Ray Sanders Leadership Podcast

Have you ever been burden by a friend or someone close to you? Have you ever been lied to? How did that make you feel? Who can you trust? Knowing who you can trust isn’t always easy. If you have trust issues, this episode of the Ray Sanders’s Leadership podcast will help you determine who you can trust.


00:00 Navigating Trust: Challenges and Insights
03:22 The Power of Trusting in the Lord

What is Ray Sanders Leadership Podcast?

Each episode is hosted by Ray Sanders, an award-winning journalist with more than 30 years of experience in both print and broadcast media.

As a CEO, he has grown multi-million-dollar organizations, led an award-winning financial institution, served in a nonpartisan role with the United States Senate and pioneered international efforts to bring clean water to remote regions of the world.

Sanders is the founder of Coaching Leaders an executive coaching and business consulting firm that provides CEO’s with valuable input from a team of seasoned business leaders who have served at the highest level within successful multimillion-dollar organizations.

The Ray Sanders Leadership Podcast unpacks inspiring insights from inspiring people.

Audiences discover:

Powerful life-changing stories.

How to overcome adversity.

Ways to live a life full of meaning and purpose.

Common mistakes and how to avoid them.

What makes a purpose-driven business unique, different and successful?

What makes life at work fun, significant and satisfying?

What industry tips and tricks do listeners need to be aware of?

How cause-minded companies give back through Edify Leaders and other great causes?

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Welcome to the Ray Sanders Leadership Podcast. I'm Ray Sanders, and I'm excited you're coming along for the ride. You know, we always like kicking off the show with a few questions. I have a more serious question for you today. Are you ready?


Who can you trust? That's a tough one, isn't it? Have you ever been burned by a friend or someone close to you? Have you ever been lied to? How did it make you feel?


Wasn't it awful? Knowing who you can trust isn't always easy. If you have trust issues, stick around. Today's podcast is gonna take a hard look at who we can trust. Hello, everyone.


I'm Ray Sanders, and you're listening to the Ray Sanders Leadership Podcast. You did it. You're listening in on the Ray Sanders Leadership Podcast. Whether you're working out, chilling by the pool, or cruising down the highway, I'm super pumped you're joining me. You know, on today's podcast, we might get into a few sticky little points here.


It's gonna be a little more, touchy, if you will. It's a tough topic. Let's be honest. Who can you trust? You know what?


People are messy. They're difficult. They're selfish. They're mean. They're rude, dishonest, lazy, ungrateful, arrogant, clueless, scary, evil, indifferent, apathetic, forgetful, greedy, nasty, perverted, senseless, stupid, sneaky, hurtful.


They're betrayers, disappointing. They're wistful. They're crooked. They're double minded. They're deceitful.


They're neglectful, and they're untrustworthy. Oh, you get the idea. Are you depressed? You're thinking, what type of world do we live in today? Dare I say that Jesus understood human nature probably more than anybody.


He knew people couldn't be trusted, but he loved them anyway. He knew people's hearts, yet he loved them all the same. Why Jesus loved them is hard to understand, but it's not hard to be grateful when you find yourself on the naughty list. People are a pain, but they're also capable and able to do amazing things when they lead with love. What are we to do with this insight?


Criticize, critique, judge, condemn, reject, accept, tolerate, accommodate. While the choices are many, one choice is clear. We are called to love. Love is to be our response and our responsibility. You know what?


Loving doesn't always come easy, does it? Loving doesn't mean compromising the truth or getting into hate. Love trusts, and yet it verifies. Love stands strong. Sometimes it's tough, but it always wins.


When those around you serve as a reminder of all the things that are wrong in the world, try your best to remember to be the change you want to see. Be a light in the darkness. Stand on the foundation of love and lean into the mess, knowing things will only get better when we start with ourselves and where we are. Who can you trust? The list is pretty short, isn't it?


But it does it does include the lord. He is trustworthy. He can be counted on even when we and the humankind are less than our best. We can trust him and his ways. You know, I'd like to leave you with a life verse that has guided me for many years.


Some of you are will remember this ancient text from King Solomon, and it's out of Proverbs 3, 5, and 6. Listen to the first few words, Trust in the lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, submit to him, and he will make your path straight. Oh my goodness. There's so many people that will let us down.


There's so many people who would make that list. There's so many people that have betrayed us. Even those closest to us, they've hurt us. We can't trust them. They've lied to us, fibbed to us.


They haven't given us all the truth, the sin of omission. They left things out. They've disappointed and let us down. But can I just tell you, there is somebody that can be trusted, and that's the lord? King Solomon said it.


He said, trust in the lord. There's been a lot of times when people have done things to me, and I just don't get it. I don't know why they would have done it. I've stayed up at night, laid in my bed. I pondered it.


I've been hurt. They've said things, done things to me, and I'm like, why? Why? And I simply cannot figure it out. It doesn't make a bit of sense, and I think that's why this passage says, don't lean on your understanding.


Just trust in the lord, focus on him and his ways, and you'll find a way out of it. So who can you trust? This is what I would say again. Trust the lord and trust his ways. His principles and teachings can be trusted.


When we do, we will be in a better place. Get this. We will be in a better place to trust ourselves and to trust others. Well, I hope today's podcast has you thinking. If you like what you heard, by all means, subscribe, share it with a friend, download.


Let people know about what's going on at the Ray Sanders Leadership Podcast, and don't miss the resource page at raySanders.com. There are a lot of resources there, a lot of leadership tools that I think you'd really enjoy. So that's going to do it for today's podcast. And as always, remember, we're in your corner for life and work.