's no excitement. The excitement is the machinery making the things. I disagree. Because I'm I'm curious about that stuff too, but the narrator leaves it leaves me feeling bored because he's boring. I like him.

I think he's great. Well, agree to disagree. Oh, stop it. I hate that. Colin Jost, you know, the comedian.

Do. Yes. He's on Saturday Night Live. Right. He has a gig as an Olympics correspondent.

Well, he had. Right. He was reporting for NBC from Tahiti where they were doing the surfing competition. Right. He stayed longer than originally planned and because the competition ran long due to weather.

Everyone was thrilled with his coverage from Tahiti. He had a fantastic time, but he has also not had so great of a time. He Well, he had to leave. Yeah. He had a foot injury.

He sustained on a coral reef in Tahiti. Right. And then that injury soon resulted in a staph infection. Correct. So he had to take an early like, he's like, I gotta get out of here, guys.

I'm sorry. Right. So he took off. Now listen. I've had a staph infection as well.

In your foot. In my foot, and it's no joke. It's no joke. We were camping. Yep.

And we I was like, ah, my foot has swollen up in size. I don't I still to this day don't know. I couldn't tell you what happened. I don't know what injury I sustained to get an infection. I have no idea.

But my foot became so swollen. Right. The skin was tight. It was hot. It was a whole thing.

It was wild. You put my shoes on. Nothing. We had to leave camp to go to the ER. I have video somewhere of me trying to touch I know.

It was gross. With my big Here's the thing, though. So imagine you're in another country. I know. Imagine you're there, and you're not even in the main part of the country.

Like, he wasn't attached to France. He was on on a separate island where they were doing surfing. Yeah. It was a French island, but it's he wasn't in France. And so, he had to fly on multiple airplanes, which how do your feet do on airplanes?

Yeah. They swell. Right? So he's already got swollen feet staph infection stuff going on, and then he's gotta get on an airplane. I feel bad for him.

Too. I mean, other than, you know, the fact that he's married to ScarJo. I I feel bad for the guy. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. He's fine. Hey. I've been told a couple of times that I look like ScarJo. Listen now.

Now. I don't believe them. But Alright. Listen. I wonder if with his swollen foot, if he tried to touch Scargill No.

And she let him. No. I mean, I should pull that video up. I still have it because you were kinda mean to me about it. You kept trying to put your weird foot on me.

Strange behavior. Quit it. You're my husband. Yeah. You should allow me to do that strange behavior.

I don't let you put cold feet on me when it's a regular day either. Once you're cold used to. Swollen foot. When we were dating, you're used to. Because I was trying to impress you.

Is that the whole thing? Yes. Yeah. Okay. Anyway oh, what?

So they they filled in his position, though, with, with a guy from Australia Sure. If I'm Yes. If I'm not mistaken. Luke Bradnam. Yeah.

And he's a he's a former pro surfer and stuff. So he's weatherman. Oh, no way. He's a weather a weatherman? A what?

Not a weatherman. He's a weatherman? No kidding. Wow. There was a 14 year old skateboarder who just competed in women's skateboarding, park skateboarding Have you seen at the Olympics?

The coaches, like, there's a coach, and I wanna say it's the Netherlands or it's Australia's team. I can't remember for sure. But it's like this, like, late thirties, 40 year old dude who's, like, a pro skater who's their coach Uh-huh. And, like, five kids. Because they're all, like, 12 to 16 years old.

And so it's very funny because he's like, I I gotta take the kids to the Olympics. Take them to the park. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, go ahead.

That's cute. Okay. So she's 14. Her name is Arissa, And she competed and she they asked her what she would do if she won the gold medal. And she said, I mean, I'd have a gold medal and that's school, but my parents told me that if I won gold, they would get me a pet.

And I really want a pet duck. Really? And they were the the press the people that were interviewing her said, why do you want a pet duck? And she said, they're really cute. I can take it on walks and take it to the skate park.

They have webbed feet. She said, they definitely won't let me get a dog or a cat because we're traveling so much right now, but I think that a duck might be easier, and I just want a duck. I don't know if the duck is gonna be easier. She did in fact win gold medals. So she's getting that duck.

She's gonna get her pet duck. Whoo. And, she is the youngest Australian Olympic medalist right now, and she is 14 years old and 86 days. That's awesome. And she's getting a pet duck.

I I want a follow-up on the duck. I you need to keep your eyes open so that we can get the duck update. Okay. Alright. Because wouldn't it be awesome if she could teach the duck how to just sit on her skateboard?

Or get it its own and have it do its little web foot on the side? Yes. I'm all I'm in support of the skateboarding duck. I understand. Cool.

Good for her. I saw a video of, there's a grown man in a neighborhood of kids. Nice. And, there is a water fight happening. Dude, it's epic.

And it's a it's a big one. Like, there's a lot of kids running around crazy, and this guy is like, I'm getting in on this. And he's got his water gun, and he pulls up. You know, he's walking up to where this is all happening. And one of the kids runs over to him and is getting ready to spray him, but stops right before they spray the guy because they see he's got a water gun.

So, like, this guy clearly is part of this. And the the kid says to this, you know, 40 something year old guy, hey, are you allowed to get wet? And he said he says to the kid, he goes, yeah. I'm I'm an adult. Who's gonna ground me?

And the water fight is on. But I appreciate that that kid was like Right. He has probably what has happened is he's come home wet before, and his mom was like, dude, I told you not to get wet. And he was like, I'm sorry, mom. Yep.

Hey. Are you allowed to get wet? That's very It was nice of you. Nice. So polite.

Right. But respecting boundaries. The guy was ready. He was like, I dare you. Like, he was ready for the kid to just blast him, and he was like, wait.

You're not gonna get in trouble if I get you wet, are you? That's so nice. I love it. It's so good. Good for that kid.

Would you rather this or that question of the day? Would you rather eat an entire cake No. Or an entire tub of ice cream? I'm going with the ice cream. I think I'm going with that too because I feel like it's just gonna go down easier.

I'm gonna be so bloated after it. It's gonna be bad. Yeah. You're gonna be bloated after either one, and you're gonna feel sick from all the sugar. I feel like the liquid is gonna be way better than the That's what I'm saying.

The spongy cake ness of a whole cake. Yes. Plus Plus, it's gonna taste better too. I think so. Because I'd rather eat ice cream than cake anyway.

Right. I'm not big on cake. I'm not big on cake there. Brownies a whole lot. I like pies.

I like no bake cookies. I like baked cookies. What if they made a no bake flavor ice cream? Please. That would be so good.

Yeah. Look into that. You look into it. No. I'm what I'm saying is you should patent it.

Jeez. Settle down. Patent it. What? I got all this free time to I got, like, a test kitchen now?

I'm in charge of patenting ice cream flavors? You are hostile. You need some food. Are you angry? I might.

I might need some food. You're right. Don't take it out on me, dude. Geez. Would You Rather with Josh and Chantel?

I would rather have ice cream than cake. Thank you for asking. Classy 97. It's Josh and Chantal getting ready to take off. But I I wanna talk about the weekend because there's some stuff going on.

Sunday is the closing ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics. I gotta be honest. I haven't watched a lot of Olympics. I've watched highlights. Right.

And I watched the opening ceremony Yes. Because I like that part, and I I'm gonna watch the closing ceremony because I like that part. Right. So I'm excited to see that. I'm I'm curious what I'm gonna see.

I know. There was so much, controversy about the opening ceremony. I can't wait to see what I'm gonna see in the closing ceremony. Today, Friday is the last day of wall to wall summer Olympic coverage, during the week. So hopefully, you, got all of it that you needed.

I'm sure you'll be able to get more of it as it'll all be available online and streaming and stuff for a long time. But, I haven't even looked at the the medal count lately. Let me see where we're at. So medal count wise, the United States leads with a 103 medals. Wow.

Thirty of those gold medals. China is in 2nd with 76 medals, 31 gold medals, which is pretty impressive. France is in 3rd with 55. Great Britain is in 4th with 52, and Australia is 5th with 47 medals. But 103, and there's still more games going on, today.

So that's kind of a big deal. So wild. Yeah. Closing ceremony on Sunday. Let's see.

I'm gonna be at the farmer's market, tomorrow. Chance to win Eastern Idaho State Fair tickets, so stop by and see me there. Have a great weekend. Yeah. For sure.

That's really that's a big deal. Emery and I are gonna do some school shopping. Oh, big time. I hope to get some fishing in there. That'd be great.

That would be great. Yeah. I need to. I got I've got some great places I wanna go try fishing. So Maybe a bike ride?

That'd be great. Just thinking about riding my bike the other day going, I haven't done enough bike riding this summer. So Maybe. Need to get those off the peg in the garage and There you go. Dust them off and put them to use.

There you go. Have a great weekend. Yeah. For sure. We'll see you back here on Monday morning.

Bye. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.